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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  March 19, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, a san francisco neighborhood comes together to remember 3 people killed by an suv while we were waiting at a bus stop. supporters of alameda county's district attorney now want the u.s. department of justice to investigate efforts to recall pamela price and all lanes now open following a wrong-way crash on 5.80, near the bay bridge. we have new details just into the newsroom about what led up to that crash. >> from the local news station. you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here on this tuesday. march 19th, i'm james fletcher. it's 10:00am. the clouds outside haven't budged.
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although i think there's a little bit of sunshine coming out. but these clouds are going to be something more and common throughout the week. i think john, the little peeks of sunshine now. but you're right, james, it's taking a long time to get there has been a pretty overcast morning. >> almost feels like a little may gray urging for us. early taste of spring weather on your first day of the new season. we're looking outside right here at the east bay hills, nice green hillsides from our recent rainfall and a little peek of sunshine between the grade that is now beginning to burn off more and more. we'll continue do so. the afternoon hours are going to bring abundantly sunny skies actually, really pleasant weather, but not as warm as we've been. this cooling trend continues and temperatures will continue to cool into the weekend. temperatures right now are in the 50's oakland and san francisco at 53 degrees. santa rosa at 51 degrees right now. later on today, we're still going to tap into a few low 70's for inland areas. where is coastal areas will be in the upper 50's to low to mid 60's. all get to the rest of
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your forecast as we go. james. is 10, 0, 1, and back to that developing story that we're following this morning. one person died after a wrong-way crash on westbound 5.80, in oakland. >> and we've just confirmed that that crash is connected to a burglary that happened earlier this morning in el serino. kron four's will tran live at the bay bridge at the toll plaza to explain. will. >> it started off as a burglary then it started again with a pursuit. and then ultimately end it with somebody being killed, an innocent bystander. i'm at the bay bridge toll plaza. you see those signs over my shoulder that played pivotal role because it was ignored by the suspects. it started with a burglary miles away from this location in elsa let me show you video of it. this all went down at around 4.20, in the morning, according to the el serino police department, 2
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suspects. rammed the front of a cigarette store with their pickup truck. and officer was nearby, saw what was happening and started pursuing the 2 suspects, but they didn't stay on city streets. the 2 suspects actually hopped on to the freeway when miles from el serino with the officer in pursuit, it was at this location at the toll plaza where it turned fatal according to the police officers from the el serino police department and chp, those 2 suspects actually came to this location. if we can quickly come back to me, i'll show you the chain of events after that. so they got to this location, made a u-turn and then went up this direction here that do not enter wrong way. this is where you come down to the toll plaza from the macarthur maze. if you're westbound 5.80, you
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are not supposed to go up. the collision took place about a 3rd of a mile from this location. let me show you another piece of video at around 8 o'clock in the morning. chp, they managed to finally do all 3 of the vehicles involved in this down to the toll plaza parking lot. the driver of the black bmw. he or she not identified yet. that person was killed. you can see the front end of the bmw crumpled like a soda can. that person was driving along westbound 5.80, minding their own business when all of a sudden that suspect's pickup truck came along and hit it head on. not just the bmw, but also a white van that caused traffic to shut down pretty much between 4, 38 o'clock in the morning. let me show you video that gets us a little bit closer to the scene. now
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you can see what it did. it just had all the wreckage spilled and multiple lanes, not just that, but also oil gasoline onto the roadway. the oakland fire department. they came to the scene. they shut it down. in fact, i drove by that scene just minutes after it happened. i easily could have been involved in a head-on collision. a lot of drivers had no idea. they were stuck in traffic for a long time. then at around 8 o'clock in the morning they manage to toe all 3 of the vehicles to this location. here's the update. 2 suspects in the white pickup truck suffered major injuries. the driver of the van looks like a work van also suffered minor. excuse me, major injuries. unfortunately, the driver of the bmw. just the injuries so horrific that that person died at the scene. that person
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still not got as far as the identity given out to the public at this particular time. but again, all started with a burglary and end. it with 2 innocent bystanders collided into i-2 suspects with one of don't. >> thank you 10. 0, 5, the time. and turning to another big story this morning. 3 family members are dead and an infant left behind is still being treated at the hospital following a crash in san francisco's west portal. they were all waiting at a bus stop when an suv crashed into them. investigators have arrested and charged the driver of that suv identified as 78 year-old mary fong lau. there was a vigil held last night to remember the family and a call for change proper. sara stinson was there. >> hundreds of people attended this vigil. they came here to remember the family killed in the crash at the bus. stop here. you can see the candles
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still live from that vigil. well, it may be over. people continue to visit this growing memorial. >> solemn music-filled, san francisco's west portal neighborhood monday night as hundreds of people stood together in both grief and solidarity. people placed flowers, stuffed animals and candles at a bus stop on new lewis street. that's where a family of 4 was struck by a car on saturday waiting for the to take their kids to the zoo, which is what this family was doing. a mom, dad and child were killed. their baby survived the supervisor for this district. myrna melgar says the baby is now at the children's hospital. trauma center at child now has no parents sibling. so it is really difficult. and i am thinking about >> after a moment of silence, police chief bill scott lay down flowers for the family.
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feeling lost. cac says she witnessed the crash is still trying to process it all, but she says being at the vigil helps to other people that specifically new these individuals, friends, family, co-workers, people who worked with them is helpful for me. and just also to see the rest of the community and to see how many people came tax could be seen. holding a woman who knew the family when and sylvia than any of the family came up and just. >> kind of like lost. like i just started, it triggered need to start crying or just like boom it made me because i could feel her emotions. >> as neighbors tried their best to comfort each other, they also expressed fear for their own safety supervisor. melgar says she's working to make the area safer for everyone. let's have physical bollards in front of bus shelters the separation with the pedestrian so that we know
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that kids can be safe. there's a petition going around to make the area car free supervisor melgar is not against that, but she says it would take far too long to make that happen as they would have to do. studies. she's trying to make sure there are those physical barriers so that they can protect pedestrians on the sidewalk. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. back to you. >> 10, 0, 8, is the time and happening today. the city of oakland could change the way police respond to alarms under this new proposed ordinance law enforcement would only respond to an alarm if it is confirmed. crawford's. michael thomas in the newsroom to explain. >> oakland city officials say that this change would allow police to spend more time on actual crimes rather than spending time on false alarms. but alarm companies say that's not always the case, adding that they may even see a spike in crime, which is exactly what happened in other areas when an ordinance like this was passed. >> so what is a verified alarm system? well, it's a system
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that requires private alarm companies to verify that a crime is actually happening before the police are actually dispatched to the location and it's done so by video, audio or other means of confirmation. the new ordinance that set to be finalized today requires that all new alarm installs be verified. response systems. and it requires that all existing alarm users with non verified systems convert to a verified system. once they have 2 or more false alarms, those backing the bill say that the oakland police reported at 98% of its alarm responses between the years 2021 to 2022. were false alarms which resulted in the agency being less available to respond to actual burglaries and emergency calls. now, the california alarm association says that the change punishes people that have invested in protecting themselves and property, adding that this style of policing has been tried in the past and is eventually repealed by cities throughout the country. and that's because citizens have complained about the rising crime rates and overall public safety. that includes places
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like san jose and 3 other cities in california that have repealed this change. but oakland officials say the change did work out for other cities like las vegas. and right now the association says it feels about the alarm industry officials and the public should be able to comment and have a discussion about this change before things are finalized tonight did reach out to oakland officials for response regarding the statements made by the alarm association and are still waiting for a response. that's a very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. all right, michael, thank you. 10 10 is the time and elsewhere. >> in oakland today, city leaders are going to vote on whether they should use license plate readers to catch people illegally dumping items on the streets if passed, the ordinance will allow the city to catch and prosecute these dumpers. the cameras would be installed in public hotspots where chronic dumping has happened in the past. the cameras would only be placed in areas like light poles and bus stops and street lights. it will go into effect on april. first, if it's passed.
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in san francisco, the sfmta will present locations now for the 33 speed cameras that they want to install in the city next year, the board of directors will vote on where to install those speed cameras throughout the city. transit officials are looking to install them in places like school zones and areas that have seen sideshows according to the san francisco bicycle coalition. they're hoping this will produce speeds for drivers and improve infrastructure. all right. we're going to take a break. 10 11 is the time. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news could former santa clara county sheriff laurie smith run for office again? well, we'll have the results of her case. the 10, 14 is the
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time in the east bay, the city of pleasant hill just approved its first biking and walking plan last night. the plan includes more than 12 miles of protected bikeways and my 17 miles of neighborhood bike routes. the plan aims to connect these bike and walking paths to schools and shopping centers in areas of recreation. it would install more benches and bike racks along the streets and would also require developers to connect their sites to these paths. kids in pleasant hill will also be getting more bicycle safety education as well. a warning for dog owners in san francisco. the presidio trust is closing some hiking trails to dogs because of coyote pupping season. so right now, the park trail stretching from mountain lake to the presidio promenade and the bay ridge trail from the rob hill campground to the presidio golf course. there are all closed to dogs. both on off-leash doesn't matter. no dogs allowed. the trails are shown there on your screen
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during pupping season. coyotes can be especially protective of their pups and they could lash out and attack dogs. so that's why they're telling dog owners don't bring him to the trails. these trails are going to remain closed through early september. spring officially arrives tonight. and for a lot of folks, that means time for spring cleaning. doctor daniel levitin is scientists and he says organizing a space can have ripple effects when it comes to your mind and body, especially for women. >> studies have shown that in general when women walk into messy environments, their cortisol levels, spike cortisol also shuts down your libido. your digestive system and your immune system. >> yeah. and another benefit of spring cleaning, according to health expert says it can keep you motivated to tackle even, you know, other task other goals may be bigger items you want to. scratch off the list putting off springs the time to do it. all right.
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speaking of which let's get to the weather center because john knows exactly when this spring officially has asked like witness spring officially begin and it is 08:00:06pm, tonight. so technically you're still in winter right now. you can put up the cleaning until after but right now we are looking at. >> still some gray skies for a few spots. look at this. sunshine is punched a hole right in the low gray right over the bay bridge in downtown san francisco. right there. some of us are still sitting under great others are getting that dose of sun. finally and we'll see more and more of it as we move into the afternoon today, tomorrow and thursday. all looking nice and dry after that, though, this high-pressure ridge that for the moment anyways is keeping us dry and relatively mild is actually going to be nudged out dropping temperatures and a low pressure area that dives in along with the cold front come late friday into saturday. showers will kick up mostly during the latter half of the day on friday, snowfall during friday night into saturday morning up in the
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sierra will be welcome for skiers up there, but can cause some travel issues. saturday is good day to watch the movies in the bay area and then get to that spring cleaning or at least outdoor stuff on sunday with a little break from the rain monday could come along with a few more showers. you add all of that up friday through monday and the north coast could see around 3 inches of rain in the bay area. some urban areas could get upwards of an inch or more of rainfall. so some pretty decent rainfall here. nothing major, no flooding risk, but definitely some wet roadways towards the weekend. temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's today near the coastline. well, a lot of 60's along the bay shore today. the further away you get from the water and the warmer. those temperatures will be. we do have 70's in the south bay, a nice comfortable day for the santa clara valley as well as for the tri valley, both in the 70's, oakland, you'll be at 65 degrees while concord at 72 antioch, one of our warmer spots at 74 degrees for your high tomorrow, we'll see less of those 70's as temperatures drop further, then continue to fall into the weekend by
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saturday, sunday and monday will barely be making the low 60's at the warmest showers. most likely late friday into saturday and again on monday, james. >> all right. thank you very much, john. 10, 18 is the time in the south bay, former santa clara county sheriff laurie smith has lost her appeal. a court case that barred her from public office in 2022, it was back then that she was found guilty of corruption and willful misconduct. the charges stem from allegations that she traded can't a concealed weapon permits in exchange for donations to her reelection fund. on smith's appeal. she argued that because she retired prior to being found guilty of 6 corruption and willful misconduct charges that year. the removal proceedings that disqualified her from jury service and her job. don't count. but the appellate judges disagree. they upheld the original decision. the ceo of united airlines is trying to put customers at ease following several mechanical issues with the company's
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planes. many of them involving flights out of sfo. so one plane that left the airport and landed in oregon had an aluminum panel fall off mid-flight. another loss to landing gear while departing sfo on takeoff. and there was that plane. don't forget with hydraulic leak that caused smoke. the ceo says all of these incidents were unrelated, but they have heightened that the company's importance on safety. he is making pilots take an extra day of training. but that doesn't begin until may. he says the company is also implementing training changes for new mechanics. today, lawmakers return to capitol hill with a budget package at the top of their to do list because congress is once again facing a funding deadline. this one by the end of the week. washington correspondent hannah brandt has the story. >> negotiators say they've struck a deal on the budget bills, but the funding deadline is friday. leaving lawmakers racing the clock to avoid a partial shutdown funding is about to run out for several major government
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agencies. if lawmakers don't step in, it is their job. >> to keep the government open, congress passed part of the annual government budget earlier this month, but they're still working to get the rest of it done. and the current funding expires on friday. they're critical programs that americans need that american families need. negotiators got stuck on a spending deal for the department of homeland security. the white house wants more money for the agency. has immigration issues become increasingly urgent? dhs needs additional funding. we've always said that to deal with the security operations and much more that we're dealing with at the border. now, lawmakers seem to have resolve that issue. but voting on the budget package could take days, leaving it. unclear if they can avoid a shutdown. this is washington dysfunction. republican senator john cornyn expressed frustration that congress is again working to pass last minute funding. i'm deeply disappointed we find ourselves with this state of affairs nearly halfway through the current fiscal year. democratic senator tim kaine
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also says this should have been results sooner that blames the delays on house republican fighting over choosing a new speaker that really slow the process down this year. so here we are march 6 months into the fiscal year and finally getting that >> budget and last week at a republican retreat, speaker mike johnson expressed optimism that lawmakers can get it done. i think the appropriations process is very close to being one of them. >> along with dhs, this budget package will outline funding for the pentagon, the health department and the labor department among others in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> well, state lawmakers now are close to passing a bill that would give college students applying for financial aid an extra month to get that application done. the bill would move the deadline for cal grants and other state programs from april. 2nd a second. the measure passed in the assembly yesterday. 73 to 0. it now moves to the state senate and that body is expected to vote later this week. the problem all stems from the federal level. there were some serious glitches in the free
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application for federal student aid system. the fafsa system and officials say, although those problems have been addressed, that put the entire financially process behind schedule. and so they have to make these adjustments. it's 10. 22, we're going to take a quick break. but coming up next, we have video of a dramatic police chase throughout the bay area. we saw speeds climb more than 130 miles per hour. >> even faster than that to that one point. we'll have more on this story coming up.
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>> we are back 10. 25 is the time. alright, check this out of the east bay. the chp and hayward posted this video of a high-speed chase where deputies are in alameda
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county. we're chasing this white dodge that at times was going more than 130 miles per hour. they say they chased the driver over the bay bridge into san francisco. the people inside then hopped out of that car, jumped into a corvette, stole it and then went more than 160 miles per hour towards redwood city, all down highway 101. it eventually came to an end when they use spike strips to stop the car. 5, people inside trying to get out run away. but they were all captured for your money this morning. gas prices continue to go up here in the bay area in the last week. they've gone up $0.4, jumped $0.30 in the last month. so take a look at where they are at the moment. if you're lucky, you can find cheap gas cheaper than $4.80. but you've got to get to you really can't not on this list. anyway. the most expensive gas is up in san mateo county. that's $5.8. on average. it goes down a little at a time as you work your way down the list. you can see it's alameda county to
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finally drops below the $5 mark for 99. and at the bottom of the list, the cheapest gas at the moment is in solano county at $4. $0.87 per gallon. well, recent troubles at boeing could cause higher airfare for consumers. the aviation companies experiencing production delays as it tries to fix some recent operational issues. aircraft deliveries to carriers like united and southwest have been delayed. and as a result, those airlines are having to cut back on some of their flights. couple that with rising fuel costs. and yeah, you can expect to cut prices to go up from here. plane tickets last month were up 6%. but officials say costs could rise by as much as 10% before the year is done. we'll take a break here at 10, 27 and up next on the kron 4 morning news. a proposal that makes exceptions for. california's minimum wage law is moving through the legislature, but some lawmakers wild about it. we'll tell you why.
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>> and we're back 10. 29 the time. let's get a check of the forecast here at the half hour. because today's the day we have several things changing. >> as we pull out the shot. good morning. durham added pull yeah, a lot of changes today. we're changing seasons. and right now we're actively seeing. >> the sunshine swapping out with some of the low great we saw earlier. this is your view at half moon bay right here, which is looking nice and bright. pretty inviting looking but do know if you're heading to the coastline. it's going to be a noticeably cooler today than what we had been seeing at this point. visibility is right back to where it should be. couple of foggy spots up in the north bay. but really all in all
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we've cleared out from this morning, skies will remain clear through the afternoon. a nice and sunny day will compliment some 60's for most of us. we're getting close to that already in san jose at 59 degrees. while brentwood at 62 inland areas, you've got a few 70's in the works while coastal areas gonna stay put with that cool sea breeze that will keep you in the upper 50's to low 60's. so pretty wide range of temperatures later be getting to all the details of this west of the week's forecast, including the opportunity of some weekend showers. still ahead, james. >> thank you very much, john. 10, 30 is the time developing this morning. we have supporters of alameda county district attorney pamela price saying the people behind her recall effort committed fraud in gathering signatures, a claim that california's attorney general is doing. they say nothing about proper is dan kerman takes a closer look. backers of alameda county district attorney pamela price are alleging her opponents who are trying to
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recall her. >> committed fraud during the signature gathering process. we have extensive evidence that we collected from are volunteers from folks who are just living citizens, people who live in alameda county come tools made these claims and they and everyone else deserve. >> for our into intentionally integrity, election integrity to be maintains. the allegations set forth in a slide show presentation revolve around 3 main complaints, signature petitions were left unattended on tables and some signature gatherers were from outside the county and others from outside the state, which they say may be illegal. they also allege some signers were alert to sign an unrelated petition and then presented with the price recall on every 28 we sent a letter to california attorney general rob bonta asking him to investigate are cleans. today's march 18th. we've not heard anything from attorney general bonta are his
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office. >> and it the type of thing that you can wait 6 months for democracy is currently being tested in me. the county, the price campaign calls bonta's alleged inaction, a dereliction of duty. and now they've asked the u.s. attorney's office to investigatec this is even more importance today. he calls every single signature is now increased scrutiny. >> following that announcement last thursday by the register voters that the folks he spent millions of dollars, they thin users may not have enough. just last week, the alameda county registrar of voters said >> the signatures would have to be manually counted to verify if there are enough legal signatures because a random sampling was not sufficient. 73,195 legal signatures would force pamela price into a recall election. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> 10 33 is the time in oakland. city leaders now
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increasing police patrols along the city's hegenberger corridor. that's the main route to and from the oakland airport. but it's also become a hot spot for robberies and car thefts, forcing several restaurants to close their doors. city officials are pledging to add install security cameras and spend 2 million dollars to add safety ambassadors and private security. >> this is a key gateway to oakland and it's a vital element to our city's economic engine. we still have a lot of work in front of us and we will continue to do more. this is just the beginning. >> well, the california highway patrol, which has occasionally deployed officers in oakland to assist opd, says they will continue to be available as needed. open city council, by the way, will also vote on a new proposal to help clear abandoned cars off the streets. councilmember rebecca kaplan says the city's abandoned cars not only clutter streets, but also impacts public right of way functionality and compromise
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is the overall well-being of the community. money for the project would come from the alameda county transportation commission. berkeley police say they've arrested a woman suspected of stabbing her mother to death. that stabbing happened just before 3 o'clock sunday afternoon at an apartment on university avenue right there between san pablo avenue and sacramento street. police say at this point they won't release any further details until the daughter is charged. what we know now is that she's been booked into the santa rita jail. we'll keep you updated. on the peninsula. we have east palo alto police releasing surveillance video. that's linked to a murder case from early february. police say this video recorded february 8th shows that white suv at the top of the screen with people inside that appear to have witnessed the attack that killed frank finney on bell street at university there at about 08:30pm. police are asking the people in that suv to contact them. you may have vital information key to this investigation. don't forget
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there's a $10,000 reward being offered right now for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person behind the death. and in the north bay, we have dozens of cars broken into in petaluma over the weekend. crawford's theresa stasi reports now on how police say residents might help be able to track down who was responsible. it's terrible. >> news of the break-ins traveled fast with people who live here weighing in on the burglaries. i was surprised at the amount of cars that they broke into. and the fact that there is security here on the night. >> figure out how that can happen. outlet >> on yorkshire road in east petaluma, not one or 2, but a half dozen cars broken into glass everywhere, piercing seats and littering sidewalks. petaluma police say that they were break-ins at the panel premium outlets. saint vincent high school sheraton hotel and could pretty creek apartment complex that borders yorkshire
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ancestry lane this past saturday, more than 30 cars broken into with personal property stolen and costly repair bills. petaluma police now asking anyone with surveillance video to come forward and join the security camera registry program. the department says that could give officers access to evidence that helps them solve crimes like these, not only their cars being damaged, but whatever they have inside was taken. >> in petaluma theresa kron, 4 news. >> antioch held its first police oversight commission meeting last night with members soon to decide on the commission chair and vice chair. the seven-member commission includes a variety of backgrounds from community organizers to lawyers. it's all part of the city's efforts to try rebuild trust between the community and its police department. which is you remember is dealing with the fallout of last year's races. text messaging scandal within
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that police department and the federal indictments of several officers, the dates and times a future commission meetings were supposed to be discussed last night. so we'll let you know when that schedule is made public. the state assembly passed a proposal to exempt some fast food restaurants from california's new $20. minimum wage law. while most fast food chains must increase their minimum wage to $20 per hour on april. 1st, this bill would exempt fast food locations in airports, hotels event center's theme parks and museums. the author of the bill defended it while responding to critics who say it's well, it was negotiated behind closed doors. >> this was a process that was transparent. unlike a lot of negotiations that happened around very difficult bills. they require both sides coming together. there was consensus from the business community as well as labor. >> it's not legislation. when
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all the negotiations happened behind closed doors and there's not transparency. >> well, the bill now heads to the state senate's chains, restaurant chains that bake and sell bread as a standalone item or of already been exempt from that minimum wage increase. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and nearly 2 weeks after election day, the fate of governor newsom's behavioral health bond measure. >> better known as prop one is still too close to call. we have our capitol correspondent eytan wallace with a closer look. >> well, the problem is leading but only by a very tiny margin all the more. so why governor gavin newsom says he's not taking any chances. i'm looking forward to the final think it's important the upcoming election walking to the state capitol. governor gavin newsom saying he's watching the election result carefully and with patients. according to the secretary of state's office, more than 200,000 ballots still need to be processed statewide ballots
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that could make or break the outcome for prop one. the back by newsom. the proposed 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond measure would fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds. and nearly 27,000 treatment slots for california experiencing severe mental illness or substance use disorders. the governor and the california democratic party believe it passed prop one will make a difference. it's the right thing to do to get people off the streets to get them the treatment and the mouth mental health support. they need to live their lives with dignity. but as of late monday morning, statewide results show the measure is barely passing with 50.1% of the vote. in fact, as of monday, out of more than 7 million ballots cast, the margin between the yes and no sides stood at roughly 20,000 vote as a result. newsom's political action committee. the campaign for democracy has launched a last-ditch effort to reach out to democratic voters whose ballots were rejected for reasons like forgetting to sign the back of the return envelope in a message to supporters the campaign for democracy wrote
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this ballot initiative is so close that your commitment to volunteer could mean the difference between people getting up the street and into the treatment they need or not. republicans say they hope the governor recognizes why nearly half of those who cast a ballot voted against prop one. i just don't think they have the trust of the state level that what governor newsom is promising is going. >> deliver tim rosales says a gop strategist. he notes. newsom said the state address was postponed while newsom's office did not cite a specific reason. rosales believes it's because newsom is waiting to see what happens with prop one as its fate hangs in the balance. >> i think the governor needs a win. he doesn't have a lot of winds right now by all objective measures. california's performance is not doing that great. and so i think the governor is in a is in a place where he really does need to win any count on prop one to be that. and right now looks like it will be a wind just by, you know, by a and the new date for governor newsome, state of the state address has not yet been announced. as for prop one
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result must be certified. no later >> than april. 12th reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. all right. thank you. ate on 10. 41 is the time. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, president biden is allocating millions of dollars now to advance women's health. >> here in the u.s. will tell you what that meant to be used for.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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>> and we're back. time now is 10. 44 and in bay area sports. we know the giants have secured a new addition to the team and the warriors took on the knicks at home. we've got sports director jason dumas with the highlights. >> inconsistent and a lack of urgency. those are to weigh
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that. describe this warriors team. sometimes they look like they can be anyone other times. they look like a group ready for the season to end. and on monday night, unfortunately, it was the latter. the warriors, we're coming off of a really good win against the lakers. you hope they could build on it at home. but the knicks, they came out fiery former dup dante de vincenzo missed covering the guys are always always a nice to 18 points for dante mix. start tie game with 18 four-run 2nd quarter warriors down play. thompson has been really good sense moving to the bench. >> he had 18 in 8 tonight. later in the second dubbed down 8. jonathan coming up by steph curry right in his old friend's face. dante de vincenzo 16 in the second for step below. 3rd quarter. 6 point knicks lead jalen brunson. can't leave him open places can't leave him. 34 7
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for jb. 4th quarter golden state down 6. i love the synergy between clay thompson. trayce jackson-davis it. dax in davis is growing up before our eyes. 19 points off t j but this guy by the name of miles mcbride, who was phenomenal. on monday night, a career-high 29 points that 3 ice, the game warriors could never get all the way back in this one. after going down 18 to 4 doubloons one, 19, one, 12, they're back in action on wednesday against a great start the giants. finally got second that starting pitcher day. we're looking for the have logan webb, but they wanted another one. >> they have sign reigning cy young award winner blake snell to a two-year 62 million dollar deal. show me the last season snow started. 32 games.
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he was 14 9 had a league-leading. 2.2, 5 e r a and struck out 234 batters which was good for 3rd. most in the nl snell now reunites with his old skipper. bob melvin, great pickup for the giants. they're way more talented than they were last year. that's a start. >> all right, ashley, look at sports. >> the forty-niners by the wayside veteran quarterback josh dobbs to a one-year deal which includes a little more than 2 million dollars guaranteed. and $750,000 in playing incentives. dobbs is expected to backup brock purdy. the niners backup last season. sam, donald, you may have heard is now with minnesota vikings. and that was spacex's falcon 9 rocket lifting off from vandenberg space force base. bright plume there lighting up the night sky as it carried. 22 starlink satellites into low earth
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orbit. it was space-x's. 26 successful mission so far this year, 16 of those flights included starling payloads. and this is just adding now to that growing mega constellation of more than 5500 satellites. >> already orbit, always cool to see a rocket to the top success. we like that 10. 47 is the time. let's get to the weather center where john has a. >> nice high vantage point is well, good morning. john did not. and spacex right here in the space craft just on a mountaintop mount tam right here, looking down and increasingly clear bay area. now we are seeing the downtown san francisco skyline rings by still some low clouds in there. this forecast much reminiscent of later on in the spring. so worst kicking off your first day of spring kind with some may gray and june gloom feeling vibes. but now we're getting back to the sunshine. as for temperatures, we will continue to see them arising under all this sunshine today, even though not as warm as we were over the past few days. still going to be comfortable and mild with a few low 70's inland and
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some 60's for most of the bay shore. that does change into the weekend, though, because the high pressure ridge is not going to stay in place. in fact, nudged out by this cold front that drops in along with some showers come later in the day friday on into saturday. showers for the bay and snow up in the sierra nevada. some welcome spring snow up there. keeping the season going for skiers and snowboarders. we will continue to see showers in the bay area on saturday. maybe get spring cleaning day around the house. travel back from the sierra on sunday resurgence of moisture into monday. so it is an active pattern ahead of us. full one 80 from last weekend which was full of sunshine and warm temps north coast gets around 3 inches of rain. bay area. urban areas can expect just over an inch of rainfall now result in the risk of flooding but is going make for some wet conditions out there on our roads. temperatures today only in the 50's at the coast that sea breezes kick back into gear. where's the further away you get from the water? generally those warmer. the temperatures become san jose. 73 today. a really mild feel
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for you. upper 60's to low 70's across the east bay. our warm spot today is antioch at 74 while sonoma and santa rosa right at 70 degrees. looking ahead tomorrow, temperatures will cool a little bit further and further cooling into the weekend. once that cold front swings through on friday, temps will barely hit the low 60's by saturday sunday and monday, james. all right. thank you, john. 10. 49 the time. and in the south bay, we have dozens of schools in santa clara county set to receive more than 13 million dollars to expand the number of school-based. >> behavioral wellness centers, the money we'll help. 28 new wellness centers at middle and high schools in the county and support upgrades to dozens of existing ones. they'll be staffed by administrator and a clinician who can do screenings and assessments and also provide counseling to and make referrals to other services if needed. county officials say they want to de stigmatize behavioral health issues and normalize self-care. >> adolescence for youth
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there's a lot of crises that they're dealing with and having a safe place having these resources and having these resources come together in an environment of partnership and community. >> it's so critical for our children. >> well, money from the american rescue act and the mental health services act will help finance the project. the program is part of the counties continued covid response plan following the u.s. surgeon general declaring youth mental health as an urgent public health issue. a new executive order from president biden is promising to bolster medical research surrounding women's health. we have our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple with more. >> the biden administration says it's prioritizing women's health research. think of all great things he made in medicine across the board. >> but women have not been the focus. research has taken much too long to get to you. >> biden's executive order was announced along with 20 new
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actions and commitments by federal agencies. part of that includes 200 million dollars for the national institutes of health to focus on women. the most comprehensive set of executive actions ever put in place by a president to advance women's health research. katie, keith, with the gender policy council says more research will help solve long unanswered questions. they two-thirds of alzheimer's patients. but we we don't know why that is. >> women are 80% of those with autoimmune diseases. and we don't have an understanding director of women's health policy at kff alina salgan, a cop says a lack of research has made it challenging for women to get the treatments they need. and there's been longstanding documented well documented gaps in women's health research that backs women's health status. the drugs that are available for them to take. again, a cop says this is a good step but won't have immediate effects. she says this is just a fraction of the 12 billion
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dollars. president biden asked congress for even if he were to get that money from congress to do this. >> it is important to recognize that basic research and clinical research takes time. >> well, speaking of women kron, 4 honors, remarkable women of the bay area all month long. you can read more about our finalists by scanning the qr code there on your screen. and we're going to be airing new stories each week right here on kron 4 and kron 4 dot com. so make sure you check it out. it's 10 52. we'll be right back.
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>> we are back to his 10. 55 and were preparing to say goodbye here on the kron. 4 morning news for today. but before we do, let's quickly say hello. hello, olivia horton. see what's coming up today live in the bay. good morning, olivia. good morning, james. coming up today on live in the bay is the 4th generation family run winery located in sonoma. >> we find out details on beyond wineries upcoming 5 k race. that benefits education and learn how you can get involved. then it's the organization that's dedicated to finding ways to fight and prevent colorectal cancer. we chat with the caregiver on her experience with this deadly disease and learn ways to take action. plus, she's the wardrobe stylist and consultant with a keen eye for effortless fashion. we chat with don collins on our latest looks and weight can capture styles. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say in today's question of the days to go ahead scan that qr code today. we want to know in
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honor of the first day of spring, which is today. if you didn't know what's an activity or an event that you look forward to in the springtime. let us know. it could be read live today on the show at 01:00pm right here on kron 4, like the spring time just getting grilling season off the ground. looking the grilling season and has commenced. that's >> all right. that's 10. 56. hey, don't forget, there's another mega millions drawing tonight. the jackpot is up 80893 million dollars. now since nobody's been. >> matching all those winning numbers. so get ready for that. tonight's drawing going make somebody very, very wealthy. if they come up with those winning numbers, i know you're going for james of he's got to throw a few right? well, i hope it's james word for are looking at our first days of spring. >> getting cooler and cooler as they go by by the weekend. we're barely getting the 60's
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showers return friday afternoon and saturday. that's incredible. all right. that's it for us today. we'll see you back here tomorrow morning. one.
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announcer: today on dr. phil-- it's son-in-law-- david is controlling. he wants me to be submissive when i am in his home. announcer: --versus mother-in-law. she is neurotic. you two have decided that she has a personality disorder? we've said, you cannot come see the grandchildren. your mother has not been able to see the baby.


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