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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  March 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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trial? we're live at the courthouse. the city of concord walks back on its recently finalized rent ordinance as the issue could now go to the voters to decide. and in the wake of taco bell closing indoor dining locations in oakland, a city council member says now might be the time to bring in the national guard. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us at 10 o'clock. >> on tuesday, we've seen rain all morning long tonight. i think it want it wants to taper off. it does and be replaced by sunshine. and that's going to happen, yeah, it's trying. it's trying to be is a slow go this morning. we're going to be plenty of sunshine so that patients got to pay off in this case. we're looking outside at the east bay and look at this from the east bay hills got just a little spot of sunshine, making its way down into berkeley right there in the
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middle of the screen. kind of nice to see that. it is definitely been a rainy pass evening and into a rainy morning, too. and that activity is really to minister across the region and just leaving us behind with a lot of cloud cover in a few spots, especially east, further south and further inland. we do have a few misty spots. otherwise temperatures right now are hanging out in the low to mid 50's san mateo, a warm spot on the map currently at 57 degrees. calistoga or cold is still hanging on to those 40's for you. little spot of sunshine out there. that's to some of the first time spot all morning. actually, temperatures later today rising into the 60's under more and more of that sun. back to you. thanks a lot, john. it's 10, 0, 1, and >> happening right now, convicted killer scott peterson is once again in court. virtually he wants a new trial for the murder of his wife and unborn child. his lawyers say there is new evidence that they will present in this case following it all for us is kron four's will tran standing by live out of the san mateo superibit
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different than the last time we saw him. he had problems with his audio because he was not there physically. he was there through zoom. so took him a little while to finally figure it out and hit the microphone where he could talk. a little bit different about his appearance is now he was wearing a pony tail. he had a blue shirt on and he will be back several times before this trial begins. i say that because as far as the first hour from 9 to 10 and they wrapped up for the day, it was mostly scheduling issues. now, scott peterson, he has been behind bars for more than 20 years after being convicted at this same courthouse. redwood city, not modesto, even though he and
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laci. we're from modesto because of all that pretrial publicity. it was moved here and this is where he was found guilty of killing his wife, laci, who was 8 months pregnant as well as his unborn son. connor. now he is being represented by the los angeles innocence project and their lawyers were court as well. obviously, they were inside. they were talking about. we need evidence from the prosecutor telling the judge that they have had ample time to turn over evidence so we can possibly possibly look at this. the project also present their own evidence, including pictures of an orange van that was found on december 25th of 2002, the day after laci disappeared. now that van, according to the innocence project, could play a role and whether or not peterson gets a new trial because inside that burned van. they say there was a burning mattress possibly alluding to the fact that maybe laci peterson, according
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to peterson's family, as well as the innocence project that laci was kidnapped, possibly having to do with that orange van. i mention this because the project, a lot of what they will be doing is presenting either new evidence or flushing out evidence that they say was not fully fleshed out during the original trial. now, we do know that he will be back by zoom and he's agreed to it. he had the option of coming here physically, but he said he will come back here through zoom once again on the second week of april. the day because
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the proceedings have wrapped up. >> okay. thanks. a lot of live flesh to sell legal analyst. thank you. will in just a few minutes. all right. channel 5 is the time new this morning. the governor's office has just announced that the chp has
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conducted a number of sting operations leading to 168 arrests. >> and 360 stolen cars being recovered in the east bay. they also recovered 16 crime linked guns since the surge in the chp presence was announced back in february. this was all part of a program between oakland and the chp to try and solve more crimes. the governor's office says the chp will continue to have an expanded and visible role there in oakland as they focus on deterring and responding to crime. there are currently 72 chp officers assigned to oakland to assist in that work. and it's all part of the governor's 10 point action plan to support oakland's efforts to not only improve their street safety but also improve beautification as well. it's 10, 0, 6, in the east bay. a woman faces charges for stealing a car with a child in it. >> the panel, police say that this happened where the car was swiped yesterday afternoon on california avenue and surveillance video showed a woman taking a car. richmond police ended up finding the car with the child unharmed in
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it at baird avenue and hays street. a police say the woman also took the victim's cell phone. so they used that location tracker to track the woman down to oakland where they saw her and another woman in a car on martin luther king avenue. they tried to stop the car. the women took off. it was a chase. and then they got out of the car, made a run for it on east first street, police were able to catch the driver of that car and they believe she's the one in the surveillance video who took the the original car with the child inside. so she is now facing charges of that the theft and kidnap in the north bay. investigators have identified the woman, mother and child were found dead in their home last week in santa rosa. 54 year-old cynthia fundraise and 10 year-old maximus monroy were found dead wednesday in their home on summerfield road. investigators. you could see at the scene there for hours investigating and also the coroner's office investigating at this point, the full report is pending, but the coroner
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says they believe the mother stabbed herself. the child's cause of death, though, is still being investigated because his body did not have any visible injuries. well, now to an update on a story we first brought you yesterday here on the kron 4 morning news that fbi raid of a prison where former employees now been charged with sexually abusing inmates. >> as we reported, agents seized computers and documents. 8 former employees, including the former warden have all been charged now with sexually abusing inmates. that at that all women's prison in dublin, this has been a years long investigation. we spoke with a volunteer with the california coalition for when prisoners and she believes this raid has to do with a lawsuit against the federal correctional institution and the federal bureau of prisons. >> the years that i've been visiting people at dublin there's so much retaliation for people who speak got bin for survivors who bravely talk about what's been happening.
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there needs to be like overhaul the prison system in order for this abuse to stop. >> the scandal has been one of many issues plaguing the federal bureau of prisons. police, by the way, are investigating an attempted car theft and shooting in san lorenzo. it happened early monday morning on the 17,000 block of via magdalena. a resident there confronted 2 suspects were trying to steal their car. the suspects opened fire on the victim before speeding off in a dark colored car. fortunately the victim was not hurt, but police want to remind you that car thieves are usually armed. and so it's best to call 9-1-1 instead of trying to confront those thieves yourself 10. 0, 9, right now. and san francisco has an idea to get homeless people off the streets. the rules committee is talking about reviving the homeward bound program. yeah, they will take public comments at next week's meeting before supervisors ultimately vote on with proper sara stinson with a closer look. >> a san francisco program has been offering unhoused people
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a ticket back to their home towns for nearly 20 years. it allows us the opportunity to offer >> the ability to reunify with their family. a ticket expenses to get back to their home. the homeward bound program started under then-mayor gavin newsom's office with the goal to help 1000 people annually supervisor ahsha suffice. as in recent years, the program has dwindled. he's now working to revive it while also running against mayor london breed for her job this november under mayor breed. it was buried in the bureaucracy. >> and it dropped to just a couple 100 people a year. homeward bound has become a resource for organizations like glide memorial church in foundation. the chief public affairs officer is glad to see the city reinvesting in it. it is one tool in the tool box. and i think we want to be looking at all of that. >> it is not for everyone for family. after years of living on the streets, this man got
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reconnected with his family with the help of the san francisco non-profit miracle messages. founder kevin adler says it's important this program is only offered to people who are actually from another city, which is not the majority of those living on the streets. according to a study by ucsf. >> 90% of the unsheltered population in california are from this state. 75% became homeless in the same county. they last had housing programs like homeward as long as they're not doing greyhound therapy. but there actually. >> you know, you stop the we doing some due diligence on where the person is going stay, making sure that that's plan. >> no, that was sara stinson reporting. mayor london breed announced a new goal of helping 1000 people a year with that homeward bound program during her state of the city address last week, we did reach out about supervisor selfies initiative to revive it. and this was her response.
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her office said, quote, the proposed legislation before the board of supervisors does nothing that will expand the use of the program in any way or help more people get connected to their homes. it's window dressing that delivers no real change, end quote. >> it's 10 11. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news united is at the forefront of another airplane issue will take a look at the latest thing that happened. and after outcry from community leaders, san francisco police are going to take another look at last year's death of
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>> welcome back. 10, 14 on this tuesday morning. and
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we've had a pretty rainy morning thus far, at least very cloudy. and misty, but skies are clearing up more and more now, your view of downtown san francisco giving you nice little hint of sunshine out. there definitely is showing signs of this. nice sunny afternoon that we have in store for us. rainfall moves out and sunshine. really winning out for not just today, but the rest of the forecast. low pressure having drawn in what was some really, really wet conditions last night. and as that low pressure exits the region, it's actually going to stir up some pretty strong offshore winds come wednesday night into thursday. so we may be drying out, but we're not necessarily out of the woods. north crystal, clear and calm as we move into the afternoon. a couple sprinkles for inland areas, maybe a thunderstorm or 2 out towards the central valley and delta. you see how we really see clear skies toward sunset tonight. after that into wednesday, beautiful day to expect tomorrow with lots of sunshine wednesday night into thursday. do know just how breezy it is going to get. still do have a winter
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weather advisory in the sierra until 05:00pm. that's because of snow levels. lows, 4500 feet around 3 to 6 inches of snowfall that fell overnight really making for some snowpack conditions on echo summit as well as donner pass. so if you're heading up that way, just bring the chance with. yeah. temperatures today, our coolest of the remainder of the forecast and very similar to what we had yesterday, as you remember, felt pretty good when you stepped out in the sunshine. so very similar feel to expect later on. campbell, santa clara and san jose, each at 64. the difference between today and yesterday clearing is taking a little longer. but once we clear out and state clear, none of that looking forward to cloudier conditions and showers, this was the last of it. and tonight through the rest of the forecast, it is nothing but sunshine tomorrow. a little bit warmer. thursday is going to be a windy one. and then the weekend, just wonderful highs back in the 70's for saint patrick's day. back to you. we want to get back to big story that we've been following this morning.
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the hearing for convicted killer scott peterson. >> they wrapped up in redwood city today as peterson. there's a team from la that trying to argue to get him a new trial. yeah. and joining us right now is attorney paula canny to help break down the chances of that possible. >> new trial paula, thank you for joining us this morning i understand you are actually in the courtroom today. today was all about scheduling actually, got technical problem trying to connect with paula. so we're going to try to do that real quick, why we take a
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>> the hearing wrapped up earlier this morning for convicted killer scott peterson and the group that's
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trying to get him a new trial and our legal analyst, paula canny was in the courtroom to hear what happened. >> paula, joining us now live from outside that courtroom. paula, thank you so much for joining us this morning. so peterson with a new legal team in there today was mostly about scheduling, correct? hard worker. so i think that's really good for the defense. okay. so tell us as and it was all about schedule. yeah. so so we rather know from defense attorney, if you can hear me. >> more about what they could possibly argue in this case to get him a new trial because we
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were under the impression there had to be a problem. the last trial. but maybe that doesn't a and a new trial due to juror misconduct for a bunch for many years for 20 years. remember, it's been the defense's theory. >> that laci was abducted by burglars because there were these like meth head burglars running around that neighborhood, burglarizing houses. that's not a new theory. it's what they've been saying all along. what all this the fence investigation has turned up, though, is that there was a van found close to laci and scott's house that
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has a mask for a senate that has blood stains. they're trying to get that mattress dna tested and if laci peterson's dna is on that mattress. it's been a conclusively prove, in my opinion that she was abducted. just as the defense attorneys. the defense theory has always been and that's going to exonerate scott peterson. the thing is, is even if that mattress has laci peterson's dna on it. it doesn't mean that boom, it's over. it means lawyers write all these motions and our gut home. sorry, my bad. that's ok, argue about this and argue about it. and then the judge is going to decide. but that's what that's what they're going to, that the la innocence project is asking the court to let them do dna testing on
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materials that were not deemed by the prosecution or modesto related to this case. but the to attorneys have always said the defense team is always said, hey, there, these other burglars out there. but the prosecution didn't give on that evidence, didn't given that information. and now 20 years into all this investigation, the defense is able to find nightly, say, hear these things tested and then that's what the judge has to decide that this process is going take. it isn't like a day or 2. this is a long, long, long process. but it's super significant that los angeles innocence project is involved in this case. so wait, why is it such a long process? you just said you tested either it or blood or it's not. >> just set, let's say it's her. let's say her dna is on it. >> continue to you, it's 20 years lawyer time doesn't work
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in real time like media stuff. every time there's something that happens, you have to brief that you have to write all these things and give it to a judge and then the other side gets to argue about it and then it's back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. some nothing happens in real time in court time. >> it happens in. >> court, well way, except if if if the the how the process, if there's no laci dna, though >> so you're saying this was mission was duty bound to provide this material and they didn't so. this was a failure
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you saying in discovery way back when trial was originally now >> and looks like we lost it. >> i don't know what to tell. great. just like not in a fee i gotcha. >> thank you so much, paula. that was really good in front was help for the time that we work those very good information. looks like it's going to take a while. and we've got a couple of weeks before the next hearing. anyway. so we'll keep you posted. tune for sure. all right. also in the news today that we're following a big story here yet another. >> united flight, this one heading to san francisco had to make an emergency landing. this plane that this flight was scheduled to fly was heading to san francisco from sydney, australia. this was monday afternoon. so yesterday was carrying about 183 passengers and 16 crew member on board and was forced to turn around. go back to sydney just 2 hours into its flight. united airlines tells kron 4 that flight was experiencing some kind of maintenance issue that didn't give us any more than that. it was able to land
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safely and all the passengers deplaned normally at gate. they didn't have to go down the slides or anything like that. this is united's 5th flight incident, though, in the past 7 days. and that's raising eyebrows. remember there was a united flight coming to sfo that dropped a tire. onto an employee parking lot. and, you know, that was an issue that had to, you know, be investigated as well. let you know what happens with this flight. in the north bay police chased somebody. it ended in a car crash and that police pursued that. they said thieves accused of robbing a santa rosa, sporting goods. this is photos of the merchandise that was stolen. monday afternoon. law enforcement tried to stop a getaway car on highway 1, 1, with the suspect sped off a crash on the southbound lanes in between cotati and petaluma. only minor injuries reported. investigators say brandon owens. haven't henry and roi and rue junor are believed to have been tied to other sporting goods. thefts in the bay area. worth more
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than $75,000. it's 10. 26 airbnb says they're now banning the use of indoor security cameras. >> by the end of next month on their sites. the company says they want to simplify the policy and emphasize prob a privacy as well. the previous rule allowed the use of cameras in common areas as long as it was disclosed on the listing the policy takes effect april 30th so they can't have anymore indoor cameras. if you read the place from airbnb, there should be no cameras inside the house doorbell cameras. those are still allowed. so that was show the outside of the house, though, if you've ever rent an airbnb, i have i. same cameras. no more. not even in common areas. 10. 27 right now. coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news. animal shelters are trying to get their pets forever homes. they've been flooded with dogs at one particular bay area shelter and they would love you to adopt. there's a new you to adopt. there's a new incentive to.
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numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain
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diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9.
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>> and 29 right now we're checking out the weather for you. started with a lot of rain now. it's kind of petering out that and will continue to do so throughout the rest of the day. i think, right, john, more and more peeks of sunshine out there. so started way ending sunny and dry. unlike yesterday where we cloud it back up again. right now, you're still seeing a lot of cloud cover out there looking at san jose just a bit. bit of cloud sitting up above us. we have seen peaks of sunshine more and more, especially for the north bay shower activity moving out. we had some snow in the sierra last night. some decent rainfall for the bay. and now we have some sunshine to look forward to. temperatures are in the 50's right now, but we're starting to see some movement nevado.
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you are close to that 60 degree. mark getting a little clear faster for the north bay. so you're temperatures are moving a little quicker. a little spot of sunshine at sfo. nice to see that temps later today. rising into the low 60's. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much, john. 10, 30 is the time and breaking news this morning a fire. crews are on the scene right now of a hazmat situation in martinez. they're asking the public to stay clear of the area. now this is on pacheco boulevard right near how road and martinez reservoir. that is an industrial area of the city contra. costa sheriff says initial reports indicate 3 tankers we're located with unknown liquid that were left on the side of the road. so crews have been out there since 9.30, this morning as they continue to work to make that area safe. >> it's 10, 31 of the concord city council is holding an off on implementing rent control ordinance that they just approved last week. they did. crawford's michael thomas in the newsroom to explain why. hi, good morning. everyone. will this rent stabilization
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ordinance in concord has been an issue for years and these new changes were set to go into effect april 5th. >> but the concord city clerk recently received a proposed referendum petition that may now leave things up to voters in november. so let's take you back to the beginning. last january, conquered officials wanted to enact more tenant protections and they wanted to do this by amending the city's residential tenant protection program, an increasing protections for just cause evictions. it would expand the city's rent registry and establish rent stabilization programs. it would also limit rent increases to only 3% or 60% of the consumer price index. whichever was cheaper. this would also only apply to multi-family complexes or 2 or more unit rentals that were built before february of 1995. and it would require landlords to have just cause before evicting tenants. the council passed this ordinance last month, voting 4 to one in favor of the ordinance and they finalized it last week on
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march 5th. but some say the changes would punish landlords, adding that the rent raises would be too low. so last week, concord city's clerk, they received a proposed referendum petition indicating that there were plans to gather signatures and place it on the ballot in november. in response, the city attorney says it now has 10 days to prepare an issue and impartial summary and the petitioners will have 30 days to gather around 7200 signatures from registered conquer voters. and once they've verified those signatures with county officials, the city will have to either repeal the ordinance or placed on the ballot in november. so as of right now, those changes that were approved last month in that vote of 4 to one have been halted. and as we get more information over the next 30 days and they gather those petition signatures or they don't, we'll keep you updated. that's a very latest in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. thank you. michael is 10. 33 and oakland city council member says that the city is in an emergency and may need some backup from the state.
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>> this after 2 taco bell is now in oakland have closed their indoor dining because of safety concerns. councilmember noel gallo says that it may be time to call in the national guard or another state law enforcement agency that can help make oakland say for those 2 taco bells that are closed down indoor dining 35th a macarthur and the other one on heggen berger road taco bell says it's a matter of providing a safe environment for the team members and customers. >> we need to enforce the laws that we have. you know what the law. so we have applied to me a player. you would apply to everybody else and we have to respect that. have loyalty to the city. >> and and that's where government today's not working together to provide the safety for children and families and for the business community. that's just about a month. >> another restaurant raising canes, a fried chicken place on edgewater drive off of heggen burger. they shut down indoor dining last year because a crime in and out burger on hegerberg or road
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announced they're closing that location after 18 years in business, they cited safety concerns. and as we know as recently as last month, the governor sent in more than 100 chp officers to try to crack down on crime in oakland. 3 people from santa rosa, including a child, were injured. but not killed when their small plane went down in mendocino county. that small plane with 2 adults and a 2 year-old took off from an airport in humboldt county on friday afternoon. they were headed to santa rosa. but 5 minutes in they lost power and the pilot tried to fix the problem, but then decided plane was too low. there was no time too close to the ground. they deployed the parachute that that plane equipped with and its slow down the descent. the plane ended up landing in trees about 100 feet off the ground then fell to the ground and because of that, round then fell to the ground and because of that, all 3 people just suffered a few scratches and walked away from that crash. it's being investigated. what happened right now.
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>> well, san francisco man is accused of sexually abusing a middle school students. prosecutors say 20 year-old jeremy ran a re as is charged with multiple felonies, including 3 counts of r in court a lewd ac on march 22nd for his preliminary hearing. also in the news this morning as gun violence continues to plague the nation and the state of california attorney general rob bonta says the state is taking action to ensure guns are kept away from people who are prohibited from owning them. we have our capitol correspondent eytan wallace with more on the story. well, just take a look at all of these guns. these represent just a handful of the more than 1000 firearmn. the california department of justice sees last year. >> from people prohibited from owning them gun after gun after gun. these make up a tiny portion of the 1443 firearms. the state's season 2023 from california is not legally allowed to have them. among the items seized more than 327,000 rounds of ammunition. 683 handguns, 364
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rifles, 216 shotguns. 88 ghost guns as an unregistered guns that can be assembled at home. and 39 of what the state considers assault weapons. the goal is simple here. keep the number of illegally armed individuals as low as possible. that attorney general rob bonta says is specifically the goal of california's armed prohibited persons system program. also known as apps. it takes date of all the legal gun purchases and 3 plus million legal gun owners in the state and cross references it with a list of the more than 23,000 californians who are prohibited from owning a gun most of the time either because they were convicted of a violent felony or misdemeanor were placed under a domestic violence or other restraining order or are experiencing severe mental illness. >> if they're found with a gun or deemed to about one before ending up on the list, the state will come and take it away because of this program. organs. are off our streets and out of dangerous hands. more schools, places of
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worship, dance studios, workplaces and neighborhoods. they are all safer. he notes the program is especially crucial in the state where more than 3,000 people die of gun violence every year bonta has long e of gun violence every year bonta has long maintained the program does not target legal gun owners, something republicans in the legislature agree with. but while they acknowledge the state has ramped up investigations to confiscate guns from people banned from owning them assembly. minority leader james gallagher points out. the state still has a backlog of some 8,90dent in california's backlog of the legal gun owners removing fewedent in california's backlog of the legal gun owners removing fewer people from the app
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system last year than the year before. >> reducing the backlog of illegal gun owners must be the doj absolute highest priority. will continue to go through the list of prohibited gun owners regularly. something he hopes will lead to more progress. >> in the year to come reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> it's 10, and we have some new developments in a story that we first told you about yesterday here on the kron. 4 morning news. police have decided to reopen the case of a 63 year-old asian woman who died in san francisco's bayview last year. john fund died after she fell on the sidewalk and hit her head at the intersection of 3rd and egbert. a witness said the somebody's pushed her from behind, but investigators ruled her death was an accident. well, now a year after closing that case, police say new evidence has emerged last week they arrested and charged a person for assaulting a 71 year-old asian woman. just 5 blocks away from where fell. police did not confirm that the
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person interviewed in the will attack is the same person they just arrested last week. but charles zhang with the asian justice movement is demanding police release video of the attack. >> there was a conclusion reached that that death was an accident. and so now here we are the next and the same person apparently attacked another elderly asian woman. and so i think it's high time for the public to be able to judge for themselves. i think one way that we could do that is by viewing the video of that first attack. zhang says he's pleased the cases reopen any also wants police to find out if the victim was targeted because she was asian. >> happening tomorrow, the north branch of the berkeley public library will be closed all day and it's due to a scheduled pg e power outage. all other locations in the berkeley public library system will be open and they will have regular hours. the north branch, it's set to reopen thursday, march 14th at noon.
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local animal shelters are extending their service hours this week because they need people to adopt dogs. according to the oakland at animal services, they are averaging about 350 dogs a month, which is about 12 a day and they're not that opting out nearly that many. so they've got a big backup. the big reason, fact that dogs can be pricey. don't. >> you're seeing, you know, a huge increase in the number of people that are losing their housing since the eviction moratorium ended of people that are choosing between being housed and having their pets. >> oakland animal services is waiving all adoption fees as an incentive to increase adoptions this week. >> it's 10 41 and still ahead kron morning news. the warriors trying bounce back in san antonio. take a look at the highlights.
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>> 10. 43. and there's a chance for you to see the total solar eclipse. what or we're not even to the path totality. you're saying what? guess what, the exploratorium in san francisco because they have a live what they're going to do. yeah, is they've got this live stream coming from texas and mexico, 2 locations where they should be able to see the full eclipse. and they would just that right in there. your eyeballs were apparently going to have a partial eclipse. maybe again, these are all weather dependent. it adds up to loud, but it's good. they got 2 locations that we have. the weather is cloudy and one spot least. we've got a second with that other location and you don't have to travel. >> to like ohio, which is another place go. if you want know if travel somewhere, that's your only option, right? so you just go to the
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exploratory and you have 2 options. a look at this. we're getting little brighter out there. this is from sutro tower looking down at san francisco from up above. >> got that sunshine peeking through even more and more rainfall having worked its way out after what was a rainy night last night and leaving us behind with increasingly clear skies, especially further northward. still a lot of cloud cover hanging out for the south and eastern parts of the bay area. low pressure that really drug up all this moisture direction is still have an impact on our weather in the days to come really, actually stirring up an offshore wind come wednesday night into thursday. thursday in particular is going to be a very windy one, albeit nice in every other way. as for future cast, you can see a few sprinkles popping up later on today. chance of a thunderstorm inland east bay, especially out towards the delta into the afternoon. aside from that, we're on a drier trend of weather all the way through this forecast tomorrow. gorgeous, clear, a little bit warmer thursday. even warmer yet, but will be adding in the winds for your thursday. as for the sierra
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still under a winter weather advisory through 05:00pm today, even though snow has tapered off, you're going to be encountering that 3 to 6 inches that we saw over the past. 24 hours and snow level pretty low in elevation. so watch for those slick spots and make sure to bring the chains with you. if you're driving to the sierra today. otherwise, we are just cleared out now 50's to 60's for your highs into the afternoon. unlike yesterday, it's taking a little bit longer to get rid of the clouds. also, unlike yesterday, we're not going to cloud back up into the evening tonight. we're staying clear and dry from this point forward. low 60's for the east bay, whether you're in lindor right along the bay short and pretty similar for the north bay fairfield in pittsburgh are actually 2 of our warmer spots. each of 64 tomorrow mid 60's on average thursday, a breezy one but getting a little warmer and by the weekend, look at those 70's. it's been a while with all that sunshine and 70's for saint patty's weekend. think a lot of us will be heading outside james. >> thank you very much. content 46th time. breaking news this morning. we're
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following news that a person has been hit and killed by a caltrain. this was out at chestnut street just south of the station. officials say a person was apparently on the tracks for unknown reasons when they were struck. this happened about 9 o'clock this morning. a bus bridge was temporarily in place. but the tracks have since reopened. so regular services back up and running and estimated 174 passengers were on board at the time. nobody in the train was injured will continue following as this investigation unfolds. it's 10. 46 and the san francisco lawmaker wants to require self-driving car companies to report. >> all accidents and traffic violations to the dmv assembly member matt haney. >> introduced a measure called the ab safety and transparency bill. and if it becomes law, driverless car companies would have to publicly report all crashes traffic violations and incidents of cars stalling as well as any assault or harassment involving their fleet. haney says that this proposal is about everyone's
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safety and we've seen reliance a self-driving cars starting to expand. so he wants to do that. now we've reached out to waymo for one to get their take on this. but we haven't heard back yet. in the north an iconic boat shack in tamales bay is being rebuilt after this fire destroyed it in early january. >> nick's cove launched a gofundme to help with the rebuilding. and you can find information on our website at kron 4 dot com nick's cove was house people along highway one at their setting for many, many years before this fire happened. >> well, the end is near for these legacy. bart trains, april 20th will mark the last run for these older trains. your last chance to ride one if you like, is 01:00pm on april, 20th, the trains will run from macarthur to the fremont stati1n which was the initial service the park provided way back when it launched in 1972, the 45
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minute ride will be traveling along 24 miles of the original section of track as well. well, here's some good news for fans who tuned in to the oscars. the telecast continues its slow and steady growth in ratings. andrew, about 19 and a half million viewers sunday night. that's almost a million more viewers than last year and the highest rating since my 2020, the 2021 ceremony was hit hard by the pandemic and only through about 10 million viewers and which was an all-time low. some analysts believe one major factor was at the ceremony started an hour earlier than in years past that helped out. >> oh, look, people in their own cars with the need for speed at the sonoma raceway after shutting down over the winter for maintenance, they opened the track for a public charity event where people brought their own cars to get a feel for the newly repaved
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tracking for several hours. the course provided the unique opportunity for them to take that 3 laps around the 2 and a half mile course. and this is one of the few road courses on the nascar circuit where they do that. all the proceeds from this event went to the speedway, children's charities, sonoma. >> as soon as they get on that track, it is just accelerating. it's so and everybody leaves just with that adrenaline rush and so happy. and so and it's just it's a wonderful opportunity to be able to not only give our fans that experience to get them here actually on the track, all knowing that it supports a great cause. it's we're so fortunate to be able to do this. >> the only time i was ever able to do it, not on the new track because they didn't have that repay for 23 years. but many years ago i got to drive with a race car driver who did the pace car thing, he was going pretty fast faster than i probably could have all right from. >> auto racing to basketball. now they're pretty quick on the court last night as the warriors trying to bounce back from there, loss against the spurs and kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has the
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highlights. >> about a week ago the warriors were in a great place. they had just beat the bucks by 35 points in. they had a soft part of the schedule. coming up, then the dubs dropped a game to the bulls and then they dropped another game to the spurs and no one was feeling great, especially during a playoff push. they look to right the ship on monday night in a rematch against the spurs in klay thompson was great on that saturday night game against the spurs. but viktor wembanyama did not play. he played on monday night and he made his presence felt early and often. 2nd quarter plays the passing lane. he still that brandon pajemski past gets the dunk on the other end spurs go up later in the quarter. warriors chris paul says, hey, if you a gold army, i'm going to make you pay. >> but the worriers they were not playing around. chris paul playing point guard 5, the gutter. >> kuminga liftoff. >> it's a 12 point does lead. and here's the play you'll be
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seeing all day long. trace. >> on victor wembanyama dj d finished with 13 points. 10 rebounds. 5 assists warriors win one, 12, 102 after the game. not only steve kerr but race was talking about his poster on wednesday. >> a overplayed it. and then he replied to my right, obviously attendance. i think i forgot to my left hand i to step on them. so he's trying to fight alone before the game that if i got a chance to try my word. but at end of the day, sometimes you don't come people. sometimes you get dunked on. so just a basketball player to guys about as high as you could, you know, humanly possible. and, >> you know, one guy barely getting the ball over. the other guys yeah, that that's what nba fans, you know, come going to feats like that. it's just a doesn't seem human. that's your look at sports.
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>> 10 52 right now at kron 4 is honoring remarkable women of the bay area all month long. if you scan this qr code will take you right to the spot on fox 4 dot com. we can see some amazing we'll be right back.
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>> 10. 55. the time. and as we get ready to say goodbye here on the kron 4 morning news. let's say hello. real quick to olivia horton. she's upstairs with a live look at what's coming up today. live in the bay. hey, love you. hey, james. good morning. coming up today on live in the bay. >> is the global social impact foundation that's looking to shine light and advocacy for the disability community. we
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chat with paralympic gold medallist matt scott to find out more about flying without limits. >> then the united irish societies are bringing back a festival centered around the saint patrick's day parade in the city. find out all the fun details on this multicultural event and how you can get on this year's activities. plus, looking to get ahead on your meal planning, but just don't know where to start. you're not alone. make life more simple. with the vineyard. mom, as she walks us through some money and time saving tips. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say in today's question of the day. so it's a good one. come on, scan a qr code. we want to know what is your favorite girl scout cookie? >> of all time debate, debate debate. let us know. and it could be read live today at 01:00pm. james, you have a favorite girl scout cookie course frozen thin mints. o you're sick. i'm not going to throw hey to you. i'm just saying the the samoas are where it's at all this i'm prepared consider. thanks, olivia, thank >> last story this morning, 4 astronauts are now safe and
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sound back on earth after a trip to the international space station. there's a little before 3 this morning that the dragon capsule splashed down off the gulf of mexico right there near the california coast. 6 hours of travel from the space station. back to terra firma. the crew was in space for 6 months and carried out hundreds of experiments and other welcome home. nice to have you back safely. >> all right. let's set. what about the flashlight slash? they were all splash. haha a little bit. but is the rain wearing it's pretty done now. we're just sunday after this. so i hope you enjoyed it because we're really going joy, that for sure. look at the weekend, guys, 70's for us as we move into saint patty's day. all that's little said that's la sign have. and then on saturday, don't forget that's in the parade as not have to say sunday. i know, right? yes. you just get to recover all right. that's it for today. we'll see you later. bye.
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