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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  March 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:45pm PDT

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(tense music) subtitling: difuze >> i see the swastika front of my house in. there's nothing nothing can. take that from my from my mind. >> now a tan, a north bay homeowner distraught tonight after someone vandalize ukrainian flag outside his home 2 flags targeted over the weekend.
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>> why police arrested all 4 people from this overturned car in oakland. >> i work in a hospital, but i cannot even take care of my family. >> health facility, workers all across the bay planning to strike some over pay benefits and others for their own safety. now, senators are preparing for a lack of workers. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> thank you so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 10. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. north. a homeowner is shaken up after someone vandalized a ukrainian flag outside his home. >> along with a flag outside his neighbor's over the weekend for sara stinson, talk to the mill valley homeowner tonight as police investigate both incidents as a hate crime. >> police say someone spray painted swastikas on ukrainian flags at 2 homes in mill
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valley. the affected neighbors already replaced their flags. i spoke with the owner of this home. he says he's deeply disturbed, especially as a jewish man. >> but to see it as watch the got your front lawn is just something that. that is beyond terrible. it's the motion. i'm sorry, it's it's emotional. can walk tell got choked up when talking about the vandalism that happened. >> at his mill valley home on saturday, he was out of town when he got an e-mail with pictures showing a swastika spray painted on the ukrainian flag on his property. nothing can. take that from my from my mind. wachtell has lived in this home for 40 years. he has previously served on city council and as valley, he says such an act of hate does not represent his city it wrong because this greeting somebody's property. it's wrong because the swastika this not belong in our community. >> and that's wrong because we support ukraine anything like
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that just wrong and all different. levels. ukrainian flags were also spray painted. that walk tells neighbor's house down the road on the leno avenue. >> police are investigating both incidents as a hate crime. no valley's police chief put out a statement saying his department stands firm with the city against all hate and discrimination distraught but not discourage walk. tell says he now plans to put up more flags were not only but one flag up, but now we are. but 2. >> and we're not going to be cowed by it's not going affect us is that could affect their legions ukraine. it is something never forget as long as i live. >> wachtell says he plans to speak at a city council soon about this hate crime. police are asking anyone who lives in this mill valley neighborhood to take a look at your surveillance cameras. see if you can help identify the vandals. i'm sara stinson reporting in mill valley. back to you. >> and mickey. council member jordan. yes. remember tatum
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yes, ice merlo past. yes, the motion carries. >> and with that, the city of albany has joined a list of bay area cities calling for a cease-fire in gaza. the city council held a special meeting tonight to unanimously pass its cease-fire resolution. the east bay city had taken a slower approach others. it first created a committee to discuss and write up that resolution, which was followed up by several public meetings. albany's mayor thanked the community for keeping the process civil. and take a look at this. a police chase across county lines ended with an overturned car in oakland. >> video from the citizen app shows the suspects car overturn this afternoon near east shore park. police say that they started chasing the suspects, accused of stealing from a lululemon store in napa. the suspects were taken into custody following the accident. and tonight we're hearing from the loved ones of the family killed while waiting at a bus stop at san
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francisco's west portal neighborhood. the mother father, a one year-old and a 2 month-old were hit by an suv while waiting to go to the san francisco zoo. the statement reads in part, quote, diego and we're warm and loving parents who had a deep love for their beautiful children and enjoy nothing more than spending time with her. 2 little boys. they going to say, quote, they were also what one would call real life. and he answers the kind of people everyone loved to be around. happy, funny, kind and always eager to make the best of what life had to offer them. the outpouring of love and grief from all over the world, which is greatly moved. is a testament to this. the family says that the organs of the youngest child were donated and will help save the lives of other children. authorities say the driver of the suv, 78 year-old mary fong lau is not facing any charges at this time. last week, her
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attorney told kron 4 the decision on whether or not to charge remains in the hands of the san francisco district attorney, the san francisco police department told us that it had no further information to provide regarding the case at this time over the weekend, another driver slammed into a bus stop in san francisco one week after that west portal crash. >> this crash happened saturday afternoon golden gate park on fulton street in park. presidio officials say a man was taken to hospital with injuries to his head. witnesses say the driver hit a metal pole in front of the bus stop which likely prevented more people from getting hurt. police say the driver was cited for a number of violations. the community is now demanding the city do more to protect organization. richmond, family sf is advocating for the city to change the speed on fulton from 30 to 25. >> east bay, congressman mark this on is leading a community-wide effort to protect air quality and the
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community's health. he hosted a town hall tonight in martinez to hear from residents about recent safety incidents at local refineries. martinez, refining company alone was cited for 21 releases or spills of hazardous materials last year to saulnier says that he wants more federal oversight over the facilities. >> well, my idea is to try to go back to used to be before the supreme court. still, obviously be constitutional as part of the challenge so the courts do not undermine but to make sure there's a way that when people create a culture. they they assume responsibility. >> representatives from contra costa health bay area air quality management district and the chemical safety board also spoke at tonight's town hall. meantime, a new report is out about a rotten egg smell coming from the valero refinery back in february. the 30 day report says that the refiner had a technical issue, shutting down its equipment.
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monitors later picked up a buildup of hydrogen sulfide that caused that. the source was a large tank that was filled with excess product. the liquid has started to build up on top of the tank, which was triggering the monitors. valero release the full report online. if you want to see it, you're welcome to do that. here's a live look at the ball game bridge tonight where the tolls will be going up this summer. transit officials approving a $0.50 increase for most >> the current rate is $9.75. starting this july. that will jump to 10. 25 for fast track drivers who currently pay 8.75 to cross the bridge. that will jump up to 9.25. when the toll hike goes into effect, there will be a $0.50 increase every july for the next 5 years until 2028, which officials say will raise about 139 million dollars on the
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richmond. sandra fell bridge. 2 lanes are closed tonight on the upper deck. crews are making some bridge repairs. they >> say that the plan is to reopen the lanes by tomorrow morning at 5 just in time for the morning commute. speaking of the morning tomorrow, we're starting out with a couple clouds around the bay area early on just a few floating on by. it looks like. >> it is going to be a dry start today. let's check out your wake-up weather forecast. little cool. early on to temperatures in the 40's and low 50's. think as we head toward atm, yeah. not a bad commute. all. in fact, it will be mostly sunny and dry. temperatures hovering in the 50's looks like another nice day tomorrow. we're well on our way to enjoying some nice mild, warm temperatures outside 50's 60's by 10. there's more rain in the forecast. we'll talk more about that coming up, though, in a few minutes. >> more than 400 employees at seton medical center in daly city are expected to continue their strike tomorrow. this was the scene today outside
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the hospital. the union representing the employees and the owners of seton medical center have been negotiating a new contract since last year. it's not clear when the 2 sides will resume negotiations. the hospital says it's bringing in temporary workers in order to keep the hospital operating employees from other health facilities are also planning to go on strike tomorrow and into next week. our crawford's grant lotus joins us now live in the studio with what workers are asking for a grant that is the season workers. >> and employees in daly city say they decided to go on strike because of recent changes to their employee health care benefits that have left. many of them struggling. they say the 5 hospitals and doctors who will take their insurance. so that's daly city. santa clara county. here you have more than 3,000 registered nurses who work for the counties, health system planning on walking off the job next tuesday over a contract dispute negotiations there have been happening since the fall with the focus
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on salary and benefits as well as patient care. >> we've exhausted all measures at the negotiation table and we feel that the county's negotiation team is not being serious and they don't want to be collaborative with us. we're facing an extraordinary a structural deficit at the county. >> and we have committed. we continue to be committed to a fair contract for nurses. >> the county health care system says steps are being taken to fill those positions during the strike. but certain services may be available for those 3 days. now, tomorrow, registered nurses at john myhre here in concord are planning to picket to highlight safety concerns, including staffing challenges. and they say workplace violence issues. this comes after health care leaders took those issues to capitol hill today. the 2018 report from the u.s. bureau of labor statistics said health care workers were 6 times more likely to be attacked in the workplace compared to other
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private sector workers. they say these cases frequently go unreported and they're now calling on congress to pass 2 bills to address the issue. one would big violence against health care workers, a federal offense. the other bill would create a federal standard for hospital safety and offer protection for employees who report incidents. in tomorrow's picketing in concord. registered nurses are also demanding john myhre provide adequate relief staffing. so nurses can safely take meal and rest breaks without fearing the patients would be left an monitored. >> that she was going to be a help us bring safety in. you know, again, kyra scene. >> still ahead tonight opens new top cop. the plea from community leaders to heighten safety in oakland after the city reported its 18th homicide this year alone. >> like, all this is >> woman relives the moment she thought would be her last
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after being assaulted by 2 women while working at an east bay laundromat. looks aggressive. so i fears down, teach, making ground noises, then that's when we should start throwing at the animal. >> what you should do when faced with a mountain lion after a deadly encounter with the animal in the sierra charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. tonight, we're taking a look at the history of mountain lion attacks in california after 2 brothers were attacked. one of them killed. it happened over the weekend near the small town or a small town east of sacramento. >> family members releasing the names of the brothers who were attacked. they say 21 year-old talen brooks on the left was killed and 18
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year-old wyatt brooks is still in the hospital tonight after several surgeries. authorities say that the brothers were hunting over the weekend when they were attacked. experts say that to mountain lion attacks here in california. they're pretty rare since 1986. officials have confirmed 21 mountain lion attacks, not including the latest one of those. 21 attacks. 3 were deadly. they say a person is more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by a mountain lion. we spoke to an expert on what you can do to stay safe if you happen to encounter a mountain lion. >> and so you can make noise when you're don't work. and your buddies want to make sure people are just really vigilant and aware of what's going on around them. if you see a mountain lion, i'm just maintain your distance, stop most the time the animal will leave the area on its own. so you have to make sure you give them a wide berth so they can read if the animal starts to
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approach you, we make sure that we tell people that they should make noise to scared if it looks aggressive. so like here's down, teach showing a making a growing are noises that and that's when we should start throwing things at the animal. again, making noise, not stand your ground. and if you have to then fight back. here in the bay area, the most reported activity of mountain lions is on the peninsula to an area with a lot of open space. >> police in antioch are attempting to determine how body ended up in a creek. investigators say the body was found yesterday just below the highway for on-ramp. >> behind the slaton ranch shopping center. you see the body was that of a 38 year-old resident of antioch. police say foul play has been ruled out, but the cause of death remains under investigation. an employee at an oakland laundromat is talking to kron 4 after she was violently. >> attacked surveillance video of the night of the attack. it
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shows 2 women harassing 65 year-old. ruth, the wild for nearly 8 minutes. the incident happened on march 16th at woody's laundromat near lake merritt. ruthie says it's 2 women dragged her outside, punched her before. going back inside and punching her again, grabbing her by the collar russi. a tells kron 4 that she thought she was going to be killed. >> my mind like, all this is they're going to become ball. i my will become law. >> so you could do really posting no one is safe and >> the suspects were cited and then released russi believes that the citation is just a slap on the hand, the owners say that the business has been hurting ever since covid. can't hire security. 2 teachers in the south bay are under arrest in connection to incidents involving female students at the schools where they taught.
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>> giovanni latorre teaches at ace empower academy. police say last december they responded to a call of a man annoying or molesting a girl. investigators identified a tory, a suspect, they say exchanged inappropriate messages with the girl. it was a student at the school. we've reached out to the school for comment and have yet to hear back in a separate incident. a gatos man was arrested and accused of assaulting a minor in 2002 2003, the suspect has been identified as sean thomas. he was working as a track and field coach scandals high school when he was arrested last week. he was also a teacher at lee high school at the time of the alleged assault. in a statement kron 4, the campbell union high school district says it is cooperating with the investigation and that the safety of its students is of paramount importance. tonight in san francisco, man is facing more than 20 counts of vandalism. after many neighbors woke up with their tires slashed. >> investigators say the 22 year-old man was arrested on
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1h in the richmond neighborhood after vandalizing. 22 cars in the area pleaded not guilty. he will be back in court in april county's largest homeless shelters is set to stop operating in sunnyvale. the nonprofit home first is facing allegations of racism. >> the questions from local officials, the nonprofit has been operating the north county shelter since 1990, and recently pulled its renewal contract. the shelter is not closing, but instead will be managed by another provider this june. the county says it plans to hold a hearing in may to discuss the change. none of the 4 zone forecast as we get a live look out of the bay bridge toll plaza where it's pretty quiet tonight. really quiet out there and kind kind of quiet out there this mondays and fridays. >> are tending to be a little lighter than they used to be prepandemic, lawrence, we're not talking traffic tonight. we're talking changes in the weather. yes, we certainly have a kind of like a spring
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break. feel out there. it was quite coming in today and well, hey, nice day around the bay area break from the stormy weather. but we're not done with the storms by any means of fact. >> the pattern remains very active and we're likely to see a couple storms impact the bay area as we head throughout the week tonight, though, will not be one of those nights. we're going to keep things dry tonight. just a couple of passing clouds, otherwise staying dry outside. you see a couple clouds out there right now are san francisco. but looking good so far, temperatures that's going to be a little cooler spots are down. 51 degrees in pacifica. 53 in san francisco now into the 40's in sonoma. 45 in calistoga. and 52 for our friends in santa rosa, right? the winds? yeah, they've been a bit of a deal today. we've had some 2030 mile an hour gusts along the coastline. those winds backing off a little bit but still breezy, especially near the coastal areas. but overall, the pattern not bad. we've got high pressure that's going to sneak in here to kind of get the sense. you see the clouds kind of roll over the top of that ridge. but behind that, well, we've got another storm out there and that's going to be a storm that's going to be moving in as we head toward late in the day on wednesday
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to bring another chance of some rain. so let's enjoy the day tomorrow. looks like a very nice day around the bay area of high pressure is going to kind of slide on in here. and that will be just enough. keep things nice and dry. we will see some passing clouds some sunshine poking through temperatures going to be mild to warm around the bay area. can see some warmer weather as you make your way in the santa clara valley. but temperatures breaking down like this about 62 degrees becoming mostly sunny in san francisco. 64 in oakland about 66 degrees in san jose. storm clouds. they're on the way, but not just yet. we're going to squeeze in one nice day. then wednesday, here comes more rain will talk more about that in a few minutes. all right, lawrence richmond is launching its first-ever best a richmond program to help highlight local businesses. there. residents can now nominate and vote for their favorite business online in over. >> 100 categories, including best tacos, best hair salons and best cannabis dispensaries. for example, you can also, but for areas like best place to picnic are best
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placed to walk your dog. residents can vote and tell. april 29th on the city's chamber of commerce website. coming up, presidential candidate robert kennedy junior talks to kron 4 ahead of big day for his campaign in oakland. >> plus, the u.s. supreme court set to weigh in on a case that could have major implications on the access of abortion pills. and the new rideshare app just for teens and offers free one dollar rights. happening tomorrow,
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the u.s. supreme court is set to hear challenges to a lower court's decision. >> to roll back access to mifepristone, the drug was approved for use in medication abortions back in 2000 and had its usage expanded in 2016 2021. allowing it to be prescribed without seeing a doctor. the court is expected to rule on the case by the end of june. palo alto is now offering free rides to teenagers. take a look. these are what the cars look like. teens can download the app. >> palo alto link and request a free ride to palo alto, specific destinations, including community centers and libraries. city says the program is designed to support mental health teens can also pay a dollar and go anywhere in palo alto. allow them to keep running. it. it's poisoning the community. >> next, the push for one lawmaker to stop some oil wells in california. blame for major health risks. oil
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companies say that will only increase gas prices. boeing ceo steps down following a string of incidents with the company's aircraft. bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records,
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care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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>> now at 10, 30 opens new top cop. floyd mitchell is expected to be formally introduced to the community. this coming wednesday for us to recess. stasio has reaction now from local leaders about the tough job. the new chief is stepping into, unfortunately. >> they would not be any a honeymoon period. carl chan is a longtime oakland chinatown community leader. tell you for
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the 10 years or so. we have about 10 chief and i was almost 70. i would say almost every single one of them and in support of chip and which is very important. >> he says the fact the city has been without a chief for more than a year. chief floyd mitchell will have to get straight to the business at hand. just this past weekend. 27 year-old courtney merck was killed at a gas station in east oakland. her death marks 18 murders so far. recent oakland crime statistics also show robberies are up. 34% from last year with the majority happening at gunpoint. >> and he has to hit the role running and not only that. and so now again to crazy politics so much expectation from, you know, the cdo market can come any age. precedent that insist and given organizations as well as from the pakistan honest mean. >> he's a man that will come
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in lovell. no love in your community a lot like you live there forever. >> reggie dials president of 100 black men of west texas. mitchell served as the chief of police in temple and most recently in lubbock. he says, although the chief will be an outsider coming into the opd, he says his experience will shine through. >> he's a bridge builder. he's going to come in in ask questions, see what the community would like to see what the community don't like, you know, and feel a little boy's. the opd is also still under a federal monitor for past wrongdoings. pretty sure he had that he e. >> yeah. the conversation with that, his self. and i do this job, you know, can't the person for this job in the answer is obviously yes, there is no time said or location for wednesday's meeting with the chief yet. >> he is expected to start on the job late april or early may theresa stasi, you kron 4 news.
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>> san jose has a new interim police chief paul joseph is set to take over next week. he's been the assistant police chief now for the last 3 years and has worked with the department for 30 years before starting in 1994, joseph was with the san mateo police. no word yet of joseph will in the running for the permanent position of san jose's police chief. it's a big week for a presidential candidate robert kennedy junior. he is set to be in oakland tomorrow to announce. >> his vice-presidential running mate. there are rumors he's going to announce california tech attorney and philanthropist shanahan grew who's from oakland. she helped pay for kennedy's 4 million dollar super bowl ad. she is the ex-wife of google co-founder, sergey brin kennedy tells us he won't confirm anything until tomorrow, but kron four's catherine heenan did ask him about his short list of potential running mates which has been described as colorful. was an interesting
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list at one time or another talking to people ranging from micro. does the dirty jobs showed aaron >> jesse ventura, what have you been looking for in a running mate? >> well, you know, one of one of the priorities of my campaign as americans, gen-z and millennials. when represented in the political process has and who are getting hammered politics this country. the 2 people that i'm running against the 2 men are in of essentially octogenarian who are part of generation that ran ran about 34 trillion dollar build at millennials and gen z and their children have to pay. and one of things that i was looking for, somebody who's healthy, who's atlantic? >> and inspire young people. and and has aunt and will restore their hope and their own futures and their belief from there. pride in our
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country wanted somebody with open mind, somebody who will listen to americans. listen to doesn't get locked orthodoxy is. and you know, i have as a vice president. >> political analysts say getting a running mate in place could give him a boost in possibly encourage more donors to start giving to his campaign. final numbers show that just about 47% of san francisco voters cast ballots in the march 5th primary election. that is the lowest level for a primary since 2012, little more than 233,000 ballots were cast. the city has more than half a million registered voters. almost 90% of ballots this year were made by a vote by mail after several high-profile incidents involving boeing planes and >> questions about aircraft safety. the company's ceo is
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stepping down. dave calhoun will serve out the rest of the year with boeing while the board finds a permanent replacement, he's not the only major departure, though, whether the board chair is leaving and the ceo of the commercial airplanes unit is retiring. boeing has been under scrutiny, of course, for years, but especially since january, when a door plug flew off mid-flight on a boeing plane operated by alaska airlines. an investigation shows that the production line failed to properly re install that door. plug. the fbi even sent letters to people on board that flight saying that they could be victims of a criminal investigation. calhoun says there needs to be accountability and transparency and he's leaving a well. he's leaving is wholly his decision. >> i've always said to the board and the board has been very prepared. i would give them plenty of notice so that they could understand and plan succession regular order. and
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that's what this is about. its me giving them notice that at the end of this year, i plan to retire. and then then then them taking the actions that they've taken. >> as the u.s. government continues to investigate boeing operations, a whistleblower allegedly killed himself earlier this month while in depositions about safety issues. he saw while working for boeing for 32 years. john barnett rang the alarm back in 2017. well, before to boeing 7.37 max jets crashed in 2018 in indonesia and 2019 and ethiopia in all the crashes killed 346 people. >> low producing oil wells in california operating near neighborhoods could soon be subject to $10,000 fines per day. if a bill proposed by southern california, lawmakers turned into law. he says well as cause harm to surrounding communities. >> who live around and they
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have lower life expectancies have higher rates of heart conditions that greater rates of asthma in our children. we can do different. we can do better and we're going to do better. >> some in the oil industry say the bill will increase imports from foreign countries. increase gas prices, eliminate jobs and worse in the environment by relying more on overseas oil. should the bill become law? the fines against so-called stripper wells will take effect in the summer of 2026. with the arrival of spring in a filling up your car, it actually may hurt your wallet. a bit more according to triple a rising oil prices are contributing to increases at the gas station. the average price for a gallon of regular here in california. as for 99 and for prices across the bay of the highest is in san mateo county. that's at 5. >> 16 san francisco marin, sonoma and napa counties really not far behind the east bay. you can expect to pay under 507, santa clara county just under $5. cheapest in
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solano county at 4.96. all right. time now for the 4 zone forecast. as we give you a live look at 6.81, a creek. you know, there's a song that came out vicki, while back. >> by ben called and it's called traffic and weather. so you can look that up and enjoy a nice little old east tune and morris gives us drum roll out of traffic and here they are. yes, together, change in the weather. that sounds like a morning is that something you want saying? i don't think that is bound up on that we are going to see some very interesting weather, though. coming up here in the next few days. in fact, as we head in the beginning of april, we're going to see changes coming our way, too. but boy, it's been active and then staying that way. now, even though we're catching a break from the stormy weather. >> storm clouds still remain in the pacific and the jet streams to log in to the south, which means the doors open. more storms rolling on in out there tonight. looking out toward the golden gate bridge, sheds a dry night out there right now at sfo. not bad either. partly cloudy skies overnight side, little breezy in spots, especially
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near the coastline tomorrow. make sure some sunshine and some clouds. temperatures will be cool. mild inside the bay and then boy, the unsettled weather pattern continuing as a couple of storms likely to impact the bay area with maybe a stronger storm as we head toward the end of the week and into the weekend. here's where we stand so far with all the rainfall. of course, it's been one heck of a season and last season. yeah, even a little more impressive. but we're taking this. that's for sure. over 22 and a half inches of rain in san francisco. that is 115% of normal for the state. boy, we're just about less than an inch away. we're going to be above normal for the season. you see right here? yeah. almost 15 inches of rain in san jose. they are above normal for the entire season. already sitting at 100 per 30% normal. right now. oakland, just a little bit below 87% of normal and santa rosa with 307 inch, they will hit normal for the entire season. they'll do that as we get the middle of this week. snow looking great, too. in the high country, 115% of normal in northern sierra, almost 107 on the central 91%
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in the southern sierra nevada. we're going to see these storms. really pound much of the sierra nevada going to be cold storms and likely to bring a lot of snow in that direction. right now, the remaining dry out, though, the breeze continues, though. the civic, though, we've got storms brewing out there right now, this put itself together, bringing some rain as we head into our see it right here, too. as we get toward tomorrow. looking good. as we get a little bit closer, though. yes, storm clouds roll back in as we head into our wednesday afternoon behind. that may be some scattered showers and then more impressive storm moves in on friday that bring some heavier amounts of rainfall as it rotates on through maybe some showers. maybe some thunderstorms into saturday hoping break things up as we get the easter sunday that looks like some drier weather as we head toward the beginning of next week as we head toward april. all right. here we go. temperature wise numbers could look like this plan and some 50's and some 60's by tomorrow afternoon. not a bad day around the bay area and dry weather rain returning on wednesday. maybe a lingering shower on thursday morning. stronger storm system coming in on friday be careful if you have the high country.
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a lot of snow we're talking about feet of snow across the high country. of course, sunday. you get the easter bunny coming to town. want to be dry out there for some of those. the streak on south. so it's real if you right the morning. all right. yeah, that one makes me nervous. you easter bonnet, though that will protect you from that will take care of that they stay smart. thanks thanks. >> lottery drawings this all tracking players all over the state. tonight, the powerball drawing at 800 million dollars. but nobody here in california won the top prize. unfortunately tomorrow, though, is the mega millions jackpot, which is worth 1.1 billion dollars you have until tomorrow night at 7.45. to buy a ticket. good luck. and that wraps up kron. 4 news at 10. stay tuned for kron. 4 news at 11. but for sports night live. >> jason dumas will be here shortly.
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>> how much are, you know, kind of tracking the rocket's not only down about rockets. hsu, draymond, better take notice because as of tonight, the houston rockets are just a half-game behind the warriors for that final play-in spot. thanks for rocking with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas, us. we will get to the dubs in a bit. but college hoops it rules. all right. now we are smack dab in
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the middle march madness. but the team that didn't go dancing just got a new head coach. the stanford men. have found their next leader. and it's a guy we're very familiar with, at least here at kron 4. the cardinal have hired kyle smith as their head coach. he comes from washington before he was up employment. he was the head coach of the university san francisco. we had him on our show all the time now. every coaching stop in his career has been deemed a success before he was at usf. he was at columbia. now, stanford. they believe he is the right guy to lead them through the foreign waters. that is the new acc conference that they'll be joining next the debt next academic year. he will get introduced at stanford on wednesday. all right. march madness continues. as i said, nc state taking on


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