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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 14, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> right now the kron 4 morning news. investigators are looking for a man who robbed a postal worker at gunpoint as they were making deliveries in oakland. a former title night administrator is now suing san francisco state university, accusing them of covering up cases of discrimination and harassment. and the oakland a's continue talks with alameda county about extending their lease at the coliseum as they struggle to find a place to play before moving to texas or to las vegas. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at good morning and thanks for waking up with the kron. 4 morning news at 9 o'clock. it is a little bit windy out there. that's the only thing i'd say you need to know about
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weather-wise. sunny and dry. yeah, going for. yeah. absolutely. dart with a check of the weather where that came from. john, you have the wind is truly the cats to today. an otherwise gorgeous day, kind of like we saw yesterday were just >> adding a lot more wind into it. looking outside the golden gate bridge just really susceptible to some of the stronger gusts right now have gusts up to around 40 to 50 miles per hour. right now. and your view from mount tam another spot that is going to see some of our stronger gusts today. we have with high wind warnings up in the sierra nevada where our strongest winds will be up to 90 miles per hour. peak wind gusts well in the bay area in that light, 10, our own wind advisories in effect through 11:00am tomorrow. our peak gusts around 45 to 50 miles per hour. and we're already seeing those in areas like atlas peak vacaville fairfield out towards the coastline in our mountain passes and bridges to so watch your travel this morning. tie everything down. if you're holland something and just make sure that you're keeping a close eye on some of you might not feel like that -
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they're so secure. temperatures in the 50's right now later today, if it wasn't for the wind, another gorgeous one upper 60's for your highs, reena. all right, john, thank you for that. bridges look the best. it looked all morning. so when be speeding up, there's like john's been talking about. the wind is still a thing. >> so that means if you have those high profile vehicles traveling into the city, slow it down. 13 minute right there. mateo bridge, 19 minutes an earlier accident that slows down. everything is clear. so still not at 14 minutes because of residual delays busy, which was senator phil commute at 23 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls, 1, 1, in the north bay got some issues along that highway 70 minutes there. if you are going to be traveling because of that. so factor that into your morning commute are ages back to you. thanks. a lot rain. a 902, in the east bay. investigators need your help to find a gunman who robbed a postal carrier of their keys in oakland. all caught on camera to kron four's. dan thorn gives us a look.
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>> screams coming after a letter carrier was robbed at gunpoint in oakland, video from the u.s. postal inspection service shows the crime happening in the afternoon. a bark sackett. afternoon. a bark sackett. it's one of many letter bay area over the last year. at this point across the country. i think all bears are going to work every day wondering if this the day they're going to get robbed u.s. postal inspector matt norfleet says the recent number of threats and attacks on mail carriers has gone up dramatically. >> according to data obtained by the associated press, u.s. postal carrier, robberies climbed above 640 in 2023. more than 60 of those resulted in injury. was something that was >> almost unheard of few years ago before the pandemic. now it's a constant threat. a letter carriers not just here in the bay area, but it everywhere across the country in response to the crimes, lawmakers in congress have put forth the bipartisan protect
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our letter carriers act. >> the legislation would accelerate the replacement of mailbox keys with digital locks, boost prosecutions and review sentencing guidelines. norfleet says people should keep an eye out for their neighborhood mail carrier and always report anything suspicious. also for those looking to commit these crimes, norfleet has a message that this is not a crime smart committee. it's needlessly violent and it's making letter carriers here are just going out delivering people their mail, which they need. usps is offering $150,000 reward for this man's arrest and conviction oakland, dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> and open is also seeing a spike in smash-and-grab robberies where victims are sitting in their cars and you're in the driver's seat. somebody walks of pat and goes did smashes the passenger window grabs whatever. >> you have on the passenger seat. lot of times women of a person see that kind of thing. so oakland police are going dispatch additional officers
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now to parts of the city where this has been happening. robberies overall have increased 32% compared to the same time last year. >> happening today, the alameda county board of supervisors will be meeting with the a's to once again discuss a lease extension out at the coliseum. the a's need to figure out a place to play while they're trying to move to las vegas to that new stadium kron four's. michael thomas is in the newsroom with the latest on the plans. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's right. they're trying to figure out a plan and alameda county officials tell kron four's dan kerman that today's meeting could lead to 3 more years of the a's. staying in oakland or at least until the team figures out a new stadium in las vegas. and as for the sale of the coliseum will that's still up in the air. the meeting is set to happen at 10, 30 this morning and will include oakland. mayor sheng tells chief of staff councilmember rebecca kaplan, alameda county supervisor david hubert and officials from the oakland a's. the las meeting regarding the team's lease and the sale of the coliseum is said to have went
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well. right now the team is considering signing a three-year lease extension. however, the city of oakland is suggesting that in return for that extension that the team leave behind its branding and logo when it does officially leave. it also wants the team to play an active role when it comes to the mlb, bringing an expansion team to the city when it comes to the sale of the team. excuse me of the coliseum. will alameda county officials want the team to sell its half to the african american sports and entertainment group in oakland. more details are set to be discussed later today, along with incr ases in changes to the current lease agreement in regards to how much pay and the current revenue sharing currently the team's last payment of 45 million dollars for its portion of the coliseum to the county of alameda is due in april, though, the actual title may not be handed over. and that's because there's an ongoing dispute and legal battle between the county of alameda and the communities for a better environment. so as we get more information regarding today's meeting and
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how it went, a lease extension is signed or if a deal for the sale of the coliseum is made. we'll keep you updated in the newsroom. michael thomas kron 4 news. okay. thanks a lot. michael. >> 906, is the former san francisco state title 9 administrator who was in charge of investigating discrimination claims on campus is now suing the university. yes, she says that they swept multiple claims of discrimination under the rug. kron four's to investigate. we're asking her name is heather burr lays and she's filed a lawsuit against san francisco state university. she said ultimately what happened was last year. there was a
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professor on campus that without any notice started showing some of the students in the classroom, a drawing of the prophet mohammed to muslims and many in that community. just a drawing of muhammad can be viewed as offensive. she alerted the school and she's claims that the university president, well as the vice chancellor, told her that the professor was protected by academic freedom and to alter investigation. she said after that, she was placed on administrative leave and ultimately fired. she also mentions in her lawsuit that when she started the job in 2021, she realize that there are the university and what was going so she did file that lawsuit and we reached out to
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the university this morning. take a look at your screen. this is their response without specifically addressing her lawsuit. the university did tell us that like all csu campuses sf state takes seriously its responsibility to provide students and employees safe. learning and working environment. university is working to address these issues with input ultimately, this will wind its way through the court system. >> all right. thanks a lot. we'll. >> 909 is the time and happening tonight, a bay area
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law firm is hosting a town hall meeting to discuss recent flaring and chemical releases at the martinez refinery. the firm has been helping residents harmed by the chemicals. so the meeting is going to take place at 6 o'clock tonight at the martinez event center. >> its 909, in the south bay, san jose mayor matt mahan is urging support of a new city budget that prioritizes issues including homelessness and crime. his message and budget includes money for safe sleeping sites for the unhoused police recruitment. more technology for safer neighborhoods in cleaning up the city of illegal dumping in graffiti. >> there's so many things we wanted to. what we put in this budget the time when we're facing a shortfall. but the things that our community knows that we need to do to continue improving our collective quality of life. and create greater opportunity for future generations. >> the city council votes on the mayor's plan next week. and if it's approved, then the city manager will move forward
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with an operating budget. >> its 9.10, and still no date on when working to get the lights back in. the bay bridge is gorgeous. so just wondering the other day, one of those pretty lights back. >> a non-profit called the luminaid created this installation more than a decade ago. and we've got to see him for 10 years and then they took him down last march because they said the strands of lights were getting old and they were broken. they've raised 10 million dollars to replace him, but they still need another 1 million dollars to bring the lights back to life. and they're busy doing that. hoping the display can get back up and we'll see it on this fall. >> all right. well, still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news and east bay father confronts would-be thieves and then ends up dodging bullets as those opened fire on his house and car will have full story. we're going to hear from him. and still ahead from canceled policies to rising rates. the crisis in california has homeowners say it's nearly impossible. get homeowners insurance these days and san francisco city
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workers are preparing for a possible strike. we'll tell you what their demands are. and today it fortunately, just a really windy. what everything else looks great. half moon bay fairfield looking at winds 30 to 40 miles per hour right now. gusts as high as 50 miles per i've got your forecast. and before you leave the house, you need to know how your commute is going to go. we are checking that on a thursday
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>> 14 right now and we've got a live look at sfo behind snow shovel so far. so good. yesterday was a hellacious. they they are poor. but today, yeah, we should have any delays or anything because i
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don't think wind is typically a problem. the good morning down. yeah, it's might have a little turbulence once you're in the air, though. but as long as you're taking off your kid to go right? >> hey, we're looking out there at the embarcadero just take a look at that. it is a way indeed the palms, the flag there of a pier 17 just really getting pushed around in the strong winds. we have pushing from our inland areas out to the coastline, high pressure to the west, low to the east gradient in between are making these winds quite the concern today in some areas, half moon bay atlas peak look at that near 50 miles per hour. wind gusts regularly right now. well, fairfield vacaville, danville spots like pacific and san francisco, all exceptionally windy and will remain that way into tonight. and tomorrow morning before we do calm things down midday tomorrow, just in time for the weekend, we do have wind advisories through 11:00am tomorrow. the big concern here is the potential of some downed tree limbs today. minor power outages also certainly possible, too. aside from
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that, this forecast is so so nice if it wasn't for the winds. i mean, look at the coastline today that offshore wind is pushing out to the coast, which does mean temperatures get a little bit of a boost. san carlos in redwood city at 68 degrees today. san jose at 69, our warmest spot near 70 degrees. a number. we're going to see plenty of this upcoming weekend. so today is a warmer one. but cooler compared to where we're about to be. and fortunately for us, once these winds do come down tomorrow, we've got a beautiful calm and sunny weekend ahead of us last weekend of winter saint patty's weekend, all of it's great. we kick off spring on tuesday with highs back in the low 70's right now. all eyes on. thank you for that. notice we were slow along 101 as you're traveling from 37 to the tolls. get that. >> drive times around 70 minutes. just talk to chp. and they told me that there was an earlier accident in larkspur. it was only there for a little bit. they already got that cleared. so now you're seeing that residual slowdown from that earlier crash. so hopefully those drive times are going to go down from this
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view. doesn't look like it's backed up. much been a long one, a one and the north bay, you are backed up a bit. accident is not there any longer, though. the bridges look great. 12 minutes on the bay bridge meter lights still still windy morning. so definitely take your time. traveling. other highways are still seeing a lot of red. 54 min it right along 1, one. 85 to middle part selanne shut down to 37 about 34 minutes 80 crockett out towards the maze. 24, you start to build just as soon as you make it into richmond and your slow all the way into oakland and a 60 minute run 80 to 101. on your san mateo bridge. darya. james, back to you. >> time now to talk winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black and rob, good morning. i'm seeing the markets are a bit negative this morning. what are your thoughts on that? what headlines you track him? >> and still the teenagers vernacular, that kind of we had slightly hot inflation numbers. again, it's not ever going to be a straight line
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down straight line up. but it's never streamlined down. you have issues like rent takes longer to renegotiate lower people, get locked things that are little bit slower. the producer price index, which is tied into the pce number, which the fed likes was hotter than expected, but not to the point that upset us. a retail sales were. i'm good on a month-to-month basis, january or february, but not great. slowing economy. soft landing still out there. the fed meets next week with a lower interest rates. no, well, they raise interest rates. we're looking probably june. if the lower interest rates is the next catalyst for the summer pivot as we're calling it, that's the you know that's what's happening today. okay. great. nothing. bad. nothing bad, ok, goodwill. you mentioned retail sales. i saw that little bit about the guess they got it. >> a new day in addition to prime days of what's this, i like buying stuff on sale. and
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basically they're there just to keep inventing they've got prime pet day. >> which is a 48 hour sale in the fall. they've prime just what it called a prime day in the summer in july. and now they've got the big spring the 26. this includes things like black friday pricing on things that we might need in the summer. but they're going to probably be discounting the winter stop the most trying to clear inventory for retailers. good time to do it. macy's does it. i like sales and like sales. we all like sales. you should never pay full price because there's a sale always around the corner. got enough. all right. >> okay. now let's talk about space x because as many of us who follow spacex knows this morning, they had a big launch of there. super heavy. the starship rocket. and i guess this one, this 3rd attempt made it farther than any of the past 2 before they hit a couple milestones. >> you got me excited about space x and i thought i left
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behind my childhood, but i haven't obviously elon musk's own company. 3rd test is the bout so far went up for an hour left at 06:25am. this morning. you can watch it all on the internet. you can do watched on youtube now they did things like open in their test, everything went well, even though it's been blown up over the indian ocean, everything went well. this is called the starship. it's 397 feet tall, which is bigger than take one football field had 30 more yards to states. pretty crazy. how big this thing is. it's huge. it's going to take bigger payloads to space could take more people to space. it's critical for nasa to get to the moon that this test continues improve as it has. no people were on this flight of note. this in probably one of the biggest ipos, sometimes the next maybe 6 months to 24 and it will make you on even a richer man, so to speak. it's going to be credible because
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once they can start sending up bigger things into orbit, i have to imagine. >> private companies are going to want to hire it like they do. the falcon 9 rocket now to take smaller satellites to space. you can see this thing hauling up, you know, big chunks of what could be bigger space station's up there. bigger space station's bigger satellites. time you get the idea eventually. >> more people so can go to another planet. mars is eventually become probably in my lifetime, which you know that we find be looking forward to that pretty mind blowing, ok, >> lastly ball and on this light note this morning, new data out says what more than a 3rd of americans say they'd rather pay to raise a pat then to raise a child. >> and the numbers are really for babies going to cost about $2504,000 a year comes out to about $48,000 over the first 18 it's higher than that. $45,000. it's $2500 for 10 years of a dog. you get the
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idea. human babies easily, $70,000 a year. so after 3 or 4 a dog's a better >> in your dog's not going have to go to but what's fasting this is young people. they're starting to choose pets. 38 1% like you said over they say kids are expensive. dogs are easy or 80% of the people who are between 18 and 40 say dogs are easier. and i agree with that. i've got a high need dog stuff to go on a two-week vacation. but younger people are also saying 60% of them are choosing where to live from east on dog. 90% say they're choosing their careeri based on their dog. really on 80% are choosing romance. if you don't like her dog, she's not going to like it is it that keep or it support the price in their lifetime.
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>> i don't know the way i see it, though. i'm investing in my retirement with my kids. i'm hoping they'll be there to help care for me when get to that point because all out, let my dog for sure. this story is not about you and me, people, 18 to 40 it in or not making future taxpayers. so your children may be able to take care of you, but social security may not be able interesting to think about, rob, thank you as always in on this thursday will say good bite for the rest of this week. we'll chat with him again monday morning. and there are his a contact information on your screen. so if you want to get a hold of them, pitch him a story idea. look, get getting some advice on a company or whatever you need. let him know. reach out to him on social media
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>> its 9 25 2 people were arrested for stealing more than 16. sorry, more than $6,000 worth of merchandise from an ulta beauty. and brent would this happened on monday afternoon at the brentwood plaza. police arrested the 2 people you see here, oakland resident andrea glasgow and pittsburgh resident tara townsend in hercules. they say they admitted to selling the stolen merchandise oakland and san francisco. they say there were warrants out as well and a fellow be pro felony probation for one of them, too. >> well, police in redwood city of arrested a 17 year-old high school student after police say he brought a gun to campus. investigators say this was the gun found on the teenager's waste bound or waistband after he tried to run away from police at the school on tuesday. police say
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they also found ammunition at his east palo alto home. the teen has since been booked on multiple felony charges. over willow. glen high school in san jose students there had to shelter in place yesterday afternoon over reports of a student bringing a weapon on the campus. police say the student was found with a bb gun. luckily nobody was hurt. >> its 09:26am. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. a theater in the south bay doesn't have much time left before opening night of their big new we heard they don't have all of their stuff that was stolen. we're going have the very latest.
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>> enjoy 9 right now and we're weather for you and the winds have described out the skies. it's ok, you're out there is going to hold on to the have throughout the day today, john. yeah, i i'm not even bother with that today. it will be we're looking at lots of sunshine, but a really strong winds in the midst of it. so that is the one catch to an otherwise really good forecast for the day. >> what we're looking at outside from mount tam a bit of a wobbly camera there, mount tam as well as some of our upper elevations seeing our strongest winds. in fact, a high wind warning in the sierra nevada with peak wind gusts up that way at 90 miles per hour. bay area comparatively 45 to 50 miles per hour. winds here locally areas in 10 on the map like the north bay inland east bay and the santa cruz mountains under wind watches through tomorrow at 11:00am right now at peak winds around 50 miles per hour. vacaville, half moon bay, danville, also exceptionally windy, too, and remaining that windy all day long today. today is unfortunately the day, the
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forecast that you might just want to keep it indoors a little bit more and then enjoy a calmer warmer and still very sunny weekend. temperatures in the upper 50's right now later today will be in the upper 60's picture. perfect if not for the wind rain. all right, john, thank you for that. delays along the golden gate bridge. we had an earlier accident in larkspur. that's now clear drive times around. 52 minutes. if you are going to be traveling this morning. >> our other bridges were great. 12 minutes on the bay bridge meter lights are still on. and as you can see, a lot of a bridge is still a little shaky state. your time if you're traveling 13 minute, run 80 to 101, on the san mateo bridge, richard somerville bridge around 19 minutes. not tracking any major accidents. there is. back to you. thanks. a lot of rain. a 9.30, in a san jose theater company is trying to recover because thieves struck a week before their opening night. yeah. now, unfortunately, this isn't the first time the theater's been broken into have proper. sara stinson to explain. >> we spoke with the production manager here at city lights, theater company.
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he says they've been broken into multiple times since he started working here over a decade ago, costing hundreds of dollars each time. the latest happening on sunday security footage shows 2 people walking up to city lights, theater company in san jose sunday morning. >> just before the alarm goes off, it's very frustrating. it's a it's a violation run. guess pernetti is a production manager at the nonprofit theater company on south second street. he says police responded quickly but not before thieves took off with items. they took props from the some iphones and ipads are props in the show. >> they took some personal belongings the actors had left in our dressing rooms. it hurts because we have to replace that stuff. gas pernetti says the theater has experienced far too many burglaries over the years. i've worked here for 12 years. >> i would say a good 6, 7 times we've been broken into
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it's time it's a significant amount of money to do repairs to the damage caused by a by a forced entry. all the while the theater's preparing for opening night of the play. king. liz, starting next week, the theater company puts on 6 shows a year in the 100 seat venue. but every break in becomes a setback for theater. still recovering from the pandemic was 4 years ago today, actually that we were shut down >> when the pandemic started and we're still trying to recover from that. and you know just trying to stay above water with that. and then that something like this happen where needless waste of money, it hurts gas. panetta says the show must go on. in fact, they have that show coming up on march. 21st there still replacing items before that. the best way you can support them, they say is to come to one of their shows here. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san jose. back to you. >> well, santa homeowner says he's lucky to be alive after
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trying to stop people from stealing his car. so tempted. car theft happened early monday morning. joey hawker, the father and homeowner says he tried confronting the thieves, but they immediately started shooting at him. and as he scrambled for cover, he slipped on his front door steps and fell. he says that may have saved his life because that's where the front of his home was riddled with bullets. those bullets not only hit his house and cars, but they also came dangerously close to hitting his wife and 2 daughters. >> here's the bullet holes. >> right where i was standing. there's bullet holes here and the first one hit right at my head level after they missed me. they unleashed havoc on my car. my house, the front window. >> my >> and it was just complete chaos >> well, a gofundme page has been set up to help the hawker family repair and recover. you can find a link to that on our website at kron 4 dot com. meanwhile, police have arrested 2 people they believe are connected to several bay area bank robberies that stretch from san jose to
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modesto police arrested brandon lopez and his alleged getaway driver tamara bush yesterday in antioch. police say lopez would hand tellers a handwritten note that read, quote, i need all the money in both your drawers. be quick. no games. san jose police say they launched the investigation after a bank robbery on west capitol expressway last month. >> its 9.34 and some developing news. the fight over berkeley's people's park has a date now with the california supreme court over their plans. that cow wants to build student housing on the historic site. construction was stopped before it can start because of protests and legal battles from neighbors, homeless advocates and environmentalists. and since then, the the school has actually blocked off access to the park was shipping containers. the state's highest court announced this week. the justices will hear arguments in la on april 3rd, more than a year after a lower court ruled the project's environmental impact report was inadequate. a woman was
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robbed at gunpoint right in front of her home in alamo. it happened at 02:30pm in the afternoon on tuesday on biltmore drive. the woman was getting out of her car when 2 people with guns stole her stuff and then they put out the apb looking for this vehicle that was involved. there was a brief chase on highway 24 lafayette towards oakland. but the suspects got away. a rideshare drivers facing hate crime charge for punching a rider in the face. according to the indictment, the driver was called the sfo to pick up a passenger. and when he got various the passenger, if he was jewish or israeli and ended up punching that passenger in the face. the driver now faces up to 10 years in prison if he's convicted. >> stop the stops, stop the stops. stop the stops. >> well, dozens of people gathered outside the state
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capitol urging support of a bill called the smart act. the legislation aims to make it illegal for police officers to pull drivers and bicyclists over simply for faulty tail light or improper. positioning of the license plate or in some cases. the police have an issue with the car's bumper backers of the bill say it will protect people of color, pointing to data showing the black californians make up only 5% of the population and yet account for nearly 13% of all traffic stops. well, here you see the thousands of employees in san francisco that they are calling on the city to fix what they say is an urgent staffing crisis. employees represented by several local unions. labor unions gathered last night at the event. it was called a strike school where union representatives say they are gathering there to make sure members know their rights and are prepared for a possible strike. they say the city's
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negligence has resulted in more than 2700 vacant positions that have to be filled. >> me myself, it took 600 calendar days actually get hired and promoted their to civil service process. and so the city needs to fix to hide process. they need to staff up and they need to stop sending money. 2 outside contracts and on city workers. >> now the strike school is just one step towards a possible walkout. now, this point, we don't know when that strike might happen. what we do know is that a majority of union contracts are set to expire in june. >> its 9.37. and it's hard to file haven't already. a lot of insurers is pumped, pulled out of california in recent years and seeing that happen more and more and a lot of homeowners. now we're stuck in a lurch wondering how >> they're going to protect themselves in the event of let's say a fire. and this is a story that state lawmakers say they need to address. they want to fix the problem. now, 8 on wallace has more. >> it is a crisis you need to.
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we need to act on it now. some one member joe patterson appealing for immediate action to address the state's ongoing homeowners insurance crisis. in the last year and a half 7 of the 12 major home insurance companies in california, including allstate, state farm and farmers insurance have either limited their business within the state or in some cases stop selling new policies altogether for homeowners living in some of california's most fire prone areas. that resulted in some californians struggling to find any coverage at all in my district in el dorado and placer counties. this is a crisis. we get calls on it every single day. we need to do something immediately on insurance for their part. insurance companies have said they have no other choice but to pause or stop selling policies out of concerns. they could face huge losses. should a major disaster like a wildfire destroyed homes and at-risk communities. and as for patterson. >> it just got personal last week, unfortunately, informed that my carriers california.
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that's right. he's one of the california to isn't sure he's leaving. he made the announcement at this assembly insurance committee hearing focused on the fair plan. >> it is a state-backed last resort. home insurance plan for california to have either been let go by insurance provider or of simply not been able to obtain coverage in the private insurance market. as more insurance companies leave, the state data from the state chose between 2019 2023, the number of californians covered by a fair plan. insurance policy, more than doubled. >> lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and knowledge. fair plan. premiums are often much pricier than those provided by private insurance companies all the more. so why they say it's vital private insurance stays in california, homeowners and businesses need to have more insurance choices. >> and should hopefully be returning admit market. it all comes after insurance. commissioner ricardo, lara last year announced a new strategy to keep insurance companies in the golden state. all part of a deal that will allow them to consider future environmental risks and climate change impacts when
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setting their prices. there's a huge sense of urgency. but patterson believes immediate change must come to regulation reform. if not, he worries californian's like him could face tough road ahead. i feel like you need more voices like myself that are actually feeling the pain. >> this insurance crisis for this building to at the state capitol. a tonn wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> its 9.40, and today is the start of oakland restaurant week. i don't know if you know about it, but a lot of people do because this has become a pretty famous time of year when restaurants, there are 150 per to sing this year. they have special deals on lunch and dinner. special items on the menu. oakland restaurant week runs from now until march 24th. so get out and enjoy 9.41. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, bart is getting some recognition from the white house will tell you why. and after the break, the warriors
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trying to beat the mavericks on the road where they able to. we'll have the highlights. >> and the biggest concern today is the winds. otherwise a picture perfect day, but winds gusting 30, 40, even 50 miles per hour. i've got your forecast and keeping a close eye on your morning commute with that. if you slow spots here and there, but things are here and there, but things are starting to clear up. we'
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>> and we are back at 9.44, the powerball continues to get bigger. nobody won last night's drawing. so that estimated jackpot of 559 doubt million dollars has now grown to 600 million. >> for you, james, more for you. it's going to happen one of these days. maybe next drawing is on saturday. good luck to you saturday, ok? so if you win, you won't be here on monday. got it. okay. you know. >> in the we've got to go to work and get through the weekend to do that today. and that's about all that. but at least it's dry. john, good morning. hold on to the tickets tight, you know, when how it away from here he is. will split but i doubt we are looking out there. look at this. i mean, it is windy, not stop. and you on the bikes out there, the embarcadero, i just hope you're holding on to your hats today and your tickets. we are seeing very breezy conditions, not just in our upper elevations, but all the way down to the bay shore. >> high pressure ridge to the
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west low to the east, strong grade-a in between really firing up this northeasterly wind atlas peak 50 miles per hour. wind gusts regularly right now, half moon bay up through san francisco, danville, up through vacaville, all exceptionally windy this morning and staying windy through the afternoon into early tomorrow. we're under high wind advisories through tomorrow at 11:00am before we come down into the weekend, biggest risks here. chance of some downed trees, downed tree limbs and also the chance of some minor power outages. as we do see some of that occurring. so just take a little bit slower is you're getting across the bridges and mountain passes, especially as those winds are going to be with an especially strong in those areas mid to upper 60's, regardless of where you're at, whether it's the coast bayshore inland. we're on the same boat. these dry offshore winds push. some of that more mild, less ocean influenced air out towards the coastline. so it is going to be a dry and crystal clear day at the shore, oakland, you'll be at 68 degrees today. sonoma at
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66. well, center fell at 67. a look ahead. tomorrow starts trend of 70's for final days of winter and through saint patrick's day, spring starts on tuesday. right now, all eyes on for that looks like we have a barber trained service is actually stop between castro valley in west dublin, pleasanton. >> they got some pg e power issues there doesn't look like it's affecting the rest of the tract. just in that area. so again, between castro valley in west dublin, pleasanton, no train service because of pg and e issues there that are out factor that in a bridge is looking good. 30 minute ride traveling into the city right now. still a windy day. so i would certainly take my time of them traveling falling down to under 14 on the san mateo bridge. we've got about 30. we had several accidents there throughout the morning. 51 run in the south bay along 1, 0, one. 85 to menlo park. maybe you're taking 8.80, atlanta down to 2. 37 still at 40 minutes, 5, 80, 80 travel to oakland starting to improve 5.80, looking much better if you want to decide between the
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2 to take along 80 crockett out towards the maze, 19 minute you start to build just as soon as you make it into berkeley. the highway for still at 30 minutes, antioch, into conquered. all right. james, back to you. thanks. a lot it is 9.47. and bar is getting some recognition from the white house. the biden administration >> has named bart as one of several agencies taking part in the challenge to save lives from overdoses. bart says since 2019, its staff has saved more than 400 lives using now or can in the north bay. 2 people died in a car crash that happened in santa rosa tuesday night on river road. there was an suv that crashed overturn and ended up in a tree. both of the passengers in the car died. police say there were no witnesses to the crash trials show. so trying to figure out what happened. >> well, new details now regarding that alaska airlines door plug investigation. the ntsb is now claiming that boeing is complicating their
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ability to gather key information. the agency says boeing recorded over the surveillance footage from the repair facility where the door plug was reinstalled before then blew off that mid-flight in january. it's not yet known which employees work on that field part since the ntsb says boeing has been on able apparently to find the records documenting the work. boeing issued a statement saying it will continue to support the investigation in a, quote, transparent and proactive fashion. >> time now is i'm 48 and the warriors were trying to keep the momentum going on the road, taking on the mavericks and down fortunately they came away with a loss kron. 4 sports director jason dumas walks us through it. >> the warriors are on the stretch run of their season. they desperately want to get out of the play-in round. but the injury bug has decided to bite them not ideal. they took on the mavs on wednesday night without steph curry or draymond green. hopefully both
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dray and staff will be available on saturday in los angeles. but in the meantime, 2nd quarter warriors down by floor. >> andrew wiggins, by that cutting jonathan kuminga for the layup coming to lead the way with 27 points to 2 point game 3rd quarter warriors down wiggins. step back and lucas andrew at 17 points. warriors hanging in there later in the 3rd mavericks up by 4. look at with its patented stepback 3. you know, it's coming and he still drills it. 21 in 9 for luka now. a couple minutes later, 5 point mavs lead coming turn the ball over kyrie irving going the other way. it's going to go up top to derek lively. lively's a really good rookie 12 8 for him. 4th quarter mavericks up 12 kyree delivered the backbreaker on leicester and one. give me all 3 of those. 23, 8 in 10 for kyree warriors
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fall 1, 0, 9, 99. they had to sow cow to take on the lakers on saturday already. that's your look at sports. >> but wait, there's more. how about the raiders? the vegas raiders are releasing quarterback jimmy garoppolo jimmy g. >> join the raiders in 2023 as you know after he left the forty-niners in free agency and the raiders benched him midway through last season and now he's going to be suspended for the first 2 games of this upcoming season for violating the league's policy on performance enhancing drugs. luckily, he's got a pretty what he'll in the north bay. some of the country's most elite pilots can be seen. if you just look up. >> you'll hear the roar of the wings over solano. it's an air show at travis air force base this weekend saturday and sunday only happens twice story once every 2 years. >> and they've got here that they got the blue angels. >> the f 22 demo team and the like a dozen other aerial
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acts. so check it out is free. >> saturday sunday, bibi there. all right. in other headlines this morning, the back of the police department celebrated the dedication and a caution accomplishment of one of its officers with a high speed flight with the blue angels. check it out. youth service sector officers. you services section officer sean kelly co pilot of that f a 18 super hornet with a tenant. connor o'donnell in the pilot's seat. they got almost to the speed of sound, which is pretty comfortable as zipped over the skies of solano county. the department mention that officer kelly does amazing work for the community and that he deserved the honor o'donnell, by the way, to kelly on a sightseeing flight filled with a number of 7 g polls and inverted flights as well. so look like and a lot of 9.52. right now. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news to kids in the east bay. >> are helping to create these cool costumes that you'll see in the latest spiderman video game. we'll tell you what
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happens if you buy and how it helps them. plus, we've got a reminder that we're continuing to honor remarkable women around the bay right here on channel 4 and on our website at kron 4 dot com scan this qr code. >> it will take you right to the spot where you can see all of the remarkable women that we have met so far.
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>> and we're back at 9.55. for your health this morning. a study found that plunging into cold water to better. your health actually may not be as good for you as you thought. researchers at the university of warwick in the uk reviewed
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previous studies on cold water therapy. these cold water plunges a surge in popularity in recent months. but researchers say the data on the health benefits is now. there's not much of it. previous studies have cited a reduction of stress boosting the immune system and improve sleep in energy. but the study says cold water immersion is not advisable for people with certain medical conditions like asthma or high blood pressure or any form of heart disease or if you don't like cold water flies if you're not into that. >> 9.55. right now. coming up next on the capital morning news. the a's are still trying to work out where they're going to play between now and when they want to be playing their nucala a callous in their field that's being built in las vegas. we'll see if they're going to hang around oakland and for how long and a former title 9 administrator for san francisco state. he's first to protect from discrimination is now suing the university claiming discrimination. and a postal worker is robbed at gunpoint
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in oakland. we've got vo and talk more about the problem.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news investigators are looking for the man who robbed a postal worker gunpoint while they were making deliveries in oakland. a former title 9 administrator now suing san francisco state university, accusing them of covering up cases of discrimination and harassment. and the oakland a's continue talks with alameda county about extending their lease at the coliseum is they're still trying to find a place to play before moving to las vegas.
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>> from the local news station, you're watching >> on morning team. >> morning and thanks for waking up with us. you're going to notice just a little when nothing else. plenty of sunshine. it's going to be a great thursday. i'm darya and i'm james. fact, let's start. they are with a check of that weather outlook for this thursday. john, good morning. and good morning to you. we are definitely looking at a windy one today. in fact, the windiest one of this forecast today, we've already seen gusts higher than 50 miles per hour, especially in our north bay mountains, on our bridges out to the delta. we're looking out there at your view from mount tam right here, which is just a wobble in around that camera is with those strong winds. the sierra nevada will have strongest winds today. high wind warning up there and gusts as high as 90 miles per hour. well, wind advisories in that peach color for the north bay inland east bay and the santa cruz mountains all the way through 11:00am tomorrow where winds right now atlas peak 50 miles per hour. regular gusts, vacaville, half moon bay as well as


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