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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  March 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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criticized for being unresponsive to 9-1-1, calls and that led the city of lubbock and mitchell to part ways, mitchell was picked from a final selection of 4 candidates provided mayor sheng thao from the oakland police commission. we talked to oakland's naacp about the new chief despite the organizations push for the reinstatement of former chief leronne armstrong. >> trump community engagement is so critical. 2 effective police work and we believe if the poli sci comes were 2 of the community gets the own engagement of the community, that he will more than likely be very instrumental in helping open move forward. >> the new chief will meet the community and get to work next week. stay with kron. 4 for the latest developments on the new police chief. be sure to download the kron 4 app. it's free. you can get push alerts sent to your mobile device. the man killed a doordash driver in walnut creek during a road rage incident was sentenced today as kron four's
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gayle ong tells us the 5th tim's family also spoke in court. >> it is up the today. dylan baker in court friday afternoon for the sentencing in the shooting death of stacy corley. >> it was june of 2021 when corley was out making a delivery for doordash in walnut creek. when police say baker shot and killed corley over in apparent road rage incident. >> you can not have to take stacy's life. >> corley's family members addressing baker in court upset that the prosecution only saw a little over 31 years in prison for baker. he his life. >> it doesn't because offered. he shouldn't put wife. just think that the that you guys gave that young man was a slap the face. >> say you have dreams. so we had to be realized aspirations to be fulfilled. but those are mercifully stolen from him.
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but being offered to young man is not in that it corley's girlfriend says she forgives baker in shared this embrace with a defendant in the courtroom. baker was charged with 2 felonies, murder and shooting at an occupied motor vehicle. >> baker waived his rights to appeal the sentence. a statement from the contra costa county district attorney's office reads in part, quote, homicide cases are difficult to negotiate because there is nothing we can do in a courtroom that will ever repair what the defendant did. the victim was callously gunned down by the defendant while the victim was working hard to keep people fed during the pandemic. this offer is no way a means to devalue his life. in martinez, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> francisco district attorney brooke jenkins joined members of the api community in a rally today demanding justice for on paying taylor taylor
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was 94 years old when she was stabbed several times while walking in san francisco's lower, not hill neighborhood. back in 2021, the attacker pleaded guilty to attempted murder, elder abuse and assault. despite the district attorney's recommendation for a 12 prison sentence, he was sentenced to only 5 years of probation. >> we have to have a responsible system of justice. we have to have accountability in san francisco. there is no one more vulnerable than a 94 year-old woman is walking down the street. this was an unprovoked situation. and so we want to make sure that our asian seniors have ability to walk down the street safely our >> the rally was interrupted by people protesting jenkins decision and instead supporting the judge who placed the man who stabbed taylor on probation, the opposing protesters accuse jenkins of not revealing all
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the details of the case and say, quote, revenge on someone is not the answer. hayward high school teacher is one of 6 man being charged for trying to meet up with teenagers with the intent to commit a crime. police say joseph martinez worked at tennessee high school teaching 10th grade english. martinez sent inappropriate messages to 2 undercover officers posing as 13 year-old girl has a 13 year-old girl. according to police, he was arrested for sending harmful material to a minor. shattered glass ransacked rooms and a stolen knife. that's what kron four's philippe fremont restaurant owner was faced with this week after skillet cafe in the niles community was burglarized. 10 years of selling breakfast in fremont's, kuwait, niles community and for the first time skillets cafe, co-owner. >> and manager priscilla bravo joining the long list of bay area business is left picking up broken glass. no one has
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ever like. >> hurt our business like that. rob says the burglars broke through the front door to get in and busted all of the other doors inside to ransack the place. she says it happened sometime early thursday morning. and unfortunately, there does not appear to be any surveillance video of what went down. they took all our money from the cash register and they literally took are saying. i know how they did it, but they took bravo is now out thousands of dollars and is trying to keep her emotions in check. and she has to manage your other business in town billion. roy's burger. >> which is featured in fremont's restaurant week, loyal patrons, distraught. i come here every morning for my breakfast. and these people are my family. and i was so hurt when i heard someone violated them because what you violate family violate me as well. neighboring establishments vowing support the community cares. we don't want this kind of thing happening will do anything help support. >> them staying in business.
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in fact, one local business has already offered to help secure the new safe. we didp offer to help and we will take initiative to go ahead and make sure that that safe is fortified possibly can. we are open and we're waiting for you please come. we're not doing a gofundme. >> so if you see anything on the internet, it's a scam. we just want people just come and i name and, you know, just enjoy your food. that's all we want. robbo says the report has been filed with police. >> in fremont, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> if you live in san bruno, you might have seen some parking pay stations around town this because starting april first drivers will be required to pay for parking downtown near city parking lots and in some areas along welcome, you know, reality can visit the san bruno police department website to get more information as state lawmakers trying to figure out how to shrink california's projected multi-billion dollar budget deficit. today, there are some rare good news on the budget front last month's tax revenues came in better than expected. our washington
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correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, the good news is february tax revenues came in hundreds of millions of dollars above projections looking at the larger picture, california still faces a massive budget hole. >> the state's february tax receipts are in. they show last month, california tax revenue came in 288 million dollars above what was expected to come in. governor gavin newsom briefly spoke about the news at a press conference thursday. i'm encouraged by recent revenue numbers coming in. you're seeing economic energy and output. but even with the february numbers just released data from the department of financial between the start of the year and now revenues are still way down. specifically 5.6 billion dollars below what was forecast. looking ahead, the non-partisan legislative analyst's office projects when it's all said and done, the state will face a projected 73 billion dollar deficit. that's much higher than the newsom administration's projection of 38 billion dollars either way.
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legislative leaders, including assembly budget committee chair just a gabriel make clear there's work to do. even though february's tax receives. >> and if you see the administration is as teammates, we know the revenues generally coming in lower than the forecast. and that's concerning. and so we are prepared for some very difficult choices this week, democratic leaders in the senate and assembly announced a deal with the governor. they vow will shrink the deficit by 12 to 18 billion dollars. well, they say they're released details about the plan in the coming weeks. they stress taking early action will help chief fiscal oversight in a balanced budget down the road. we know that the state has made historic investments recent years, but it's also incumbent upon us to look in the rearview mirror to ensure that we're spending taxpayer resources officially and quickly that the programs and services that we are investing are moving the needle on the republican side. gop lawmakers say they hope to make the case that more spending does not always equal better results. their message on the budget, especially when we talk about homelessness. >> is that we we reward only those areas that are proven to
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get results. lot of the programs are questionable. and those are the ones that should be the targeted for our consideration for what they call delays or cuts. and so let's go with what we know. works. >> and the legislature will be on recess next week. but lawmakers tell me we can expect a vote on early budget action to shrink the deficit when they return in early april, reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 news. >> governor newsom along with former governor arnold schwarzenegger and actress jane fonda joined a local officials in support of a california bill that bans homes in close proximity to oil and gas wells. the bill is facing a november ballot initiative that would overturn it. >> big oil is playing us for fools for decades and decades, buy off politicians of all political stripes. lying to you. elaine science. they knew the facts. they hit it.
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>> the referendum is supported by the oil industry. but environmental groups are working on a signature drive for a measure on that about uber ballot asking to keep the law in place. bart is looking for some talented musicians to fill stations with the music of the famous german classical composer. >> sebastian bach. these are pictures of bart's junior buck kids playing the violin piano recorder and cello at stations. it's part of the bach in the subways program that will run until march 31st. anyone of any age can participate, but no tipping is involved. those interested in registering can head to our web site. kron 4 dot com. you know, my favorite album by him as walk in >> it's a good one. >> you're so coach and the
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stanford women are preparing for their first round ncaa tournament game tonight against norfolk state in sports. coming up aaron wilson is live for us in palo alto. all the details. >> on tonight's matchup.
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>> developing news tonight. out of la where major league baseball is announcing an investigation into illegal gambling and theft allegations los angeles. dodgers star shohei ohtani and his interpreter. the interpreter was let go from the team wednesday following a his alleged or news about that to
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an illegal bookmaker and then claims from attorneys attorneys that the two-way japanese star had been the victim of a massive theft. the irs is also investigating the matter. >> kron 4 sports. all >> well, we are here at maples pavilion. obviously it is march madness and the stanford cardinal, they are gearing up for their first matchup against norfolk state. now they have the luxury of doing this right here at home at maples pavilion. but they know that this will not be a cake walk against norfolk state for a few reasons. the second season in norfolk say has been able to make it into the tournament and they are trying to prove that hbcu belong now that being said, >> stamper, they have. i've been able to get prepared to be here at home for the second round. for the first round, rather trying to avoid moving in the second round of they have to get first around a
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bill right here at home. they don't want to repeat that part. and if a lot about that and here, both of them, what they need. for this matchup tonight. >> it's been difficult, but it's been rewarding. i think this this year has been really hard because the pac 12 has such a challenging conference, but i think it prepared us for for march madness. and we're really excited. you know, this type of team that isn't selfish cam, a leading leading our team in assists sometimes, you know, here's an all american that you know, really a facilitator a lot. we worked on stuff offensively as a team. i think me i'm not going to change much. i think what i've been doing has been working for me just continue have fun with it. remember, it's a game and just trying to join >> now the thing about this matchup is not only is it important for stanford, but we know that march madness is all about the upsets. and we just had one just a minute ago, iowa state actually came back
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from large deficit at halftime and they took the win over maryland. no one expected that. but i would say it was a more even matchup. however, i let's say, was able to come out on top in that one of the last few minutes that being said that is stamp for will face if they can get past norfolk state tonight with many expect that they will that that we cannot forget about saint mary's. the gaels are up in spokane, washington right now or pay for their matchup against grand canyon finish their regular season. 29 4 on the season. so with no cakewalk for saint mary's either. but they do have a they have marquee alone as they have in the pay. they have so many weapons to help them to advance in this tournament as well. obviously we're going to be tonight at 10 and sports night live on both of these things and how they did but you can see behind me the card know they are preparing. they are warming up here out on the floor as norfolk is on the other. and it's 90 minutes of about 2 seconds before this game get started at the 7 o'clock. tipoff is the first and second round happening right here at maples pavilion. and of course, the cargo. they want to make it past round and the second round because they
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know that this is the last time that they will compete in this tournament as a pet 12 team. and this conference is one that they've made a lot of history. a lot history in with head coach tara vanderveer. so it's a bittersweet goodbye. however, they're not trying to say. >> course i live. but for now, back to you guys in the studio. >> just in the nick of time because her shot was breaking up their mistake. sonoma international film festival is underway this weekend featuring dozens of movies from all around the world, including one. that was inspired by a story first told right here on kron 4. we're reaching out and touching people. it's a documentary based on the flying tell story i did about a ukrainian refugee family that's now here in the bay area. they wanted to rescue their cat from their former war-torn country. >> film maker josh horowitz came across a fine tale story while scrolling online. i just immediately. >> blown away. when i heard about is it to full inspirational story? and i
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think something i i really want to be involved to help help tell the story. the story is about 10 year-old nessa who mister katz, who had to be left behind when the family fled. odessa. word of the little girls. heartbreak spread and spark something magical. that's a that's what first drew me to this story was. in my opinion, it was just such a beautiful story about kindness. >> compassion and how people from all over the world who don't even necessarily know each other. willing to come together to help bring somebody, joy, especially some of that has had a rough go of things. and i just for me as a documentary filmmaker, i'm so drawn to inspirational, uplifting stories. >> especially, you know, the times we're living just seems like all you're hearing about is was it in the you make the film delves into the deeper story of the family's struggles to move past the war their two-year refugee visa is
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nearing an end and their future here is uncertain at this. but they've shown incredible resilience and have managed to stay together as a family. >> a family that includes a very special why we did something. i didn't really put a lot of thought into until i was in the thick of making the film was the ideas pick displacement and how serious of an issue that is during work time. and i was really astonished when i started again, the statistics and the numbers. there's just. >> when people are forced to flee their homes regardless of the up because it's such a problem with so for those who say it's just a cat, it's much more. it shows how seemingly little often insignificant things put together. >> can be extraordinary. >> the smallest act can make such a big difference in somebody's life. >> yes, interesting how a bunch of people doing one little thing and turn into a big thing was really grown >> so but you played a part in
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this? well, the first 20 to the story and it got picked up and it appeared great britain and new sites around the world in this document. >> terry photographer filmmaker side and he psych. i want to do a documentary. now he's talking about the one of his colleagues that worked on this film said we should turn this into a feature film. that's just in the talking stage at this point. but it's a it's a story, a real story that touched a lot of hearts of the families up in healdsburg were actually cloverdale in sonoma county and they're going to be at the film festival tomorrow for the screen screening in sonoma. i don't think they're bringing the cat, but they're going to all be there and get to see themselves on the big screen in film festival tomorrow at cat on the red alright, great story. thanks for starting. all right. coming up, looking for a place to check out some local artist. look no further than the fort mason art fair. than the fort mason art fair. we'll have details just ahead.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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our 4 zone forecast for the live look. wow. looks like mount everest. what is it's mount tam a pious. think? >> very wet. a lawrence has been talking about the change in seasons and it is upon us. yeah, that rain rolling in across the bay area now looks like that is going to continue through the evening hours and more throughout your weekend to in some cooler temperatures out there. pretty soggy and spots. we have that rain coming down. some gusty winds across some of the mountain peaks. we've had gusts over 50 miles an hour. >> 2030, mile an hour gust. plus down some of the urban areas. but you see the showers moving through right now and the winds coming up on the south as well. and well, just
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kind of a wet evening outside some of the heavier amounts of rainfall pushing into parts of the east bay now, but more on the way as we head throughout the evening. in fact, here's your long range forecast tomorrow. we'll see that area of low pressure that's associate with the front that's going swing in the california that will bring more unstable, cold air. more showers popping up around the bay area with the possibility of some isolated thunderstorms could see a lingering shower, i think into sunday morning. and then by the afternoon things begin to clear out and then really no break in storms are going to see another one role in about the middle of next week, too. a lot of snow for the sierra nevada to be very, very careful if you're traveling the high country, make sure you pack your chains, all your warm weather gear. another storm rolling in by next friday. that will get things going again with some more cold air and wet weather moving into the weekend next weekend as well. so things staying unsettled, i think for quite some time. so rainfall amounts. yeah. could be pretty impressive through the weekend. yeah. maybe about an inch. plus in some parts of the bay area. a lot of snow over the high country and then you start to add up these
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storms. one right after another in and you start to look at some pretty impressive totals through next week. and boy, that all holds true about that 70 inches. a daughter that would be amazing as we head through next week. good news is we're getting a much-needed rain, but the cooler temperatures settling in for the weekend. 50 some low 60's for highs to those 70's. we've been enjoying cooler weather going to stick around. i think we'll catch a break in the stormy weather sunday afternoon and monday. more rain by the middle of next week. thank you, lawrence. and the bay area's most accomplished pro athletes will be under one roof this weekend the cow palace card collectibles shows shows already underway. >> it's going to go on until 8 o'clock tonight. you have a little bit of time to get over there. if you want to go tonight, some of the big names expected to attend are forty-niners legends. patrick willis and frank gore aes icon ricky henderson, giants pitcher logan webb. there are still tickets for tomorrow and some days events to go for a little under $20 on a grass may be a little bit more. yeah. the mega millions
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jackpot is almost a billion dollars. the next drawing for that jackpot is tonight at 8 o'clock. meantime. >> the powerball jackpot that continues to climb as well. the estimated jackpot is now at 750 million dollars with the cash prize of more than 357 million the next drawing is set for tomorrow. and happening this weekend's super fine. san francisco art fair coming to fort mason. >> artist showcase both new and old works prices range from 100 to $3,000. ticket prices also range from 20 bucks to more than $80 for vip passes. if you want to really nice stuff. and that wraps up our produce 6. we'll see tonight at 10. have a good night tonight.
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♪ ♪ >> princess kate cancer diagnosis. >> this of course came as a huge shock. >> how she told


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