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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  March 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> news station, this is home. at 11. >> see the swastika front of my house in. there's nothing can nothing can. take that
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from my from my mind. >> now at 11, a north bay homeowner shaken up after someone vandalized ukrainian flag outside his home. one of 2 flags to be targeted over the weekend. good evening. thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 11. >> i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus know valley police are now investigating this as a hate crime. they're looking for the person or the people responsible for this kron. 4 sarah stinson has details on what happened after speaking with someone who had their flag defaced. >> police say someone spray painted swastikas on ukrainian flags at 2 homes in mill valley. the affected neighbors already replaced their flags. i spoke with the owner of this home. he says he's deeply disturbed, especially as a jewish man. >> but to see it as watch the got your front lawn is just something that is beyond
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terrible. it's the motion. i'm sorry, it's it's emotional. can walk tell got choked up when talking about the vandalism that happened. >> at his mill valley home on saturday, he was out of town when he got an e-mail with pictures showing a swastika spray painted on the ukrainian flag on his property. nothing can. take that from my from my mind. wachtell has lived in this home for 40 years. he has previously served on city council and as valley, he says such an act of hate does not represent his city it wrong because this greeting somebody's property. it's wrong because the swastika this not belong in our community. >> and that's wrong because we support ukraine anything like that just wrong and all different. levels. ukrainian flags were also spray painted. that walk tells neighbor's house down the road on the leno avenue. >> police are investigating both incidents as a hate crime. no valley's police chief put out a statement saying his department stands firm with the city against all hate and discrimination
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distraught but not discourage walk. tell says he now plans to put up more flags were not only but one flag up, but now we are. but 2. >> and we're not going to be cowed by it's not going affect us is that could affect their legions ukraine. it is something never forget as long as i live. >> wachtell says he plans to speak at a city council soon about this hate crime. police are asking anyone who lives in this mill valley neighborhood to take a look at your surveillance cameras. see if you can help identify the vandals. i'm sara stinson reporting in mill valley. back to you. >> alright series bay congressman mark to saulnier is leading a communitywide effort to try to protect air quality and the community's health. he hosted a town hall event tonight in martinez wanted to hear from people about recent safety incident said local refineries, the martinez refining company alone was cited for 21 releases or spills of hazardous materials last year.
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the says he wants more federal oversight. >> well, my idea is to try to go back to used to be before the supreme court. still obviously be constitutional as part of the challenge so that the courts do not undermine but to make sure there's a way that when people create a culture. they they assume meanwhile, a new report is out about that rotten egg smell that was coming from the valero refinery in february. >> it says the refinery had a technical issue shutting down its equipment monitors later picked up on a buildup of hydrogen sulfide causing the odor. the source was a big tank that apparently was filled with excess product. the liquid had started to build up on top of the tank, which was triggering the smell and the monitors. >> making. council member jordan. yes. remember tatum
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yes, ice merlo past. yes, the motion carries. >> and with that, the city of albany has joined a list of bay area cities calling for a cease-fire in gaza. city council held a special meeting tonight unanimously passing their cease-fire resolution. the east bay city had taken a slower approach than others. they first created a committee to discuss and write up the resolution, which was then followed up with several public meetings. al bunnies mayor thanked the community for keeping that process civil. >> dry weather time here as we take a live look outside on this monday night at the golden gate bridge. cool day in the bay. nice and sunny, though, lawrence is here with a look at how tomorrow morning will >> yeah, looking good. i think as we head in toward tomorrow, we get a little break in the stormy weather pattern, but not for long. so let's enjoy while we've got it is we're going to see return of some sunshine tomorrow with couple passing clouds. we're seeing a
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few clouds out there for tonight. couple patches of fog trying to form too. and then we're off running kind of cool night ahead. in fact, the temperatures now dropping off low 50's in pacifica. now 49 in timber on you're seeing a few more 40's in the north. a 49 now in napa. 49 also in sonoma and a chilly 43 right now in calistoga. so overnight tonight going to be a little cool in spots. of course, we've had a pretty good sea breeze today. those winds begin to back off. now we do have some 2030 mile an hour gust. so in case 20 mile an hour, wind gusting in the san francisco. but overall, those wind should begin to subside a little bit overnight tonight, but high pressure rolling in across the city kind of get the idea is to the clouds kind of roll over the top of that ridge. but behind that storm clouds going to work their way back into our skies and bring another chance of rain as we head toward the middle of the week. so to also be a nice day, we're going to see a pretty high pressure ridge trying to build coming across the pacific, bring in some dry conditions outside temperatures going to be cool on the coastline. mild inside the bay. then those clouds
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will be gathering a chance of rain moving in as we head in toward wednesday, especially in the afternoon. so enjoy the dry day. tomorrow should be about 6, 6, very pleasant in the san jose. 62 cooler breezy in most of san francisco about 64 degrees in oakland morning forecast, which includes a couple of storms coming up in a few minutes. lawrence, thank you. and the south bay to teachers are under arrest in connection to >> incidents involving female students at the schools where they wants taught. police say last december they responded to a call about a man named giovanni la annoying or molesting a girl. la torre teaches at ace empower academy. police say he exchanged inappropriate messages with a female student. we've reached out to the school for comment, but we have yet to hear back in a separate incident los gatos man was arrested and accused of assaulting a minor back in 2002 2003, the suspect identified as sean thomas. he was working as a track and field coach at gatos high
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school when he was arrested last week. he was a teacher at lee high school at the time of the alleged assaults today, the san jose police had a message for survivors. >> we here j p to want to let survivors know that it is okay to come forward to detectives. >> we're here to hear you. we are here too. make sure that the suspect is held accountable and put behind bars so that predators don't go after children. >> in a statement to kron 4, the campbell union high school district says they're cooperating with the investigation and the safety of their students is of paramount importance. >> employee at oakland laundromat is speaking publicly tonight after she was violently attacked. it was caught on camera. the video shows 2 women harassing 65 year-old ruthie wild. for nearly 8 minutes. it happened march 16th at woody's laundromat near lake merritt. ruthie says these to him and dragged her outside and punahed her before going back
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inside and then punching area, get grabbing her by the collar. she tells kron 4. she didn't think she'd make it. >> my mind like, all this is they're going a poll become ball. i don't will become law. >> so you could do that to a really person? no. with the same man. >> police say they cited and released the attackers. russi believes the citations are kind of just a slap on the wrist. the owners of the laundromat say business has been tough ever since covid and they cannot afford to hire a security company. >> antioch police are attempting to piece together how a body ended up in a creek. the body is that of a 38 year-old man who was a resident of antioch officials say his body was found just below the highway for on-ramp behind the slaton ranch shopping center. police say foul play has been ruled out. but the cause of death remains under investigation.
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>> very do you find someone in a in the area that's not heavily populated regular foot traffic. what regular vehicle traffic, where you with that someone might. frequent on a regular basis and it's kind of out of the way, obviously, to the coroner's office. they're going to wait for the toxicology. >> results and take a deeper look into. any existing medical history that this individual might have that. >> officials say the man had not been reported missing. well, taking a live look at the golden gate bridge tonight, the price to drive across the golden gate is going up starting july first, most drivers will see a toll increase of $0.50 from the current rate of 9.75, to 10. 25 that truck drivers who currently pay $8 and $0.75 to cross. the bridge will start paying $9 and $0.25. the toll will continue to increase by $0.50 every july until 2028,
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the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district, which oversees the bridge voted friday to approve this 5 year increase. officials say the plan will raise approximately 139 million dollars for the bridge. >> happening tomorrow, registered nurses at john muir health in concord will pick it for patients. safety. the california nurses association says it is highlighting staffing challenges in workplace violence. issues concerns they say affects patient safety pick. it will be from 10 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon at concord's john muir health campus. in santa clara county. more than 3,000 registered nurses who work for the counties health system here are planning to walk off the job next tuesday over a contract dispute. there. contract negotiations have been happening since the fall with the focus on salary and benefits as well as patient care. >> we've exhausted all measures at the negotiation table and we feel that the county's negotiation team is not being serious and they
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don't want to be collaborative with us. we're facing an extraordinary a structural deficit at the county. >> and we have committed. we continue to be committed to a fair contract for nurses. >> the county health care system says steps are being taken to fill those positions during the strike. but certain services may be unavailable for those 3 days. >> oakland's new police chief floyd mitchell will be formally introduced on wednesday. he's expected to start on the job in late april or early. may. and yes,.his work cut out for him. there have been 18 murders in oakland so far this year. and recent crime statistics show robberies are up 34% from this time last year with the majority happening at gunpoint. mitchell will be moving from texas where he's been the police chief there today. kron four's spoke to someone who has seen mitchell work and change communities in texas. >> he's a bridge builder. he's going to come in in ask
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questions, see what the community would like to see what the community don't like, you know, and feel a little boys. he's a man that will come in lovell. no love in your community a lot like you live there forever. >> the executive director of texas police chiefs association said mitchell is a dynamic leader and his emphasis on addressing the underlying causes of crime through strong officer community engagement is what sets him apart. >> still to come here on kron for news, 11 major money on the line this week, both powerball and mega millions. how much you can win. coming up. >> plus, the latest from the west portal crash as the loved ones of the young family killed, address the public about their immeasurable grief and the legac
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>> tonight we are hearing from the loved ones of the family killed while waiting at a bus stop in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. the family's relatives sending us a statement that reads, quote, diego and mattel day we're warm and loving parents who had a deep love for their beautiful children and enjoyed nothing more and spending time with their 2 little boys. they go on to say, quote, they were also what one would call real life enhancers, the kind of people everyone loved to be around. happy, funny, kind and always eager to make the best of what life had to offer them. the outpouring of love and grief from all over the world, which is greatly moved. us is a testament to this. the 2 parents and their one year-old and 2 months old were hit by an suv while waiting to
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go to the san francisco zoo. their relative say the organs of the youngest child were donated. they will help save the lives of other children. authorities say the driver of the suv of 78 year-old mary fong lau is not facing any charges at this time. the countdown is on to the total solar eclipse happening just 2 weeks from today. >> people in california won't be able to see the full thing. but >> airfare to cities in the path of totality is spiking. are. >> sold out completely. united says it is seeing strong demand, places like cleveland, little rock, san antonio. the faa says you should expect travel delays if you've booked a flight on april 8th and extreme gridlock is expected on some streets and highways as well. you may remember in 2017, the last total eclipse. it's rural areas in the u.s. all backed up driving delays in some cases with these little roads up to 15 hours.
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let's get you a check of your 4 zone forecast taking a live look. >> sfo this evening. hopefully no delays or anything too crazy out there for people traveling. >> and the weather is cooperating. and lawrence is here now to let us know how the next several days will yeah, it looks like we're going to see another nice day tomorrow, but a couple of storms going to impact our weather this weekend. we're going to get back to some rain. i think mid week then a stronger storm possibly on friday into saturday, too. so traveling around the bay area traveling around the state. you've got to be careful where you see significant amounts of snow in the high country as well out there right now. quiet as can be out up toward the golden gate bridge. looking good right now, sfo, not bad either. we've got some partly cloudy skies overnight tonight, a little breezy along the coastline tomorrow, a mixture of clouds and some sunshine. it will be cool coast side with some mild temperatures inside the bay. but the unsettled weather pattern remains. the jetstream still lagging to the south that's allowing for these storms to approach. will see
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that again as we head into wednesday right now, it's quiet out there. just a sea breeze continues with some partly cloudy skies. the pacific, though, still very, very active out there. you see that big swirl of low pressure. that is going to be part of the next system that will bring a chance of rain in the bay area. so long range forecast for you tomorrow. looks like a good day. get out there and enjoy. you'll see some sunshine. a few high clouds we get to wednesday. now we've got this storm system rolling in specially late today. we may see a few showers ahead of it in the morning hours. but the main front not coming through until late afternoon into the evening hours behind that, maybe a lingering shower thursday. then we get a bigger storm system rolling in right off the coastline. you see the a swirl that low pressure center not too far away, likely to generate some pretty significant winds and some rain to go along with that. maybe some thunderstorms and showers lingering on saturday. what we're hoping to dry things out on easter sunday. that looks really, if you right now we keep our eyes on that for you. but after that looks like things dry out as we head into next week. but things could be a little bit on the breezy side. yeah, the rain yet not going to be bad. in fact, we're going to see some nice rain around the bay
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area. in fact, we get the rains that are currently forecast. we're going to be above normal the entire year as we head towards the weekend. and that is some good news. and of course, the sierra nevada looking good too, as we're going to see a lot of snow up there and probably going to see above normal precipitation for them as well. so here we go. temperatures for tomorrow 50's and a couple of mid 60's. as we look out over the next couple days, that rain make a return but not to late in the day. i think for the most part, maybe a few showers ahead of the main cold front lingering showers into thursday. then we get the weekend friday. looks like a pretty good storm. we're talking about rain and some gusty winds to go along with that, too. so, yes, you'd be pretty interesting ahead next week looks a little bit drier now than it was before. so that's some good warmer, too. yeah, a little warmer to maybe getting close to 70 degrees as we head in toward the beginning of april. but the seasonally apartheid rule showers bring may flowers 0, no, i'm just saying maybe march. >> not yeah. definitely be above normal. i think by the
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end of this week. going. thank you >> big lottery drawings this week. they've been attracting players all across the state. tonight was the powerball drawing for 800 million dollars. nobody won the top prize. tomorrow is the mega millions jackpot, which is worth 1.0. 1 billion dollars. we talked to a local store who says more customers are coming in to buy their tickets. >> surprising that there's always somebody that they say is for the first time. and only one that hit second billion on its 100 million or advertised. so a lot of people you see play. but one is that high. they do today. >> for the mega-millions you have until tomorrow night at 7.45. to buy your tickets. so go on. get one. good luck. that. >> this is oakland zoo's lily the tiger. spry little thing continues to show a
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personality. just 8 months old. little you see the see is still a kit. i mean, she's loving that feather. you may recall she recently got her name thanks to an internet poll. she's become kind of a favorite on social media as she was actually rescued from a private facility after suffering multiple bone fractures. so she's recovering and once he's fully healthy, she will be moving to facility specializing in big cat care. but for now, she's in oakland she's all over the videos. >> coming up next in sports, the giants and a's back in the bay for their final spring training games. they were at the coliseum tonight. sports director jason dumas has died.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants and a's were back in the bay area. and now even though it is preseason the bay bridge series, it's always fun. a's hosted the giants over at the coliseum. bob melvin back at the coliseum. this time in orange and black. still a little weird to me. top of the second. no score. tom murphy. he hits a laser to left field. that's out in a hurry. giants take a one. nothing lead on that solo shot. he wasn't them there. murphy again. almost the same this one is a little more center field. no doubt about it. his second home run of the game gives the giants a 2 run lead next inning giants up 3 wilmer flores smokes this one. that warning coming back
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in their home run party giant pad. the lead to 4. now, how about jordan and he was in his bag tonight for the giants. bottom of the 5th. he strikes out jd davis, former giant right caught the fan of that one. yet 10 strikeouts in 5 innings. giants win 4 to one. nope, latest one again tomorrow. this time at or cool. the final preseason game for both teams. i should say spring training that preseason. all right. the stanford men as they have found their next leader. and it's a guy we're very familiar with, at least here in the crop or sports department. the cardinals have hired kyle smith and their head coach come from washington but he was usf before he went to pull money. coach should dimes for a couple years now. every
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costaff in his career has been deemed a success in stanford believes he is the guy to lead them through the foreign territory. that is the acc conferees. reporters caught up with forty-niners gm john lynch today at the nfl owners meeting the biggest topic out of santa clara has been the future of brandon. i now have been sending a lot of cryptic tweet each typical gen z behavior. no one really knows what he's saying. but at the end of the day, john lynch wants the adults to get in the room and get something done. >> we actively talking with
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brandon trying to figure something you always talk we we have a good history of working with the guys. we want to get done to get something done and it takes 2 sides. so can we do that? we will see >> there's a number of different directions. you know that it could go. but we're appreciate the heck out of brandon and who he is as a player we want to be a part of the niners. so we're going to work towards making that a reality. >> do you have any idea what tweets met with all emojis? no, i'm way too old. there's people online who like, you >> translated for tonight. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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