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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  March 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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>> multiple dangerous situations. >> now at 10, a warning from officials as they see a growing number of thieves targeting south bay light rail tracks. >> plus, fed-up with crime with dozens of small business owners in oakland are threatening to do if the city doesn't take action. >> and a large tree comes crashing down in the east bay, knocking out power and busting up cars. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is monitoring winds headed our way.
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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> good evening. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm noelle bellow. the vta is seeing a spike in copper thefts from its train tracks this week. the santa clara county sheriff's office has arrested 2 people suspected of stealing copper and investigators are working to track down others after 2 dozen copper thefts at the transit system so far this year. kron 4 sarah stinson here in the studio with the details. sarah. >> the 2 people arrested are accused of stealing $10,000 worth of copper from the tracks of eta. on monday, a train operator actually witnessed the theft. the sheriff's office is now looking for more people involved in a string of recent copper theft cases. >> these are targeting the valley transportation authority in the south bay, stealing copper from the tracks. the santa clara county sheriff's office says its
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investigating 2 dozen copper theft cases causing a total of half a million dollars in damage to railway property that some people risking their lives and they during the public for about $10, a pound, the latest copper theft happening in broad daylight monday, a train operator witness this happening near the tracks on the vta cropley light rail station in san jose. a person was seen with a white pickup truck less than an hour later, dep ties were told the same truck was spotted at the vta station in sunnyvale. you were able to detain the suspects. >> and which resulted in fighting actually got copper wire that was stolen from that vta station. >> these are photos of the stolen wire recovered. it's about 20 feet long and weighs more than 100 pounds. 60 year-old daniel mail and 55 year-old frank pacheco. both got arrested for suspicion of having stolen property, conspiracy and possession of meth. >> the ongoing copper thefts not only disrupt vta
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operations, but also put trains in danger copper being absent. >> we're no longer able to track train movement. we are not able to provide a signal protection for our trades. >> and we are not able to get you activate. gave protection. that intersections thieves also put themselves at risk of electrocution when cutting the copper wires. it's not known yet if the 2 people arrested are responsible for any of the other thefts. the sheriff's office is working with vta to track down any more thieves involved. and the sheriff's office is asking for people to report any suspicious behavior around vta. this is what you should look out for this wire. obviously, when it's not actually and actually looks kind of like a water so keen eye, really see it up? i mean, by there and we learned how
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they ensure the copper they're buying is not stolen. he told us they don't take copper from just anyone to make sure that they take some precautions, including taking a picture of a person taking picture their id, taking a picture of the car that they drove in with. and so they take some precautions. and they said that the sheriff's office actually stopped by their shop to say, hey, you need look out for not a spike in cases. i was going to say, i mean, hopefully they're in contact with. the sheriff's department things like this start popping up. yeah, exactly. they said if they don't tend to go to a shop in the same city where they stole copper. so >> everyone, i guess in the bay area, keep your eye out. all right. thanks, sarah. >> oakland, business owners say they're fed up with crime and they're threatening to not pay business taxes of the city doesn't address the problem little more than 200 businesses have signed up for this tax strikes. so far, one of them has been running shops in the city for the past. 35 years. >> it should be just the air. it's out of control as far as
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it gets, business owners are feeling they feel the pressure that they are not being protected. but the city of oakland and they paid so much taxes. i mean, there's taxes. i mean, uk will get even there count on the taxes that we pay per year. and plus, we losing all the insurance coverage. >> so now we don't know if or when this tax boycott will actually take place. >> san francisco painter is in distress after thieves took off with some of her precious artworks. take a look at the damage done at chic atalyia a high-end kitchen. >> and wardrobe showroom and san francisco's design district around 3 o'clock on february. 26 someone smashed their way into a display room and stole artwork by kate tova included hand painted luxury handbags. toma says those purses and 6 limited edition silk scarves taken were valued
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at more than $8,000. the show rooms, owner alicia, low says it's about more than just the price tag. >> the other stuff is easily replaceable, but kate's handbags in her scars. those are one of a kind pieces that she put a lot of heart and energy into its not something that you can get back. >> very vibrant piece as low welcomes. tell that put her work up free of charge. she wants to see them returned. >> this is what's left of an oak tree that's been standing in lafayette for more than a century. it had to be chopped up after it came crashing down around 10 o'clock last night, bringing down some power lines with it, damaging some vehicles and blocking a part of spring hill road. >> it fell and sounded at first like there's an earthquake because i live right across the street from it. and then a big boom in the power went out my son his window is facing and he tree just fell down into power lines it. >> tree knocked out power in the neighborhood until about 6
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o'clock this morning pg e did tell us that crews were out there yesterday trimming the oak tree. the utility says it will be looking into why that tree fell the next couple of days. you're going to get really windy, though, which could lead to more trees %% coming down. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow standing by with more on that. >> you guys something to watch out for coming up while the weather is going to turn out to be nice, the rain's going away. the sun is going to be shining. the offshore winds will be kicking in those winds going to be gusty at times right now. see more of a sea breeze, as you see, more of a westerly component to win. and that's an onshore wind right now. but that is going to change overnight tonight. in fact, off the coastline, you can see high pressure just building off the pacific, a role our direction. that ridge is going to start 7 itself up as early as tomorrow. really by the afternoon. that's when we'll start to see some of the winds kicking in high pressure building in along the coastline. all of us and those winds start to turn more northerly and you've got low pressure kicking to the east. that's the right combinations. develops winds outside, i think breezy for tomorrow. i windy as we get into thursday.
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advisories for winds going up starting tomorrow. some of those winds, 20 to 30 miles an hour sustained, especially over the mountain tops gusts 40 to 50 miles an hour. but you see right here as we head through the night tonight, not so bad tomorrow afternoon that northerly wind kicks in the color start to change. then we get real gusty as we head in toward thursday. some of those gusts 30 40 miles per hour thursday afternoon. >> thank you, lawrence investigation is underway after a person was killed after getting hit by account rain this morning in redwood city. caltrans spokesperson says the collision happened about 9 o'clock in the area of chestnut street just south of the redwood city station. the train involved was heading southbound from san francisco to san jose carrying 174 passengers. nobody was hurt on the train. trains were stopped in both directions through that area to regular service resume shortly after 10 this morning. >> san francisco seeing some slight progress and its ongoing fight against the fentanyl crisis. the city saw fewer numbers of overdose deaths last month compared to
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january kron four's. rob nesbitt brings us an update from the city's department of health. >> we've talked a lot the last year about the opioid epidemic and fentanyl's role in it. fentanyl is still the leading cause of overdose deaths in san francisco and health experts talked at length today about how contingency management makes a difference after updating overdose numbers for the month of february. doctor christie soaring with the san francisco department of health. talk about contingency management as a form of treatment. contingency management has been shown to. >> help people engage in treatment longer reduce and stop stimulant and has solid evidence to support that we really have no other intervention for stephen least decides contingency management, contingency management on paper uses motivational incentives to help people kick their addictions. it's being used in 24 california counties, according to mary scylla with the national harm reduction coalition, we're getting votes. >> money if they're able to
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withhold their drug and hope to get them onto course of treatment. >> not on the list of drugs. tuesday was fentanyl, but director of behavioral health services in san francisco, doctor hilary cut ins says while the majority of overdose deaths are driven by fentanyl, they often involve other drugs that contingency management is used for. so by reaching people who use stimulants. >> and helping them to stabilize their lives. we expect that we will see some positive health outcomes for all of their substance use the overdose numbers. month-to-month are down in san francisco. there were 12 more overdose deaths in february compared to the same time last year. >> it's why the department of health says it's using high impact interventions to save lives, even though addiction is a chronic illness. recovery is possible. there is a way out of addiction and into a healthier life. the department of health says it focusing most of its resources towards communities with high rates of
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overdose. >> such as unhoused people and those who have had a prior overdose reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> take a look at this. a chp helicopter came under attack in san luis obispo county. u.s. warm of honeybees surrounded the chopper at one of the agency's headquarters. helicopters normally used to rescue people. but this time it's the one that had to be rescued, as you can see from the photos, those bees when after the nose of the chopper and on the right side near the gas pump, a local beekeeper responded and was able to relocate those bees safely. >> we have the new numbers that are out tonight from the chp, these ongoing sting operations in the east bay. we'll break it down. >> plus, president joe biden and former president donald trump said the first presidential election rematch in nearly 70 years. what's now ahead? we're both candidates as we count down to november. but first, united airlines reports yet another incident that forced a flight to turn
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around. >> aviation experts explain what may have happened this time. and if we should %e a little concerned about our
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visit today to learn more. >> another day, another a flight problem. this time a united airlines flight bound for sfo from sydney, australia. kron four's grant lotus here in the studio with what seems to be turning into almost a daily occurrence of some mid-flight scares grant mccann. and no, it's not every day. it kind of feels like that, though, these days. >> united flight 8.30, was forced to return to sydney just 2 hours into the journey.
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this is the flight path on flightaware today. the airline says the boeing jet landed safely and all passengers have been rebooked. but people who saw the incident say there was fluid pouring out of the plane during takeoff and a retired commercial pilot and regional vice president of the california pilots association says his best guess is an issue with hydraulic fluid. that hydraulic fluid >> the ability for the landing gear to go up and down. it provides said movement of the flight controls. provides a sorry controls. the brakes, primarily flight controls and landing. here are what it's there for. >> on friday, united flight from sfo to mexico city also had hydraulic issues and had to make an emergency landing at lax. and it's hard to forget the day before that was last thursday when a tire fell off a united jet shortly after
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its take off from sfo and crashed into parked cars did that. we'll there. it goes. the flight itself, the plane landed safely at lax despite missing a wheel. and while all these mishaps not to mention the door plug that blew off a plane mid-air may make it seem like airlines and boeing are kind of coming apart at the seams. another aviation expert, a former commercial pilot and lecturer at san jose state tells us this year there really hasn't been any dramatic change in the number of incidents involving commercial planes. >> the thing that's really strange about the latest string is just the fact that these in its incidents are happening pretty close together in point of time, combined with the increase interest, the has in these types of incidents. now, if you're on one of these planes, when something like this occurs, i understand it can be pretty trying him pretty
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stress-inducing. but i think the proof bn the fact is, although these incidents are occurring in all the cases, the aircraft because of that bringing of the cruise and the backup systems designed in the airplanes themselves are leading to successful outcomes. usually with the aircraft parking at the gate. certainly we need to look at the causes for these and help prevent them from occurring in the future. but the fact that we've had such a successful outcomes tells me the safety systems are actually working pretty well because at the end of the day, these all these aircraft or parking safely at the gate after the incident. >> okay. all of the incidents mentioned above are under federal investigation. meanwhile, boeing is promising changes after failing nearly 40% of its faa audits. the federal agency conducted a six-week review of the company's manufacturing processes for the 7.37 max jetliner. after that door plug
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blew off the alaska plane in january. the faa reviewed 89 aspects of production at boeing's plant in washington state and found that the company failed. 33 of them. noel and ken, back to you. >> all right, grant tonight, we're also learning a boeing whistleblower who have been raising concerns about production standards to the company for years. >> was found dead in the days before his death. he had been testifying against the company. john barnett worked as a quality control manager for boeing for boeing for more than 30 years before his retirement, barnett said he repeatedly raised concerns to supervisors. but was ignored. he also said boeing retaliated against him and made working conditions so intolerable. he was forced to retire early. boeing has denied those claims. barnett was found with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in a hotel parking lot in south carolina. gave a formal test deposition just last week and was due to undergo further questioning this past weekend.
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>> other news tonight pg and e customers get ready to see a couple dollars knocked off your bill. the california clirate credit is set to go into effect next month. households with an active electric account will automatically receive a credit at $55. households with an active gas account will get credit for $85. the credit is from the california cap and trade program designed to help utility customers transition to low-carbon options. >> what time we're talking about some nice weather coming our way. finally, it looks like we may have stopped all the rain until the beginning, at least of spring anyway. so looking good outside. we're going to see some beautiful weather the next couple of days. high pressure building in. yeah, it will be windy at times. but overall we're talking about gorgeous weather all the way. the coast line clear skies. you're looking good out there right now. not bad at all. we've got a nice night around the bay area will get a little cold in spots overnight tonight. and by the way, we do have some rain over the last 24 hours. in fact, almost 3 quarters of an inch to bron a san francisco. also in the average now for the
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entire season over a 3rd of an inch there, san bruno, almost a 3rd of an inch, almost a half an inch and half moon just under a 10th of an inch in oakland and 4 hundredths in san jose. so done with the rain. the storm clouds are moving on out of town that front dragging on through that late season storm bringing more snow in the high country to but now looks like things are settling down get ready for what looks like a fantastic day around the bay area. in fact, it's going to be beginning of some much nicer weather head tonight. a few high clouds still drifting up above temperatures cooling off generally in the 50's. you could could see some 30's in some of the north bay valleys overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. but overall, the trend will be so towards some nicer weather forecast model yet that sea breeze going to change. now we see that change more of an offshore wind as we head in toward tomorrow. so we wake up tomorrow morning, mostly sunny side up more of a northerly component to the wind as we head throughout the day, that breeze likely to pick up in the afternoon to specially over the mountain tops, but really looking a lot of
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sunshine and a gorgeous afternoon around the bay area. how about this? we're joined 67 degrees in san jose under mostly sunny skies about the same there in oakland about 62 degrees in san francisco. these temperatures are going to get warmer. i think tomorrow the beginning of a warming trend. we're talking some 70's as we head in toward thursday and friday. what about the weekend? we'll check out a 10, 10 coming up a few minutes. all thank you. police >> and all clear in martinez tonight following a hazmat situation, fire officials shut down several streets after a tanker started leaking some sort of fluid. officials say the tanker was one of 3 found abandoned last friday. 2 of the tankers had already been towed away when this 3rd one began leaking officials say the tanker or 2 of the tankers that already been towed. authorities did test the samples from inside the leaking tanker and ruled the fluid was not hazardous. it is not clear what exactly was inside that tanker or why they were abandoned on the side of
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the road. and i jumped the gun police arrest, a man who pepper sprayed somebody. >> outside an islamic center on the first day of ramadan. why police say they're not treating this as a hate crime. plus, scott peterson back before a judge today. what our legal analyst says he's hearing from today's proceedings and tax day just around the corner, the new tool irs created to make the tool irs created to make the process a littl ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> california taxpayers have access to a new tax filing tool. irs direct file allows eligible taxpayers to get their returns ready and filing them online all for free. the
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irs says the tool is good for those with standard wage and social security income who are eligible for popular tax credits. the tool is only available in 12 states. the irs has launched a new tool. again, it is only available in 12 states, including here in california. >> the winning numbers are out for the 7th largest mega millions jackpot in history. check your tickets if you have the numbers are 2 16. 31. 57 64 and the mega ball. 24 prize currently stands at 700 35 million dollars. this jackpot has been growing since last winning ticket was sold back in december. your odds of winning one in 302 million. the powerball jackpot also continues to rise ahead of tomorrow's drawing. the jackpot is now estimated at 559 million dollars. that's a cash prize of 273 million dollars. good luck.
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>> coming up, why bay area's transit officials say they're actually missing out on millions of dollars in bridge tolls despite the high number of bridge traffic every day. >> and convicted murderer scott peterson was back in court today hoping for a new trial. the evidence that his attorneys say could prove his innocence.
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>> it was back to court for scott peterson today. 2 years after he was convicted me 20 years he was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife and unborn son. this time peterson has a new l a based
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legal team is looking to gather new evidence that could potentially prove his innocence. jennifer mcgraw has more. >> good morning. mister peterson, can you both see and hear the proceedings are? thank all right. peterson is currently serving life in prison without the possibility of parole after a jury convicted him 2 decades ago. the now 51 year-old had been having an affair with his mistress with his wife, laci peterson, who was 8 months pregnant with their unborn son. >> disappeared back in 2002, the family lived in modesto at the time. attorneys with innocence project, an organization that aims to exonerate the wrongly convicted agree to reexamined the case. they asked the san mateo county superior court judge to approve new dna testing. we spent a lot of time trying to. >> sets out what frankly are very alarming deficiencies in the discovery that was provided to the defense of the time trial. >> they also asked us tennis last district attorney's office to provide them with evidence that they say should have been turned over during
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peterson's trial years ago, that then investigators argue that peterson dumped lacey's body during a fishing trip in the san francisco bay, a burn ban with a bloodied mattress in the back could contain dna evidence. peterson's family has maintained his innocence for years and believes the bad may have been used in a burglary. there's a theory that she may have been killed in the van because she witnessed that burglary. they're asking the judge to allow them to reopen the investigation. >> show them the documents from burnt-out >> that was located less than a mile from the peterson home that contained mattress that they say had blood stains in it. they want that mattress retested. the defense was entitled to those at the time of trial. >> mister peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should have been provided.
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>> peterson could get a new trial if his attorneys can show that laci was still alive when her husband went fishing on that christmas eve. earlier today we spoke with defense attorney michael cardoza who previously worked on the scott peterson case to get his take on what's going on. >> fact, the innocent project took this case speaks volumes. they don't many of the cases that are present so in my mind, i wonder you guys know that we don't know about this case that you've already discovered, but you're not telling us what the attorneys that they have and how smart those people are and the money they have to vet this case to investigate it. i'm really excited for them to go through all of the evidence in the case. and finally, at the end of it, we can put to rest number one, whether it gets a new trial or whether that's the end of because this is the
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end of the road where scott peterson, unless they come up with some have new evidence. >> our coverage continues online scan that qr code on your screen for ongoing coverage of the scott peterson case at kron 4 dot com, which will continue to update with the latest developments as they come in. >> a man is in jail tonight after police say he pepper sprayed someone who is preparing to celebrate ramadan. the assault happened at the islamic center of north marin and nevada yesterday. the police or the victim told police the suspect identified as 48 year-old david margot lee ash carried a bag into the center and showed what looked like a gun. the victim says they tried to grab our goalie osh to keep him from the bag, which led to a struggle. and then we're going pepper sprayed them. the victim was taken to the hospital with some minor injuries. police say they did not find a gun and there is not enough evidence to treat this as a hate crime. >> 168 people arrested 360 stolen cars recovered. the
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governor's office says that's the latest result of the chp sting operations in the east bay. the highway patrol also says he's recovered 16 guns linked to crimes. so it's a surgeon. chp officers began in the east bay last month. they're currently 72 officers assigned to oakland. the governor's office says though chp officers will continue to have an expanded and visible role with a focus on deterring and responding to crime. >> transportation agencies are losing big bucks because of drivers using illegal license plate changers and obstruct ers. take a look. here's a license plate flipper which contains differing plate. installed to avoid paying automated tolls and can be bought online. first a couple $100 in the bay area. authorities believe they've lost out on more than 33 million dollars combined due to that those types of plates. >> maybe not every one of wait up struck shuns plate defacing
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steve basements. maybe they were all deliberate. but they do add up. >> currently, it costs $9 to cross the golden gate bridge. it costs $7 to cross all other bay area. bridges. >> now the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside. speaking of bridges at the golden gate. >> lawrence, we are looking for warmer days ahead and you get a lot to know. well, been looking forward to some sunshine. we're going to see a love this trend as we're finally going to get away from the wintry weather. get away from the rain just a bit and enjoy some nice sunshine around the bay area. starting tomorrow. here we go out the door tonight. yeah. looking out toward the golden gate bridge, a mostly clear skies. couple high clouds up above. that's just about it. otherwise tonight, really some clearing skies, little chilly in spots overnight tonight. tomorrow. it's going to be a nice day out there will get
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breezy by the afternoon, but mostly sunny skies, high pressure building in off the pacific. that's going to be big blocking ridge. that means it's going to send most of the storms well to the north of the bay area, not for a day or 2, but maybe a week or so. so, yeah, it's going to be sunny and breezy windy at times specially over the mountain. top temperatures out the door right now. you're going to 54 degrees for our friends in san jose. 54 in hayward. 51 now a double, including often fairfax of 48 degrees. 49 say molina all the way down to 41. now in calistoga. all right. you can see some of the wind forecast as we head through the next couple of days. you start to see the red, the purple, those some strong gusty winds, maybe 30 to 40 miles an hour or so. you get over the mountain tops, especially it's going to be windy at times, especially in the north of the east bay hills. but it's going to , especially on thursday. and that's when we'll see the maximum effects of those winds. but high pressure go to build in overhead. storm clouds rolling well to the north. and that means we're nice and dry. think as we head in toward wednesday and thursday are looking good to
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see the effects of that offshore wind blowing out there, too. in fact, overnight as we head in toward friday, more of the looks like it's going to hold that way until we get into late next week. so all that is some good news. if you like the dry weather now, temperatures, well, they're going to start to reflect the warmer weather coming our way. numbers popping up in the 50's and 60's in the san francisco along the coastline. a little bit cooler. you got the breeze blowing. they're generally in the 50's. then you get inside the bay of find more sunshine. 62 degrees in burlingame should be about 64 in palo alto. 65 in mount to the south bay, enjoying temperatures moving the mid, maybe even some upper 60's by tomorrow afternoon about 65 in lemore. 67 in hayward about a beautiful 67 degrees tomorrow, walnut creek, 67 in richmond, 68 degrees in concord and 68 degrees in napa. dry weather really settling in nicely. the hills, all green outside with the warm temperatures. everything is going to be growing now. and yeah, it looks like even warmer weather on the way as we head into thursday and friday. lot of 70's going to be popping up. we see some 70's in the san francisco along the coastline. the weekend looks good. you
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got saint patrick's day. should be a great day to get out there to enjoy. spring starts on monday. that to looking like mid 70's around the bay area, maybe we start talking rain by the end of the following week. so a nice break. a stormy pattern. so we get sometimes like, you dry out well, an warm up and we'll all that you've to you know, i known sooner to be complaining about the heat. yes, i know how it i'll try not to complain. things ok. >> the unusually warm winter causing some problems for the oakland animal services. they're seeing an early kitten season and as a result, they need kitten food. they especially need lots of wet food. we have a to their site on our website. kron 4 dot com for a little bit more detail on what they need. >> kron 4 is your election headquarters and the rematch is officially set. president joe biden and former president donald trump have each clinch their party's nomination, setting up a fierce fight for the white house reporter john fenoglio has been tracking the
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nominating contests and he has more. >> the biden trump rematch is officially here after both candidates secured the delegates needed to earn their party's nomination for president. president biden secured the 1968 delegates needed to win the democratic nomination. mister trump easily won the 1215 delegates to lock up the gop nomination in georgia. the president one more than 95% of the vote. the former president got more than 80%. mister biden and trump also handily one in mississippi and washington the president hungry for a general election fight releasing this ad moments after securing the delegates needed to head to the democratic convention this summer and releasing a statement saying in part, i am honored that a broad coalition of voters representing the rich diversity of the democratic party across the country have put their faith in me to once again lead our party and our country. in a moment when the threat trump poses is greater than ever.
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former president trump posting to social media saying in part our party is united and strong and fully understands that we're running against the worst most incompetent, corrupt and destructive president in the history of the united states. both have been vying hard for support in georgia, a crucial swing state. biden won by a narrow margin in 2020 and where mister trump is not only leading in the polls but facing felony charges for trying to overturn the 2020 election and to all americans, whether you are a republican and independent or a disillusioned it democrat of which there are many. >> well, you have to do is watch that horrible state of the union. that was the worst president in history. >> this as both the current and former presidents met with foreign leaders, president biden hosting polish president andrzej duda and prime minister donald tusk at the white house tuesday. the polish president calling on the u.s. and other nato allies to continue their defense funding of ukraine against russia's invasion. mister trump hosting hungarian
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president viktor orban, a russian ally at his florida state on sunday or van telling hungarian media that mister trump will not fund ukraine's fight against russia if re-elected to the white house. again, that was john fenoglio reporting. california is coming off its. >> second lowest voter turnout after last week's primary elections. latest numbers from the secretary of state's office puts turnout at 34%. that is not a record low for presidential primary, but it's close. the lowest was when 31% of registered california voters weighed in back in 2012 when president barack obama cruised to reelection. >> you can help san francisco's golden gate park be named the best city park in the country. the famous landmark has been nominated for usa. today's 10 best readers choice travel award for best city park. the contest runs through monday, april, 8th, you can find a link to the voting page on our website. kron 4 dot com.
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>> the bay area's news sports team is looking for some players. the oakland ballers announced open tryouts for its inaugural season in april. baller say the trial to become an annual tradition to try to find and develop the best local talent. however, open doesn't mean free. interested players will have to register via the event. brite website and pony up $150. plus fees for the opportunity to try out those tryouts will be held at laney college on april 6, 0, get your gloves, your hat, your cleats. get ready. get out there. yeah. that up kron for news at 10. stay tuned for kron for news 11. but first it is sports night live. kate rooney standing by with more on that. going to see guys that those tryouts. oh, yeah. >> that's pretty like it. >> okay. but first of all, tonight on sports night live, we're going to talk some hoops, not baseball. the wcc held its tournament finals tonight in las vegas and it was can and saint mary's again going for the automatic bid to the big dance.
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>> we'll let you know who came out on top. coming up next. plus, steph curry has missed the warriors last couple of games with an ankle injury was re-evaluated. today we talked it can be ours. john dickinson, who has the latest on what steps return will mean for the team.
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game. >> welcome to sports night live. we've got free agency. we've got spring training and we're inching ever closer to march with conference tournaments in college basketball. welcome to sports night live. i'm kate rooney and that is where we will begin. >> saint mary's and gonzaga have given us some truly. >> great games over the years. so let's go down to the wcc men's tournament championship game. >> in las vegas to night, randy bennett, saint mary's pride of moraga taking on the zags. the teams split their season series in both of plan, but their best basketball down the stretch that it's all right. that saxton kerry gaels early on 2 man game. >> augustus marshall onus with the pass inside to saxon for the jam. second had 19 points and 15 rebounds in foul trouble. all game watson started a 92 run for the zags deals and this starts to break it ahead what's it for rosa down in transition. he led the zags with 18 points.


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