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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  April 1, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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including this oakland, another business. >> broken into this time on easter sunday and the owner want action. plus, we're going to take you to the south where thousands of nurses are preparing to go on strike this week. we're live with impacts that might have for patients. and is fast food going to cost you more? because those workers get a pay raise? starting today? we'll talk about that. good morning. i'm daria and i'm james fletcher. we're going to go outside, though. first off, take a live look here at san francisco. talk about this weather on april. 1st. looks like is clear so far, john, yet today going to be a gorgeous one. really kicking off april and a comfy notes across the bay area. >> today, tomorrow and wednesday, all looking really nice to will get a little spoiled looking outside right now from the center tower camera at golden gate bridge skies are crystal clear out there. we are seeing a bit of a breezy start this morning, but that's ok, as long as you've got the jacket on temperatures are cool. winds breezy us to the north bay, the delta at the coastline. and you'll notice that on some of our bridges but calming down into the afternoon. so
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after morning with the jackets ready to go and at hand the afternoon, it will be back to shorts and t-shirts for a lot of us 40's and 50's right now. pretty chilly. start in oakland at forty-seven degrees. where is later today will be right around that 70 degree. mark in oakland, i'll talk more about the rest of this forecast, including not return a showers eventually still to come bringing. all right, john, thank you that. looks like a lot of people might have the day off, not seen as much traffic on a monday morning, 14 minute ride to the city. and while things are still gusty, want to take your time and definitely keep all hands on the steering wheels. 15 minutes traveling across towards the peninsula into 101, richmond center fell ridge around 13, even at 13 minutes for the past 3 hours and the golden gate bridge. 37, the tolls around. 25 minutes during days. back to you. thanks a lot rain. a fast food workers are getting a raise in california starting today. you are minimum wage going up to $20 an hour and that could have a trickle down effect for the rest of us. if
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the companies pass it on to the clients covers will tran is live in pleasant hill. >> with a look at what's going on high will. >> more than likely they will pass it along to customers. so the next time you go into starbucks, don't be surprised that your coffee will cost a little bit more because starting today, fast food workers, we're talking about 500,000 of them in california. they could go see a pay raise from $16 to $20. here's the catch. you have to have a restaurant, 60 of them across the country. so we're talking national chains. if you're a mom pa shot, it does not affect you. but national chains like starbucks. mcdonald's taco bell. we all know about them, right? so it's going to cause the employers now more money for their employees, anywhere from 250,000 to $500,000. more for them. so they're thinking about possibly doing hiring freezes. they're also thinking about laying some of their
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employees and of course, passing along the difference to the customers. now, governor gavin newsom, he was behind this. he signed this into law last fall. but today is the day goes into effect. he says they need a livable wage because a generation or 2 ago, fast food, mostly teenagers worked in high school. i worked at a fast food when i was in high school as well. but he says those days are done. it's mostly adults and they need the money to take care of their families with the average age being 26 years and older. and that's why they need this $20. minimum wage. again, this does not impact you if you don't have chains more than 60 stores across the country. but a lot of the stores individually own. yes, it's a national store, but it's individually owned franchisees and some of them. i've already said that they probably will start laying off some of their employees. >> all right. thanks a lot. we'll well in the east bay, if
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the post-covid business climate wasn't bad enough, how about >> local store burglarized on easter sunday. another break in with another business owners saying they want help. kron four's. dan kerman has more. >> we need that the city that to take action and to prevent this from happening to us. this is not fair. this easter sunday. this is the sunday that we should all be spending time with our loved ones and enjoying this day, not having too, you know, cleanup last. look at this. that's exactly what oakland clothing designer taylor jay had to do easter morning. >> after being notified or flagship store on broadway had been burglarized. it happened about 05:30am, in the morning after breaking the glass in the front door. security video shows a man coming inside the store and helping himself to a wide array of goods being a small business in oakland and how tough things have already been for us. >> you know, small businesses general. it doesn't feel good.
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it doesn't feel good at all. it's really devastating is really heartbreaking in it. it's very discouraging. >> jay says the burglar was in the store for 15 minutes and made off with ipad cell phones and thousands of dollars of clothing bags and accessories. he even took our own people, use our suitcases, impact our inventory in the soo cases. in addition take removing items, it's a tough pill to swallow. taylor. jay has been in business for 10 years and takes pride in the fact her garments are not only designed in oakland but made in the city as well. and while this incident has are rethinking store's security, she says she has no plans to leave. in fact, she hopes the incident will serve to rally the community. i think this is all of our businesses that year businesses might is. my business is yours and we1 should be in and the right way. and we have to support one another to be here and we have to speak about it vocally. dan kerman kron, 4 news.
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>> lot of side shows over the weekend in the bay area. you can see a couple of them were going to show throughout the east bay. this one was 12:40am, in the morning easter sunday. yesterday, franklin canyon road and john mair parkway in hercules. and you can see a lot of people there. they're videotaping it so close. but their cell phones and >> lot of burnt rubber there at one 30 in the morning, antioch, there was a sideshow blocking the intersection lone tree way. >> and golf course road. and you can see in this one, some fireworks were set off as well. police got to the scene and broke that one up. and then in oakland there was a sideshow. this one to 45 in the morning at 51st street and telegraph and the temescal neighborhood. there are also some fireworks there. and when we get that when the police got there, all the cars took off. people are hanging out of the car. so pretty dangerous sight there. nobody was hurt. oakland police are
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investigating, however, a sideshow that had a hit and run crash. then again, nobody was hurt. but this hit and run happened and then the driver of that car jumped into another car and got away before the police got there. this happened on burma road saturday night around 8.30, again. nobody was hurt. >> 806, is the time and fire breaks out in 2 buildings in san francisco's mission district. and investigators say arson is something they're looking into. the most recent fire broke out early saturday morning. it was on why street between 15th and 16th. firefighters say it started as a car fire which then spread to 2 nearby buildings with people inside. >> the flames had spread of the back of the buildings. these are what we consider a ordinary construction or wood-frame buildings, older buildings. they catch on fire and spread very quickly. this rapidly expanded from a first alarm to 3rd alarm bringing over 107 says the firefighters to the scene. >> well, crews were able to get several people out of that
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building safely. 2 were treated for minor injuries in total, 10 people were forced out of their homes. and this comes about 24 hours after a fire damaged a historic church just blocks away. saint john, the evangelist episcopal church caught fire just before 3 o'clock friday morning. the outside of that building was damaged. the inside luckily was saved. nobody was hurt and the church was able to move forward with its plan to easter events. but a member of the church says they don't think this was an accident. >> very, very clear that someone with the church on fire. this was not. accidental. church did not sistine massive structural didn't go up. it's there is exterior damage and we will be needing to repair that we secure that. the interior was largely untouched. >> supervisor hillary ronen who represents the mission district says both incidents now being investigated as potential arson. time now is 808 and saratoga avenue in san
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jose and to be closed down while they investigated a pedestrian that was struck and killed last night. they want to know how this happened. it was at harker school campus right near there on 2.80. the police say that the man was struck. he was taken to the hospital and up dying of his injuries. we don't know his identity today. rideshare company drivers are going to be rallying. they want better working conditions. they're staging a series of events from caravans, 2 rallies to address critical issues they say are impacting their work, including low pay on fair. activations high company fees and safety risks. there will be 2 news conferences happening today. one in front of the uber headquarters, the other for the lift quarters headquarters both in san francisco. >> well, the city of sunnyvale is thinking of launching a ride share service of its own to help disadvantaged residents get around the rideshare service would cost less than $5. a ride. the city council voted last week to move forward with the plan and start applying for grants. the
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city is going to be partnering, they say with a transportation company called silicon valley hopper to bring this service to sunnyvale and cupertino. we're supporters think the elderly and students will benefit the most. as the oakland a's. get ready to build this new stadium in las vegas. espn is reporting that the city of oakland >> has offered an extension for the team to play while they wait, the contract would be for 5 years in the east bay. again, where is pn says the city and the a's will meet tomorrow to continue their talks. according to the outlet, though oakland mayor sheng thao says she is committed to doing everything in our power to keep the a's in oakland long term. she said having a major league baseball team in oakland is what's best not only for the league and the players, but especially for the fans. >> it's 809. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. aggravated assaults are rising across california, including here in the bay area. we'll take a closer look at that problem. plus, more hundreds more security cameras are
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coming to the east bay to improve safety. and after the break, an iconic san francisco club is staying open a little bit longer. we'll show you what you can enjoy their and how the owner is keeping it open. >> in today's looking pretty good. we've got some 60's at the coast with a lot of 70's elsewhere in the great day to get out and about and enjoy some sunshine. talk about the rest of your forecast ahead. >> and hopefully you enjoyed your holiday weekend. looks like a lot of people that opted for the day off. not seeing a lot of congestion out there, windy conditions.
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>> 18 and 8, 13 right now. got a little ahead of myself. there are some traffic delays you can expect throughout april on parts of highway. 37, those parts they're going to close. 37 between salon, sonoma counties over the weekends of april, an extending into may 2 starting on april. 12th caltrans is working on one traffic direction per weekend. so the westbound lanes will be closed for traffic and averted a weekend of april. 12th and 19th those 2 weekends. then the eastbound lanes are going to be diverted for the weekends of april. 26 and may 3rd. so i'm already making a note to self. 37 got it. another setback for a storm battered section of highway one. >> look at this. this es from a new landslide. the roadway just trumbull gave way. and this is the historic area between big sur and carmel by the sea. it's a gorgeous drive >> and it's really the only way around. it's a one and a
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half mile portion that the southbound lane crumble there. and that happened on saturday. just south the rock creek bridge. it's near bixby bridge the big tourist one. and i understand that like 2000 tourists and vehicles and stuff are stranded, they have to they had to spend the night in their cars so. i guess they're escorting them out around noon today. yeah. is the southern end of this was already closed off from last last storm people are like, oh, we're good. we're just, you know, drive out not anymore. and it's beautiful area. and you just got to know you can't enjoy it really right now. and we've got more stormy weather that could add to the erosion. what later in the week we do get thursday, even into the upcoming weekend could see a few more showers. so don't be fooled by the sunshine. it's not quite dead yet. >> but we'll definitely be looking at some clearing skies today tomorrow and wednesday. gorgeous weather to start this week. we'll save the showers from thursday on into next weekend. this is where we're sitting across the bay this morning. skies, beautiful and
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clear. it is a little breezy out there. so we're off to a brisk start this morning. don't forget the jackets just yet. low pressure to our south is resulting in some thunderstorm activity from arizona down into the la metro area. but for the bay where well, too far north to see any of that. and we are just sitting nice and dry under that sunshine. tomorrow morning. we will see a little bit of fog likely towards the coast that burns off. really quick, though, for your tuesday and it's going to be sunshine in our warmest temps tomorrow. wednesday, a little cooler, a few passing clouds here. and there lining us up for a much cooler thursday with the return of showers from thursday on into the upcoming weekend. today's daytime highs anywhere from the 60's to 70's sf the coastline in the sixties today, looking at 60's as well in burlingame, up to millbrae. well, low 70's from san carlos into the south bay this afternoon, santa clara and campbell, each at 72 fremont. hayward at 71 for your highs, dublin, san ramon, right at 70 while berkeley and oakland, you'll hang on to some upper
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60's. our warmest spots today is santa rosa. up to 74. a sign of things to come tomorrow. for more of us as tomorrow is the warmest day of the forecast wednesday. certainly not bad. just a few passing clouds showers look likely to return, especially for the north bay come thursday. all right, john, we'll you know, he coming off the holiday because things look great out there. >> 8 o'clock hour typically recover than random. seen a lot of green on the map. just pockets of orange like traveling along 88 e through oakland and hayward. if you are going to be hitting the roads this morning, mindful that we still have those strong winds, although traffic slight take the time. 12 minutes into the city right now, 70 0, bridge around 14. the 81 to one one of the south bay book at that 32 minutes. 85 to menlo park. so no reason to take 2.80 because when one looks great. salinger down to 37. 26 minutes. she was between 5 through oakland 80's, much lighter looks just as good. just small pockets of orange rocking out towards the maze. you start to build as soon as you hit berkeley. 17
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minute ride reaches back to you. >> thank you very much. rain it. aggravating assaults are reportedly rising across the state and gun violence. he's believed to be behind a lot of it. according to california department of justice, aggravated assaults went up. 28% in santa clara county from 2019 to 2022. in contra costa county went up 42% in that same period. and alameda county when a 46 and while incident rates in san mateo county were lower compared to others, it also saw a rise of 65%. researchers say it's not known exactly what extent guns are fueling this increase. but they say it is a big part of the problem. other crimes like rape and homicide, though, are trending downward least according to data from the fbi. a stabbing near san francisco. whole foods sends one man to the hospital. it happened about 9 o'clock sunday morning outside the whole foods on ocean avenue in the city sunset district. this is video from the citizen app showing police outside the
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store. you see it here in a second with the police tape coming from your right there. it is. when officers arrived, they found a man with stab wounds. that person is now recovering at the hospital this morning. officers arrested a person they believe is connected to the attack. although the investigation is still ongoing. >> time now is 18 and police in oakland are investigating after a fatal stabbing that happened friday morning at 07:00am on 15th avenue near san antonio park. that's where they found the victim suffering from at least one stab wound. and paramedics tried to revive them, but they were taken. the hospital died of their injuries. we don't know their name at this point. 18 and oakland man is sentence for trying to traffic arms at the port of oakland. febreze abdo yanni was convicted of conspiring and attempting to export defense articles to the middle east in 2019, ali, ani acquired multiple guns and goggles with night vision and tried to saint and ship those
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firearms in shipping containers from the port of oakland, law enforcement, however, intervene and sees the containers and the firearms. >> in the south bay, the family from and who was hit and killed by a garbage truck in san jose last month is now suing the company that owns and manages that truck. the crash happened at the intersection of elm street and mckendree street right near san jose airport. police say the man was crossing the street when the truck owned by green waste recovery and made a turn and struck him. police say the driver stayed at the scene. the lawsuit alleges the truck did not stop at a stop sign said roll through it. hit the man from behind and ran over the body. san jose police are still investigating. >> time now is 8.19, and san francisco celebrated transgender day of visibility. >> in style with asia sf they held celebrations at their location and the soma neighborhood. that's if you haven't been there is a restaurant. they host transgender cabaret performances. they double as nightclub. and yesterday was supposed to be their last
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night in business. but on their website, they posted that because of overwhelming support. they're going to be able to last through the end of april and stay open. we spoke with one of the co-founders about it. >> because of the love and support from the bay air bay area. we just had overwhelming number of reservations. we've had hundreds of people on our waitlist who can't get in. so we made a decision to extend our closing one more month until april 28th, which creates a very special opportunity for us because actually april 17. will be our 26 year anniversary. >> and you can make dinner reservations for the big anniversary on their website right now, if you'd like. and also, by the way, after they closed a worse, they'll still have pop-up events. >> governor newsom has issued a proclamation in honor of cesar chavez yesterday, california and 6 other states observe the activists
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birthdays a formal holiday was from 1951. to 53 that chavez lived in san jose working in apricot orchards in the early 60's. chavez founded the national farm workers association and he's best known for heading up grape boycott that lead to higher wages for farm workers. he also was key in passing the california agricultural labor relations act in 1975 which gave farm workers the right to unionize. and in related news today, the open public library will be closed for cesar chavez day. the library will reopen tomorrow at 10:00am. >> it's a 21. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, gas prices don't seem to be taking a break. i mean, we're just can't mailed in the bay area. take a look at how high you're paying at the pump.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> happening now, kia is recalling about 427,000 suvs. it's affacting the 2020 through 2024. telluride model suvs. there are fears that the vehicle might roll away while in park the national highway traffic safety administration says the intermediate and right front drive shaft might not be fully engaged. and that's why the car could roll away. and that's a because of improper assembly. there have been no crashes or injuries reported. kia dealers will update this and they'll do a fix for you for free if your car is affected. if you have
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verizon wireless just a couple of weeks now to claim part of 100 million dollars, class action lawsuit settlement current and former customers with verizon. if you had a contract plan, you can get $200 if you file a valid claim by april 15th. this part of a settlement deal with federal prosecutors. verizon was accused of administrative charge between the 2016 last year. and the government says that that was deceptive. verizon denies any wrongdoing but agrees to this pay at a payout. they plan to keep charging the fee. by the way, but they have agreed to change their customer agreement to better disclose that fee. >> well, a 26 is the time at 18 team is alerting customers to a possible data breach impacting more than 7 and a half million people. the company says customers pass codes were compromised. in a
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statement, a tnt said they are still investigating. but right now it appears the affected data is from 2019 or earlier. they say the data does not contain financial information. we are reaching out now to current and former customers who might have an impact. it. are taking a look at gas prices across the bay area. the state average now is at $5.10 a gallon. we're paying a little more than that in san francisco where you're averaging 5.26. sandra fell 5.25. a little cheaper as you head down the list. you got to go all the way down to the valley fairfield area, though, on the bottom of the list here where you'll get the cheapest average price of $5.9, per gallon. by the way, the national average. just $3 and $0.53 don't know when the last time was. we saw gas. that jeep here. it's a 27. we're going to take a break. there's another powerball drawing tonight. we'll take jacqui, how much money is at stake this time around? this time around? >> we'll be right back. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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it is a 29 right now. we're looking at terrific weather for april. for my gosh. what i can ask for a better way to start the week or the month, john. it is spring in full force today and to think that donner summit up in this year just 20 inches of snow this past weekend. >> this late winter and early spring has been a lot of big ups and downs and actually going to keep that trend going this week today. tomorrow, wednesday, looking beautiful and sunny, just like you're seeing here in this view. and we're back to some wetter and cooler weather towards the end of the week. but not before the sunshine and today and tomorrow in particular, lots of sunshine and 70's for you little bit cool in windy this morning. right now we're still seeing very breezy conditions across the north bay.
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definitely throw those jackets on for the morning. winds will calm down by the afternoon. so make the afternoon just as even better 40's to 50's oakland and concord. you're at 47 right now. san mateo redwood city sitting at 50 degrees later today and some of those same spots reaching into the low 70's. i'll talk about all the changes in this week's forecast. still to all right, john, thank you for that. take advantage of the light conditions today. if you need to get out, get some things done. might be a good day to do so because when at 8 o'clock do we have 10 minute traffic traveling into the city? not often 7, bridge, 13 minute say 80 to 101 year. richard center fell bridge around 7 minutes. golden gate bridge just shy of 30. so we went up about 5 minutes there. the snapshot of the bay area. you can see a lot of green across the board from the north bay all the way down to the south during james, back to you. thank you. reyna, ok, happening right now. we have more than 3500 nurses in santa clara county set to go on strike. it's a three-day strike and it could impact patients services this week.
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>> kron four's michael thomas is in the newsroom with what's going on. michael. hey, good morning, everyone. this three-day strike it was approved by about 97% of santa clara county nurses, professional association. >> all who say that working conditions have become extreme and essentially now a safety concern, which is why they want more pay better staffing and more security. the system wide strike involves more than 3700 registered nurses at santa clara valley medical center, o'connor hospital and st. louis regional hospital all are planning to walk off the job tomorrow to begin this three-day strike is they cannot reach an agreement with county officials for a new contract. they've been under negotiation since last fall with a focus on salary benefits and the nurse to patient ratio, nurses currently say that the county is not negotiating in good faith. the county says it's facing a massive budget deficit, but his remaining 2 committing in providing a fair contract. now the walk-off may affect certain services, but staff at the hospitals tell us they are beginning to prepare
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and they're bringing in temporary staff. take a listen. >> we have a dedicated group of leaders and many staff who will be working around the clock through the weekend to make sure that we can adequately or aunt and train the supplemental staff who will be joining us during the strike to continue those critical services to the community. >> as of now, the picket lines are set to start tomorrow morning at all 3 hospitals. and we did reach out this morning to both county officials in the nursing association for comment but have not heard back. also, keep in mind, in addition to those 3 major hospitals that also will affect some of those smaller clinics that they have over in the south bay area. that's a very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas story. james, we'll send it back to you. thank you very much, michael. it's 8.32 and governor newsom is planning to install hundreds of cameras in the east bay to combat crime. >> 480 high-tech surveillance cameras are going to be added 290 cameras are gone. the
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streets of oakland and another 190 will be placed on freeways in the area. the first cameras that should be online should have within the next 30 days. oakland city councilmember dan kalb has been pushing for this for some time and he supports the governor's plan. >> have a serious crime problem not all neighborhoods, but many neighborhoods and it goes up and down. we need to do the best we can to investigate a are this. but the most serious crimes that happened in our city investigate crimes, you have to have evidence. you have to have lead to have to have information and a high-tech surveillance cameras can be one of the sources that get us information to help successfully investigate crimes and hold people accountable who perpetrate crimes? >> not everybody is happy about it. the anti-police terror project says that they think because of the state's deficit that that money would be better spent on tackling issues such as homelessness and living wage. the governor's office says that
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the cameras are going to retain recordings for 28 days and be used only by law enforcement. and alexis gabe documentary will air this spring because of pressure from the community. alexis was reported missing in 2022 and then police later found her partial remains in plymouth and in march, we reported a documentary about her murder was going to air on discovery. plus, and then the family got word that a network has changed its mind. so the family turned their community, the community pressure the network to air her story. and worked discovery. plus says this documentary is going to air as planned. >> in the east bay, a shelter-in-place was lifted in san leandro after a police standoff happened saturday afternoon. stanley and police say it started just before 3 o'clock when a man stole a truck and led police on a ctase. we spoke with 2 men who saw it all unfold. here's what they had to say. >> well, there is that red
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truck that crashed into the tree right there. knocked over the street sign. the tow truck came and took that away. the guys down. they said it was a stolen car. that's >> after that, the man who police say was also carrying at least one knife locked himself inside of a different car. and officer at the scene told us the man appeared to be having some kind of a mental episode negotiators eventually were able to talk him out and he was taken to the hospital. >> it's a 35 and we want to take a look at the latest that's developing out of truckee where just outside of the airport a plane went down, killing 2 people. so the ntsb now investigating that crash. >> again, over the weekend, we've got room to shout acts with a look at where the investigation stands this morning. >> well, just behind me and down a ways is the side of this fatal plane crash. an ntsb investigator arrived just before noon time and now their investigation is underway.
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>> just on the other side of these train tracks along glen uhy or drive an olympic boulevard. is the area where the national transportation safety board is investigating the crash of a company dire tbm, 700 airplanes which went down around 6.30 last night. the truckee tahoe airports, facebook page shows this plane as being very similar to the tbm aircraft. richard manso, who lives about a block away, heard the plane just before it crashed into an air show and you hear them revved their engines down. you're like a big. >> i like it was basically like that. and then i just heard like a. >> he says the sounds were muffled by the snow coming down at the time. there was weather last we had a little bit of snow going that visibility was bad. and when there's snow and clouds, you don't really hear things.
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>> you know, as as if everything is nice and clear, kind of surreal it in a sense why why planes going over my house like that at that time of night. a spokesman for the ntsb says their investigator will begin documentation of the wreckage and crash site. >> we saw workers in orange, vast looking in and around the site. the coroner says the bodies were still inside. couldn't move them until after the ntsb arrived on scene. they say their investigation involves 3 primary areas. the pilot, the aircraft and the operating environment. >> the investigator says she hopes she will soon have more information to share. the cause of the crash is being determined, but the plane went down as the pilot attempted to land at the truckee tahoe airport. neighbors say back in 1992, there was another fatal crash in general area after plane had taken off from the airport. richard says this accident is especially tragic
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being that today is easter sunday. when many families are together. that's really sad that i mean, everything like that is really sad for sure. >> that was a shadix reporting. time now is a 38 in currently california has the highest unemployment rate and the whole country. the latest numbers show our unemployment rate is 5.3% from january and that's 12th time in 48 years at california has had the nation's highest unemployment rate. rural areas were especially hard hit some of the county saw a 15% unemployment. a report released last week found the california has a low as job growth of any state as well. the employment rate is rising just 1.5% from september 2022. to september of 2023. >> 8.39 is the time. and a sports lounge oakland has shut its doors now permanently sunday was motion. sports
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lounge is last day of business. the bars serve drinks and food a lot of folks over the years. it posted on instagram saying but the clothes the closure was happening in part due to the current social economic situation that they're in right now. but on that post, they did thank bay area customers for the years of laps and memories. we had a chance to speak with one of those customers. take a listen. >> when i heard about it, i decided to come on out i've been in the house while my i've got to come step out, show my support. every time i come here, always this music, quantity drinks, everything was really said that he's leaving, really >> sad. but it was all smiles at the lounge as folks gathered to say goodbye. >> happening tomorrow, a new bagel shop is coming to berkeley. michael tapia is bringing what they say are the flavors of the east coast to the west coast owner jeff davis tells us they're looking
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forward to bringing some out of the box flavors and ways to eat bagels. they also have an expansive. you can menu to that mirrors a classic menu options that you might be familiar with. bagel tapia is located on university avenue and acted street. the grand opening is set for 07:30am in the morning. love poppy seeds. but to get my teeth to keep you cannot eat lsu home. >> all right. tonight, the powerball jackpot is up for grabs. you have your i will have to get one today. you will. you will. because james, it's close to a billion now. 975 million dollars. a lot of my it keeps rising because james, nobody keeps winning. nobody has won yet known. >> tonight could be and if so, it will be one of the biggest payout in history. 8.40, right now. and still ahead, more warnings about measles will tell you what your recommended to do if you catch it. >> and the worriers postseason run is hanging on by a thread. we'll see what they need to make it through.
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>> and today, looking gorgeous, get an april started with some upper 60's to low 70's tomorrow will be even warmer. but the rest of the week after that starting to cool down again, i've got your forecast and we'll see much lighter conditions on this monday that still gusty. so you are traveling across all of our bridges, drive a little
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>> and we're back a 44 is the time in a new report reveals the richest retirement towns in the u.s. and one of them is right here in the bay area. walnut creek came in number 9 on this top 10 list. number
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one was a city in southern retro very base. they're now named the richest retirement community in the nation. this is all according to a study out of go banking rates. the area has a median household income of more than $166,000 a year and to retire in a city like that, you need at least 1.4 million dollars. for 25 years. several other cities here in the golden state also made the top 10, including laguna beach. it came in at number 6. >> a 44 right now and we're checking out the weather for slaving away going or probably this or may have today off because it is kind of an for monday people. we've got john wick are post holiday weekend and what a good day to have off. if you do have it may be heading out to the coastline where half moon bay, it just looks gorgeous with all that sunshine overhead. >> sunshine is something will have no shortage of across the bay area. whether you're out the coast or inland. southern california, seeing a little bit of storm activity earlier on this morning. starting to calm down for la and we will
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be looking at nothing but that sun from start to finish tomorrow. we'll start the day with a little touch of fog at the coastline burning off fairly quickly. tomorrow is going to be warmest afternoon of the forecast. wednesday, a few clouds, but staying dry in just a little bit cooler wednesday come thursday. that's when we're really looking at temperatures cooling down and opportunity of showers, especially up in the north bay come thursday. in the meantime, though, this is a very dry start to april and a very comfortable one at that as well. lot of 60's on the peninsula mixed in with some 70's from san carlos south on into the south bay with san jose at 73 today, east bay temperatures also some upper 60's to low 70's for ya, oakland, up to berkeley in the upper 60's. while richmond over to conquered hitting 70 degrees and our warmest spot today, santa rosa at 74. tomorrow's temperatures will be the warmest of the forecast cooling down gradually after that by thursday and into the weekend. it's kind of back to
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business as usual lately with the upper 50's to low 60's and opportunity of showers starting thursday into the weekend, right? all right, john, thank you for that. looks like traffic building along 101 in the south bay and the peninsula. >> nothing major about 37 minutes there. 85 to menlo park to 80 82 just as light. so we started the morning a bridge. look at this under 10 minutes. looking good. a good time to go to the city right now. san mateo bridge just short of 14, 80 to 01:00:01am, also not seen any major marc delays of maybe you want to hop on that police 5 minute ride to to 37 5. 88. can look at that. both nearly green. the 5.80, here, a little more green or the air traveling along 6.80, southbound. maybe the slightly delayed. but about my 15 minutes walking down a 60 minute, right? and let's check on highway 4 at the limit. antioch in to conquer under 60 minutes. kerry back to you. >> thank you very much. time now is 8.47. and local health officials now warning residents about the dangers of measles. they say the number
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of cases continues to climb in the bay area and around the world. measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. back in 2000. but now it's making a comeback. the cdc reporting 97 confirmed cases so far this year across 17 states, including right here in california. >> 90% of the cases that the cdc has identified nationally are are are coming in are imported from travelers from from other countries. but then because it is so easily transmitted, if there are people who are not vaccinated, kids or adults, that it can ough a quite months. those people that have not yet been vaccinated. >> bay area, infectious disease experts say that while some measles cases can be mild, it also could lead to hospitalizations, even death. measles symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose. and pink eye follow 2 to 4 days later by a rash.
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>> it's a 48 and to programs that help thousands of families might see their budgets reduced help stabilize the state's deficit. one program subsidizes jobs for low-income californians and the other helps families experiencing domestic violence or homelessness. 354,000, california households with children get cal works benefits and that's every year. and san francisco state senator scott wiener is trying to preserve the program. he says the budget committee is working on a plan to address the deficit without impacting the programs. that plan will come out later this spring. >> all right. moving on to sports. if the nba season ended today, the warriors would have the 10th seed and that means that they would have a play-in game to earn their playoff postseason berth com for sports reporter kate rooney takes a closer look. >> just 2 weeks left in the nba regular season and for the warriors, every single game left on the schedule is
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crucial. golden state is trying to run the table in hopes of securing the best possible seat for postseason play. they kept it flowing with a win over the spurs in san antonio. now, even though the spurs have already been eliminated and will play short-handed, they have the probable rookie of the year. victor wembanyama. so thanks to him and the warriors. 10 turnovers in the 1st half. the ducks play from behind throughout the 1st half. but they turned on the jets in the 3rd with an otherworldly defensive performance from draymond green. he at 6 steals to go. 21 points and 11 boards while steph curry turned in. 33 points on 12 for 23 shooting. now his first time on to the bitter end. but the warriors pulled out the one 17, one, 13 wint they've now won 4 in a row going for one on their current road trip here. steve kerr, steph curry to be on the road for 8 days and then do what we just did. that's sign of a really good team. you know, we have 8 games left and a lot can
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happen. our focus is just keep keep putting, keep winning. keep winning. you know, we're we're not just looking at. >> the team below us. we're looking at the teams above us. so we're hoping you know, keep keep pushing ahead get the most favorable, most favorable favorable, cedric and >> yeah, these next 8 games are going to be big. the warriors will be back at chase center for just one game on tuesday night before hitting the road again to close out the week does got some help. the houston rockets last houston has been hot on golden state's heels. so the warriors are looking to fend them off, maybe gain some ground on the current 8th and 9th place. teams. those are the kings and the lakers warriors sitting in that 10th seed spot. >> all right. well, meantime, in baseball, the giants started their season down in san diego against the padres over the weekend. giants were looking to take 3 out of 4 from the padres on this easter sunday. but unfortunately, they lost kind of lopsided one to the last 13 to 4. giants
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now in la will take on the dodgers tonight with first pitch at 7, 10. meanwhile, as for the a's, the game was a close one. they were looking to avoid the sweep against the guardians. a's won this one in a walk-off walk in the 9th inning. 43 was the final. oakland gets its first win of the season and they'll host the red sox tonight at 6.40, time now is 8.51. we're going to take a break. be right to take a break. be right back. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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some employees still working from home since the pandemic are willing to go back to the office. but with certain conditions, okay. here are my demand. okay. you're right. yeah. the new cisco hybrid work survey says that 72% of workers are open to coming back. but with a different look, i want coffee. i want to nap pod. 47% of those surveyed said that offices are ready to bring people back. so many are asking that workspaces are set up. it's not in the cubicle style anymore. they want a more collaborative environment. employers are also now more willing to invest in ai technologies for more hybrid work environment. want couch the catholic side table for off coffee maker. >> all that new survey also shows the top college majors where graduates can make 100 grand midway through their career. this is from business insider, a 2022 survey and it
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finds that college grad wite a degree in you're ready, engineering? yeah. i had a meeting with john 100 between the ages of 35 to 45. when this started making that of 14 different majors that they looked at 9 of the 14 were relieved. engineer. wow, it's all about engineering rise. maffei don't like it. the other 5 majors. their median wage was 100 grand included computer science. finance economics. okay. those are on construction services and business current math, math math. now a lot of it. >> a 55 right now. if you have dvd's. >> or even worse yet, vhs tapes that you can't play. there are some where you can put them in these little blue boxes. >> and they're popping up all around their little like a it's called a new little free blockbuster box is so this one is in benicia the benicia harold donated it. you can put
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in your vhs and dvd's and all kinds of stephen. somebody picks him up for free get it right. and so this one is outside monkey event is as use holdings in asia. but you know else they haee now been oakland, san jose, a santa rosa. you'll notice th4se the little blue block box buster boxes. i don't know what to do with all my stuff so much. we'll get somebody somebody who still has a machine that you play >> all right. a 56 is the time we're going. take a break. but coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news. some fast food workers are getting a boost in pay because of the minimum wage increase. but we're going hear how that might impact you the next time you go grab a burger or whatever else. >> plus, a small business owner in oakland is asking to see do something to help. they were robbed during easter sunday. we'll have their story. and san francisco firefighters jumping on 2 fires in the same district in less than 24 hours. was it arson? it's a question they're looking into.
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