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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  March 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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now on the kron. 4 morning news east bay officials are warning people who visited a restaurant earlier this month. may have been exposed to the measles. and pleasant hill. police now trying to figure out who shot one man to death and injured another. we're going to be live with the latest on that. and san francisco approving a plan to reunite the unhoused with their families. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching you. morning team. >> good morning and happy wednesday to you daria and i'm james. we've got lots to talk about this hour from the changing weather to change in talk about some of those parks in the east bay. some of that blue green algae starting to bloom. it's little toxic. we'll talk about that. i keep your dogs out at me and it's a good day to walk the dog. it is today tomorrow. and then, you know, rain comes friday as promised, you know, sometimes
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rain is talking about traffic and you get all stressed out over this will be relief to it. you know, less visual audio. aspirin going on here for you. blue skies, blue bay. >> not much. the way of fog working its magic is really more around the bay. we're seeing it and that should mix out as we get to the afternoon storm tracker. 4 has some high cloudiness ald hear a little bit. we'll make note of. but on balance inland, i think it's fair to say mostly sunny for a good chunk of the day. temperature check for you. we're up to 61, antioch. of course, the new numbers would still be coming in about now. there might be some last minute changes here, but 54 livermore got mid to upper 50's lined up the east bay shoreline. 57 for san francisco by comparison. we're still trailing a little bit up in the north bay in parts little whe east bay by a couple degrees and along the peninsula. pretty much right on the button. 69 at about 2 o'clock and we'll get some clouds building in here by tonight. again, we should take care of that by tomorrow afternoon, inland, at least however, rain is coming on friday. more on that forecast that daario, ok? thank you. it's 10. 0, 1, right now. and the developing story that
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we're covering, your police looking for a gunman. >> who shot and killed one man and injured another in pleasant hill. now kron four's will tran been following the story for us live this morning joins us now once again with the latest. will. >> this area is so peaceful that people were still working inside of their home so they could calais early here. the shots ring out, even though there are a lot of cars that drive by here. but, you know, you only go here if you live here. and then yesterday somebody came here according to witnesses to do harm. let me show you video of this area. exactly. almost exactly. 24 hours ago, it was shortly before noon, according to witness, is a man and was described as a muscle car came to this location and then confronted 2 men. we do know that they were shot. they were found in the middle of the roadway here rushed to the hospital. one of them died.
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he's described as a 67 year-old man. the other also in the 60's still fighting for his life. they called the police officers, the paramedics. but by the time the officers got here, the suspect was long gone. but when he was here, he got a lot of people's attention. >> those scary because it was very sporadic. so you hear like? >> 4 gunshots. then a pause in little pause and then another 4, 5, so sporadic. so sort of like a shots. >> and you said that it was so loud that your ring. the car, you know, it's quite history on the backside of the houses. so completely really a little far. and then she showed me on her cell phone and was very faint. but i could hear a car speeding away on her cell phone that was caught with her ring camera. >> mounted outside of her doorway. as far as the suspect icular point, they don't have a description to
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pass along to the public. they're still working on that. and what makes people a little fearful this morning. there have been no arrest in the case and more importantly, they don't know because the pleasant hill police department, either they don't know are not sharing whether or not this shooting was random or targeted. back to you. well, thank you. >> 10, 0, 3, right now. this just into kron 4. there's a water main break they're working on right now. could impact traffic on fair oaks avenue in sunnyvale. you can see the warning to stay away from this arli and a drive wani avenue near the shade. chavez supermarket. this is a few blocks off a highway. 101 where this water main broke. there are crews on scene and they're thinking they should have a repaired by for this afternoon. in the meantime, you're going want to avoid that area, ok? 24 is the time get to that other big story that we're following this morning. that health warning that's going out to customers of an east bay restaurant. >> turns out you might have
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exposed to the measles earlier this month and some people don't even know if they ever got the measles shot or they had kid kron four's. sara stinson says what happened? >> alameda county health officials put this warning out to anyone who went 2 sons of liberty alehouse on march 9th between a specific time frame saying you need to watch out for symptoms which can appear a week up to 21 days later, the health department says this warnings for people who went to this restaurant in san leandro on that saturday between 4.45 in the afternoon and 7, 30 at night. symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose. red eyes and a rash that can last up to week. measles can spread when infected person breathes coughs or sneezes. since it does take time for symptoms to appear, people could start to feel them anytime between the 16th to the 30th of this month. measles can be very contagious, according to the health department, one person infected with measles can
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infect 9 out of 10 unvaccinated people in close contact. the health department says to contact them and a doctor if you are at the restaurant during that time frame and especially if your child was exposed, if you're not vaccinated or if you're a health care or child care worker. i spoke with the owner of sons of liberty alehouse. he says the health department notified him in the afternoon before they put the alert out to the says they were not able to provide proof that this person infected with measles. >> was in fact, a customer of his restaurant. he says they could not even provide a receipt from that march 9th day. now the health department did put out in their alert about this possible exposure. a reminder for all to get vaccinated for the measles. i'm sara stinson reporting in san leandro. back to you. >> 10 0, 6, right now. and it is the first full dave spring. very nice out there. you might be thinking about heading up to the late this afternoon. yeah, but just a word of
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caution. some east bay park officials say they're seeing an uptick of blue green algae at some of their location outdoors. right? harvey is in the studio to explain rana. yeah, darren james. so the east bay regional park district issuing caution in danger advisories, multiple parks because of a rise in blue. green algae. some type of algae blooms when it gets hot outside and water levels start to go down and a lot of cases that algae can releasing toxic chemicals. park officials say the algae blooms should not impact local drinking water plants. the danger advisories have been posted for that corey lakes in fremont in del val that in livermore child clear sets out in pleasanton park. officials say to protect yourself, you should stay out of areas where water has com rinse off with fresh water immediately after you swim in the lake. if you are exposed to the blue green algae toxins, here's some symptoms you need to look out for rash, irritation to the eyes. nose mouth, stomach cramps, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever, children
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pets are at even greater risk. you want to seek medical attention immediately. if you think you or your pets have been exposed. now you can visit east bay regional parks website for a full list of impacted locations. if you thinking twice about going. we'll be following this story throughout the season. all right. as a setback to both of the desk. all right. thank you down all westbound lanes of interstate 80. >> in the east bay last night, you can see the video here. the chp had a number of lanes blocked. they do say that the victim took themselves to the hospital. they had a non-life threatening injury. the incident happened at bride avenue in san pablo. we're going to keep following this story as we get more details. we'll share them with you right here on kron 4. it's 10:00:07am, police in san francisco are investigating 5 stabbings that happened in over 8 days. >> the latest stabbing was just yesterday morning in the mission district and 20th street and south van avenue. a woman was stabbed multiple times and now she has
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life-threatening injuries. there were 2 other stabbings in the mission as well. and that was a one on sunday in the lower hill neighborhood and also on march 13th there was stabbing in the outer mission and a person was arrested. there for killing the victim. that victim ended up dying, but police are still looking for suspects in the other 4 stabbings. it's 10 away. and attorney general rob bonta's office has responded now to claims made by supporters of alameda county district attorney pamela price. the da's a protect the wind campaign had said the bond is office never responded to their request for an investigation into the recall effort against her. but bonta's office says they did respond. in fact, they sent us this letter dated march 6 where bonta's office says that to prices campaign, any allegations of unlawful signature gathering tactic should be directed to the secretary of state. but a spokesperson for prices campaign says that's the first
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time they've ever seen that letter. meantime, the alameda county registrar of voters is hand counting tens of thousands of signatures to see if there are enough to trigger a recall election. >> well, san francisco's board of supervisors has approved a program now to help homeless individuals reunite with their families in their home towns. program is aimed at reducing the number of homeless on the streets. >> but not all of them like this idea. in fact, kron four's michael thomas is out live in san francisco, even talking to some people who are unsheltered about their feelings about this program. michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. that's right. we've heard from them. and we also spoke with a supervisor who introduced ordinance or i should say, reintroduced supervisor ahsha safa by. he says that they've expanded it to not only help those who may be facing homelessness, but also those who are in shelters. take a listen. >> it's called the homeward bound program and was initiated back in 2005 by governor gavin newsom when he
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served as the city's mayor. the program provides homeless individuals in both the city and county of san francisco with travel and relocation assistance to help them get home those experiencing homelessness. tell me the program could help but also say i don't think it worked. the cause. >> if they knew how excuse my language the their sons and daughters here. the high spending on day when probably want to home. >> officials say the end goal of the ordinance is to clean the streets of san francisco and reunite people with family. but these 2 say they live on the streets of the city and that most people just can't go home almost there suffering from, you know, trauma he is trauma from their childhood. just makes it a trigger. you parents weren't allowed come back down to be really good thing. >> supervisor ahsha safa is the one who reintroduce the ordinance and says in recent years the program has only assisted a few 100 people while years ago. it assisted around 11,000 people. remember, this is voluntary.
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so no is being forced to do it. what we know this has proven success. >> the average cost is a few $100 and the cost savings for the taxpayer. san francisco thousands and thousands of dollars. >> now he goes on to say you can imagine how much would be over the course of multiple years as we get more details regarding how they plan to implement this new ordinance, an assist people. we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest here reporting live in san francisco and michael thomas story. james, we'll send it back to thank you, michael. >> it's 10 11 and still ahead kron 4 morning news. watch out because they're deciding where to put those license plate readers to recover stolen vehicles and in the east bay and then pretty successful.
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>> we're back at 10 14 taking you up to lake tahoe southlake to be specific. a group that removes bears from home say they've removed more than 100 bears this winter, which is a new record for them. and they say the increase actions to do more people than the bears. they say the majority of these evictions are happening in vacation homes where people have left crawl spaces open and left food out when they the bear league is the name of the group and it recommends you secure your space. adding that around this time. it's especially important because bears are starting to wake up from their hibernation and they're pretty hungry. yeah, we'll be looking for things to munch on. so like if you and if it's a vacation, when you're not out there, nearly it's squatters. you know? i'm here now >> of all the places in the country to enjoy for vacation. napa was actually in the second most family-friendly
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travel destination in the whole country. this is according to yelp. they ranked pp10 u.s. cities that have popular options for outdoorsy foodie or culture seeking families. and the family's love napa, san luis obispo. >> was also came they cracked the top 10 so that that's kind of it. that's notable places. it snap pic, napa. but, you know, it makes sense. yeah, i mean, let your kids drinking age that >> all right. there's plenty of restaurants and other things to do as fun. >> and the weather, too, in the napa valley can be beautiful. most days of the very green out there day. yeah. and they're getting a lot of sunshine right now. which is good for those grapes to absorb the sunlight. produce the sugars in such good morning, guys. good morning. all this, a live look at what's going on. downtown is covered up right now by this fog to show you how thin everything is. don't jump scare anybody hope. no window washer comes right on by here with the squeegee or something. but don't think so. what we have in stormtracker
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for some high cloudiness to make but it's really those bay clouds that lower level moisture we have to mix out. you see a little bit of it from that shot. we just had in some spots around the base could be a little bit more aggressive tomorrow. and by friday different story we're going have that system dropping into town, which you'll see on futurecast for again looks pretty good. opens up nicely this afternoon. some cloud cover returns tonight. fills up very nicely with that marine layer. and it's a little bit sluggish getting out of the bay in the afternoon inland looks pretty good, but it's around the bay that mean more problematic overnight thursday into friday, we get the clouds in earnest to stick around. there's the line of rain. you can see still well out to sea by 8. so your morning commute friday will be okay. it's really a by the evening commute. it will probably be more impactful. 50's lining up the east bay shoreline for now antioch checks and 64 up north. we got 48 santa rosa. 54 for about 2 and a 58. meanwhile, 4 san jose, the game plan today tomorrow is bay clouds will open that up. sunny inland with highs around 70, maybe 60 or so going on
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for for the bay upper 60's at that. and then for friday, it's rain and the issue is we still may be able to pop 70, depending on the timing of all of that. a little late and we get the daytime heating inland. we'll still be able get a nice high, then high temperature and then that rain line moves into the evening hours. we have more for saturday, unfortunately, but sunday is looking pretty good. so we get maybe a couple of scattered showers on sunday, but opening up those skies. just a touch. 61, san francisco open checks and 64 72 san jose. not a lot of 70's, but we'll still manage to reach their in some selective spots. 60's up north. or your 4 zone forecast to get into the weeds more about it. looks like longer-range james. >> all right. thanks very much, dave. 10, 17 is the time and in the east bay. we now know the identity of the pleasanton woman who police say was killed by her ex-boyfriend. she was jasmine del mar. investigators say on march 7th, her ex-boyfriend broke into her home and shot her several times. he then led
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police on a chase along 5.80, in san leandro, which only ended when he shot himself. he's a man accused of murdering his wife and mother-in-law appeared in court tuesday as detectives continue looking for the victims remains fuchs vo was first identified as a person of interest once and capitol police say that he told them his wife and mother-in-law were missing. that was back in september 3 months later, he was spotted driving his wife's missing car in oakland. police say they have enough evidence now and they believe that he had direct involvement in the disappearance and what they believe were the murders of the 2. he remains in the martinez jail. >> it's 10, 18 and on the peninsula. a man has been arrested for targeting mccullough park, multiple apartment complexes and san mateo county. a 54 year-old man from redwood city has been arrested for being involved in burglaries. that happened in san carlos where he entered the lobby of the mail room of an apartment complex in steal packages. investigators say
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that these burglaries are tied to other burglaries that happened in redwood city and san carlos. and now he faces charges for those 2, 10, 19 right now and other news that we're following, this renewed push to make kindergarten mandatory across california to southern california. lawmakers introduced this legislation that would require children to and that includes homeschool supporters say it's necessary to help close the learning gap in the early years. but governor newsom vetoed a similar bill in 2022. because of budget concerns. it's estimated this would cost about 258 million dollars a year. >> well, a new study says the number of homeless black californians is 4 times higher than the black population overall in the state. only 7% of california's identify as black. but a new report from ucsf shows the demographic actually makes up. 26 1% of the state's homelessness. the authors of the report say over
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representation is due in part to centuries of racism in him, bedded policies and practices. they highlight that median monthly income prior to becoming homeless was just $1200 lower. then other racial groups and more than one in 5 black californians entered homelessness directly from incarceration. authors say th s is the first report of its kind since the mid 90's. and they're hoping this information will be used to inform evidence-based solutions for preventing and ending homelessness among black californians. >> it's 10, 20 and in national news, congressional leaders and president biden say they have reached a deal to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. but can they follow through by friday's midnight deadline? our dc correspondent trevor shirley takes a closer look. and avoiding a partial government shutdown. seems unlikely at this point. >> just given the house's own timeline for passing legislation. lawmakers say they're close enough to see the finish line. but i want to
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be clear, there's a lot of work to do in the coming days. but can they pass what's needed to avoid a partial government shutdown by midnight friday? holdout republicans say there's no deal without border reforms worse than shutting down the government temporarily is further exacerbating the problems that are causing so much har to the american people. house leadership says it's got a funding agreement, but under house rules, new bills need 72 hours for review. we have to demonstrate that we can keep this thing together and keep the train on the on the tracks and without a vote yet that puts final passage be on friday at midnight. >> almost guaranteeing a partial shutdown. mistakes really couldn't be are for american security at home. and brought once the funding agreement clears the house, it has to pass the senate. a body not known for speeding once the house sends us a funding package. >> i will put it on the floor of the senate without delay. if all senators agree to vote, yea, passage could be quick. >> but it only takes one
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thumbs down to stop the process. we haven't had a government shutdown since 2019. there's no good reason for us to have one this week. house lawmakers can come up with a workaround for that 72 hour rule. >> lawmakers say they expect to see the final text of that spending bill at some point today reporting in washington and trevor shirley. >> it's 10. 22 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, oakland approves a plan to get abandoned cars off the streets. we'll see how they're going to do. a former
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president and ceo of a metal finishing company was
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sentenced to 30 months in prison. >> a pittsburgh resident harry coral, the 3rd admitted to defrauding shareholders. this happened from the year 2008 to 2014. he was indicted on wire fraud and money laundering counts. and he pleaded guilty and september to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and he's going to serve his sentence in june. efforts are being stepped up to clear out death row at san quentin. the corrections department says the remaining 457 death row inmates are going to go to about 2 dozen other state prisons by this summer and they'll be put there into the general population and have more access to rehabilitation treatment services. the governor wants and quit to become a facility that focuses more on rehabilitation, education and job training. >> learning more details about that up and down united airlines flight that was forced to return to the gate
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sfo. this is a live look at the airport now, according to the airline, the crew of flight. 35 received an indicator in the cockpit that there engine start issue. this was all before takeoff around noon on monday. they were actually still taxing to the runway when they got this alert. so they turned around, went back to the gate. it was a 7.77 boeing aircraft with 243 passengers onboard 14 crew members. again, it never left the ground. so they were able to find another aircraft. get everybody on that plane. and then it took off a little before 5 o'clock and reached its destination safely. but this is the 5th maintenance issue involving united flight and sfo in the past 2 weeks. we'll take a break. it's 10 27 still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. thieves used truck to smash into an east bay business. and we'll tell you how that crime ended in a deadly crash. >> on 5.80.
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>> 10 29 is a time where checking out the weather. we had a nice day for the first full day of spring. we do. yeah. blue out there for now. good morning, dave. good morning, james and darya. good morning, everybody on joining a couple days here of a nice little break going on here and get the full flavor some early spring here. temperatures very modest, but they feel nice well inland. we'll see some numbers top off in about 70. but meanwhile, around the bay still struggling with some clouds at times. sfo is coming in like this. we do have. >> a minor delay going on because of construction here. only about a half hour, but on y, lot of sunshine inland. but by the mid after noon to the late afternoon hours, start to see some clouds return. 67 or so. we'll look at numbers near about 74 ultimate high today. now, there it is on your storm
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tracker. 4. we do see some of those high clouds kind of thickening up a little bit. but that's still well out to sea. and that won't be too impactful for today. lot of 50's line at the east bay shoreline. 64 already for antioch, a chilly 48. meanwhile, the santa rosa and 58 for san jose highs today coming in about 70 for antioch with a lot of 60's there on the board upper 60's at that. we'll get more into this in your 4 zone forecast. a look at the extended which has a of rain in there. james. all right. thank you very much. day 10, 30 is the time big story that we're following this morning out of san francisco. we now know the names of the 3 family members who were killed by a speeding suv while they were waiting. >> at a bus stop. >> they are one year-old joaquin ramos, pinto de oliveira and his parents, 40 year-old diego. and 38 year-old matilda. they all died when they were hit by a car. the lone survivor is their 3 month-old son who is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. right formal charges for the
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district from the district attorney's office are still pending for that driver who crashed into them. kron four's dan kerman has more. >> the 78 year-old woman who police say ran her car into a san francisco bus. stop saturday. >> killing 3 members of a family and injuring a 4th remains hospitalized. mary fong lau has been arrested for vehicular manslaughter, but the district attorney is still gathering information she will use to determine whether or not to file criminal charges. certainly tragic. >> but the big question is now wasn't criminal or not. >> criminal defense attorney michael cardoza says if the driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol that could lead to a criminal charge of involuntary manslaughter. know a lot of people think, oh, i'm just taking my medications for stride. but the doctor, for example, norco somebody takes in norco i could write my doctor prescribed it. now you can. that's against the law. the law doesn't care whether
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it's a prescription drug or an illegal drug. if you're under the influence. on the other hand, if there are mechanical problems with the car that might suggest an accident and no criminal charge if the driver confused the gas pedal with the break. >> the determination is a bit murkier. >> that land sir winds more toward. >> and accident. but then the da is going to look and say, wait a minute, have you been in prior accidents? have you been warned about this? you you have tickets and your history. we're sampling something similar happens. so that's why i say this case needs a full vetting by the district attorneys office. but it simply she panicked because the car, for example, lurch that it's an accident. >> tuesday allows attorney released a statement saying mister loughner family joined the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred in west portal over
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the weekend. allows been fully cooperating with investigators and will continue to do so. well, that was dan kerman reporting. the suspect remains hospitalized at this point. once she is released, we're told she'll be processed at the county jail. >> with a charging decision coming. perhaps 48 hours after that. >> in the south bay, a preliminary hearing has started in the case of what police say was an exorcism like ritual that ended with the death. a 3 year-old girl. these 3 are charged with the murder. the girl's mother, her uncle and her grandfather. prosecutors say that these the purdy's 3 performed a horrifying exorcism and san jose and 2021 and investigators later determine the cause of death of the girl was suffocation. the preliminary hearing should last through next wednesday and then the judge will decide if there's enough evidence to have a trial. in the south bay, a police standoff in campbell and id with a man
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dead started yesterday morning. a woman texted police reporting a domestic violence incident. she said that her children were in the home with the suspect, which is a 31 year-old miguel gomez. police tried to talk to him and they say that he took a shot at them. an officer fired back killing gomez, the santa clara county da's office is now investigating. well, just in to the kron 4 newsroom. san jose police now have arrested a man they are accusing of hiding a camera in a public restroom. >> on friday, police arrested louis and louis juarez junior in connection with a hidden camera found inside of a coffee shop restroom on coleman avenue back on january. 30th. are photos of some of the micro cameras that police found in his home along with 20 firearms. investigators say 91 victims were recorded in the restroom. some were children. and for that reason, car is now has been booked into the santa clara county jail for possession of child installment of hidden surveillance cameras with audio and gun-related charges.
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police say if you believe you are a victim in this contact them. in the east bay. the open city council has approved a plan to remove abandoned cars off city streets. the two-year program will focus on a number of things including identifying and removing vehicles, increasing funds to and staff to clean the streets and creating more total yards by repurposing the vacant lots. that caltrans has been the freeway overpasses. we spoke about the plan with the founder of community ready corps, which is a grassroots organization that tackles illegal dumping. >> everything else. we need creative solutions. it's my understanding right now there's one tow company and one told your and that won't hold company from what i've been told by certain folks is that is not responsive is is not doing a great job. >> last year, mayor sheng thao stated that the city was seeing an improvement in its auto abatement program after transferring that program from
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police to the department of transportation. >> it's 10 36 and the sfmta board of directors is out with 33 recommended locations for speed cameras to be installed. transit officials want to have those cameras in school zones and other areas where there have been a number of sideshows and other problems in the mayor says the cameras will help combat crime too. plus the san francisco bicycle coalition is hopeful that the cameras will reduced speeds and thereby reducing accidents. >> 10 36 is the time and new this morning. police in fairfield now investigating after they found a body early this morning. reyna harvey has what we know now in the studio. reyna. darya james. so fairfield police received a call around 4 o'clock this morning about a man lying in the bushes. well, officers and fire crews arrived on the north side of travis boulevard right near 80. they noticed the man was not breathing when they got there and he was pronounced dead at the scene. police say the portion of travis boulevard right between second street fun road had to
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be temporarily shut down. that investigation is ongoing in the name of the victim. the cause of death has not been released yet. we're going to be tracking the storm will bring you more throughout the week. darya send it back to you. thank you. reyna ok in the north bay, an elderly fairfield couple has their home burglarized as they spent months living in a hotel room. >> while waiting for major repairs to the home to be done. yeah. and they have more hope. hard blows after that when they moved out of their home and got a cancer diagnosis. rowena shaddox has more. >> left our house out of our house on september. 26. >> we 75 year-old steven dormant and his 83 year-old wife, yolanda, have lived in a hotel room since that time after water damage, the downstairs of their two-storey fairfield home from october. construction company came in and everything out of first
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floor. all the damage that was for sweden. and then from that point forward. all the way through till january, nobody show their homeowners insurance hired z per restoration in rancho cordova to do all the work. the dormant say zebra told them how long the work would take 4 to 8 weeks. >> it's been going on now for 6 months, but not long after they moved out of their home. they learned some devastating news that stephen had stomach cancer. but i was diagnosed in november. we told that. >> i've been diagnosed and we just needed to get back air. let's >> the new superintendent is that please? may get them moving faster because steve needs is a fox. 40 reached out to zebra restoration in rancho cordova to try to find out why the repair job is taking so long. >> we were told someone would call back, but then their daughter says she got a call from sieber restoration. they
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say she was told the company would stop all the work if they came forward and spoke with us about their situation. she put in a story. >> then make everything happen. so get traction. that construction stops. we reach back out to zebra. a manager later called back saying the employee who spoke with their daughter was being, quote, handled internally and that the work would continue. >> then on sunday, the dormant received another blow from their daughter who had checked on the house. can hear you scream. >> door >> is wide open. >> someone broke into their home ransacked the upstairs bedroom and clean them out, stealing their valuables, including jewelry and a 400 pound the closets had been up there. >> and many saw, oh, my gosh. that was the half. really broke my heart. is the only left my journey.
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>> wearing wedding one neighbor didn't feel comfortable sharing surveillance video, but it shows the possible suspects running toward a pickup with items from the house. another neighbor shared this video of the possible pickup. there was no forced entry. fairfield police are investigating. i just won the house back. we want to get month's team have come place to sleep. if i can get back to my home. i can concentrate myself healthy. a new drug is being credited with cutting in half the number of sexually transmitted infections. >> and san francisco, the san francisco aids foundation says the new drug is called doxing path and it helps to treat syphilis chlamydia and gonorrhea doctors say that is new and effective than a lot of people don't know about yet. >> i don't think many doctors or even aware of the duct just yet. so i think has to be a lot of specially clinics at the moment, especially services prescribing it.
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>> san francisco department of public health has put out guidance. that was 2 years ago telling how dock sea pep can help treat an sti. and some doctors are expecting soon to get some national guidance from the cdc. >> well, still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, uc berkeley now on the list of colleges being investigated for how it handles for how it handles anti-semitis did you know you waste 200 hours a year handwashing dishes? switch to your dishwasher and cascade platinum plus. all you have to do is
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for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. >> 10 43 right now. and we've got a great forecast for today. we do looking beautiful out there today. how long that will last. >> well, we've got a 48 hour time period of this window going on here. good morning, james and ari and everybody, east bay shoreline looks
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pretty good from this shot as you can see here and off towards the distance. leftover hace here as the mixing process continues to help out with clearing out those bay clouds. now not only will be raining here on the home front, but that's going to be mountain snows that continue up around tahoe, although it's nice today, tomorrow and friday, the showers will be late turning into snow. so get an idea. it starts off kind of mild. then cools off. it's one of the reasons why the east bay you might build to get some of those temperatures were talking to get on friday for rain. you might get some of those temperatures getting close to the upper 60's before the drop happens in the weekend. alright storm tracker for their the high clouds way upstream. be into our skies a little bit. so won't be cobalt blue will be sharing with some high cloudiness a little bit temperature check for you were to 64 antioch. most readings are in the 50's, although still chilly up to santa rosa. 48 half moon bay it 55, not that they're 58. san jose. in the longer range forecast we're talking about is the arrival of rain on friday and it looks like that that will be picking up until we get later in the days were just
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talking about. so it's not so much morning commute thing on friday. it will be in the evening commute, drive home that joined by another on saturday. breaking this up for sunday. so we have some sun coming out a little bit as well. another little thing to mention all of this is they'll be some instability, maybe not so much for the bay proper, but off towards of the central valley in sacramento, valleys to pick up some potential thunder showers there. and some instability look out for some get some hail too. but we may get some of that with sunday's activity based on how much sun we get. and that would be probably in the south and the east bay. they with some of those showers. so again, watching the sun a bit. here's what happens by the middle of the following week. another dose of rain comes our way before clearing out. so into kind of a reign here gone again. rain back again, type of pattern over the next 10 days or so. 4 zone forecast today. 61 san francisco approaching 60 towards the coast. meanwhile, the bayside 63 for burlingame, 65 foster city, san carlos, palo alto in redwood city at 67. but it's lower 70's down south 72 for
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san jose east bay shoreline in the upper 60's, 60 pleasanton livermore about 70. but further north, like berkeley and oakland, we're in the middle to lower 60's there. but inland looks nice. upper 60's that that 66 san ramon and believe will be about 6b threes, 70 for fairfield napa. 67 in santa rosa at 68. here you have in your seven-day forecast. again, rain coming for us friday and into saturday. little shower, maybe leftover on sunday and then a break should happen into early next week. but they're still the threat of a few showers even on monday and tuesday. james darya. >> thanks a lot. it's 10. 46 and congress is now asking uc berkeley to hand over documents related to reports of antisemitism on campus. yeah, they're investigating d% these reports from across the country. we have kron four's catherine heenan with a closer look. >> well, a formal request to cal for documents came from the house education committee. the university now has until april second, 2, a comply or to appeal for more time.
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>> congress wants to find out everything it can about how uc berkeley response to incidents of reported anti-semitism or examples of situations jewish students say they do not feel safe. >> this was scene last month when protesters disrupted an event where a fprmer member of the israel defense forces was set to speak. protesters broke through doors to students say they were assault. that congressional committee is not just talking to uc berkeley. it is now on a list that includes harvard, columbia and mit. >> and they're serving subpoenas. ducas take comes for documents on universities all over the united states and asking various universities to turn over anything and everything regarding any sort and so activities look at our
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universities, engaging in anti-semitism in 2024. when the university administration doesn't enforce policy, that results in a hostile unsafe island campus regions. >> the house education committee says there are what it calls grave concerns about the in adequacy of the uc berkeley response to anti-semitism and referred to a failure to protect jewish students. and if that's what the investigation shows, that's awful. >> i mean, that's terrible. that any student wouldn't be protected by virtue of their religious affiliation. whether you're catholic or baptist or hindu or buddhist or muslim, that's america. >> uc berkeley says in a statement it is committed to confronting antisemitism and plans to release a comprehensive report on the committee's questions.
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>> president biden proposed a 250 billion dollar package to address the affordable housing crisis. it would help first time home buyers and reduce the cost of rent. the president says this would help to create about 2 million affordable homes across the country with an increase in the supply. biden says that home prices should go down. this new budget still needs to be approved by congress. >> well, not a bay area basketball. the golden state warriors have been up and down most of the season, which has been a point of frustration for fans. but one of the positives of this season has actually been the play of second round draft pick trayce jackson-davis during a time when most rookies hit a wall, he's actually coming into his own. and sports director jason dumas had a chance to sit down with him, catch up for a little bit. take a listen. >> you seem to be playing your best basketball of the season. what do you think has gotten you to this point both physically conditionally and mentally to be able to play the rigors of an nba season
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and kind of be hitting your stride of the most important time. >> there's multiple things 1st mike woods. was huge on practice every day. we're 34 miles. we did the same warm to 30 minutes of crazy. so we did that. d> and then coming starting up a little bit chilly. think coach great job just building up and getting ready to play in this so just being able to come out here and having help me, do everything that >> dubnation warriors fans, they're very demanding. they have a high standard. and right now it's kind of like doom and gloom. if you look at the twitter and instagram and not doing his dream a positive hit in the work you all. but in the locker room where your guys minds are you guys still confident that you can accomplish all the things that you set out to accomplish?
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>> we came and we watched today. so the things that we need to fix coach hurts. preached to us talking about obviously the leaves change and the margin for error isn't the same as what it once was. but that team or they can just come given last people. we saw a lot of championship caliber players on this team just got to take it one game at the >> well, the warriors take on the memphis grizzlies tonight at 7 o'clock chase center. all right. quickly on hockey, the sharks, as you see here, taking on the predators in nashville in the second period, the sharks have possession. they hit it all the way to the back of the net. and the sharks at that point were in the lead 2 to one. but the predators, they got fired up and they took it all the way they blew out the sharks. 8 to 2, the final sharks losing 5 games in a row. the face off against the lightning tomorrow night at home at 7.30. >> let's talk football. the forty-niners stars couple of deebo samuel and george kittle
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are in an upcoming netflix docu series called receiver and it will fall pass catchers from this last season and also highlights las vegas raider in east palo alto native davante adams. it's episodes and it's set to premiere this summer. stay tuned for that. that will be fun. kron 4 is honoring remarkable women of the bay area all month long. you can read more and see more about our finalists. if you scan this qr code. >> and it will take you to the spot on our website. we have that. we'll be right back.
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>> just about done for wednesday morning. before we go, let's check in with olivia horton and see what's coming up on live in the bay today. highlighting high darya. good morning. coming up today on live in the bay, its 3 nights of world-class performances, workshops and dance. look at all the details on the sf salsa festival and find out how you can have part of the fun. >> then it's the small desert boutique in the mission that specializes in chocolates, macron's cakes and so much more. we get the scoop on 6th course and how they're partnering with the golden state warriors. plus, it's the largest artist driven art fair for independent creators in the country. we talk the super fine art fair and their mission to support independent originators. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say in today's question of the days ago. and scan that qr code today. we want to know in honor of international day of happiness. what is something unusual that brings you happiness. let us know. it could be read live today on the show at 01:00pm right here
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on kron 4, dairy. all right. thanks a lot thank you. >> little hard to see there in the distance, but this is video from china where they launched a relay communications satellite that's meant to support future missions to the moon. that rocket blasted off early this morning. it's going orbit the moon and kind of act as a communication bridge between earth and what will the hoping will be missions to the far side of the moon? fact it may. chinachas plans to send a robot to retrieve some samples from an agent basin on the moon to get inside that we never get to see here on earth. our side of we need to be out there because a lot of noise from earth that interferes day. no, seriously. here's what we've got going on. rain coming friday into saturday. it looks lik then as we start to get into early next week, we might see the taper off more into next week. so it's spring inconsistent. the rain's not done yet later of i-5.
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announcer: today on dr. phil, her teenage child became a mother. they took my daughter away from me. you're saying the government basically kidnapped your child. julia: they could have helped us. but instead, they ripped us apart. announcer: now-- you're very critical of the woman that has adopted your baby.


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