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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  March 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> news station, this is. 11. >> good evening. thanks for joining us tonight on kron, 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus. the vta is seeing a spike in copper thefts from its train tracks this week. the santa clara county sheriff's office arrested 2 people suspected of stealing copper and investigators are working to track down other people after about 2 dozen copper thefts at the transit system so far this
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year. kron four's. sara stinson joins us live in the newsroom with the details. good evening, sarah. >> the 2 people arrested are accused of stealing $10,000 worth of copper from the tracks of eta. on monday, a train operator actually witnessed the theft. these are targeting the valley transportation authority in the south bay, stealing copper from the tracks. the santa clara county sheriff's office says its investigating 2 dozen copper theft cases causing a total of half a million dollars in damage to railway property that some people risking their lives and endangering the public for about $10, a pound, the latest copper theft happening in broad daylight monday. a train operator witness this happening near the tracks on the vta cropley light rail station in san jose. >> a person was seen with a white pickup truck less than an hour later, deputies were told the same truck was spotted at the vta station in sunnyvale. you were able to
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detain the suspects. >> and which resulted in fighting? actually, i'm copper wire was stolen from that vta station. 60 year-old daniel mail and 55 year-old frank pacheco. both got arrested for suspicion of having stolen property, conspiracy and possession of meth. the ongoing copper thefts not only disrupt vta operations, but also put trains in danger when copper being absent. >> we're no longer able to track train movement. we are not able to provide a signal protection for our trades. >> and we are not able to do that. you activate guevara protection. that intersections. it's not known yet if the 2 people arrested are responsible for any of the other thefts. >> the sheriff's office is working with vta to track down any more thieves involved for anyone out in the if they even do see anything suspicious of anyone looking like they have a water hose or anything like that near vta definitely call it in to us that we can go out there investigating.
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>> we spoke with someone who works at a metal scrapyard business to learn about how they ensure the copper they are buying is not stolen. he told us. >> they don't take copper from just anyone. they take many precautions, including taking a picture of the person, their car and their id. the worker also says the sheriff's office stopped by their shop, telling them to be on the lookout for copper thieves. i'm sara stinson reporting the newsroom. back to you. thank you, sarah. >> oakland, business owners say they're just sick of crime are now threatening to not pay their taxes. if the city doesn't fix the problem a little more than 200 businesses have signed up for this strike. you could call it so far. one of them has been running multiple shops in the city for the past. 35 years. >> yes, it just there. it's out of control as far as it gets, business owners are feeling they feel the pressure that they are not being protected. but the city of oakland and they paid so much
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taxes. i mean, there's taxes. i mean, uk will get even there count on the taxes that we pay per year. and plus, we losing all the insurance coverage. >> as of now, we do not know if and when this tax boycott will actually happen. but mayor sheng thao says oakland has been making progress with its crime problem. she sent a statement saying in part since the summer of 2023, oakland's business districts have experienced a reduction in most property crimes. we have been we've have more police officers in my first year as mayor than we've had in the past 2 and a half years. we've re stored foot patrols and motorcycle traffic units conducted focused operations with specialized units and expanded safety. ambassador programs. a beloved san francisco painter is heartbroken after thieves smash their way into a display room took off with our work. now the artist hopes somebody recognizes the art and returns. it. it happened at
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she could tell you a high-end kitchen and wardrobe showroom in san francisco. so the smash room a few weeks ago where the store house colorful artwork by local painter, katy tova. >> the other stuff is easily replaceable, but kate's handbags in her scars. those are one of a kind pieces that she put a lot of heart and energy into its not something. >> that you can get back. >> low, their credits, police and firefighters for their quick response and hopes whomever is behind the break-in, turn their life around. it. take a look. a big old oak tree has been growing in lafayette for more than a century. but today it had to be chopped up after came crashing down late last night, bringing with it, power lines damaged some cars blocked a part of spring hill road. >> it fell and sounded at first like there's an earthquake because i live right across the street from it. and then a big boom in the power went out my son his
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window is facing and he tree just fell down into power lines. >> the tree knocked out power in the neighborhood for several hours. fortunately no one was hurt. pg tells us crews were out there yesterday trimming the oak tree before came down. utility says they'll be looking into why the tree fell, especially right after it was prudent and the winds are expected to intensify over the next couple days, which could lead to more trees coming down. we hope not. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here now with more on that. a large. yeah, it's not going to be from stormy weather, but the wind is going to be kicking up outside as high pressure begins to build in the bay area right now. >> we're just getting more of a general breeze outside around the skies, but looks like things are going to set up overnight tonight. we're more of an offshore wind is going to be kicking in as high pressure really gets rolling across the pacific. and you kind of get the sense that ridge moving in as well. we have that front go by and that ridge building in behind it
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now. so we're going to see a big change in the weather pattern as high pressure builds in overhead. all of a sudden those winds start to kick up more of that northerly component. the winds, low pressure dropping to the east of the well. the combination of the 2 is going to start to kick up the winds around the bay area starting really tomorrow afternoon. i think tomorrow more of a breezy day, i think by out thursday it looks windy. we'll be dry. you're going to see nice sunshine and those offshore winds tend to bring some warmer temperatures. the bay area still a sustained winds, especially in the north of the east bay 20 to 30 miles an hour where the mountain tops, maybe some gust 40, maybe 50 mile an hour gusts them out. just see here, too. as we take you through time as we head toward tomorrow afternoon, the winds are picking up in the get really gusty. that's where you get those strong winds, especially by the middle of the day on thursday. thank you, lawrence. there's been another mid-flight incident involving a united boeing plane. >> this time it was a flight headed for sfo and it just left sydney, australia. experts say the issue appears to be a hydraulic failure.
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kron four's dan kerman reports from sfo. less than a week after united jet bound for osaka lost a tire shortly after take off at sfo. >> and it crashed into parked cars. there's been another united incident and a united flight 8.30, from sydney to sfo, head to return to sydney after what united described as a maintenance issue. those who have seen the video of the incident so fluid pouring off the plane on takeoff. clearly they had a problem with a hydraulic either lying or system something. something broke that the was. >> allowing hydraulic fluid to vent overboard. douglas rice is a retired commercial airline pilot and regional vice president of the california pilots association that hydraulic fluid the ability for the landing gear to go up and down. it provides said movement of the flight controls. provides a sorry controls. the brakes,
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primarily flight controls and landing. here are what it's there for a united flight from san francisco to mexico city on friday. also had a hydraulic issue and had to make an emergency landing at lax. what would cause one of the hydraulic systems to fail? that could be just simple law luck of the draw the wheel coming off is a is a much more concerning issue because there's several failure modes that we need to look at. was it me was it something that actually fatigue failed? was there a medal failure that led to this in all united has had more than a half dozen issues over the last 2 weeks, many of which the faa is investigating. it's concerning for sure. i keep my eye on the news about that. those traveling in and out of sfo say it's very concerning. >> with that would be happening if there wasn't a maintenance problem. you want that fixed? don't know for the stop me traveling, but it
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certainly made me put it on our take 100% sure about that united emphasizes that in all of these cases, the planes ended up landing safely. they say safety continues to be their top priority in all of these issues are being investigated. some along with the faa, the ntsb and the airplane manufacturer. >> at sfo, dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> up next, why bay area transit officials say they've been missing out on millions of dollars in bridge tolls despite all all the cars on them every day. plus, new data is out about how many voters turned in ballots. our most recent election compares to elections in years past. but first, scott peterson appeared virtually in court nearly 20 years after he was convicted, killing his pregnant wife laci. details on today's hearing and what comes next.
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>> it was back to court for scott peterson today. some 20 years after he was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife and unborn son. this time peterson has a new la base legal team that is looking to gather new evidence that could potentially prove his innocence. jennifer mcgraw reports on today's hearing in san mateo county. >> good morning, mister peterson. can you both see and hear the proceedings are? thank all right. scott peterson is currently serving life in prison without the possibility of parole after a jury convicted him 2 decades ago. the now 51 year-old had been having an affair with his
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mistress with his wife, laci peterson, who was 8 months pregnant with their unborn son, disappeared back in 2002, the family lived in modesto at the time. attorneys with innocence project, an organization that aims to exonerate the wrongly convicted agree to reexamine the case. >> they asked the san mateo county superior court judge to approve new dna testing. we spent a lot of time trying to. >> sets out what frankly are very alarming deficiencies in the discovery that was provided to the defense of the time trial. >> they also asked us tennis last district attorney's office to provide them with evidence that they say should have been turned over during peterson's trial years ago, that then investigators argue that peterson dumped lacey's body during a fishing trip in the san francisco bay, a burn ban with a bloodied mattress in the back could contain dna evidence. peterson's family has maintained his innocence for years and believes the bad may have been used in a burglary. there's a theory that she may have been killed in the van because she witnessed that burglary.
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they're asking the judge to allow them to reopen the investigation. >> show them the documents from a burnt-out van. >> that was located less than a mile from the peterson home that contained mattress that they say had blood stains in it. they want that mattress retested. the defense was entitled to those at the time of trial. >> mister peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should have been provided. >> and that was jennifer mcgraw reporting. our coverage continues online scan the qr code on your screen there for coverage of the scott peterson case over on kron 4 dot com. whether time here on a tuesday night as we take a live look outside beautiful view of the city as we're getting ready to dive into some warm weather. going to feel real. nice. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us to lay down.
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yeah, it really is. we talk about the winds. that's the downside. the upside you get those offshore winds. of course, that warms things up around the bay area. so if you've been looking forward some spring weather, well, you're going to get a little bit early. this year's high pressure kind of going to settle in the next couple of days. and as it does. >> we're going to be talking about sunshine all the way. the coastline skies clearing out overnight tonight could be a little chilly in spots, but otherwise tomorrow, mostly sunny will be a breezy afternoon. but mild temperatures, some places pushing closer to 70 degrees by the afternoon. and then as we get toward the rest the week. but we're going to warm those temperatures up even further will be a bit on the windy side on thursday. but these temperatures really going to start to soar as we get the next couple of days. little chilly in spots now that already 40 degrees in calistoga. 49 saline up 50 degrees and timber on a 53 in san francisco. here's a big dome of high pressure building in, though, as a ridge builds in, that's going the jet stream. well to the north, it's going to shut off all the rain. so if you've been waiting for a break in the stormy weather, here comes in fact, the next few days going
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to be just fantastic. high pressure overhead, offshore winds blowing. we've got some beautiful weather all the way. the coastline, the sun not set until after 7 o'clock in the evening hours. that means you get out there and enjoy just beautiful evening's ride to the weekend to that weather pattern going to hold on. in fact, maybe couple patches of fog as we get in late sunday into monday. otherwise staying nice and dry that late next week, maybe we start talk about a return to some rain overnight lows tonight, 30's and 40's outside by day tomorrow. not a bad day at all. you see plenty of sunshine. a little cool co-signed. 59 in the sunset about 65 degrees. in the mission headed out toward the beaches, grab a light sweater. you might need the app and inside the bay numbers warming up to 62 in burlingame head for the south. those temperatures getting miles, especially in the south bay tomorrow, mid to upper 60's by tomorrow afternoon. even warmer spots, though, is this just going to be the beginning of a warming trend over the next couple days? seems like we have been able to say that forever. but here we go. looks like some nice weather coming our way. dry a lease for the rest of the week here as we
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get toward late next week, maybe things begin to change. but of this, this is looking good. lots of sunshine coming our way to a spring, maybe a little bit early. of course, we've got saint patrick's day this weekend. lots of sunshine. spring begins on monday. all told. i think everybody's going to be pretty happy. watch out a little gusty at times that. lots of sunshine think you're going to love it. winds are fine when it's all wet out there. wildfires, right? not a concern. so yeah, we get those winds and fall that it's a whole different story. hope the trees do come down that steel. get through to the warm stuff. yeah. the next, let's welcome. >> riding dirty transportation agencies are losing big bucks because people are out there using illegal license plate. >> changers and obstruct ers. have you seen these things to license plate flipper, which contains 2 different plates. you can install to avoid paying automated tolls and you can buy these things online for a couple 100 bucks here in the bay. authorities believe they've lost out on more than
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33 million dollars because of these things. >> maybe not every one of wait up struck shuns plate facing steep basements. maybe they were all deliberate. but they do add up. ently costs 9 bucks across the golden gate bridge and $7 to cross all other bay area. bridges. voter turnout last week's primary elections low just 34%. that's not a record low for a presidential primary, but it's close. the worst was 31% of registered california voters in 2012 when president obama cruise to re-election the last presidential primary back in 2020 saw 47% turnout in the state. one analyst we heard from is anticipating a very high turnout come november. you can help san francisco's golden gate park be named the best city park in the country.
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the famous landmark has been nominated for usa. today's best city park. it is a great beautiful. the contest runs through monday. april 8th, you can find a link if you want to vote to help it out on our web page. kron 4 dot com. today, the bay area's newest sports team. the oakland ballers will. announced that they will have open tryouts for their inaugural season. the team says tryouts will become an annual tradition as they're trying to find and develop the best local talent. however, open doesn't mean free. you have to register using the event brite website and then pony up $150. plus fees if you want to try out. child to be at laney college. april 6th. do some hitting do some fielding run the 60 yard dash. alright, next in sports, gonzaga and saint mary battling it out again for that. >> tourney championship tonight and speaking a ball,
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an update on steps. well, maikel kate rooney is next. in sports.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. we are inching ever closer to march madness and the ncaa tournament. but first, it's the conference tournaments. we've got a good one tonight in las vegas that the wcc championship game. >> randy bennett and saint mary's, of course, pride of moraga taking on conference rival and perennial contender gonzaga. the teams split their season series and both have been playing their best basketball down the stretch
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mitchell saxen carried the gaels early on 2 man game augustus marshall onus with the push pass inside to saxon for the jam. sexton had 19 points and 15 rebounds but was in foul trouble. all game gaels led by 9. anton watson started a 92 run for the zags. scales missed starts the break. good to have to watch and throws it down in transition. watson led the zags 18 saint mary's took a four-point lead into the break and they really turned up the offense. in the 2nd half a doz n, the haynie takes the pass on the baseline gets the flush 10 point cushion biggest lead of the night for the gaels. then it's martial law as uses to screens to get free and drive the side of the lane off the glass. 13 points for marshall onus finally mahaney again after ms gales get board. kick it out to maney for the 3. he had 5, 3, pointers and finished with 23 points to lead all scores. saint mary's beats gonzaga. 69 to 60. they stopped exact
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four-year run his conference tourney champs. and it's the first time since the 2011, 12 season, the saint mary's wins both the regular season championship and the tournament in the same year. well, after steph curry missed the last 2 warriors games, his ankle injury was re-evaluated today. time to check in on how he's progressing. and when when he can return to the court for this upcoming playoff push. >> mixed results. stuff has been ruled out for tomorrow's game with the mavericks. however, he is making, quote, good progress. and he's been cleared to resume on-court workouts will travel with the team to la ahead of the warriors. saturday matchup with the lakers will practice with them and then he'll be re-evaluated again following that friday practice. i spoke to kbr is john dickinson today and he talked about the importance of getting step back for the lakers game and the stretch run. >> again, the good news is, is it, you know, it's trending toward i know he's going practicing in la before they
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play the lakers on saturday is going to practice their on friday. so i think there's some optimism that that he'll be able to make his return for that one. >> and really, i think it's it's these head-to-head games against dallas and the lakers. they've got 3 left with dallas to left with the lakers. those are the teams that right now are right in front of them. and so it really is a luxury to be able to play those teams because you can catch him just by beating them head to head. so i think, you know, the the opportunity for them is is still there. buteit's it's get that momentum back that they were really building since the end of january and sort of last year with the injury to staff wiggins coming back. >> not much time left to build on that momentum. meanwhile, nfl free agency continuing and we are continuing to keep an eye on the forty-niners. of course today it might be less about who they brought in and more about who they have lost. but we will start with the newest addition to the roster. the forty-niners are set to sign browns defensive tackle jordan elliott to a reported two-year 10 million dollar
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deal. elliott had 2 and a half sacks and 3 tackles for loss last year. he was a starter key part of cleveland's top ranked dealine forty-niners will still need some more help up front though dt javan kinlaw and edgmon cleveland for old joined the list of 49 ers lineman heading elsewhere. they signed one-year deals with the jets and commanders respectively. and then back up, qb sam darnold is on the move. he heads to the vikings and the forty-niners locked up their perspective. backup brandon allen to one year deal. he was their 3rd string qb last season. so it's become official tomorrow. grant. i have a feeling the forty-niners aren't totally done lot they can do in the draft they still need some help at at a bunch of key positions for sure. and brandon, i still want more money that is probably going to the storyline we're following most closely as we get closer and closer to summer here. all the best to him >> let's get everybody wants him and i know the fans want around so that. all right. thank kate. thank you for joining us tonight across 4 news at 11. have a great
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: look who's got a ponytail. notorious wife killer scott peterson, c and for the first time in years, mugging for the camera. >> will get a new trial? >> announcer: then, secrets from oscar night revealed. >> there were intense discussions about


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