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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  March 30, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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m is here. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. : thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as i go into the wild. >> now on the kron, 4 morning news. overnight fire leaves 2 people injured and at least 9 people displaced in san francisco. we're live at the scene with details. and
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governor gavin newsom wants to install high-tech cameras in the east bay for safety. the reaction from some oakland council members. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday march 30th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar and it's a wet one this morning day that it is. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we're not done with the rain even though it looks like in the morning hours we're going to see really taper off and maybe even some spots the skies start to open up a little bit as we approach around midday and shortly there afterwards. but there's yet more to come as we do all of this. it's going to be very spotty going forward. that's going to be a little bit of a tricky side. checking radar out. real quick. looks like there is actually a patch that trying to develop a little bit, upthough, says bubbling up a little bit from the coast in our general direction. however, i don't think it's going to be a direct impact so
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it's fair to say for the most part, we're looking at some tapering off rain for the next maybe 4 to 5 hours. there's a look at the east bay shoreline. you still see quite a bit of cloud cover. that's at work. let's going in motion lies this a little bit. there you see. it's not a direct hit towards this is kind of going up and around us now that low, that's what's really driving our weather remember is cold core is providing instability and lift. that's the name of the game at daytime heating. and that's where things may start to get interesting. here's a look at our winds are kind of offshore for right now. we talk about offshore as being problematic. it's not in this case. it's just the direction where the winds are coming from. synoptic lee, at least 40's on the board. for the most part, we've got 50 going on for half moon bay and temperatures will be somewhat contained because of the cloud cover at all. 2 o'clock there you see showers redeveloping and that will come with some thunder showers in the east and the south bay, particularly that's where look to be the flare up today, which is somewhat reminiscent of kind of the same kind of ball game we had last saturday, a little bit of everything. maybe some breaks of sun, some showers here and
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there on off on off rain. and we have more on this coming up in just a bit. all right. thank you. >> breaking overnight, san francisco fire crews responded to a fire impacting at least 2 buildings and multiple cars. kron four's. tiffany justice is live at the scene with the latest. tiffany, what are you seeing? stephanie? we are able to get pretty close to the fire that was burning throughout the morning. crews working. >> throughout the morning hours to put that fire out. it was a 3 alarm fire. you can see some of the smoke damage and flame damage from and on the building right behind us. that is the building that has been impacted by this fire. this building is a multi residential building. we're being told. we're also being told at the scene here there's being a fire watch being taking place right now, meaning that crews are keeping an eye on the building and making sure there are no hot spots in there. now, we do want to show you some from san francisco fire when you can
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really see the flames of this fire spewing out of the windows in the buildings, they say that multiple cars and 2 structures were involved in this fire. i'm also being told the damage is extensive 2 people were also taken to the hospital with minor injuries. we're told smoke inhalation and the american red cross assisting 9 people who were displaced this fire. now, this large fire broke out just before 2 o'clock this at julian wise between 15th and 16th street. the initial call came in as reports of a fire spreading from cars here on the street to the buildings. but the fire department told me this morning that they are not quite sure. they're still investigating the cause of this fire here at the scene. you can still see a lot of damage from those flames. and we're going to continue to gather more information here as well. 70 back to you. tiffany, thank you so much for your lives before. >> and this morning's fire
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happened about 24 hours after an earlier fire at saint john. the evangelist episcopal church. the first fire broke out just before 3 o'clock friday morning. no one was hurt. the church was not seriously damaged. well, easter services continue as scheduled. the cause of the fires remain under investigation. hundreds of high tech surveillance cameras are coming to oakland. it's part of governor gavin newsom's effort to fight crime in the city. kron four's philippe djegal has the details. >> oakland city councilmember dan kalb has been advocating for more surveillance cameras in neighborhoods bugged by crying and supports the governor's new plan type of pushing for freeway on-ramps and along our business commercial, our commercial business corridors. those are some of the places that we need those cameras, but there are other places as well over the coming months. governor gavin newsom says 480 high-tech surveillance cameras will be installed in the east bay to combat crime and violence. 290 are slated for
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surface streets in the city of oakland and another 190 along state freeways in the area. >> the first cameras to hit the streets are expected to be online within the next 30 days. kolb says they will not only help solve crimes, they may prevent them to if they feel that they can get caught because of the surveillance camera, then that would deter crime some of the crimes. absolutely. the governor's office says the california highway patrol has a contract with flock safety to install the network of cameras and they are supposed to improve identifying vehicles and license plates associated with crimes. in a statement, oakland mayor sheng thao says, quote, this new camera network will help us stop crime and hold more suspects accountable. but not everyone supports the governor's plan. the anti police terror project says considering the city and state's large budget deficits, the money used for the cameras could be better served. tackling homelessness and helping people land living
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wage jobs, co-founder cat brooks also says in the statement, quote, the cameras are most likely to be deployed in low-income neighborhoods were largely black and brown. people will be impacted. oakland is supposed to be a sanctuary city yet. we don't know who the data collected will be shared with. we should not be invading anybody's privacy. >> it's very important that all the cameras are installed on the public right away, not into people's living rooms. quite sure that is the case. the governor's office says the camera footage will not be disclosed to 3rd parties beyond state law enforcement. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> the family of a 19 year-old shot and killed by sunnyvale. police is speaking out the department meantime releasing the bodycam video saying they were forced to kill the man who was armed with a knife kron four's. dan thorn spoke with the young man's family. >> police say they tried to get 19 year-old emmanuel perez becerra to drop the knife when they responded to that mobile
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home park. but they say he refused. and that's when the unfortunate followed. emanuel's family says that he was a gentle young man and was struggling with his mental health following the covid-19 pandemic. >> off in a series of videos, sunnyvale police detail last saturday's deadly police shooting of 19 year-old emmanuel perez. but sarah descending on apartment public safety takes any loss of life. very seriously. officers say they were called to the plaza del rey mobile home park for a report of a man walking around naked, armed with a knife. edited video released friday shows police approaching the sarah and repeatedly telling him to drop >> viscera instead turned to an officer and began walking toward them while holding the the officer then opened fire.
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>> the discharge his duty weapon twice. >> striking the suspect. the police chief also rehealed sarah had called 9-1-1 on himself and was on the line when officers approached him, the dispatcher can be heard. also trying to get him to put the knife down. you drop. and the sarah's family tells kron 4. his death is a tremendous loss. they also say emanuel was truly a caring individual who was still healing from those pandemic impacts his opportunity to return to normalcy with his loving and supportive family is now gone. sonny bill's police chief would not comment on the actions his officers this is an active >> our department and the district attorney's office were still you gavin all the facts and i think would be premature for me give an opinion one way or the and to the investigation has concluded. >> the officers involved in that shooting have been placed on leave while an
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investigation is underway. emanuel's family is planning a vigil for next week in sunnyvale. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> san jose police identified the man involved in an early morning shootout with officers as john galland ridge. it happened just before 5 o'clock friday morning at a home along lee avenue near ross avenue. police say god ridges relatives said that he was under the influence of alcohol and pills and showed suicidal behavior while holding the gun. officers say they tried to negotiate with him, but the man fired at officers prompting 2 officers to fire back. >> person that is not mentally stable, armed with a firearm in a public location is a very, very dangerous situation. and we're fortunate that in this case nobody was hurt. >> san jose police shared this picture of the handgun. they say the man was holding. police say godrich had 6 handguns registered to him. the highway patrol is investigating a shooting in oakland friday morning on the macarthur boulevard on-ramp to
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5.80. this was just after 09:00am no one was hurt. police say the shooter was driving an older white model honda civic. police arrested 3 people in connection to thefts around the oakland estuary on march. 13th. the business on the embarcadero was burglarized. the business shared video of the break in with police officers recognize the suspects as people living on boats in the estuary officers searched 2 boats on thursday. they recovered the stolen items and arrested the suspects. police detained 2 people in connection to a shooting that killed one person near san francisco's union square. the shooting happened thursday night around 9.30, and the holiday plaza portion of the bart station off market street. police say they're trying to figure out what led up to the shooting. police arrested. 54 people in san francisco's tenderloin district in just one day. pictures show just a portion of what police say were 600 grams of narcotics seized
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during the arrests on wednesday. investigat investigators say of the 54 arrests. 34 people were wanted fugitives. sfpd also say the san francisco sheriff's office for their support in this operation. coming up here on the kron 4 morning news lawmakers launched a new effort to support a program. >> connecting low-income families with healthier food options. after the break, the biden administration says it's inching closer to another attempt at a student loan forgiveness plan. that still lie ahead. given a tracking a couple little swatch is that still remain here on radar. but good news is take a little break from the rain for later this morning. but looking for firing up with some thunder
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>> happeniny, chase center in san francisco host an easter egg hunt starting at 09:00am people can check out petting zoo arts and crafts stations and photos with the easter bunny can do that as well. that goes on until noon. the event is free. but organizers suggest you register to attend through eventbrite have fun. all right. taking a live look now from our mount tam camera. gorgeous view this morning at 7.14, you see the sun rise as well. hopefully the weather stays steady. what do you think? >> not really. but but you know what? soak up what you can that event. was that the morning? did you say where the hours for that? it looks like it starts at noon and that's where this is. it chase center chase center, ok? well, we do have some issues with some thunder showers developing late this afternoon. and it looks like it's going to favor
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the east and the south bay. you would know that from looking at everything now. but remember, this low was so close to us. it's what's driving instability and it's all about lift into different types of environment. that's what drives everything are a quick check. we also have some sunshine here to how about this of in the background downtown san francisco getting the skies to open. so we're getting that in the action. but there's our pesky low. and remember, it's cold core. so it provides the lift and you get daytime heating on top of this, which we're getting. so the atmosphere warms and it rises when it rises. it doesn't have time to mix with the rest. the atmosphere and starts to precipitate out in terms of rain. it warms continues to rise. but about well, we don't have our typical inversion that we always have temperatures go straight now when you go right up. so these balloons, these air pockets keep going up. they're producing those thunder showers. that's what we're really concerned about. this just means the possibility is there. we'll see the pop-up of a few thunder showers anywhere in that zone. doesn't mean you're going to get it. but let's try to kind of narrow this down a little bit. there's your
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daytime heating and just with the association, what looks like my happen, south bay peninsula, east bay right there about 4.30, with the daytime heating going on north bay. you may actually see some sunshine at that hour. so it's not to be the same for everybody at the same time. but because of this contrasts that we've got going on, potential steven sea water spouts out to sea, too. not unheard of ingthe winter months in the west coast. you see that a lot of southern california in december in january, so forth, but getting late in march, it's getting late long, the 2 for the winter months now. what happens on your sunday after a little shower overnight, we get daytime heating. looks like we're getting some of the development coming out of the sacramento valley potentially into the north bay to see a flare up briefly of a few showers. so we haven't put this to rest even on sunday, but i think it will have a better chance of of seeing morrison, less activity for sunday. then we will today. so again, not all clear, even though you see the sun coming out, looks like another puff of action going on here. offshore winds they referenced earlier. they'll hang for a
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little while. no wind advisory longer. but look what happens at the very end of this. yes, we now have high pressure that's going to build. there's the contrast again. the low departing the high pressure building. so we're going to see nicer warm-up early into next week. briefly, we've got mid day breaking those showers which we're getting afternoon showers and thunderstorms. east bay, south bay concentration tomorrow. we'll call it a few scattered showers at that and brief temperatures. mid 60's. well inland next week. what's going on here? sunny, dry and warm unsubtle late in the week when i mean warm talking mid 70's. it looks like by the time we get the middle of the week are a little bit better that matter. get back to today. just underscoring the chance of that flare up today. 61 san francisco, oakland about 62 65. meanwhile for san jose, there's the temperature map and a little bit warmer down to the south bay to provide energy for those thunder showers there. so just go up a little bit in the atmosphere, stephanie, and it gets cold directly that means any air that gets rises with this low in everything it goes in or
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environment can produces ice crystals for lighting and all that stuff or hail, too, is another possibility. got in a quick correction, too, for folks who are watching earlier about content chasen are actually starts at 09:00am. not able have this little break in the action. so that's good for the from the go. get the eggs that that's hours. >> in the afternoon things a little rough. so okay. but so hold on to those umbrellas. you okay. thanks so much, dave. one bay area lawmaker is launching an effort to keep funding for a pilot program connecting low-income californians to nutritious foods. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look. >> the trip to the grocery store and you'll probably notice produce and fresh fruits and vegetables are not cheap because of that for low-income californians, such grocery items cannot always be at the top of the grocery list. but there is one pilot program aiming to change that specifically for people on calfresh formally known as food stamps. here's how the pilot program works. cal first participants who spend their
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money on fresh produce like these fruits and vegetables participating locations will receive a reimbursement into their calfresh accounts for the produce. they buy. >> up to. >> $60 a-month incredible. the wind for local grocers and waiting for families who can eat more fresh, fresh food. more fish is fit something member. alex lee has supported this special food investable pilot program since its launch one year ago. now, one year later, data from february shows the program is up and running at about 90 participating markets across the state impacting 43,000 households or about 75,000 people. but there is an issue this special program providing extra money for produce is set to run out of funds and paused indefinitely in mid april. that's why lee is calling on the governor and legislature to keep the program alive with a 30 million dollar budget ask while his request comes during a year when the state faces a multibillion-dollar deficit, he believes the program can and should be funded comparison of scale,
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30 million dollars out of the 260 billion dollar budget is still not. >> the boost money. it's a relatively small amount and i think we can find some room to squeeze a program like this that really is having great achievements and metrics. what we have with this program is something that's highly successful, reduces hunger improves health and supports california. agriculture eli segal says one of several nonprofit organizations advocating to keep the program funded. his concern that the program is not extended. people will have more difficulty. >> eating affording healthy food and it's in the governor's power. to prevent that from ending grocers. a participating location say the pilot program has made an impact for their customers. >> food is medicine. you know, the healthier we eat a healthier we are and the fewer doctor's appointments we need later in life. once it ends, i think it's going to be devastating for a lot of people. >> because side having those additional $60 means have been put the table. >> and we reached out to the
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governor's office to ask whether he intends to fund this program in his upcoming budget. but we did not hear back as of news time reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> the biden administration is just one step away from finalizing a rule to replace the student loan forgiveness program struck down by the supreme court. that program was designed to erase the deaths of more than 40 million borrowers. our washington correspondent raquel martin brings us the story. >> the biden administration says it's inching closer to a second attempt to launch a widespread student loan forgiveness program. we're looking to move it this year. i'm looking being as aggressive as possible u.s. education secretary miguel cardona says the administration is moving ahead with a new plan. it would help borrowers not already covered by smaller existing forgiveness programs. we're going through a negotiated rulemaking process, which slower than the process that we took the first time. groups like the naacp are happy to
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hear progress a major concern when it comes to homeownership when it comes to building family generation. well, but who exactly stands to benefit remains unclear. the department of education's website says that the rule under review will include borrowers whose ballots is exceed what they originally borrowed >> or who first entered repayment long ago outlined think about what specific or if the noise as the naacp is pushing. the administration and not to leave anyone hanging. talked about pell grant recipient talk about camp was bars. we've talked about actual people who impacted by these rules. but adam kissel with the conservative heritage foundation delta, the new plan will make it far. maybe as many as a dozen states pulse to the education department. such large-scale loan forgiveness. >> just is not within what congress authorized cardona disagrees and is confident the new rule will hold up in court in washington. raquel martin. still ahead on kron 4 morning
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news. >> well, warnings about measles. recommendations from local public health officials.
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local health officers are warning residents about the dangers of measles. they say the number of cases continues to climb in the bay area and the world. >> measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. back in 2000. but now it's making a comeback with the cdc reporting. 97 confirmed cases so far this year in 17 states, including california.
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>> 90% of the cases that the cdc has identified nationally are are are coming in are imported from travelers from from other countries. but then because it is so easily transmitted, if there are people who are not vaccinated, kids or adults, that it can travel through a quite months. those people that have not yet been vaccinated. >> bay area infectious disease experts say what? >> well, while some measles cases can be mild, it can also lead to hospitalization and death. measles symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose. and pink eye followed about 2 to 4 days later by a rash. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, oakland international airport could be getting a name change. here's getting a name change. here's a suggestion next.
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga,
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an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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kron 4 morning news protesters in san francisco disrupt a ceremony for a u.s. navy ship. one group even chaining themselves to the gangplank. and a bay area shop owner has had it with thieves. the creative steps she's taking now to catch shoplifters. >> good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with dave spahr. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning. everybody actually seeing some cracks some sunshine work in the magic out of those skies. how about that will enjoy because it won't last all day today as some of those patches will be filled back up with cloud cover and rain to follow even
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some thunder showers while we're at it as well. >> that is a big spider from that perspective is invading my office as you can background anyway, what we've got going on on radar couple splotches appear out at sea here. but for the most part, the actual base not seeing much in the way of action if zooming further away. yeah. that collection you see or southwest. that's where the low is going to be hiding out in its going, provide the lift we need all day today for afternoon and evening. thundershowers sfo, just having some delays due to construction. 37 minutes or so. not too bad. you see the sun peering out there. the breakdown today calls it mostly cloudy, but they'll be some scattered showers and thunder showers in the east and the south bay looks like so putting it all together. that's what it looks like into motion. you can see the low is right in our backyard. that's why it's going to be a facilitator. once there's more energy in the atmosphere. in other words, if the situation were the same in the sun didn't come up. probably not much. what happened. just a stray shower. but when you add some of that heating, you sometimes can get some pockets of severity here. we've got 40's on the 50 going on at the
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half. moon bay in san francisco. 48 meanwhile for san jose and highs today lower to even some middle 60's on the board, so we'll walk through again, which can find out near term, but also the longer term forecast in your seven-day, stephanie. >> all the rain clearly did not watch that. spider out. thank you so much, dave. well, u.s. naval ship named after the late civil rights icon harvey milk is in the bay area for the first time. its arrival also brought out protesters who say the ship is going overseas to israel, the u.s. navy could not confirm an exact destination for us. only that it would be headed to the middle east and kron four's rob nesbitt was there for that demonstration. >> friday's protest blocked part of the embarcadero. those who took part say that the man the ship is named after would never stand for its first mission. cease-fire protests have happened all over the bay area the last 6 months on friday, piers, 30 32 in san francisco where the side of the most recent calls for an end to the war in gaza.
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>> causing traffic to be rerouted along the embarcadero. there's been a different, a diverse array of different tactics. reviews. ck stuff from happening time. sometimes it's necessary. >> even if the cause inconvenience, the navy ship docked at the pier. the usns harvey milk is the reason for the signs and the ship named after the first openly man to be elected to public office will have its first mission to the middle east. according to the u.s. navy, ship is literally called harvey ship, which is ridiculous. how remote doesn't and that spot for rights and was killed. >> as an elected official time. so i don't know why they would appropriates name like that. while the navy did not give a specific location will seem haws from the arab resource organizing center says it will be going to the gaza strip to 8 israel raging. it's unacceptable that after 6 months of israel's genocide, 35,000 killed including 12,000 children. >> this city would host a vessel. that is going to go
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continue to support israel's war against the people of gaza. former house speaker nancy pelosi was among several city officials attending a ceremony on the ship friday driving away shortly after protesters showed up, many protesters tried to scale the piers fence despite warnings from at least 10 demonstrators made it all the way to the steps of the ship. san francisco police say 14 people were arrested for trespassing. we need elected officials to take the situation seriously to take peace seriously. and to join global calls for a the protest lasted for about 2 and a half hours and then protesters dispersed and traffic along the embarcadero was able to move along as normal before the busy evening commute reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. the oakland airport could change its name in a move officials say could help boost the airport's global visibility to travelers. >> right now the facility goes by metropolitan oakland international airport. that's
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a long name. well, the port of oakland commissioners wants to change it to san francisco bay, oakland international airport. they say airport ak and any visual branding would not change. the commissioners are set to consider the name at a board meeting mid april. all right, taking a live look now at sfo. the united flight that took off from the airport headed for paris. well, that was forced to divert to denver. united says the flight had an issue with one of its engines. the plane did not declare an emergency landing and was able to land safely. the plane was a boeing triple 7 in a statement to kron 4, the faa said, quote, due to recent safety events, the faa is increasing oversight of united airlines to ensure it is complying with safety regulations, identifying hazards and mitigating risk and effectively managing safety. a recent report from the state shows that in 2022 31% of all gun homicide victims in california were
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black. 50% were hispanic or latino. now, health health expert at uc davis are using a 3 million dollar grant to fund gun violence research. the university's health department says the funds come from a nonprofit aimed at finding potential solutions to gun violence and disproportionately impacted communities. let's get business owner is fed up with burglars so much so that she's now posting their pictures on her store, social media page. the store is called raising 9. they've been selling secondhand and locally made vintage clothing since november 2022. but in that short period of time, the owner says she's seen a lot of shoplifting. she says 75% of shoplifters are people who live in los gatos. saratoga area. she says the majority of shoplifters are grown adults. and before she would share their images on the door of her business, a so-called wall of shame. as you just saw there. but it has not stopped the problem. so she's now putting their pictures online. this is the only thing that i
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can do again for myself. at this point. i don't really care what anyone says outside. if they're against it because they're poland's paying the bills. you know. >> the store owner says she's gotten both good and bad responses on her decision to put those shoplifters on blast. and in some instances, she says the shoplifters have actually even come back to return. those stolen items. a 9 year-old northern california boy decided to take his mother's car to drive himself to school in the process. he led chp officers on a short pursuit. as you just saw there, even backing into an officer's car. at one point, this happened in oroville up in butte county earlier this week. officers say no one was hurt. no citations were given. the family of a man hit and killed by a garbage truck in san jose last month is now suing the company that owns and manages the truck. the crash happened at the intersection of elm street and mckendree street near san jose
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airport. police say the man was crossing the street when the truck owned by green waste recovery made a turn and hit him. police say the driver of the truck stayed at the scene. the lawsuit alleges that the truck did not stop at a stop sign, but instead rolled through it, hitting the man from behind and running over his body. jose police are still investigating. and a reminder to slow down on the roads during this wet weather. crews say they rescued a driver out of this car after it went off the road in sunnyvale friday afternoon, firefighters had to cut into the car's roof to rescue the driver who did make it out safely. and the commercial crabbing season ends april 8th for most of the california coastline because of an increase in humpback whales, fishing will be banned from the sonoma mendocino county line to the mexico border instructions go in place to limit fishing north of the sonoma and mendocino county line. and new digital mobile radio system in sonoma county is making it easier to communicate during disasters. the county is training people
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on how to use 500 handheld radios in some of those devices will be installed in county, owned cars. others will be given to police and deputies part of the funding for the system came from the pg and e settlement money from the 2017 sonoma complex fires. the clock is ticking filing deadline for your income tax return is less than 3 weeks away. but the irs says it can help for many taxpayers. the irs is new tool direct file might just fit the bill for you. it's a new government tool meant to make filing your taxes simple and free taxpayers in select states including california who have simple w twos and claim a standard deduction may be eligible. >> the tool that allows americans with simple tax returns this in 12 states to be able to file their taxes to the irs directly. >> the direct file program is for federal income taxes only and there is a version for spanish speakers. reminder you have until april 15th to file
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your taxes. soaring pg e bills are forcing the orinda theater to close 2 days a week. the theater's owner says there pg e bill last month was more than $6200. that's more than 2 grand. it's more of this to grant more than usual. the event is the utter can seat up to 750 people during chilly nights. heat is heat is required to keep the audience comfortable. the owner says the jump in costs is forcing them to close the curtains on mondays and tuesdays starting in april. >> obviously, you like to be open 7 days a week, but if you know, we can be opened and have lost every day, you know, to today's out of the week, you know, you'd pretty. pretty much in the last. >> the closures could be temporary. the owner says they will re-evaluate in the future. coming up here on the kron 4 morning news, the warriors look to continue their success on the road as they make a late push. >> to keep their playoff hopes alive. >> the next total solar
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eclipse is coming soon. all explain what it is and how you can experience this rare. an amazing phenomenon. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in tech. smart. i think it's another 20 years before another one happened the u.s.. so this is the last call for many. >> here's what looks like on radar, if you will, were seeing some breaks happening in the clouds right now won't last all day, though, more showers and thunder showers, showers and thunder showers, perhaps. but for more news.
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hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent. bounced from one doctor must be magic. to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music]
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healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> it's a total solar eclipse happening in the united states. and it's a chance to experience science in real life. rich demuro explains in today's tech smart. >> a total solar eclipse is happening on april. 8th 2024. and according to the scientists at nasa, not only is it a unique experience, it's also a learning opportunity. >> it's been 7 years since the last total solar eclipse in the u.s. and the next one won't happen until 2044. just an amazing moving experience. jason rhodes is a senior research scientist at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory. he says the earth is a rarity because the moon and the sun look about the same size in our sky. and so when the moon passes exactly in front of the sun, it's just large enough to block out the sun. and that's what we call a total solar
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eclipse. the natural event lets scientists study the atmosphere of the sun. but for the rest of us humans, it was really an amazing sort of life changing experience to watch the sun go dark and feel happened. all of a listen to the go silent because there are a bit confused. many will see a partial solar eclipse on april 8th. but if you're in the path of totality, which stretches from texas to the northeast will get the full experience, especially if the sky is clear. if you're going to look safety first. the important thing as the eclipse is coming, you want to wear special eclipse glasses that are going protect your once the eclipse happens and the totality happens, you can take those because the sun is blocked to early humans and eclipse was scary and unknown, understanding them and predicting when they will happen is a win for humanity. one of the things and understanding universe take allows us to create these technologies like gps, which
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take our lives a better and safer roads advice. just enjoy just being in the moment experiencing clips. look at and i can guarantee you you will remember it for the rest of your life, whether you have a picture of or not. >> now, i know he said to just enjoy it, but i'm sure that urged to take a picture is going to be there. so coming up in my next report, explain how to safely take photos and videos of the eclipse using your smartphone. >> i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> all right. taking a live look this morning at walnut creek traffic moving nicely at this hour at 7.45? well, kinda roadway conditions in terms of the weather we're looking at right now. >> right now, we're just taking a break from everything and it will fire up later. by the way, solar eclipses won't always be with us. and they weren't always hear either. just so happens to timing of astronomy when the civilization on planet earth
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from teller little stories we get told or solar eclipses spoke. he wasn't planned that way. just happened to happen that way. here's what radar looks like right now. you can see kind of getting a clear patch of the action until we get some daytime heating and then things will start to happen. it looks like in the south and the east bay. meanwhile, snow up in the mountains. this somebody, but there's t nice, fresh cut. a coating of snow is about the cover up the lessons here and off towards the distance there you can see this snow covered mountains do have a winter storm warning still in place until tomorrow at 11. now they don't see a whole lot happening. maybe a foot potentially with this. now, remember, this is always been a cold course know, unlike what we have from the other systems that were rolled, juicy and they were from the southern latitudes. well, the problem with that is you a lot of runoff and even melting good thing about this is you don't get as much runoff and we get to store more of it. so it may not be as impressive sounding there, but we get to keep a lot of that travel delays are difficult. now, keep that in mind. expect delays to the at night. here's the tahoe forecast for you. snow in the forecast tomorrow, clearing up monday into
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tuesday to notice that trend that will be repeated on the home front. there's the start of the show that low pressure is going to be a player all weekend and just like other low pressures have been when they're close at hand like this, they can drive a lot of weather. but this is not as wet at its predecessor was earlier in the season. you may recall because it's coming from the northern latitudes. it's just cold. it doesn't have as much moisture with it. and that's what drive instability to watch out for. so we get the daytime heating. this is what happens later on today. boom, right there. so we might see some thunder showers at work. this putt to potentially could be water spouts out to not unheard of this time of year, we lose the energy in the atmosphere. things cool off, settle down. let's fire up a few little stray showers up there in the north bay. but looks like a lot more son for your easter sunday. all right. the bigger picture is what we take care of this part of the traffic. we start to clear out a little bit and we look good for the early part of the week. nice warm up. there's a dry front that moves through wednesday, but by thursday, that's when i think there might be something worth noting here. got some
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showers working now. not going right off the next weekend entirely here. looks like things do improve. although sunday, there's another system look out for so again time you can always change on these things. today. 61 san francisco, 65 san jose, 62. meanwhile for oakland, there's your temperature map there. some middle 60's to be had about that extended. oh, yeah. nice little warm up. middle 70's that again becomes unstable towards the end of your forecast. and tomorrow he's all wound up there. stephanie, are easter bunny is going to go. yeah. he is ready to go an inch is on. you can see oh, yeah. i like kind of clown haha takes a lot. >> thanks a lot, dave. before your money starting september, 30th food will not count as a supplemental security income benefit. >> the social security administration issued that rule preventing food assistance from reducing payments to certain beneficiaries. right now support in the form of food, shelter or both may count as an earned income for ssi beneficiaries, reducing their payments or affecting eligibility for benefits.
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california's minimum wage for fast-food workers jumps to $20 but not everyone is happy with the wage hike. several franchises have started cutting jobs to offset the rising wages and mcdonald's and chipotle are already signaling prices will rise in response to the increased labor costs. the new law makes california's minimum wage the highest in the country. something to stores white as the clothes or operating on limited hours. this easter sunday, costco and sam's club will all be closed to some target locations will be open on sunday and whole foods stores stay open on sunday, but have limited hours. former forty-niners player needs your help. finding a missing piece of the team's history. chris washington now lives near phoenix and says he lost his super bowl ring while running errands and now it may be in the online market. we spoke with the former linebacker. >> was something i want to 1,
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and joy not. and you're looking to bring memories kuz both through most them grooves move. >> washington says if someone does find the ring, you will have a reward for them. this is still the sfmta teamed up with supervisor matt dorsey and the giants to improve street safety near the ballpark. they unveiled the 3rd street quick build project it supposed to make walking and biking around 3rd street between townsend and the left to go to a bridge safer. sfmta also moved a bike share station front of oracle park, adding rats that fit more than 100 bikes and various sports, the warriors continue look to continue rather the road when a streak as they take on the charlotte hornets. stephen curry led the warriors with 23 points. that was jalen green's first game back from his suspension. worriers would go on to win 115 to 97 over the state has only 9 games left in
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the regular season as they claim to their playoff hopes. >> and the giants on the road as their first year manager bob melvin takes on his old team in san diego by losing their first game. the giants bounce back with a big offensive game field are the newest members of the team chapman hit 2 home runs and drove in 5 rbi. >> the judge would go on to win 8 to 3 over the padres. the 2 teams play again this evening. first pitch is 7 for 15 san diego. the oakland a's still looking for their first win of the season. they took on the cleveland guardians and their second game. it's about to spite opens. jd davis getting his first 2 home runs of the season. the a's lose 64 and remain winless. >> according to mlb, oakland had less than 4,000 people in attendance for friday's game frustrations with the team's relocation plans. >> to las vegas. every women's basketball played their sweet 16 game last night against nc
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state in the 1st half of cardinal started off strong, taking a 10 point lead going into halftime after a tough 3rd quarter as the state came roaring back. take a 55 to 47 lead heading into the 4th quarter. stanford go on to lose the game. 77 to 67 ending their chances at a national title >> well, 4 continues. our celebration of the bay area's remarkable women and we are so excited to announce our winner. san francisco's very own peanut louie-harper as a pro tennis player turned nonprofit leader. she's teaching kids valuable character development skills through her organization. harper for kids. >> we just, you know, our program is free for schools. we just ask that, you they have commitment to character education. that bill implement a program it's really simple as just about, you know, however, they define success for themselves and it's pass it on to the kids and, you
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know, keep putting those positive messages in front of the kids and and reminding them that reallyh you know, all you can do is to your best in. we all want kids to just be the best person that they can be. yes, and as part of her when she >> got $1000 from kron 4 to continue her efforts with harper for kids. it was so lovely to tell her story. >> and congratulations again on being named. >> the winner of our remarkable woman search. she's got incredible story.
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>> the next powerball jackpot drawing is tonight. the prize is now worth an estimated 935
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million dollars. the cash value is about 452 million dollars. a lot of money there. the growing jackpot isn't just good news for people buying the lottery tickets. the california lottery says that they've also raised almost 63 million dollars for public schools. and the oakland zoo is expanding its flamingo flock 7 pink feather females from san diego are now part of the crew says the new additions encourage natural social behaviors such as flamboyance. >> which is a term used for a group of dancing flamingos. that's a fun fact. well, still ahead on the next hour of the proper morning news police are investigating what started a fire in the san francisco neighborhood. >> the flames damaging multiple cars and structures. and the family is speaking out after their son was shot and killed by san diego police. we have the details next. now on
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the kron 4 morning news. an overnight fire leaves 2 people injured and at least 9 people displaced in san francisco. >> we're live at the scene with the details. and governor gavin newsom wants to install high-tech cameras in the east bay for safety. the reaction from some oakland city council members. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm
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stephanie lin. >> it's saturday march the 30th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning day. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and let's take some of the rain is taking a bit of a break, but it's going to be back again this afternoon complements the daytime heating in the civil educator above us. this big area of low pressure. and that means it is going provide the chance of thunder showers really, for just about the entire state and on bordering states, in fact, as well. there's a live shot of what it looks like right now. not much across the bay for right now. most of the south will see are a little bit off to the sacramento valley and sunshine downtown about that to some high cloudiness. and that's providing some heating, as you can see. so there's the rotation of the low. it's the cold core low. so it's very cold upstairs. and that drives the contrast. member contrasts is what we look for. that tends to be a big weather driver. and that will be the problem later today, surface winds don't have a wind advisory in the longer, but they're pretty much single digits over this district. 47 oakland at this hour, 50 from the bottle. 47 44 going on for concord in antioch and 50.
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meanwhile, 4 san jose. so for the forecast today, those showers returning by mid-afternoon might even have some thunderstorm action or even some hail potentially with all that as well in the morning forecast and a bit, stephanie. >> breaking overnight, san francisco fire crews responded to a fire impacting at least 2 buildings and multiple cars. well, for tiffany justice is live for us now at the scene with the latest on this. tiffany. >> yes, stephanie, investigators at this time trying to determine what caused this fire crews working throughout the morning hours on this 3 alarm fire. well, in what looks to be a 4 story building, we're being told this is a multi residential building. we're also being told here on the scene there is now being a fire watch taking place. meaning crews are keeping an eye on the building, making sure there are no hot spots. now, this video being posted by san francisco fire earlier this morning when you can really
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see the flames of the fire spewing out from the windows in the building, they say that multiple cars into structures were involved in this fire. we're also being told the damage is extensive. 2 other people were taken to the hospital with minor injuries, smoke inhalation. the red cross also assisting 9 people who are displaced by this fire. now, this large fire broke out just before 2 o'clock this morning. a julian buildings as you guys can see. still here on scene fire still here, still trying to determine the cause of this fire. we're going to see here and gather more information for now. back to studio stephanie. tiffany, thank you so much for staying on top of that story. >> well, this morning's fire happened about 24 hours after an earlier fire at saint john. the evangelist episcopal church. the first fire broke out just before 3 o'clock friday morning. no one was hurt. the church was not seriously damaged. all easter services do continue as
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scheduled. the cause of the fires remains under investigation. and hundreds of high tech surveillance cameras are coming to oakland. it's part of governor gavin newsom's effort to fight crime in the city. kron four's philippe chagall brings us the latest. >> oakland city councilmember dan kalb has been advocating for more surveillance cameras in neighborhoods bugged by crying and supports the governor's new plan type of pushing for freeway on-ramps and along our business commercial, our commercial business corridors. those are some of the places that we need those cameras, but there are other places as well over the coming months. governor gavin newsom says 480 high-tech surveillance cameras will be installed in the east bay to combat crime and violence. 290 are slated for surface streets in the city of oakland and another 190 along state freeways in the area. the first cameras to hit the streets are expected to be online within the next 30 days. kolb says they will not only help solve crimes, they
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may prevent them to if they feel that they can get caught because of the surveillance camera, then that would deter crime some of the crimes. absolutely. the governor's office says the california highway patrol has a contract with flock safety to install the network of cameras and they are supposed to improve identifying vehicles and license plates associated with crimes. in a statement, oakland mayor sheng thao says, quote, this new camera network will help us stop crime and hold more suspects accountable. but not everyone supports the governor's plan. the anti police terror project says considering the city and state's large budget deficits, the money used for the cameras could be better served. tackling homelessness and helping people land living wage jobs, co-founder cat brooks also says in the statement, quote, the cameras are most likely to be deployed in low-income neighborhoods were largely black and brown. people will be impacted. oakland is supposed to be a
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sanctuary city yet. we don't know who the data collected will be shared with. we should not be invading anybody's privacy. it's very important that all the cameras are installed >> on the public right away, not into people's living rooms. quite sure that is the case. the governor's office says the camera footage will not be disclosed to 3rd parties beyond state law enforcement. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> the family of a 19 year-old man shot and killed by sonny bill police is speaking department. meantime, releasing the bodycam video saying they were forced to kill the man who was armed with a knife 0, 4, dan thorn spoke with the young man's family. >> police say they tried to get 19 year-old emmanuel perez becerra to drop the knife when they responded to that mobile home park. but they say he refused. and that's when the unfortunate followed. emanuel's family says that he was a gentle young man and was struggling with his mental health following the covid-19 pandemic.
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>> off in a series of videos. sunnyvale police detail last saturday's deadly police shooting of 19 year-old emmanuel perez. becerra descending on department. public safety takes any loss of life. very seriously. officers say they were called to the plaza del rey mobile home park for a report of a man walking around naked, armed with a knife. edited video released friday shows police approaching the sarah and repeatedly telling him to drop the knife. >> viscera instead turned to an officer and began walking toward them while holding the knife. the officer then opened fire. >> the discharge his duty weapon twice. >> striking the suspect. the police chief also revealed sarah had called 9-1-1 on himself and was on the line when officers approached him,
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the dispatcher can be heard. also trying to get him to put the knife down you drop. and the sarah's family tells kron 4. his death is a tremendous loss. they also say emanuel was truly a caring individual who was still healing from those pandemic impacts his opportunity to return to normalcy with his loving and supportive family is now gone. sonny bill's policecchief would not comment on the actions his officers this is an active >> there are department and district attorney's office were still you gavin all the facts and i think would be premature for me give an opinion one way or the and to the investigation has concluded. >> the officers involved in that shooting have been placed on leave while an investigation is underway. emanuel's family is planning a vigil for next week in sunnyvale. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> police identified the man involved in an early morning
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shootout with officers as john gallagher. ridge. it happened just before 5 friday morning at a home along lee avenue near ross avenue. police say go judges. relatives said he was under the influence of alcohol and pills and shows suicidal behavior while holding a gun. officers side said they tried to negotiate with him, but the man fired at officers prompting to police but to fire back. >> person that is not mentally stable, armed with a firearm in a public location is a very, very dangerous situation. and we're fortunate that in this case nobody was hurt. >> san jose police shared this picture of the handgun. they say the man was holding. police say gold which had 6 handguns registered to him. the highway patrol is investigating a shooting in oakland friday morning on the macarthur boulevard on-ramp to 5.80. this was just after 09:00am no one was hurt. police say that the shooter was driving a white older model, honda civic. police arrested 3 people in connection to steps around the oakland estuary on march. 13th, a business on the
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embarcadero was burglarized. the business shared video of the break in with police officers recognize the suspects as people living on boats in the estuary. officers searched 2 boats on thursday and they recovered the stolen items and arrested the suspects. police detained 2 people in connection to a shooting that killed one person near san francisco's union square. the shooting happened thursday night around 9.30, in the holiday plaza portion of the bart station off market street. police say they are trying to figure out what led up to the shooting. police arrested. 54 people in san francisco's tenderloin district in just one day. pictures show just a portion of what police say were 600 grams of narcotics seized during the arrests on wednesday. investigators say of the 54 arrests. 34 people were wanted fugitives as apd. also thank the san francisco's officer rather sheriff's office for their support in this operation. coming up on the proper morning news
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lawmakers launch a new effort to support a program aimed connecting low-income families. >> with healthier food options. and after the break, the biden administration says it's inching closer to another attempt at a student loan forgiveness plan potential roadblocks that still lie ahead. >> we're going to break in the rain and seeing some skies open up temporarily, although with cold air aloft, got to be careful. some thunder showers returning this afternoon. we'll have a look at that forecast that called for more news. good morning. welcome
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back to kron. 4 morning news and getting a nice little break in this rain. even seen the skies open up a little bit to get the atmosphere, all that energy it needs for some fireworks later on. >> this afternoon. all right. with stretch switching over to the picture we have for the east bay shoreline. yeah, some cloud cover stuck in this as well. but we do again see some patches of some sky and letting some sunshine peer through. this is what this severe prediction center says when they paint the maps for the whole u.s. and what all this light green means, the covers just about all of california, often to nevada. what that means is that scattered thunder showers, all the talk about their. it's not like their severity or whatever, although it's not impossible to get some of that. so what will really be looking for is some lightning potentially maybe some hail with this as well. but when you have a scenario like this with that cold core low like this, you can also sometimes get some water spouts out to sea. sometimes it can make landfall of actually seeing that happen one or 2 times. it's a possibility you can get
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that. that would just be like a local, bad storm that you get temporarily very, very, very, very localized inlets. what you can expect this afternoon. so in future cast for there, you have the opening up the skies. there's the afternoon action appears to be concentrated in the east. the south bay also a little bit. the peninsula so far the north bay is kind of getting by unscathed with this little overnight shower shore, some more sunshine tomorrow and maybe a few little showers watch out for sunday afternoon. but a lot less activity. it looks like on balance and we'll see again this afternoon. so even though you see the sun out, everything like that, it's not completely done. so just keep that in mind. here's a look at those winds kind of offshore. they are because that's where the low is into the 20's and relatively uneventful. as we go to easter sunday, it looks like for the most part and then we start to get into monday looking here for a county and napa counties that strong offshore wind develops as the change of the guard. it's going to be now high pressure takes over and we'll watch for temperature bump as well. so that's what the low leaving the high arriving. obviously, that drives the
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difference in the pressure is on the winds. midday break in. the showers are already getting that right now with some afternoon thunder showers east and the south bay. tomorrow, just crazy is kind of scattered showers for everybody. it looks like it might eclipse a little bit. the north bay, a touch mid 60's inland next week, sunny and dry to get things started than the latter portion of the week. by thursday. friday, it looks like the unsettled pattern returns from its summer type system that comes from the northwest. 61, san francisco, 62 oakland in 65 san jose. and it looks ominous. but we don't see light of thunderstorms that often. so just trying to drive home the point in the east bay, the south. but you may see some of that later on this afternoon. those temps in the board lower 60's 65. meanwhile, 4 san jose and we'll take a look at longer range forecast that some 70's on your summer reading. yeah, i know you love those. that's quite a lingering. thanks a lot, dave. >> well, that wet and windy start to the easter weekend as we just heard dave talking about the storm packed a punch on friday with heavy downpours slamming parts of the bay area. some people still got
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out and about in half moon bay, though, saying they actually enjoyed the sweater weather. >> have to work and training or whatever it is. you know, work out. >> but do rain what we need a lot of event, one of the like that summer. >> well, the heavy downpours are expected to come to an end pretty soon. but you can expect some showers as dave again, just mentioned throughout the weekend. happening today, chase center in francisco host easter egg hunt starting 09:00am people can check out live entertainment. a bunny petting zoo arts and crafts station and photos with the easter bunny themselves. and that goes on until noon. the event is free. but organizers do suggest that you register through event and one bay area lawmaker is launching an effort to keep a funding, keep funding for a pilot program connecting low-income
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californians to nutritious foods, capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a closer look. >> on the trip to the grocery store and you'll probably notice produce and fresh fruits and vegetables are not cheap because of that for low-income californians, such grocery items cannot always be at the top of the grocery list. but there is one pilot program aiming to change that specifically for people on calfresh formally known as food stamps. here's how the pilot program works. cal first participants who spend their money on fresh produce like these fruits and vegetables participating locations will receive a reimbursement to their calfresh accounts for the pros. they buy. >> up to. >> $60 a month in credit. the wind for local grocers and waiting for families who can eat more fresh, fresh food. more fish is fit something member. alex lee has supported this special food investable pilot program since its launch one year ago. now, one year later, data from february shows the program is up and running at about 90 participating markets across
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the state impacting 43,000 households or about 75,000 people. but there is an issue this special program providing extra money for produce is set to run out of funds and paused indefinitely in mid april. that's why lee is calling on the governor and legislature to keep the program alive with a 30 million dollar budget ask while his request comes during a year when the state faces a multibillion-dollar deficit, he believes the program can and should be funded comparison of scale, 30 million dollars out of a 260 billion dollar budget is still not. >> the boost money. it's a relatively small amount. and i think we can find some room to sweep around like this. that really is having great achievements and metrics. what we have with this program is something that's highly successful, reduces hunger improves health and supports california agriculture. the lies the gusts as one of several nonprofit organizations advocating to keep the program funded. his concern that the program is not extended. people will have more difficulty.
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>> eating affording healthy food and it's in the governor's power. to prevent that from ending grocers. a participating location say the pilot program has made an impact for their customers. >> food is medicine. you know, we the health care. we eat a healthier. we are in the fewer doctor's appointments we need later in life. once it ends, i think it's going to be devastating for a lot of people. >, because having those additional $60 means have been put the table. >> and we reached out to the governor's office to ask whether he intends to fund this program in his upcoming budget. but we did not hear back as of news time reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> the biden administration is just one step away from finalizing a rule to replace the student loan forgiveness program struck down by the supreme court. the program was designed to erase the deaths of more than 40 million borrowers. our washington correspondent raquel martin brings us this story. >> the biden administration says it's inching closer to a
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second attempt to launch a widespread student loan forgiveness program. we're looking to move it this year. i'm looking being as aggressive as possible u.s. education secretary miguel cardona says the administration is moving ahead with a new plan. it would help borrowers not already covered by smaller existing forgiveness programs. we're going through a negotiated rulemaking process, which slower than the process that we took the first time. groups like the naacp are happy to hear progress a major concern when it comes to homeownership when it comes to building family generation. well, but who exactly stands to benefit remains unclear. the department of education's website says that the rule under review will include borrowers whose ballots is exceed what they originally borrowed >> or who first entered repayment long ago outlined think about specific or if the noise as the naacp is pushing. the administration not to leave anyone hanging. talked about pell grant recipient
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talk about parent plus loan bars. we've talked about actual people who impacted by these rules. but adam kissel with the conservative heritage foundation doubts the new plan will make it far. maybe as many as a dozen states. we'll sue the education department such large-scale loan forgiveness. >> just is not within what congress authorized cardona disagrees and is confident the new rule will hold up in court in washington. raquel martin. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. more warnings about measles. the recommendations from local recommendations from local public health officials.
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okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and... oh, hi! have you tried tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try tide fabric rinse.
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. i love that. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection! italian herb for pasta... smoky chipotle for fajitas... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon! i would never show my teeth. never. i'd never smile. and it forces you into this submission of silence because you don't think that anybody is going to take what you have to say seriously. invisalign has changed my life forever.
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health officers are warning residents about the dangers of measles. they say the number of cases continues to climb in the bay area and the world. >> measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. back in 2000. but now it's making a comeback with the cdc reporting. 97 confirmed cases so far this year in 17 states, including california. >> 90% of the cases that the cdc has identified nationally are are coming in are imported from travelers from from other countries. but then because it is so easily transmitted if there are people who are not vaccinated, kids or adults, that it can travel through a quite months. those people
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that have not yet been vaccinated. >> bay area, infectious disease experts say that while some measles cases can be mild, it can also lead the hospitalization and death. measles symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose. and pink eye. follow 2 to 4 days later by a rash. with cases of whooping cough are surging at hamilton high school in marin county, out of the 113 cases reported so far county wide. 65 of them are linked to the mill valley school students say they are doing their best to stay healthy. >> does the school has a lot of students? and when classes has 32 kids, which has a high chance of me getting whooping cough. >> i think everyone should just stay home. if you have cough or >> whooping cough can be deadly to babies 2 months or younger because they have not been vaccinated yet. health experts believe the rise in cases tends to happen every 3 to 5 years because that's when the strength of the vaccine starts to wane. still ahead on
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the kron, 4 morning news, oakland international airport could getting a name change here. the suggestion next.
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>> now on the kron, 4 morning news protesters in san francisco disrupt the ceremony for a u.s. navy ship. one group even chaining themselves to the game plan. and a bay area shop owner has had it was steve's the creative steps she's now taking to catch
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shoplifters. >> thanks so much for joining us here on the kron 4 morning weekend news. i'm stephanie lin. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with dave sphar and dave waking up this morning driving into the station. it was pretty damp out there. >> yeah, that's going to kind of stay that way, too, because they were looking for another dose of rain coming our way probably into the afternoon hours. good to see that. most the east south base with chances of showers and some thunder showers firing up after we get some daytime heating. probably the north bay will be kind of spared from this is what it looks like. all the projections we have there. you have it on radar right now. a little bit of a break happening across much of the bay. maybe some light rain showers out to see a bit getting further away from home there. you can see where the source of the low is. and don't forget, it's one of those cold core lows from the gulf of alaska. sfo getting some sunshine here and there some minor delays occurring because of some construction and so though, firing up with some afternoon thunder showers could pose some little minor delays, too. few showers again firing up
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this afternoon. we're looking for mid afternoon lingering into the early evening with temperatures settling pretty much in the 60's. well, more on that forecast coming up in a bit. and looking ahead to what it looks like next weekend. there looks like another wet pattern coming our way towards the end of next week. stephanie? dave, thank you. >> a u.s. naval ship named after the late civil rights icon harvey milk is in the bay area for the first time. it's a rival also brought out protesters w going overseas to 8 israel. the u.s. navy did not confirm exact destination for that ship. only that it would be headed to the middle east was rob nesbitt. was there? >> friday's protest blocked part of the embarcadero. those who took part say that the man the ship is named after would never stand for its first mission. cease-fire protests have happened all over the bay area the last 6 months on friday, piers, 30 32 in san francisco where the side of the most recent calls for an end to the war in gaza. >> causing traffic to be rerouted along the
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embarcadero. there's been a different, a diverse array of different tactics. reviews. >> and showing up to block stuff from happening time. sometimes what's necessary. >> even if the cause inconvenience, the navy ship docked at the pier. the usns harvey milk is the reason for the signs and the ship named after the first openly man to be elected to public office will have its first mission to the middle east. according to the u.s. navy, shhp is literally called harvey ship, which is ridiculous. how remote doesn't and that spot for rights and was killed. >> as an elected official time. so i don't know why they would have programs name like that. while the navy did not give a specific location will seem haws from the arab resource organizing center says it will be going to the gaza strip to 8 israel raging. it's unacceptable that after 6 months of israel's genocide, 35,000 killed including 12,000 children. >> this city would host a vessel. that is going to go continue to support israel's war against the people of
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gaza. former house speaker nancy pelosi was among several city officials attending a ceremony on the ship friday driving away shortly after protesters showed up, many protesters tried to scale the piers fence despite warnings from police at least 10 demonatrators made it all the way to the steps of the ship. san francisco police say 14 people were arrested for trespassing. we need elected officials to take the situation seriously to take peace seriously. and to join global calls for a the protest lasted for about 2 and a half hours and then protesters dispersed and traffic along the embarcadero was able to move along as normal before the busy evening commute reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. well, the oakland airport could change its name in a move officials say could help boost the airport's global visibility to travelers. >> right now the facility goes by metropolitan oakland international airport. the port of oakland commissioners wants to change it to san francisco bay, oakland
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international airport. they say the airport ak and any visual branding would not change. the commissioners are set to consider the name at a board meeting mid april. all right. let's take a live look now at sfo. we know that a united airlines flight that took off from the airport heading for paris was forced to divert to denver. united says the flight had an issue with one of its engines. the plane did not declare an emergency landing and landed safely. the plane was a boeing triple 7 in a statement to kron 4, the faa said, quote, due to recent safety events, the faa is increasing oversight of united airlines to ensure that it is complying with safety regulations, identifying hazards and mitigating risk and effectively managing safety. a recent report from the state shows that in 2020 to 31% of all gun homicide victims in california were black. 50% were hispanic or latino. now, health experts that uc davis are using a 3 million dollar grant to fund gun violence
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research. the university's health department says the funds come from the nonprofit. and that finding potential solutions to gun violence and disproportionately impacted communities. analysts got his business owner says that they're fed up with burglars so much so that the owner is now posting images of shoplifters onto her store's social media page. the store is called raising 9. they've been selling secondhand and locally made vintage clothing since november of 2022. but in that short period of time, the owner says she's seen a lot of shoplifting. she says 75% shoplifters are people who live in the desoto. the area she says the majority of the bad players are adults and before she would share their images on the door of her business, a so-called wall of shame, if you will. but it hasn't stopped the problem. so she is now putting their pictures online. this is the only thing that i can do again for myself. at this point. i
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don't really care what anyone says outside. if they're against it because they're poland's paying the bills. you know. >> says she's gotten both good and bad responses to her decision to put those shoplifters on blast. some instances, though, she says that the shoplifters have actually come back to return. those stolen items. i'm year-old northern california boy decided to take his mother's car to drive himself to school. how about that? when the process he led chp officers on a short pursuit, even backing into an officer's car. at one point this happened in oroville up in butte county earlier this week. officers say no one was hurt and no citations were given. the family of a man hit and killed by a garbage truck in san jose last month is now suing the company that owns and manages the truck. the crash happened at the intersection of elm street and mckendree street near san jose airport. police say the man was crossing the street when the truck owned by green waste
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recovery made a turn and hit him. police say the driver of the truck stayed at the scene. the lawsuit alleges, though, but the truck did not stop at a stop sign and instead rolled through it, hitting the man from behind and running over his body. san jose police are still investigating. reminder to slow down on the roads during wet weather. crews say they rescued a driver out of his this car after it went off the road. and sonny bill friday afternoon, firefighters had to cut into the car's roof to rescue the driver. who did make it out safely. pga new bills are forcing the are in the theater to close 2 days a week. the theater's owner says there pg e bill last month was more than $6200. that's 2 grand more than usual. even if the can seat up to 750 people during chillier nights, heat is required to keep the audience comfortable. the owner says the jump in costs is forcing them to close the curtains on mondays and tuesdays starting in april. >> obviously, you like to be open 7 days a week, but if you
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know, we can be opened and have lost every day, you know, to today's out of the week, you know, you'd pretty. pretty much in the last. >> the closures could be temporary. the owner says they will re-evaluate in the future. the commercial crab season ends for most of the california coastline because of an increase in humpback whales, fishing will be banned from the sonoma mendocino county line to the mexico border restrictions go into place to limit fishing north of the sonoma and mendocino county line. i get mobile radio system in sonoma county is making it easier to communicate during disasters. the county is training people on how to use 500 handheld radios and some of those devices will be installed in county owned cars. others will be given to police and deputies and part of the funding for the system came from apd from pg any settlement money from the 2017 sonoma complex fires. the clock is ticking. the filing deadline for your income tax return is less than 3 weeks
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away. but the irs says it can help for many taxpayers. the irs is new tour direct file might just fit the bill for you. it's a new government will meant to make filing your taxes simple and free taxpayers in select states including california, have simple w twos and claim a standard deduction may be eligible. >> lau's americans with simple tax returns. this in 12 states to be able to file their taxes to the irs directly. >> but direct file program is for federal income tax is only there is a version for spanish speakers. a reminder you have until april 15th to file your taxes. and the next powerball jackpot drawing is tonight. the prize now worth an estimated 935 million dollars. the cash value about 452 million dollars. the growing jackpot is not just good news for people who are trying their luck at lottery tickets. the california
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lottery says they've also raised almost 63 million dollars for public schools. all right. coming up here on the kron 4 morning news still looking for some last-minute easter recipes. well, we've got you covered. >> within your mom, leslie dabney is back with some easy and delicious options. >> take a little break in the rain expected to fire back up again this afternoon in the east and the south bay, particularly maybe even a few stray stray showers working on easter sunday. back in a bit with your forecast called for with your forecast called for morning news. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more
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than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry.
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>> all right. welcome back. taking a live look now from walnut creek traffic looking pretty nice. said this hour. a 42 this morning. dave, how are things looking in the weather center? >> good morning, stephanie. good morning. all we're taking a little break in the action here. most of it is out to sea for now. but once we get that daytime heating, that's we expect some things to start to happen. also looks like they're taking a break up around yosemite little bit. also in tahoe as well. however, but the nice sunshine, too often. newly fresh covered snow. winter storm warning remains and that is until tomorrow at 11:00am. so we're still looking for some action here. sierra snow could get maybe perhaps a foot or a little bit more than that travel a little difficult, particularly at night. here's the general forecast calling for more snow tomorrow and then into monday and tuesday, not only sunshine, but a little bit of a warming phase coming our way. so there's the low out to sea and you can see the snow activity still remains up there in the mountains, closer inspection, the future cast for what we got with that heating. that's the flaring up of some showers
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and thunder showers little bit elsewhere. you can see but mostly concentrated in the east south and also peninsula overnight. showers across the north bay and maybe a little bit tomorrow afternoon. however, a lot less moisture which to be had. so that's good news. maybe less going on there, too. and better breaks of sun too. the long-range forecast is a different story. once we get rid of this thing here, we kind of try to clear out on sunday and earnest. we do early in the week. little warm bump here. we'll get some 70's working in there and then cooling back down again. don't you know, we get to thursday into friday, those 2 big days to watch and this may linger into next weekend as well, particularly the system on the following sunday will see once we get a little closer. all right. the forecast today, 61, san francisco out of 65 san jose. so you get a better warming there. but that will be eclipsed by some afternoon thunder showers to make note of the bigger board there. your lower 60's up north. also in the east bay, san jose coming in about 65 with all of this in the seven-day forecast, there's the pop of the middle 70's you see going on quickly correcting as we
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watch a new system coming our way and again for easter sunday is all dressed up and ready to go. we may see some stray showers working here, but a lot less action that we're going to see this afternoon. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you so much for that. well, tomorrow is easter sunday and joining us live now with some delicious easter recipes is our favorite livermore chef leslie dabney also known as the vineyard. mom, good morning to you, leslie morping, stephanie, thank you for having me. of course. and happy early easter to you, too. for it. so walk us some of the delicious things. you've got to show it my goodness. it's not too late. if you don't have all of your side dishes prepared. okay. i've got your back, i'm going share some just some really fresh seasonal recipes that are really not that difficult to make. but i don't know most of america tomorrow is going to have a ham. yeah. okay. so that seems to be the traditional meal. so if you are going to make your ham or even something else, both of these side issues will go
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perfectly right. so i have my glazed ham here. okay. and i just meet with my home a glaze. it's just really some maple syrup. a little bit of brown sugar and some apple apple cider vinegar now and then and then just some regular apple juice. and then you put it in the mixer. yes, i just turned up together. i based it a few times. and it's just a delicious covering to that him. so i already have my him. so i've that main dish coverage how about some fun sides? let's do it, ok? so right now, seasonally. we got carrots. just beautiful. carrots and roasted carrots are delicious because they get nice and sweet. when they're roasted. yes. you know, i want to make him a little sweeter. so i put a little bit of orange juice, a little bit of honey and i sprinkled a little bit of salt and pepper on these just to give some more flavor to them. and i raised yeah. and you know, sometimes kids dvn't want to eat their veggies. yes, that's that's
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true. what i was a kid growing of spinach was not it for me, but i can i can do the carrots let's face it. kids love to dip carrots and other veggies into a death, right? right. maybe even like a ranch. so what i made is a yogurt sauce to go over this and this yogurt sauce really simple is just some creek, yo kirk, a bunch of parsley. a little bit of tuareg on a little bit of lemon juice. and it's going to look like yeah. so when the kids see it, think, oh, i'm going to give these carrots a try, right? and so to them is just drizzle a little bit of this delicious is that beautiful. at so much flavor to the dish? yeah, i like i said the kids will like it and keep it fresh. you know, i love to put another urbana. so a little bit of parsley on it. love the color town. yeah, beautiful. and you know, some think those roasting about o 25 minutes at 425 degrees. so while that's roasting, you can put something else in the oven at the exact same time and the
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exact same temperatures making it a little easier. smart multitasking. yeah. so i love asparagus and this asparagus and create cheese that sounds so it sounds delicious sounds like maybe complicated or fancy, but it's really so i just i'm going to be honest. i thought my puff pastry, ok, i've made up before. it's very time consuming. so if you want to do that at home, great. but if you don't have time, go to the store and buy one. there's no shame in your game, right? let's go ahead and get it right. so i started off with my puff pastry. and what i did was i scored it some 4 with the fork because i don't want the center of it to pop, you know, pop, pop, pop, but i want sites to puff up. so i'm going to leave a little border around the sides where i did not puncture it with the forks because what does would cause that helps prevent right? the puffin us. okay. i want to keep the inside of this and the sun are with our beautiful
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asparagus, nice and flat to good tip. so ok, so we did that. i put a little bit of dijon mustard i sprinkled the creator cheese, which if you can't find career at the store, a swiss cheese or anything that's melty delicious. my we love cheese, right? can't get enough of that, right? so why not put whatever cheese and then top it off. i'm going to drizzle just a little bit of extra virgin olive oil over the top. and then we need more cheese. what he thinks. yeah, let's do it. i say with out a little parmesan cheese and that's going to crisp up a little bit in the oven. so asked i'm going to put that in. like i said with. the carrots and they're going to roast together at the same time. so get that pam into the oven. when that comes out, rastan, you're ready to car. you can put the carrots and the asparagus in together cook 20 to 25 minutes each app. you've got them both at the same time, make life a little bit easier. and i love that again
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that you're you're choosing to highlight the asparagus with be. and it's really just off. it's an offering that is also healthy, right? it is. and you know something. i made it where i could cut it off into portions here for. but if you want to roll your puff pastry out, you know, a little bit bigger. you can do 8 to 10 people and then cut it to whatever size you want. and then when people see it, it's so much easier to serve. it adds a little something extra like we said, who doesn't like she's on right of that. love that. now we have our big cam and we know there's a lot of things you can make with him. lot of different meals. i like to save the bone to split pea soup. oh, that's an interesting idea. that yeah. that screen that will still have enough for sandwiches. but i say after this big meal meant that we have on easter, why do we make a nice chopped salad? how unite and use some of our ham so it doesn't go to waste. and so i made a nice italian chopped salad here. and honestly, stephanie, you
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can put whatever you like on it but i like to do the salami a little bit of provolone. um, i don't know if you want the spice or not, but you can put those up pickled how fun? and they will definitely add a little spice to this. and what i'd like to do if you want to add, i have the leftover ham. yeah, and i chopped up and if you want to go ahead and just on the side there and look at and then that way, it's kind of an arranged salad. so everybody can take as much as they want of the salad. ed. it looks beautiful. it's healthy. i get last block. i know we don't want to belittle the stubborn one. if it wants to come out. there it helpful. i mean, you've got the delicious i helped the 2. absolutely. and we got our delicious dressing to go over it. okay. i just didn't italian dressing, ok? really? just simple. at-home. extra virgin
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olive oil. little bit of red wine vinegar. and i did a little oregano just that little bit of italian tie. love that. you make your own dressing for i love to its healthier. and plus, you know, when you get those big bottles, how many of us have a refrigerator full of that sort 5 different dressings that are halfway full. that is so goes to waste. so if you make a smaller one, you know, you're going to use that you're going to, you know, have something that's a little healthier because it's not going have any of the preservatives it's going to be all from, you know, scratch. so it's going to very cost effective. it is to. and honestly, for what goes into these dressings, pretty much have him in your pantry are ready at very rarely. do you not have, you know, vinegar, olive oil and some kind of seasoning, right? right. like i did oregano on this. but you could so easily at aragon or something else. so i just made some dressing up. put that on the side. i like to do mine into a little mason just a, you know, shake it up and then everybody can help themselves and you've kinda have a nicer dinner the
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next night that you're really not doing a lot of work to after entertaining and having everybody. but of course, we have our winds that we have to do your mom. that's what we i have a red wine to go with him and i know you're thinking read, you can do red or white so i'm gonna give you 2 options at the pinot noir to go a very light red. and i also have 7 young block and that will go great because we've got these beautiful fresh side dishes and that salad. so either one of these winds will go perfect with all of these. so you get to fantastic. why? because this is on the closer site for me. during commercial rate right of all right. thank you so leslie dabney, the vineyard, mom, it's it's always a joy to have you in studio. thank you so much. happy easter and cheers. easter. yes years. we'll be right back. now to
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the bay area sports, the warriors look to continue their road winning streak as they take on the charlotte hornets. >> steph curry led the warriors with 23 points. it was streamlined greens. first game back from his suspension. the warriors would go on to win 115 to 97. golden state is only 9 games left in the regular season as they cling to their playoff hopes. the giants are on the road as their first year manager bob melvin takes on his old team in san diego. despite losing their first game, the giants bounce back with a big offensive game. one of the newest members of the team that chapman hit 2 home runs and drove in 5 rbi. the giants would go on to win 8 to 3 over
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the padres. the 2 teams play again this evening. first pitch is set for 4.15, in san diego. still ahead on the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. police are investigating what started a fire in a san francisco neighborhood. >> the flames damaging multiple cars and structures. plus a bay area family is speaking out after their son was shot and killed by police. was shot and killed by police. why the police
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(smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. an overnight fire leaves 2 people injured and at least
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9 people displaced in san francisco. and governor gavin newsom wants to install high-tech cameras in the east bay for safety. the reaction from some oakland city council members. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday march the 30th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning, dana. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. hey, we're going. i still break in the action here right now. soaking up. enjoy because this afternoon looks like the atmosphere wants to play as it gets fully charged by all this heating and the instability being driven by the cold air. that's upstairs. we might see some thunder showers going on here, potentially maybe even some hail. we seem to be tracking this mostly in the east and the south bay. but first, things first. how do we stand a progress report right now and a nice clear patch, not even just rain, t


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