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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  March 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. >> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3.
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>> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 3, i'm justine waldman, a major bridge collapsed in baltimore this morning when a ship crashed right into it. plunging a construction crew and multiple cars into the water. rescuers did save 2 people, but 6 others are still missing and are now presumed dead. also, president biden and other leaders are jumping into the recovery efforts. our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt explains what we know about this collapse. and she also has an update on the response. she's live for us now on the scene. thanks for joining >> justine behind me, the francis scott key bridge is now in pieces with parts of it underwater. this used to be a really busy well traveled bridge spanning about 1.6 miles here in baltimore before this ship crash took it down. our state is in shock in the early hours of tuesday morning. a shocking scene in baltimore was caught on
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camera. maryland governor westmore says this cargo ship lost power and sent out an emergency. mayday call. >> officials reacted quickly getting on the radio traffic bridge. just moments later, the ship hit baltimore's francis scott key just collapsed while the mayday call gave officials a critical few moments to shut down traffic on the bridge. a construction crew filling potholes on the bridge was plunged into the water. first responders rescued 2 people. one is hospitalized. the other unhurt. >> that's 6 more are missing. the search and rescue operation is our top priority. president biden sent federal officials from the fbi transportation department and army corps of engineers to help local leaders were going to work hand-in-hand with support of maryland to score maryland. >> and whenever they ask for the bridge in the port shutdown for now, a devastating blow to travel and shipping in the region. the president biden says he wants the federal government to cover the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge with the people of baltimore count on
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us. so. >> stick with every step of the way the porters reopen. the bridge rebuilt. >> president biden also says he plans to visit baltimore as soon as possible but didn't give any specific details about his visit. live in baltimore. i'm hannah brandt. >> hanna, thank you so much. and today's collapse of the francis scott key bridge is just the latest in a series of very tragic bridge collapse is some of which happened in the u.s. in recent decades. from 1960, to 2015, there were 35 major bridge collapses worldwide due to ship or barge collisions that resulted in 342 people being killed. 18 of those collapses happened in the u.s. in september 2001, a tug boat and a barge hit the queen, isabella causeway and port port isabel, texas, causing in mid section of the bridge to tumble ad feed into the bay below 8 people died. there in may of 1980, a
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firefighter sheared off a support on the sunshine scribd the sunshine skyway bridge in tampa bay, florida, dropping 1400 foot section of roadway into the water below. 35 people died there. and here in the bay area, bridges are critical part of daily life for many people. but after seeing what happened this morning in baltimore, a lot of people might be wondering what protections are in place to prevent an accident like that from happening here. kron 4 s charles clifford got answers from caltrans. caltrans says that they are keeping a close eye on the events unfolding in baltimore with the key bridge. >> they also say that our bridges here in the bay area are fairly well protected against ship strikes, but admit that they can't protect against every kind of accident. there are a large toll bridges in the bay area. container ships don't pass underneath all of them. but every bridge has protections built into their foundations. well, a ship strike is rare. caltrans says that possibility was taken into consideration
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when the bridges were built or retrofitted. we have designed the bridge with this. the all of our bridges with this in mind. bart ney is a spokesperson for caltrans. every one of them has a protection device around it. that's a fender system. >> that either is completely different than the bridge foundations themselves or it's designed to absorb the energy and accidents do happen on november. 7th, 2007, the costco, goosen container ship struck the delta tower of the western span of the bay bridge. in that case, fenders around the tower foundation absorb the energy from the strike and prevented the bridge from suffering any major damage. but caltrans does admit that they can't plan for every possibility in the event that a large ship struck and badly damaged a bridge. they say they would move quickly to protect the public caltrans, which shut down the toll plaza at the golden gate division of the chp would go right into operation and closed the freeway. so you would have access to the bridge. now in the case of the costco boose on it was eventually determined that the bar pilot who is in command of that ship was at fault in that crash.
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but for now on treasure island, charles clifford kron, 4 news. and as for the golden gate bridge, it features the most robust ship collision protection of any bridge on the west coast. >> the north tower is partially on land, meaning that a large vessel would run aground before it collided with the pier and the south tower is protected by a concrete fender that extends 40 feet deep. that fenders filled with sand. similar to a highway crash barrel. it is 27 feet thick at its base providing significant protection against collisions. and when this bridge collapsed today, kron 4. sent out a breaking news alert, a viewer, so make sure you download the free kron. 4 mobile app to get push alerts sent right to your mobile device. >> firefighters have knocked down a house fire in san jose. the fire department sharing
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some videos here in social media. this is right near east santa clara street and north 4th street near highway. 87 crews are still on the scene right now. cleaning up. we don't know the cause of the fire. we do know though that no one was hurt. >> we're taking a live look outside at our camera on top of mount tam. some can see the blue skies that are sticking around for today. we're going enjoy that son. why we can. we have meteorologist dave spahr with us here this afternoon to go over all things weather day. well, justine, here's the shot from san jose state. we're talking about this a few hours ago. those smoke that was coming up around here. >> well, now the clouds are gone. smokes gone, too, by the way, nice blue skies that work there. but also we say enjoy for now things are changing. here's the breakdown for us. mostly clear, mostly sunny, heading into this evening. temperatures fall from the 60's to around 50 were looking for low temperatures in the 40's tomorrow morning. not just inland but maybe along the east bay shoreline as well. winds tracked right now are in the teens. so our evening breeze checking in, but they will be quite windy
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and maybe the next 28 hours give or take maybe 30 hours or so. so here's what we're talking about this afternoon. mostly sunny, enjoys. we're talking about temperatures reach their mid 60's range now falling to the 50's this evening. mid week midweek rain late on wednesday. so you might get the pitter patter rain going on parts of the north bay a little bit. but the real thrust of it won't get here until the evening hours. now that i'm talking about the heavy amounts that probably won't happen until after the evening commute. this is post 8 o'clock. so pretty good timing on that. that comes with a pop of winds, too afterwards. thursday. still a little bit on the unsettled side here and then for friday on into the weekend, that's a little problem area friday. look, stormy into friday night. unfortunately, it lingers a little bit into the weekend. going to talk a bit more of that and show you some of the maps coming up in a bit. justine, thank you so much. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and a much anticipated announcement from independent candidate robert f kennedy junior today.
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>> i'm so proud to introduce t o. the next vice president. the united states. my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientists acknowledges fears or your mom, nicole >> kennedy announcing the nicole shanahan is his running mate. this happened at an event in oakland just a short time ago. the 38 year-old is a tax lawyer and philanthropist was never held elected office. kennedy explains why her experience in tech was a motivating factor. >> i wanted to find his past and share. my passion for a wholesome healthy foods. chemical free for regenerative agriculture for the whales i managed to fight. technology is at the forefront of ai. she has spent the last decade
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relying on world that works. artificial intelligence and cutting edge science. do identify uses in our government? she understands health of every american is a national security issue and a national security risk. >> shanahan leads an organization that she founded to direct money towards issues, including women's reproductive science, criminal justice reform and environmental causes both kennedy and shanahan were democrats, but they will be running as independents. >> there's only antiwar candidate today and you'll find him in the democratic party or the republican party is an independent. robert f kennedy junior. his commitment to peace in to the welfare. working people in america that shocked me as a person of compassion to his candidacy. >> kennedy is picking a running mate now because about half of the states require him to pick one before he can
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apply for ballot access. so he will be competing against president joe biden and former president donald trump. the supreme court today heard arguments on the first abortion case since it overturned roe v wade 2 years ago. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports and how this case could impact access to the abortion pill. anti-abortion groups are challenging the fda's relax rules on the abortion pill. >> that have made it easier to access in recent years. >> protesters were back on the steps of the supreme court and people deserve access to for the first abortion case since the dobbs decision, the alliance for hippocratic medicine says the fda's guidelines are unsafe. they allow the abortion drug mifepristone to be sent by mail and without an in-person doctor's visit without ever having been checked by a doctor for life-threatening conditions that reckless, the alliance is made up of medical groups that oppose abortion.
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they're asking the high court to limit access to the drug without question. the fda's actions have made taking chemical abortion drugs. last say, but lawyers for the drug makers say research shows it is safe. the fda acted extensive body of evidence. the biden administration defended the fda in court saying opponents lacked legal standing to bring the case because they aren't harmed by the fda's rules. we don't think they come within 100 miles of the kind of circumstances court has previously identified. the court seemed concerned that the case could have broader impacts on how many government agencies do their business. this is the voice of justice neil gorsuch. and this case seems like a prime example of turning what could be a small lawsuit. >> into a nationwide legislative assembly on an fda rule or any other federal government action. >> a decision on the case is expected this summer in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. we also have a
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statement now from governor gavin newsom pushing back on the latest attempt to ban abortion in the united states. here's part of it. >> republicans want a national abortion ban. full stop. they'll do whatever it takes, including trying to strip away fda approval for drugs that have been proven to be safe and effective for decades. these hostile actions are not just unpopular. they fly in the face of science and put women at risk. coming up, why san francisco is canceling one of the city's most anticipated events of the year. we're talking about the 4.20 festival. >> at hippie hill. plus, why uc berkeley police are looking for certain protesters that they consider suspects. and concord nurses hitting the pickup line. what they're asking for. that's all after the break.
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health and conquer taking to the streets today to pick it there and the middle of contract negotiations and they want a seat at the table. >> kron four's to pay justice has their demands. >> currently are running into some roadblocks trying to get safety implementations in place. registered nurses at john muir health picketing for 3 hours tuesday morning, demanding improvements over safe staffing in workplace violence. >> the registered nurses are asking for improve safety measures and to provide adequate relief staffing so that nurses can take meals and rest breaks very issue with workplace violence. >> unfortunately, yes, there we see it very frequently here at john conquered. there have
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been accounts of patient on patient violence in the past year. >> there have been. >> i versus having physical violence. >> put upon them by patience. you know, none of those things should be happening here at hospitals. the california nurses association says that these improvements are needed to provide the highest level of quality patient care. >> instead of moral distress, an injury which has led to nurses leaving cardiovascular icu nurse being tells kron 4, they want a seat at the table. they're asking for direct voice in preventing workplace violence towards patients and employees. john muir has a lot of their own it. boards and meetings in place already. but none of those really provide a seat for a nurse to be president and to have any and as the feet on ground, the people facing.
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>> patients every day, we really feel that it's most important that the nurses are the ones that have the most important. we did reach out to john near help to get a response about this. pick it. they say in a statement, quote. >> like all health systems, john muir health has faced staffing challenges which have significantly improved as we continue to hire more nurses specific to the subjects of health and safety, including pandemic readiness and workplace violence. prevention. john, your health is proposing to add expansive new language to the contract. >> and the next bargaining session is scheduled for tomorrow. march 27th reporting in concord to be justice kron. 4 news. uc berkeley police are asking for the public's help >> who disrupted a campus event that was hosted by a jewish student organizations happened last month. and celebrex playhouse police say members of the crowd forced their way into the facility hurting guests and police officers. they also cause property damage. 2 incidents
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have not been classified here as hate crimes. so showing you all these different faces here. if any of these people, the 5 of them look familiar, you should contact uc berkeley police. portion of highway 9 near saratoga closed due to debris from a mudslide covering the roadway lanes from sanborn road to redwood gulch road have been closed since yesterday due to debris from this unstable hillside. there's no estimate as to when it will reopen because it's active slide and the upcoming severe weather. my cause more debris to wash off the highway. let's talk about the timing of that severe weather right now is live look outside here at sfo. so can see what's going on with the clouds and the sun. the blue skies enjoying all that enjoying having dave spar with us here as well. so let's time out these rains systems. you know, we got to the systems coming. the problem is not a nice little break in them is a break in terms of the heavy rains are all that. but i mean, it's not like we get to this kind of conditions. >> even maybe in the weekend
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we might get lucky and get that on sunday. but that's we've got right now. enjoy the son. why it's here. this is what we have an open highway for storms out of the gulf of alaska. we have been playing that game this winter. it's been mostly stuff bubbling up from the granted their juice here. and this doesn't have as much water with the technically but still it has instability and that's we want to watch out for. they're not severe yet, but it can cause locally severe problems with it. so we're looking out for that to a pop out potentially. here's what it looks like going forward with this future cast for looks pretty good for tonight. yeah. here comes out that cloud cover and yes, the rain does start before the afternoon. here's 04:15pm, in the heavy steps. still not yet. here. santa cruz mountains in the south bay looks like you have a dose. another dose up to the north bay modest to the east bay and a lot of the peninsula at that point. evening commute you might get got get relatively unscathed before the heavy stuff gets in here. late with
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the front, a nice window opens up overnight. but the pitter patter, some rains left over. and yes, when you see a line like that, and that's a front that's probably come with some winds. you got that part, right? when i saw pop going on here for a few hours. give or take 4 to 6 hours before finally subsides. this is now thursday afternoon and still the spotty showers. while we wait for the next storm system to roll on in that will be concentrated on friday. again, back to tomorrow. this is wednesday afternoon. a good clip on those winds there from the south until the front passes. and this is what it's really involved at 10 o'clock at night. but then after midnight, once it passes the winds then returned to onshore direction. but still a pretty good clip in the 20 mile per hour range or so. this what you'd expect for tonight, temperatures settling mostly in the upper 40's, although in the santa clara valley, mid 40's and inland are going to see some of those numbers chilly as well. again, we have more on that friday storm system coming up in a bit. justine. >> dave, thank you. new report is revealing san jose a
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struggling to divert 9-1-1. calls related to mental and emotional distress to the 9, 8, 8, mental crisis lifeline. the report shows in 2023 county mental health teams responded 2, 2%, of the nearly 60,009, 1, one calls better suited for non police response. even in those situations, police responded together. police officials don't answer questions about why it's taken so long to figure out which calls to redirect 2, 9, 8, 8, the annual for 20 hippie hill event in golden gate park has been canceled. organizers say this is due to citywide budget cuts in san francisco and the current state of the cannabis industry. thousands of marijuana lover's coming out this this event every year so they can. do all that kind of fun stuff together was not live music, eat some good food. organizers say instead this event will be the next event they're going to have is going to be kind of all in san francisco may 25th the san
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francisco rec and parks department said in a statement in part the festival, a celebration of cannabis culture has usually drawn large crowds. the cancellation of this year's event is the result of 2 key factors. economic challenges within the cannabis industry making sponsorships hard to secure and city budget cuts impacting rec and parks ability to cover staffing for the event. the department says it will instead host a volleyball and kickball tournament at the park on for 20. still ahead, apple facing several new lawsuits from customers over claims of >> anti-competitive conduct. plus, some good news for students hoping to get details on the deadline that was just extendedfor money. students
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who are struggling to fill out financial aid have now an extra month to beat the deadline. lawmakers. >> fast track to bill after a federal glitch block thousands of undergraduates from completing the federal application. those affected were mostly students who are citizens, but their parents were not. now the deadline has been moved for cal grants and other state aid programs to move from april. 2nd, 2 may 2nd. after facing a lawsuit from the department of justice. now iphone customers are filing suit of their own against apple. at least 3 proposed class action suits have been filed since friday in california and new jersey. federal courts, owners. they claim apple inflated the cost of its products through
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anticompetitive conduct. the lawsuits come after a sweeping antitrust case that was launched by the justice department and 15 states last week. dollar tree wants to keep its name, but it is raising its max price on some items. the discount store chain says will offer items up to $7 at its stores. some of the highest priced items will include food and pet supplies. customers can also expect storms to start offering various sized products as well as different prices there as well. a report says dollar tree last raised its cap to $5 last june. coming up here, 3 oakland will soon meet its new police chief and community leaders weighing on the problems. they say he's going to need to tackle once he takes over. >> mill valley homeowner destruct after someone defaced ukrainian flag outside of his home. it was one of 2 flags targeted over the weekend and
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the drug. those effect has exploded in popularity for people who want to lose weight. but it might be having another side effect on our top
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the container ship that lost power and rammed into a major bridge in baltimore. >> 6 people remain unaccounted for this crash causing a span of the francis scott key bridge to buckle into the river below the ship is owned by a company out of singapore. it was moving about 9 miles per hour when it hit the bridge. all crew members and the 2 pilots on board are accounted for. none of them were hurt. a construction crew and several cars fell into
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that very cold water. 2 people have been pulled out again. 6 remain missing, all boating traffic in and out of the port. there has been suspended until further notice. the bridge stretches 1.6 miles spanning the patapsco river. it was used by 12 million vehicles last year. >> he advised entire bridge entire bridges in the harbor. i advise traffic from coming through the bridge. again. the entire bridges fall into the harbor. >> the collapse is almost sure to create a logistical nightmare for months, if not years along the east coast, shutting down ship traffic at the port of baltimore that a major shipping hub last year. the port of baltimore handled handled more than 52 million tons of foreign cargo and more than 444,000 passengers, crews out of that port. this accident will also snarl commuter traffic. happening
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tomorrow. oakland's new top cop floyd mitchell is expected to be formally introduced to the community and we spoke with local leaders about the tough job. this new chief is stepping into kron four's to resist asked you has the story. unfortunately. >> they would not be any a honeymoon period. carl chan is a longtime oakland chinatown community leader. tell you for the 10 years or so. we have about 10 ships. and i was almost every i would say almost every single one of them and in support of chip and which is very important. >> he says the fact the city has been without a chief for more than a year. chief floyd mitchell will have to get straight to the business at hand. just this past weekend. 27 year-old courtney merck was killed at a gas station in east oakland. her death marks 18 murders so far. recent oakland crime statistics also show robberies are up. 34% from last year with the majority happening at
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gunpoint. >> and he has to hit the role running and not only that. and so now again crazy politics so much expectation you know, the cd of market can come any precedent that insist and different organizations as well as from the pakistan honest mean. >> he's a man that will come in love on love in your community. a lot like you live there forever. >> reggie dials president of 100 black men of west texas. mitchell served as the chief of police in temple and most recently in lubbock. he says, although the chief will be an outsider coming into the opd, he says his experience will shine through. >> he's a bridge builder. he's going to come in in ask questions, see what the community would like to see what the community don't like. >> you know, and feel a little boy's. the opd is also still under a federal monitor for
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past wrongdoings. pretty sure he had that he e yet the conversation with that his self. and i do this job, you know, can't the person for this job in the answer is obviously yes, there is no time said or location for wednesday's meeting with the chief yet. >> he is expected to start on the job late april or early may theresa stasi, new kron, 4 news. a berkeley woman accused of stabbing her mother to death is expected to enter a plea this week. it was last sunday that heather >> premier was found stabbed to death at the apartment that she shared with her daughter this was on university avenue between san pablo avenue in sacramento street. gabriel is currently being held without bail at the santa rita jail in dublin. her plea hearing is set for thursday in north a homeowner shaken up this afteroon after someone vandalized a ukrainian flag outside of his home. it was one of 2 flags to be targeted over the weekend. and now mill
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valley police are investigating this as a hate crime. kron 4. sarah stinson has the story. >> police say someone spray painted swastikas on ukrainian flags at 2 homes in mill valley. the affected neighbors already replaced their flags. i spoke with the owner of this home. he says he's deeply disturbed, especially as a jewish man. >> but to see it as watch the got your front lawn is just something that is beyond terrible. it's the motion. i'm sorry, it's it's emotional. can walk tell got choked up when talking about the vandalism that happened. >> at his mill valley home on saturday, he was out of town when he got an e-mail with pictures showing a swastika spray painted on the ukrainian flag on his property. nothing can. take that from my from my mind. wachtell has lived in this home for 40 years. he has previously served on city council and as mayor of mo valley, he says such an act of
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hate does not represent his city it wrong because this greeting somebody's property. it's wrong because the swastika this not belong in our community. >> and it's wrong because we support ukraine anything like that just wrong and all different live levels. ukrainian flags were also spray painted. that walk tells neighbor's house down the road on the leno avenue. police are investigating both incidents as a hate crime. >> no valley's police chief put out a statement saying his department stands firm with the city against all hate and discrimination distraught but not discourage. wachtell says he now plans to put up more flags were not only and put one flag up, but now put too. >> and we're not going to be cowed by not going affect us is that could affect their legions ukraine. it is something i'll never forget as long as i live. >> wachtell says he plans to speak at a city council soon about this hate crime. police are asking anyone who lives in this mill valley neighborhood to take a look at your
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surveillance cameras. see if you can help identify the vandals. i'm sara stinson reporting in mill valley. back to you. >> making. council member jordan. remember tatum yes, ice merlo past. yes. >> the city of albany. they're joining the list of bay area cities calling for a cease-fire in gaza. the city council held a special meeting last night and pass this cease-fire resolution. this east bay city had taken a slower approach than the others because they first created a committee to discuss and write up a resolution which was followed by several public meetings. albany's mayor thanked the community for keeping the process civil. happening today, berkeley bicycle and pedestrian safety advocates will be speaking out at this evening city council meeting. they're asking the council to approve more money for pedestrian safety after someone was hit and killed by a car last month. walk bike berkeley wants the city to
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limit downhill vehicle traffic and install more safety features for walkers. group is helping to eliminate severe and fatal accidents by 2028. students at el serino high school be seeing some extra security due to a fight that started on friday when an intruder came on campus. the west contra costa unified school district says this fight broke out between else. rita tigh school student and intruders last week which caused the school to go on lockdown. no weapons were used only minor injuries were reported. the school district did not provide any specifics about the extra security, but they are working with local law enforcement, counseling services are also being provided to students and staff. kirkwood mountain resort is extending its ski season by 2 full that would change the closing date, too. april 20th officials say the states are all really depending on the terrain and the weather because it's about to get a little bit warmer.
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sugar bowl resort has also announced it's going to be extending its ski season until april 28th. we're going to talk about our forecast right now with this live look like hoe. it's beautiful out at there right now. water's probably nice and cold. we have meteorologist dave spahr here and he's been talking about us this afternoon about the rain that's coming on a wednesday and friday been paying attention and curious how that's going to turn into winter weather and this year. well, just stay where they are looking for that in the package to first things. first is the midweek storm system they're really watching here in with that. >> well, 11:00am tomorrow through 11:00am on thursday. got that warning in the foothills and the advisory zone. >> also up around tahoe. now we're looking for one to 2 feet going on for the winter storm in the winter advisory, maybe a foot above 7,000 feet. no one wants a storm system gets a little closer to will see the snow levels actually fall a little bit. so that's the freezing line. from our standpoint, the drives the instability, something to watch out for 2 right now the
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three-line is fairly high. it's up there running 1000 feet, but it's expected to drop, obviously with the storms, plural. here's what it looks like up in tahoe. basic. it's kind of the same thing we're talking about here. they may get some break happening on thursday. but tomorrow it's a few showers. then turning over to some snow. then the friday system, the snow showers and that will be probably into next weekend here as temperatures fall into the 30's, there's the highway all opened up. you don't see fortifying of the low-level moisture, the low latitude moisture coming up from the subtropical jet that we had a lot over last winter, mostly sunny, enjoy for this afternoon. rain late on wednesday. it will start off kind of light in the north and the south bay. but the really big hits wednesday evening and then friday, it's stormy late on friday, particularly with winds at all that unsettled on saturday and more. we're hoping a little bit better on sunday here. not exactly sure how that's going to clear out. but it looks like it may linger certainly into
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saturday. but take a look at the longer range forecast for you coming up in a bit. justine. >> dave, thank you. east bay, congressman mark to sonia is leading a community-wide effort to protect air quality and the community's health. so we hosted a town hall last night in martinez. so we could hear from residents about the recent safety is incidents at local refineries. martinez, refining company has been cited for 21 releases or spills of hazardous materials last year and it's on. you says he wants more federal oversight. >> well, my ideas to try to go back to used to be before the supreme court. still obviously be constitutional as part of the challenge so that the courts do not undermine but to make sure there's a way that when people create a culture. they they assume >> a new report explains now what caused that rotten egg smell from the valero refinery last month? the report says the refinery had a technical issue that shut down its equipment. air monitors then
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detected a buildup of hydrogen sulfide that caused that odor was coming from a large tank that was filled with excess product. but it started to build up. for your health. right now. a growing number of women are reporting some unexpected pregnancy is while they're taking the weight loss, medications, ozempic and wegovy. and these include women who are using birth control when they became pregnant. so doctors think that the weight loss drugs might be reducing the effectiveness of birth control pills. also, weight loss, corrects hormonal imbalances caused by obesity and metabolic disorders, which also increases fertility. so that could explain why some women who have struggled with infertility also report becoming pregnant. but health experts are warning that weight loss drugs should not be used as a method for boosting fertility until more research is coming up next year at 3 oakland police make an interesting bust. 8 tobacco's shop.
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>> we're taking a look here at what they found. plus, governor newsom announces a major fentanyl bust at the southern border. how many pills of suspected fentanyl were confiscated? and should high school graduates be required to take a course on required to take a course on financial literaness.
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superintendent tony thurmond is backing a proposal to make financial education a graduation requirement in state public schools. >> our capitol correspondent eytan will spoke one-on-one with thurman and pass this message.
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>> well, here at the california department of education, thurmond told me he believes are required. personal finance course could be a game-changer for students and soon you the voters. >> could have the final say. this is something that will have tremendous benefits for our student. that's the message state's superintendent of public instruction. tony thurmond hopes to convey about a proposal to make a course in personal finance, a graduation requirement in california. public schools. at the california department of education. thurmond spoke to this group of educators and financial literacy professionals about why he believes making such a course believes making such a course mandatory would have long-term impact. let students have access to learn about personal finance. they're less likely to have debt. >> be able to make great decisions about their future. and their finances and they get education that often isn't provided in the home. in the past. members of the legislature have tried to introduce bills to mandate a personal finance high school course. but those proposals failed. >> but now supporters behind a
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new effort are hoping to bring the idea directly to voters. last month with the support of thurmont, they turned in nearly 900,000 signatures to qualify the measure for the november ballot. they need just under 600,000 of those signatures to be considered valid to officially qualify for the november election. we hope that people will support and we think this is a great thing for california kids. it's a message with valerie chapman agrees and educator from oakland. she's the founder and ceo of financial literacy for kids, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching 4th and 5th graders about saving and investing. well, this is extremely important because studies have proven that students learn or develop their financial habits at an early age habits that will, you know, last them a lifetime. still, some are skeptical. >> in an op-ed for the nonprofit publication cal matters last fall columnist dan walters road adding new mandates takes class time away from basics that too many students are not already mastering media. literacy classes are pointless for kids who cannot to him out or read
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at their grade level. but thurmond sees it differently. it can save a life report with students who are in tough neighborhoods. >> or schools that, you know, i've had many challenges and we see students performing well academically, but being engaged in life and what their future is going to be. we think that personal finances, important ingredient to success for all of our students. and it's unclear where all legislative republicans, dan, on this proposal, but gop senator and former senate minority leader scott wilk says he supports arguing it will give students the tools they need. >> to succeed reporting outside the california department of education in sacramento. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> california authorities say they got more than 1 million fentanyl pills off the streets last month. according to the governor's administration, the california national guard helped make this possible. so that includes more than 592,000 pills at the states ports of entry along the california mexico border. and in a statement, governor
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newsom said that his decision last year to increase the number of cal guard service members by 50% at the border helped here. he's also calling on congress to take action to secure the border and blame congressional republicans for rejecting the recent biden backed border security package. republicans have blamed president joe biden for policies. they say has made the crisis at the southern border works. and take a look at the screen here because oakland police say they found these illegal items last month at a smoke shop on international boulevard near seminary avenue. so it includes a large amount of illegal cannabis, crystal meth and flavored tobacco products. no arrests made. the bus was part of the department's special investigation into smoke shops. here's what it looks like outside right now across the san mateo bridge, the water looks little choppy traffic. well, so bad. on the afternoon commute. dave spahr wrapping up with us this afternoon with what's going on with the rain. how well we
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need to get the kids ready for school tomorrow with the rain stopped. well, they'll be a little bit of light rain. that's for a good point where you may get some of that in the north a little bit in the south bay. so a little bit for that. and for the ride home, the heavy stuff. now they're going home by the time that everybody should probably be home for the most part. >> here's the shot in the east bay shoreline. pretty good out there in the east bay shoreline. you can see lots of sunshine. here's the breakdown for you. a few scattered clouds by 06:00pm by midnight. mostly clear, cool as temperatures tomorrow morning reach into the 40's that will be going on for the bay and also well inland as well. future cast for here we go. just it was talking about some light rain showers to start things off with a kid shore and everybody will get that in the morning commute. a little bit focused on the north bay now is where most of that will be. that's going to be relatively light to maybe moderate a bit too. here comes the heavy stuff, though, late at night as you can see there. so it's going to probably after your evening commute. there comes the line that's going to drive our winds after that into thursday. we're t% going kind of a leftover
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little light. rain showers will clear out in earnest as you can see, it lingers into the afternoon. so that spotty rain, shower activity, sun and clouds, sun and clouds mixture looks like that will continue for another day. here's the papa winds, though. want to get into this is by 4 o'clock tomorrow evening. so the ride home, the winds already building. they're going to shift a still from the south. here 10 o'clock then by 11 and so forth with the front drops south, that's where you get that strong onshore flow lingers into thursday to let's get the longer range forecast here. that again is our wednesday that passes fuzzy thursday. and oh, yeah, a big wrap-up on our friday. strong winds. time for commute home on friday. not going to be fun. that will be with winds and a lowers a freeze level so they can drive some instability close to the core of the low, which meanders around our coast. this isn't a saturday evening with a low that close. if that holds up saturday is not only looking dicey, it looks like it will continue into this type of malaise, if you will, was
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showers and potentially some thunder showers. how about sunday? some hope are hoping on that and maybe that looks like maybe sunday is going to look like our last saturday was with sun and clouds mixture in some spotty showers. exploring all of this in the seven-day forecast. yeah, it stays in their inconsistency of spring. there you have the days to watch it. certainly wednesday evening. also friday into our saturday and sunday, justine. >> thank you. former president donald trump's social media network. truth social is now listed on the nasdaq stock exchange. trump media debuted with the stock price around $50 and a market value of nearly 7 billion dollars. analysts are saying many of the initial investors are small-time are trying to support trump or cash in on the craze here. one expert describes the sheriff says a meme stock similar to gamestop or amc when they skyrocketed in value during the pandemic. and according to a recent regulatory filing, the company has yet to return a profit.
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and the x platform by elon musk is reportedly struggling to attract and keep users since he purchased that social media company. according to data from the market firm sensor tower, u.s. user base for tax has been down a flat every month since last bought that platform in 2022. last month, ex had 27 million active american daily users. that's down 18% from previous year. as we show video of instagram. i think that tells you what we need to know here. all right. coming up, a rare business card with steve jobs signature going up for auction and it becomes the most expensive. >> signed business card. so >> signed business card. so how much do you think it went
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-we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. new herbal essences sulfate free. packed with pure aloe and camellia flower oil your hair will love. and none of the things it won't. hair that feels deeply nourished, soft and lightweight. new herbal essences.
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mega millions or should we say mega billions, a jackpot worth 1.1 billion dollars up for grabs. the snow, the 5th largest prize in the game's history. the cash payout would be more than a half-billion dollars. and we spoke with one man in burlingame who was out buying his ticket this morning and he told us what he would do with the grand prize. >> consider network for a public school system. the first thing i would do is donate back to the public school system and then take care of myself and family right after. >> last night, no one had all the numbers to claim the powerball's 800 million dollar jackpot. so that means tomorrow's drawing will be an estimated 865 million dollars. a business card with a rare signature may have sold for a record amount. rr auction says an apple computer business
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card signed by steve jobs in 1983. sold for more than $181,000. the auction house says it is the most expensive assigned business card despite a slight stain on the front, the card is graded as it pristine condition. auction says it has received other steve jobs business cards before, but only 5 of them have passed often 2 k shun process. the smell test there, shall we say, the signature test? alright, day one last. look at the rain coming our way. this week. we know the stain is though. that's what i want to know what they would stay in that car with substance. okay. this is what it looks like. we're watching system one. that's tomorrow evening. overnight. >> this is the heavy duty one friday late at night might hit your evening commute. sticking around on saturday. and the hope is now sunday that will lift looks pretty good. heading on into next week. so and the seven-day graphic form comes in like this. the inconsistency is of spring us wednesday, friday and it looks like a lingering a little bit onto your well saturday as
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well. so buckle up. more winter weather to come. just seen. >> dave, thank you. and thank you so much for joining us this afternoon here on kron 4. i'm justine waldman. really appreciate your time to you appreciate your time to you right back here tomorrow.
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the rv transaction was a trade. but then she changed her mind. i never signed this document. you're saying it's forged. so it was a nightmare. would you come here and lie? narrator: hot bench.


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