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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  March 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 where we're looking at a wet and windy start to the easter weekend as rain showers continue to move over the bay area here's a live look at downtown san francisco off there in the distance. you can see that through the rain droplets on the lens. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. we're tracking some potential thunderstorms. even some small hail this
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weekend. >> we have team coverage tonight. kron four's gayle ong live in half moon bay with a look at the conditions on the coast. but first, we're going to check in with our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow in the weather center for a look at the forecast was an act day active day. it's been that's for sure. the cold front coming through. >> at that steady rain, the gusty winds. now we're getting the back side of that. and so you're starting to see the instability, showers and possibly thunderstorms rising up out there right now. you've got some clouds, a few more bands of rain begin to move back in along the coastline. and there's going to be that chance of thunderstorms throughout the night tonight and tomorrow as well. look at that swirled just off the coastline. beautiful looking storm that has been rolling on through throughout the day, bringing with it that band of moisture some heavy amounts of rain for quite a while and then begin to taper off just a little bit now. but you're going to see this coming bands as we head through the night tonight. in fact, you see some of those bands moving on shore right now. some of that heavy rain making its way in the santa cruz mountains and the monterey bay. and that will be the case throughout the night tonight with the possibility of some thunderstorms embedded in some of the cells that are
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moving on by. so you see some of that rain moving on through right now for that on the way as we head through the evening and you see some of the areas you see the yellow spots in there, you can see some building towers, maybe some accumulating towers. and that means maybe some thunderstorms rolling on through. in fact, you see some heavier downpours in the toward the monterey bay. you can see just the gore right now, some heavy rain there. they're looking for the possibility some flooding right now in places like a carmel, monterey, pacific grove and seaside, as they've seen a very heavy band of rain moved through. there, started to turn the showers now. but there is even a threat of of funnel clouds and waterspouts along the coastline. earlier this afternoon, winds have also been an issue. they've been gusty at times. in fact, we're still seeing some of those winds out there. and if you get caught underneath a thunderstorm, you can see some very strong gusty winds, too. so a high wind advisory in effect until 5 o'clock in the morning on saturday, especially over the mountain tops. you can see some gust of 40 50 miles per hour course that could bring down some trees. it's more power outages. guys, back to you. all right, lawrence, thank
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said goal now to half moon bay kron four's gayle ong is there with a look at the conditions on the coast galle. >> yeah, can i just a moment ago about that? another band rain just moved through this area. it was actually pouring just a minute ago now you can if you can probably tell my shot there, some sunshine here. so this is that type of weather. you think we're done with the rain? no, not really. so you want to keep your eye to the sky. keep your eye on the forecast because i have seen showers on and on today. so i was here right here around 12, 30. that's when we start to see some light rain and then that activity started to intensify around one to 02:00pm. that's what i saw. the heaviest bands of rain moved through earlier in the afternoon. but people were enjoying themselves out here along the coast as some people also have to work. >> we went to work that but there's rain or whatever it is. you know, work out.
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>> i can about it because rain what we need. a lot of event. one of the like that, we have to send them are. >> and back here live, you see i have the sun shining on me right some clouds are giving way people are coming out for their evening walk. they have their umbrellas on hand. people are walking their dog. but again, you know, still some unsettled weather out here. so it has been i have seen cleared. i thought it was dry then rain will just before it. so that's what i'm seeing right now out here. just keep it safe on the roads, especially with that rush hour commute yet that is the situation. how year it's beautiful out here. but is that you keep your eye on the sky for that unsettled weather. i live here in moon bay, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> gail, i noticed you are at barbers fish trap talking to a gentleman there they have. but delicious clam chowder or recommend go get warm have some of that always looking at the oh, yeah. haha.
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>> new at 6, a san jose police have identified the man involved in an early morning shootout with officers as 45 year-old john gal. drudge. it happened just before 5 this morning at a home along lake avenue near ross avenue. police say that ridges relative reported that the man was under the influence of alcohol and pills and was exhibiting suicidal behavior while holding a gun. officers say that they try to negotiate with him, but that the man fired first at the officer or the police drone rather. and then at the officers prompting to the officers to fire back. nobody was hurt. assistant chief paul joseph credited the officer's training and a bit of luck. person that is not mentally stable, armed with a firearm in a public location is a very, very dangerous situation. and we're fortunate that in this case nobody was hurt. >> san jose police shared this picture of the handgun. they say the man was holding. police say called ridge had 6 handguns registered to him.
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family of a man hit and killed by a garbage truck in san jose earlier this year is now suing the recycling company that owns that truck for. >> wrongful death. the crash happened at the intersection of elm street and mckendree street just south of san jose airport. police say the victim was crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk when the truck owned by green waste recovery made a turn and hit him. police say the driver of the truck did stay at the scene. the lawsuit alleges that the truck didn't stop at a stop sign but instead rolled through it. and then after hitting the victim from behind, ran over his body, san jose police say they are still investigating that crash. >> the u.s. naval ship named after the late civil rights icon and san francisco's first openly supervisor. harvey milk is in the bay area for the first time the u.s. and asks harvey milk docked at the port of san francisco earlier today. but it's a rival also brought out a large group of protesters who say the ship is going overseas to israel and 8 israel in the war there. the
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u.s. navy would not confirm and exact destination for the supply ship. only that it is going to the middle east. kron four's rob nesbitt was at the protest. he joins us now live in the city with what happened from. ken and vicki. the protest blocked part of the american darrow and san francisco behind me today. >> those who took part say that the man the ship is named after would never stand for its first mission. the ceasefire protests have happened all over the bay area the last 6 months on friday, piers, 30 32 in san francisco where the side of the most recent calls for an end to the war in gaza. >> causing traffic to be rerouted along the embarcadero. there's been a different, a diverse array of different tactics. reviews. >> and showing up to block stuff from happening is time. sometimes it's necessary. >> even if the cause inconvenience, the navy ship docked at the pier. the usns harvey milk is the reason for the signs and the ship named after the first openly man to
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be elected to public office will have its first mission to the middle east. according to the u.s. navy, ship is literally called harvey ship, which is ridiculous. how remote doesn't end that spot for rights and was killed. >> as elected so i don't know why they would have programs name like that. while the navy did not give a specific location will seem haws from the arab resource organizing center says it will be going to the gaza strip to 8 israel raging. it's unacceptable that after 6 months of israel's genocide, 35,000 killed including 12,000 children. >> this city would host a vessel. that is going to go continue to support israel's war against the people of gaza. former house speaker nancy pelosi was among several city officials attending a ceremony on the ship friday driving away shortly after protesters showed up, many protesters tried to scale the piers fence despite warnings from police at least 10 demonstrators made it all the way to the steps of the ship.
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san francisco police say 14 people were arrested for trespassing. we need elected officials to take the situation seriously to take peace seriously. and to join global calls for a cease-fire. the protest lasted for about 2 and a half hours and then demonstrators dispersed and traffic was able to continue along the embarcadero as normal before the busy evening commute reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> all right. thank you, rob. a one-day operation resulted a 54 arrests in san francisco's tenderloin district. >> pictured here, just some of the 600 grams of narcotics seized during the arrest. police say of those arrested on wednesday. 34 people were wanted fugitives. officers say many arrests were related to possession of controlled substances and possession of stolen property. adding that these operations around un plaza, another targeted areas are going to continue for the foreseeable future. another
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issue on a united flight coming out of sfo. that plane, a boeing triple 7, 2, 100 was on its way to paris last night when it was forced to divert to denver due to an issue with one of its engines. the plane did not declare an emergency landing did land safely. the f is investigating. >> in san francisco, the sf mta teamed up with supervisor matt dorsey and the giants to build safer streets near the ballpark. today they unveiled the 3rd street quick build project. it's supposed to make walking biking and using scooters around 3rd street between townsend and the lefty odu bridge safer sfmta also moved to bike share station right in front of oracle park and added rex. it fit more than 100 bikes. >> local health officers are joining together to warn residents to make sure that they and their kids are vaccinated against measles.
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this is the number of measles cases continues to climb here in the bay area and across the world. harper's dan kerman reports measles is making a comeback in the united states with the centers for disease control reporting. 97 confirmed cases so far this year. >> in more than a dozen states, including california. >> the people really need to worry the build unvaccinated or undervaccinated including babies under 12 months. he can get the vaccine. and that's moment. so. >> now bay area health officers are advising residents to make sure they and their kids get the 2 dose mmr vaccine. if they haven't. already, kids are required to have that before entering and the first doses a little after a year. and then the second dose, given a few years later at confers, we believe lifelong immunity. san francisco health officer doctor susan philip says >> the majority of cases are linked to overseas travel
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where measles outbreaks are more common francisco and the bay area such a hub for visitors coming in and for our residents going out traveling and then returning that we want to take this opportunity to really remind people about measles and the fact that we can prevent with vaccine into courage them to do that. measles symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose and pink eye followed 2 to 4 days later by a rash. and while cases can be mild, they can also lead to hospitalization and death. can take several weeks actually you're well again. >> you can get post measles complications like pneumonia, middle infections and the complication is brain swelling on supply kits. so those are reasons not to want to get results. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> cases of whooping cough are exploding at a marine county high school out of the 113 cases record recorded so far
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county wide. 65 of them are linked to pie is high school tell will pay. students say they're doing their best to try to stay healthy. >> because the school has a lot of students. and when classes has 32 kids, which has a high chance of me getting whooping cough. >> i think everyone should just stay home if you have cough or sort of. >> hooping cough can be deadly to babies 2 months or younger because they haven't been vaccinated yet. health experts believe the rise and hooping or whooping cough cases tends to happen every 3 to 5 years because that's when the strength of the vaccine starts to wane. coming up, the driver comes close to tragedy during a road rage shooting in hayward. and the whole thing was caught on camera. >> take closer look. plus why dungeness crab season is wrapping up earlier than usual this year. >> estate pilot program aiming to help low-income californians have access to fresh fruits and vegetables could soon run out of money.
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capitol correspondent wa
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>> this just in from sunnyvale. rescue crews say a driver got trapped inside this car after it went off the road. police say the crash happened about 3.30, this afternoon on central expressway over north wolf. road firefighters had to cut off the car's roof to rescue the driver who did make it out with non life-threatening injuries. and it's a reminder to slow down on the roads when it's raining out there. first, chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with a look at the what to expect. yeah, boy, lot of rain around the bay area. some heavy rain, ponding out there on the
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roadways. that's what's going to play out tonight. >> even though we're past the main cold front. now things are more scattered about and you can see some of these thunderstorms roll through drop a tremendous amount of rain in a short amount of time, high country where they're going to be digging out from all the snow that's been coming out. here's a live look out there right now. you see the snow. it's coming down in the high country and plenty of a boy. it is tough getting up there right now. they're chain up both ways on 80 50 now, as we're seeing a lot of that snow rolling on in the high country, up in the tahoe and boy, all the ski resorts of many places have already got about 10 inches or so. they're going to get a lot more overnight tonight and tomorrow to this all part of that same weather system that's been rolling through the bay area. see that low just kind of spinning off the coastline right now and senate, all that moisture to sierra nevada. and that's where it's all turning into snow. so so what kind of we're talking about? 354500 feet for a springtime. that's pretty low level. and so you can see some heavy snow. they're seeing that right now in some gusty winds to go along with that. i think it's going to be a real rough drive if you're planning to go up there right
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now, i would wait till tomorrow if you can. at least that becomes more scattered snowfall, maybe one to 2 feet of snow above 5,000 feet or so and maybe upwards of 3 plus feed as you get across some of the higher peaks. so they're already seeing some problems are traveling up there right now. chains. you bet. and of course, gusty winds to go along with that. the high country, western of the sierra nevada winter storm warnings are staying up. not only tonight but all the way through tomorrow and all the way through the end of the sunday. just about so the entire holiday weekend. you're going to be dealing with some weather up there. and if you're not prepared for it, can get dangerous in the high country is going to see a lot of snow, especially for spring snowstorm. we'll see snow showers tonight and some wind to go along with that. some cold temperatures in the 30's too. and then on sunday, things begin to taper off a little bit. maybe couple lingering snow showers as well. by monday, we start to clear out and get back to normal. but yeah, if you're headed up their rough go. if you plan on doing some easter egg hunt out there, i recommend painted aig's right now. i would go with white ones out there in the middle, the snow because you may not
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see. it tells a good summer. good tip for mistake. look at that time. it's gotten to look. i'm ready. i'm ready for the nice lowry everything arab spring all our, you know, relief. i know you were in 6. >> developing news tonight, the eastern seaboard largest crane was brought to the baltimore bridge collapse site to help clear away the debris. >> the crane is one of 4 that will be on site by monday. officials say the submerged wreckage is surrounding the remains of the last 4 road. crew workers who fell into the chilly waters there when the bridge collapsed earlier this week. the debris has to be removed before divers can recover. the bodies. officials say that they they want to reopen the vital shipping a channel there and get poor traffic moving once again as california faces a multibillion-dollar deficit. state leaders of warns that there are difficult decisions ahead in order to try to close that huge budget gap as our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports for us
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tonight. >> one bay area lawmaker launched an effort that would continue to make sure that low-income californians have access to nutritious food. >> the trip to the grocery store and you'll probably notice produce and fresh fruits and vegetables are not cheap because of that for low-income californians, such grocery items cannot always be at the top of the grocery list. but there is one pilot program aiming to change that specifically for people on calfresh formally known as food stamps. here's how the pilot program works. calfresh participants who spend their money on fresh produce like these fruits and vegetables participating locations will receive a reimbursement to their calfresh accounts for the pros. they buy. >> up to. >> $60 a month in credit. the wind local grocers and waiting for families who can eat more fresh, fresh food. more fish is fit something member. alex lee has supported this special food investable pilot program since its launch one year ago. now, one year later, data from february shows the program is
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up and running at about 90 participating markets across the state impacting 43,000 households or about 75,000 people. but there is an issue this special program providing extra money for produce is set to run out of funds and pause indefinitely in mid april. that's why lee is calling on the governor and legislature to keep the program alive with a 30 million dollar budget ask while his request comes during a year when the state faces a multibillion-dollar deficit, he believes the program can and should be funded comparison of scale, 30 million dollars out of a 260 billion dollar budget is still not. >> the boost money. it's a relatively small amount. and i think we can find some room to sweep around like this. that really is having great achievements and metrics. what we have with this program is something that's highly successful, reduces hunger improves health and supports california agriculture eliza gus's whisper one of several nonprofit organizations advocating to keep the program
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funded. his concern that the program is not extended. people will have more difficulty. >> eating affording healthy food and it's in the governor's power. to prevent that from ending grocers. a participating location say the pilot program has made an impact for their customers. >> food is medicine. you know, we the health care. we eat a healthier we are and the fewer doctor's appointments we need later in life. once it ends, i think it's going to be devastating for a lot of people. >> because having those additional $60 means have been put the table. >> and we reached out to the governor's office to ask whether he intends to fund this program in his upcoming budget. but we did not hear back as of news time reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> the commercial crab season will be ending april 8th for most of the california coastline because of the return, an increase in humpback whale activity. fishing will be prohibited from the sonoma mendocino county line all the way to the mexico border restrictions will be in place to limit the
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amount of fishing north of the sonoma and mendocino county line. >> for the first time in the history of greece, voters even living here in california will now be able to vote by mail in upcoming eu elections this june, the country's representative is here in the bay area get the word out. >> this issue is very dear to our hearts. >> why? because as you know, greece has a intense just has many expats around the globe and their permits request has been make it easier for us to vote. minister nicky a dose says that for a country like greece it it's a question of democracy. >> and how to make elections fairer and more accessible to voters. the deadline to sign up at that country's platform is april 29th. coming up, the deadline to file your taxes is getting close. a new tool on the irs is urging you to use. >> to get your taxes done quickly.
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>> walk is picking the filing deadline for your income tax return is less than 3 weeks away. but the irs says it can help for many taxpayers. the irs is a new tool called direct file might fit the bill. it is the government's new tool that is meant to make filing your taxes simple and cheap. federal officials are encouraging people to see if they qualify for what they call easy to use service. >> the tool that allows americans with simple tax returns. this in 12 states to be able to file their taxes to
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a w 2 other forms of income like stock or rental income cannot be reported with direct file. you have until april 15th to file your taxes. still ahead on kron for news at 6 body camera video out showing a deadly shooting involving a sunnyvale police officer and a half naked suspect allegedly holding a knife. >> we'll break down the video and where that investigation will go from here. plus a theater in orinda says it's going to shut its doors a few days out of the week because the power bill is too high. we're going hear from the owner and more on the biden administration's push to try to create a new student loan to create a new student loan forgiveness program after
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>> yeah. that rain was felt all over the bay area today and it's going to apparently keep rolling right on through the weekend. and it's a big weekend for some families easter, a gathering festivities planned. but as kron four's terisa stasio tells us the storms. i put a damper on those plans. >> it was a wet one on this friday. it's a break right now, but it is expected be a wet one throughout the entire weekend, although some people are not very happy because it is going to put a bit of a wrench in their plans. others say it's just fine. >> from canceled egg hunts to postpone softball games due to a soggy field. the rainy conditions throwing a wrench in some weekend plans. all right. a little bit. but we love it. we need it. it's no


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