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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  March 14, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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is now suing san francisco state university. using them covering up cases of discrimination and harassment and the oakland a's continue talks with alameda county about extending their lease at the coliseum is a struggle to find a place to play before moving to las vegas. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning and thanks for % waking up with us on another gorgeous thursday. little windy, but it's going to be justice. and when the yeah, sunshine's going to be really felt. we've got john in the weather center to start off the hour. good morning, john. yeah, really nice out there this morning. if you don't mind the wind, which is the ultimate to today, the good news is the wind is not going to last through the weekend, though. so today is the windiest one of this forecast. once we get through that it's going to be really smooth sailing. your view outside of mount tam one of our windier spots. mountainsides, the delta, the coast and our bridges that are going to see some of those stronger gusts. we do have a high wind warning
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up in the sierra nevada. that's where the winds will be the worst much as 90 miles per hour. gusts up there in the sierra, the bay area call it 45 to 50 miles per hour. and we do have wind advisories ourselves in that 10 hue up in the north bay inland east bay in the mountains of the peninsula. winds right now already really breezy atlas peak 45 mile per hour gusts not far behind that half moon bay, danville, nor vacaville right now. so some pretty breezy conditions this morning. as for temperatures, that's very mild. so a mild windy start right now. he word in san francisco sitting at 58 degrees later today. we'll be right on the cusp of 70's a number. we'll enjoy plenty of this upcoming weekend, right? all right, john, thank you for that will take you. we've certainly seen a windy morning. >> lot of people taking their time to drive today. thankfully, no accidents. right now. in the last hour, we did have a few 60 minute ride into the city right now. meteorites are on recovering from an accident on their san mateo bridge. so at about 24 minutes, a 80 to 101, seeing residual delays from that
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rich's center fell bridge still under 15 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. you see how windy it is from that flag. 36 minute ride. is back to you. thanks, train 81 right now and in the east bay, investigators need your help to find a man. >> who robbed a postal carrier of their keys in oakland. it was all caught on video proper is dan thorn gives us a look. >> screams coming after a letter carrier was robbed at gunpoint in oakland, video from the u.s. postal inspection. service shows the crime happening in the afternoon of march. 2nd, it's one of many letter carrier related crimes in the bay area over the last year. at this point across the country. i think all that it bears are going to work every day wondering if this is the day they're going to get robbed u.s. postal inspector matt norfleet says the recent number of threats and attacks on mail carriers has gone up dramatically. >> according to data obtained by the associated press, u.s. postal carrier, robberies
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climbed above 640 in 2023. more than 60 of those resulted in injury. was something that was almost unheard of. >> few years ago before the pandemic. now it's a constant threat. a letter carriers not just here in the bay area, but it everywhere across the country in response to the crimes, lawmakers in congress have put forth the bipartisan protect our letter carriers act. >> the legislation would accelerate the replacement of mailbox keys with digital locks, boost prosecutions and review sentencing guidelines. norfleet says people should keep an eye out for their neighborhood mail carrier and always report anything suspicious. also for those looking to commit these crimes, norfleet has a message that this is not a crime to smart committee. it's needlessly violent and it's making letter carriers here just going out delivering people their mail, which they need. usps is offering $150,000 reward for this man's arrest and conviction in
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oakland, dan thorn kron. 4 news, not just coastal kerry attacks, but in oakland, police are saying there's a spike, a smash-and-grab robberies where >> the victims are sitting in their cars. so you're in the driver's seat and sometimes, you know, you put your purse or something next to in the empty seat. well, what these people are doing is smashing the passenger window with a driver in it. then they grab the items in the passenger seat and take off. police are going have additional officers in pipes, the city where they have seen a surge in this type of robbery. they say overall in oakland robberies are up. 32% compared to this time last year. >> alright, 83 is the time. let's turn our attention to alameda county where the board of supervisors is going to be meeting once again today with the a's to talk more about a lease extension at the coliseum. that has been a slow and sticky goodbye to say the least. michael thomas is in the newsroom with the very latest. michael? yeah, good morning, everyone. that's right. daria slow is the key word, right? and alameda county officials tell kron 4 dan kerman. >> that really we could actually be seeing the a's in
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oakland for the next 3 years or at least until the new las vegas stadium is actually built when it comes to the coliseum actually being sold. well, that's still up in the air. now the meeting is set to happen at 10, 30 this morning and it include oakland, mayor sheng tao chief of staff councilmember rebecca kaplan, alameda county supervisor david hubert and officials from the oakland a's. the last meeting regarding the team's least in the sale of the coliseum is said to have went well with all the officials right now. the team is considering signing a three-year lease extension. however, the city of oakland is suggesting that in return for that extension on the lease that the team actually leave behind its branding and its logo when it does officially decide to leave. it also wants the team to play a key role when it comes to the mlb bringing an expansion team to the city. and when it comes to the coliseum, alameda county officials want them to sell its half of it to the african american sports and entertainment group in oakland. more details are set
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to be discussed today along with increases and changes to the current lease agreement regards to how much the a's pay and the current revenue sharing right now, the team's last payment of 45 million dollars for its portion of the coliseum to the county of alameda set to be due in april, though, the actual title may not be handed over right away. and that's because there is ongoing legal battles between the county of alameda and the communities for a better environment. so as we get more details this morning at around 10, 30 or so on how that meeting went, we'll keep you updated live in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas started. james, we'll send it back to you, ok? thank you, michael. >> it's 805, and a former san francisco title 9 administrator for san francisco state. was in charge of investigating discrimination claims. well, now she is suing the university about discrimination. yeah. she claims the administrators swept multiple claims of discrimination under the rug. we have kron four's will tran live out at sf state to explain. will. francisco state
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claiming all of those things. she said the most recent event that caused her to be fired from her position, which she started back in 2021. was when a professor she claims showed without any warning muslim students at drawing of the prophet mohammed. you might be wondering why was that offensive? well, to many muslim students and the muslim culture drawings of mohammed is viewed as offensive. so she looked into that to the point where she claims the president of the school, as well as the vice chancellor. >> told or that the professor was protected by it academic
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freedom as well as telling her. she claims to hold the investigation. she also points to win. she inherited the job back in 2021, there are hundreds of cases that were never investigated. she wanted to investigate them. but she was told she claims of the university said it would bring unwanted attention university and not investigated. at first she was placed paid administrative leave. and after that, she was ultimately fired, which is why she is suing the university. reached out to the university and without specifically addressing lawsuit. here's what they told us this morning. so take a look at your screen. this is the statement >> that they sent to us. they say, like all csu campuses sf state takes seriously its responsibility to provide students and employees a safe learning and working environment. university is working to address these issues with input from constituents across will. and i
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sometime soon. >> all right. thanks a lot. we'll. >> 808, is the time. and happening tonight, a bay area law firm is hosting a town hall meeting to discuss recent flaring and chemical releases at the martinez refinery. the firm has been helping residents harmed by the chemicals. the meeting was set to take place at 6 o'clock tonight at the martinez event center. >> it's 808, and in the south bay, san jose mayor matt mahan is urging support of a new city. but it budget strategy that he says will prioritize issues such as homelessness and crime in his message. she included that this would address putting money towards
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safety for sleeping sites for the unhoused for police recruitment, for more technology and for cleaning up the city of illegal dumping and graffiti. there's so many things we wanted to. >> what we put in this budget the time when we're facing a shortfall. but the things that our community knows that we need to do to continue improving our collective quality of life. and create greater opportunity for future generations. >> the city council will vote on the mayor's plan next weekend if it's approved and the city manager will move forward with an operating budget. >> it's 809. and we still have a date on when the lights are going to be back on the bay bridge. i was just wondering like yesterday about one of the pretty lights going to back, you know, because so dark down as look like this anymore. a non-profit called the luminaid created the light installation more than a decade ago. so we enjoyed it for like 10 years. and then they took him down last march because they said that the light strands are getting old summer broken. they have raised 10 million dollars to
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replace the lights, but they still need a million more to bring the lights back on to life. and they're hoping to get that display on by this fall. we'll keep you posted. okay. well, still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. >> and east bay father confronts would be fees but ends up dodging bullets after those thieves opened fire on his house and car will have full story and a bill that would ban tiktok nationwide is now headed to the u.s. senate by supporters say it's necessary while those against it say it's unconstitutional. and kids in the east bay are helping create costumes for marvel's latest spiderman videogame. we're going to tell you about the nonprofit behind it. >> and today is going to be a gorgeous day. i'll be a little bit on the windy side, 30, 40, even 50 miles per hour gusts today. breaking it down for you and talking about the weekend forecast as well ahead. >> and windy conditions out there is traffic continues to pick up and build
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>> we are 13 is the time and the state is rolling back. some of those proposed water restrictions after critics complained they were too strict. the plan to drastically reduce water usage by next year was part of the california water resources control board's draft policy. but a recent report show that the cost of that plan outweigh the benefits. so they have a new draft plan which still has some areas in california making big cuts. but the good news is that many of the largest bay area, water agencies will now not be required to make big cuts through 2035. i'm just used to it. >> i mean, i even shut the shower air and put it back on immigrants, then back. i got into that happened during the ground. they still have
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fossett go for yeah. but it's a nice to see those reservoir is a little full like a full bank account. it starts get low. you're like new we didn't. we didn't have enough wind today. my bad day for golf. yeah. thing else is great lack yeah, it's super windy out there today. today is going to be breezy a stay of this forecast with winds gusting as high as 45, even 50 miles per hour. just take a look at the palms. the flag there on the embarcadero. he's in the boat just rock in there in the bay right now. it is very breezy across the bay area right now and not just from mountaintop. see, they're all the way down to the bay shore looking outside. we do have that low pressure to the east of us hi to the west and that gradient between the 2 israeli stirring up a strong north easterly wind right now are spots atlas, peak danville, vacaville fairfield, half moon bay, san francisco, as you can see, getting in the
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mix tonight into tomorrow morning, staying windy, but we will come down after that wind advisories expiring tomorrow at 11:00am one of the things you need to know here, what we will be looking at, the potential of some downed tree limbs today. some minor power outages also possible and wind advisories for a large part of the bay area. temperatures today are going to be very comfortable. otherwise a really pleasant forecast into the weekend. got to get through the wind today and it is going to be an enjoyable day aside from that saying, carlos at 68 degrees, san jose at 69 just shy of 70 and the east bay, some mid to upper 60's for you, too. oakland and berkeley at 68 while sonoma at 66 for your high sandra fell, you'll be at 67. a look ahead showing 70 starting tomorrow. tomorrow does start to come down. and by the afternoon we're smooth sailing into the weekend saturday and sunday in particular. nice for saint patty's forecast and your last day of winter. first day of spring insight on tuesday. looking good as well right
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now. all right, john, thank you for that little windy, busy morning. like you both just mentioned in all of our highways. >> covered iran for the most part, all the way for 88, 80 traveling to the east bay to 38 101, starting to see a lot of traffic building there looks to 80 along the peninsula, israel only really seen the green there they bridge right now. 15 minutes we've consistently been at 15 minutes for most of the morning. so that's good news. last hour, we did have an accident on the san mateo bridge, 92 eastbound. got that clear. lit up to about 30 minutes on the westbound side. now that's gone. things are going down just a little bit 80 over the east by nearly 40 minute. you start to build just pass hercules all the way into oakland. 1, one, a 5 tot of the park about 60. you're also seeing jason highways like 02:38pm, a little busy as well. 50 minute ride to land a downhill. pete is 5, 8, 80 to oakland about 20 minutes as you're traveling up from hayward into oakland darya. james, back to you. thanks to lauren as a 17 and com for
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your local election headquarters, republican steve garvey is now leading congressman adam schiff in the race for the u.s. senate. 4800 votes separate the 2 and whatever the outcome of the primary both are going to be on the ballot november to decide who's going to fill. >> the seat of the late senator dianne feinstein, a recent la times poll found in a 2 way matchup. democrat schiff, jose. 53 to 38% lead over garvey. republican has not won a statewide election in california since 2006. and let's look at national politics. house lawmakers voted on a bill that aims to ban tiktok and now it moves into the senate to see if it passes. and work in the anna wiernicki is in washington right now with what's next for the bill. >> good morning. the house passage of this bill is just the first step. and now as it heads to the senate. >> lawmakers over there don't seem as eager to take it up. >> the house voted 352 to 65
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on wednesday on a bill that would give tiktok 6 months to cut ties with its china-based owner or risk being removed from app stores in the u.s. with every dance challenge in lip sync video. american users are unknowingly contributing to a vast surveillance apparatus. supporters of the bill argue tiktok poses a national security threat because of its ties to china. putting users personal data at risk. congress is stating that to >> data rights of americans got to be safe from foreign government regulation. but those against the bill argue it's unconstitutional. the bill seriously undermine civil liberties by essentially banning a platform. >> that 150 million americans use to engage in free speech and expression and say as it now advances to the upper chamber, i think it will die in the senate. the ball is now in the court of the senators and i trust leader chuck schumer. senate majority leader chuck schumer indicated the senate is in no rush to address the house bill saying
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in a statement that the senate will review the legislation when it comes over. >> president biden has said if the bill reaches his desk, he will sign it into law. for now in washington,ti'm anna wiernicki. back to you, carol. >> 8.19 and now you can get a video game suit that was built by students in oakland. when you're playing playstation. yeah, they work with playstation. it's all part of marvel's newest game. even get paid to do it to this whole opportunity comes from the work of a nonprofit that aims at helping. >> underserved and underrepresented communities and trying to get them into the tech sector. san francisco native damon packwood founded game heads a decade ago and it teaches. >> kids and young adults, the skills they need to break into the gaming this and it's pretty cool. >> we do that in a such a way. that's fun because of you told a student we're going to teach to the deeper learning impairment. they're not going to be excited, right? but if make a video game or like an
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interactive film or film visual effects are things like that. they'll get excited about that. and then you kind make it >> well, this year, 6 of packed with students partnered with insomniac and playstation to come up with stickers. and the latest suit pac called fly and fresh for 2 characters in the new spiderman two-game peter parker and miles. morales. the designs by marisa ds. we're inspired by 90's, fashions. >> we've got to work, we work with their team. >> or about? >> i don't know 6 to 8 months or so. coming up with concepts, you know, they they, you know, like beans. they through these out. we finally settled on an idea which was beautiful idea because that the student that created it for latina from oakland who was inspired by her dad. >> the suits cost for 99 and 100% of the profits is donated
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to game heads. the suits are available for purchase. now until april 5th and packwood says more than 35% of his current classes working in that industry and many of gone on to have a career in gaming and there are a few spots currently open for the game has program. if you're interested, applications are being accepted right now. right now being pi day 3.1, forget so, you know, you can get a pie pizza pie, any kind of pie. there's all kinds of deals in celebration of today's date and pie with you like food or math blaze pizza, you can get a pizza there for a good deal. $3.14 get it mali's pie free slice of pie. if you dine in california, pizza kitchen is in on this. they got some special deals. hi, all a g has some perks for you. various national chains, burger king, 7.11, all kinds of deals. love >> are going take a break. a
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22 is the time. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, san francisco city workers are preparing for a possible strike. we're going to tell strike. we're going to tell you what their demands are. [alarm rings] ♪♪ ♪♪
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charges. it's a 25 and they also found are thought they did a weapon at willow. glen high school in san jose. so they had to shelter in place yesterday afternoon because there were reports that a student had a weapon. police found what turned out to be a bb gun and no one was hurt. >> happening today, a south bay congressman ro khanna is leading a memorial to honor restaurant workers who died from covid. the event marks the country's first covid food service workers. memorial just 4 years after the covid-19 shutdown that resulted in 6 million restaurant workers losing their jobs and an estimated 12,000 who died connell will be joined by senator bernie sanders via zoom for this memorial which is set to take place at 2 o'clock this afternoon. meanwhile, happening today, security screeners plan to rally at sfo this afternoon over what they say have been unpaid wages. hundreds of security screeners at the airports say they filed a complaint with the department of labor claiming that their
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employer covenant aviation is withholding pay raises that the tsa has mandated should take place. in fact, it went into effect last year. the workers say covenant aviation, those refusing to pay them. this new higher rate. the rally is set for 1 o'clock this afternoon at terminal 3. >> officials in charge of california's high-speed rail project say that it's going to take another 100 billion dollars to complete the route between san francisco in la ceo told a state lawmakers the project has about 28 billion so far and that the project needs partnership from the federal government and the private sector to move forward. so so much for high speed. >> all right. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news at theater in the south bay trying to recover now after thieves. >> stoll a lot of their stuff just days before opening just days before opening night. it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine and best-in-class standard torque.
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>> a 29 right now, the big story right now is the wind. yeah, that's really what it's howling out there in some spots. we've got john with a look at those speeds. good morning, john. it is very windy out there this morning. definitely living up to expectations. a look behind me outside of the golden gate bridge and got the flag. the camera even just trembling a little bit. this is your view from the top of mount tam our mountain tops. we'll see our strongest wind gusts today. if you look closely, you can even see though, well, stabilized camera swing a little bit. we actually have high wind warnings up in the sierra nevada. peak winds up there for neighbors up towards tahoe around 90 miles per hour today. wouldn't be surprised if we see some lifts being closed. as for the bay area,
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we have our high wind advisories in effect through 11:00am tomorrow for the north bay inland east bay and the peninsula mountains. right now. our windiest by atlas peak 47 miles per hour. wind gusts regularly. and that is definitely a breezy morning. fairfield vacaville, half moon bay, danville, among or other windiest spots right now. so we are looking at mild temperatures that leaves just get outside with the jacket. ready to go and hang on to those that if you do have one on today, i wouldn't recommend it. it's going to blow a you'll never see it again. looking outside at our sunshine. it's going to be a beautiful afternoon. if it wasn't for the winds, it would be picture perfect. but we will see those winds calming down just in time for the weekend, which i'll get to your full forecast rain. right, john, thank you for that. well, we're making some decent time on a lot of our bridges. but again, like johnson talking about that wind is certainly something you also have to factor into your morning commute. >> 14 minutes on the bay bridge. we haven't really gone or down there. 90 min right on the san mateo bridge. you've had a few accidents on the eastbound side. those are
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clear. but again, still about 20 minutes. take your time. if you're traveling. 31 right host a one, a one golden gate bridge. a little busy because 101 of the north bay. it's been a little bit busier. we're at 40 minutes now. we're down to 35. 37 to the tolls eases. back to you. thanks. a lot of 8.31 and just before they have opening night of their new play, a san jose theater company has to find all their stuff. yeah. >> thieves ripped them off. unfortunately, this isn't the first time the theater's been broken into prop for sara stinson explains. >> we spoke with the production manager here at city lights, theater company. he says they've been broken into multiple times since he started working here over a decade ago, costing hundreds of dollars each time. the latest happening on sunday security footage shows 2 people walking up to city lights, theater company in san jose sunday morning. >> just before the alarm goes off, it's very frustrating. it's a it's a violation run. guess pernetti is a production
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manager at the nonprofit theater company on south second street. he says police responded quickly but not before thieves took off with items. they took props from the some iphones and ipads are props in the show. >> they took some personal belongings the actors had left in our dressing rooms. it hurts because we have to replace that stuff. gas pernetti says the theater has experienced far too many burglaries over the years. i've worked here for 12 years. >> i would say a good 6, 7 times we've been broken into it's time it's a significant amount of money to do repairs to the damage caused by a by a forced entry. all the while the theater's preparing for opening night of the play. king. liz, starting next week, the theater company puts on 6 shows a year in the 100 seat venue. but every break in becomes a setback for theater. still recovering from the pandemic was 4 years ago today, actually that we were shut down
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>> when the started and we're still trying to recover from and you know just trying to stay above water with that. and then that something like this happen where needless waste of money, it hurts gas. panetta says the show must go on. in fact, they have that show coming up on march. 21st there still replacing items before that. the best way you can support them, they say is to come to one of their shows here. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san jose. back to you. >> thank you, sarah. meanwhile, san lorenzo homeowner says he's lucky to be alive after trying to stop people from stealing his car. the attempted car theft happened early monday morning. joe, a hocker is the homeowner and father. he says when he confronted the thieves, they immediately started shooting at him and as he scrambled for cover, he slipped on his front door steps and fell, which he says may have saved his life because that's when the front of his home was riddled with bullets. the bullets not only hit his house and cars, but they also came dangerously close to hitting his wife and
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2 daughters. here's the bullet holes. >> right where i was standing. there's bullet holes here and the first one hit right at my head level after they missed me. they unleashed havoc on my car. my house, the front window. >> and >> it was just complete chaos. we'll go fund me. page has been set up to help the hawker family repair and recover. you can find that link on our website at kron 4 dot com. more developing news now. the fight over berkeley's people's park has a date now with the california supreme court over plans for cal to build student housing on that historic site. construction was stopped before it could start because of protests and legal battles from neighbors, homeless advocates and environmentalist. since then, officials blocked off access to the park with shipping containers. the state's highest court announced this week that the justices will hear arguments in los angeles on april. 3rd, more than a year after a lower court ruled
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the project's environmental impact report was inadequate. >> it's a 35. a rideshare driver faces a hate crime charge for punching a rider in the face. according to the indictment, the driver was called as a foe to pick up a passenger. and when he got there, he has the right or if he was jewish or israeli and ended up punching that passenger in the face. the driver faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. >> stop the stops, stop the stops. stop the stops. >> as such and outside of the state capitol, as people urging for a bill dubbed the smart act, the legislation aims to make it illegal for police to pull over drivers or even bicycle riders for a small offenses like a faulty tail light or improper license plate position or a bumper is off. backers of the bill say it will protect people of color. a point to data that shows black californians population but account for 13%
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of all traffic stops. >> well, thousands of city employees in san francisco are calling on the city to fix what they say is an urgent staffing crisis. employees represented by several labor unions gathered last night at an event called strike school. the union representatives say the purpose of that gathering was to make sure that members know their rights and to prepare what might be a possible strike. they say the city's negligence has resulted in more than 2700 vacant positions. and now many of their employees are having to do double duty. >> me myself. that took 600 calendar days actually get hired and promoted their to civil service process. and so the city needs to fix to hide process. they need to staff up and they need to stop spending money. 2 outside contracts and invest them on city workers. >> well, the strike school is just one step towards a
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possible strike at this point. we don't know if and when a strike might happen, but we'll keep following it. many of the major union contracts we know expired in june. so we'll well, a new type of super bloom is springing up and with it the possibility of fire hazards. take a look. these are large fields of wild mustard. you've probably seen say a combination of temperatures, rainfall and the amount of seed in the soil of all come together for this bumper growth of the season. but the downside is when these plants tryout, they can become a major fire hazard, especially in vacant. lots next to buildings. people might not think of it. >> as a big fire danger because it's they can block. but these vacant lots are butting up against communities and that can quickly spread to what we call outside in fire. the fire burning from the outside and getting into the interior of the building. >> you know, firefighters recommend cutting down those mustard plants before they dry out and become flammable. >> it's 38 right now and let's talk about trying to get home
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insurance, california. it's harder and harder because you're seeing more of insurance companies pull out of the state or up their rates as well. a lot of it has to do with wildfire risks and dangers. state lawmakers though, say this is a problem that needs to be fixed now with 8 on wallace with a look. >> it is a crisis you need to. we need to act on it now. some one member joe patterson appealing for immediate action to address the state's ongoing homeowners insurance crisis. in the last year and a half 7 of the 12 major home insurance companies in california, including allstate, state farm and farmers insurance have either limited their business within the state or in some cases stop selling new policies altogether for homeowners living in some of california's most fire prone areas. that resulted in some californians struggling to find any coverage at all in my district in el dorado and placer counties. this is a crisis. we get calls on it every single day. we need to do something immediately on
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insurance for their part. insurance companies have said they have no other choice but to pause or stop selling policies out of concerns. they could face huge losses. should a major disaster like a wildfire destroyed homes and at-risk communities. and as for patterson. >> it just got personal last week, unfortunately, informed that my carriers california. that's right. he's one of the california to isn't sure he's leaving. he made the announcement at this assembly insurance committee hearing focused on the fair plan. >> it is a state-backed last resort. home insurance plan for california to have either been let go by insurance provider or of simply not been able to obtain coverage in the private insurance market. as more insurance companies leave, the state data from the state chose between 2019 2023, the number of californians covered by a fair plan. insurance policy, more than doubled. >> lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and knowledge. fair plan. premiums are often much pricier than those provided by private insurance companies all the more. so why they say it's vital private insurance
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stays in california, homeowners and businesses need to have more insurance choices. >> and should hopefully be returning admit market. it all comes after insurance. commissioner ricardo, lara last year announced a new strategy to keep insurance companies in the golden state. all part of a deal that will allow them to consider future environmental risks and climate change impacts when setting their prices. there's a huge sense of urgency. but patterson believes immediate change must come to regulation reform. if not, he worries californian's like him could face tough road ahead. i feel like you need more voices like myself that are actually feeling the pain. >> this insurance crisis for this building to at the state capitol. a tonn wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> happening today, it is the start of oakland restaurant week when you can get a great deal and see all the cool places. there are to eat in the town where the 150 restaurants are participating this year. they've got all kinds of lunch and dinner specials on the menu. oakland
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restaurant week runs from now until march 24th. 8.41. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news com for continues to celebrate remarkable women in the bay area. >> we're going introduce you to one who is helping underserved seniors in san francisco. 8.44. is the time
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and for your health this morning, a study found that plunging into cold water to better your health. >> may not be good for you. after all, researchers at the
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university of warwick in the uk reviewed previous studies on cold water therapy. cold water plunges have surged in popularity in recent months. but researchers say the data on the health benefits is inadequate. previous studies have cited a reduction of stress boost to the immune system and improve sleep and energy. the study says cold water immersion is not advised for people with certain medical conditions, including asthma, high blood pressure or any heart disease. >> i know people swear by but no, it's not for me. there. haha, i just wake up just fine. and especially when you get a slap in the face for the win this morning, i wake you're right. all right. when you step out the door, up, it will be a win diversion >> she really going out there. look at this. this is the palms there at the embarcadero pier 17, the flag overhead. and it is really russian through not just our upper elevations, but right along the bay shore. blame it on that high and that low to our east and the gradient in between really stirring up this strong northeasterly wind
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atlas peak current gusts around 50 miles per hour. half moon bay, danville, fairfield and vacaville similar a 40 mile per hour range of current wind gusts. san francisco, about 30 miles per hour. we will continue to see wind gusts as high as 50 miles per hour across the bay area through the afternoon tonight and into tomorrow morning before after that, beginning to calm down just in time for the weekend. what's the risk here? what we are going to be looking at a risk maybe light high profile vehicles, the risk of being overturned. chance of tree limbs being down and maybe even some minor minor power outages as well. wind advisories through 11:00am tomorrow. otherwise today is so picture perfect. it's kind of unfortunate that the winds had to get in the way of today's really nice conditions. we've back into the upper 60's this afternoon at temperatures in san jose close to 70 degrees up at 69. well, the east bay not far off from that with mid to upper 60's for you, too open right at 68 degrees today and
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vacaville at 66 some of our windier spots santa rosa and pedal him at 68 tomorrow, calming down and warming up in the weekend. ahead. just looks absolutely gorgeous. lots of sun, calmer conditions and some 70's for your for your last weekend of winter and saint patty's weekend, first day of spring arriving on tuesday. all right, john, thank you for busy on our highways here in our 8 o'clock hour. but a bridge is looking much better. >> along southbound 6.80, doubling down. fremont. 43 minute ride. you see the red along 8.80, from hey, we're all the way down at the fremont. things are going to take a little longer. a bridge under 13 minutes now the meter lights are still on. we didn't get higher than 60 minutes on the bay ridge today, which is great, 15 minute ride along richmond, sandra fell bridge. you can see things on our bridges, not as busy. 38 min right, aloha before antioch to concord. you're hopping on. 24 right now. walnut creek down to 5.80. there's a little slow to take about 18 minutes. as soon as you hit a red. and that's when traffic starts to slow down again. 62 min right,
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one 85 to menlo park to 80's. not as back still around a 40 minute commute, 80 down to 2. 37. 43 minutes. all right. it is back to thanks to our at 8.47. and vegas raiders are releasing quarterback jimmy garoppolo. jimmy g joined the raiders in 2023 after we last left the forty-niners in free agency. >> and the raiders then benched midway through last season. he's now going to be suspended for the first 2 games of this upcoming season for violating the league's policy on performance enhancing drugs. >> new details now in the alaska airlines door plug investigation. the ntsb now claims boeing is complicating their ability to gather key information. the agency says boeing recorded over surveillance footage from the repair facility where the door plug is reinstalled before it blew off mid-flight in january. it's not yet known which employees worked on the field park because the ntsb says boeing has been, quote,
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unable to find the records documenting the work. boeing issued a statement saying it will continue to support the investigation in a, quote, transparent and proactive fashion. boeing, meanwhile, is at the center of another emergency landing. the plane took off from dallas fort worth a little before. 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. when the pilot reported a possible mechanical problem. the plane was diverted to lax were touched down safely. the details of the reported issue are still unclear. there were no reports of anybody being hurt. >> bart is getting a little recognition from the white house. the biden administration recognized bart as one of the agencies taking part in their challenge to save lives from overdoses. barr says since 2019, their staff has saved more than 400 lives using narc can. >> well, this morning we continue to honor women's history month by spotlighting one of our remarkable women finalist. and her name is alicia thibodeau. she works to
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help underserved seniors in san francisco who are living just this close to poverty and she wants to help a kron four's. philippe gaulle has her story. >> thank goodness alicia thibodeau loves people and people love her. we were here. we've got a know recreational health care, nutrition and technology. we believe axis is key to those efforts are dedicated to the elderly population. i've been inspired because i'm in awe of those who age in community, the longtime public servant providing vital services to hundreds of seniors living in san francisco's laker. you in my district oceanview were said heights ingleside. we do care about serving 5,000. >> we care that we serve everyone who needs them, you who comes to my door. so even when we run out of new, we
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rarely send people home empty-handed. thibodeau is executive director of the southwest community corporation managing the nonprofits to facilities in the city. both dishing out lunch and dinner 6 days a week. >> hot and fresh meals but supplement the free bagged groceries distributed every wednesday. is this what you envision be doing? the work as a career helping people like this? >> actually, this is my 3rd career, but this is most be rewarding career. she is credited with opening the community space cop who so at the upper yard and helping to revive the it bookman community center. >> i want do this. i'll now posting a fully functioning texan indirect room stocked with decks of cards and the priceless stories associated with every draw >> understands the struggle. she has been honored with the jefferson award for service has been recognized by the u.s. senate. san francisco mayor's office and board of
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supervisors all while managing her only elements, including lupus, diabetes and one kidney. i do not believe that the less of you should be. >> the greater mother and grandmother leadership comes naturally to thibodaux and the people touched by her work spanned generations. everyone has their lane. miley happened to older adults and keeping them active and keeping them healthy and keeping them engaged, engaged and included in san francisco, philippe djegal, all kron, 4 and a reminder kron four's continuing to celebrate and highlight remarkable woman all around the bay on our website at kron 4 dot com. if you scan this qr code, you can see all of the wonderful women. and we've also got the culmination of that. we choose our remarkable woman of the year. >> all right. we're going to take a break here at 8.52. but coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news, the warriors were looking to bring
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home a win against the mavericks without one of without 2 of their star players on the court. tell you how it we're back at a 54 and
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spacex's starship. >> has made a successful liftoff this morning took off from boca chica texas said about 6.25. our time. and it was able to fully reach orbit for the first time ever. this is the 3rd time they've launched the starship and each time it goes further and further as they make adjustments here and there the spacecraft coasted through space before re-entering earth's atmosphere. about an hour later disintegrated over
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the indian ocean. the rocket could now proved to be in a central tool as nasa tries to bring astronauts back to the moon. that was part of their goal is to use the starship to make that happen. can't have you watched that, though, without? >> sound rule? >> was a little out of the that rely. all right. pretty close there. there our you want to sound effects. some more on what's going on because we've got ali pilots that are going to be soaring through the sky. >> up with the blue angels and the like swings over airshow. it's a travis air force base this weekend and they will be roaring into town. the only do this every 2 years critical. you get to the blue angels and all kinds of other relaxed. 22 demo team. there you go. yeah, the event is free. you just have to look of course, it best viewed from the air force base are nearby. it's saturday and sunday. very cool. okay. and also something about what to know. >> that was no powerball winner last night. so the jackpot has gotten even
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bigger. it was 559 million. now it's estimated to be upwards of 600 million dollars with a lump sum payment of 293 million. so the next drawing is saturday. good luck to me. i know that although you win when you don't show up, that's right for work. >> 8.56 right now. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. the a's are still trying to figure out how to stay in oakland a little longer while still going to vegas. we're going talk about the latest on their deal and a former title 9 administrator for san francisco state in charge of discrimination is suing the university for discrimination. >> plus, a postal worker is robbed at gunpoint in oakland. we're going take a closer look we're going take a closer look at this problem. ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> right now the kron 4 morning news. investigators are looking for a man who robbed a postal worker at gunpoint as they were making deliveries in oakland. a former title night administrator is now suing san francisco state university, accusing them of covering up cases of discrimination and harassment. and the oakland a's continue talks with alameda county about extending their lease at the coliseum as they struggle to find a place to play before moving to texas or to las vegas. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at good morning and thanks for waking up with the kron. 4 morning news at 9 o'clock. it is a little bit windy out there. that's the only thing i'd say


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