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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  March 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> that breaking news tonight comes out of pleasanton where a fire has broken out inside the gym in amador valley. high school. good evening and thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 11, dan thorn, the building that is burning, we're told, is 100 year old gymnasium. and you can see here in this video, a large plume of smoke rising from the rafters there. dozens of firefighters on scene. official with the pleasanton unified school district says they have not been able to survey the damage just yet. and firefighters are still not sure what caused this fire. and it's not clear if this is affecting or will affect classes tomorrow.
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>> kron 4 does have a crew on the way to the scene. we're going to update you as we learn any new information online at kron 4 dot com and also on the kron. 4 morning news. >> also tonight, we're continuing to follow the deadly crash in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. police have confirmed a 3rd person has died from that crash since it happened yesterday. kron four's sara stinson talk with people who came to visit a memorial set up at the scene of the crash. >> in san francisco's west portal neighborhood, a community is reeling from a deadly crash that claimed the lives of 3 people. neighbors say a family of 4 was struck by a car at the bus. stop on new low, a street saturday afternoon. tragically a father, mother and child died in the crash. a baby is still at the hospital in serious condition. the driver also got injured was a real this home for >> definitely hit close to home. alec and lena lee live
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in the neighborhood with their 2 kids. >> they got emotional while stopping by the growing memorial. it's really nice to see the outpouring of support from the community, but obviously a situation like this. >> there's really nothing that can help them to ever make up for lost another dad who lives in the area. ed martinez says. >> he was here right after the crash happened. he still in disbelief. >> it's really heartbreaking because, you know, i can just imagine the family was just enjoying a beautiful saturday then for this to happen and all their loved ones, just, you know, our heart goes out to martinez says he walks by this bus stop with the sunset daily. i know we come to live or a loss my so for child that he says this intersection has always worried him, but now he's extra concerned something that my wife and i we talk about a lot is we don't like them crossing this intersection at all because it's too dangerous as the community grapples with the devastating loss, police continue to investigate the cause of the crash. police say they do not believe traffic engineering was a factor. this
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crash is now sparked debate on what steps can be taken. >> to prevent similar tragedies in the future. this is real tragedy. look heimer believes the intersection of you, lois street and west portal avenue should be closed to cars and he's created a petition online to advocate for that. within one block of here, there's a library. >> there's multiple schools as a park in a you know, there's a church, there's doctors offices. there's a merchant corridor. this is not the place they should have covered. car traffic going through and some people want to see it safe. so far the petition has more than 1000 signatures. >> neighbors here tell me they're more focused on grieving. there's a vigil set for monday night at 5. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> in the north bay man is recovering from major injuries after his car was hit by a drunk driver rohnert park. police sharing this picture of the aftermath. they say happened just after 2.30, this morning at the intersection of rohnert park expressway in
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commerce boulevard. the woman driving the red toyota pickup truck had 2 men in her pickup with her when she collided with the grace eye on. police say the driver failed a sobriety test, but she had she and 2 of her passengers are expected to be okay. however, the man driving the grace eye on had to be extracted from the car and was taken to the hospital for surgery. no word tonight on his condition in petaluma. police say 2 drunk drivers crashed into a motorcycle and a cul-de-sac in separate accidents last night. this is officers are keeping a close eye out on the roads this holiday weekend. the number of dui checkpoints throughout the bay area. police say the most recent accident happened just after midnight when a man rear ended a motorcycle while traveling southbound on petaluma boulevard, he admitted to getting behind the wheel under the influence. and then just a few hours before that man crashed his car into a roundabout and then ran away from the scene. officers found him hiding in between houses, houses just a few blocks away. both dui drivers are in jail
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tonight. this is a reminder to not drink and drive. the petaluma. police department says more than 30 vehicles were targeted in what appears to be a car break-in spree. the thefts happened all over the city last night. the petaluma village premium outlets saint vincent high school capri creek, apartments in the sheridan hotel are just a few places to name the police department is asking anyone who lives near those areas to check home surveillance video that may have captured these burglaries. berkley. police are investigating the city's first homicide of the year. police say a person was stabbed to death on university avenue this afternoon between san pablo avenue and sacramento street police have arrested one person believed to have been involved. there's no threat to the community at this time. take a look at this incredible video of deputies and sonoma county airlifting a camper who experienced a severe medical emergency at lake sonoma this weekend. the sonoma county sheriff's office
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sharing this video showing deputies using a helicopter rescue that camper from the campgrounds. first responders flew the patient to an awaiting air ambulance, which took them to a local hospital. no word on the patient's condition tonight. all right. let's take a live look right now at coit tower. all colored in green. it was a beautiful one out there for saint patrick's day. little bit windier than what we were dealing with yesterday here in san francisco. yeah, long given us a look at what we can expect this week ago. >> yes, a repeat of today for monday will be starting the week off on a warm note, you'll be dealing with some clouds in the morning and some fog in the morning drive, but it will be clearing out towards the afternoon and early evening. so you could even see the low clouds here to at this view here. so just keep that in mind. we'll be starting a similar pattern hit today and then rain returns i'm sorry. this thinking next, jump next week will technically as next weekend that rain will be a hitting us
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here in the bay area. so you can see that activity is offshore. we're still going to be under high pressure that's warming us up. and then here is the visibility forecast. so 0 visibility from like 06:00am through 09:00am even 0 from santa rosa. so the north bay valleys and then livermore valley, san jose, santa clara valley. and as some parts around the bay as well and the coast. so that will be hanging out until the late morning. and things will be clearing out towards the afternoon. so when i come back, we'll be showing you that rain later on this week and enjoy the sunshine because it's going to be a wet when time next weekend. all right. thanks a lot. in national news tonight, a southern california mall had to be shut down after a massive fight. >> involving hundreds of teenagers. with a wild scene here. more than 200 teens gathered at the long beach shopping center as 2 females
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began attacking each other. you can see the swarm of police officers coming in to break up the fight. reports say this all started with a post on social media that went viral. it said the 2 females, one adult and one juvenile were going to fight long. beach police confirm they were alerted about the potential fight and deployed extra officers to the area. even bringing in a bus in case a large number of kids would have to be detained at once. 2 females involved in the fight were both arrested moments after the fight broke out. there were reports of a shooting involving a teen boy officers found him with a gunshot wound. he's in stable condition in the hospital. petaluma police are looking for a man wanted for slashing a teen and a basketball court. investigators say the 17 year-old victim was attacked by a man armed with broken glass friday afternoon, 7 of the basketball court near the sonoma-marin fairgrounds in petaluma. the teen told police the attack was unprovoked and he didn't recognize the man.
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the slasher has been described as a older white man with long grey or black hair. at the time he was wearing an orange giants hat and a green flannel shirt. anyone with information is being asked to call petaluma police. the man is in custody tonight for a shooting in brentwood. police say the shooting happened around 8 o'clock last night on orchard drive. that's near mclaren park. officers say the man officers say they arrived and found a man who had been shot several times. witnesses in the area helped police identify suspect that person was arrested. their information is being released at this time. now to happen. bay, where a pickup truck catches fire on highway one car slammed into other vehicles up. the flames started the fiery accident forcing the highway to shut down temporarily. this happened yesterday. firefighters say no injuries were reported. more trouble for boeing. several incidents reported in just the last few days and that includes a flight landing safely in oregon. despite a panel
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falling off in the bottom side of the fuselage underneath the wing news nation's celtic kelsey kernstine has been digging into the story and has this report. >> we're learning they won't get that security video and it's really what they need to complete this investigation. and the agency is called it a lack of cooperation from boeing. they said it is key and making sure january's emergency misshapen does not happen again. and a letter to the senate committee on commerce, science and transportation. the ntsb chair jennifer homendy wrote, quote, we still do not know who performed the work to open. we install and close the door plug on the accident. aircraft. the agency has already said that for both were missing on that plane. and they're really trying to figure out why comedy went on to say in the letter, quote, a verbal request was made by our investigators for security camera footage to help obtain this information. however, they were informed the footage was overwritten. the absence of those records will complicate the ntsb's investigation moving forward.
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the agency has said and made it very clear that they're not seeking this information to punish employees, but it's really to understand boeing's quality assurance process. when we asked boeing about the overwritten video, the company responded with a statement, quote, consistent with standard practice. video recordings are maintained on a rolling 30 day basis. boeing also responded to the allegations from the ntsb reading, quote, we will continue supporting this investigation in a transparent and proactive fashion. we have supported all regulatory inquiries into this accident and important to know the justice department has launched a criminal investigation into the january mishap. also this week and not good for boeing, the new york times reported that an audit by the faa found dozens of issues with the company 7.37. max production line. it's for southwest airlines exclusively use those planes to lower their production growth for 2024. and lastly, police confirmed this week that a boeing whistleblower was found dead. it came just a day after
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he testified in a deposition hearing against the company. the coroner's office says it was from an alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound. still so many questions here. >> that was kelsey kernstine reporting for us tonight. let's go to some developing news now where tesla has settled a multimillion dollar racial discrimination lawsuit. this is the second settlement stemming from a lawsuit filed by owen diaz who is a black man who worked as an elevator operator at the company's fremont plant. diaz says his colleagues racist graffiti in the bathrooms and regularly used racist epithets. a federal jury previously awarded ds 3.2 million dollars in damages. the terms of his second settlement are confidential. tesla is equal employment opportunity. bittersweet saint paddy's day celebration today. happening right now at the starry plough in oakland, blood customers not going to be at this year's
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celebration, but he left a parting gift to make sure the festivities continue even after he's gone. >> this in the last week or 2, we found out we lost a beloved customer. brian kelly, who's been coming here since 1973 and his executors walked in the door handed u.s. $10,000, which is a first very surprising and moving for this quiet, humble man who had a you know, amount of funds, they said, but he chose us and we don't take it lightly. >> the starry plough says it's going to be serving up corned beef and bruises all night to celebrate the holiday and their beloved customers. bay area residents lockdown with today's forecast in dublin. people lacing up their shoes for a 5 k shamrock run and walk this morning. hundreds of people came out for the annual event. many wearing green for the holiday family stuck
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around afterward for the city's 39th annual saint patrick's festival. more than 250 vendors sho case their handmade goods in traditional irish food. so to come here at 11 o'clock, the push for more talks between israel and hamas. the very latest on the efforts. >> for a cease-fire in gaza. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going.
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the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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>> all right. let's take a look at your 4 zone forecast. we had very pleasant weather this weekend and we will be holding on to that warming trend for the next few days
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until the back end of this week for see some changes with some rain. so let's take a look coit tower, which is still lit up in green for saint patrick's day. and once again, hope everyone had a great weekend. we sure did. here. we had a little taste spring in the first day of spring is tuesday, but we're actually going to be seeing winter like weather towards the end of this week. so here is a satellite and radar quiet conditions right now. and this is when i was talking about towards the back end of the week, we that storm coming later on at least till friday. so we're in between high pressure, low pressure here. that's what's bringing us that nice, warm weather and what will be noticing now are those of low clouds are back in the evening and morning. so your morning drive will be you'll be dealing with some fog around the valleys and the coast here. and that will hang out until the late morning. so just keep that in mind as you make your way back to work. and then that conditions come back towards the evening and then we'll see a little few more clouds on tuesday, but will still be mild in the
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upper 60's. so we'll still have some nice weather. and this is a long-range model. fast forward to thursday. and then friday, that's when will it looks like we'll be starting to see that pop of rain until at least monday. for now, it looks like it's a more beneficial rain. temperatures out the door. we're in the 50's upper 50's a little cooler in the 40's and half monday. wind speeds are calm but similar like today we'll be seeing a little pop towards the evening when that sea breeze kicks in will be waking up to the 40's and low 50's a pretty mild for a morning walk or jog and will be warming up once again. nice 70's on the map. just like we saw over the weekend. and here's that 7 day forecast. so we'll be dealing with some nice weather first. and then it will be some changes towards the back end of the week. so we've even down to the 50's. so even though will entering spring, it's going to be like winter. little foot 5, but the weekend's hanging around just a little bit longer for us. all right, kim, thank you. chair. >> antioch police are looking for a driver who hit someone and drove off. this happened
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around one 30 this morning. officers say a kia sedan struck a man near wilbur avenue and then drove away. that man died at the scene. anyone with any information on the driver is being asked to call antioch police. conversations aimed at securing a cease-sire between israel and hamas. starting today, the talks are the first time sense israeli and hamas officials have met since the beginning of the muslim holy month of ramadan. that started last week. international leaders had hoped a six-week ceasefire could be secured before the holy month. but hamas refused to sign a deal that would not lead to a permanent cease-fire in gaza. the supreme court will be hearing arguments tomorrow and how far the federal government can go in regulating what said on social media. lower courts had ruled the biden administration likely violated the first amendment when it push social media companies to take down content related to the 2020 election and covid
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the white house as preventing communication with social media companies could limit its ability to addressed major matters of public concern. well, if you can buy a ticket for last or for the last drawing, you're in luck. no one won the 600 million dollar powerball jackpot. the prize dow climbs to an estimated 645 million dollars next chance of winning the big prize will be tomorrow. mega millions jackpot continues to grow as well. the prize increasing to a whopping 875 million. after no one matched all 6 numbers in the last drawing. the next drawing happens to be on tuesday night. coming up in sports, it was ncaa selection sunday. >> sports director jason dumas says going to tell us which bay area schools are going to the big
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> if you're a sports fan, this has got to be your favorite time of the year. march madness. 64 teams vying for a chance at a national championship. well, you've got to do is win 6 games in a row. that's exactly what saint mary's hopes to for sports reporter kate rooney was with the gaels today at their selection show. watch party as they found out thtir draw. >> the saint mary's men's hoops team is no strangers to the ncaa tournament, but somehow this year's selection sunday is still a little bit special. it's the first time in school history that the gaels have reached the ncaa tournament in 3 consecutive
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seasons and they've gotten a pretty good team this year to take them there. >> it's the first time in 12 seasons that the gaels have won both the wcc regular-season title and the tournament title. they're playing their best basketball of the year at the right time winning 17 of their last 18 games. and now they know that that was good enough to get them a 5 seed in this year's tournament of plane, grand canyon university, 12 on friday. i was when it came a little earlier. you know, they had waiting for a little bit, but it's nice feeling to know that you're in and, >> you know, just trust our work and will be good. but yeah, definitely ecstatic to see that. one of my goals was to be the first >> player and part of the first team to go threes in a row and to be sitting here right now, it's kind of surreal to talk about 12 months going to actually be of it. i mean, inside we're going to a great it helps having guys that have been to the tournament before having them returning. and i can do because he's basically 4 out of 5 years. that confidence
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that know what to do that, you know what to expect what to expect. >> being able to tell the younger guys, hey, guys. we have to do this. when you get a player leadership trumps everything, it's really easy to get distracted because there's so much so much around the start of an ally. right now. we're just we're thinking about practice tomorrow. probably will have just see already will do some stuff to prepare for them. so pretty much mind just friday game tomorrow's practice. and then their head coach, randy bennett and the gaels players all said they're very please to not only have an extra day to prepare for this game with a couple of banged up guys on roster. they get to play that first round game on friday instead of thursday. but they also get to stay in the pacific time dealing with altered sleeper practice schedules as will be heading up to spokane, washington. >> for their first round game at saint mary's kate rooney kron 4 sports. it played saga in spokane. so they're used to
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that trip. >> meanwhile, the stanford women got their tournament assignment today as well. >> they did not receive a number one seed, which was a bit surprising to me, at least they'll be the number 2 seed in the portland regional. they get to host the game and potentially a second game at maples starting on friday and both tara vanderveer and senior guard hannah jump say that the team is looking for redemption after bowing out of the tournament little bit earlier than expected last >> we have the know coming out playing well, one unit time. and yet, you know, we do have wash here in the back of our minds. but i think, you know, we know that replaced every basketball we've been playing all season, never going to be using that. i think that not paying i feel we're in a great place. >> our our team is working very hard were, i think pretty healthy. and that's most important we're just going to where we're going really i do is as well as we can. i total
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confidence. we know we need to do. we know we need to run offense. played defense rebound and it really enjoy playing each other. that's the most important thing. >> yes, sir. all right. let's head out to tpc sawgrass. final round of the players championship. scottie scheffler. >> par 4, 4, hole. >> look at this for eagle. you kidding me, bro. he was 5 strokes back heading into the weekend. 5 strokes back of this guy right here. wyndham clark, we're about to see. this was to force a playoff folks. >> i you kidding me. >> just lips out. unreal. in disbelief. that secures the victory for scottie scheffler. first golfer in 50 years to defend the players championship crown. good for scotty. he's number one, golfer in the world for a
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reason. and wyndham that brutal, he's really good. do you have a defending u.s. open champion? >> the winning couple tournaments this year. probably sure. i'm sure he's doing okay and the money to part house after 100%. >> all right, jason, thanks a lot about
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>> now on inside california politics and olympic education for los angeles mayor karen bass. the magnet to the magnitude of what the games are going to and also the


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