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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> for the first time tonight, we're hearing from the professor who prompted asleep in a uc berkeley to protest growing concerns of anti-semitism. the u.s. department of education has launched an investigation into reports of violence. for more on the professor sleep in and how he says others are now joining his caused kron four's terisa joins us live from the newsroom with more theresa grant, vicki professor ron hassner provided some graphic descriptions of what he says he's been happening to jewish students on campus. he says that it is so disturbing he had to take action, which is why he has been in his office sleeping for the past 2 weeks. pastor join kron. 4 news just a moment at 2 o'clock to put a spotlight on what he called. >> cowardly actions against jewish students. this falls on the heels of a pro palestine demonstration last month
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forcing police to evacuate attendees and andres israeli speaker at an event, a rally then took place with hundreds of students, faculty and alumni gathered on campus saying school leaders are not doing enough to protect jewish students from anti-semitism. professor hasner is chair of israel studies at uc berkeley. he says that the harassment has escalated to an alarming point. he says he started camping out in his office to get the attention of the administration. >> i wanted to find a way to protest. that was not confrontational. that sent a very clear message of support for jewish students. that was perhaps a little uncomfortable of for campus administration. but i also didn't want to embarrass the campus in some way. the campus knows that at the summit is a serious problem at berkeley. the campus is trying to address it as best it can maybe needs to move a little faster. >> uc berkeley sent us a statement saying, quote, the
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university remains committed to fostering an environment conducive to robust free speech and in which all members of its community feel that they may engage in campus life without fear of harassment, including harassment on the basis of religion and or ethnic national identity. adding that the administration holds, professor hassen, you're in great esteem. and it is in conversation with him about his concerns, end quote, professor hassen or says that he is gaining support of professors from other schools like stanford, san francisco state and even saying that they plan to sleep in their offices in solidarity and the newsroom. theresa stasi, back to you guys. >> all right. thank you, theresa. and as tensions mount on college campuses over the israel-hamas war, members of the california legislative jewish caucus are introducing a bill they hope will protect all students from violence and hate. they say today this group of lawmakers introduced a bill that would require state universities to update their student codes of conduct
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to prohibit violence, harassment, intimidation and discrimination on campus and launch programs too facilitate constructive, yet respectful dialogue. the legislation comes amid a wave of anti-semitic and is amophobic incidents set uc and csu schools since the start of the war. >> i want to be clear. jewish students are being specifically targeted here. and being bullied and intimidated, harassed and sometimes attacked. so that they are not able to congregate associate learn. be who they are. and with that my past to stop, this is very much about the incredible anti-semitism that has manifested itself. >> on our campuses, but he's also very much not a jewish issue because the idea that students should feel safe on campus should feel safe to express their ideas that we should have a robust exchange of ideas. that is something that is important for all students.
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>> california's public school systems have not taken an official stand on this bill. but lawmakers say they've received positive feedback from the uc and csu presidents. >> has the israel-hamas war continues to drag on more people are seeing a shelter are seeking shelter, food and water. and so are the animals living in that region today? a number of dogs from the west bank are at a shelter in oakland as they recover from the harsh conditions that they've endured for the past 5 months earlier, we were joined by the founder of rocket dog rescue to learn more about their efforts. >> we received an urgent email from the spca international asking if we would be interested in partnering with them that a number of other organizations that were sent to evacuate these animals from west bank. so, of course, we jumped at the opportunity with the understanding that there just was no other options for them there. we had to get them out of that, you to safe space. as soon rocket dog gets
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the dogs acclimated to their new surroundings, they'll begin to look for foster homes and adoptions. >> if you're interested in helping in any way, you can just head to rocket dog rescue's website. >> if you recognize this fluffy refill police are asking for your help. >> in getting this little guy back to his owners. the small dog was spotted roaming around northgate one shopping center. officers took the pup back to the station. they say he's now at the marin, humane society in a facebook post, the department added no call or dog is too small for police assistance. >> he's got a nice smile as we take a live look at coit. our hopefully fluffy gets back home soon. hopefully so. yeah. cloudy. >> day here in the bay after a lot of sunshine looking live what is a changing weather that my mother nature is
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helping us to just make the adjustment because things are going make hard turn on friday, right? yeah, just doesn't seem right. you know, we're just getting rid spring. we've got all the nice weather talk about temperatures in the 70's in the mid 70's around the bay area. >> then all of a sudden we get ready for some wintry weather and a whole lot of snow. if you're traveling in the high country in this next week or so, maybe you're lucky enough to have a spring break. be ready. you're going likely need those change if you're headed up there right now. here's a live look at incline village. you see a couple of patches of snow on the ground. otherwise a beautiful day at lake tahoe right now. in fact, you not having to worry about any stormy weather. all the white that you see, they're not clouds. that's no across the crest of the sierra nevada roadways are open a good both 80 50 looking good at this time. but that will likely change out over the next 7 to 10 days. we're going to see a series of storms impact the high country. in fact, winter storm going to roll back in. keep things unsettled all the way through this weekend and next week to on and off maybe through the beginning of april as well. the snow level right
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around 5,007 1000, bieber talking, maybe one to 2 feet of snow. so we're not talking dpabout just a few inches. we'r talking about significant amounts of snowfall in the high country and then it looks like that's going to cause some delays out there. of course, chains likely going to be needed at times and some gusty winds over the sierra nevada. so national weather service has issued a winter storm. watch up over the sierra nevada. go into effect starting on friday, continuing through saturday and may be extended again into sunday and monday to the forecast. what a change in the temperatures. of course, you know, for some spring-like 50's through thursday and friday with the showers moving in late in the day to much colder temperatures hovering in the 30's and snow. a lot on saturday. all right, lawrence, to the north bay. now several winemakers are being served with federal subpoenas. >> according to the la times, many of the places named are baffled by the probe and napa valley officials claimed to know nothing about it. some are speculating it's connected to napa county supervisor el
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dorado pedroza who is entangled in a conflict of interest land deal involving a family member by rose was not named in any of the subpoenas. and the fbi bureau him. san francisco is declining comment. >> police in san francisco are investigating 5 stabbings that happened in the span of just 8 days. the latest was yesterday morning in the mission at 20th and south van. ness. police say a woman was stabbed multiple times and is suffering from life threatening injuries. 2 other stabbings also happened in the mission. also, one was sunday in the lower hill neighborhood and there was a stabbing march 13th in the outer mission where a suspect was arrested for killing a victim. police are still looking for the suspects in the other 4 stabbings. in the east bay. we now know the identity of the pleasanton pullman, who police say was killed by her ex-boyfriend. she was jasmine, monique delmar. investigators say on march, 7th or ex-boyfriend broke into her home and shot her several
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times. they say he then led police on a chase along 5.80, in san leandro which ended when he shot himself. new details tonight at a pleasant hill shooting where 2 people were shot. >> police say 63 year-old peter popovich was working as a cannabis delivery driver yesterday afternoon at a condo complex on twin bridge circle. and that's when 2 people who were armed tried to rob him popovich was also armed and there was a shootout. popovich was killed and one of the attackers. 21 year-old trayvon davis has also died. the other attacker is on the run. police have not released a description of that person. the case is being investigated as an attempted robbery resulting in homicide. 8 people are without a home tonight after a fire in daly city. it started yesterday morning just after 8.30, at a 2 story house on east vista avenue that is just off hillsdale boulevard across the street from the war memorial community center. fire
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officials say that the residents were able to get everybody out of the building before firefighters got there. one person had to be taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. but everybody else is said to be okay. the north county fire authority says that the fire was accidentally started by overloaded electrical extension cords covered by clothing and other combustibles. the blaze caused major damage to the accessory dwelling unit and smoke damage to the remainder of the residents. child marriage survivors are pushing for an assembly bill in california that would end child marriage in the state. >> california is one of only 4 states in the country with no minimum age to get married, according to statistics in 2021, almost 9,000 children got married in california loopholes in state marriage law prevent them from being classified as crimes. the bill looks to rectify that and provide protection. 2 kids under the age of 18. the bill will be heard in the assembly
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judiciary committee in late april. efforts are being stepped up to clear out prisoners on death row from saint quit. the california department of corrections says the remaining 457 people incarcerated on death row will be sent to some 2 dozen other state prisons by this summer. they'll be put into the general population and will have access to more rehabilitation programs and treatment services. governor newsom says he wants a quick to become a facility that focuses more on rehab, education and job training. still ahead tonight, the new initiative some state lawmakers believe help california crackdown on retail crime. plus, you have a chance to grab a cup of coffee with the warriors head coach where you can go to meet steve kerr you can go to meet steve kerr for a cup of java.
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on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. >> state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are launching a new effort they believe will help combat retail theft and provide more resources for law enforcement. i hope so. kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, something member behind the bill says in addition to protecting the public, the hope is to also protect jobs, doing nothing is not an option that says something member. mike gibson's messages. he in this group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation they say will combat the statewide issue of retail theft. >> it is a threat to our livelihoods. >> all hardworking california's and the blow to our economy in community, especially of color. that's
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why he and others here say they're backing assembly bill. 1990, also known as the stop act. it authorizes an officer to make an arrest for a misdemeanor. shoplifting offense. >> even if the defense was not committed in the officer's presence, all the officer would need is probable cause to believe the suspect is committed shoplifting. the goal putting a stop to retail that los angeles is somewhat number one, the country, a lot of the legislation. she points out, a major part of the bill will allow officers to formally arrest and book a misdemeanor shoplifting suspects into jail instead of simply citing them and then releasing them that she says happens all too often today feeling the security from. >> a law enforcement to be able to actually arrest and book someone. it's a big difference. it's a sentiment shared by republicans at some one member. one on these. the springs, real and this helps public safety as well, especially our retailers who have gone without any help for many, many years. most importantly, it will make a difference in retaining jobs in california as we continue
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to see that. so many stories continue to close because of retail that still legislative republicans believe any reform must also include a repeal of prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment. property heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. and that's prop 47. >> and as for the stop act, it will soon have a hearing at the assembly public safety committee reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. congressional leaders say that they have a bipartisan deal to keep the government funded through friday. but >> chamber rules in the house
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and senate could prevent lawmakers from meeting the weekend deadline. house members must have 72 hours to read the bill before voting on it. republican speaker mike johnson says he's optimistic that lawmakers will be able to avoid a partial shutdown before midnight on friday. republican senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is reportedly telling his colleagues to prepared to work through the weekend. president biden says he's going to sign the package as soon as he receives it. >> meanwhile, senators got a classified briefing today on the dangers of tiktok. the senate is deciding whether to vote on the house bill that would ban the app in the u.s. unless the chinese owners of the company sell the business, the chinese government says it will not permit the sale of tiktok because it requires exporting chinese technology. tiktok is a >> gun aimed at americans had we have known for a long time that tiktok us a problem about the ability to make sure that this this creativity that's happening on this platform
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can't be manipulated by the communist party of china. we need to trust american innovation and american platforms. that's my view. >> so despite all that growing concern, this is a complicated issue. and there has been no indication as to if or when the senate might actually vote on the bill. >> former mayor san francisco, willie brown is celebrating his 90th birthday. >> very is city leaders including current mayor london breed and district attorney brooke jenkins celebrating browns big day at city hall today. >> brown, the first black mayor of san francisco held that position for 8 years. >> until gavin newson succeeded him in before that, willie brown spent 3 decades in the california state assembly serving as a speaker for half that time. but he'll always be remembered in san
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francisco as mister mayor achieving true celebrity status here in the city. and so many of and our maria. >> it's unbelievable. so much so. >> i might gotten a home >> when you're out of mine one of former how do that. what you represent black here. >> yesterday we were joined by san francisco mayor london breed who said 90 is the new 50 happy birthday. >> happy birthday. mister mayor. happening tomorrow. he's another sort of unofficial mayor of this town
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worries that coach steve kerr will be getting his caffeine fix with fans. the dubs are hosting coffee with a coach at peet's coffee on a street in san francisco, the opportunity to meet with her 12 warriors. >> alumni including festus is eeli. we'll be there serving drinks as a barista. that's a tall breece to the event kicks off at 2.30 tomorrow afternoon. meantime, dubs are hosting the grist tonight and our wilson joins us. >> live from chase. where the coach is going to get through tonight with a whatever caffeine fix see may or may not employ on a regular basis before his afternoon jolt tomorrow. aaron. what's up? >> grant, vicki, let me tell you this one. it's a little bit of a dilemma, at least for me and it's off the record. but on the record, when we talk about them in battle here tonight against the warriors, the warriors need a win after dropping. that makes battle on
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monday. the grizzlies they need to win after losing 6 straight dropping their most recent of in sacramento against the king the other night. that tonight, the warriors just cannot afford to lose this when the grizzlies really have nothing to gain lose. the warriors have a lot to lose because right now they sit at the 10 seed in the western conference standings in win tonight will help them to get back into that might be the head of the lakers. a will help both use the rocket encroaching in those standing. now that really seem agree just flee understaffed. it's no secret. they've been riddled with injuries all season long. but tonight they have 11 guys on the injury report. only 2 of those guys are either down or questionable. everyone else listed as out but mary laundry list of injuries that being the worry is kids not take advantage of they have to. they have to kind of push them tire them out, get them to a place where fatigue definitely not their brand so that they can really take advantage of getting easy win. tonight is
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grizzly. see miss struggled all season long with the warriors are struggling right now to get out of play in contention in get into playoff contention. take a listen to what the car had to say about how he wants his guys. when grizzlies coming to town. >> we know we've got to win possible to to get where we want to so that's that message doesn't change whether it's the next or memphis or the pacers. we know the importance of every game. the thing we know about memphis is they play hard. it doesn't matter who's out there. we lost to them in memphis. the first game. we play them this year. they were missing everybody. and they made a million threes and spread us out and turned us over. and i'm just extremely hard. so plenty of talent we're going to play well to win. >> so good news for the warriors on top of needing a win tonight given his team that they're warning that this great grinds, he may have some voices and they're going to fight. draymond green and moses. moody have been
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upgraded, but he has not. he was able to confirm that 100% is what he said bay do what he did say that he does believe that draymond green will play moses. moody will also be available to play and that he's excited to see what team can do out here tonight, especially for the fact that draymond green and trace trayce jackson-davis have really found their way remind definitely helping defensive side of the bar but tries helping on the offensive end. they have really added some size added racing to the lineup down there, especially in the paint to get those lobster. it's going in to open up the floor a bit more for obviously that we're shooting that we love so more of an update tonight at 6. but for back to you guys used to be i mean, we'll it you know, before we let you go. >> i think we need let the folks in on the fact that they're the reason. one of the reasons you're conflicted. has nothing with anything. but, you know, personal. loyalties. >> it is definitely one of those things where i don't want to be disowned by my
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hometown of memphis, tennessee, but i also don't want to be decided by nation's. as i say, when i got it golden state first. but memphis always let's not get its ways got right. we'll leave you with this and i'll make it easy for you be okay with the grizzlies losing more games, they lose the better draft pick. they have. they're not going anywhere. so go down. there you go. lose. the grizzlies and down line. great win. win win. supplement standing practice here and now standing practice here and now we need all right. go we ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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>> all right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5 o'clock. but we have a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. ken wayne is here to tell us all about you see in a minute. thank you, grant. here's what we're working on it. 6 police say dozens of people are victims of a hidden camera that was found in a starbucks bathroom. police were finally able to trace that camera will tell you who was arrested in this case. plus, big shakeup coming to the lord of real estate. now the changes might actually end up driving home prices a little bit lower. i'm ken wayne, the news at 6 coming up wayne, the news at 6 coming up next. . it's not a nine-to-five proposition.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, a man is arrested in san jose after police say. >> he hid a camera in a public bathroom more than 90 victims reportedly all caught on camera. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. it happened at the starbucks coffee shop in san jose. kron four's rob nesbitt reports on. >> what the company is saying tonight as well as some of the customers. >> it's a disturbing case. san jose police say the camera was installed in the bathroom of the starbucks behind me back in january, the youngest victim caught on camera was just 4 years old. employee at the san jose starbucks on coleman ave. >> first noticed the hitting camera on january 31st under the restroom sink and


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