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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a monday following a lot of stories for you in oakland, another break-in and another business owner. >> asking for action. yeah. we also have here in the middle monitor, thousands of nurses in the south getting ready for a strike this week. so we're going to be live there with what this could impact. impact could be huge and what's going to be the impact on minimum wage going up for restaurant workers, fast food workers making 20 bucks. are you going to have to pay more? >> when you go out to eat. good morning. i'm daria and i'm james. so all that to get to in a minute. first, though, april. first on a monday night. rest look at that pink all the colors for april. is a gorgeous start to the new
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month. a beautiful sunrise to kick it all off. >> hopefully have a chance to get out there and enjoy especially this afternoon. get another look at that beautiful start here from center tower. looking down at the golden gate, only a little hint of cloud cover right above the golden gate. otherwise, a nice perfectly clear morning. maybe get out there that jacket on and get a picture of the sunrise. southern california seeing a couple thunderstorms this morning. obviously we don't have any of that here locally. we are a bit breezy from time to time, especially at the coast on our bridges, out into the delta. cool, crisp, feel along with that brisk feeling later on today. winds will calm down and that will be the cherry on top of of lovely afternoon ahead of us 40's to low 50's right now back to bill san francisco, sonoma, some of our more mild spots in the low 50's. well, oakland, dublin livermore. well down in the 40's later today, expect some 70's for bayshore and inland cities, right? all right, john, thank you for that. was morning to start so that's what's slowing you down on the bay bridge. 70
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min arrived. thankfully, no accidents or hazards as you're traveling. >> 70 of route 50 minute running 80 to 101 traveling across towards peninsula. center fell bridge just short of 13. tulsa, 101, and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls going take you all of 20 minutes to make that daria days. back to you. thanks a lot. 701 right now. and today, fast-food workers in california get a raise. they do a minimum wage going up to $20 an hour. it doesn't apply to every fast food and could have. >> ripple effects for all of to go out to eat covers. will tran is live in pleasant hill with the impact and the wage. good morning will. >> the impact is now if you pull in that mcdonald's. well, that big mac could cost you a little bit more because a lot of employers, they plan to pass along the difference to the customers. this is not impact all fast food workers, just ones that if you have 60
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restaurants across the country are more, it impacts you. so of course, we talking national chains not stand on pause, shops that sells sandwiches in this particular case. mcdonald's pizza hut, starbucks taco bell. we all know those national chains where they're going to have to pay more approximately 500,000 people in california, we'll get a pay raise effective immediately from approximately $16 to $20 an hour. governor gavin newsom actually signed this into law last fall. it takes effect immediately starting this morning and it will cost employers anywhere from 225,000 to $500,000 extra a year and they fought against this. many of them did not like it saying this will probably cause them to have hiring freeze or layoffs and also pass along the difference to customers who let's face it. a lot of people are
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struggling to make ends meet as customers a d many of them don't like it themselves. governor gavin newsom said unlike previous generations where typically fast food handled by teenagers. now, it seems to be adults with the average age being 26 years or older and they have families that they have to take care of. so it's going to effective immediately for them. $20. an hour is a little bit above the poverty level at $16. it said it was a little bit below so the governor raised it. we're trying to talk to customers who are coming into places like mcdonald's to get their reaction. but i can tell you this story has been hot and heavy for the past 6 months or so. some people say they like it that it's fair. another people say, well, you know what? i don't like paying more for a sandwich, especially when i think i'm getting a value pulling into fast food restaurants were now it cost almost as much as a sit-down restaurant. back to right.
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thanks a lot. well. >> 704 is the time and in the east bay. if the post-covid business climate wasn't tough enough, imagine being burglarized on easter sunday. that's what happened to a small business oakland and now they're calling for action. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> you need that's the city that to take action and to prevent this from happening to us. this is not fair. this easter sunday. this is the sunday that we should all be spending time with our loved ones and enjoying this day, not having too, you know, cleanup last. look at this. that's exactly what oakland clothing, designer taylor jay had to do eas er morning. >> after being notified her flagship store on broadway had been burglarized. it happened about 05:30am, in the morning after breaking the glass in the front door. security video shows a man coming inside the store and helping himself to a wide array of goods being a small business in oakland and how tough things have already been for us. >> you know, small businesses
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general. it doesn't feel good. it doesn't feel good at all. it's really devastating is really heartbreaking in it's very discouraging. >> jay says the burglar was in the store for 15 minutes and made off with ipad cell phones and thousands of dollars of clothing, bags and accessories. he even took our own our suitcases impact our inventory in the soo cases. in addition take removing items, it's a tough pill to swallow. taylor. jay has been in business for 10 years and takes pride in the fact her garments are not only designed in oakland but made in the city as well. and while this incident has are rethinking store's security, she says she has no plans to leave. in fact, she hopes the incident will serve to rally the think this is all of our businesses that year businesses might is. my business is yours and we should be in and the right way. and we have to support one another to be here and we have to speak about a vocally. dan kerman kron. 4 news.
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>> there are actually a number of side shows that broke out over the weekend in the bay area. and you can see lots of spectators. this one was. just after midnight. so broke out early yesterday morning. franklin canyon road and john mair parkway in hercules. and you can see a lot of people there and there are also not just donuts but fireworks. we notice fireworks. a lot of these sideshows over the weekend. look at this 1, 1, 30 in the morning in antioch, people blocking the intersection of lone tree way and golf course road spectators set off fireworks and you can see the cars. coming dangerously close around there. same story in oakland. check out this site show which was at 02:45am in the morning on 51st street and telegraph avenue and that hannastown neighborhood. and when officers got there, it was too late because the car started dispersing of people took off lots of fireworks there as well. and oakland
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police are investigating one sideshow that ended with a hit and run crash where a driver there was a hit and run. but then that driver got into another car and took off before the police got there. >> that was about 8.30, saturday night on burma road. nobody was hurt. >> well, a fire breaks out in 2 buildings in san francisco's mission district and investigators say arson might be involved. the most recent fire broke out early saturday morning. it was on why street between 15th and 16th streets. firefighters say it started as a car fire then spread to 2 nearby buildings with people inside >> the flames that spread of the back of the buildings. these are what we consider a ordinary construction or wood-frame buildings. these are older buildings. they catch on fire and spread very quickly this rapidly expanded from a first alarm to 3rd alarm bringing over 100 cents is the firefighters to the scene. >> crews were able to get several people out of the
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building safely. there were 2 that were treated for minor injuries in total. do 10 people now been forced out of their homes. and this comes about 24 hours after a fire damaged a historic church just blocks away. saint john, the evangelist episcopel church caught fire just before 3 o'clock friday morning. the outside of that building was damaged. the inside, though, was saved. nobody was hurt and the church was still able to move forward with its plans for easter. but a member of the church staff says they don't think this was an accident. >> very, very clear that someone left the church on fire. this was not. accidental. thankfully of church did not sistine massive structural didn't go up. it's there is exterior damage and we will be needing to repair that we secure that. the interior was largely untouched. >> supervisor hillary ronen who represents the mission district says that both incidents now are being investigated as potential arson and are being taken extremely seriously.
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>> time now 709. saratoga avenue in san jose is open now, but it was closed last night as they were investigating a hit and run that happened there near harker school. >> and 2.80, a man was struck. he was taken to the hospital and dying of his injuries. police have not yet released his name. rideshare drivers are going hold rallies today. they want better working conditions. they are staging a series of events, caravans ant rallies to address critical issues that they want attention paid to, including low payan, fared activations and hi company fees. also they say their safety risks for their jobs that they want addressed. there will be 2 news conferences today. one in front of uber headquarters, the other in front of the lift headquarters both in san francisco. >> well, the city of sunnyvale is thinking of launching a ride share service of its own to help disadvantaged residents get around the rideshare service would cost less than $5. a ride. the city council voted last week to move forward with the plan and start applying for grants.
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city says it will partner with the transportation company called silicon valley hopper to bring the service to sunnyvale and cupertino. we're supporters think the elderly and students will benefit the most. well as the oakland a's get ready to build this stadium in las vegas. espn is reporting the city of oakland has offered an extension to the team while they wait, the contract would be for 5 more years in the east bay. espn says the city and the a's will be tomorrow to discuss it further. now, according to espn, oakland mayor sheng thao said that she is committed to doing everything in our power to keep the a's in oakland. she said having major league baseball in oakland is what's best for the league for the players. and most importantly, for the fans. >> it's 7.11. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. what caused a small plane to crash in truckee? we're going to take a look at what they know so far and witnesses and what they say and a stolen truck led san leandro police
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on a chase. we'll hear from people who saw that 1, 2, plus after the break, an iconic san francisco club is pushing back. it's closing time will tell you how much longer you can enjoy these shows charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. it's time to get away
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and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. and cache in get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> 7.13, right now we're checking out the weather here. live at the airport is going to be a nice day at today's beautiful. what a way to start april. john, good morning. yeah, it's definitely looking good out there to kick off the month today and tomorrow in particular days that you should get outside. enjoy as much as you can come wednesday, we start to see a few clouds pushing in thursday gets here and we see the return of a few showers. now this morning that lots of
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sunshine out there from start to finish today. we're going to see more of that sunshine, too. little bit of storm activity in southern california, a low-pressure area down there resulting in a few monsoonal showers out towards the eastern deserts here in the bay. it's lots of sun from the coast to our inland areas tomorrow, expecting a little bit of fog up and down the coastline to kick off your tuesday. but after that burns off really quick in tomorrow's actually going to be the warmest afternoon of the forecast wednesday, a few of those clouds that i mentioned, but still staying dry and still staying comfortable won't be until thursday that any chance of showers return and keeping us cool into the following weekend after that. as for temperatures today, expect 60's in the city as well as up and down the coastline. and for most of the peninsula, a comfortable range of 's winds will calm down into the afternoon. that's just going to be the cherry on top of the sunshine and mild weather. jose. you'll get up to 73 today with pleasant and oakland at 69 dublin, as well as ramon at 70. well, san
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leandro and danville at 71 degrees. same for valais. how in vacaville getting up to 71 while santa rosa are very warm. a spot on the map at 74 tomorrow. our warmest day of the forecast. after that, we start to work your way back downhill. and just when you thought that winter weather was over, we have a cool weekend on tap with the upper 50's to low 60's in an opportunity for showers kicking back off on thursday. great. how i john. thank you for that was still off to a light start this morning. but you can see. >> from a look at our highways here. things are starting to pick up along the bay bridge. richmond center fell bridge and highway 4 other highways like want to want to 80 in the east bay, the traveling there. things are still pretty decent, 70 min right into the city. and remember, we've got some high winds. people are drive a little slower this morning. we're not seeing a lot of traffic building at the toll plaza. 15 minute ride. 82 want your san mateo bridge. checking on those highways south bay, 101. 85 to menlo park under 30 minutes now. it's gone up about 2 minutes. 32 minute right there. the
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east bay selanne shut to 37 starting to pick up just gradually. 25 minute ride starting to slow down gradually do hey, we're but once you get a free month, things are looking good. darya. james, back to you. >> thank you. its 7.16, and for your money. this morning. a new study says it pays for companies to offer child care to workers and tap scams are all around now that it is tax filing season. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more. hi, jane. >> hi there. yeah, good morning. it's a bull market for tax fraud right now as we head toward the tax filing deadline, a lot of people paying attention criminals are pocketing thousands of refunds of stealing social security numbers and filing phony tax returns. now from experts say they will also pose as irs officials or tax experts. an attempt to make off with bank account information. are you to pay some bogus fees as well? a growing body of evidence suggests friday is increasingly work. leisure
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limbo land. the wall street journal. talk to the folks at the workforce analysis from active truck and they found sign time for the average north american worker. as 03:00pm on fridays, fred is also the most popular day for fitness and beauty bookings on the class pass app and 2023. well, companies see returns between $0.90 and $4 and $0.25 for every dollar spent on onsite daycare or other child care benefits for their workers. according to a new study, only about 12% of u.s. employers currently provide child care benefits. these organizations they found in this study were more likely to retain working parents as a result of that. next reports. more research is needed on this. this study could encourage people to take a closer look. well, overly quiet restaurant could be the kiss of death for the business. but a study finds most restaurants are actually the opposite. sound print data says 63% eateries are too loud for a normal conversation. and now a new businesses spotted a caustic advisors. they can say
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patrons from shouting with well placed curtains, carpets and sound absorbing foam live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. back thank you, jane. see later. >> 6.18, or should say 7.18. let's take a quick look at some of the gas prices around the bay area right now is the state average is now $5 and $0.10. so san francisco has the most expensive. you can see that at the top of the list of 5.26. a gallon. sandra fell not far behind at 5.25. the prices to drop as you work your way down the list. santa rosa napa, oakland, san jose. as you can see, 5.12, and then even below fairfield's above $5. that's the cheapest average price we've seen around the bay at $5.9 per gallon. another bay area news in the north bay expect some traffic delays throughout april as parts of highway. 37 are set to be closed now between solano and sonoma counties during the weeks of april and even into may. so starting april, 12th caltrans will be working on one traffic direction per weekend. so
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westbound lanes are going to be closed to traffic and everybody will be diverted the weekend of april 12th and the 19th then eastbound lanes will be closed and traffic diverted the weekend of april. 26th and may 3rd. we have another setback for storm battered section of highway one. look at this. a new landslide has closed another portion of that historic roadway. this is between big sur and carmel by the sea effect not too far away from bixby bridge they have that portion of southbound lane crumbling to the sea saturday, just south of rocky creek bridge. caltrans says that daily convoys are going to lead the central travelers through that area from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. that same area still struggling to recover from multiple landslides were triggered in last winter storms. it's 7.20, in an east bay. police in oakland are investigating fatal stabbing. >> that happened friday in the morning about 07:00am on 15th avenue near san antonio park.
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a man was stabbed there at least one time. paramedics tried to save him. but he he died of his injuries. we don't know the idea 7.20, is the time right all right. well, to cal works programs that help thousands of families might see their budgets reduced. >> in order to help stabilize the state's deficit. so one program subsidizes jobs for low-income californians and the other helps families experiencing domestic violence or homelessness. 354,000, california households with children get cal works benefits each year. and san francisco state senator scott wiener's trying to preserve it. he says the budget committee is working right now on a plan to address the budget deficit without impacting cal works programs. that plan he thinks will be released later this spring. governor newsom has issued a proclamation in honor of cesar chavez yesterday, california and 6 other states observe the activists birthday as a form a holiday from 1951. to 53. chavez lived in san jose working in apricot orchards in the early 60's. he founded the national farm workers
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association and he's best known for heading a great boycott that lead to higher wages for farm workers. he also was key in passing the california agricultural labor relations act. back in 1975. which gives farm workers the right to unionize. it's 7.21, in san francisco celebrated transgender day of visibility. >> instyle asia sf held celebrations at their location in the soma neighborhood. if you don't know it, it's a restaurant. they host transgender cabaret performances. it doubles as a nightclub yesterday was actually supposed to be the last night opened. but on their website, they said that due to overwhelming support, they have an encore in april and we had a chance to speak to one of the co-founders. >> because of the love and support from the bay area. we just had an overwhelming number of reservations. we have hundreds of people on our waitlist who can't get in. >> so we made a decision to
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extend our closing one more months until april 28th, which creates a very special opportunity for us because actually april 17. will be our 26 year anniversary. >> and you can make dinner reservations for the big anniversary on their website right now. and even after they close, they are going to continue with pop-up events. it's 7.22. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news. aggravated assaults are on the rise throughout california. and it's happening in the bay area to we'll take a closer look.
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>> we're back at 7.25. an aggravated assault are reportedly rising across the state and gun violence is believed to be behind that trend. according to the california department of justice, aggravated assault went up. 28 1% in santa clara county from 2019 to 2022. in contra costa county assault went up 42% in that same period. and in alameda county, the number was 46%. while incident rates in san mateo county were low compared to the other counties around it. it also saw a 65% increase. researchers say it's not known to what extent guns are fueling the increase, but they say it is a big part of the problem. other violent crimes like rape and homicide are actually trending downward. all of this, according to data from the fbi. >> it's 7.25 and the family of a man who was struck and killed by a garbage truck in san jose last month is now suing the company that owns the truck. the crash happened at the intersection of elm street and mckendree street near the san jose airport. the
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man was crossing the street when the truck owned by greenways recovery made a turn and hit him. police say the driver of the district, the truck did stay and is cooperating with the investigation. but the lawsuit alleges the truck didn't stop at the stop sign. but instead rolled through it, hitting the man from behind and then running over his body 7.26. right now. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. the governor is going to add more cameras, hundreds of them more cameras, hundreds of them to the east bay to crime and ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save.
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first day of april. and it looks like it's going to start pretty warm. we're so good. it's nice and clear out there right now, a lack of sunshine this morning. you we've got all of it this morning and a nice start to april for sure today and tomorrow in particular. >> going to be beautiful, clear and warm days. looking outside from stitcher tower. this has been my favorite view this morning. just a little bit of cloud cover sitting right above the golden gate. other than that is a beautiful crystal clear morning. we do have some thunderstorm activity down towards los angeles and out into the deserts of arizona. but that is well away from us. we are staying dry and sunny all day long today. little bit breezy that maybe the catch this morning, a bit of a brisk feel to get you started as we move into the afternoon. those winds calm down and it will be the cherry on top of what's going to be sunshine and mild weather. temperatures close to the 30's in dublin livermore right now all the way down to 41 degrees. oakland, you're at 46. well, as in san mateo holding on to the low 50's later on today, daytime highs
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will rise into the low 60's at the coast while low 70's for most of the rest of us right now. all eyes on. thank you for like conditions out there on your bridges and your highways. >> almost looks like a holiday still pretty gusty. so take your time. if you are traveling, meteor lights on in the bay bridge. but as you can see, no traffic building. we typically have traffic building up the toll plaza certainly around 7.30, 60 minutes. 82 want to one getting on and off the san mateo bridge doing that and ease 13 minute ride along the ridges center bridge. let's get a look at the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. wow, it went down a little bit. 25 minutes to make that drive our users. back to you. thanks. a lot of rain is 7.30, and tomorrow, more than 3500 nurses in santa clara county. you're going to be on strike 3 day strike. >> they say this may impact patients services crop was michael thomas following the story for us up in the newsroom. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's right. it could affect some people in this three-day strike was approved by 97% of santa clara county nurses, professional association, all who say that
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working conditions have become extreme and now a safety concern, which is why they want more pay better staffing and more security. this system wide strike involves more than 3700 registered nurses at santa clara valley medical center, o'connor hospital and st. louis regional hospital all planning to walk off the job tomorrow to begin a three-day strike as they cannot reach an agreement with county officials on a new contract. these negotiations have been underway since last fall with the focus on salary benefits and the nurse to patient ratio. now, nurses say the county is not negotiating in good faith. while the county says it faces a massive budget deficit. however, they remain committed to providing a fair contract. the walk-off may affect certain services but staff at the hospitals tell us they have already begin bringing temporary staff in and making sure that critical care units are taking care of. >> we have a dedicated group of leaders and many staff who will be working around the clock through the weekend to
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make sure that we can adequately or aunt and train the supplemental staff who will be joining us during the strike to continue those critical services to the community. >> now, as of right now, that strike is set to take place tomorrow morning and it will be at all 3 hospitals. we did reach out to both hospital officials and county officials this morning. see if there was any update between the 2 as that strike again is set to happen within the next 24 hours. as we hear back from them, we'll keep you updated live this morning in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas started. james, we'll send it back to you. thank you, michael. 7.32. is the time right now. governor newsom is planning to install hundreds of cameras in the east bay to combat crime. >> 480 high-tech surveillance cameras are going to be installed 290 cameras will be on the streets of oakland throughout the city and then another 190 will be along freeways in the area. they should be online within the first ones within the next 30 days. oakland city councilmember dan kalb has been pushing for this for
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quite a while now. and he supports the plan. >> have a serious crime problem not all neighborhoods, but many neighborhoods and it goes up and down. we need to do the best we can to investigate a are this. but the most serious crimes that happened in our city investigate crimes, you have to have evidence. you have to have lead to have to have information and a high-tech surveillance cameras can be one of the sources that get us information to help successfully investigate crimes and hold people accountable who perpetrate crimes? >> not everyone is in support of the plan. however, the anti-police terror project says that they think that the city and state's budget deficits mean that this that spent for tackling homelessness and helping to get people living wages. the governor's office says those cameras are going to retain the recordings for 28 days and the video will not be shared 3rd parties. anything beyond state law enforcement.
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>> 7.34 is the time. and alexis gabe documentary will air this spring after the community rallied to get the network to show it in the end. so gabe was reported missing back in 2022. and officers found her partial remains in plymouth later that year early in march, we reported that a documentary about the opie woman's homicide would air on discovery. plus, but then the family received news from the network that the program wasn't going to air in the spring. after all, the family turned to the community to apply pressure to the network to air that program and the network has since announced the documentary about will air as originally planned. in the east bay. berkeley police are now looking for 2 people in connection with the shooting. that shooting happened just after 3 o'clock yesterday morning near the uc berkeley campus. police say one of the suspects shot someone who interrupted them in the middle of a burglary. they say the shooter and at least one other person then sped off in a dark colored car. fortunately, nobody was hurt. >> in the east bay, that was a
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shelter-in-place. it's been lifted now in san leandro after a standoff happened saturday afternoon. this started around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. a man stole a truck and then led police on a chase we talked to 2 men who saw some of this unfold. well, there is that. >> red truck that crashed into the tree right there. knocked over the street sign. the tow truck came and took that away. the guys down. they said it was a stolen car. >> and police say the man was also carrying at least one knife. he locked himself in a different car. then and officer at the scene said that he was having some kind of a mental episode. they got a negotiator there to talk to him. and he was eventually, as you can see, taken by ambulance to the hospital. >> in the south, a hazmat team and bomb squad investigated. >> and owner odor that sent 3 people to the hospital. it was people to the hospital. it was at thi san jose on van le avenue near
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2.80. >> and the smell was permeating the area saturday night. so has matt got and they had everybody evacuate the building and checked it out. they didn't find anything suspicious. but again, 3 people did go to the hospital. they issues with their breathing. >> will some developing news out of truckee now where the ntsb spent sunday investigating a deadly plane. yeah, this small plane went down near the airport. 2 people were killed early next. shadix has the latest. >> well, just behind me and down a ways is the side of this fatal plane crash. an ntsb investigator arrived just before noon time and now their investigation is underway. >> just on the other side of these train tracks along glen shy or drive an olympic boulevard. is the area where the national transportation safety board is investigating the crash of a company dire tbm, 700 airplanes which went
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down around 6.30 last night. the truckee tahoe airports, facebook page shows this plane as being very similar to the tbm aircraft. richard manso, who lives about a block away, heard the plane just before it crashed into an air show and you hear them revved their engines down here like a big. >> i like it was basically like that. and then i just heard like a. >> he says the sounds were muffled by the snow coming down at the time. there was weather last we had a little bit of snow going that visibility was bad. and when there's snow clouds, you don't really hear things. >> you know, as soon as if everything is nice and clear, kind of surreal it in a sense why why planes going over my house like that at that time of night. a spokesman for the ntsb says their investigator will begin documentation of the wreckage and crash site. >> we saw workers in orange, vast looking in and aro-nd the site. the coroner says the
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bodies were still inside. couldn't move them until after the ntsb arrived on scene. they say their investigation involves 3 primary areas. the pilot, the aircraft and the operating environment. >> the investigator says she hopes she will soon have more information to share. the cause of the crash is being determined, but the plane went down as the pilot attempted to land at the truckee tahoe airport. neighbors say back in 1992, there was another fatal crash in that general area after plane had taken off from the airport. richard says this accident is especially tragic being that today is easter sunday. when many families are together. that's really sad that i mean, everything like that is really sad for sure. >> well, that was rowena shaddox reporting for us this morning. in other headlines, sports sports lounge in oakland is now permanently
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closed. sunday was motions sports lounge last day of business. a sports bar serve drinks and food and they posted on instagram that they npwere closing in part because of current social and economic situations. on their post, they thanked customers for the years of laughs and memories. we had a chance to talk with a longtime customer who said he's sad to see the lounge go. >> when i heard about it, i decided to come on out i've been in the house while my i've got to come step out to show my support. every time i come here, always this using quantity drinks. everything was really said that he's leaving release >> said that they're leaving. but they were all smiles there across the lounge for that final hurrah. >> california currently has the highest unemployment rate in the country. taking a look at the latest numbers. the state's unemployment is 5.3%. and that was in february. that's one of the 12 times in
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48 years. now that californians have been nations highest unemployment, rural counties, especially hard hit by this they're saying 15% unemployment. there are reports that came out last week found california has the lowest job growth of any state with employment rising. just 0.1 5% from september. 22 september of 2023. >> we're going to take a break here at 7.40, but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a program providing access to nutritious food for low-income california's could be on the chopping block. we'll tell you how one lawmaker's trying to save that program. and after the break, the warriors looking to bring home their 4th straight win while on the road in texas will have the highlights. >> and looking like a gorgeous day out there today with temperatures rising well into the 60's and 70's later on. we'll be in the low 60's at the coast. some low 70's for bayshore in inland areas. i've got your forecast. and while
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we're still seeing light conditions out there still pretty gusty. if you're traveling across the golden gate bridge, taking time out there, right back after the there, right back after the break. wa on 18.
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. >> 7.43 right now, the first day, april. and we're starting warm and i think there may be some more or not, john, with it yet. we've got john with all those john, the rain does come back later on this week. we get a nice little break this time around, though, today, tomorrow and even wednesday, we can really beautiful in particular today.
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and tomorrow, though. >> looking outside from hillside view on mount tam gorgeous crystal clear skies overhead, nothing but sunshine as we move into the afternoon for your april. first today, southern california is getting a little unsettled weather due to this low pressure area resulting in some thunderstorm activity to our south. not so much here locally, though skies will remain nice and sunny all day long today. tomorrow morning, we start with a touch of fog towards the coastline. burns off really quick in tomorrow's actually going to be the warmest day. this forecast followed by a slight cool down into wednesday with a few clouds here and there and a little bit of morning fog. thursday will bring the return of shower potential and thereafter a bit more of an unsettled and much cooler weekend to follow. as for today, temperatures a little warmer than yesterday, 60's in the city as well as at the coast 60's as well from brisbane down through burlingame. while you get further south of the peninsula saying carlos through mountain view and eventually into the south bay, low 70's to be expected, same upper 60's to
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low 70's across the east bay this afternoon, hayward and san leandro tonigh. 71 concord as well as pittsburgh over to sonoma at 72 and warmest spot being santa rosa all the way up to 74 degrees this afternoon. tomorrow, expect more mid 70's. our warmest day of the forecast. wednesday is not looking bad. but after that, we're really cooling down with upper 50's to low 60's at the warmest from thursday on into the weekend with an opportunity for showers returning on thursday as well. >> rain. all right, john, thank you for that. looking overall lighter monday commute. but you do have some spots. they're starting to slow down just a little bit before you're traveling there. just past pittsburgh is when things start to slow down 20 woman, iran, antioch, into to 42 bay bridge. although things have been gusty there this morning, the meteor lights have been on and no traffic building at the toll plaza. still factor that in. and you want to take the time because of the winds. 14 minutes there. 13 minutes. also want to along over to center fell bridge other highways are things starting to build just
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past richmond, clocking out towards the maze. about 18 minutes. no need to take san pablo avenue. going make really good time. 24 wanna creek the 5.80, around 12 minutes and then traveling along 6.80, southbound down to fremont's to 42 around 16 minutes. there there is is back to you. thanks to lauren is 7.46. and a tnt is alerting customers. there is a possible data breach. >> that could impact more than senate. 7 and a half million people. tnt says that customers pass codes have been compromised. they say they're still investigating right now. it appears the affected data is from 2019 or earlier. they say the data does not contain your financial information and the reaching out now to current and former customers who may have been impacted. >> well, former contractor charged for using public funds to build his own apartment inside a train station has pleaded not guilty, seth and
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reward and a former employee of transamerica services incorporated is accused of using taxpayer money to build living quarters inside the millbrae train station san mateo county. prosecutors say that warden conspired with joseph vincent navarro, who was a former director for caltrain who also, by the way, approved thousands of dollars in building expenses to turn in office into a small living space inside that burlingame station caltrain employees first discovered this converted space at the station in 2020. authorities say the transit agency became aware of it after an anonymous tip in 2022. as california faces a multibillion dollar deficit, one bay area lawmakers pushing to keep money for a pilot program that provides nutritious foods for low income californians assembly member alex has supported this fruit and vegetable pilot program since its launch a year ago. the program reimburses calfresh participants up to $60 a month provide fresh produce are
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participating. markets about 75,000 people participated in the program, but it's set to run out of money in mid april and that's why lee is calling on the governor and fellow lawmakers to keep the 30 million dollar program alive despite the budget deficit. >> comparison of scale, 30 million dollars out of a 260 billion dollar budget is still not the boost money. it's a relatively small amount. and i think we can find some room to sweep like this. that really is having great achievements of metrics. what we have with this program is something that's highly successful, reduces hunger improves health and supports california agriculture. we did reach out to governor newsom's office to see if they plan to include money for program in the budget. we're still waiting to hear back. >> time now, 7.48. if you have a lot of old >> dvd's or even vhs tapes. >> there's a new place, a new place you can share them, get rid of the out of your garage. you may be given to somebody who still has that capability.
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i can't even play that stuff anymore. but check it out. it's a blue box. it looks like a newspaper box. and that's because they actually got this from the venetian herald. they donated this old newspaper stand and now it's seen a blockbuster box. that's what they're calling it. you can put like a little free library and you put it what you want. somebody goes back in picks up the stuff that they want for free. and they've got this stand. this one is outside pocket monkey. vintage that, sir. clothing use. cloud shot them in asia. but there are other eshat you'll find in oakland, san jose and near santa ro to so keep your eye out for the little blue blockbuster boxes. okay. let's turn our attention to bay area basketball now with the warriors. they were on the road taking on the spurs in san antonio. our kron 4 sports director jason dumas takes a look at what happened. >> the warriors look to end their five-game road trip off with a strong finish against the spurs. they're still trying to fend off the houston rockets who actually play the
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warriors next week. but in the meantime, steph curry and company looking to move the win streak now the spurs they led for the majority of the 1st half. but the 3rd quarter warriors down to dream on. more like trayvon get he had 21 points 11, this 3rd quarter alone later in the 3rd warriors of 6 dream on doing what he does best. getting a gets it ahead to gp 2 with the reversed dunk. dream on at 6 steals dubs pad. that lead right there. all right. later on victor wembanyama, he got dunked on by trayce jackson-davis last time these 2 teams played victor got his life back. lyft race know about it. 32 in 9, 5, for victor later in the 4th quarter. golden state of 10 draymond sets the screen. steph curry knocks down the 3. steph had 33 points 8 assists. but look, first are feisty group. 7. they bring it back.
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make it close down 5 there. jetty osman with the but at the end of the day. draymond made more plays than the spurs. he gets the offensive rebound finds klay thompson. he said let's go back to the bay warriors. get the win one, 17, one, 13, now their home. they take on the dallas mavericks on tuesday. all right. that's your look at sports. >> all right. meantime, yeah, let's talk giants. they started their season down in san diego against the padres over the weekend. giants looking to take 3 out of 4 from the padres on this easter sunday. but unfortunately, they lost 13 to 4 giants are now in la will be taking on the dodgers tonight with first pitch at 7.10. as for the a's, the game was a close one. they were looking to avoid the sweep against the guardians a's win in the walkoff walk in the 9th inning. 43 the final oakland gets its first win of
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the season. they'll host the red sox tonight at 6.40. it is 7.52. we'll take a break. be right back.
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>> the mps. >> we're back. time now. 7.54 in experts are giving new advice on how to react to unsolicited emails in your mailbox, including the unsubscribe button in an unsolicited e-mail that could potentially affect your device with spyware or malware. you don't want to don't trust any link on these e-mails. and that gives us obviously
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scammers access your identity, leaving it vulnerable for future attacks. the federal trade commission is advising you to report unsolicited e-mails as spam rather than hitting that unsubscribe button. >> 7.55 right now and happening tomorrow, new bagel shop opening up in berkeley. as you can see, it's called bagel tapia. and it's spring in the east coast bagels to the west coast. they say the owner says that they're looking forward to bringing out of the box flavors here as well. and they have a vegan menu, too. if you're interested. bagel tobia is on university avenue and acton street opening at 7.30 tomorrow 7.55. right now coming over the next hour. the kron 4 morning news. >> some fast food workers are going to get a boost in pay. starting today, their minimum wage goes up. does that mean you'll be paying more for your menu items? will take a look at that. and the small business owner in oakland is asking city to take action because somebody broke into their shop easter sunday. and
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san francisco firefighters responded to fires that happened in the same area. and 24.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars,
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northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. we're got a lot of news that we're getting to this monday morning,
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including this oakland, another business. >> broken into this time on easter sunday and the owner want action. plus, we're going to take you to the south where thousands of nurses are preparing to go on strike this week. we're live with impacts that might have for patients. and is fast food going to cost you more? because those workers get a pay raise? starting today? we'll talk about that. good morning. i'm daria and i'm james fletcher. we're going to go outside, though. first off, take a live look here at san francisco. talk about this weather on april. 1st. looks like is clear so far, john, yet today going to be a gorgeous one. really kicking off april and a comfy notes across the bay area. >> today, tomorrow and wednesday, all looking really nice to will get a little spoiled looking outside right now from the center tower camera at golden gate bridge skies are crystal clear out there. we are seeing a bit of a breezy start this morning, but that's ok, as long as you've got the jacket on temperatures are cool. winds breezy us to the north bay, the delta at the coastline. and you'll notice that on some of our bridges but calming down into


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