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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 19, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, a san francisco neighborhood is coming together after a speeding suv crashed into a bus stop killing 3 family members. sitting there waiting for a bus. supporters of alameda county district attorney now asking the u.s. department of justice to get involved and investigate the effort to recall pamela price. and the good news this morning, all lanes now reopened following a deadly crash involving 3 cars in oakland. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. good morning. thank you for joining us here at 09:00am on james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya fall. so we've got a whole lot going on this morning. we do. let's start with the weather, though, because today's the day spring, right? good morning. i know it's spring today, but it doesn't feel like it. it felt like it a couple days ago. >> we're looking at a slight
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cool down today. even further cooling down for the rest of the forecast. >> by friday and saturday of this week will be waving to some showers looking outside at san jose this morning that blanket of low gray is very, very strict. i think for you not a lot of sunlight peeking through just yet. we are still seeing that low grade all the way inland 2 and a few foggy spots. once you get out to the delta, especially now skies are dry and we will see increasingly clear conditions this afternoon. today on all is going to be a pleasant day. but signs of that change will start to notice. temperatures in the 40's to 50's right now. hayward at 55 52 degrees. the late show you're sitting at 50 later today. it's still going to be some 60's and a few 70's for the stimulant. i'm going to be talking increasingly cool weather and eventually that opportunity of rainfall still ahead, rain. all right. on the year that been tracking an earlier accident along in that 80 connector. >> thankfully, that is all clear. all the lanes are clear right now. but you have
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residual delays. so we're still little slow along to not as bad as it was earlier. 24 completely backed up along with a 13. if you are going to be traveling this morning, 8.80, with that alternate, i've been saying ashby avenue as you're traveling through the emeryville berkeley area. again, you're also seeing slight pockets of delays because of that earlier crash bay bridge right now. 15 minutes watching. finally do it. the maze making it into the city this morning. got a maneuver long. those delays, mateo bridge is so backed up because a lot of folks took that route as an alternate this morning. so we're at about 24 minutes. 81 on which is over over 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge about 33 minutes. bart is also another route you want to keep in the forefront of your mind to maneuver around the traffic delays. we do. in fact, let's talk more what happened there on westbound 5.80, this morning. again, one person killed in that 3 vehicle crash. >> that impacted hours or traffic for hours and locked lanes was. >> kron four's will tran is live outside the bay bridge
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toll plaza. will you kind of an updating us because you've got a firsthand look at the cars all >> you see those signs right over my left shoulder. do not enter wrong way. those signs played a pivotal role in exactly what happened at 4.30, this morning because those signs were ignored. at the bay bridge toll plaza parking lot at around 8 o'clock in the morning. now, i can tell you the chp they towed all 3 cars involved in the collision right to my location. let me show you the video. a black bmw. it was the driver in this particular car who was killed. we don't know if it was a man or woman, but that person was going westbound 5.80, at 04:30am, in the morning and look at the front end just crumpled like a soda can. now we do know that the 2 suspects, according to the chp, they were driving in a
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white pickup truck according to them, they were actually being pursued by the el serino police officers. a short distance. and then after that, they called off their pursuit. the collision also involves a white van work van that person major injuries. now, let me show you video moments after it happened at 04:30am, in the morning. this is west bound 5.80, as you approach the macarthur maze. the 2 suspects running from police officers. they were going in the wrong direction when they slammed into 2 innocent bystanders that caused traffic between 4.30, and 8 o'clock in the morning to go up or to bumper. and at times to a screeching halt as investigators had to coach at the scene, then they had to tow away the 3 cars not to mention the cleanup, the roadway to make sure there was not any oil on the roadway to
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cause another accident. if you can head back to me now, i want to show you why those 2 signs are so important according to the chp, the 2 suspects came here to the parking lot. but they made a u-turn. they a nord. those 2 signs, they go right up here. this is where the macarthur maze on westbound 5.80. takes you down here in case you have an emergency, you can park your car and have it looked at. but instead it is not meant to go that way. and from this particular section here, those 2 sides to where the collisions took place about a 3rd of a mile freeway speeds. i showed you the bmw you see for yourself how crumpled it is. unfortunately, the collisions so horrific that that person in the car died at the scene as far as the 2 suspects, major injuries not to mention the driver of the
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van. those people as far as the van and the bmw chest probably heading to work or whatever they needed to go minding their own business and all of a sudden their world, all of a sudden had a collusion right here about 3rd of a mile from my location just minding their own and by the way, james fletcher, john trouble and i. we just missed it by minutes. i was there at the scene. thought it was a simple accident. thought that he would be cleared. i had no idea that unfortunately near my location, a person had done it. >> and this is just absolutely just terrible will. thank you very 95 is the time we have another big story this morning to where we have 3 family members who died. there's an infant that's still in the hospital right now being treated. but this is all following a crash that happened in san francisco's west portal. so investigators arrested and charged the driver. >> 78 year-old mary fong allow for the crash. there was a
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vigil last night for the family members that were killed. we have kron 4 sarah stinson with the story. >> hundreds of people attended this vigil. they came here to remember the family killed in the crash at the bus stop here. you can see the candles still live from that vigil. well, it may be over. people continue to visit this growing memorial. music-filled san francisco's west portal neighborhood monday night as hundreds of people stood together in both grief and solidarity. people placed flowers, stuffed animals and candles at a bus stop on you. lewis street. >> that's where a family of 4 was struck by a car on saturday waiting for the to take their kids to the zoo, which is what this family was doing. a mom, dad and child were killed. their baby survived the supervisor for this district. myrna melgar says the baby is now at the
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children's hospital. trauma center at child now has no parents sibling. so it is really difficult. and i am thinking about after a moment of silence, police chief bill scott lay down flowers for the family. >> feeling lost. cac says she witnessed the crash is still trying to process it all. but she says being at the vigil helps to other people that specifically new these individuals, friends, family, co-workers, people who worked with them is helpful for me. and just also to see the rest of the community and to see how many people came tax could be seen. holding woman who knew the family when and sylvia than any of the family came up and just. >> kind of like lost. like i just started, it triggered need to start crying or just like boom it made me because i could feel her emotions. >> as neighbors try their best
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to comfort each other. they also expressed fear for their own safety supervisor. melgar says she's working to make the area safer for everyone. let's have physical bollards in front of bus shelters the separation with the pedestrian so that we know that kids can be safe. there's a petition going around to make the area car free supervisor melgar is not against that, but she says it would take far too long to make that happen as they would have to do. studies. she's trying to make sure there are those physical barriers so that they can protect pedestrians on the sidewalk. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. back to you. >> well, happening today, the city of oakland could change the way police respond to alarms still on the proposed ordinance, law enforcement and only respond to the law if a crime has been confirms, we find well michael thomas in the newsroom with the latest on that. hey, michael. hey, good morning, everyone. will oakland city officials say that the ordinance that they're passing? will they say that it's going to help police
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spend more time and focus on actual crimes rather than false alarms. but alarm companies disagree and say that the change may lead to even more crimes happening. >> and that's the case in other cities. when ordinance like this is past. so what is a verified alarm system? well, it's a system that requires private alarm aompanies to verify that a crime is actually happening before the police are dispatched and put on location and it's done so by video, audio or other means a confirmation and the new ordinance that set to be finalized today requires that all new alarm installs be verified response systems. it also requires that existing alarms users with non verified systems convert to a verified system. once they have 2 or more false alarms those backing this change say that the oakland police reported that 98% of its alarm responses in 2021 to 2022. were false alarms which resulted in the agency being less available to respond to actual burglaries and emergency calls the california
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alarm association says this change punishes people that have invested in protecting themselves and their property, adding that this style of policing has been tried out in other cities in the past and it's been repealed by different areas and that's throughout the country. as citizens have complained about rising crime rates and overall public safety. that includes cities like san jose, along with 3 others here in the state of california. however, oakland officials say t%e change did work in some cities like las vegas. and right now the association says they feel that both alarm industry officials and experts along with the public should be able to make a comment and have a discussion about this change before things are finalized later tonight. now we did reach out to officials with the city of oakland when it comes responding to the statements from the actual alarm association says we get more details on that will keep you updated by this morning in the newsroom. and michael thomas will send it back to you. all right, michael, thank you for that break down their time now is 9.11 happening today. the city of oakland is going to vote on whether the city should use license plate readers to catch people. >> illegally dumping items on
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the streets. if passed, the ordinance would allow the city to catch and prosecute these dumpers. the cameras would be installed in public hotspots where chronic dumping has been seen. the cameras would only be placed in areas that have like light poles, bus stops, streetlights. it won't go into effect until april 1st, if it's passed. all right. well, happening today, we've got the sfmta now they're going to present locations for multiple cars that have been broken into. so more on that coming up in a minute.
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>> all right. we're back. 9.14, is that i'm here on the kron 4 morning news. all right. and it's been really nice of you for the most part. we can't really tell from indoors, but it looks it looks nice job for american morning, john. yeah, it's definitely just fine. this morning. >> no rainfall out there. not even all that cold the morning, but we just have a lot of grace sitting overhead that low cloud cover and fog seen right here from mount tam still shrouding out the vast majority of the bay area. but once we do see it burn off. patience is key here. we do get to a nice and clear latter half of the day today as well as tomorrow and thursday are all remaining dry. and that high pressure ridge is partly responsible for that. we do see a huge switch up, though, arriving this weekend. and that involves cooler conditions and eventually some wetter conditions, too. you see showers dropping in along this cold front as we move into the latter half of friday, friday into saturday are going to be particularly cool little bit breezy as well as snowy up in the sierra and just wet for the bay area saturday. good day to watch
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the movies. keep it a little bit local sunday. if you are heading to the sierra, good day for your travels. back before a brief resurgence of rainfall on monday. all this rain is going to amount to around 3 inches up in the north coast while some urban areas in the bay could see well over an inch of rainfall from the weekend into early next week. so you get the idea here. a lot of changes in the works for us. definitely a huge difference from this past weekend when we were so warm. as for current temperatures, we are cool in the 50's later today, though it's 60's to 70's that sunshine really going to help us out. antioch, one of our warmer spots up to 74 while oakland and san francisco in the mid 60's tomorrow, temperatures a little cooler and cooling down further for the rest of the forecast. by friday. showers arriving mostly in the afternoon saturday, barely making the 60's was showers continuing, right? all right, john, thank you for that. we are tracking our morning commute from an early morning crash. >> a lot 5.18, that 80 connector that is now clear. but as you can see, you're still seeing delays along
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5.80, on 24 and even 13. so 80 would be a good alternate for you as you try to maneuver around that. bridge is going to look at things right now. 13 minutes into the city this morning. once you get past that mateo bridge down from 30 to 22 lot of people took the senate hill ridge as a result of the delays here it was december fell bridge 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls going 32 minutes. >> time now to talk winners and losers on wall street. we have financial expert rob black joining us this morning with markets a little mixed drop where you stand. >> a little bit worse about an hour ago. it's improved. the s p 500 just turned positive. the dow is positive. the nasdaq slightly weaker nvidia, disappointed the tech crowd by not. it disappoints. they did everything. they're supposed to socks just up 200 plus percent of last 52 i'm ty expectations were met yesterday with ad developers conference in san jose where they should a lot of ai future from robots to cars to new
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types of memory. types of hardware. but again, people are a little underwhelmed because it built in. tomorrow we get the federal reserve talk about what are called the dot plots show us how many more times they're going to cut interest rates in for cut 9 so far expectations for 3, they say, too. markets might sell off. they say 3 markets might rally. but, you know, i see this is a healthy digestion period. and on wall we should be making new highs every day to 7 out of 10 years which make the highs. more on track for that. >> okay. all right. and i find interesting, too, this morning because a lot of the exit, this of california in terms of people leaving the state, they were going to 2 places like austin, texas, but i'm seeing this morning at the housing market. there now is beginning to cool after seeing a a spike here recently. what's your read on that? >> austin, us and houston. we have a problem. it's kind of showing it up. prices in austin are up 66%. i knew a
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couple families that left. they loved it. up. 66 1% from 9, 2019 that through 2022 now the home prices are down 11% since 2023 started rents are down 7%. it's the fastest decelerating market in the united states in rents and home prices. and they got so much demand there to build cdc, more apartments go out. so not saying it's is really difficult to succeed. as far as getting lower rents because we just don't have a lot of land to build on where we do. and there's counties like brand they don't like seeing building split into so it's a little more prohibitive in texas. interesting. okay. and sticking with the real estate market, what's this word that? >> maybe the 6% standard commission for buying and selling homes that go to the agents. is that a thing of the past now? what am i seeing here? it will be a thing of the the rules don't go into effect until july of this year. so it's not quite there yet. but on friday.
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>> now, are they like to call them the national association of realtors? they lost another case. they lost 418 million dollar case. i'm ty towards commissions anti-competitive they're kind of things that we can't get around when i decide to buy a house sell or, you know, get struck 6%. and that drives the price up of the home 6% typically is the thinking in america. we have 100 billion dollars in commissions every year in real estate. it's the one industry that hasn't been hit by the internet until now. so brokerage fees by mutual funds lowered to buy stocks lower to do your banking went lower it's about time in my opinion now. i'm sure a lot of realtors are screaming at me right now to i know they're important part of the process to maximize profits seller in get buyers into and 100 billion dollars in commissions begins go after real estate agent. have to lower the commission's be competitive. we're thinking about a 30% commissions cut. he's going about standard. so
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in a million dollar home, they're currently getting about $60,000 when it sold in the bay area. so you can pull you know, may be at 30% of that. so, that should help companies that have real estate agents like zillow encompass their stocks were down 10% on friday on this news. and home builders like pulte toll brothers. their stocks because, again, we'll probably somewhere homes in the future and get some of the fees out. you have the real estate buying process. interesting. it's it's all relative, isn't it? yeah. 6 1% on a $300,000 home somewhere else in the country. >> you know, is different than 6% multimillion-dollar home here in the bay area, which seems like most homes are above a million dollars. so, yeah, that's a lot. >> the commission's and or upper half what they are in the united states half what they are in the uk. so it's we've protected the real estate agents for a little bit too long, in my opinion, as other markets have seen pricing competition. come
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right. >> okay. now, lastly, let's end on a comical know we've got mister beast who's known for all those. you know, splashy stunts online. he's heading to prime video. what's going on there? >> this isn't think of it from social influencer youtuber to mainstream tv. so 245 million scribes on youtube. his name is jamie donaldson. also known as mister east. my kids love him. and insists that we buy mister beast candy bars because they're better for you than the typical hershey's chocolate. at least that's you market an amino. yeah. so he's coming to prime video and he's got, you know, a v essex survive 100 days trapped and when $500,000 he had one. that was let's have 1000 blind people see for the first time to some sort of implant for them and they 175 million views. he famously created squid games that pulled in 587 millions viewers to see it. so he's he's all that and a
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bucket chocolate. to speak is going to be bringing up a program called beast games to prime video. i can't think of one prime video like i missed it, struggling to get eyeballs and attention. i know they have lord of the rings, but i don't watch so they can get him and his 275 million followers and time netflix is in the building. but they pulled out because skies all that and he's real. 5 million dollar prize ever in tv for thousands contestants. you and i should jump in. james. haha. well, i mean, seems to be the way of the where he goes, i think is where the industry goes for us in somers wet. >> thank you very much. rob. as always. we're going rob again tomorrow. so let him know now what you want to talk about. you've got his handles there. you've g
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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we're back at 9.25. happening today. the sfmta is going to present locations for those 33 speed cameras that are going to be installed next year in san francisco. the board of directors is set to vote on where they will go throughout the city. transit officials are looking right now at installing them in places like school zones and areas that have seen sideshows in the past. according to the san francisco by school coalition. they're hoping this will reduced speeds for drivers and improve infrastructure. >> well, in the east bay chpa were posted this video of a high-speed chase. deputies were in alameda county when they saw this white dodge more than 130 miles per hour. the senate chase the driver over the bay bridge into san francisco. people inside and ran off and got into a stolen corvette. then they would more than 160 miles per hour
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towards redwood city on highway 101, all 5 people in the car were arrested after spikes were used and they tried to run a wage. >> we're going to take a break here 9.26. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. a proposal that makes exemptions california's minimum wage laws moving through the legislature, although some lawmakers are supporting we'll lawmakers are supporting we'll tell you why. - have you ever heard of something called toxic stress?
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it can develop in people who experience trauma as kids and don't get the support they need.
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when they have their own kids, it can be hard for them to be the type of parent they wanna be. - learn more at are back 9.30, is the time here as we take a quick live look outside. we've got >> great conditions overhead this morning. it's been a dry morning. a little cooler than yesterday, but still good day
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to get out on salute. the we're in for a little bit of a change of pace. definitely not going to be as warm and sunny as we were over the weekend. >> spring officially kicks off today at 08:00:06pm. and just as we start spring kind of feels like we're getting a little taste of winter in the days to come. this is what it looks like outside right now from the east bay hills, peeks of sunshine, making its way down through that, blanket of low grade that has been persistent this morning. it's going to take a little bit more patients, but we're eventually going to see sunshine breaking through those clouds and more and more sunshine into the afternoon. under these clear skies, temperatures will begin to climb further. we're still hanging out in the low 50's for most areas. oakland, a concord in dublin at fifty-two degrees right me to among the more mild spots at 53 currently as we move into the afternoon, we'll still see some 60's and some inland 70's. so we're still holding on to some warmth, but getting cooler as the day goes by and eventually by this next weekend, seeing the return of
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some rainfall get to all that. your full forecast. all right, john, thank you for that. still tracking those residual delays from that early morning fatal accident. >> a long 5, 80 80 that connector there lanes are all clear. but again, 5.80, still very slow so he can do it. take 8.80, or even ashby boulevard is a traveling to berkeley. 13 minutes bay bridge maze to that fremont street exit. lot of people take the san mateo bridge and we got pretty backed up. there was still around 18 minutes. richards, summer filbert 71 and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 30 minutes. >> well, 9 30's the time and supporters of alameda county district attorney pamela price are saying that people behind her recall effort committed fraud in their signature gathering process. and they claim california's attorney general is doing nothing about it. however, kerman has that story. backers of alameda county district attorney pamela price are alleging her opponents who are trying to recall her. >> committed fraud during the signature gathering process. we have extensive evidence
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that we've collected from are volunteers from folks who are just living citizens, people who live in alameda county come tools made these claims and they and everyone else deserve. >> for our into intention of liberty, integrity, election integrity to be maintains. the allegations set forth in a slide show presentation revolve around 3 main complaints, signature petitions were left unattended on tables and some signature gatherers were from outside the county and others from outside the state, which they say may be illegal. they also allege some signers were alert to sign an unrelated petition and then presented with the price recall on every 28 we sent a letter to california attorney general rob bonta asking him to investigate our claims. made march 18. we've not heard anything from attorney general bonta are his office. >> and it isn't the type of thing that you can wait 6 months for democracy is
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currently being tested in eaton county. the price campaign calls bonta's alleged inaction, a dereliction of duty. and now they've asked the u.s. attorney's office to investigate. is even more importance today. he calls every single signature is now increased scrutiny. >> following that announcement last thursday by the register voters that the folks he spent millions of dollars, they think it is may not have enough. just last week, the alameda county registrar of voters said >> the signatures would have to be manually counted to verify if there are enough legal signatures because a random sampling was not sufficient. 73,195 legal signatures would force pamela price into a recall election. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> well, the city leaders are increasing police patrols along the amber corridor. that's a main route from the oakland airport. he's also become a hotspot for robberies
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of cart. that's forcing a lot of restaurants close their doors. city officials are pledging they want to add more foot patrols. install security cameras. been 2 million dollars at safety ambassadors as well as private security. >> this is a key gateway to oakland and it's a vital element to our city's economic engine. we still have a lot of work in front of us and we will continue to do more. this is just the beginning. >> well, the california highway patrol, which they occasionally deployed officers in oakland to assist opd. they say they're going continue to be available as needed. you know, city council there are also on a new proposal to help clear ban cars off the streets. councilmember rebecca kaplan says the city of anna cars not only clutter streets, they impact a lot of public right of ways functionality. they also compromise the overall well-being of the community. money for the project would come from the alameda county transportation commission. >> on the peninsula based palo
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alto, police now releasing several videos linked to a murder case from early february. now police say this video shows that white suv seat you see there at the top of the screen. people inside appear to witnessed what happened. this attack that killed frank finlay on bell street at university happened about 08:30pm. then you see it drives off. police are asking people who are in that suv to call them. you may have valuable information. a $10,000 reward don't forget is being offered right now for any information leading to the a3rest and conviction of the person responsible for families, death. berkley police have arrested a woman suspected of stabbing her own mother to death. that stabbing happened just before 3 o'clock sunday afternoon. it was in an apartment on university avenue between san pablo avenue in sacramento street. police say they will not release any other details at this point until the daughter is charged. all we know is that she's been booked into the santa rita jail. >> well, an accused murder allegedly attacked his own attorney during a court hearing at contra costa county
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courthouse. according to officials on monday, defended randall struck his attorney matthew for jelly in the neck with a pen port security. they were able to take control of that situation. randall is in the court on murder charges for allegedly killing his ex-girlfriend during a child custody dispute. rana was arrested back in 2020 after police found a 24 year old. john john and bridges shot to death in the she was shot to death and also shot in the head while sitting in her car, bridges and randall share custody of their infant son of the time. court officials say there were no significant injuries and the case is scheduled to continue as usual this afternoon. >> well, in the north bay, we have dozens of cars now broken into in petaluma over the weekend. isis stasio reports on how police say residents can now track down whoever is it's terrible. >> news of the break-ins traveled fast with people who live here weighing in on the burglaries. i was surprised at the amount of cars that they broke and the fact that there
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is security here on the night. >> figure out how that can happen. outlet >> on yorkshire road in east petaluma, not one or 2, but a half dozen cars broken into glass everywhere, piercing seats and littering sidewalks. petaluma police say that they were break-ins at the panel premium outlets. saint vincent high school sheraton hotel and could pretty creek apartment complex that borders yorkshire ancestry lane this past saturday, more than 30 cars broken into with personal property stolen and costly repair bills. petaluma police now asking anyone with surveillance video to come forward and join the security camera registry program. the department says that could give officers access to evidence that helps them solve crimes like these, not only
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their cars being damaged, but whatever they had inside was taken. >> crummy. in petaluma theresa kron. 4 news. >> well, andy held its first antioch police oversight commission meeting last night's where members who are soon going to decide on a commission chair and vice chair, the seven-member police commission includes a variety of backgrounds. there are community organizers are lawyers on this committee chair. it's all part of the cities steps towards rebuilding trust between the community and its police department over get we had all the fallout from last year's races. text messaging scandal. the police had a federal investigation involved. indictments came down against several officers. so there's lot of things to repair the dates and times of future commission meetings were supposed to be discussed last night. so let you know when that information is made public. well, california's only statewide measure this primary election is still in a tight race. the ballots are being it's known as prop one.
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it's backed by governor newsom and he says it will help the state address homelessness and mental health crises. it asked voters to approve a 6.3 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds and 27,000 treatment slots. about a billion dollars from the bond will go towards treatment for u.s. service veterans. and while governor newsom postponed his state of the state address while he waits for the outcome to be clear, democrats continue to speak out in support of the measure. >> we're all in for prop one. >> it's the right thing to do to get people off the streets to get them the treatment and the mount mental health support they need to live their lives with dignity so yes, on prop one we've endorsed it. we're excited about it. and we looked we % need to see some change. >> well, opponents, including republican assemblymember joe patterson argue it's just throwing more money at the problem on ax. he wrote, quote, the problem with prop one is it keeps the same failed policies that resulted in california mostly on gavin newsom's. watch spending
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20 billion dollars and homelessness getting worse and quote. >> well, there you hear protesters interrupting states. senator scott wiener yesterday demanding a cease-fire in gaza. they say no business as usual until there's a resolution. well, the business that senator wiener was there to do was to announce a new ballot measure to increase funding for public transportation in the bay area. the proposed legislation does not specify the source of the revenue, but it does in power transportation officials to choose among sales tax vehicle, registration fees, or other sources of tax revenue. >> cars are 99 in the state assembly passed a proposal, 2 some fast food restaurants california's new $20. minimum wage law. while most fast food chains must increase the minimum wage $20 per hour on april. 1st, the bill would exempt fast locations in
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airports tails event, center, state parks and museums. although the bill definitive while responding to critics sales ago, she behind closed doors. >> this was a process that was transparent. unlike a lot of negotiations that happened around very difficult bills. they require both sides coming together. there was consensus from the business community as well as labor. >> it's not legislation. when all the negotiations happened behind closed doors and there's not transparency. >> the bill known as the state senate chains that bake sale ready stand on already exempt from the minimum wage increase. i told the money there's another mega millions drawing tonight. jackpot has soared to 893 million after no tickets matched all the winning numbers on friday. one of tonight's drawing can get a cash prize of 421 million dollars. jacqueline has been growing since last winning tickets sold in december. your
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odds of winning one and 302 million. but go ahead. plane ways. you also the chance to win big with the powerball after no one took last night's jackpot that's of at paws. now, 687 million dollars. the cash prize of 327 million dollars. the next drawing is wednesday night. still ahead, a morning news giant sign a new picture to a two-year deal. you heard him hit peak of car. >> who say you? the new edition and news coming to the team genre. and a cool one at the coastline with temperatures remaining in the 50's and low 60's along the coast. >> inland areas, though, you're going to be right back into those upper 60's, if not low 70's, so fight the spread of temperatures today. be breaking down the changes that
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>> we're back like we never left. that's right. we've got john standing by with a closer look at what we're play out behind us here with the gray clouds. looks nice, though, get outdoors. i know it feels like grey. i guess that's appropriate the first spring for the bay area. we had our final days of winter feeling really nice and warm and spring gets here today and dogs back with us. a spring doesn't officially kick off at 08:00:06pm, tonight. so your final hours of winter, this is your view outside from mount tam one of those spots. that's right. above that blanket of cloud cover. punching a hole or right there in the midst of all this low grade that's still hanging out with us. we'll see more and more sunshine prevailing on into the afternoon today. and that is going make for a very pleasant feeling day, just a little bit cooler than where we had been the past few days. that cooling trend is taking shape, though. and by the
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weekend will barely be making the 60's for now high pressure winds out. so we do have sunshine to expect later on by the weekend, though, a cold front drops in and along with it, a line of showers, especially into friday afternoon. this means rainfall for the bay area friday into friday night and continuing into saturday. saturday is going to be that good day to watch movies unless you want to get up to the sierra on friday in which case you'll have some new powder up there sunday. we get a break from the rain and snow. good travel back from the sierra de on sunday before a bit. more rainfall into monday of next week. you all this up from the weekend and on into next week and we're going end up with around 3 inches of new rain fall along the north coast. that's a pretty good dose of rain. as for the bay area just over an inch for some urban areas from this weekend into early next week system. so definitely going to be a much different forecast than what we had last weekend when it was 70's and sunshine today. the is kind of cool. as you saw some 50's at the coast. well, 60's along the bay shore today and 70's for areas
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further from the water. san jose, you'll be at 73 degrees while dublin are right at 70 oakland. 65 for your daytime high north bay temperatures, some of our warmest vacaville up to 73 while antioch at 74. here's a look ahead to tomorrow. we get a little cooler yet with some mid 60's. those mid 60's remain through the start of the weekend on friday. but as that cold front being brings us rain fall late friday into saturday. it also brings us some cooler weather by saturday through monday will barely be making 60 degrees rain. all right, john, thank you for that. still keeping an eye on a 5, 80, 80 connector oakland where we have that early morning. >> fatal crash. there telling people taken 8.80, might be a good alternate. but as you see, we're seeing a little approving a law. 5, 8 this morning. if you want to travel to berkeley, maybe take a nasty avenue. another good alternate for you. there. bay bridge. 15 minutes heading into the city. san mateo bridge, no short of 60 minutes. >> christmas overfill, ridge around 8 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls, 30
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minutes. >> 9.47, is the time in the first birth control pill called o-pill is available in the u.s. now without a prescription and it's officially for sale. the fda approved the bill last year for use without a prescription with no age limit. o-pill has a suggested retail price of 1999. a month. o-pill orders will also be sent in plain unbranded boxes. company says the biggest benefit will be for those living in what they call contraceptive deserts, where there is limited access to reproductive health and for adolescents who will be able to access contraceptives with more privacy. major retail pharmacy say they will also eventually offer o-pill as well. lawmakers on capitol hill pushing a bill to crack down on the misuse of synthetic opioids including xylazine. the synthetic drugs normally used by veterinarians to treat animals. but lawmakers claim that people are now choosing to mix it with the deadly drug fentanyl. if approved the combating
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illicit xylazine act would make it a schedule 3 drug and it would enable the dea, dea to track its manufacturing while also making sure the veterinarians and farmers still have access to it. so far the bill has been endorsed by. 39 state attorneys general major law enforcement organizations and veterinary groups. >> well, in the south bay, dozens of schools in santa clara county will receive more than 13 million dollars to expand the number of school-based behavioral wellness centers. are there money will help? 28 new wellness centers and middle and high schools in the county and support upgrade to a dozen existing center's will be staffed by administrator and a clinician can do screenings and assessments my counseling and make referrals other services if needed. county officials say they want to destigmatize behavioral health issues and also normalize self care. >> adolescence for youth there's a lot of crises that they're dealing with and having a safe place having these resources and having
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these resources come together in an environment of partnership and community. >> it's so critical for our children. >> money from the american rescue act and the mental health services at going help finance the project. program is part of the county's continue covid response plan all in the u.s. surgeon general declaring use mental health so urgent public health issue. >> all right. let's turn our attention to bay area sports. we have to giants now. they've got a new addition to the team, mia and the boyers. they also take on the knicks at home. so it's director jason dumas says all those highlights. >> inconsistent and a lack of urgency. those are to weigh that. describe this warriors team. sometimes they look like they can be anyone other times. they look like a group ready for the season to end. and on monday night, unfortunately, it was the latter. the warriors, we're coming off of a really good win against the lakers. you hope they could build on it at home. but the knicks, they came out fiery former dup
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dante de vincenzo missed covering the guys are always always a nice to 18 points for dante mix. start the game with 18 four-run 2nd quarter warriors down play. thompson has been really good sense moving to the bench. >> he had 18 in 8 tonight. later in the second dubbed down 8. jonathan coming up by steph curry right in his old friend's face. dante de vincenzo 16 in the second for step below. 3rd quarter. 6 point knicks lead jalen brunson. can't leave him open places can't leave him. 34 7 for jb. 4th quarter golden state down 6. i love the synergy between clay thompson. trayce jackson-davis it. dax in davis is growing up before our eyes. 19 points off t j but this guy by the name of miles mcbride, who was phenomenal. on monday night, a
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career-high 29 points that 3 ice, the game warriors could never get all the way back in this one. after going down 18 to 4 doubloons one, 19, one, 12, they're back in action on wednesday against a great start the giants. finally got second that starting pitcher day. we're looking for the have logan webb, but they wanted another one. >> they have sign reigning cy young award winner blake snell to a two-year 62 million dollar deal. show me the last season snow started. 32 games. he was 14 9 had a league-leading. 2.2, 5 e r a and struck out 234 batters which was good for 3rd. most in the nl snell now reunites with his old skipper. bob melvin, great pickup for the giants. they're way more talented than they were last year. that's a start. >> all right, ashley, look at sports.
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>> while the forty-niners, by the way, also signed veteran quarterback josh dobbs to a one-year deal which includes 2 and a quarter million dollars guaranteed with $750,000 in player incentives, dobbs is expected to backup brock purdy, the niners backup last season. sam donaldson with the minnesota vikings. going take a break or 9.52. coming up in the next hour of the kron. 4 morning news. gas prices are on the rise in the bay area. we're going to see how much you might spend. >> while filling up. we are
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back 9.55. is the time and across the pond in england in the wake of news of kate middleton's photoshop scandal broke breaking. >> several media outlets have dedicated departments to sifting through old pictures of the royal family and getty images. and they're not raising concerns about this one. it depicts the late queen elizabeth and grandkids. it was taken in 2022 and released by buckingham palace just last year to mark what would have been her 97th birthday. several discrepancies, though, including the line of the queen skirt, not matching and prince lucine on the far right appears to be super imposed. the palace has yet to comment, but a lot of folks are and how. going over these photos with a fine tooth comb. well, calling all spiderman fans, all 8 spiderman movies now returning to select movie theater starting next month. it's all part of a promotion by sony pictures. they're running a it called spider-man
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days and fans will be able to experience all the live action movies on the big screen once again, all the way back to the beginning from the original spider-man movie to the most recent no way home. so make sure you check your area for show times the spider. monday's promotion begins next month and it will play one movie every monday until june. how cool? >> all right. coming up in the next hour, the proper morning news, the oakland city council is set to vote on an ordinance that would change the way police respond to security alarms by pundits of the ordinance say it could lead to an increase in crime if it's passed. plus, the sfmta is set to vote on where to install speed cameras in and around. san francisco will show you some of the intersections are thinking about. and community members pushing for change after a family's killed when a car crashes into the bus stop where they were waiting for a bus. we'll tell you what change they want to see.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, a san francisco neighborhood comes together to remember 3 people killed by an suv while we were waiting at a bus stop. supporters of alameda county's district attorney now want the u.s. department of justice to investigate efforts to recall pamela price and all lanes now open following a wrong-way crash on 5.80, near the bay bridge. we have new details just into the newsroom about what led up to that crash. >> from the local news station. you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here on this tuesday. march 19th, i'm james fletcher. it's 10:00am. th


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