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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  March 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> our top story this half hour for the first time tonight, we're hearing from the professor who prompted the sleep inn at u c berkeley in protest over growing anti-semitism the u.s. department of education launching an investigation into reports of violence there on campus. for more. >> on the professors sleep in and how he says others are now joining in on the cause. our first 2 suspects joins us live in the studio. theresa of a king can professor ron hassner provided some pretty graphic descriptions of what he says. >> has been happening to jewish students on campus. he says that it is so disturbing that he had to take action, which is why he is been in his office sleeping for the past 2 weeks. >> i wanted to find a way to protest. that was not confrontational. that sent a very clear message of support for jewish students. that was perhaps a little uncomfortable of for campus administration. but i also didn't want to
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embarrass the campus in some way. ron hassner is a political science professor and chair of israel studies at uc berkeley. >> he says that he had to take action following what he called cowardly actions against jewish students. i have about 10220 visitors in my office every day. >> they come here to chat to eat too, talk to friends to lean on one another to share stories of of difficulties and harassment. >> he says some of the stories that he hears are quite alarming. students have a spat one walking past a gate. >> was was grabbed and shaken. and the person who did that again with face covering shouted gas, the jews, another student at sullivan hall 2 weeks ago, i was called a jewish pig. pastor says that he started his sleep in on the heels of her pro palestine demonstration as well as an israeli speaker event. >> forcing police to evacuate attendees. a rally then took place with hundreds of
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students, faculty and alumni. >> gathering on campus saying that school leaders are not doing enough to protect jewish students from anti-semitism. he says that he's met for the administration. who is supportive of a sleep in. >> now, uc berkeley sent us this statement. quote, the university remains committed to fostering an environment which is conducive to free speech and that all members of its community feel that they may engage campus life without fear of harassment, including harassment on the basis of religion and or ethic national identity, adding that the administration holds, professor hassen are in great esteem and and is in conversation with him about his concerns. now, professor hasler says that he is gaining support with professors from other schools like stanford and san francisco state. some even saying that they plan to sleep in their office in a show of solidarity here in the studio. i'm theresa stasi. back to you guys. all right, thank you. police in san francisco are investigating 5
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stabbing said happened in the span of 8 days. >> the latest one happened yesterday morning in the mission at 20th and south van ness avenue. police say a woman was stabbed several times and is suffering from life-threatening injuries. 2 other stabbings also happened in the mission one on sunday in the lower not hill neighborhood. and there was a stabbing march 13th in the outer mission or suspect was arrested for killing the victim. police are still looking for the suspects in the other 4 stabbings. according to a new study, more than a quarter of unhoused californians are black almost 4 times the state's population. >> only 7% of californians identify as black new report from ucsf shows black people are 26% of the state's homeless population. the authors of the report say the over representation is due in part to centuries of racism and embedded policies and practices. this study highlight a discrepancy in median monthly income prior to
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becoming homeless. $1200 lower for black people than and other racial groups. the study says more than one in 5 black californians homelessness directly from incarceration. study authors say that this is the first report of its kind since the mid 1990's. the biden administration is enacting the toughest ever rules for tailpipe emissions are aimed at expanding electric cars. but electric cars. but > crackdown on gas-powered cars on first. catherine heenan live in our newsroom with the details. catherine. >> well, as you know, can californians are already going down this path. governor newsom wants to ban the sale of all new gas powered cars by 2035. but today the biden administration finalized the plan to ensure that most new passenger cars sold in the u.s. are all electric or hybrid by 2032. >> new tailpipe pollution limits would transform the u.s. auto market. roughly one
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and a half million electric cars were sold last year. but that's only about 7 and a half percent of total sales way below the 56%. target set by the new climate regulations. if things go as planned by twenty-thirty to more than half the new cars sold in the u.s. would most likely be 0 emission, but a lot of problems need to be solved, including getting enough charging stations more than 172,000 were installed last year. some analysts say the nation will need more than 2 million by 2030. and overall the public's appetite for electric cars has been slipping. >> it is a lot of people discovered that to place and the battery is expensive for the for the you know, if i tried to charge at that home, it's going to take a time. there's station for you to charge. a mike are close to where i so those kind of
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infrastructure problems they need to take care of it. >> and of course, the issue has already been politicized. donald trump has promised to undo various climate change policies. if he is re-elected. president biden says the plan will create jobs but republican lawmakers argue that some u.s. auto jobs are at risk. >> the white house is more eager to peas, radical environmental activist. american people. >> idaho, washington and gradual snap out of their climate danger and before it becomes nightmare, the epa claims that the regulation will reduce tailpipe emissions dramatically and save consumers. a lot of money on fuel and maintenance. but the plan is expected to face immediate legal challenges, probably ending up in the supreme court. still, experts say the changes are inevitable there's no going back. i mean, it's we have to make sure that >> we take advantage of this because of the environment because of the greenhouse gas emissions that we see all the
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time. because transportation is the biggest source of this kind of pollution. and and this this is what opportunity. >> now, one of the details that automakers do like about the latest announcement. does allow more time to comply with regulations than expected. it is another sign that the transition to electric cars will most likely take longer than hoped can can. >> all right, catherine, thank you for that. now for worse 4 zone forecast. a shot of sam tale bridge trying to get home tonight and may be thinking about skiing this weekend. he he has. so now we know why do, right? yeah. i mean, here we go again, right? it's been a tremendous would drop their now spring. we've got a series of spring storms line up. so they got a race to get there before it gets dumped on again. that's going to be the heart. you're right. i mean, there's going to be a series of storms. you want to track the weather for sure before heading up there, you're going to run into some delays up there right now you're looking good. it's a beautiful lake tahoe, you see the snow on the mountains in the background there. the waters looking nice
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right now. but things are going to be changing here in the next 48 hours. and storm clouds going to start to move up right now. open in clear you're looking good dud, looking great. their own 80. you could top 50. you're looking good up there as well. staying that way for now. but as we head in toward the weekend, everything changes a series of spring storms begin to roll in and they're going to continue right into next week all the way through and probably the beginning of april snow levels for this for storm system. about 5,007 1000 feet, we're talking about one to 2 feet of snow, not just a couple inches, one to 2 feet of snow above 5,000 feet or so. so you can expect some delays up there. chains control is from time to time. and yes, some gusty winds to go along with that winter storm watches have now been posted along the western of the sierra nevada. that goes in effect on friday continuing into saturday. but that is going to really be off and on as we head into next week, too. as we got more storms on the way. so tomorrow looks like a nice day. if you want to get up there ok friday, if you left in the morning, you're probably okay. but likely some showers moving in by late today. turning to some
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snow overnight friday and saturday. look at the temperatures you go from 50's and spring-like skiing conditions dropping off into the 30's as we head in towards saturday. so, yeah, the snow is going to really start to add up. in fact, this is the forecast model to the end of next week. we're talking maybe 2, 3, feet of snow, maybe 4 feet of snow, maybe even more than that across some of the higher peaks. yeah. that is going to extend the ski season of this keeps up. i lawrence, a state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. they are launching a new effort that they believe will help combat retail theft and provide to more resources for law enforcement. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace, talk to the assembly member who authored the bill and >> shares why some opponents say it doesn't go far enough. well, something member behind the bill says in addition to protecting the public, the hope is to also >> protect jobs. doing nothing is not an option someone member mike gibson's messages, he and this group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation they say will combat the statewide issue of retail theft.
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>> it is a threat to our livelihoods, all hardworking california's and the blow to our economy in community, especially of color. that's why he and others here say they're backing assembly bill. 1990, also known as the stop act. it authorizes an officer to make an arrest for misdemeanor shoplifting offense. >> even if the defense was not committed in the officer's presence, all the officer would need is probable cause to believe the suspect is committed shoplifting. the goal putting a stop to retail theft, los remember when the country a lot of the legislation, she points out, a major part of the bill will allow officers to formally arrest and book a misdemeanor shoplifting suspects into jail instead of simply citing them and then releasing them that she says happens all too often today feeling the security from. >> a law enforcement to be able to actually arrest and book someone. it's a big
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difference. it's a sentiment shared by republican assemblymember one on these springs. real and this helps public safety as well. especially our retailers who have gone without any help for many, many years. most importantly, it will make a difference in retaining jobs in california as we continue to see that so stores continue to close because of the toll that still legislative republicans believe any reform p must also include a repeal of prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part and certain crimes like retail theft. but little to no punishment. property sells heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. that's prop 47. >> and as for the stop act, it
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will soon have a hearing at the assembly public safety committee reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> next in sports is saint mary's gaels heading out to spokane as they get ready for their march madness matchup. sports director jason dumas says we actually from the team. plus warriors pre-game report from chase center. coming up.
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considered the least productive days on the corporate calendar each year. it makes sense because their 16 games on each day and saint mary's will be one of them. the gaels drew the 5 seed in the west region and they will take on grand canyon university in spokane and as you can see, they got a nice little sendoff from campus this afternoon in moraga. i dropped by and caught up with coach randy bennett. he seems confident, especially knowing he has a group that has been in the trenches before. >> biggest advantage we have is we have guys have been through this a play at this level plate last year was bc yukon. before that it was indiana and ucla. and it's got to be ready to take unwanted time and put your best foot definitely helps haven't been here before. and just, you know, it's locked in on. it's just a basketball game got it. >> decided to do our job over and over again. not just excited, it's always been on the press, like you said, and i guys been there before and
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they used to it and we'll be games the last 2 years now. i think too much excitement going. small businesses here. >> that game is friday at 7. can't wait for that. now while it is do or die for saint mary's, it's getting to that point for the golden state warriors as well. they're just 2 and a half games up on the rockets for that last play in spot in the western conference tonight, they host the lowly memphis grizzlies. let's head over to the chase center where we can find kron. 4 sports reporter erin wilson. aaron, we know memphis is thin right now. seems like a warrior. don't have any excuses tonight. >> yeah, the worry is really do. they really don't have an excuse. they're extremely thin. and when i say 11 guys on their injury list, 11 of them, including just about every star they have without desmond bane and jaren jackson junior who are active tonight in are the biggest threat to the warriors tonight. i want to speak about a great obviously.
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>> the worries don't want to drop this one. grizzlies have nothing to lose. really nothing to gain. the warriors have everything to lose because this is you just mentioned about the houston rockets. it's a game of cat and mouse right now for play-in contention spot. right now the warriors holding. but they need to continue to win to make sure they can secure it. is it even get a better seat? because death is the rockets are behind them. they're just one game behind the lakers who they've been, you know, trading places with that night in cincy. and the season comes to a close now, that being said, although this is a very thin grizzlies team here tonight in the city and it chase against the warrnors, that doesn't mean that they're depleted. and it doesn't mean that they're demoralized. they fighting. they have lost their last 6 games. but in close proximity the one in sacramento actually went into overtime and they won by about so here's what steve kerr had to say about the warning. he gives his team ahead of grizzlies we know we've got to win possible to to get where we want to so that's that
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message doesn't change whether it's the next or memphis or the pacers. >> we know the importance of every game. the thing we know about memphis is they play hard. it doesn't matter who's out there. we lost to them in memphis. the first game. we play them this year. they were missing everybody. and they made a million threes and spread us out and turned us over. and i'm just extremely hard. so plenty of talent we're going to play well to win. >> and that does matter as much to the warriors. but a win tonight would also give them the series this season against the grisly this. so far they've split closing in january, winning in february. and of course, tonight they have the 3rd tie breaker for this season against the grizzlies. now that being said, draymond green moses, moody have now been upgraded to act if they should be playing tonight. now with speaker told us that city wasn't 100% sure, but he is pretty sure that they will be able to play. you see bright line out there working. didn't see moody ahead of the game working out there on the floor
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before the game started. but >> like i steve kerr is pretty confident that they will be able to play. they're healthy enough to play. he said, you know, draymond a little banged up, but it's that's before. tonight, we're you should definitely try to make sure they secure a win. this is not one that they just let by the wayside because they have a depleted really jason. >> in those backs are always tricky. aaron, thank you so much for that report. let's go out to spring training. the giants took on the angels in tempe. bob melvin, getting a close look at his lead-off man newly. who's been battling a hamstring the last couple of weeks. look good it goes for an rbi double in the game is tied at one. giants broke it open in the 8th 2 on for marco luciano who hits a chopper through the infield. 2 more runs score. giants go on to beat the angels 5 to before the game. newly acquired blake snell. well, the press conference and spoke why you
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chose the giants above other last >> i think another staff and other players really well. and in the city a close to home. there's a lot right now. i'm learning the hard part. a lot of good things about the work from other players that play here. >> but i've played with with san diego are just playing against. so there's a lot of good that i hadn't really heard anything bad about it. >> meanwhile, halfway across the world, the dodgers and the padres opened up the major league baseball season in seoul, korea. the pre-game ceremony had all the flash and flair of a concert there. the guy, joe, tiny, whose? >> the center of a little controversy right now. for a different to get to the turned on this play. we were tied at in the 8th out and one
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dodgers. gavin never seen that. >> the double play goes through very popular. works. >> i'm not later on field. got another one coming in right there for the dodger that mookie betts more dodgers shohei ohtani right there. it's going to get down. he finds the gap. the dodgers they go on to win. dodgers 5 to 2 asked for warriors guys >> they need to get together. i said they don't have many excuses. you know that they got it. we know that. i clock is ticking. 100%. yeah. and houston 1, 6, in a row right on their tail. all jason, thank you for watching. speaking sports bay area icon, a now former giants pa announcer. now brooks moon has been named twenty-twenty for woman of the year. >> the woman of the year award is presented annually by the state legislature. according to today's announcement, she
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was nominated for her decades of excellence in the field of broadcast journalism and communications. just this monday news broke that he was parting ways with the giants. the team says that they were in discussions to extend her contract, which expired last december, but ultimately both parties mutually agreed to. >> part ways they say of brooks moon spent the last 24 years as the public address announcer breaking barriers for women of color as one of mlb's first black female public address announcers. she was the first woman to ever be the pa in the world series and the first woman to serve that role in mlb's all-star game. >> all right. we her the best now to our 4 zone forecast. a live look at the golden gate bridge. lawrence, go ahead. give us the news. it looks like we've got changes coming our way. high clouds already drifting in. now we're going to see a return to some rain will show you more of that in just a minute. so we've got big changes in the works. i
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think tonight, not a bad night. we'll see some high clouds drifting up above, partly cloudy skies. i'm not quite as cold as it's been overnight, just because the cloud cover tomorrow clouds kind of on and off throughout the day. temperatures going to be mild to warm, though outside and then we're going to start talking about changes as we get toward friday. the weekend looks unsettled and possibly wet at times too. temperatures out the door right now. you've got some 50's and some 60's right now. so not a bad evening outside. i think tomorrow we're looking at another round of some nice weather. but the clouds start to gather little bit. you get the idea that that ridge of high pressure that's been bringing us the nice spring weather. well, that is beginning to kick to the so here's the long-range forecast. and here we go tomorrow, some of those clouds continue to stream up above. but the rain stays off the coastline and then we get to friday. and there you are as we head in toward the afternoon on friday, that rain will be picking up on and off and more snow in the sierra nevada. cold weather going to be moving in as we head in towards saturday and sunday. snow showers continuing in the high country. rain showers continuing in the bay area. maybe a couple lingering showers on sunday morning,
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too. and then another system begins to move in a little bit quicker, though, as we head toward monday. and that kind just clip in the bay area before more significant storm moves in as we head into wednesday. and guess what? another one next weekend, too. so we've got a lot of work to do. we've got more rain on the way. in fact, a series of storms likely, though, work to the way through the bay area, the next 10 to 14 days. temperatures should be nice. enjoy it while you cam much cooler weather wet on and off right through the weekend and into next week. all right, lauren today, a new partnership between lucky grocery stores in the app. flash food hopes to make groceries little more affordable while. >> reducing food waste. organizers say residents can download the free app and then browse through groceries of one of the 44 participating, lucky store locations across the bay area. their shoppers can expect to find groceries nearing their best by date at a savings of up to 50% off. shoppers can then pay for them directly on the app and just head to the store pickup. talk
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about an unbearable roommates. more than 100 pairs evicted from homes around lake tahoe this winter. but experts argue. >> some people might be giving warmer. welcome. then you say we'll explain what that all means.
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>> more than 100 bears have been evicted from homes, businesses, and even churches. so far this winter in south lake tahoe, a group calling themselves the bear league, which removes baer says that this is a record, but the problem here is not an increase in bears. it has more to do with people. and the
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problem is they say the majority of evictions are happening at vacation homes. people are practically inviting bears in by leaving crawl spaces open and food out the solution. they say secure that space. >> especially because bears are coming out of hibernation. are coming out of hibernation. we'll see you tonight at 10. ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose.
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