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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  March 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, another issue on a united airlines flight coming out of sfo. this time a panel discovered missing from the plane after it landed. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the faa says the boeing 7 37
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landed at an airpo ird, oregon this afternoon. >> kron four's dan thorn joining us live from sfo tonight with the latest on what's going on there. dan. >> yeah, can. as you mentioned that plane taking off here from sfo and this airport seems to be the common denominator in all of these issues that have been going on with united that flight landing scheduled landing at medford airport. it was not an emergency landing, according to united, but the problem that was going on with this plane was that once they did their investigation and they're examine ation of they found that there was an external panel that was missing in medford airport spokesperson telling kron 4 that they were forced to pause operations on the runway to make sure that there wasn't any damage on the runway. they didn't find any. but the big problem is that they didn't find this we did reach out to united who confirmed that the damage to the boeing 37 did happen. they say there was no indication that the damage happened during the flight which had more than 130 passengers on board and
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another going to be doing an investigation to find out what went on here. and they're also going to be examining the plane to make some repairs before putting it back into service. as you mentioned, the faa is investigating this as well. and we caught up with some passengers here are going to be taking some united flights tonight. and they say that this is concerning that this keeps popping up and they're just confused as to why this keeps happening. >> i think it's a little bit the scary the fact that this keeps coming up all the sudden. and i i don't know if it's because we haven't been aware and now we are. i always said, and it's it's an immediate issue that we're dealing with. >> today's problem after what happened here yesterday when the plane landed and there was a hydraulic leak which caused some smoke to come up from the landing gear. also last week, the video that went viral of a japan pound japan down flight leaving sfo. we'll end up
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falling often causing some damage after landing in one of these service employee parking. lots out here earlier this week, a plane that was supposed to be coming to sfo from australia had to turn around because of mechanical issues. so these problems just keep popping up in terms of this most recent flight. we don't know where on the plane. this external panel came from, still working to get some more information on that. again, we reached out to united and they say in all of these cases, they're maintaining that safety is their top priority. ken and vicki, back to you. >> all right, dan, thank you for that. obviously, a lot more to learn about what happened here to this incident leading to a list of issues that united that seem to be growing day by day. and we are, of course, getting closer to the busy travel season. retired airline pilot doug price. joining us now live. doug, thanks for being here. there are some pictures circulating out there on the internet of this panel that's missing. looks like it's maybe a 3 or 4 foot by 3 foot section of aluminum skin on
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the exterior of the plane. can you describe what is actually missing if you've seen those pictures in and how that could have fallen off the plane. >> i have that area of the aircraft a little bit of negative pressure. so what it was is it is that is not structural part of the aircraft, but rather a piece of aluminum backed some honey comb that's designed to smooth the year. going over the aircraft, which improves the right to the passengers and fuel efficiency and clearly from the pictures, at least a portion of it came off the aircraft. >> so, doug, you're a pilot. let me just cut to the chase. would you be nervous taking the helm at a? a plane like that out of sfo, a united plane. >> no, that's this is a very minor incident in the grand scheme of things. we're looking at a series of
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incidents, all san francisco centric this aircraft in particular flu last night on a red-eye to nashville came back to san francisco this morning before it went to mit for it been flying for roughly 9 hours before this incident why it happened? we don't know. we'll have to see whether the part came off, whether they were attachment isis that somebody missed when they were doing a walk around to the aircraft or whether, in fact, he was just simply a a 25 year-old part that failed because it was old and what will determine when we look at that piece is very close there are a lot of sensors in the cockpit that will tell the flight crew if there's something amiss. >> with this fall under that category. what they know that piece of the external fairing ed blown off. >> no, they wouldn't have any indication in the cockpit that this came off. the indication
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might come from somebody in the cabin would feel a vibration or a flight attendant might or feel something and let the cockpit nobody in this it apparent that that did not happen. so to follow up on that flight from sfo to medford fairly short a hour and a half or so roughly if that if this had been a longer flight and that a piece had been missing. >> could the damage have started to grow and spread from that basic tear and the exterior of the plane? >> no, i don't believe from looking at the pictures and reviewing the flight track, it looked like the speed of the aircraft was just the same weather would have been on a long flight for a short flight. so consequently, it's they would that would have been no difference based on the length the flight. it would have been a momentary increase in speed or load. could have affected. and just
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so people know what they were looking at there. if we can put that back up, the green line was the altitude of the plane. 30,000 feet. you can see the 30,000 on the left in the green was level on its way to medford. and then the yellow line is the speed of the aircraft that you see. 475 miles an hour. so up around 500 miles an hour. >> when it started to descend into medford. >> so, you know, this is just one a string of as our reporter pointed out, sfo seems to be the common denominator. when you look at what do you think you think the glass you just wear and tear on the planes. and, you know, or sabotage or what? what what are you thinking? >> oh, no, there's there's there's this is a a and older aircraft. it's a 25 year-old aircraft. when starts year crafted approach age and they have so many takeoffs and landings and so many times they're pressurized. and then
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the you start to have metal fatigue. you start to wear and tear on the aircraft. that's why these aircraft go through a complete overall cycle about every 6 to 7 years. and they're supposed to take everything apart. when i see everything they go down to extreme the skins, they are taking all these pairings off there, inspecting the fehring's these aircraft go through a significant amount of maintenance and they should be catching these things. yeah, what we're learning now is that we have to be more aware of these things as they go through maintenance and double checking and triple checking them. well, okay. let's just hope that their extra special. >> careful on subsequent flights that nothing really catastrophic has happened so far south. yes, thank you for your insight, doug. a price. retired airline pilot with the his expertise along with our pilot here. can't thank you,
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doug. thank news we're following tonight, officials released the 9-1-1 audio in the body camera video from the shooting that left 4 sonoma county sheriff's deputies injured. we want to warn you, some might find this video disturbing. >> i would become for many are trading desk. you've like a ripe for from them. >> authorities yeah, authorities say that the suspect 53 year-old jose luis serve antennas showed up at the la hacienda del toro, a restaurant last night club on stony point. and todd rhodes after being kicked out the night before serve and he's showed up to the business in the overnight hours of march 4th with a rifle and a handgun and allegedly threatening to shoot the people who fired him. when deputies arrived serve and he's ran off. so ron tase didn't make it pulled into a parking lot on todd and standish roads. >> he then opened fire on deputies. after firing several
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times. ferrante has got back into his car and drove back to the restaurant before continuing a chase that ultimately led to him crashing his car at the time of the crash or montes had several gunshot wounds and injuries from the crash itself the air bag deployed there. he died at the scene and during the crossfire, 4 deputies were injured. 3 out of 4 insured are recovering now at home. the 4th deputy, though, suffered a head injury and is still at the hospital. we now know that the deputy injuries after another deputy accidy m. >> with their patrol car. meanwhile, officials say that survives has died due to blunt force trauma likely due to the crash. but his official cause of death is still pending. on the peninsula home. and police are asking for your help in finding this woman. they say who stole more than $3600 in merchandise from a business. but police say that the theft
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happened at a store on coleman boulevard back on march 4th, the picture shared by police that shows the suspect in a cosmetics store. there is an ulta beauty location on that block. but police have not yet said that was where the store where this happened, they say the woman was wearing a light colored shirt, blue jeans. anybody with information he's being asked to call home a police and the east bay. starting tonight, caltrans is closing a stretch of 6.80, southbound through early next week. >> it's all for a paving project. those supposed to start in january but was delayed due to the rain. 6.80, will be closed between the 5, 86, 80 connector in pleasanton all the way through highway 84 in seminole. that's about 9 miles closure will start at 9 o'clock tonight and stretched to 4 o'clock monday morning. caltrans says this weekend's closure will help lower the number of nightly closures needed to finish the project. also happening this weekend in the east bay, a stretch of bart tracks between richmond and el cerrito del norte
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station will be closed both saturday and sunday for some major track work as a result, allred line service will be canceled in that area. there will be free buses available for commuters between the 2 stations during that closure. >> now time for 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at all that traffic on the bay bridge where point was really windy today. yeah, it was windy and a lot of people heading into the city for a friday night. the wind is starting die down a little bit, right? yes, i we're coming out of that wind advisory and it's nice. calm breeze at last check. i know the north bay. >> it's a little bit of a breeze as they have that wind advisory that expired a 02:00pm 05:00pm tonight. but we're warm. take a look at the highs. we were about 10 up 10 degrees above average in places like san francisco and santa rosa. so this is nice spring-like weather and we are close to spring just a few days away. and here's a live look at san francisco. we saw that traffic let people heading to the city. very nice
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and pleasant blue skies out here along the embarcadero and temperatures right now. it's still warm out there. so we're in the 70's mid 70's in places like filet o and hayward and we're in the 60's it half moon bay. so really nice weather to start off our weekend and we're warming up from here. you can see where about 47 degrees up from this time yesterday. a little cooler by the coast in half moon bay. and as you can see, the winds are starting to calm down. now. we were in the 20's earlier this afternoon in places like napa and fairfield. so you can expect the winds to remain calm as we get through the next day. the next few hours. we have some nice sunny skies and clear nights ahead and the weekend forecast which i know a lot of you are looking forward to plenty of sunshine. it's just going to be a gorgeous weekend with temperatures in the low 60's and a low 70's. and when i come back, we'll take a look at the 7 day forecast because we're gonna hold on to this nice weather for a few days. thank you, gayle. coming up, speed cameras are set to roll out soon in cities around the bay area. all in effort to try to keep pedestrians safe.
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>> we'll tell you where and just how many. california's fast food council holds its first meeting on capitol correspondent wallace. all have a recap. >> and in oakland, business owner says he's looking for a new place is set up shop after his restaurant get hit by burglars. not once, not twice, but >> 3 times.
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>> signatures gathered to recall alameda county district they returned in early last week, after review of a random sample, the county registrar of voters says they all need to be counted by hand to
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determine if there are enough legal signatures to prompt a recall election. kron four's dan kerman here in the studio with what all this means stand. well, the first thing it means is we likely won't know until next month if there will be a recall and >> there's also questions tonight about just how much time the registrar has to count signatures. those wanting to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price turned in more than 123,000 signatures a week ago monday. but the alameda county registrar of voters says after using the random sampling method authorized by state law, the results are not sufficient to determine whether the signature threshold has been met. that threshold is 73,195 signatures. as a result, the registrar will now begin a manual count of the verified signatures. these folks you know, i think left with a bit of on their face. william fitzgerald, this with the campaign to keep price in office. they spent millions of dollars trying to get those signatures and yesterday make
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their tools that but now there's an open question whether that signatures it has a little legitimacy. >> to the signatures. >> but brenda grisham with the campaign to recall price doesn't see the hand count as a negative. even better. so there's. >> no question that we have what we need, that the people signed. the petition is the petitions legal, the signatures legal. so that's a plus for us. >> but supporters of price are also raising questions about the registrar of voters decision to take additional time to do a hand count. and if you look on the chart of the current rules, >> there's no section intit that says that if it doesn't, if you can count after 10, 10 days get extra 30 days that that doesn't exist in meeting. county charter fitzgerald says the campaign to keep price in office is now talking to lawyers. >> to see if this extra time his legal. but they say that doesn't mean they won't accept
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the results. we're going to abide by the decision of the county. we're going to trust them. what we're trying to impress upon folks because the question has been asked, is that there are legal questions over what's happening right now because we are in and the presidents of situation that the county hasn't faced before. we reached out to the alameda county registrar of voters for clarification is just how much time they have to count those signatures. >> they didn't get back to us. vicki can. >> and the north bay, a 15 year-old was arrested after police say he helped steal a car in vacaville. all thing you can see they're caught on camera. police say they tracked the teen down to monterey when he was arrested and they say they found a loaded gun on him. he was booked into jail on robbery and gun charges. the car was found empty in the late. whoa,
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police have still not found the second suspect seen in this video. >> us housing market could soon get a big boost in home purchases after the national association of realtors agreed to drop the standard 6% sales commission. that commission is split between the buyer and the seller. agents. lawsuits claim the and they are and brokerages violated antitrust laws by mandating the seller's agent make an offer of payment to the buyer's agent dropping the commission is part of a settlement agreement in which the an ar would also have to pay more than 400 million dollars in damage. the terms have yet to be approved by a judge. if it is realtors would have to lower their commissions. >> a member of the book a little boys has been sentenced to life in federal prison today for the murder and attempted murder of 2 oakland security guards in 2020, robert justice junior was convicted of murder and attempted murder last year. according to prosecutors, justice was the driver of the car in which steven carrillo
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fired the gunshots that killed protective services officer dave underwood and the attempted murder of a second federal officer in a drive-by shooting carrillo was sentenced to 41 years in prison back in 2022. both justice and carrillo are followers of the so-called but little movement, a loosely organized anti-government groups that believed a second u.s. civil war was imminent. time now for 4 zone forecast. as we give you a live view of the golden gate on beautiful friday evening. all right, gail, we're looking forward to the how's it looking? >> yeah, this is that the forecast we've been looking forward to all week long. we don't have those strong winds in the forecast. just some light, breezy conditions, relatively calm out there. and we still see sunshine at this hour. you can see across the bay area from the south bay mount tam and even san francisco blue skies at this hour. very pleasant. and we can expect this pattern over the next few days. it's going to be really spring is around the corner and you can see our
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storm tracker is quiet. there is some unsettled weather in southern california. there's a a winter storm warning. if you're heading to big bear. so just keep that in mind. travel, not advised. temperatures out the door. we're in the 70's still 60's and half moon bay. we're above average about 10 degrees above average in some places. and here is the wind speed. so we're pretty much calm except for actually known hours starting to calm down in napa and fairfield are just coming out of a wind advisory 05:00pm. so they they that extended for them. but now you can see after elsewhere in the single digits, most of us and here's the future cast model. not a lot to show you. maybe just some light drizzle saturday evening into sunday morning. but our weekend looks very nice and pleasant, sunny skies mostly dry. as you can see there. so they time highs tomorrow. very nice to get outdoors were in the 60's upper 60's, low 70's. and i just can't say that enough. really nice out there. and here's your weekend forecast. so enjoy this weekend because it is going to rain next
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weekend and just a heads up. so nice. nice weather until early next week. and then the clouds will roll in and then maybe some light rain. but we're all done with that. i know. you know, winter doesn't want to leave with spring. we still get to back the thank you, >> coming up, the oakland coliseum is going to be put to good use in coming years and more on the teams that plan to more on the teams that plan to us ( ♪♪ )
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agreement for the 2 soccer clubs to play at the coliseum for march of next year through february of 2026. now officials say that looking forward to seeing people show up for the soccer games takes us. the motion passes. >> all right. well, thank you all so very much. and i look forward to the exciting and vibrant soccer games here in the facility. >> approval comes just one day after oakland and alameda county officials met with the a's to talk about the team signing a lease extension for the next 3 years and tell it's set. new stadium is built in las vegas. the team says the meeting went well and the group is going to continue discussions over the next couple of weeks before they meet again on april. second right now, the city is asking that the a's leave behind its branding and logo when it officially packs up and leaves adding that it also wants the team to have active role in bringing in m l b expansion team oakland and selling its
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half of the stadium. oakland councilmember rebecca kaplan says the town should celebrate this milestone. in a statement, she says in part, quote, the roots in seoul, soccer teams, a beacon of unity and passion as captured the hearts of oakland residents in soccer enthusiasts enthusiast nationwide. their commitment to community engagement, diversity and excellence on the field aligns perfectly with the values that make oakland a remarkable city. and the oakland a's are currently leasing the coliseum through this season. the team releasing a statement that reads, quote, we have shared with the city of oakland and alameda county that were open to being co tenants of the coliseum with the roots soul in 2025. p look forward to meeting with the roots. so still ahead on kron, 4 news at 6. why the bike path on the richmond sandra fell bridge is now at risk. now at risk. >> shutting down.
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story this half-hour and oakland business owner says he plans on leaving oakland after his shop was broken into 4 a 3rd time. our kron four's philippe nicole has his story. >> 3 years ago when sheffey money, grier opened his plant-based rice bowl shop roasted and raw. >> he envisioned a long-running downtown oakland, but 3 burglaries later he's considering a new city. i think this is of a kind of a nail in the coffin or we do want to kind of maybe explore other. >> other areas shattered glass, a familiar sight in the area. greer says burglars broke into the eatery early


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