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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  March 15, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news. pothole repair on a major east bay highways going to force drivers to find another way around. we'll tell you when and where san francisco is installing 33 new cameras to slow traffic and prevent accidents. we're live with details on that. and the oakland roots and sold soccer clubs are meeting with alameda county to see if they can play at the coliseum. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> happy friday and happy saint patrick's day ahead of time help it. it's a lucky day for you live, dari and i'm james. we've got john with our lucky forecast. couldn't ask for better weather. here to start the hour down. i know we're all lucky this weekend to not just 7 of us from the coast, our inland areas. we
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are looking at a gorgeous one getting up to the syrian. you're also good to go heading up that direction. you can see outside a half moon bay this morning. not a cloud in the sky. crystal clear and believe it or not, half moon bay in the low 60's right now for your temperatures. we're off to a very mild start. we still do have high wind warnings in the sierra and some high wind advisories in or upper elevations here in the bay. they are right on the tail end, though, expiring this morning at 11:00am winds gradually coming down through the day today. winds right now around 20 to 30 miles per hour. peak winds today around 45 miles per hour. i know that's still a lot, but we are calming down as compared to yesterday by the drive home from work tonight, we're looking at much calmer conditions. temperatures, as i mentioned in half moon bay, but also in hayward, alameda as seth in santa rosa, all hanging out in the low 60's right now, hardly even need a jacket in a few spots later today. no jackets needed for sure. as we look at los 7 tease for peak temperatures right now. all right, john, thank you for that. will you great time on this friday
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morning, especially on a ridge not seen any accidents, hazards or delays. >> 14 minute ride traveling into the city this morning. no traffic building at the toll plaza. there. san mateo bridge just sort of 16, 80 to 101. still nice line along 8.80, hop onto that bridge. and 1, one happened off 13 minutes. richmond center fell bridge golden gate bridge just short of 21 minutes. the highways look good that we have a downed tree. this is eastbound 5.80, widen 98th avenue. you could take 8.80 to navigate and get around that door. it is back to you. thank you. reyna 71. and tonight the interstate paving project that was supposed to happen months ago. it's happening. >> today in pleasanton, a finally a portion of southbound 6 ad set to be closed until monday morning at kron 4, sarah stinson. >> tells us what we need to know. >> caltrans is closing a nine-mile stretch of southbound 6.80, this weekend to repave the road. this project was set to start in january, but it got delayed again and again because of the rain. it's set to begin this
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weekend, starting friday night at 9 and ending monday morning at 4. on 6.80, in pleasanton signs warning drivers of a major disruption this weekend. caltrans is shutting down a nine-mile stretch of the interstate. >> to replace worn out lanes. the goal is to fix pesky potholes. janice morrow with caltrans district 4 says the closure will be a short-term inconvenience that comes with a long-term fix for will smooth years and to 6.80, will be closed between al costa boulevard in san ramon all the way south to state route 84 in seminole northbound 6.80, will remain open. morris says getting it done in one weekend will allow them to reduce the number of nightly closures needed and in turn allows caltrans to finish the project sooner moving the project that >> so the done in this area. >> this spring, here are some alternative routes. you can
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take your coming in from saint tracing from that area. >> who can take west crown the on southbound for ocean road. months from from 6 ad coming concord places. but we're even get on state road. >> 4. >> what's brown? the indeed. >> there is an exception to this closure and it's good news for those celebrating saint patrick's day in dublin, entrance to >> need finding will be open. >> this is just one phase of the project. caltrans will have another closure when they begin the north end. and that should happen in the next 2 months. we put information about this closure on our website. kron 4 dot com. i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. back to you. >> it's 704. and today, 3 people accused of shooting and killing a 5 year-old girl last year in fremont are going to be back in court. aliana
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christmas tomo was riding in her family's car when she was shot and killed. and it was the day before easter of last year. police believe that gang members are responsible and 3 people were arrested in santa cruz when officers spotted their vehicle. the da pam price as the family's car was mistaken for a rival gang car, they're going to be in court at 9 o'clock this morning. the man accused of killing cash app founder bob lee is set to appear in court this morning. the momo many was arrested for the april 4th fatal stabbing of lee. his lawyers have requested a venue change saying that lee is too well known in san francisco may need to get a fair trial. the defense attorneys have requested more time to make their case for that change of venue. the court action there should start at 9 o'clock this morning. >> alameda county election officials say they will have to manually count the signatures submitted in that petition to recall district attorney pamela price. the
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county registrar of voters says the results from a random sampling of the signatures submitted last week weren't sufficient to determine whether the signature threshold was met. the recall effort requires about 73,000 signatures to qualify. organizers say they were actually able to collect 123,000 signatures. we'll see what the result of the manual count shows. it's another devastating blow for a nonprofit in east oakland. you know, the driver ended up crashing a car into their building. >> and we want to show you the damage that was done to the front of that building. this is where homies empowerment is located. they provide food and clothing to those in need and the fire broke out yesterday morning. it's the second time that this place has been hit by a driver that lost control of their vehicle. the first time was in 2022. one of the charities organizers says they're asking for some help from the city. now. >> it just beneath that heartbreaking that here we are both the 2 years. we're at
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this again. kind of upsetting because we have reached out to the city. we have reached out to see if we can get some type of barriers in the front of the facility. yet nothing has done. >> will the organization says the driver who crashed into the building took off from the scene. the damage is likely to cost thousands of dollars to fix. >> it's 706, on the peninsula. group of cyclists want san mateo county to do more to make the streets safe after a cyclist was struck and the vehicle took off. chp says what happened was at the intersection of road in ascension drive where this cyclist suffered a serious back injury after she was hit by a car. it was a gray or silver minivan with damage on the right front corner. if you find took off the cyclists friends gathered at the intersection where she was hit. >> problem with this intersection is that cars come down the street at a high rate of speed and given the gentle nature of this curve, it basically encourages drivers
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to go quickly not to stop at the intersection and basically take this as quick as a highway. on-ramp without stopping. so they're saying because they can see how it happened and they don't want it to happen again. >> as for that cyclists, she is recovering at home. >> well, san francisco officials now have announced that there will be they will be installing about 33 new speed cameras across the where are they going to put him? and will we know? let's take a look at that with kron four's will tran live in san francisco. can you tell us? >> well, with the cameras, they don't have to pull you over. they won't have to have police officers station because the cameras, they never blink and they're always ready to roll. this is one of the locations. this is at battery and embarcadero. 33 altogether, the goal is to get people to slow down. so according to studies, the faster you go and when you speak, goes up, the chances of
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surviving go down as far as you hitting somebody, especially a pedestrian. so this is being spearheaded by governor gavin newsom. he is the one who's providing the money to many cities in california. 3 specifically in the bay area, oakland, san jose and san francisco. and even before they get their hands on the cameras. >> they already have the locations. they picked out some of the busiest areas within san francisco to install the cameras. and the hope is early next year. take a look at your screen now. we have picked out 5 of the 33. so we want to give you a little sample of the locations that the cameras will be going into. tva and goff then yes to polk street, danvers to douglas street. that's on market. how to stockton street and bryant to harrison street. here's how it works. once installed and there's no hard date to have early next year. once stalled. >> early on, maybe the first
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month or so. you will get a warning because they don't think that you are aware of it. after that, there's no more warning and depending on how fast you go, it could be as high as $200 each time. give you 200 reasons to slow down. >> back to wow. and it's nice that they're telling us where they are. they going to do that for all the cameras just precautionary. so like where forewarned slowdown? i well, could hear me. i don't think, you know. all right. thank you. will. i will finance. it's good to know, because then you'll go slow, you know. all right. in the east bay, oakland is about to get a little greener. the town is one of 25 u.s. cities that will be participating in the bloomberg american sustainable cities initiative. >> the three-year program is designed implement solutions to build low-carbon, resilient and economically thriving communities. city officials say open was chosen based on the city's leadership and ambition in building resilient
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and equitable communities. oakland will be getting 3 dedicated staff members to oversee the program. more breaking news now. the judge in the georgia election interference case against former president donald trump has just ruled that the fulton county district attorney can remain on the case. that was in question for a while. but the judge says that that can only happen if she removes the special prosecutor that she turns out had a romantic relationship with before the case can move forward. da fani willis and the special prosecutor, nathan wade testified at a hearing last month that they did indeed have a relationship, but they denied that willis benefited from it. the fulton county superior court judge said he found the allegations and the evidence against them insufficient to support that there was any sort of conflict of interest. but he said that there was an appearance of impropriety and that needs to be fixed. time now, 7.11 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. >> residents and business owners in san francisco's tenderloin are teaming up for a lawsuit.
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>> demanding safe and clean streets. plus, a new plan on how california can overcome a budget deficit that is way bigger. then the governor ever thought. but what will they do to make up that money? and after the break, lawmakers looking at how to shorten the workweek, but you'd still get paid the right. it is a holiday weekend. so maybe you've got a short work week this week. if you're heading out to dublin, california, for the saint patrick's festivities, expect some 70's for it. >> it's going to be gorgeous out there. i got your forecast them before you leave the house this morning to know how you morning commute is going you morning commute is going
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>> some 14 while john micek in dublin, california. the forecast we checked dublin, ireland. yes, just to see the different so much nicer here where we've got 20 degrees on yeah. like sunshine, 70's their 50's. a great that's better dublin to be an exactly like dublin, california. at least this weekend anyways. it's going to be the place to be san francisco. you've got your saint patrick's day festival saturday in the weather is going to be just as good as it will be on sunday. we are looking clear skies all across the bay. but look at what we've got to our south. we're gonna flip flopping the norm with southern california. they're looking at some rain and even mountain snow above san diego this morning. it's all having to do with that low pressure area that actually resulted in our last rainfall that has worked its way back into the picture for southern california. neighbors. and it is also resulted in our windy conditions back here at home. even though winds are definitely a declining today by the tail end of the day, we're actually pretty done with them. still a breezy
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start to this morning as we move into the weekend, it stays calm tomorrow and sunday in particular. beautiful days to get out there. really no catch to your weekend forecast. temperatures today will be anywhere from the upper 60's to low 70's burlingame at 71 degrees today, foster city at 72 warmest spots or santa clara and san jose. each at 74 for your daytime highs. fremont union city, oakland as well as richmond. all at 72 for your highs and north bay. temperatures also reaching the low 70's for the most part. so just a really enjoyable forecast as we make our way, not just through today, but through the upcoming weekend tomorrow and sunday hitting the low 70's under nothing. but the sun tuesday's your first day of spring, very similar, sunny, warm, very, very comfortable forecast. we do see the return of a few showers towards late thursday into early friday of next week rania. all right, john, thank you for that. we have a nice overall start, but i am tracking an accident.
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>> along south to northwest tennyson road as a traveler do. hey, right now, things are a little slow there. you might want to take mission boulevard to hop on that. get around those delays that were seen other jason highways. and you're seeing this morning. 24 6.80, no major issues. 80 is starting to pick up just a little bit. they bridge right now 14 minute ride heading into the city this morning. no accidents on our bridges. all them look good. 40 min, right? 80 to 101 south bay. 85 up to menlo park along 1, 0, 1, 31 minutes to 80 82 into 37. you're still at the limit. there. and along 80 crockett on towards the maze. just a 19 minute. you start to build soon as you hit richmond during his back to you. thanks a lot. 7.16, for your money this morning. some washington lawmakers are pushing for a >> 32 hour work week and you get the same pay. and california has 250,000 fewer higher paying jobs them thought. jane king is live at nasdaq with those stories and more. hi jane height. all
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right. good morning. so we have help from his high-paying industries created far fewer jobs previously thought. these are positions in professional services, finance information. >> the state's legislative analyst's office says the state added only 50,000 jobs overall in the 12 months through september of last year. so that was a big contrast to the 300,000 jobs originally thought to created. overall, the pace of job growth in california was lowered to 3 tenths of a percent over those 12 months. from 1.7%. well, senate democrats call for congress to pass a bill mandating a 32 hour work week. the bill would lower the maximum hours required for overtime compensation and it would protect workers from salary cuts ai and automation. they say make jobs just as productive in fewer hours. amazon is rolling out of spring sale for everybody, not just prime users. the point of the sales to save on seasonal items and warm weather essentials like outdoor furniture workout gear. all customers can shop the sale. there are some exclusive deals
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for prime users. it's a 6 day event starting march 20th. and finally with the ncaa tournament selection this weekend, basketball fans will spent more than a full day. 36 hours consumed by basketball during march madness. this is connected by onepoll on behalf of topeka sportsbook and it found name. it's been watching games, creating brackets and discussing the games of family and friends from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king back to ok? thank you, jane. and i like the green and take the rest the day off. now, since we're only >> i >> a good 7.18. a look at this panel of the police are looking for these 2 men. officers say they stole about $1500 worth of stuff from friedman's home improvement center. it happened about 6 o'clock wednesday night. the suspect left 10 minutes before police arrive. so if you have any information about who these people are, anything that would help investigators give petaluma police a call. in the south bay man suspected of robbing a bank in campbell
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and capitola is now in custody. capitol police say that they arrested travis sanchez on tuesday about a week after those robberies. sanchez is in the santa cruz county jail right now being held without bail. it's 7.19, and police in rohnert park are warning that they have seen an increase in vehicle thefts involving chevy. >> they say that these are using technology to simulate the key fab to gain access to the vehicle, then just drive off with it. anybody owns a chevy camaro, they say should take extra precautions. for example, you could install a kill switch or a gps tracker might help too 7.19, and california, as you might know, is grappling with a multi-billion dollar budget deficit state lawmakers are working to address that. find some solutions. and among the proposals is a tax on some health care services daytime. well, as takes a closer look. >> dabbled in the assembly budget committee got straight to work as the state faces a multi-billion dollar budget deficit. >> a deficit, the non-partisan
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legislative analyst's office estimated 73 billion dollars much higher than governor gavin newsom's. more optimistic deficit projection at 38 billion dollars. but regardless of how large the deficit is, those on the committee say action is needed now to address these, the budget challenge is in front of us to item discussed at the meeting. >> a proposed tax increase on some california health insurers specifically managed care organizations ceos who provide services for medical the state's publicly funded health care program for people with low incomes, how it works. the state contracts with them. ceos like kaiser blue shield and blue cross to provide services for medical patients. ceos are then reimbursed by the state for their services. typically the money to reimburse those companies comes out of the state's general fund. but should the mco tax proposal be approved? the reimbursement would be matched by the federal government and raised an estimated one and a half billion dollars in revenue. the idea is to free up one and a half billion dollars in the state budget to be used
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elsewhere from a non partisan point of view, mcgeorge school of law professor chris mckay lee explains the thinking behind, particularly in the deficit year and drawdown, whatever available federal funds. there are. >> to help fund california needs. this is one of those instances where the federal government will give us a dollar-for-dollar match. supporters say the proposal is a small but important step to avert budget cuts. prevent us from having to go our health care space and cutting some programs and other services for our patients. total no-brainer to go out there and >> try down these federal funds to help support providing health care to folks here in the state of california. the newsom administration says this is not a traditional tax increase because the money ends up back in the hands of the mco adding most mco is actually support the tax increase proposal. still, republicans are skeptical the revenue raised actually go where it's supposed to go. i'm not sure that the public and myself is very, very >> us wage or i would not every confident that now that money is going to be not used
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for something else. >> and to be clear, this was strictly an informational hearing. the mco taxes formally set to come up for a vote later this month. reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron, 4 news. thank john. 7.22. is the time. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news that jackpots getting bigger, especially for the mega-millions know winning numbers matched the last numbers matched the last drawing. so the cash prize now .
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dollar deficit. they say that higher costs and a decline in enrollment are factors. and the schools have not yet returned to pre-pandemic enrollment levels. school officials say they're going have to make some tough decisions. >> forget about me to mold is apparently all the rage. has that sound. researchers at uc berkeley say that they have discovered something that could really work a burger and non meat burger. it's called koji mold and it could be the next big alternative to meat. >> it's already used in asian east asian. they ferment starches in psaki and soy sauce and miso with this. the research team says they made some alterations to the molds genome. >> and that caused the mold. >> to taste really maybe. >> and have more heart healthy accidents. so it tastes great. it sounds so they need to
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rename it before they serve a 2 on a plate with a bun. when that's all i'm going put the call out for taste testers to ready for who old know, put your name on the here's another mega millions drawing tonight, by the way, with the jackpot. now up their 792 million dollars. >> nobody has won the tickets so far the matching number. so tonight's drawing is all for you. if you win, if you get the lump sum, that's 380 million dollars. cold would not share. are you staring all for you and your serious that give you a $1.2 $1 because it t kes $2 to played against all the same so much. there's also the powerball, too. don't forget. so if you don't win the mega, don't worry because the very next night tomorrow night they're going to have the powerball drawing. and that jackpot now is estimated to 600 billion dollars what other was. okay. what are the odds better for? i would just not about the same. they are. like nothing like that. one in. >> nothing. 7.20 right coming up next, we're just talking burger. but this famous
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barbecue called horn bbq in oakland. they're shutting this down. we're going to tell you about the owners next move. >> good morning, everyone. coming up, i've got details on the future for the oakland coliseum. in what sport
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. [alarm rings] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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[alarm rings] ♪♪ ♪♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. >> 7.29 right now and it is going to be a spectacular day that beautiful starting with the golden gate bridge bathed in sunlight on this friday morning. john, gorgeous start and a lot of sunshine already were in the 60's out along the coastline and a lot of spots, which is just a really warm way to start. what's about to
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be a very pleasant start to this weekend looking outside happen bay this morning. you're at 61 degrees right now. and with a view like this, what a morning to be out by the ocean. very rare that you can watch the sunrise and half moon bay without a check it hardly even need it. looking up at the sierra, we still do have a high wind warning, but it is soon to expire. and we still do have a few high wind advisories here in the bay area, mostly just in our upper elevations. we're at the very tail end of this wind event coming down today will still up 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts. but by the time you're driving home from work pretty much done with those strong gusting winds. that's going to set us up for a calm, clear and mild weekend ahead, 50's to 60's for a current temps. alameda, you're at 61 right now has set at 62 santa rosa. also at 61 later on today. we will be in the low 70's for all whole lot of us. i have your full roundup of the forecast as we go break. all right, john, thank you for traffic overall looks great, but things are starting to build just a bit at the bay
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bridge think were under 13 minutes. last time i checked an hour, 18 minutes. >> so looks like the meter lights are on. the were slowing down just a bit. don't see any accidents on the bay bridge, though 40 min. renee do want to san mateo bridge. richmond center fell bridge around 13 looks low but not bad golden gate bridge. 23 minute ride. 37 to the tolls. and hey, work south on 8.80, northwest tennyson road. an accident there, mission boulevard, another option for you. but overall, your highways looking good darya. james, back to you. 7.31. and the coliseum going to be front and center today in oakland as maybe it will be the home to some football. forget baseball. and i yeah. we've got the roots in the south soccer teams working on agreements to use that facility and kron four's. michael thomas is in the newsroom following it all, michael. yeah, good morning, everyone. that's right. soccer. that's a topic and there's been a lot of meetings this week regarding the future of the oakland coliseum. >> from the age trying to extend its lease to now the discussion of the oakland roots finalizing an agreement to hopefully play there next
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year. >> now this meeting is set for 9 o'clock this morning. and essentially it's going to be to authorize officials from the oakland alameda county coliseum authority and the oakland pro soccer to negotiate some type of a licensing agreement with the oakland roots and the souls sports club to play at the coliseum during its 2025. to 2026 soccer season. this is something that's been a topic of discussion for the last year. so today it may become a reality with an agreement. this comes just one day after oakland, alameda county officials met with the oakland a's to discuss the baseball team signing a lease extension for the next 3 years for the coliseum until its new stadium is built in vegas. the team says right now the meeting went well this week. they're going to continue conversations over the next few weeks are set to meet again on april. 2nd right now, the city is asking that the a's lee behind its branding and logos when it does officially leave, adding that it also wants the team to help plan active role when it comes to bringing an mlb expansion
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team to oakland and they also want them to sell their half of the coliseum. so lots going on this morning when it comes to the oakland coliseum. that meeting is set for 9 o'clock when it comes to soccer officially happening there. so we'll keep an eye on that and continue to bring you the latest started. james, we'll send it back to you. all right. thanks, michael. >> time now is 7.33, and acclaimed west oakland barbecue spot horn bbq is closing their mandela parkway location for good. the owner matt horne says this is after a series of setbacks. the latest was look, the fire that gutted the place last year the place caught fire just days after he had posted about the restaurant being defaced with graffiti. horan says he's not throwing in the towel, though, on oakland. he is committed to relaunching, warned barbecue in a different place. spoke to him in. here's what he says. >> so there's a few locations for the past month or so that we've been in conversation with so hopefully one of those
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will out. plan definitely is. the reopening was always the reopened we're going anywhere. >> so this is we find out where we'll tell. you can see these people say the line is worth it for sure. and there are 2 other restaurants that he owns in oakland, a cow bird and maddie's all fashion. >> well, deputies in san mateo have arrested a man who they say scammed a victim into thinking they were buying cyber security software, but they weren't. investigators say hong liang, he from hugh from southern california pretended to be representative of an anti-virus company and remotely gain control of the victim's computer. and in the end, got the victim to pay a large sum of money. deputies say the suspect even went to the victim's home to collect the cash. investigators say the suspect may be linked now to a larger scheme and they're worried there might be other victims out there. so. on the peninsula, firefighters in mount view had to cut open the walls and ceiling of this apartment unit to make sure the fire was completely out. fire crews say a cooking
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mishap sparked the fire at that apartment building in the castro city neighborhood yesterday, everyone inside managed to get out. all right. the fire caused about $10,000 in damage. >> time now 7.35. and san francisco is being sued over conditions in the tender line. yeah. as current crop was in kerman tells us residents and business owners alike say they've had enough. >> we've had enough. the we attorney matthew davis is talking about. >> residents and businesses to live and operate in the tenderloin. >> good deals happen in front of their house all hours that day, the sidewalks are black, but selling stolen goods by encampments people who are living on the streets dangerous dogs. the streets are filthy. there are used syringes everywhere. biohazard says human waste, people light bonfires in front of their home in the city has decided
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that this is somehow acceptable. >> davis has now filed this lawsuit on behalf of the phoenix hotel, the best western hotel and 5 residents contending the city is using the tenderloin as a containment zone for illegal drug use, causing harm to those living. there. >> we're asking the court the city isn't going to do this voluntarily will then they need to be ordered to to perform the basic functions of the city, which is to provide safe, clean and accessible sidewalks and public spaces. >> in a statement the city says while we understand and share the frustration of tenderloin businesses and residents, the city is making progress in reducing crime, disrupting open air drug markets and addressing homelessness all while complying with the preliminary injunction issued in the coalition on homelessness case, the city attorney's office is maintained that injunction has tied their hands to enforce certain laws. but attorneys disagree. in the meantime, another tenderloin resident you see law school has filed a motion against the
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city to force the city to follow a previous ruling about encampments. the primary goal is that the city has to make efforts to reduce. >> criminally reduce the number of can't miss on the sidewalks in public spaces in the 10 win to 0. that's what we want. the motions aren't seeking money. just action. >> and they could be heard as early as next month. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> its 7.37, and police have arrested a man for the stabbing of a woman and san francisco. there was a report of a burglary on wednesday in the college hill neighborhood. and that is when police found a woman who had been stabbed multiple times. she has not been identified. she ended up dying on the scene there. and now the suspect is identified as marcelino wilson. police say that at first he took them on a high-speed chase, but they eventually arrested him in oakland. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and it's
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a tight race for the remaining spot on the november ballot for california 16th congressional district for the first time since the polls closed more than a week ago. assemblymember evan low is leading the race for second place. passing santa clara county supervisor. joe, some indian with the latest batch of ballots released. but it's still too close to call by just 59 votes. former san jose mayor sam liccardo has already secured his spot in the race to fill the seat previously held by representative anna eshoo. so he's already on the november ballot. well, another mishap now with united airlines at sfo. this time a plane was forced to make an emergency landing after mechanical problem caused smoke to be seen. yeah, not what you want to see on your flight. kron four's rob nesbitt has more. problems for united continued thursday when an airbus a 3.20, carrying 150 passengers. >> encountered a hydraulic leak on its approach to sfo. smoke could be seen from the landing gear which the airline says occurs. when hydraulic fluid comes in contact with
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the brakes i spoke with retired pilot douglas rice about how as a foe has been the nexus for all the united incidents in the last 2 weeks. all of these incidents occurred on aircraft that are either. >> out of francisco are back into san francisco that came from san francisco in prior flight. sort of describes where this could be coming from, according to flightaware united flight 18, 16 that encounter the hydraulic leak thursday was on the ground at sfo. long aircraft is already been repaired is already left francisco on its next like united headline started catching the attention of the public march 7th. >> when a japan bound united flight lost a wheel while taking off from sfo. the next day, a united flight from sfo to mexico city had to make an emergency landing at lax because of hydraulic issues. this week's problem started monday afternoon when united flight to 14 experienced engine issues before arriving to sfo from honolulu. the same day that united flight bound
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for sfo from sydney was forced to turn around due to maintenance issues. travel industry analyst henry harteveldt is surprise since sfo was the home of united largest maintenance base. i am concerned as analysts. >> about whether the procedures, the proper maintenance procedures are being followed. whether united has enough maintenance staff on not just here in san francisco, but elsewhere. experts i spoke to say it's likely that the ntsb and faa are investigating each incident and that united is doing its own investigation. >> to avoid another mechanical mishap, noting that each plane landed safely and no passengers were injured. >> i recently flew united to dallas fort worth and the public made a point of saying that he and then a thorough inspection during his graham of the aircraft. and we should feel confident flying on the plane. and that was great. that the public shouldn't have to do that. >> was rob nesbitt reporting. now heartfelt says there doesn't appear to be any changes in demand for united flights and there's been no drop and ticket prices either
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7.41, and still ahead on the problem morning news. >> big changes coming to target checkout lines. we'll tell you what you need to do before you head to target and the forty-niners are losing a key piece of their nfc championship defense will explain. >> and we're focus on the weekend focus on some saint patrick's day festivities to if you're getting out there in san francisco, expect anywhere from 60's to 70's through the weekend. i've got your weekend. i've got your forecast.
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ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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>> and we're back at 7.44. car makers are trying to make the roads safer by introducing smart sensors. we've got rich humor with a closer look at how it all works. in today's tech smart >> when it comes to technology, new ideas are everywhere. we think there is insufficient notice. 2 oncoming drivers of dangers ahead on the roadway. emergency safety solutions says 19,000 people a year are injured or killed in crashes involving disabled vehicles, which is why they created a system for cars called health of the first alert is highlighting alert and that's what you see here. the high flash right of the has a there's also a digital alert that notifies drivers as they approach a disabled vehicle. right now the technology is in tesla's. they're also working with volkswagen and stellantis makers of dodge and jeep to our main focus. number one is the draw awareness of this problem and to do something about electric vehicles are all the buzz. but what about
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an ev camper? he seems like a lot of sense in a lot of different ways. earth crews are known for their rugged expedition trucks created their first 100% electric camper on a hummer. ev the concern for sure is. i got to get back. going to but that's getting better and better over time. the solar topped house is made of lightweight. carbon fiber is powered independently and comfortable for 2 people and a dog. we've gotten very spoiled with the infrastructure that the petroleum industry's put together for us. that's fabulous. and it won't be too long before that same infrastructure is going to redeemed for electric vehicles and whether you're grilling at home or on the road, even that's getting smarter. just the versatility of the settings through our smart technology. this really elevates the game with particular group. webber's new summit. smart gas grill has a digital screen. precise controls instead of knobs and a built-in scale to let you know how much propane you have left. there are different temperatures for different zones. you can control and
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monitor everything from your phone instead fumbling around and you have the dew legwork learning we are able to use technology to get you where you need to be quicker. so we're giving you confidence and we getting your consistency in your i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> oh, my this is just aleutian j. you dismiss the best explanation of a propane emergency ever. >> real and halfway through the flames went out had to go to home depot and get another tank. i would use well. yeah, okay. you need that since start 7.46. right now checking out the weather beautiful day in store. >> i don't know really wind this week if the wind dies down. can i just tell this much? i honestly it was aggressively with yesterday so we could definitely know that it was a catch to otherwise enjoying the day. >> and today it is coming down. still windy out there this morning. as you can see, you're about cam has a little bit of a shake to it because of those strong winds up there. now here in the bay area, we are completely dry. but look at southern
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california, a whole different story. the eastern deserts are getting some more rain and even the mountains above san diego are getting some snowfall that has to do with the low pressure area down there that is drying in this very strong wind out of the northeast into the bay area. this dry offshore wind is really warm things up this morning. coastal areas you've been in the 60's. it's not often that point raise start to the morning at 60 degrees and winds still strong right now. but gradually calming today, wind advisories expire at 11:00am. and by the afternoon we're looking really nice and calm and staying that way. this weekend. so we're right at the tail end of it and then are smooth sailing these next few days. temperatures upper 60's to low 70's for your daytime highs. very, very pleasant. feeling afternoon. verging on warm for a lot of areas like santa clara and san jose. 74 that's getting up there now. fremont's at 72 hayward. 73 oakland in richmond to warm 72 degrees for you and the north bay. also in the low 70's, how
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at 72 petaluma and santa rosa. also there a look ahead. shows these temperatures remaining all the way through the finish of the season and the start of spring on tuesday of next week. we do have a little bit of a cool down after that, though, by thursday night into friday morning. our next chance of showers rain. all right, john, thank you started off like this morning. as you can see out there, traffic is starting to build. >> snapshot of the bay area right now along 88 80 and highway 4. you start to see things pick up 2, 1 along the peninsula side are still fairly light. seen a lot more green there. 15 minute ride on the bay bridge. no access, no hazards. great drive. there. a richmond center fell bridge around 14. been there for the past few hours. 30 min, right, antioch, into congress to 40 to 24 walnut creek down to 5, a he's still at 12 minutes. there, doubling down to fremont along 6.80, no delays at all. smooth, 15 minute ride darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of 7.49. and let's talk college basketball. stanford men'teams facing
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off against washington state hoping to get into the semi-final round of the pac 12 and we've got sports director jason dumas with the highlights. >> stanford was in a win or go home scenario on thursday. a last not only ends their season without much hope of a postseason tournament, but it would also be their last game they'll ever play in the pac. 12. they were taking on washingttn state and they were big-time underdogs, hoping to build off of a win against cal in the opening round. they were playing from behind early 1st half. i think jones going baseline. nice dunk there. jones had 16 points. kuz extended their lead to 6. a couple minutes later, stanford down 7 brandon angel posting up nice position. soft kiss off the glass 15 6 for angel is a 5 point game later on washington state of 15 in transition. myles rice. that's about as bad as perimeter of
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the you'll see 14 insist in 6, 4, right washington state led by 16 at the half. 2nd half of 19 point washington state lead. jaylen wells knocks down the corner. 3. 14 5 for him. stamper went on a mini 8, oh, run. spencer jones in the corner. he had 22 points, but it would not be enough stanford loses this one. 60 to 79. their season is over. washington state will take on colorado much easier and not even 15 minutes after that loss. news broke that stanford fired head coach jerod haase after the game. haas finished with a one. 26 1 27 record in 8 seasons on the farm during that time span. the cardinal, they make one single trip to the ncaa tournament and was head coach for 4 years at alabama. birmingham before being hired to replace johnny dawkins at stanford in 2016,
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stanford will start a national coaching search immediately. already you look at sports. well, 7.51 is the time in a big bloh to the forty-niners defense as defensive tackle and former team captain derek armstead. >> now a member of the jacksonville jaguars armstead signed a three-year 51 million dollar contract with the jaguars. he was originally drafted by the niners 17th overall back in 2015, he played 116 games for the organization and had 33 and a half sacks. he also started in all 12 of his playoff appearances. forty-niners are going to have big shoes to fill and replacing him. this offseason. >> target is rolling out some changes the next time you and hit the self checkout lane. you'll notice starting this sunday. they're converting the self checkouts to express lanes so you can only self checkout in those lanes if you have 10 less items, 10 or fewer a target experimented with this idea and 200 of its
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stores last year to make sure that this is what they wanted to do. and they say they found that the self checkout in this way was twice as fast when they did it this way. perfect. if yo 're looking for, you know, stuff on the run, anybody with more than 10 items, you have to go to the cash register. >> we'll take a break at 7.52. but coming up in the next hour of the kron 4 morning news city officials are asking people and pets to avoid lake merritt as they investigated merritt as they investigated discoloration in ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ back at 7.55. >> the wings over solano. airshow is coming to travis air force base this weekend. a
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few unique performances in the show will be performed by the red thunder, airshow team, the blue angels, of course, are going to be there. in fact, this is the first time the blue angels are taking part in the airshow. so this is kind of a tree. they're going to performances all weekend long. the crew says they are pretty excited to show off what they've been working on these last few months. >> the thing gratifying. part of on this team is going to different parts of the country and interacting with people of all generations and backgrounds influencing the next generations to do something bigger than themselves. >> yeah. show runs saturday and sunday with gates opening up at 09:00am each day 7.55. right now and coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a portion of highway in the east bay is going to be close tonight through the whole weekend. we're going to tell you how to work your way around it. and san francisco is trying to figure out right now the best places to put some speed cameras. we're going to tell you where we know they're going so far.
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>> and the nonprofit is shut down because a car another car crashed into their building.
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mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money
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for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. >> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. pothole repair on a major east bay highway will force drivers to find another way around. we'll tell you when and where san francisco is installing 33 new cameras to slow traffic and prevent accidents. we're live with where they are. >> and oakland roots and sold.
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soccer clubs are meeting with alameda county now to see if they can play at the coliseum. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news and a >> happy friday you saint patrick's day. and are and i'm james. and if those weekend is going to be anything like what we're seeing right now is going to be fantastic weekend for really lucky, were getting really that keen for your saint patrick's weekend. eve we're coming down as far as winds go, which was the only catch yesterday to what was a really nice day. >> looking outside at the golden gate this morning. nice and green out there. very blue in the skies in just a gorgeous start to the morning. we're still a little bit breezy, though. we still do have high wind warnings in the sierra and advisories in or upper elevations for the bay. those looking to new through 11:00am so few more hours of these peak wind gusts as high as 30 to 40 miles per hour gradually coming through the day by your evening commute tonight. we're pretty much done with the wind s


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