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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  March 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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- and giving him the assurance that he's safe here. learn more at forecast as we get the shot where you can see something instead of staring at the fog and the camera lens. now you can see the fog up in the sky, right? a lot of great out there today. warrants. >> how about that? like i had to dress in that say we were kinda of kind of a little dark mode. channeling the weather. yeah. that wintry weather has made a return to the bay area. we see some showers around here slot of snow in the high
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country. so got to be prepared to traveling up the high country know joe their chain up now on 50 80. if you're headed that direction. here's a look at toward half dome. it is really cloud up. you can see it there. see the snow in the more that on the way. a lot of snow going to be falling here in the next few days across the high country. so you can see now 80 here. yeah, that snow is already moving in 50. got some issues there as well. so if your traveling anywhere in sierra nevada over the next few days into the weekend, too, be prepared, grab those change. you may need those. we've got more powerful storms headed in as we head in toward the weekend. that one actually could produce some a blizzard like conditions from time to time. so a cold storm is moving in. one coming in tonight. one moving in on friday. going to continue that went into the weekendhas well. the snow level will be dropping all the way down to about 3500 feet by tomorrow, one to 2 feet of snow expected about 5,000 with that next storm system. yeah, a couple more feet of snow as well. so travel delays are likely chain controls. you better already working on that. now and some gusty winds from time to time. see the areas are read here.
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the western slopes of the sierra nevada winter storm warnings are up there. heavier snow going to be moving in advisories up for the tahoe area all the way down in the mammoth in yosemite. and it's just going to be on and off and the cold temperatures moving right back in so so much for spring skiing conditions. it's really back to winter skiers got to love that. this is going to extend the ski season even a little bit more and more fresh powder working its way into the high country. in fact, a whole lot of it. you can even-par northern california, upper lake. you see a 6, maybe 12 inches of snow. how about that? that's pretty good. you get the high country. we could be talking about 2, maybe even 4 feet of snow across the higher peaks through the weekend. >> all right, lawrence, 4 news. the new minimum wage law. kicks in next week raising the minimum wage for fast-food workers to 20 dollars an hour as our kron four's. rob misbah tells us tonight what should be celebration for workers has also turned into fear for losing jobs. many workers at
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fast-food chains are immigrants who don't speak english. that who i spoke to today say. >> the minimum wage increase is an improvement. but what they hope to be just the start. california is home to more than 500,000 fast food workers. and starting april first minimum wage for them will raise to $20 an hour. >> i spoke to to spanish speaking fast-food workers in oakland about the increase, including de la vargas who works as a cook at mcdonnell's. snow. but so this is going to improve. help us improve our quality of life. folks will be able to spend less time at work and more with their family. she says living paycheck to paycheck has been difficult with the previous minimum wage of $16 an hour from all the crews works at a wendy's and says she can relate to the struggles si is the face. eople k it's very difficult. both my husband and i work but he doesn't have a stable job. and so when he's not i become the head of household and 16 is not enough to pay for rent
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and like many fast food workers, cruz works later shift has noticed an increase of crime at night. >> she would like to see an even bigger minimum wage increase for those who often find themselves in harm's way experienced a lot. i don't what comes to mind, but really, really scared me was saw my co-worker shot in the face with a bb and when i when i saw what happened, i to myself, what if this was a real kind, she could have died right there. and many fast food workers are already losing their jobs over the wage. increase. pizza hut and roundtable have both laid off 10,000 plus delivery drivers. >> and chipotle says it will be raising its prices to comply with the new wage law in on system right now. >> one hour gets ca a but we do know at next week it will be more hours. and so, yes, it does for i see them also bringing in new people and that worries me, too. >> the state assembly has
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passed a proposal to exempt some fast food restaurants from the $20 minimum wage increase including airports, hotels, event centers, museums and theme parks reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. san francisco police say it's offering a quarter million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person behind a deadly playground shooting. >> happened back in april of 2022. at the alice chambers playground that's behind longfellow elementary school in the city's crocker, amazon neighborhood. investigators say the victims are playing basketball when at least 2 people in a car started shooting, killing 20 year-old kiran carlson. and 22 year-old brandon alexander cheese. 2 other people were shot but survived. police say the getaway car was a silver honda accord. anyone who has any information on this and once that reward should call san francisco police. >> across country to carjack
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somebody. >> yeah. dramatic moments caught on camera when a suspect cleans to a moving car while trying to get away from police officers from the lake through police department in san joaquin county. they were chasing a domestic violence suspect when one of his tires blew out. and that's when police say he pulled to the side, jumped out of his car, trying to steal another moving car and then held on that is when police say an officer shot him. the suspect is expected to survive is now facing several felony charges. senator le funds about were announced. california is getting more than 260 million dollars in federal money for projects across the state and here in the bay area. >> so the projects include more than 65 million toward water projects, including water storage, and flood protection. 21 million toward addressing the state's homeless and housing crisis. some of the money will also go toward improving wildfire prevention and curbing the
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state's opioid epidemic. >> the 2 brothers attacked by a mountain lion over the weekend near a small town east of sacramento. they actually took the right measures apparently to scare the big cat off. still in this extremely rare case, it ended with one of them dead. the lying continued with a deadly attack. kron four's philippe djegal has more on what you need to do. if you encounter a mountain lion. >> for the 3rd time in a year and a half, ryan mooney surveillance cameras captured a mountain lion passing through his property in the martinez hills. the most recent spotted march. 11th fitting given incredible pass. mooney knows cougars are around, but fortunately has never come face to face with one. and after learning of the recent deadly attack near sacramento, he hopes he never does. currently. i think we're code sistine. okay. but it is one of those things where i don't know how the mountain lion would react. >> if we cross paths and the california department of fish and wildlife confirms through statements from the victims family that the 2 brothers
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attacked by a young mountain lion over the weekend did rely on their training by shouting aggressively standing tall and even throwing something at the big cat is trip. horrible tragedy. >> but that was not enough to prevent this. not land from attacking the 2 of them. fish and wildlife estimates the state's mountain lion population is between 4,006 1000. >> this weekend's attack resulted in the first death in 20 years. one brother survived biologist zara mcdonald's with the field, a conservation fund and puma project says human encounters with mountain lions are rare where the attack happened because it is rural. she suspects the brothers were searching for antler sheds near a sleeping lion and it was spooked. she says you are less likely to come across the big cat in the bay area because they are used to us and do whatever they can to stay away. are the urba% wild land interface. so we are.
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>> right at the urban edge lions that navigate. >> this edge are extremely vigilant. and, you know, avoided of humans. they go out of their way to avoid humans. and if you about all of the people living in and around the bay area and los angeles, these large urban areas, lions are amazing at avoiding us. if you do come across an aggressive one, mcdonald says fight back. >> for the lions, eyes and nose to hopefully disorient the animal and eventually retreat. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> health officials in marin county are issuing a warning as a highly contagious respiratory tract infection, known as whooping cough is on the rise since december. the county has seen almost 100 cases. many of those from high school students, a physician at kaiser permanente center fell, says testing for the infection is key. >> gold standard of distinguishing is to get a sample from the nose in from
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them out. and that's a major friend jill sample and sent for testing that turnaround time and testing is about one day or maybe 2 days. and that's really the gold standard for making the diagnosis. and now with the cluster that we're seeing, i think it is very important that if you have those symptoms that we get past. >> cdc is warning parents to make sure their children are up to date on all their vaccines. active shooter drills have become a new normal in schools across the country, including here in the bay area. but there's concern that it's causing some students to experience anxiety and depression. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace talked to one state lawmaker who is introducing a bill he believes can help. >> you're looking at a school shootings rely covered nearly 2 years ago at criminal area high school. it featured crisis actors lying on the ground and on tables pretending to be least with weapons and first responders
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simulating an on-campus evacuation of the wounded. all of it, something that someone number chris ward recognizes as a necessity to ensure students are prepared in an era when school shootings have become all too common. i have 2 kids in elementary school myself. we need to make sure that we're looking for security gaps are other ways to keep our community safe. he says, well, drills are rightfully focused on protecting students physically. he believes more attention must turn, turn sharing. the drills are not causing students harm emotionally. we should do a better job, really setting some parameters around active shooter drills so that they're not doing more harm than good. that's why he says he introduced assembly bill 18. 58 also known as the safe and prepared schools act. it will require school districts to set clear standards about how to conduct such drills and ensure the school community is made aware of the drill in advance something sacramento area student arianna williams said did not happen during to drill. she experienced at her high school. >> i had no clue if the lockdown was real or not. she spoke alongside war. but this recent press conference
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supporting his bill, the swat team filled the halls. the lockdown cause hysteria. i remember some of my classmates crying hyperventilating panicking. and all i could think to do is text my mom and tell her i love her. even some of the drills. >> have had some horrible and that sometimes way more of a turn them to each i think should be exposed to scenarios where they see victims lying around and think pools of blood for a simulated activity like an active shooter drill. it's important to run through that exercise but do so in a way that doesn't induce trauma. and that's why he says a major part of his legislation calls on schools to notify all students and staff about on campus mental health resources. he notes several studies, including this one from the georgia institute of technology showed nationwide up to 42% of students and staff reported an increase in stress. >> anxiety and depression after school shooting trail took place. we need to be prepared to make sure that we can keep our students, our
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staff and our in a safe space. >> and while we are still at the beginning of this year's legislative process, as of now, the bill has no formal opposition reporting at the state capitol. wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> coming up next in sports, the warriors in orlando taking on the magic's the back end of a back-to-back. erin wilson will tell us they could find the magic at before.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, the warriors won a second of a back-to-back tonight in the though they were trying to continue to out run the rockets, you know, and
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it chase for the playoffs and hold into play-in contention that they have right now, the 10 feet. so the golden state warriors were hoping to build off last night's win. but they'll have to, you know, go up against an orlando magic team that has been off for the last 3 days. talk about that. he dressed versus race rather 1st quarter here. the warriors up by 2 probably care right there drives and lays in a even count that one and the foul on andrew wiggins draymond green's to teed up right here for making contact. you can see him swipe at the refs for previous pounds, continues to serve as the referee, you know, ctsts as he's walking away and he would receive the second taking the call was then resulted in a cost that injecting him from the game and rain wants more injections. just 4 minutes into this one step visibly upset and frustrated with draymond the junction. but the show must go on a date for the warriors. they weren't going to that it takes to get the leading right nicely townsend drops and 3 there, all part of a 17 to 3 run since drummond's
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ejection at that point. 2nd quarter. now 10 point game for the warriors as they leave the wiggins, though he soars in the 2 hand jam there for the warriors to extend the lead to 12 3rd quarter. now warriors up by 8 step puts up a 3 of his own. he rams. gets the friendly bounce, barely get it in there. he hit that one for 3. it was actually his first of the night. meanwhile, 4th quarter. for years, they lead cut to 5 the way in there with the spin and the lay in and draws the foul. 23 points and 6 rebounds. 4 weeks. we need more of that out of him. wonder minutes ago, the doe's by 5, else? but the closer to close it, curry think the dagger 3 variances night night to orlando, 17 points and 10 assists for curry and the warriors. they won it 101 to 93. they'll head to charlotte for another one that they should be able to put in the win column against the hornets friday. now, welcome home. kyle smith is the dubs route cow smith in. >> after 5 seasons as the head coach at washington state
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smith returns to the bay area as the new head coach at stanford. now, kind of ironic because, you know, stanford, outgoing coach jared has was, you know, fired after losing the pac 12 tournament, too. you know this season. so smith, a washington state man wasn't a difficult choice for the former head coach. it usf wsu is in under or uncertain territory right now with no conference affiliate while stanford. on the other hand, they found a home in the acc and they have more resources been wsu. so it's a win for both the smith family and smith come he was actually there to catch up with smith in the press conference in well. with get to what he had to say after becoming the new head coach of the car. don't take a listen. >> how would you describe your actual grand a basketball on the court? >> winning try to win so it was like, well, we'll play a lot of ways but really starts with really emphasizing defense. been good defensively. got to tough and rebound, take care of the ball and that will give you an opportunity when every game if
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you get to those levels. so kind of starts there. then based on the personnel we get. and i think stanford stark has been really good size length and skills. so i think will be that type of >> all right. new head coach at that stand for. but bigger news, the warriors. yeah, ali, right tally up some winds right now. the lakers continue to find a way to win right now. they're in memphis trying to get another win and we don't wait that. like i dream on was chirping turned out. it was grand out of the person behind it. thanks to the man with the plan, but i don't know. but right now, you know, we were kind of when they go grab little bit more aggressive than sharpen, but will jalen. we're giving you a little a little leeway here. well, we need really taking effect all right, erin, thank you. thank you.
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>> all right. a new recall effort against governor newsom was approved by state officials the petition was submitted by the group called rescue california. the group cites the budget deficit public safety, immigration and education as reasons for this latest attempt, californians rejected the last recall back in 2021 by a 61 to 38% margin. >> housing measure a measure vetoed by san francisco. mayor london breed was overwritten by the city's board of supervisors. the measure introduced by supervisor aaron peskin protect some of the city's neighborhoods from being turned into a high-rise housing city officials voted 8 to 3 to override the mayor. tuesday's san francisco can still build much-needed housing, but it won't be able to do it in some neighborhoods like the north, the east waterfront or jackson square, historic districts. soe residents say it's a hard call either way. >> we definitely need housing. and if it. takes a toll at the
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charm of the city, the and that's and that's not what we want to obviously is a native san francisco's. but >> i mean, there has to be a a solution to it. i i don't have one. >> the mayor called the supervisor's decision. a setback in the city's push to build more housing. the hunters point tennis courts are back open in the city. the courts for dedicated almost 40 years ago by tennis legend arthur ashe. >> more than $270,000 raised by nonprofit san franciscans for sports and recreation and the u.s. tennis association went toward upgrading for tennis courts. there. >> you're going to play tennis. i guess you might want to bring your umbrella one nil up. can run around and hit the ball? look at that shot or that looks really dreary till next if you're thinking about tennis, maybe little scuba diving out there. why not a little swimming, but yeah, the rain and falling around the bay area now and it's going to pick up as we head through the
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evening. showers now just really begin to move in the main cold front. still yet to come. but out there right now toward the golden gate bridge, you've got some scattered light showers at this time. kind of wrapping up, though, as we head through the night tonight, finally turning the showers after midnight again. and then partly cloudy. tomorrow, see a mix of sunshine, a few clouds and a chance of a widely scattered shower. but a stronger storm bearing down on the bay area. i think that's going to check the bay area as we head toward friday. right now. you've got that cold front swinging through right now. behind that. you can already see that batch of clouds coming across the pacific. that's going to be that next storm. that will be much more impactful as it heads and toward friday. but now the rain falling around and you can see most begin to move into the north bay to more. the showers popping up there as well and starting to intensify a bit. so we're going to watch out dropping as we head through the night tonight tomorrow, just some widely scattered showers around the bay area. but see that another batch of green. that's the storm that will intensify. and roland, just off the coastline as we head in toward friday because the center of that low so close likely to see some very gusty winds, at least along the coastline, maybe some 40 45
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mile an hour gusts out toward the coast could bring down some trees or some power lines going to watch very closely. showers continuing, possibly thunderstorms on saturday. more snow, of course, over the high country. slight chance we might see a shower or 2 on easter sunday. then we start to clear out your skies. weather looking good behind that looks like we'll dry things out the first week of april. but right tomorrow going to kind of off and on. we're going to see some sunshine in between the clouds. if you're lucky, maybe a rainbow temperatures, cool 50's and some low 60's next couple days back to some wintry weather. think fairly strong storm for this time of year on friday. chance of thunderstorms on saturday. i want pick case you're interested hosting an epic egg venture this saturday at frontier land park from. >> 12 noon to 03:00pm organizers are inviting kids ages 0 to 10 for con games. food right? they do ask you to bring your own bag basket or bucket for this egg hunt adventure. a new cadbury bunny has been crowned and it's not your typical fluffy bunny
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rabbit meat looming. the raccoon from miami. louis is the first of his kind snagged the was chosen for from the 6 annual cadbury bunny tryouts. >> 2 year-old louis will star in the 2025. cadbury bunny tryouts commercial. the pet raccoon was rescued by his owner in 2021. after being deemed unfit to live in the wild. so yes, to hang out at home. >> coming up, we've got a mega millions winner they're not in california. we're going to tell you who that lucky tell you who that lucky person. it is.
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this van just . i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team. they took care of me like a . i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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>> a lucky winner. new jersey won the record. 1.13 billion dollar mega millions jackpot. meantime, somebody in la county match all 5 match 5 rather of the 6 mega millions numbers and that person won more than a million dollars. even though the mega millions billions dollars jackpot is gone. don't fret. you have another chance to win big tonight. powerball jackpot is worth an estimated 865 million dollars. >> well, you might see these mysterious sea creatures next time you go to the beach and they are called the layla but also known as a by the wind, the sailors, the jelly fish like creatures are known for their beautiful blue hues and some of been spotted on beaches all around the they can sting, though. so you don't want to touch him. experts say generally, though, they're not considered dangerous, gets its nickname by the wind sailors because their only method of transportation is to catch a sea breeze. pretty. they look
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like glass sculptures. will somebody is picking them up. so and that stock and is now in dr. >> that wraps up kron 4 news at 6 e at 10.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: bridge phobia. >> a growing number of people terrified of driving over bridges.>>


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