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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  March 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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e. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon, more than 2 weeks after the primary election, we finally have an answer on prop one. plus. >> bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill they believe
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will tackle retail capitol correspondent eytan have a closer look. plus, tell you what the legislation aims to do for law enforcement. >> and an infant who was the 4th family member hurt when suv crashed into a san francisco bus stop has died. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin this afternoon. 78 year-old mary fong lau is out of the hospital. she was behind the wheel of the car that crashed into a west portal bus stop killing 4 family members that death toll rising after an infant who had been in critical condition in the hospital. diet kron four's michael thomas reports. >> satin quiet morning here in the west portal neighborhood of san francisco. you can see behind me a growing memorial where those 4 family members lost their lives while waiting for the bus when they were
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struck by an suv speeding through the area. >> police say the family of 4 was waiting at the bus stop to head to the zoo on saturday afternoon when 78 year-old mary fong lewd rolled through lois street speeding in an suv crashing into the muni bus sheltering killing all 4 of the father. and one year-old died at the scene where the mother and infant were taken to the hospital. the mother died sunday in the three-month old passed away last night. they've been identified as 40 year-old diego for do so. de oliveira. 38 year-old moncada ramos, pinto and the eldest child. joaquin ramos, de oliveira. the name of the baby has yet to be released. neighbors gathered at the scene this morning as they learned that the 3 month-old have passed. but the infant passed away. >> and the way it's good that all united together, but in a way destroy whole family. >> if the driver was also injured and arrested on sunday with 3 counts of vehicular manslaughter and reckless driving. she hover is no longer in custody or in the hospital. she was able to go home but could still face a
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number of charges in the coming days. her attorney says she is fully cooperating with investigators and neighbors say it still breaks their heart as they walk past a scene that she just like took out the entire bus stop. she took out a garbage can. that was you should check. i mean, she must going so fast and they were doing the things they were going out. it was their anniversary. they were family. it's it's awful. it's awful. it. >> this memorial continues to grow. you can see here she's representing that father and one of the children that lost their lives along with dozens of photos, flowers, messages and candles. >> it comes to details as to if the da will bring charges against at 78 year-old, we're still waiting to hear more and more. we do. >> we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest here in san francisco. and michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. >> in the east bay, chp released dashcam footage of the shooting on a tin ear to 38 in hayward. it happened around 4 tuesday afternoon. you can see the suspect roll down his window and a handgun at the victim's car as it exits the freeway. the victim
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was not hurt, but you can see the damage done to that vehicle. there. investigators identified and arrested the suspect yesterday. he faces multiple felony charges. now to the seaside police department is hosting a training and discussion about reforming police interview and interrogation techniques. denise huskins and aaron quinn will speak to law enforcement audience for the first time says they were falsely accused of engaging in a kidnapping hoax in 2015. their story made national headlines. it was turned into a netflix true crime documentary called american nightmare. huskins and quinn are discussing their experiences with law enforcement and the focus here is our lessons that were learned from that experience. >> i want to say as a law enforcement official, the nissan air and behalf of law enforcement, we are so sorry you went through what you went through and how you were treated by police. it was wrong and we're so sorry. >> huskins and quinn were ultimately exonerated and awarded a 2 and a half million
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dollar settlement after suing the vallejo police department kron four's charles clifford is at this event in seaside and we'll share more details on kron. 4 news at 2. a bay area police chief is reaching out to safeway executives over ongoing problems of shoplifting. sebastopol police chief ronald nelson wrote a letter to the retailer's regional president expressing his concerns about the safeway street from an early high school. so tre issues of high school as students engaging and theft and that is creating problems for customers, especially in the afternoon when school lets out. in the letter. chief nelson also says his department has been providing additional patrols during those after-school hours, but officers simply don't have the resources to do this all the time. the chief says he wants a way to hire security in loss, prevention staff and work together with the police department. safely. spokesperson tells us they are looking and to the chief's concerns. meanwhile, state lawmakers from both sides of
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the aisle are launching a new effort. they believe will help fight retail theft and provide more resources for law enforcement. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace brings us that story. >> well, the assembly member behind the bill says in addition to protecting the public, the hope is to also protect jobs, doing nothing is not an option someone member mike gibson's messages, he and this group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation they say will combat the statewide issue of retail theft. >> it is a threat to our livelihoods, all hardworking california's and the blow to our economy in community, especially of color. that's why he and others here say they're backing assembly bill. 1990, also known as the stop act. it authorizes an officer to make an arrest for misdemeanor shoplifting offense. >> even if the defense was not committed in the officer's presence, all the officer would need is probable cause to believe the suspect is committed shoplifting. the goal putting a stop to retail
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theft, los remember when the to the legislation, she points out a major part of the bill will allow officers to formally arrest and book a misdemeanor shoplifting suspects into jail instead of simply citing them and then releasing them that she says happens all too often today feeling the security from. >> a law enforcement to be able to actually arrest and book someone. it's a big difference. it's a sentiment shared by republican assemblymember one on these springs. real and this helps public safety as well. especially our retailers who have gone without any help for many, many years. most importantly, it will make a difference in retaining jobs in california as we continue to see that so stores continue to close because of the toll that still legislative republicans believe any reform must also include a repeal of prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than
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$950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part and certain crimes like retail theft. but little to no punishment from 47 was heavily contributed to the problem. >> and so in order to find a solution to have to first address the problem. that's prop 47. >> and as for the stop act, it will soon have a hearing at the assembly public safety committee reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at mount tam overlooking san francisco. looking like a nice afternoon. let's check in now with kyla either. hey there. yes, it was a really nice day out there. and in fact, as we take a live look from my sutro tower camera, you can even see mount diablo in the distance is a nice visibility. there. >> having said that, you do see some clouds here we are going to be real mix of sun and clouds today until the clouds kind of take over as we get into tonight. but right now, 65 degrees in san jose
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were having a lovely day out there. 62 right now in oakland, concord, about 64 point rays, 62 degrees and santa rosa about 61. so not bad. i'm looking at for another kind of lovely day with relatively calm. wind wind is going to be part of the story when we start to get some rain going tomorrow and into the weekend's going, get a little gusty as well. but today we should do just fine highs today will once again be quite pleasant. in fact, we'll see a few of those low 70's as we head inland. some nice 60's around the but, you know, you can see again, antioch, san jose expected to be some by warmer spots today. so looking good, of course, the big picture is the rain that's going to be coming in. so we've been looking at this pattern all week where we have that low stacked on top of that high. now you can see that low pressure has moved across. high pressure has dropped down to the south and now the main player will be low pressure systems that come in from the pacific. so we've broken that pattern. and we're really going to see the difference as we get into tonight. but right now, beautiful blue skies out there, get out and enjoy it if you like to because we are
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going have a very big change in our weather as we get into tomorrow. i'll be back in a little bit. we're going to track that rain coming our way. back to all right. cuyler, thank you. kron 4 is your local election headquarters. prop one is officially projected to pass. >> this measure will allow the state to borrow billions to help the homeless kron four's will tran has the details. >> governor gavin newsom has already spent 22 billion dollars to try to tackle the state's homeless problem with very little success with the passing of prop one. now he gets to borrow another 6 billion dollars on top of what has apready been spent to try to deal with it. it's become national fodder as far as the homeless situation in california. it's been so razor thin. the election was 2 weeks ago, but the governor did not take to axe until late last night when he fell, they did have the votes to pass prop one. so what's going to happen is they get to borrow 6 billion dollars. also they
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get to tap into tax money that actually was passed back in 2004 against millionaires. it requires counties to spend two-thirds of a certain tax amount. as far as the homelessness towards homeless programs and drug initiatives. opponents of the program get this. governor newsom was so passionate about this that he campaign raised about 13 million dollars for the passing of prop one. his opponents only spend $1000 and yet the results razor thin. opponents are fearful that it's so focused. prop one that it does not help preventing homelessness all together, that it's more reactive than proactive. the governor did say that this was a win for california reform for the first time in a couple of decades that it's time to get back to work to repair, broken promises in the state of california. how big of a
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problem is it for our state? reportedly there are about 181,000 people in our state that are homeless. that's about one-third of the homeless population for the entire country. >> coming up, there's a new program helping kids save money for college, but just a fraction of qualifying families are signing up. plus, all eyes on apple. the department of justice announcing a new lawsuit against the tech giant. and homeowners in the bay area struggling to get insured because of their zip codes. stay with us. kron. 4
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>> and now to a story you'll only see here on kron 4, the home insurance crisis in california is now affecting longtime home owners in the bay area because of where they've chosen to live. kron four's. sara stinson spoke with a family whose ensure just drop them. >> right above the homes on santa court in santa rosa. you can still see charred trees from the 2020 class fire that came about 75 yards from our front door. too close for comfort for gretchen and rick mullen, d who have experience 3 fires while living in their santa rosa home for the last 22 years, they have ensured theer home with farmers insurance. earlier this month, the couple got a letter from the company saying their policy was canceled field and i feel scared. we've never filed a claim. and it's all due to our address being close to a wildfire area. >> that too quickly hired insurance brokers to find a new insurance company. the
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search that's getting more difficult by the day. and we were denied by 157 insurance companies. no one will take us. i mean, even today i received 7 o'clock. the niles, if the couple does not get insurance, they can lose their home. the state does offer a last resort option. the california fair plan melendez have applied for it, but they say it's not an affordable option. costa, 6% higher and it's less coverage for us. my husband is retired, run a fixed income. and we don't have a lot of options. gretchen says they can't even sell their home, putting them between a rock and a hard place. my home just got valued. nobody's going by my home. know if they can't get insurance and the mulltne, these are not alone. thousands of californians are feeling the pain of the homeowners insurance crisis. many companies have announced limiting or stopping new policies altogether due to inflation and increased risk of wildfires. janet ruiz with
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the insurance information institute says the insurance industry is working with the state to bounce back the last 10 years from very >> premium. that wheat we pay down a so that's not really sustainable. but we would we want to be here. we're working with california department of insurance insurance commissioner ricardo, lara, announce a new strategy to keep private insurance companies in the state. all a part of the deal to consider future ris and climate change. one setting prices. >> senator mike mcguire says legislation needs to be passed to protect homeowners. we need a pathway for that homeowner. >> to get renewed once again in back into the traditional insurance policy. what i'd like is a moratorium to force these private insurance companies to stay in california at affordable rates
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that we can pay for insurance to keep a shelter at home for us. >> home insurance, regulation reform is being discussed at the capitol, but people like them allenby say if something isn't done soon, they could lose it all and they're not alone. they say their neighbors are going through the same struggles. i'm sara stinson reporting in santa rosa. back to you. >> the standard 6% realtor commission on buying or selling a home is coming to an end. that's due to a massive 418 million dollar settlement with the national association of realtors. the settlement stems from a federal lawsuit accusing the trade group of inflating real estate agent commissions, most home sellers right now pay about 5 to 6% in commission fees for a million dollar home. that's between 50 $60,000 in fees. real estate experts say the settlement could create a more competitive housing market. >> you list a half or so. there's always a listing agreement. now there's going
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to be a buyer removed and it is positive in a way and we're all going to have adjust to not knowing what the commission is on the house. and if a seller is not willing to pay a commission, then we're going to have to talk to the wise about paying a commission. >> the federal court still has to approve that settlement. let's talk about our weather conditions now as we take a live look outside at san francisco. beautiful view of the city right there. let's check in now with kyla. >> hey there. yeah, we've got some nice sunshine out there, including here at half moon bay, where you can see it's just glorious blue skies out there. so still a very nice day to be had. but by the time we get into our evening, we will start to see the clouds thicken up and our pattern start to change. an indication that we've got some rain coming our way as we get over into the weekend, actually on friday by the afternoon for most of us. and then you can see some sierra snow will be part of the equation as well. so things are about to get a little active here. so lets get you through it on your thursday. you can see by this evening. this is about 06:45pm. we've got some clouds rolling in and maybe a little
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coastal drizzle, but it really isn't until tomorrow morning that we start to see the showers taking shape here. this is 11:30am. so i do think that we probably get where we're going in the morning before we start to see this kickoff by the afternoon. you can see it starts rolling through the bay area and this is our afternoon commute about 4.35 o'clock. so that's going to be the tough one. some of these cells have the potential to be thunderstorm cells as well. but friday and saturday, it's just a slight risk. but you do see some of these with the oranges and yellows indicating that we could see those really heavy downpours with some of these cells, name of the potential for a rogue cell or 2 to produce things like small hail. so it's going to be one of those systems. goes through sunday morning before it gets all wrapped up. now, all told we're looking out for about a half an inch to an inch of rain for most of us. but in areas that see some of those downpours that might be associated with thunderstorm cells, you could see higher totals. you could also see, you know, the potential for a little bit localized flooding as well. so just something to be aware of. the other component of this is going to be the wind. now today we get a little sea breeze in the afternoon, but
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tomorrow afternoon, we really start to get gusty to the tune of 20 to 25 miles per hour. this is the overnight friday into saturday. you can see again saturday afternoon that push of wind as that front starts to track across. so that means today want to make sure that we're doing things like getting those trashcan secured because by tomorrow afternoon, we could see them take a little trip unnecessarily that you weren't planning when those gusts get going up to 2025 miles per hour. so just make sure that you're ready for it. i do think that we'll see most of get through this until the afternoon tomorrow before it starts to pick up. but once it does, it will be some rain will be some wind and the potential for a few heavy downpours. notice by the time we get to saturday, check out the highs here in the 50's. so we'll see those temperatures really pull back sunday. still looking like will be the better day of the 2. i think the morning we'll have a little bit of carry over from that rain. but by the afternoon, we should be looking. good back to all right. thank you. the u.s. department of justice filed an
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antitrust lawsuit against apple alleging it has an illegal monopoly over smartphones in the u.s.. >> the lawsuit was filed this morning in federal court in new jersey. it claims that apple has monopoly power in the smartphone market and uses its control over the iphone to quote, engage in a broad sustained in a legal course of conduct. apple says the lawsuit is wrong on the facts and the law adding a lawsuit targets the very technology it uses to make sure all of its products work seamlessly together. this is just the latest example of the justice department's approach to enforcing federal antitrust laws. the agency also filed lawsuits against google and amazon accusing them of using tactics to hinder competition. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington. the congressional countdown clock continues. as lawmakers do what they can to try to avoid a partial government shutdown set for tomorrow midnight. i've got the latest details coming up just ahead. plus, the first in nearly patients going viral online. we take a look at what
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for your health this afternoon. the first patient to use elon musk's tele path thick neuralink brain chip. >> play chess yesterday. all by just thanking his moves. nolan, our buck is a paraplegic who became the first person to have the brain chip implanted. our book did a demonstration live on x from his wheelchair, moving the cursor by brain power >> i love playing just for this is one of these that all enabled me to great if you don't see the on the screen. >> what's saw it's pretty as
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you keep song just for >> it also done with your brain the patient can be showing off his new skills with the help of that in planned last movement below his shoulders a diving accident. and this video that you're watching here shows him moving a computer cursor using his thoughts while playing chess online. moving curses with a blade imprint. brain implant rather is not new, but our buck also demonstrated the ability to multitask by talking well controlling the mouse. our book admits there has been some challenges with the implant, but overall, it has already changed his life. state officials say since the launch of a new program to help kids save money for college, just a fraction of low-income families have claimed their money. the state launched cow kids in 2022. which creates a savings account that puts between 500 to $1500 for low-income kids to use for college or a career after high school officials say only 8% of the more than
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3 million eligible kids of access their accounts in places like san francisco and oakland. there is confusion about cal kids because the city's have local college savings account programs of their own of more than 33,000 eligible students in san francisco, a little more than 5% have claimed cal kids account in alameda county. more than 100,000 students are eligible, but just 8% of claim their accounts. officials say this is likely due to lack of awareness about this program. coming up next at noon, the city of oakland has been without a police chief for more than a year after the break. mayor sheng thao joins us live to talk about public
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>> national news now early this morning, congress released details of the massive spending bill lawmakers must pass by tomorrow at midnight. >> or face a partial government shutdown. our washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with the latest. >> and at this point, lawmakers don't have much time to analyze the 1.2 trillion dollars spending bill before tomorrow's midnight deadline. the congressional clock continues ticking down as lawmakers have just over 24 hours to pass this 1.2 trillion dollars spending deal and keep the government open. i think the final product, this something that we were able to achieve a lot provisions in and wins in a move. >> and the direction that we want, even with our tiny historically small majority, both democrats and republicans got some of their top priorities on the right more money to deal with immigration and for the left, more funding for child health care and
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research. this >> continues to make important investments to lower costs that everyday americans face the bill essentially keeps domestic spending flat and cut some foreign aid. well, slightly increasing money for veterans programs and the military. there was some very tough negotiations. the house is scheduled to vote on the bill friday. if it passes, then it's on to the senate as soon as they send us the funding package, i will put it on the senate floor, but some republicans say they'll fight to block the bill, arguing it doesn't cut spending or do enough to fix the border. not one republican should vote to fund this atrocity. >> not one republican. and if enough of those no's prevail, the country could be looking at a shutdown saturday morning and will likely get a better sense throughout the day today of how those house votes might play out tomorrow. >> reporting in washington, i'm trevor shirley. turning now to the city of oakland, mayor sheng thao joins us live now to talk about the latest
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headlines coming out of her city. good afternoon to you, mayor. >> good before we started, can i just say, you know that today's the anniversary. >> for the fallen officer. and i want to just take a moment to really say, you know, that we appreciate, you know, sergeant marc denis can search an urban roe. must sergeant daniel stuck high and officer john heggie for their service. they were murdered in the line of duty about 15 years ago. and so i just wanted to send all my love to their family and their loved ones. and of course, we're reminded of this eye from december of the killing and murder of officer one way. and so i also want to say thank you to all of our police officers and public safety personnel. >> thank you, mayor, for making that statement there. are there any memorial serve or special events planned to mark this occasion? >> there is special events planned through the police union. ok? got it. thank you. so to start off here, let's talk a bit about public
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safety. the latest crime report from your police department shows robberies in your city went up. 32 1% compared to the same time last year. >> meantime, burglaries went down nearly 50%. so what would you say is behind these numbers? >> yeah, absolutely. you know, it's a multitude of different things. as you know, we're working closely with chp. i want to thank the governor and our state representatives for really partnering with us on that. so what we're seeing is that there is a trend of overall city crimes trending downward. of course, there's so much more work to be done, but it is a part of our cease-fire strategy that and we have re implemented and resurrected where there's multiple organization working together closely, including the district attorneys office probation sheriff's department. chp, you know, the fbi, dea. and so we're all coming together to implement a strategic response. that's according to the data so that we know that we're going after the right people. and it's a small group of people that were hyper focus on. okay.
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>> so of course, the latest data also showing that the robbery numbers have gone up. how specifically is the city planning to address that? absolutely, you know. >> the robberies again, not just here in the city of oakland, but across the bay area. we are working closely together to really hone inton, you know, the small groups and gangs who are actually behind this. you know, we want is just make sure that people stay vigilant. you know, if you're at a stop, light, stop sign or what have you, you stay vigilant. but at the same time, we do have leads that i cannot discuss here on air but we're working closely with other organizations to hone in on those who are committing robberies and burglaries. okay. >> now taco bell announced just last week they are closing their dining spaces and at least 2 locations in oakland over safety concerns. and they do join a growing list of restaurants that are closing their dining rooms. how do you respond to concerns that crime is hurting business in oakland? >> again, this is not just oakland issue, right? it's a
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nationwide issue to state issue. it's a bay area issue. but at the same time, we also know that, you know, more than 50 restaurants are opening up here in the downtown area. i think that it takes a collective effort, you of course, having crime and people feeling unsafe and not being able to go into the dining areas of certain fast food chains. that's disheartening. but i do want make sure that we also understand on the other side of it, that many of our small mom and pop restaurants and owners that their venues are open. their dining rooms are open and we are working closely with them to ensure that that people when they are attending and eating and dining out that they feel safe. >> let's turn now to the search warrant police chief. you have the list for several weeks now. how close are you to a decision on this next? chief? >> you know, i'm going to let you know that i am hyper focus is my number one priority. with that being said, i have to do my due diligence. do a
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thorough review. you know, i can tell you my version of a panel interview has been conducted and i am moving forward in a steadfast way and stay tuned and you'll see the you'll hear about the results in enough. >> the curious to get your perspective on this as well. you know, mayor, none of these candidates are local to your city and of course, there is added value to having someone who understands oakland and has worked with your city to be the next chief. is there any chance that you'll scrap this list and asked the commission for a new one? >> you know, i can tell you that all of the people who've applied and who have been lifted up to me that they have actually have the integrity and the skill set that is needed to actually be chief of the department. i do understand that none of these folks are local. however, that does not take away from their ability to actually police and not just that, but understand the strategy that we've already are implementing. we're going to move forward. the cease-fire strategy and we're going to be a leader who can collaborate and work with
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all the other public strategy personnel, including the fire chief chief covington, the department of violence prevention chief chief tolley joshi, including myself and justin johnson, who is the city administrator. it is equally as important to get a good chief who also can work in collaboration on a team so that we can move forward in a way are being data driven and that we can actually curb crime in a not just in a surface level way, but in a very impactful way. and so i'm excited for the possibilities of the future for the city of oakland. >> okay. great. so it sounds like a pretty confident you'll come out with a final from this list of finalists. >> i know you're pushing that agenda, but you're going to have to weigh not will making announcement. whether i throw back the list or whether i pick somebody off that list. all right. all right. so what kind of timeline are you looking at now to get a new chief into office? you know, again, i'm going moving expeditiously. but at the same time, i'm going to take my due
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diligence to ensure, you know, any checks and balances are implemented, making sure that this person is going to be the right person for the city of oakland. >> all right. so on a lighte note here, oakland restaurant week is, of course, in full swing this week. are there any highlights and personal favorites of yours that you like people to know about? >> you know, you're always asking me a lot of questions. going ask you a question. what is your favorite oakland restaurant? happy answer that for you. i'm i'm a fan of elmore, dominican ship. nelson is fantastic. i love their plan. teams over there. >> i also are based on briefly for a period of time but said they're super unique. >> have you had a chance to dine at either of those locations? >> absolutely. you know, those are those are the town but i also want to add one to the list town fair at the oakland museum with chef michelle. she serves blackened catfish over hoppin john, i don't know what
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happened, john less, but it is black eyed, peas and vegetables. and it was just absolutely amazing. so if folks don't know, please go to the oakland museum, the restaurant there is called town there. all right. fantastic. in. >> walk us through in our remaining time here as well. just the significance and the value of oakland restaurant week for our local businesses in the bay area. >> you know, it's so important that we you know, up live areh small restaurants here. i mean, the city of oakland, we're known for our great food in our restaurants. and so what we have 10 days of open restaurant week, we have over 160 restaurants participating and they will offer special created lunch and dinner menus to showcase a diverse culture and cuisine of all incredible and incredibly dynamic backgrounds. and so this runs from march 13th to 24th. you know, when i talked about the town fares, a showcase of the black ai catfish, that is actually special only for restaurant week. so if you haven't already, you still
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have time to get out there to enjoy great food. >> all right. then testing oakland, mayor sheng thao. thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. absolutely. thank you for having me. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the bay bridge. looking like a nice day out for a quick road trip around parts of the day. let's check in now with kyla so beautiful day in the bay. and a pretty nice day in lake tahoe. they are. >> looking out for some snow coming in this weekend. and you can see we just have the tiniest bit of snow. >> hanging out here down incline and that's going to be joined by a whole lot more snow. as you can see, this is going to be an entire sierra not just for us, but also southern sierra central sierra. they're actually a winter storm warning starting at 5 o'clock on friday. ours goes into effect right now. a watch that will likely be kicked up to warning. we get a little closer to it. but that goes into effect in the evening on friday, till late in the evening on saturday, we're expecting one to 2 feet of snow. we could see higher amounts than that at some of the peaks. obviously that's going to for difficult travel as we're going to have snow
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covered roads, et cetera, and some wind gusting up to about 45 miles per hour as well. so future cast here we go through today. no problem friday. here is about friday, about 5.30. you start to see this all take shape and then some very heavy snow starting to come down friday night into saturday. so it's really going to be an event over a couple of days here. this is saturday morning. and then we get into the afternoon and evening and again, you see it just kind of keeps cranking. in fact, this is wanting to be an interesting event because we're going to get this one, which is the big push that we have a couple little smallerr things to roll through next week. so again, looking at for some those higher totals, likely a little just to the south of lake tahoe up at the peaks, but all told this is going to be a pretty significant system and notice cold enough to get a little snow going here, too. and some of those northern california peaks. so today, a beautiful day. see people out here. this is right now down to peak where they're having lunch, enjoying themselves. but in the distance, you see a little bit of that snow. we're going to be adding to that as we work our way through the weekend. so if you are headed up to tahoe, you're going want to get up there as early as you can on friday because by
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the time we get to about 5 o'clock, it's going to be very difficult going. notice those temperatures dropping as we get into saturday highs only in the in the 30's. same story on your sunday bringing it back to the bay. we're having a beautiful day here. so take a live look from the east bay news. berkeley is an example where the places that we're going to see those temperatures drop off as we get into the weekend. so enjoy the day today. get ready for some rain tomorrow. i'll track that for you in just a bit. when i come back with your seven-day forecast. all right. thank you. >> coming up, the warriors are in the stretch. drive for the playoffs in need every win they can get. we have the highlights from last night's match plus, we continue to honor women's history month on kron 4 this afternoon. we need a woman in the south bay who dedicated her life
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>> we continue to honor women's history month here on kron 4 by highlighting the remarkable women in our community, south bay resident crawford as pioneer cancer support for more than 4 decades. kron four's terisa stasio brings us her story. if you go behind area here. >> we have a number of weeks and we have trained volunteers who will help you fit. crawford excitedly shows off a well-stocked cancer care point center in san jose. the bag that we send home with patience is really very special as well. and we often give them an arm pillow. some of them have lymphedema crawford knows better than most. she was diagnosed with cancer in 1974. >> i became my own advocate because in those days they were doing things radical
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mastectomies and i had to search what? >> my options. after winning a battle crawford set to work helping others face down that demon devoting her life to guiding people through the early often confusing days of a cancer diagnosis. he is the most passionate. >> advocate for best work we would not be here or doing the things that we can do. if it weren't for her heart. don hoak is executive director of cancer care point. >> she has lost count of how many people, crawford he's touched throughout the years. she's a blessing. jenny maggot lost her husband and daughter to cancer. she recruited crawford into hospice of the valley. back in 1978, what are you most grateful about with her? her ability to sense. >> what's going on? not only with the patients because she
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was a patient or but also what was going with families that's her involvement. cancer care point in creed, kids. >> craig, is kids has helped 20,000 families with children who have cancer once a year. the group holds a mother's day event. >> a great america. they come from all over california. some in nevada they look at it as a picnic they can being with other kids, not in the hospital. >> plaques. newspaper clippings and other mementos tell the story of crawford's 50 year career as a cancer fighter volunteering with more than a half a dozen other programs in an advocate for volunteerism. all my life. crawford also had a hand in creating a state cancer registry, which collects invaluable research data that can be used to save lives. nothing has stopped or not. a second cancer diagnosis back in 2004 and certainly not her
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age. crawford recently turned 80 telling friends and family and her husband roy retirement isn't an option. >> rhinos at dinner time, the phone rings and i disappear. i'm i'm working with the patient trying to get them >> to recess stasio kron. 4 news. kron. 4 honors. remarkable women of the bay area all month long. >> you can read more about our finalists by scanning the qr code right there on your screen. we are new stories each week right here on kron 4 kron 4 all right. let's talk about our forecast now taking a live look outside at this icon, the trans america building in san francisco. let's check in now with cuyler for more weather high. one of my favorite buildings. they love >> okay. so we've got some nice sunshine out there. but you do see kind of a mix of sun and clouds in spots. and certainly if you look at the mount tam, you start to see a few of those clouds that are rolling through. but, you know, it's gorgeous out half moon bay and it's going to be another lovely afternoon.
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tomorrow is going to be very different story. we're going to start off, ok, but then the rain moves in. so the longer walk with the pup tomorrow, you're going want to get that in early because once we hit that afternoon, showers are going to be rolling across the bay area's. let's time that out for you and show you today. we stay dry. you see some low clouds moving in tonight and maybe a little coastal drizzle in the overnight. but tomorrow morning, this is about 8.45. so that first walk as i was mentioning or if it's going to your commute, you'll probably do ok. but by the time we hit about 11:00am we're going to start to see some of this rolling through the north bay and work its way through the bay area here. some taking it out of 2.30, 5 o'clock rush hour. i think that's going to be very difficult. we're also going to have wind associated with this. you can see it rolls through friday night in parts of the south bay and east bay. and some of these could be thunderstorm cells, which means very heavy downpours and even the potential. a little bit of small hail with this. it goes through again on saturday. so you see it's very scattered and very widespread as we work our way through saturday and then into the first part of sunday before finally will
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start to let up. now all together, we're looking at about a half an inch to an inch of rain around the bay area. but those spots that hit some of those thunderstorm cells could certainly get higher totals very quickly. we're also have a little wind out there so that gusty wind will start friday afternoon. it will be a southerly flow before the front and a westerly flow after the front. so today's the day to secure rnything that might blow around in case you're wondering, takes about 3 miles per hour wind to blow a leaf around about 28 miles per hour blow your trash can around. takes a whole lot more to blow human around. and certainly, you know, 90 mile per hour wind which are going to see none of that to blow a car around. but we are going to have that gusty wind as we get into tomorrow afternoon. there it is as it starts to ramp up and it will stick with us through the weekend. so just be ready for that temperature wise. we're going to see things cool down. big time. we go from friday into saturday. another thing to be ready for and you can see a little bit of an active start to our week next week. so all things changing from our beautiful sunshine and above average temperatures. all right.
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cuyler, thank you. moving on to sports, the warriors looking to bounce back as they took on the grizzlies last night and jonathan kuminga stole the show. kron 4 sports director jason dumas brings us the highlights. the warriors had to have this one on wednesday night. they were playing a memphis squad with 11 guys on the injured list. make no mistake about it. >> alonso be unacceptable, especially given the context position. the dubs were in. luckily for everybody, the dubs got the memo. they were hoping to bounce back from an ugly loss to the knicks. on monday, we pick things up in the 2nd quarter. golden state down by one andrew wiggins gets it in the corner when he gets going early to war, would play well later in the second. now, warriors up by when this guy, jonathan kuminga gets out in transition is the automatic. >> 2 points where the extend that lead to 5 a minute later. it's like deja kind of thing
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coming in transition. don't even job. >> left-hander won their case. enter it is rocking 3rd quarter warriors by 13 andrew wiggins, knocking down shots. he's looking like the year. they won it all. 22 in 10 later on, 23 point lead. here's a look is coming in transition gp 2. it's the right back him. coming ahead, 26 points. how about clay three-pointer? close out the highlights prove point. chris paul, by the way, 12.14 assist 0 turnovers. warriors one. 37 1.16. they're back in action on friday against the pacers. all righty. that's a look at sports. all right, jason, thank you. coming up next year, a new 93 years in the mafor the first time in
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its 93 year history. chester zoo welcomed the arrival of the majestic pair of snow leopards. check out these beautiful animals here. >> the big cat's name yashin in uber. a proud around their new enclosure designed to mimic the himalayan mountain terrain with a highly threatened species lives in the wild built using more of a 600 tons of rocks. the enclosures rock outcrops an air-cooled caves will allow members of the public to see the animals up close snow leopards are also known as the ghosts of the mountains due to their ability to camouflage within the landscape. action in uber both just over 18 months old. just beautiful animals. and the zoo says that they are playful, inquisitive and full of energy. and in
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athens zoo announced the birth of an endangered pygmy hippo named milo. is a logical park said that they're very excited about the first baby of 2024. born in their park. the baby was born to pygmy hippos, jamal and lizzie, very cute animals here. the zoo says every birth of these in the parks is very important for the preservation of the species. the pygmy hippo is native to west africa where no more than 3,000 pygmy hippos remain in the wild today, according to fund a in florida or rather florida international. very cute. and was the penguin chick act hatched at the oregon zoo in early march. joining one of the largest collection of humboldt's in the united states. this little one is being cared for by its parents at the zoo. as you said, this is 190th humble chick to hatch at the zoo. sense. zoo started breeding the threatened species back in the 1980's. good news to see this little one there. and 2 adorable tasmanian devil joeys lilo and stitch are being hand-raised as part of a joint program
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between a conservation organization and a reptile park based in new south wales, organization also york said staff hand-raised these joey's for 4 weeks before they were moved to the australian reptilejpark in somers be the brother and sister are 5 months old. very curious. as you can see there, they were born very late in the season to along that had already had joey's earlier in the year. ark says this is very unusual because female doubles usually have just one litter per breeding season after careful monitoring the staff there were concerned about the moms ability and energy to raise a second litters of the joey's came into their care staff care. whether you can see there. well, it's the joe is are we an independent. they're going to join the australian reptile park edition. and was there mature? they will then join dawsey, arx 3 day and rewilding program. how about that? all? that will be all from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. take good care of yourselves. live in the bay is next.
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>> that's right, stephanie. coming up today on live in the bay is the plant-based sustainable drink? you're going to have to learn more about twirl milk tea at their latest line drop. we're getting all the details. plus the documentary that's highlighting the specialty and that connection between both land and sea. >> we're going to hear more on this upcoming film. plus, we're highlighting one of the 4 finalists of kron four's remarkable women learn how she's making an impact on the community. all of this and so much more coming up today on
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>> welcome in everybody. you'


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