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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> security video here shows
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and easter morning burglary leaves an east bay business owner feeling just devastated and this post covid business climate. you know, it's been tough enough, but imagine having to do with being burglarized easter sunday. yeah, it's what happened to the small business in oakland. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> we need that. the city that to take action and to prevent this from happening to us. this is not fair. this easter sunday. this is the sunday that we should all be spending time with our loved ones and enjoying this day, not having too, you know, cleanup last. look at this. that's exactly what oakland clothing designer taylor jay had to do easter morning. >> after being notified or flagship store on broadway had been burglarized. it happened about 05:30am, in the morning after breaking the glass in the front door. security video shows a man coming inside the store and helping himself to a wide array of goods being a
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small business oakland and how tough things have already been for us. >> you know, small businesses general. it doesn't feel good. it doesn't feel good at all. it's really devastating. really heartbreaking in it's very discouraging. >> jay says the burglar was in the store for 15 minutes and made off with ipad cell phones and thousands of dollars of clothing bags and accessories. he even took our own people, use our suitcases, impact our inventory and suitcases. in addition take removing items, it's a tough pill to swallow. taylor. jay has been in business for 10 years and takes pride in the fact her garments are not only designed in oakland but made in the city as well. and while this incident has are rethinking store's security, she says she has no plans to leave. in fact, she hopes the incident will serve to rally the community. i think this is all of our businesses that year businesses might is. my business is yours and we should be in and the right way. and we have to support
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one another to be here and we have to speak about it vocally. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> one person is recovering after being shot in east oakland on friday. officers were alerted to gunshots from the shotspotter system 47th avenue near melrose around 09:00pm. police found the victim there with at least one gunshot wound. they were taken to the hospital as of sunday. the person was stable. the investigation is ongoing. >> there will soon be new restrictions on how long you could have short-term health insurance. the biden administration is making short-term plans a lot shorter and called for. catherine heenan joins us tonight live in the newsroom with details like out that. >> a grant to yet depending on who you talk to about this. it either makes a lot of sense or just a way they say the scam consumers who really need the coverage. >> crack down junk health insurance. the biden administration has just finalized plans to limit short-term health insurance
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plans. 2, 3, months with the option for a one-month renewal. this is a big u-turn on trump era policy that allowed people to have those plans for up to 4 years. last administration took that provision which is very narrow. >> for a limited emergency coverage and made a loophole so big you could drive a truck the white house is spending the move as a way to protect consumers. >> arguing that short term plans do not offer comprehensive care. they're being told you can pay this incredibly low pricing, a good insurance, but it turns out it's not. but turns, in fact, is not really insurance at all. >> but critics say the biden administration just wants people to stick with its on brand of affordable care saying it is taking away consumer choices and creating another problem. >> creates gaps in health insurance. some health policy experts are calling the rule change. >> dangerous saying that people who get sick now, arlen short-term insurance, we'll have no options if they hit their 4 months limit outside
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the affordable care enrollment period. the biden administration is throwing sick people out of their health insurance in the event of an insures for up to 12 months. that same policy expert says most short-term plans. in fact, do provide comprehensive coverage and labeling them as john key says, is wrong. it's not only garbage. it's dishonest because they are the ones who we can. consumers here. a florida for affordable care supporters have for a long time been worried that these short-term plans would attract younger, healthier people away from. >> obamacare policies in the end they won out. this new rule is set to take effect in september. no. alan grant. >> catherine, thank state lawmakers introduced a package of bills today that they say will help prevent discrimination and harassment at california universities. among the proposals is a bill calling on each university to set up a campus title 9 office to investigate harassment allegations. another bill would require the state
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auditor to review university discrimination and harassment policies at the csu you see and community college systems every 3 years. >> it is our responsibility to get out in front to learn from the past and to create the kinds of reforms that will improve the environment on our campuses, ensuring that our higher education institutions are free from. >> discrimination and harassment. it's critical to providing an equitable learning environment for our students and a safe work environment for our staff. >> the bills are now headed to various committee is where they will each come up for a hearing. fires broke out in 2 buildings in san francisco's mission. and investigators think arson. >> it's something they need to be looking into the most recent fire. was early saturday morning on we street here between 15th and 16th. firefighters say it started as a car fire which then spread to 2 nearby buildings that had people inside.
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>> the flames that spread of the back of the buildings. these are what we consider a ordinary construction or wood-frame buildings, older buildings. they catch on fire and spread very quickly this rapidly expanded from a first alarm to 3rd alarm bringing over 107 says the firefighters to the scene. >> crews were able to get several people out of the building to safety. 2 were treated for minor injuries in total, 10 people have been forced out of their homes and that came about 24 hours after a fire damaged a historic church in the mission just blocks away. saint john, the evangelist episcopal church caught fire just before 3 friday morning. the outside of the building was damage. the inside was saved. no one was hurt in that case. and the church was still able to move ahead with its planned easter events. but a member of the church staff says they don't think this was an accident. >> very, very clear that someone left the church on fire. this was not.
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accidental. church did not sistine nassib structural didn't go up. it's there is exterior damage and we will be needing to repair that we secure that. the interior was largely untouched. >> supervisor hillary ronen who represents the mission, says both incidents are being investigated as potential arson. >> and alexis, gabe documentary will be airing this spring. thanks to pressure from the community. went missing back in 2022. police found her partial remains in plymouth later that year and march, we reported a documentary about her murder would be airing on discovery. plus, but then the family received word the network had changed its mind. so the family turned to the community to pressure the network to move forward with airing the dock. it worked. discovery-plus says the documentary about gave will be airing as planned. >> i whether time here as we get a live look outside, not a
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cloud in the above the golden gate bridge or really anywhere for that matter. absolutely beautiful. seriously, lawrence, it is hard to believe that we saw hail in some parts of the bay area this weekend. yeah. how about that? i mean, it was really exciting people start to send me pictures of lightning bolts and the hail in their backyards and it was a wild weekend. that's for sure thing settling down. of course, the high country they just got pounded by tons of snow on check this out right now. this is a half dome. yosemite. what a gorgeous shot. you've got plenty of snow on the tops of those mountains. if you wanted to get out there and do some skiing these next couple days, going to be fantastic to do it. in fact, looking good up there right now. the roadways are open and clear after a while there they were chained up again over the weekend. that's because of all that snow. in fact, the will mostly white. you see there that is actually the snow on the ground across crest of the sierra nevada. yeah, it is a little chilly in spots southlake. you're looking to 47 degrees. 41 right now and will chilly. 39 and incline
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village. and if you do plan on traveling up there, i think the next couple days are looking good. but we're not done with the snow just yet. yeah, we go from spring whether you get into thursday and look at that temperature showers making a return of now - fact likely going to see that happen as early as wednesday night across the sierra. that in mind. we've got more snow to come. so it has been an impressive season already. and we're going to add to that some places, maybe a couple of feet of snow across the high peace between now and next week. so several more storms working their way in our direction and they'll bring some snow in the high country, too. and you see right here on the forecast model as we head through time, the clouds begin to roll back in the bay area. you can see on wednesday and then boy that rain and makes his way back into the state as a we head into thursday look at all that snow in the high country kind of on and off into the weekend, too. so if you plan on traveling up there, make sure you're carrying your chains and all your warm weather gear. guys, back to you. all right. back to winter. thank you, lawrence. well, for the first time we're hearing from a
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truck driver who was one of the last people to drive over the key bridge in baltimore. >> before it collapsed, that came as dangerous. demolition work gets under way to remove a section of the bridge this week. workers are using blow torches to cut through the mangled steel girders and hopes of reopening a key us shipping lane removal of the debris will also help crews bring in other cranes from different angles to speed up the process. that bridge fell last tuesday after being hit by a cargo ship that had lost power. some trucks were seen passing over it just moments before it collapsed. larry desantis was one of those folks. >> i went over the bridge is normal or like by us all the workers party and everything can i got all? >> to the second exit, which is maybe a mile or 2 up >> and i never saw another in atlanta. i seen a video of some of the cameras or whatever. and i could actually
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see my truck going over it all. most is one. i it yet video that ship was just that. read it. >> just remarkable. that surveillance there were fewer than half dozen workers on the bridge when it collapsed, doing some pothole repair work. only 2 people survived. president biden will be traveling to baltimore friday to survey the damage. >> tnt says tens of millions of its customers are affected by a data leak involving critical personal information. the communications giant says data for about 73 million current and former customers. was late to the dark web about 2 weeks ago. the company says the leak includes social security information and its checking to see if the breach came from a tnt itself or from an outside vendor. the data could include customers going back to 2019 are earlier. the company's contacting those affected current customers to reset their past. qos. it's
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also providing necessary credit monitoring where applicable. san francisco celebrated transgender day of visibility in style this weekend. asia sf held celebrations at their location in so many yesterday. the business. >> restaurant post transgender cabaret performances it's also a night club yesterday was supposed to be their last night open, but they posted on the website that due to overwhelming support. they will have an april encore got a chance to speak with one of the co-founders about what the support means. >> because of the love and support from the bay air bay area. we just had overwhelming number of reservations. we have hundreds of people on our waitlist who can't get in. so we made a decision to extend our closing one more months until april 28th, which creates a very special opportunity for us because actually april 17. be our 26
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year anniversary. >> you can make dinner reservations for the anniversary performance on their website. now the owner said asia sf will continue to live on through pop-up events. >> coming up after the break, it's a simple steps you can take to help save lives. details of the new nationwide campaign aimed at getting people to put down their phones.
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>> the national highway traffic safety administration is urging drivers to put down their phones when they get
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behind the wheel. kron four's correspondent maddie beer-temple reports on this new campaign to try to save lives. >> this is a face of distracted driving. joe feldman lost his 21 year-old daughter casey in and made a choice to take his eyes off the road. reach for his gps. he rolled through a stop sign. he hit casey spellman shares casey story in hopes that others don't go through the same thing no parent should ever have to bury a child. feldman supports the national highway traffic safety administration's new campaign. put the phone away or pay now through april 8th, you'll see these ads on tv radio and online platforms in english and spanish. >> and with the funds already. >> just put them down the 5 million dollar campaign replaces the previous u drive. you text, you pay slogan. it's a wants to acknowledge that it's more than just text that are distracting. drivers. there are apps for many different things now. so we think put the phone away and
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pay is a much more broad message. in addition to the ads this week, more police officers will be on the roads and forcing state distracted driving laws. baltimore county, maryland police chief robert mccullough says officers are not just pulling people over but trying to educate drivers to distracted driving. pamphlets are also handed out at these traffic stops. its u.s. as their efforts seem to be working. preliminary 2023 data shows a 3.6% decline in traffic crash fatalities from the year before. but despite overall declines, nitsa says there has been an increase in pedestrian deaths reporting in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >> the south san francisco city council held a groundbreaking over the weekend for a new state-of-the-art. it's a series of swimming pools. the new aquatic center at orange memorial park will include 2 new polls and a revamped facility. that's where it's going to be. 49 million dollars have gone into the project. the grand opening will be sometime next year.
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>> well, spring has sprung in death valley. flowers are sprouting and starting to show warmth. this one of the factors behind the super once a decade, colorful phenomenon. the last >> was back in 2016 for death valley. a reminder picking flowers not allowed. the national park service stay on the trail and let wild flowers prevail. if you go to a trail list area, they recommend stepping on rocks and sand instead of those flowers next and yellow out there. nice and yellow, beautiful. you see the. >> snow capped mountains in the distance there in southern california has been a great winter but we seem to be transitioning to spring as we look live here at san francisco's embarcadero. such a warm day today, lawrence, are we going to continue with this warm? well, i wouldn't switch your clothes that that's a kind of a clue. we've got some changes coming our way as we get back to some wintry some much cooler weather, too. but >> we're enjoying our day in the sunshine today. what a
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nice day. all around. it looks like tomorrow. yeah. maybe even warmer in some spots, especially in the valleys. beautiful look outside right now toward the golden gate bridge. nice evening outside. if you want to head out and about or the presidio looking good out there as well. we are going to see some spectacular weather at least for another day. but then after that, things begin to change thanked should be mostly clear. there will be some patchy fog developing along the coastline. temperatures a little bit on the chilly side tomorrow. plenty of sunshine. well, a couple patches of fog cau side keeping a cooler there. but wintry weather. yeah, looking to make a return as we head toward the latter part of the week and into this weekend. so, yes, this is a big change. we're going to see. >> kind of topsy-turvy. that's what we get at this time of year where the weather is kind of just transitioning in the spring. but winter still trying to hold 76 degrees right now. saint helene, a 71 in napa right now. it is 73 in concord, a beautiful 71 in dublin. well, right now we're looking good. we're dry outside. that's for sure. high pressure building in that us the jet stream well to the north. and that means yeah.
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nice evening outside to be had. if you want to enjoy lots of sunshine around the bay area. still that seabreeze beginning to kick in, though, and that will eventually carry a little fog coming our direction. we have nice offshore flow today. and that really help to clear our skies. but you can see some of that fog likely to make a return for tomorrow. otherwise is going to be warm away from the immediate coast. the bay and valley still looking good, long way forecast up this work. it's interesting again, tomorrow looks good behind that. they start to see a few more clouds come our way as we get late on wednesday and then thursday, there you go. looks a lot more impressive this week with the storm system moving on through on thursday to bring another round of cold showers in the bay area. more snow in the high country still kind of rolling through on friday. and as we head in towards the weekend, a little bit unsettled as we get into sunday, too. so we're not done with all the stormy weather just yet. but we're looking that the trying to wind things down a little bit tomorrow, the up you're looking at a great day temperatures, the mid 70's inland, then we'll start to see that transition. we're going to cool things down starting on wednesday and by thursday, we're back into some cold showers again around the bay area that may linger
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into friday. and that was you don't come back to this desk. going to tell me that kind of look. >> yeah, watched the sun just felt so good today. really did. and eventually, you know, it's just going to kind of settle into that nice pattern. for a little while here through april, still looks kind of up and down here bit of a team's onset also don't change at all those clothes, right? lot of people want to dry out all those nice summer close, but not quite yet. well, we're in the day, always in this water, floor. as the a's. get ready to build a new ballpark in vegas. espn is reporting the city of oakland is offering the team a lease extension. >> in the meantime, the contract will be for up to 5 more years in oakland. espn says the city and the a's will meet tomorrow to continue discussing the matter according to the network, oakland's mayor sheng thao said she's committed to doing everything in our power to keep the a's in oakland. she said having major league baseball in oakland is what is best for the league, the players and most importantly, the fence. >> up next. did you guess
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right will tell you which bay area town is on the list richest retirement towns in richest retirement towns in the united states. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow.
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anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> happening bagel shop is coming to berkeley. bagel. tobia is bringing the flavors of east coast bagels to the west coast owner jeff davis tells us they're looking forward to bringing out of the box flavors and ways to eat. bagels say also have and expansive vegan menu, nearing classic menu options they go. topeka is located on university avenue and acton street. the grand opening is
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set for 7.30 tomorrow morning. >> is it me or there are a ton of new bagel shots of bagels. we everyone around every week we do it. not a bad thing and you can afford the in walnut creek because a new report reveals the richest retirement town in the u.s.. is that one, a creek. but well, the creeks up there came in at number the top 10 this list put out by go banking rates. number one is the southern california city of rancho palos verdes, us with a median retirement income. there of more than $166,000. and, you know, working good investment, i she says that's a social security that city was declared the richest retirement community in the country. >> take a look at this cute little one baby june, a white handed given. >> has been improving. climbing skills at the oakland zoo. you can see here there she was the first given ever
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born at the oakland zoo. that happened last may. so she is almost one year old. she's moving around quite good out there. parents first arrived to the oakland zoo in 2019. so happy early birthday, baby june. >> the incomparable pr marketing team at the oakland zoo. they said that some of the best videos i tell no doubt. thanks for being with us on this hour of kron for news. but stick around a lot more ahead on companies at 6. vicki and ken are here with the details. noelle >> will it take it from here? here's what we're working on for 6 sideshows taking over the streets of 3 bay area cities. we're going hear from city officials about how they are working to prevent the illegal activity. another problem for united airlines this time after a toilet overflows in mid-flight. >> we're live at sfo. is travelers react to this latest incident? i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now it's 6 east bay city leaders are speaking out after several sideshows brokt


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