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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  March 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:45pm PDT

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night, pop. [adult mark vo] time. >> i do that. >> now at 10, 6 months into the war that sparked a string of hate crimes and protests across the bay area. governor gavin newsome calling for a cease-fire in gaza. there's this presumption that. because
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this tragic apcident happened. it must have been a crime. attorney for an elderly driver speaks to kron 4 tonight about the investigation into a tragic crash last weekend in san francisco, the killed all 4 members of a young family and the push to bring a big chain grocery store to one of san francisco's most troubled neighborhoods. when time. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> well, news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. >> governor gavin newsom now taking a stance on the war in gaza. >> in a letter to the state's muslim palestinian american and arab american communities. today, the governor is calling for an immediate cease-fire because coming on the night before the u.s. is expected to ask the un security council to back a cease-fire and hostage deal. kron four's. dan thorn joins us from our newsroom with reaction from the bay
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area's muslim community you can. in the letter published today, the governor condemns the ongoing and >> horrific loss of innocent civilian life in gaza. says that he's now joining president biden calling for an immediate cease-fire. this comes after months of pressure and accusations that the governor was not listening to the state's arab american communities, the bay area's council on american islamic relations says they welcome today's announcement and hope it encourages other elected leaders to follow suit. >> governor gavin newsom is now joining the chorus of people calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. in a letter to california's muslim, palestinian american and arab american commsays it's cease-fire. . yesterday, >> could have saved today's martyrs is a line that we have used over and over again in our advocacy. i would say that early for. >> for months, organizations like the bay area's council on
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american islamic relations or cair have been pressuring elected officials to demand a cease-fire in gaza. aren't blue executive director of care says the cease-fire is necessary to save innocent lives, though we have been asking for a cease-fire in october. we welcome that called even now. >> palestinians are facing it could pass up like nothing we've seen before. either. they are bombed where they are starved. the governor's letter also acknowledge the rise in anti-muslim discrimination and hate. >> care national says in the months following the october 7th attack on israel, anti-arab bias jumped more than the governor's statements come during the holy month of ramadan for blue and many muslims. this year's observance is incredibly somber, but they're not giving up. we welcome the governor's greetings. >> during this blessed the time and we are even more
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prayerful. and more committed to action and protest to continue to advocate for a cease-fire. >> well, the united states call for an to the un for an immediate ceasefire in gaza is tied to the release of israeli hostages increasing humanitarian aid. hamas has said that it will release hostages only if the war ends. while israel says it will only discuss a temporary pause in the fighting in the newsroom. dan thorn kron, 4 thank you, dan. a devastating development tonight. the baby who was killed by a speeding suv in san francisco has be n identified 2 months old ramos, pico de oliveira died yesterday after spending 5 days in the hospital. the driver accused of crashing their car into the family at the west portal bus stop on saturday has been released from custody. alright, noelle bellow joins us now live in the studio with what her attorney had to say. well. >> vicki, the driver, 78
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year-old mary fong lau was originally arrested for the crash on saturday. but her lawyer confirmed to kron 4. she's been released and no charges have been filed. he added the public seems to misunderstand how legal proceedings in cases like this unfold. >> there's this presumption that because this tragic accident happened, that must have been a crime, right? the reality is that investigation is being conducted to determine whether or not there was wrongdoing malfeasance criminal negligence. fact is that this could just be horrible tragedy that, you know, have to vary. or consequences. that is an accidents without there being a crime. >> due to this being an ongoing investigation, the attorney cannot speak about what happened in the moments leading up to the crash. san francisco district attorney has asked the public for patience as investigators gather more information. da brooke jenkins saying toxicology results can take more than 30 days to obtain.
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and it will also take time to go over the operating systems of the suv. lau was driving at the crash site are now pictures of the 4 victims who died. the youngest just 2 months old, died at the hospital yesterday. the father and their one year-old son died at the scene. the mother died in the hospital on sunday. the family was waiting for the bus. take a trip to the zoo when they were hit. friends of the family have told us they do want something done to prevent tragedies like this one in the future. there is now a petition to make that intersection at lowest street car free. >> thank well, it's 15 years now since 4 oakland police officers were killed in the line of duty in march of 2009 mark done again. and officer john heggie were ambushed, suspect shot and killed them both and then barricaded himself in a nearby apartment. sergeant ervin romans and dance kind went in after the suspect and both of them were shot dead. suspect was
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eventually killed by police that day. mean remains the deadliest day in the history of the oakland police department. it's been almost a month since the oakland police commission delivered its latest list of candidates for the cities next police chief to the mayor. but we still don't know what the mayor is planning to do with that list. the list includes cincinnati police department lieutenant colonel lisa davis, a new york assistant deputy mayor for public safety. luis molina, former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen and retired lubbock, texas police chief floyd mitchell. sharing cap, was handed that list to conduct her own interviews with the finalist today, kron 4 talked with the mayor and asked her about where she is in the process of appointing a new police chief. >> i have to do my due diligence. do a thorough review. you know, i can tell you migration of a panel interview has been conducted
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and i am moving forward and in a steadfast, wait moving expeditiously. but at the same time, i'm going to take my due diligence to ensure, you know, any checks and balances are implemented, making sure that this person is going to be the right person for the city of oakland. >> oakland has been without a permanent police chief now for over a year tao fired lebron armstrong following an internal investigation and how several officers were disciplined. weather has been so nice lately. things are going to change overnight tonight and tomorrow to are getting ready for some rain. >> let's check out your wake-up weather gets going early on tomorrow morning, starting out with a lot of clouds but dry conditions. 06:00am if you're getting up early temperatures 40's and some 50's by 8. still on the dry side, we may see some coastal drizzle, otherwise mostly cloudy skies, even by 10 o'clock in the morning. you've got a lot of clouds outside. i think most rain holds off. but as we head toward the afternoon, that rain moves in, more storms are
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coming. we'll have more on your tan tan coming up a few minutes. >> fire insurance on the lawn in the mortgage. they can and payment immediately. and they can foreclose. so what supposed to be the american dream? is now not there yet. >> and they are not alone. last night we told you about this couple after living in their home for 22 years. farmers insurance canceled their home insurance plan. according to the company, the company, couple lives in a high wildfire risk area in santa rosa. and now every insurance that they reached out to has denied them. the couple says that they are worried that they could lose their home. and tonight state farm insurance announcing that it is making the decision to not renew thousands of policies here in california, kron four's grant lotus here in the studio with more on exactly where customers in the bay area will be affected.
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grant. that's not just one place can and vicki say farm executives say. >> this move is the only way to keep their business viable, especially after all of the wildfires we've seen over the last several years, the zip codes that will see the most cancellations are in and around santa rosa. napa, piedmont orinda and lafayette. state farm says starting in july it will stop renewing about 30,000 homeowners renters and other property insurance is and in august, it will also stop offering and renewing commercial apartment policies. one representative for insurance companies tells us trying to grow while paying people for wildfire damages becoming unsustainable for lots of insurance agencies. >> state farm's the last remaining company that has not non renewed a single homeowners insurance policy. since the big fires 2017. so as the market leader, they really held on longer than
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anyone else. >> but no longer. state farm says customers affected will be notified in the summer. and this is a a problem that continuing to expand its scenes. california does offer sort of like a last ditch effort. if you can't find coverage anywhere else, it's not cheap. it's called the california fair plan. i'm sort of like a lifeline for us, a lot of people would argue it come to that sort of bureau with your health insurance. exactly. they got to solve all right, thank you. grant you welcome. >> is a night of glamour and giving in san francisco, the american red cross held its 29th annual gala at pier 27 tonight. the event is a fundraiser for red cross blood services which supplies 40% of the nation's blood supply. red cross officials say more importantly, it's to raise awareness blood donations. >> we oftcntimes say the number one reason people don't
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donate blood. they weren't asked. so we're trying to make sure that we get the message out there that can make that task because every 2 seconds someone in the united states needs what? >> last year's gala raised more than a million dollars. organizers are hoping to match or even top that amount this year. and we don't feel safe anywhere. because the world leaves airliners. >> still ahead, the valais whole couple wrongly accused of staging a kidnapping once again. they have a conversation with law enforcement, but asking police to do. california joins an antitrust lawsuit against apple. investigators say the tech giant is hurting consumers. that a lot of birthday cakes. when you make a wish, what do you wish for? that make 91? well, you know, it's not every day you turn 90. i catch up with the san francisco's former mayor willie brown as he celebrates his birthday here. what
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brown's advice is to joe biden after mentoring other politicians like gavin newsom politicians like gavin newsom and kamala hkawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole!
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what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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>> this weekend marks 9 years since the couple was wrongly accused of staging a kidnapping in vallejo. you know, the couple visiting monterey county today to talk to law enforcement, hoping that by sharing their story, they can keep this from happening again. kron four's charles clifford has that story. >> speaking to a packed room of law enforcement from across california, denise huskins and aaron quinn reed told their story in great detail starting with the moment they were awoken in their home by voices and what they thought was an
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armed robbery. >> instantly, i know. surrounded. they have guns were defenseless. the couple was restrained and drug. denise was then kidnapped and raped by this man. matthew mueller. >> when aaron awoke the next morning, he reported the kidnapping toledo police, but was almost immediately made the main suspect, anthony says disappearance he endured hours worth of aggressive interrogation. >> it's clear in their eyes and no longer. a victim. i am a suspect. >> 2 days after she was taken, mueller released in east near her family home in southern california. the vallejo police department then accused the couple of making the whole thing up. mister quin1. >> and this huskins. has plundered valuable resources away from our community, although they were safe, the couple could not yet returned to their normal lives. >> our work will last back because they believe the hoax theory. to me says receiving hundreds of hateful messages on social media. and we don't feel safe anywhere. because
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the world believes we're liars. >> several months later, mueller was arrested in dublin, california for attempting a similar home invasion. investigators in that case were able to connect him to denise is kidnapping, confirming the couple story and bring them a certain amount of relief. and almost time we were no longer seen as hoaxers. >> victims. always worked. matthew mueller was sentenced to 31 years in state prison for kidnapping huskins. he's also serving out a 40 year sentence for federal crimes. >> huskins and quinn have since married and now have 2 daughters. they chose to speak at this conference in hopes that law enforcement can learn from their experience. >> you don't have to believe every person who comes to speak to you. but as soon as you say, i don't believe this person. and that cuts off the opportunity for you to find out more. possibly find out the truth. >> now, denise huskins and aaron quinn were awarded a 2.5 million dollar settlement from the city of vallejo. but they say that to this day, no one from the vallejo police
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department has apologized directly to that in monterey county, charles clifford kron. 4 news. >> new at 10, a 14 year-old is in custody in the east bay accused of trying to steal cars. livermore police say that the first attempt was made last tuesday in a downtown parking garage near the intersection of livermore and railroad avenues. officers say that the teen pretended to have a gun in his pocket and threatened to harm the victim. if he did not give him his car, police then received for more reports of similar incidents. 4 days later that teen now facing several counts of attempted carjacking, attempted robbery and criminal threats, california, along with 15 other states is suing apple over claims that the bay area based tech giant has a monopoly over the smartphone market. >> kron four's catherine reports on how the lawsuit claims apple is hurting consumers. if left unchallenged. apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly. >> but there's a lot for
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>> the lawsuit takes direct aim at apple's biggest product claiming the company tightly controls how people use it and violates antitrust laws with practices designed to keep users reliant on apple devices. examples. the company is accused of making it tough for competitors to integrate with the iphone. ultimately raising prices and alleging that apple is blocking rivals from accessing iphone hardware and software features even intentionally reducing the quality of messages between iphones and other smartphones. we allege that apple has consolidated its monopoly power, not by making its own products better by making other products worse. we allege that these this behavior has been ongoing. >> for essentially 15 years. plus. >> california's attorney general says it has, though apple has created a moat around its kingdom. apple
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meantime calls the lawsuit wrong on the facts and the law saying it will put up a vigorous defense. the company argues if the lawsuit succeeds, it will hinder innovation and lead to the government. taking a heavy hand in designing people's technology netchoice a trade association that advocates for big tech and washington is siding with apple. not about protecting consumers. >> it's advancing the power and weaponization of antitrust law by the government against businesses that they may not like. in fact, it wants the dumbest of phones for all of us and says somehow that that is pro consumer when it is anything >> apple is just the latest big tech company. the federal government has tried to rein in. there's been a wave of similar lawsuits against other companies in recent years, including google, meta and amazon. vicki in cannes.
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>> and with that, a new museum is now open inside the westin saint francis in francisco's union square. the grand opening. >> all part of the hotel celebration of its 120 years in the city. >> the museum includes items throughout the hotel's past, including the 19, 0 6, great earthquake and fire. nat of the 4 zone forecast as we get to a live downtown san francisco and it's very still might. lawrence standing by to tell us what's shaking out there. yeah, you know what if you've missed winter weather? guess what? we've got some more. which weather coming back to your neighborhoods. we're going to see a return. >> of some raindrops outside. so be prepared. you're going to see a dry start the day i think tomorrow morning. for the most part, there may be a little drizzle along the coastline, especially in the north bay, but other than that should be dry to begin. but by the afternoon, everything to change see the winds kicking up, maybe some 30 mile an hour, maybe 40 mile an hour gusts along the coastline outside. right now, we've got some partly cloudy skies and temperatures, not all that bad. 60 degrees right now in san jose's. 51 and cooler in
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santa rosa. 56 degrees in san francisco. looks like though changes are on the way. we've had a couple high clouds out there floating across the sky from time to time. the rain just off the near crescent city right now. some of that going to be pushing on shore overnight tonight. but here we go. we've seen high-pressure really just some gorgeous weather around the bay area the past few days. in fact, i'm really nice spring weather outside. but now this cold front really going start to push on through and as it comes on through tomorrow, we'll watch that rain wrapping up throughout the day, especially in the afternoon and then pushing on through. you see right here, get very active as we will see that the area of high pressure that brought us the nice weather that is going to kick to the east and that can open the door. the jetstream going to dive to the south. we're talking about some rain returning tomorrow and possibly more rain on and off throughout the weekend and next week have more on your tan tan coming up in a few minutes. >> all right, lawrence, coming up san jose family say that they're being kicked out of their own neighborhood because they can't afford the rent. house city action next week could change that. plus, the
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ceos of several airlines now reportedly demanding from boeing after several safety issues involving their planes and the new tech that's coming to the streets of oakland. that includes 50 free wifi hotspots. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line.
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>> the ceos of several major airlines are demanding to meet with the leaders of boeing following a slew of safety incidents and mechanical issues involving their aircraft in the last couple of months. according to the wall street journal, boeing will
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send its chairman to meet with the airlines. the ceos want to question the company over its production problems. at boeing factories, alaska, southwest american and united are the biggest users of the 7.37. max plane that's been involved in some of those incidents. new at 10, the city of oakland is getting 50 digital interactive kiosks. take a look. >> is what they look like. giant screen is set to be installed at sidewalks and able to help people find local, dining and shopping options is well as events in oakland, one of them already has been installed near the fox theater. the city says each kiosk also serves as a free wi-fi hot spot. officials say the 50 kiosks coming no cost to taxpayers. the company that runs they are installing and for free. yeah. just trying to keep. >> i manage a tease. memory alive. >> up next, a father remembering his daughter and son in law after their lives were taken in a crash when he
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says made them special to him and to the community. another high school student comes forward in the east bay accusing a teacher of abuse, a teacher, one lawyer says it's still working in the bay area.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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now at 10, 30, a north bay couple is being remembered as a kind community members who lost their lives way too soon. the couple died during the crash will coming back from celebrating a birthday. >> her first theresa sat down with one of the victim's brothers. everybody wants to help. you know >> it's amazing. and yeah, just trying to keep i manage a
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tease. memory alive. >> paul aca narrow fought back tears as he lovingly shared memories of his daughter. amanda amanda and her husband, jay to true died march 12th. the couple was in their chevy blazer on river road in santa rosa when they hit a tree. the couple was returning from celebrating jay tease 42nd birthday. the chp spokesperson says that both were found deceased in their overturned vehicle as a family attempts to do with the terrible loss. they are sharing stories, anything for anybody. they give the shirt off their back and >> they did. they love animals. they found the school. they nursed him back to help. they raise them and then like a little cage. and now he runs around the property. so he sees he's not afraid of the dogs because he grew up with them to the dogs play with the score on the back yard. so it's great. they're you know, and that's just one thing. i mean, they found dogs site and take him home with them. >> and it was well known for making sour dough bread. >> woods are sour dough chad,
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she was proud of her starter. she called the king arthur tonnage. are that sitting there? so got there the very first he was sitting on the counter. so we're at had people reach out from better fall over and asked for her starter. so people coming over today to actually help us make more starter. the couple leaves behind 2 young boys mason to travis 11. >> paul, a former petaluma police officer says that he and his wife appreciate all of the support they have received is a figure out. >> what will come next for the boys suddenly losing. both parents is like, you know, the rooms of the rooms, exactly what they have to everything is going to be the same. so they're trying to keep everything as normal as we can. but >> when i collect them to >> in santa rosa, theresa kron. 4 news. >> a second victim has come forward alleging abuse. a civil rights lawsuit against san ramon valley unified and former theater arts teacher
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has been amended to add a second plaintiff named jane doe. number 2, just like jane doe. number one, she claims the teacher groomed and sexually abused her more than a decade ago while she was a student debt. san ramon valley high school. report was filed with law enforcement in 2012, but no charges were filed. the attorney in the case as the educator is still working in the bay area. >> the past several years, he has been advice principle. at a reputable private k through 12. school and the east bay ice shutter to think about what i know about this man, how much damage he caused there. >> now that the second plaintive has come forward, a formal request has been made to law enforcement to reopen its case. ramon valley unified school district responded to our inquiry by stating, quote, we take these kinds of allegations very seriously because this is active litigation. it is our policy not to comment.
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>> a rally in san jose today calling on city officials there to help tenants stay in their neighborhoods. advocates are supporting an ordinance that would require a 20% of affordable housing units to go to people already living in the neighborhood. they say many working class families in san jose are facing eviction from their own communities because they just can't afford the rent. >> it is unacceptable that families and tenet had endure the harm of the harmful effects of this placement cars. but a lack of affordable and stable housing. we witnessed families. >> living in the streets and caused that. we also witnessed so many struggle in trying to find foot of the house and buildings. >> the san jose city council is set to vote on the proposed policy next tuesday. it's approved. the ordinance would go into effect immediately. the new proposal by san francisco leaders could bring a full service grocery store to the city's tenderloin supervisor. dean preston saw office has been. >> writing up a resolution
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calling on city departments to explore potential sites for a store and come up with plans to open one in that neighborhood. many tenor line residents currently have to travel outside that neighborhood to get their groceries. >> the corner shop really expensive. story. >> like to get home a cursory need and >> the proposal calls on city departments to report to the board of supervisors within 60 days. >> out of the 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at the golden gate bridge and a live look at lawrence. i'll stick with the goal gaping. that's for sure. hey, guys, we've got to change is coming our way. of course, we've talked about some rain moving back into the bay area with a series of storms and the sierra nevada. guess what? they've seen a ton of snow and they're going to get a whole lot more. and if you're traveling that way in the coming days, you've got to be prepared. these are some winter-like storms are going
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to be moving in very cold. back to snow levels will be dropping all the way down to about 3500 feet as we get into sunday. but a series of storms affecting us beginning tomorrow, all the way through next week and probably beyond. and this week alone, i think we're talking maybe one to 2 feet of snow above 5,000 feet. that means lake level at likely see some pretty significant amounts of snow and across some of the higher peaks. we'll maybe talk about 3 plus feet through the weekend. so you can expect some travel delays there. some chain controls from time to time. and yet some gusty winds to go along with that, too. we've got winter storm warnings that have been posted now from 6 o'clock in the evening on friday, continue until sunday at 8 o'clock in the morning. but they're going to redo these, i think as we head to next week to we've got a series of storms going to be rolling on in. so if you're traveling up there, be careful temperatures tomorrow. you can see the showers move in late temperatures are going to be cooling off big-time, though by saturday. your highs only topping off in the mid 30's. so getting cold. the high country with the storms rolling on through and more on the way clouds rolling in now and thicken up as we head toward tomorrow. rain and wind
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spreading the south throughout the day. cold showers on and off into the weekend as the storm system just kind of winding up off the coastline right now and going to begin to bring some rain back into the bay area of some very nice spring weather outside. but tomorrow it's back to some wintry weather as we head throughout the day. be prepared for that, especially toward the afternoon. cold showers going to continue on and off right through a good part of saturday. maybe some lingering showers into sunday as well. you can see all the snow over the sierra nevada behind that. a quick moving weak system may bring another round of showers. that will be fairly light on monday. a stronger storm system, though, bears down on the bay area as we head toward wednesday night again. and you see a significant amount of rain and some snow over the mountain tops, too. and what we've got another one right behind that to you get the idea. i mean, we're going to get back a very active weather pattern after we have that nice weather. be prepared. we're going to some cold temperatures to go along with that and a whole lot of rain. this is what we're expecting through about sunday or so. maybe over an inch of rain in san francisco. i'm this what we're expecting as we wind down as we head toward
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late next week. boy, if we hit that, we're going to be well above the average for the entire year in san francisco. i think that's the way it's going to play out. so temperatures tomorrow are going to be cooling off police to the north bay, south bay. still going to see some southerly winds. you may even sneak in about 70 degrees in san jose. but much cooler temperatures elsewhere, much colder over the weekend. rain moving south throughout the day. tomorrow. showers, maybe some thunderstorms on saturday and then kind of on and off well into next week and beyond back. some of the long-range forecast suggesting now right around the april 6, april, 7th kids looking very will this ever. and fact, that's what really it was at 63 inches of snow at from all of these stories out so we could see why next week. why. >> you know, some of the ski resorts are thinking about, well, we'll just going to stay open a little bit longer. why sure. yeah. what do they april showers bring may flowers. yeah. not so bad. may showers really? yeah. i know the water up to wad-'s. that's wild
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south bay resident has pioneered cancer support for more than 4 decades. her cause all started when she was first diagnosed with cancer in 1974. >> i became my own advocate because in those days they were doing things radical mastectomies and i had to search what what are my options? >> after winning her battle, crawford set to work, creating that cancer care point center in san jose helping others devoting her life to guiding people through the early often confusing days of a cancer diagnosis. as a center, patients can pick up a care kits, get fitted for a wig. the executive director of cancer care point says she's lost count of how many people crawford is touch through the years. >> he is the most passionate. advocate for best work. >> we would not be here or doing the things that we can do. if it weren't for her heart.
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>> crawford also had a hand in creating a state cancer registry, which collects research data that can be used to save lives. kron 4 is honoring remarkable women of the bay area all month long. read more about our finalists by scanning that qr code on your screen. we air new stories each week right here on kron. 4 and at kron 4 dot com. san francisco has few real celebrities that willie brown is at the top of that list. >> the former mayor of san francisco reached his 90th birthday. but the man about town is pretty hard to keep up with, although i did find him at his law office today, working and celebrating. that's there is only one mayor willie brown, the man known for his front just received a birthday cake in the shape of else? his famous it's not every day you turn 90 and brown is making the most of it. got a lot of birthday cakes. >> when you make a wish, what do you wish for? that make 91?
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here he is looking out at the bay bridge named after him. san francisco, after all is his town that we're looking at the clock. we've got restore that this time on your side. always. >> always >> brown was the first black mayor of the city and held that position for 8 years until gavin newsom succeeded him in 2004 before that he spent 3 decades in the california state assembly serving as speaker willie brown has meant or other politicians like gavin newsom and kamala harris and this guy is a perfect politician. every time you lost iran higher office. and he lost all the way to the president's state. his tip for joe let him be. and that age won't show because you'll make a joke.
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about something associated with wrong step. so what is the best advice is 90 years has taught him? i never think what happened yesterday. i always think of what might happen tomorrow. happy birthday. thank you and so cool. is quite the closed doors. don't think we need to point that out and we'll always starts. yeah. >> you know, when anybody points to politicians are too old and can't handle it and shouldn't be there. >> 0.2 the brown because he still got it. he sharp as ever. yeah, he's a genius. any advice for the younger man? yes. joe biden, great story. thanks, vicky. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 10. stay tuned for kron. 4 news 11. but for sports night live, aaron wilson here to talk about what's happened in. find out >> he was eating because i need to say that youthful hit
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90. he walks everywhere. well with are really behind already behind. >> what day? >> we have men's basketball to talk about. we'll talk about stanford first because the big dance has officially gotten started. no one side and get started for the women tomorrow. this stanford at home will have that breakdown and more of course, like i it was day one of march made is that being said, obviously you get some bracket busters happening already is not to sit on the bus. the break-in, boy, these boys, let you know it right off the top on day one will have more on day tonight in sports night live. stay with us. right after the stay with us. right after the break. ( ♪♪ )
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10:45 pm
♪ bmo ♪ >> the >> well, the man is in march has officially begun. thanks for joining us for sports night live. i'm your host erin wilson. now quite a few upsets and let downs have already happened on opening day of the tournament. and i'm sure a great number of brackets are completely, but that at this point, but the women they haven't started to, they get started tomorrow in stamford is coming in with something to prove. now they'll have to start trying to prove that dominance over


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