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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, antioch police are trying to piece together how a body ended up in a creek. investigators are now backtracking the hours and days leading up to sunday's discovery. we're told the body is that of a 38 year-old man who was a resident of antioch. >> officials say his body was found just below the highway
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for on-ramp between the slaton ranch shopping center. police say foul play has been ruled out because the cause of death remains under investigation. >> very do you find someone in a in the area that's not heavily populated regular foot traffic. what regular vehicle traffic, where you with that someone might. frequent on a regular basis and it's kind of out of the way, obviously, to the coroner's office. they're going to wait for the toxicology. >> results and take a deeper look into. any existing medical history that this individual might have that. >> officials say the man has not been reported missing. >> finally going use >> the days of being able to >> order up a double double in oakland are over. the town's only in and out closed its doors for good last night. >> this is the first time the burger chain has shut down the location ever. they claim it
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was because of constant crime along oakland's hegenberger quarter, adding that the issues created an unsafe environment for both customers and employees. this is not the first business to abandon that corridor. recently. denny's closed its location there last month. recently, the taco bell said it would no longer be opening up its dining room last week city leaders announced they're adding increased patrols 7 days a week to that area near the airport. the city's also investing 2 million dollars to help businesses hire private security and install security cameras. >> kron 4 is your local and national election headquarters. it's a big week for independent presidential candidate robert kennedy junior. he'll be in oakland tomorrow announcing his running mate kron four's. catherine heenan spoke with kennedy today. she joins us now from the newsroom with what he had to say, catherine. yeah, this was interesting. know. well, almost everybody things kennedy is chosen. the california tech lawyer.
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>> as his running mate, nicole shanahan, she grew up in oakland that that seems to be a clue. she recalls being raised on food stamps, went on to be a wealthy philanthropist. she is the ex-wife of google founder sergey brin shanahan has supported kennedy. she helped pay for his super bowl ad. he will not confirm anything until tomorrow's news conference in oakland. but one of the many things he did talk about the fact a lot of the kennedy relatives have made it really clear they refused to support his run for the white house. that's saint patrick's day photo outside the white house with happy kennedy's clustered around president biden only underlined that fact. yes, i know it's not all of your relatives, but a number of them have made what seems to be a very public show of a supporting joe biden. that was the whole saint patrick's day thing at the white house. is that a hurtful or at least annoying in any way? if you know, of course i would love if all of my.
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>> emily agreed with everything that i-71 you know, very big family over 100 cousins. and, you we had children children, nieces and nephews, etc. many of them are working for my many others support me a very openly. and but, you know, there's very few families country where everybody can agree on every issue that i understand why man, many members of my family ardis this made or troubled by my running against him. i think large numbers of them are also. very frightened of donald trump. becoming president again and that they believe that the only way to prevent that is for everybody to get behind president. i. and i just think that that's a bad strategy. think that's a bad strategy.
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>> we'll talk about why he considers the anti-vax label to be very unfair. we're going to hear him talk about that 6 o'clock and will be up at oakland news conference tomorrow to hear about his running mate firsthand. meantime, for people who really don't and still wonder about his voice, kennedy says he was hit with a neurological disorder when he was in his 40's. he says it's as though his brain. he's constantly telling his vocal chords to tense up. he's had various treatments c thanks. the voice is getting a little stronger. no. alan grant, you know, a lot of people were questioning that. catherine, thank you. >> final numbers do show just about 47% of san francisco voters cast ballots in the march 5th, the primary election. that's the lowest level for a primary since 2012 just or over 233,000 ballots were cast. the city has more than 500,000 registered voters. almost 90% of ballots this year. we're vote by mail back in the 2012 presidential
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primary, voter turnout was more than 30%. >> the man is dead after police shot him in sunnyvale. police say they found guy walking in the road holding a knife around 5.30, saturday night at a mobile home park on vienna drive. police say they told him to drop the knife, but he refused and then walked towards an officer. police then shot him. they say he was taken to the hospital where he died. >> we've learned the identities of the 2 brothers attacked by a mountain lion in eldorado county. their family says 21 year-old talen brooks was killed. 18 year-old wyatt brooks is recovering in the hospital following saturday's attack. it turns out mountain lion attacks in california are rare since 1986 the california department of fish and wildlife has confirmed 21 mountain lion attacks not including saturday's of those 21 attacks. 3 have been fatal. california department of fish and wildlife says a person is 1000 times more likely to be struck by lightning, then
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attacked by a mountain lion. we spoke with the federer of the conservation fund about what you can do to stay safe if you encounter a mountain lion. >> so the main thing that people can do is just maintain keen awareness, wonder hiking in these areas. and this is all not country. and so you can make noise when you're don't work. and your buddies want to make sure people are just really vigilant and aware of what's going on around them. if you outline, i'm just maintain your distance, stop most the time the animal leave the area on its own. so you have to make sure you give them a wide berth so they can read if the animal starts to approach you, we make sure that we tell people that they should make noise to scared if it looks aggressive. so like here's down, teach showing a making a growing arson or noise is that's when we should start throwing things at the animal. again, making noise, not stand your ground. and if you have to then fight back.
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>> the most reported activity of mountain lions is on the peninsula since there is a lot of open space there. but of course, we report on mountain lion sightings all across the bay. area's always good to be vigilant. yeah, they're out there. that's as we take a live look here at 6.80, in walnut creek. >> talking about the high country where that have a lot of snow there over the weekend. lawrence, what's going on? yeah. feet of snowfall across the sierra nevada and they've got more feet on the way. >> as we've got a series of winter storms likely impact the high country in the bay area too out the door tonight. it is a quiet night out there right now. beautiful. look, though, as we look toward half dome, you can see some of the clouds up above perched over the mountain tops. otherwise it is dry right now, but it will get active again. they have a lot of snow over the weekend right now. you can see in the tahoe area just a couple of pop-up showers right now. 18, 50 looking good if you want to stick up there, at least for now and probably tomorrow, too. it is a little chilly if you have the high country, you're down to 32
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degrees of freezing incline village. 33 in tahoe city and 33 degrees in emerald bay right now. so cold temperatures holding all that fresh snow in place. if you plan to head up there, well, tomorrow is a good day to do it. after that, things begin to change on wednesday. probably start out with some showers. first that will likely turn to snow as we head toward wednesday night and expect snow showers to continue into thursday with much colder temperatures. in fact, boy, pretty active time. in fact, here's the forecast through the end of the weekend into the weekend. and here we go. we're talking a lot of snow, maybe couple of feet, maybe 3 feet of snow across some of the higher peaks in the sierra nevada. that is some good news. we're going to get a nice snow pack up there. and i think by the time all things are added up. we're going be above normal for the season to see the storms coming in, though, a little break tomorrow. and then the next one comes in on wednesday. rain moving through the bay area. snow in the sierra nevada continuing into thursday as well behind that, i think a much stronger storm system moving in on friday in the first part of your weekend. be careful as you're traveling the high country. more snow on the way. lauren,
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thank you. >> the fate of the abortion pill lies with the supreme court. on tuesday, the supreme court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case that could limit access to mifepristone uphill used for medication, abortion. anna wiernicki has the latest from washington. >> mifepristone is one of only 2 pills approved free medication, abortion, anti abortion advocates say the drug is dangerous and should never have been approved for widespread use. roughly one in 25 women will end up in the emergency room after taking these drugs. erik baptist represents the abortion drugs opponents. he says the fda violated the law by removing safeguards for the medication, including an initial in-person doctor visit there by allowing abortion providers to mail these drugs without ever having to check women for life threatening conditions are complications. this just is not right. and women deserve better than this. mississippi
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republican senator cindy hyde smith says the fda should be protecting women from the drug. they are breaking the law in doing this. they're endangering lives by doing this. the food and drug administration insists mifepristone is safe and its safety and effectiveness are closely monitored. health and human services secretary xavier becerra says restricting access to the drug would be harmful. more women would probably >> place themselves in. >> further danger trying to access the care that they need. we have confidence in our arguments before the court. the white house says it will keep pushing for nationwide protections for reproductive rights. >> the court should rule on the case by the end of june in washington. i'm anna wiernicki. >> music mogul sean diddy combs, mansions rated by homeland security. what officials are reportedly looking for. >> plus certain oil wells across california could be
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fined $10,000 per day. taking a look at the effort to make a look at the effort to make that a reality norman, bad news...
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i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc.
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> low producing oil wells operating near neighborhoods could soon be subject to $10,000 fines each day until these wells are plugged, those fines could become a reality. if a new bill just introduced in the legislature becomes law. eytan wallace reports. >> while the u.s. something member behind this bill tells me the ultimate goal is to protect commumities and get california one step closer to a future without fossil fuels.
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this is my district. this is los angeles assembly member isaac brian, showing us on his computer, a snapshot of one of southern california's largest urban oil field. >> known as the inglewood oil field near the la communities of baldwin hills, culver city and kenneth hahn, state park. the field is home to hundreds of oil. well, as indicated by the dots on this map from the state of california. but brian says what people may not know this field and many others like it across the state include a vast amount of what's known, a stripper wells wells near the end of their lifespan producing less than 15 barrels of oil per day to allow them to keep running. it. it's poisoning the community. he says that arguing stripper wells produced little oil all while causing harm to surrounding communities. in fact, a 2021 study from usc concluded people who live near wells are more likely to suffer from long-term health risks. they have lower life expectancies have higher rates of heart conditions that greater rates of asthma in our children. we
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can do different. we can do better and we're going to do better. that's why he says he's introduced ab 27 16, also known as the low producing well accountability act. it will impose a daily $10,000 fine against owners for each of their wells producing less than 15 barrels per day. if that well is within 3,200 feet of a community, including homes, hospitals and schools, the daily fine will. and only once the well has been plugged. there's no reason that we should have the stripper wells right along our neighborhoods when we're not getting any tangible economic benefit from certainly not at the community level, but some in the oil industry, including the california independent petroleum association or super of come out against the bill. in a statement, super ceo said, quote, this bill will increase imports from foreign countries, increased gas prices, eliminate jobs and worse and the environment by relying more on overseas oil. that does not follow our strict environmental regulations. but brian, who
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chairs the assembly, natural resources committee says the bill is necessary for communities in his district and will get the state closer to its long-term goal to phase out fossil fuels, improving the conditions of life and california. that's what we're seeking to do. that's what we're going to do. we've got a lot more work to do. this bill is just one step in that process. and should the bill become law finds again? stripper wells will start to take effect summer 2026. reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> with the arrival of spring filling up your car may hurt your wallet. a bit more. according to aaa, rising oil prices are contributing to increases at gas stations. the average for a gallon of regular gas in that california has 4.99 for prices across the bay area. the highest can be found in san mateo county at $5.16 for a gallon of regular gas in san francisco marin, sonoma and napa counties not far behind. >> east bay, you can expect to pay under $5 and $0.7. santa
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clara county just under $5. the cheapest gas in the bay area can be found in solano county for $4 and $0.96. >> speaking of gas happening tonight, a town hall meeting is happening in martinez to discuss refinery safety. the meeting will go over ideas about how to protect the local environment and quality of aaron life. the meeting comes after several recent flaring incidents said refineries in martinez, costa, health and air quality officials will be at the meeting. it is scheduled to begin at 6.30, at john near elementary. the countdown is to the total solar eclipse. happening now, just 2 weeks from today, people in california will not be able to see the full eclipse, but airfare to cities in the so-called path of totality is spiking or in some cases completely sold out united says it is seeing strong demand to destinations, including cleveland, little rock and san antonio.
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>> the faa says you should expect travel delays if you've booked a flight on april 8th and extreme gridlock is expected on some streets and highways in that region as well during the last total eclipse back in 2017, some rural areas of the united states experience driving delays up to 15 hours. i remember it was such. >> a spectacle. and laura, it's a i know you you like this. this whole idea. maybe i think you should go to cleveland. you know, you get that. you they have the lake effect, whether the rock and hall of fame kitchen indians game or a guardian are now he's just given your entire itinerary. you know what actually i checked and all that stuff, which is scary. but i checked into that. and it just was so expensive. they inflated the price of the airline tickets. >> and also the places to stay the hotels. boy, those are just astronomical. so because just be watching on tv like everybody else, just stay at home. but hey, if you want to travel out there, really, if you want to see a total eclipse, there's literally nothing like that. a partial
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eclipse doesn't. do you see totality? you never see anything like before. it's just amazing. other tonight, we've got a nice evening. we've got a couple clouds floating on by the breeze has blown little cooler spots. a dry right now. but yeah, i think we're going to see a return to some clouds on the way as we head toward the middle of week tonight. we've got some partly cloudy skies. the winds will stick up just a little bit tomorrow, a mixture of sunshine and a couple passing clouds and then we get back into some rain as we head toward the middle of week and then another storm little more fierce as we get into friday and saturday, too. right now you've got 60 degrees in san jose. the 61 in conquer partly cloudy. 55 little breeze in the timber on right now. 57 degrees in snow month. the winds have kind of kicked up now have that front move on by so that sea breeze is blowing around the bay area. and a couple clouds continuing to float on by overall do not bad around the state looking good and dry statewide right now. but off the coastline. here we go. we've got yet another spring storm just beginning develop out there right here. the storm system going to put itself together, push across the pacific. and here we go. we get to wednesday evening,
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especially we're back into some rain and then another storm after that. next one looks to be a little bit stronger as we head in toward friday. tomorrow. looks like a dry day. enjoyed some passing clouds on that little sunshine in between. but the winds will be a little breezy from time to time too long range forecast, though, still looking very active for this time of year. here we go. we get into friday our wednesday and there you are. that storm system dropping in in the afternoon on wednesday behind that maybe couple scattered showers and this bigger storm system rolling in possibly as we head in toward friday at the center of that low as shows up were forecast. right now, winds are going to be kicking up, too. so wind and rain expected on the out friday. then maybe some thunderstorms as we head in towards saturday as we see that storm kind of just spinning off the coastline and then drying out hopefully on easter sunday. looks like overall. so a very, very active pattern here. even as we get the beginning of april, that's got to stop at some point. but just doesn't want to do that as of yet. so rainfall amounts. yeah, we're going to see the rain kind of picking up as we head through wednesday and then more on the way. and how about that? if we
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start to add these totals up, we're going to be well above the average for the entire year by next weekend. numbers wise. this out breaks down tomorrow. we've got some cool temperatures of 57 degrees in half moon bay, but 10 degrees warmer and nice and san jose next couple days. so we're going to see the clouds roll back in chance of rain on wednesday. maybe a lingering shower thursday morning, stronger storm on friday. of course, this weekend. easter already. can you believe that the strong seems so early? but here we are easter sunday, hopefully will be dry, although right now it's a little watch that one closely. yeah, i want to get those easter what will you should you should keep checking on the flights and stuff. maybe you get a last-minute deal or something that would be phenomenal. i mean, i could i was really blown away at how expensive. yeah, as you talking about, you were so excited. i saw organ few years back. yeah. yeah. you see one of those change your perspective right? >> thanks a slice. >> 2 properties belonging to rapper sean diddy combs were searched by the feds today as part of an ongoing trafficking
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investigation. it's unclear whether combs is the target of the investigation, but 2 of his properties, one in miami and one in los angeles for rated today by federal homeland security investigations. agents, the hip-hop star turned entrepreneur has become the focus of assault and trafficking allegations over the last year. further details have not been released. >> following the worldwide response to the princess of wales cancer diagnosis. the british royals are thanking the public now for all the support. kensington palace spokesperson issued a statement saying the prince and princess are both enormously touched by the kind messages from people here in the uk across the commonwealth and around the world. this is the video she released last week after weeks of crazy speculation about what may have been happening. the princess has not revealed what kind of cancer she has been dealing with. >> coming up next, we continue to follow the
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>> we can't get enough of oakland zoo's a levy of the tiger continuing to show her personality. the 8 month-old bringing out her in her kittee as she plays with a feather. so you can see perry remember, she was recently named by an internet poll. so cute. she was rescued from a private facility with multiple bone fractures. what she looks like she really is recovering one. sully is fully healed. she'll be moving to a facility specializing in big cat care. but she looks like she's doing really, really well. nice and sprite. yeah. all right. that
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wraps up kron 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. ken and vicki are here with a look at what's coming up polling or tiger. lily. yes, grows up. she is. haha. thank you, guys. here's what's coming up. at 6 thousands of south bay nurses, they're preparing for a possible strike. >> we're going to have details on just how this could impact hospitals across santa clara county. plus, in just a matter of days, floyd mitchell is set to be formally introduce as oakland's next police chief. >> well, community leaders are saying about the man chosen as saying about the man chosen as the next chief.
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