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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  March 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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he day that all the kings died ♪ >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> now at 10, a second fire in just 24 hours. investigations are now underway into the 2 fires happening just blocks away from each other. 2 people
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are injured and nearly a dozen left without a home tonight. >> good evening and thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm dan thorn for the second time in as many days, smoke rises from san francisco's mission district. firefighters have responded to 2 fires in the same block. and city leaders say they are not ruling out the possibility that arson is involved. the most recent fire broke out just before 2 o'clock this morning on why street between 15th and 16th streets. firefighters say a car first went up in flames which is lapped and spread to 2 nearby buildings. crews went into that burning building to help people who are inside. several were led to safety but not all run skate. 2 people were treated for minor injuries and 10 people were forced out of their homes. >> the flames had spread of the back of the buildings. these are what we consider a ordinary construction or wood-frame buildings, older buildings. they catch on fire and spread very quickly. this
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rapidly expanded from a first alarm to 3rd alarm bringing over 107 says the firefighters to the scene. >> well, this comes about 24 hours after a fire damaged a historic church just blocks away. saint john, the evangelist episcopal church caught fire just before 3 o'clock friday morning. the outside of the building was damaged, but the inside was saved. firefighters were able to extinguish the flames within about 5 minutes and thankfully no one was hurt and the church was still able to move ahead with its planned easter events. but a member of the church staff says they don't think that this was an accident. >> very, very clear that someone with the church on fire. this was not. accidental. church did not sistine massive structural didn't go up. it's there is exterior damage and we will be needing to repair that we secure that. the interior was largely untouched. >> re ronan, who represents the mission district posted
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about the fires on facebook. she says in part, quote, i've been in contact with the staff at and saint johns police and the fire department both incidents are being investigated as potential arson and are being taken extremely seriously. supervisor ronen also encourages anyone who has any information about these fires to give police a call. new at 10 worst following some developing news out of the sierra tonight. 2 people are dead following a plane crash in truckee. the plane went down in the area of gills. glenn shire. drive-in olympic boulevard a little after 7 o'clock this evening, truckee police said that they're going to be a emergency responders in that area for an extended period of time. he said there is no threat to any structures and no road closures. as we learn more information about this tonight, we'll keep you updated on air and online on our website. kron 4 dot com. the man is dead tonight after being ejected from a car in san francisco's know we've ali. the crash happened this morning. a quiet residential
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street. this is video from the citizen app showing the car flipped over on its roof. san francisco fire crews say the driver was ejected after hitting 3 parked cars in the area of diamond clipper streets. the man was taken to the hospital where he died from his injuries. investigators had the streets shut down for a few hours. in the north bay. fire crews rescue 3 people after a car drove off of the road and into a creek near napa. cal fire lnu sharing these pictures of the accident. it happened off of highway 12 near the sonoma county border. according to firefighters, 3 passengers were taken to the hospital. their conditions are unknown at this time. >> take a look at your screen right here. this is a time lapse overlooking morgan hill. as you can see all day long, there was rain which has come and gone and parts all across the bay area from light showers, even some downpours. let's get a look right now at the conditions outside tonight, taking a from our mount tam camera. this is a
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deep i'm sort of zoomed out. look at the bay area. you can see some fog there off in the distance. gayle ong joining us down with a look at the gayle. a severe thunderstorm warning. >> or at the santa clara valley today, it was quite busy on the radar late afternoon and early evening. as far as rain totals go, this is what we picked up the last 24 hours. as you can see santa cruz mountains and the south bay saw a bulk of that rain activity with over half an inch in ben lowman, a quarter of an inch in san jose. traces of it everywhere else. but those systems, those cells moved pretty fast. and we saw some hail along the peninsula. so there was actually a flood advisory in the santa cruz actually the south bay as well. and a special warning over in the peninsula earlier just how unsettled atmosphere has been. we're just seeing some lingering showers now. now that convective activity we saw is starting to calm down just some stray showers along the peninsula and has this 10:00pm hour. you can see
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very light rain out, just leftover showers in san jose south of milpitas on 8.80, fremont. a couple sprinkles there to the north bay. you can see just some rain drops over there. and then the north bay up there in sonoma sonoma county. you could see just some. it was some raindrops there. so tomorrow will be much better. you you can't rule out a chance of some light rain for easter sunday, but mostly in the 50's along the coast and 60's inland. and we do have some nice spring-like temperatures on the way you'll see that in the extended forecast in a few minutes. back to you. >> all right, thanks a lot for staying on the weather beat for those who are going to be heading to the sierra this easter weekend. so is making for a pretty slippery commute. this was traffic from earlier today along i-80 and one point traffic was backed up for a couple miles as work to help get those drivers get some chains on their tires. >> lots of traffic backed up for 7 miles right now, everybody's on. spring storm
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easter weekend. we're all very busy. >> is a busy busy while crews say that if you're making the trip up there to be prepared for traffic and pack your tire chains. any space shelter-in-place has been lifted in san leandro after a police standoff. san leandro police say this started just before 3 o'clock this afternoon when they say a man stole a truck and led police on a chase kron 4 talk with 2 men who saw what happened. >> well, there is red truck that crashed into the tree right there. knocked over the street sign. the tow truck came and took that away. the guys down. they said it was a stolen car. >> well, after that, the man who police say was also carrying a knife, locked himself inside of a different car and officer at the scene told kron 4 the man appeared to be having some sort of mental episode. get a negotiated eventually were able to get him to come out and he was taken to the hospital. asia as seth set to
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close tomorrow on transgender day of visibility. it's a night club here in san francisco where transgender cabaret performances have been held for nearly 3 decades. the nightclub opened in 1998. and quickly became a cultural landmark. the owners say they were unable to continue doing business because the revenue they lost during the pandemic. they say, although the physical space is closing the legacy live on through pop-up events. >> on to look at this is not the end, but really the beginning of a new opportunity where we can take what we do. be on the doors of 9th. and howard, to, you know, all across the city in the bay area. >> and beyond. >> well, the owners of the workers say that over the years the nightclub has been an important sanctuary for transgender people. well, the easter bunny hopping into the bay area today. take a look here. miller aviation museum hosted eggstravaganza event.
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families got to take part in an easter egg hunt and the easter bunny was also seen catching a ride on a helicopter cooling >> jerusalem's christians held holy saturday mass at the church of the holy supple, supple kerr. it's believed that this is the location where jesus was into after being crucified the mask was led by archbishop appear battista. pizza bala the top roman catholic cleric in the holy land. inquest. doesn't this seem an >> and that you know, dino if a septa want to kind of beat >> pope francis presided over the vatican's easter vigil service today the day after making the last-minute decision to skip the good friday procession to protect his health. he's on a congested then was labored in his breathing. he did blessed easter candle, though, which was then shared with other candles and till saint peter's
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basilica, twinkled evening service. one of the most solemn and important moments on the catholic liturgical calendar commemorates the resurrection of jesus. coming up here on kron, 4 news at 10 tonight, the home opener for bay fc the bay area's first professional women's soccer team. >> gets a warm welcome and a sold-out crowd. plus 7 noticed higher chocolate prices recently. how much more expensive holiday weekend it is compared to years past and just days after a cargo ship crashes into a bridge in baltimore, a barge strikes another bridge this time in oklahoma. the latest from the sooner state after the break.
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we some developing news out of barge slammed into a bridge on the arkansas river today. here's some video. >> this comes just days after a similar yet deadly crash in bridge collapse in baltimore, maryland. the highway in oklahoma was closed while engineers inspected the bridge. but it has since reopened. no injuries were reported. now to baltimore crews continue to clean up and families begin to mourn. concerns are also growing about impacts on the supply chain. and the bottom line for many americans, news nation's alina see reports. >> what's more maryland's governor saying they're cutting up pieces of that collapsed bridge. you can see it over my left shoulder here. they're going to remove all of those pieces eventually from
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the water. we know it's 50 feet deep and that's where the first step that they have to do to get this port up and running. but we know right now it's a race against the clock to get the port operational and time his money. >> what started as a race against time for survivors is now a massive recovery project, unified command. >> are conducting planning and engineering assessments. 24 hours a day. we have assets on the water enforcing safety zones. 24 hours a day. we have assessments on the dali being conducted. 24 hours a day, maryland governor wes moore today saying they're all hands on deck. >> working to cut and remove the first section of twisted steel from the bridge. the complicated extraction involves 10 tugboats, 9 barges, 8 salvage vessels and 7 floating cranes, including one capable of lifting 1000
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times. the army corps and their partners will begin to move forward. with a crane operations today. the north sections of the key bridge. are going to be cut off. this will eventually allow us to open up a temporary restricted channel that will help us to get more vessels in the water around the site of the collapse. this is not just about maryland. >> this is about our nation's economy. all that must be completed before they shift their focus to the rebuild. >> something that could take years and cost between 400 million to 1 billion dollars depending on the new bridge design the port of baltimore. the nation's 11 th-largest court is number one in the united states for auto truck and agricultural imports and exports. in addition to handling clothing household goods, construction materials and produce. we looked into the numbers. the court of baltimore is a major economic driver for both the city and the state of maryland. not
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only does it directly support 15,000 jobs report was responsible for handling more than 52 million tons of cargo last year. valuing it almost 81 billion dollars in a statement shipping company ports, america said it's diverting the flow of cargo to other areas until the channel into the port of baltimore can be safely navigated the governors of new york and new jersey opening up their ports for additional cargo. in the meantime, hoping to the stress on the supply chain. we will clear the wreckage. we will move the dolly. >> and we will rebuild the francis scott key bridge. we're going to do that. because we are maryland. tough. we're baltimore, strong. and you can bet on that. >> and president biden approved a 60 million dollar emergency fund request. that's something the republican lawmakers in congress are pushing back against saying we shouldn't be spending our taxpayer dollars. >> and that was only an usher rozzi reporting for us tonight taking a live look at the bay
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bridge toll plaza. looks like there's still a wetness out there on the roads. we know rain moved through today. maybe it's come down this evening. gayle ong joining us with a look at what to expect. just some lingering showers left over here is as as well. >> yeah, it was busy late afternoon and evening. if you're out there, especially in the south bay and the peninsula and parts of the east bay. >> we saw some thunderstorms, all courtesy of this low pressure system has been bringing us this wild weather. here's a live from the last pcouple of hours. you could just see that strong line just to move through the area. and we have some pictures of hail video. he'll come through from san mateo and a lot of hill in san jose where there was actually a severe thunderstorm warning issued earlier in the day. so a very interesting day in the weather center. and so this is 05:00am now fast forward to tomorrow morning, easter sunday, you run into a stray shower, maybe vive but that convective activity is now coming down. 09:00am looks
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like we'll see some partly cloudy skies, more clearing over in the north and avato san francisco. and even along the coast. and this is lunchtime. so partly cloudy skies. you may run into some light rain depending where you are. but the holiday looks mostly dry and really nice. maybe just some light rain in congress. as you can see, the not a washout like we saw the last couple of days and then monday is going to be even better because we have this area of low pressure. now that's moving south to southern california. high pressure will be taking over. and you know what that means that usually associate with the warmer weather and sunshine. here it is on the seven-day forecast. as you can see, little chance of rain on easter sunday tomorrow. but daytime highs will be in the 60's will be waking up to the 40's. but sunday, days coming on monday tuesday, the start of the week, wednesday looks to be a transition day because we do have another chance of rain in the back end of the week. seven's. here we are spring showers again. spring
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break and you know, i'm looking forward to monday tuesday, but tomorrow should be nice to in the 60's. very comfortable. that's good for all the people that are still trying to do the easter egg hunts and all that, you know, they can get out there and >> enjoy the grass. exactly. hopefully it's not too wet right out a little money, right? haha. thanks. sure. well, santa rosa police say they caught 2 men trying to steal a catalytic converter earlier today. now officers say they saw 2 people park near a truck during a patrol in the >> mega park area. one of them is underneath the truck using a power tool when police approached them, they notice the men were using a saws all tool to cut off the truck's catalytic and murder. the man who was underneath the truck, a heat. discovered he actually stole that truck. the other person involved was later released. >> well, you don't see this very often. 3 mounted police officers chasing after a shoplifter, an albuquerque, new mexico. this is the cowboy way as they say. a video
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posted on social media shows the officers on horseback trying to corral a man after he stole more than $200 worth of merchandise from that story probably regretted. that is he's here torres's chasing them goodness. why do it? why do it? well, it's a head back down to san francisco where kids and bunnies took over chase center for a massive egg hunt thrive. city hosting the festivities today there was a petting zoo live entertainment and a craft station, which was all a part of the fun. >> even in the morning i'm having a blast. >> just going to have that extra cup of coffee. a little bit of hype you to get your day going thrive. city also hosting first fridays other family friendly event with live music dancing. next. one is going to be on april 5th. so we come here at 10 o'clock bay fc played in front of a sold-out crowd tonight. >> fans tell us why they are so excited for the bay area's newest professional team. after the break. again, when we come back, consumers are spending more money. this easter, just how much
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chocolate is gonna?
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>> easter is one of the busiest times of year, especially for chocolate makers. despite chocolate prices rising to record highs. recent study says the price of chocolate rabbits increased 7% along with chocolate eggs. that increase to nearly 12%. both of the candies are averaging just under $3 for cost higher than last year. that weather conditions in west africa, a global supplier of cocoa is the reason for the spike in prices. the national retail federation says that they predict americans will spend more than 3 billion
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dollars. and candy, this easter. >> we all like to do a lot of like she's struck a tree board night and nice to get like chocolate bars to go with that. and now it feels like that's the most expensive thing that we would have to buy. >> yeah, big chocolate companies like her. she's in cadbury maker mondelez say that they are raising their prices this year. and despite this, the company say they still expect big revenue from people willing to buy chocolate overall easter spending this year is expected to reach a near record level. the national retail federation says that consumers are expected to spend about 22 billion dollars to celebrate the easter season. well, have you heard of this? it's called a yolo shopping. the wall street journal is reporting that a lot of people, whether it's yellow spending, a lot of people are apparently doing this by going to concerts, booking international travel and doing a lot more. experts say the covid lockdowns have resulted in some people just splurging on things that they couldn't do during that time. and the
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numbers don't lie. consumers spent more than 145 billion dollars more in february. then they did the month before. and that's the biggest monthly increase. and more than a year. well, with summer, right around the corner, it's a good time to start thinking about that. summer travel. if you need some ideas. a new list shows the 20 most searched locations by u.s. travelers on google flights coming in at number one, london that's followed by paris, which you can see right here that's hosting the upcoming summer olympics. tokyo came in at number 3. that's not tokyo. and rounding out the top 5 is rome. then new york. and speaking of france, the olympics, francis asking 46 countries if they can supply more than 2000 police officers to help with security at the summer games. organizers are finalizing plans for the event that runs from july. 26th to august. 11th officials say such assistance is common practice for international events, noting that france
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sent 200 officers to the world cup in qatar back in 2022, the french defense ministry has also asked other countries for some military personnel like sniffer dog teams. officials are especially concerned about the opening ceremony, which is going to involve boats along the seine river and crowds that are going to be watching from the embankments. coming up here at 10 o'clock. the latest from gaza ships and planes continue to deliver aid plus hail in the bay area. we've got a look at some of that crazy weather and gayle ong has your complete storm tracker forecast. >> and when we come back, bay fc sold out their first home opener. what it means to the bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier
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>> and there you have it. professional women's soccer makes its debut in the bay area tonight. bay fc says they sold out more than 18,000 seats for their first home game. welcome back. tonight was the home opener for afc they played against the houston dash and paypal park in san jose. 18,000 breaks the attendance record in bay area history for women's professional soccer. the previous record was 16,000 fans. when the cyber a's were playing in san jose. w usa well, today we caught up with some fans just as they were entering paypal park. >> means everything to >> something like this is sold out game. that means that there's a fly in here in the
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bay area, you know, sports. and that's huge that's what we've been wanting in the world in the u.s. like in area, especially so it just to see something this like. this big happened here and especially like in email a company, female lead like ceos like it's it's everything you want. they are your children for the next generation. for the most >> the ceo says that they cannot thank the bay-area enough for the warm embrace. sally, the team lost 3 to 2, but it was a great game with afc scoring in the 93rd minute to tie the game. but houston dash ended the game in the 100 men to win the game. 3, 2, >> some new video in to our newsroom tonight of the weather. this is hail and san mateo kron four's noelle be s saying a day of sunshine, a crazy hail storm blew through. i the video know well, this was taken near the hillsdale shopping center around 6
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o'clock this evening. you can see all the hail they're piling up on the porch. very cool. so let's talk about our forecast tonight. taking a live look right now at san mateo bridge. looks like it's pretty dry out there. gayle ong joining us with a look at the forecast. a go. >> yeah, and much quieter now. it has been an active day in the weather center. multiple storm reports of hail and strong winds and warnings in place. there's a severe thunderstorm warning over in the south bay and then a special marine warning over on the peninsula. so where we saw that hail and sam, a tail. yeah, it was a very interesting day indeed in the weather center for us. forecasters here. well, here what was been driving that this area of low pressure now is moving southward. but it did leave behind the a so you can see the last over the last 3 hours. just some lingering showers left over. now that is starting to taper off. so at this 10:00pm hour 10, 30 on the dot. you can see showers east of san jose over there.
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some spotty showers in the east bay fremont, san ramon livermore and some spotty showers. just a few rain drops in south san francisco and in pthe north bay to the sierra. we have a winter storm warning and a winter storm advisory in place until 11:00am tomorrow. expecting more snow out there. but travel could be difficult. i know people want to go out and enjoy this spring skiing. just check those road conditions with caltrans before you head out and keep those chains handy because that that winter storm warning expires tomorrow. late morning. you can see snow showers tomorrow night and then you dry out monday tuesday. same for us here in the bay area. as you can see here and here is the easter forecast. much quieter tomorrow. you may run into a stray shower. just some light rain. nothing like we saw today. not that convective activity were expecting. so along the coast, upper 50's and 60's inland and around the bay, partly cloudy skies. so here's a long-range model. the bigger picture here you can see southern california is
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getting the bulk of that rain now and mountain snow. that's that same area of low pressure that is spinning off the coast here, bringing active weather. this is 06:00am tomorrow. you can start to see some clearing lunchtime. and here is just some of that spotty showers towards the east bay here around the bay area. but mostly dry, not a washout. and then as i take you through monday, tuesday, not a lot happening. we can see some sunshine. it's going to feel like spring in the 70's wednesday. looks like that transition day. we see the change in the weather pattern. you know, the drill and then a more unsettled weather in the back end of the week. this is friday with more rain in the bay and sierra snow. so here is our 10 at 10 outlook because we have some changes coming. so just enjoy. you know, monday tuesday. and then the back end of the week, another round of spring showers and maybe some rain again next weekend. back to you. >> all right. thanks a lot. let's talk a little bit more about the snow. take a look. uc berkeley snow posting and they got more than 9 inches of snow last night and they're
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expecting the snow to actually pick up through tomorrow. so it's going to be a white easter up in the mountains. the lab located in soda springs. waves crashing up along the shore there in lake county, north of the bay area. a storm passing through the region left behind some high winds and of course, as you see there, some come big waves coming in and washing up there on the lawn. to some other news tonight. the united states is continuing to airdrop humanitarian aid to the people of gaza. united nations says about 80% of the population has been displaced since the war began in october, pushing hundreds of thousands of people to the brink of famine. on friday, the united states air force loaded containers of humanitarian aid into planes at an air base in qatar. these
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air drops come a day after the top united nations court ordered israel to take measures to improve the humanitarian situation in gaza. the court said more land crossings must be open to allow food, water fuel and other supplies into the war-torn region. now to the ongoing saga of sean diddy combs today, the new york post reporting the fbi is considering widening its probe of duty after a lawsuit alleges that the rapper bragged about committing a 1999 shooting at a new york city club and even bribed witnesses and jurors after the fact news nation's emily finn reports. >> over the past 30 years, mister combs behavior has demonstrated. she appears to have a propensity towards violence. the long list of allegations diddy is facing could be growing with law enforcement sources telling the new york post that the infamous 1999, new york city nightclub shooting involving
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diddy. >> j lo and other musicians could be reinvestigated in a lawsuit last month. producer rodney little rob jones accused it of sexually assaulting him on numerous occasions and forcing him to acquire workers and drugs. those allegations are similar to alleged crimes the represented used of in the past. but the new details from the lawsuit focus on diddy's alleged behavior following the 1999 nightclub shooting. jones claims that diddy openly bragged about the shooting and that he bribed witnesses and jurors to make sure he was acquitted. jones also said that did he use j lo as a quote, gun mule to smuggle the weapon into the nightclub. newsnation interview to tanya rubin who alleges she was shot that night back in 1999. and he's even willing to undergo surgery to help with the trial for better to tell you what happened then the person who got and that and that in between my willing to have a doctor will move a part of the 9 millimeter bullet in my face so that they can use it as
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evidence if need be. so this time the did the saga began after homeland security raided the rapper's homes in los angeles and miami emptying safes, dismantling electronics and seizing security systems. there are allegations of trafficking, human trafficking, illegal ownership or possession, i should say of weapons as well as drugs. when you put weapons and drugs together in a mansion with multiple people, you're going to have the swat team deployed. there's no other way to effect. >> and appropriate search warrant without those sorts of safeguards. brandon paul, who is described as a confidence and drug mule for diddy was arrested in miami. at the same time the raids are being conducted. one of diddy's attorneys released a statement calling the raids a witch hunts and describing them as a gross overuse of military-level force. adding there is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his
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children and employees were treated. this stuff is really serious. specific allegations i do have pull is that it's not just one person. >> it's several people that have not come forward. and i want to believe. >> that's the authorities have enough evidence. whitley suspicion to justify what happened today. the raids happened one month after rodney jones filed his lawsuit and several months after 4 women including diddy's ex girlfriend, cassie came forward accusing him of running and epstein like operation involving trafficking and blackmailing high-profile celebrities and politicians. >> that was news nation's emily finn reporting for us tonight. have you ever heard of the barkley marathons in tennessee? well, its actually one of the hardest ultra marathons in the world. participants have 60 hours to complete 5 loops of 20 miles. only 17 people have done it before this year. and this year runner jasmine paris became the first woman to finish the marathons in time.
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>> this is video of her finishing the run and she hopes that her journey will inspire other women around the world. and speaking of remarkable women kron four's continuing our celebration of the bay area's remarkable women. and today. >> rather tonight, we're so excited reveal the winner of our search. she's a pro tennis player turned nonprofit leader coaching kids on how to win the game of life by chan changing how we think about success for meeting san francisco's very own peanut louie-harper. >> read with me. if you'd like brady at mill breeze, meadows elementary, what is 6 s? >> that's easy to see is trying the best. you can be. a special assembly is underway a sure hand. are you ever afraid to fail? holding the microphone is peanut louie-harper co-founder of harper for kids, a nonprofit now in its 17th year of empowering children. >> starting with this simple message is really about just
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trying your best, no matter if your first place in last place. if you've done everything that you can. >> you should feel very proud of yourself. it's perspective. louie-harper says she shared with tens of thousands of kids over the years and more than 100 schools in the bay area and beyond. there's so many negative definitions of success out there. can you imagine a world where kids are like success is all about trying your best. you know, it's like, wow, that's it. flipping the narrative by focusing on values like hard work, team, spirit and self-control here. it's not about winning or losing. you just want kids to live a happy, healthy life and really. give them a chance to pursue what they love and life. a message already resonating. i learned that sometimes it you can't. not always going to be perfect. but you should always try your best reminding us. it's ok, it's a mess up sometimes has. and you can learn from your mistakes. is there anything wrong with failing at something? well, it can get
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you frustrated. sometimes you just have not let that get here and keep trying hide. value. served up from louie-harper own life story as a former pro tennis player once ranked among the best in the world. >> some of her first match is played here in san francisco's golden gate park. she grew up the youngest daughter of chinese americans. my parents luckily did not pressure us in that way. like when lucy, you know, that was just part of the game. but, you know, if didn't win the match, that's ok, ko back out there the next day in practice, which we did. she one, 14 national junior titles and as a pro ranked as high as 19th in the world. but perfection, never the end game is just about every day. can you be one percent better than you were the day before louie-harper also inspired by the teachings of coach john wooden considered one of the greatest ncaa basketball coaches of all time. it's all about the peace of mind that happiness in your heart that
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you just try your best. this former tennis champion turn nonprofit leader setting kids up for a court advantage in the game of life. that's ok, try can it's not always about hitting an ace. just keep encouraging your kids be happy. asked them, you know, what does success mean to them? scoring points instead on the strength of our efforts? that's what we hope for in all the kids to take away with. this is just to be proud of themselves. no matter. >> the result. >> and congratulations goes out to our remarkable woman. that was stephanie lin reporting. coming up in sports, the giants and padres put on a power show tonight in san diego will let you know who came out on top. >> and let you know if the a's picked up their first win of the season against the guardians in oakland.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, there are all kinds of sports going on this holiday weekend. we're going to start with major league baseball and the local teams are going to see how they made out today. well, the weather in san diego was not kind to the giants and padres for today's mid afternoon matchup, bob melvin. they're looking to make it 2 in a row over his former club and a former reliever. a new giants starter jordan hicks got his first start of the bump for the giants game and early 2 run lead. he got into trouble in the second inning, though, putting 2 on with 2 outs and here he gets right center. jackson, merrill faces down. swing in ends gets out of the jam there takes only allowing 3 hits 5 scoreless innings in his debut in the giants offense. look good in jung-hoo leaves showed you could
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powered up launching his first major league. big fly pulling into right his dad who was actually a big star in korea. he was hanging out in the stands. high-five with the fans celebrating in just for good measure here after loading the bases, michael conforto, it's a grand slam out to right field. his second home run of the season. giants needed every run is the padres scored 5 runs late. giants win their second in a row over the padres. and 96. let's go out to oakland. the a's were hosting the guardians and their fans were tailgating in the parking lot. yeah. cooking up some meat. they're looking for the team's first win of the season. the a's offense looking good. a little early on down to one in the second. ryan. no delays is an rbi single to left field here to tie the game. but nick allen, c'mon. you can't make these mistakes hung up between second and ands the threats. the a's did take a short-lived lead 3 to 2, but the guardians ran off 9 straight runs. put the game away. steven kwan, he's a yankee killer when 3 to 5 with a couple of rbi.
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>> with this bomb, this was his in the 7th. this was 424 feet to be exact to big fly there. his first of the season, the guardians, they win it easily. 12, 3 a's continue to be with the ncaa tournament continues with the elite 8. >> 3rd seeded illinois taking on the defending champion. a number one seed. uconn, and they're always over. caffeinated coach dan hurley get pop-up the fans there. the husky fan base. the game was tied up at 23 until one. 47 was left in the 1st half. and that's when the champs went to work. they want a run. that's right. 30 unanswered points. huskies get it to alex caravan and hits the 2. the flushing, the foul 10 points for caravan. husky fans can't believe it, illinois. what? 9 minutes without a point during the husky. big man here. donovan clingan throws 2 of his game high. 22 points. fans still can't believe what
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they're looking at. uconn is being there for opponents in the tournament by more than 27 points. a game stephen castle there. but the cherry on the top, the jackhammer throwdown positive fans. they believe it. now uconn beats down on illinois. 77 52, they're heading to the final 4 and celebrating in the locker room to defend their crown. here's coach hurley after the game. >> our defense is elite. our offense is a lead. you know, we rebound the these guys play every possession like it's the world. and, you know, we've got be a level players to, you know, just willing to share. you know, the creating unbelievable culture where we were. will be tough to beat. >> tough to beat is right. the huskies next opponent is the winner of the 6 seeded clemson and fourth-seeded alabama who looked pretty comfortable pre-game. clemson ran out to a 13 point early in the first but bama's freshman star jaren
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stevenson help bring them back to hitting the 3 pointer here. he had a career-high 19 points. bama turn it around and led by 3 at the break. the 2nd half belonged to the long-range shooting of marc's down 7, 3, pointers in the game. in fact, he and stevenson hit 12 of 22 from beyond the arc. >> what a highlight reel last win within minutes. 17 to play that ice beats claims 89 to 82. this was not football. this is basketball to advance their first ever final 4 with the defending champion huskies. next for the tide but the shots and finishing off their road trip in st. louis today against the blues, hoping to snap their nine-game losing streak and come home on a high note. maybe goalie mackenzie blackwood could come through with a with a good day in the after a scoreless first period. the shots you some good defense to get. >> on board here, filip zadina steals the pocket. brings it out to the circle. makes a
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nice not move. their puts it home into the upper shelf one, nothing sharks. but the start of the night was mckenzie in the goal. 37 saves in the net to record his second shutout of the season. help the sharks snap a nine-game skid. yeah, we're dance. and tonight in st. louis, sharks 4, nothing victory. and that is your look at sports. gayle, what's happening with the weather? >> well, we saw that convective activity moved through earlier. we'll see more calmer conditions. the full forecast when i come back. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> well, we've heard of a free little library in their little boxes of free books that people can take and bring back or even put books into the box. that's like a tongue twister and kow there's a new option for movie lovers who might be nostalgia for the days before streaming on monday, the traveling museum in venetian will give access to its first free blockbuster stand the benicia. harold donated this old newspaper box where people can stop by and pick out a dvd or a vhs to watch. if you still have those things or on leave one for somebody else to pick up. and this is all being done for freeze with the community connections, sort of thing. the stand will be set up outside pocket monkey. vintage, which is a used clothing and vintage collectibles store in benicia. but it's not the only box in the bay area so far there has been one oakland, there's been won in san jose and one near santa rosa. and here's a good list that we have here. our map, i should say. so if you
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want to check out little blockbuster boxes, check out these locations. let's get you a check. your 4 zone forecast tonight taking a live look at sutro tower rolled some from our sutro tower camera in san francisco. looks like will digitize. looked like we have a mine craft. san francisco here gayle, what's happening with the weather? >> yes, fairly nice view out there. we're calming down now. this is the mateo bridge where peninsula south some wild weather with some hail special marine warning earlier in the evenings. there is several of this storm warnings earlier, all courtesy of this low pressure. this will be moving southward. now bringing some unsettled weather to our friends in southern california. so a closer look here. this is the live we're just starting to see some scattered showers since earlier in the evening. so some light rain east of san jose and bay area wide. just a couple raindrops, not a washout. let's go to the sierra because there are some active weather there. some snow going on. a winter storm warning is in place until
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tomorrow morning. late morning 11:00am as well as a winter storm advisory. i know a lot of people want to enjoy the spring skiing, but check that road conditions before you head out and keep those chains handy back here in the bay area. fu ure cast model. this is 05:00am. we don't see a lot of convective activity that we saw earlier today with the chance of thunderstorms, maybe some light rain and start off the morning with some clouds. this is 09:00am easter morning and you can see we see some clearing along the peninsula just a little bit. maybe some valley fog in the east bay and then by noon, more sunshine, maybe a stray shower in the napa area late afternoon, but not a washout by the evening we start to dry out and this is going to be the pattern monday into tuesday will be waking up to the 40's upper 40's and warming up to the mid to upper 50's low 60's. some upper 60's as you make your way inland. so it's going to be really nice easter sunday.
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just watch out for some light rain show you the seven-day forecast here monday, tuesday. it's going to feel like spring in the 70's, even upper 70's tuesday wednesday. we'll start to see that change in the weather once again with another chance of rain, the back end of the week. okay. so we can't shake the rain just yet. >> yes. keep that rain gear handy. i think this was one of the last significant storm. so kind goodenough thanks to like him. >> when your mom says the eat your greens, it's always easy to do at greens. and in tonight's dine, and dish are paying a visit to the iconic vegetarian restaurant at fort mason and san francisco to see what's new kron four's. vicki liviakis reports. >> chef katie oversees the making of watering veggie dishes. >> a pioneer, a vegetarian cooking greens on the water at fort mason in the city has been kicking out farm to table treats since 1979. have. >> pastas and pizzas and and
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things that even if you're not vegetarian, you'll recognize what they are. and you'll still have a really great meal and feel satisfied with fresh colorful dishes like the spring rolls and seasonal salads. it's no wonder diners comeback greens is going global. inviting guest chefs like chef as alina. she's a 5th generation. malaysian street food vendor who opened her restaurant in san francisco. what i make. >> it's so unique. it's not windy so delicious. but that always excite people. you tease but peppers and soy sauce. you have a lot of coconut milk and then you have all these. density amazing aroma spice all in one ship as alina, along with 6 other award-winning bay area. chefs will join chef katie in the greens kitchen for collaborative dinners. >> called a global celebration of vegetables. you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy it. it's just a way for us to come together over a shared
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love of vegetables. chef series runs through september in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 i want to check place out. that's going things up for us here at 10 o'clock. but we're taking a quick short break. >> we'll be right back kron. 4 news at 11.
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>> news station, this is. at 11. >> now at 11, a deadly plane crash near lake tahoe. at least 2 people


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