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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  April 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> news station, this is. at 11. >> it's hostile, an environment. it's just >> now at 11 people in san francisco's mission are speaking up tonight about violence and work happening in
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their neighborhood. good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. a woman was attacked by a supposed worker over the weekend and it was all caught on video kron. 4 sarah stinson spoke with a neighbor who shot the video. you're about to see. she joins us now with the details. sarah. >> video is circulating online and it's upsetting the people who live in this part of the mission. they're saying that they usually don't feel safe at night. but after seeing this attack happened in broad daylight now, they don't really feel safe during the day either. >> i looked out my window and i 2 women beating up another one. and based on how the women were dressed was clear to me that they were prostitutes. this woman speaking up after capturing video of a violent attack happening in front of her san francisco home on shotwell street saturday. but she has to stay anonymous. i see them grabbing a woman by the hair and throwing her to the ground. they're kicking her
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one point. a woman sitting on her and the woman get offer and just kicks are very hard in the head. the woman who was beaten called 9-1-1. the concern neighbor came down to check on her. apparently the fight began because she was in her car and the girls were looking inside of her car. and she said, what are you? why are you looking in my car? sfpd says officers found a woman matching the description of the attacker 3 blocks away. they arrested a 24 year-old woman from fairfield for aggravated assault shot will street. is a problem with work. but i'm not used to seeing it during the day. so that was surprising. i was horrified, but i wasn't surprised. this is something where if you've been listening to the neighborhood you've been hearing about this weekly. >> trevor chandler lives in the neighborhood. he's running for supervisor in this district in says ever since barricades were put up on cap street to prevent work. the business has come to shot.
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well, street chandler says he believes fully staffing. the police department is the answer for says we actually have true penalties for the johns and the pimps that are doing this because we are so understaffed and our police department. we don't have the coverage to fully staff are human trafficking and trafficking divisions. >> people in the mission they have created a petition to get license plate readers in that area. now i've reached out to supervisor hillary ronen is office, but i did not hear back in time for this report. i'm sara stinson reporting live in san francisco. kron. 4 news. sarah, thank you. in the north bay, 3 people are recovering fter being shot at a safeway parking lot. >> around 4.30, this afternoon, american canyon police responded to the grocery store on west american canyon road and broadway street. they found 3 men suffering from gunshot wounds. they were each taken to the nearby hospital. at this time. 2 men are being questioned in connection to the shooting, but no arrests have been made.
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the safeway gas station was taped off as american canyon. police were still on scene well into the evening tonight. at least one car had what looked like a bullet hole through its front windshield. the police chief says this kind of violence is rare for his community. we have shoplifting calls at that. >> you know, the but this is not a common occurrence. >> all businesses in the parking lot had been shut down since the shooting will keep you updated on air and online as we learn more. >> there were a bunch of sideshows in the east bay this weekend and now a city mayor is warning people again in antioch. hundreds of people here gathered blocking the intersection of lone tree way and golf course road at one point this set off fireworks today we spoke with any ex mayor lamar thorpe who bluntly said they'll do it.
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>> regret coming here because we do have the technology. it's not just foot soldiers on the ground that we can send out. we have technology like drones. we captured a your license plate. we're going to show up at your house one day and we're going to tell your car and then we're going to find you. in most cases, it's going to be very upset. parents weren't happy with be replete. police chief. >> there were 2 other side shows in oakland and another in hercules over the weekend. oakland recently passed a new ordinance toughening laws related to sideshows. there is also a plan to put in barriers at intersections where sideshows routinely pop up. we reached out to oakland police to see if there had been any arrests. but so far have not heard back. >> let's get a check of your 4 zone forecast. taking a live look at downtown san francisco tonight. all lit up. >> i could have swore i saw karl the fog trying to come in. oh, yeah. fog started to roll. back in tonight. a sign of things to come. we get into
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spring time and of course, see some of that. a fog. we've come to know and love here in the bay area. some of that thickening up outside right now. tonight, you can see more of that as we head through the night along the coastline inside the bay, the clouds are going to gather and roll on in, although i think mainly just inside the bay, most valleys are going to stay clear. so overall, high pressure brought you just a gorgeous day as we've had a nice offshore wind that swept in the the clouds o the pacific left with sunshine all the way to the coastline. you see another storm system out there in the pacific to that will eventually start to punch through and how we're going to get back to some wet weather a little later this week. right now we're enjoying the clear skies around the bay area and the beautiful weather. i think it's going hold on for one more day, although we may cool little bit along the coastline with some of that patchy fog rolling back in toward the beaches. otherwise you see lots of sunshine inside the bay and some warm temperatures to go along with it. so if you're heading on out, enjoy the day, how about 76 degrees of warm and sunny and san jose. 67 mostly sunny in
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oakland. couple patches of fog. a little sunshine in san francisco. a cooler 59 degrees. looking good. thanks, lawrence. 2, 16 year-olds in san francisco here are under arrest tonight for the shooting of a 17 year-old. >> it was in the tenderloin police arrested both of them today. now, last thursday, san francisco police arrive to how plaza and found a 17 year-old shot several times. police say he died from those wounds. this is video from the scene that was last thursday. >> bart trains are back on schedule tonight after a person was struck by a train in berkeley earlier today just after 4 o'clock this afternoon, a person in a wheelchair entered the tracks as a richmond training was approaching after the collision, berkeley firefighters were able to rescue that person who was still alive. we do not know what their condition is tonight. police are investigating but foul play is not suspected. leave your grenades at hull. that's the message tonight from
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pleasanton police last week, a pleasanton resident turned in these 3 live grenades, took him to the front lobby of the police station. >> said they found them in their garage. bomb squad responded, destroyed them. police, though, are asking the public not to touch dangerous explosives. should you find them? and certainly don't transport them. instead, call 9-1-1, and the proper authorities will take care of. happening tomorrow. more than 3500 nurses in santa clara county plan to go on a three-day strike. the group includes nurses at santa clara valley, medical center, o'connor hospital and saint louise regional hospital, they say working conditions have become a safety concern, which is why they want more money, better staffing and more security. the hospital's tell us they are bringing in temporary staff to make sure critical care units are covered. >> we have a dedicated group of leaders and many staff who will be working around the clock through the weekend to
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make sure that we can adequately orient and train the supplemental staff who will be joining us during the strike to continue those critical services to the community. >> as for the county leaders there say, you know, they face a massive budget deficit but remain committed to providing a fair contract. negotiations have been happening since the fall. >> dozens of rideshare drivers are asking for higher pay and better working conditions. today, they rallied outside the san francisco headquarters of uber and lyft. they say drivers are dealing with low pay high fees and dangerous working conditions. they believe these companies have made it hard for drivers to earn a living. a lot of the drivers sleep in the car to come from far away from sacramento and they're homeless in their cars. so what >> humanity is that to someone have to sleep in the car to be able to provide for their families.
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>> in a statement to kron 4 lyft says, quote, we are constantly working to improve the driver. experience, which is why just this february, we released a series of new offers and commitments aimed at increasing driver pay and transparency. compher also reached out to uber for comment. but we have not yet heard back. some writers in the north bay can now catch smart trains for free. the agency making the announcement today saying it applies to anyone under 18 and people over the age of 65 smart says youth and seniors represent 42% of sonoma and marin counties get account for 25% of ridership. smart says the goal of this new program is to increase the number of riders by reducing those financial barriers. >> up next, we've reported the oakland airport is sticking of changing its name. why the idea, though he's become so controversial? plus, video of daring cliff rescue after one man felt more than 50 feet and united airlines having more
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technical issues. how this one was on the stick. your side.
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more issues tonight for united this time. a flight headed to sfo from frankfurt, germany had to return to the airport thereafter. >> a toilet apparently overflowed in the cabin. just another issue there as kron four's rob nesbitt reports. the airline says the incident involved a maintenance issue. united airlines has been a hot topic on social media and in the news the last few months.
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but travel experts are not seeing changes in trends when it comes to bookings. it seems that travelers still find convenience and price to be the most important passengers traveling on a united flight from frankfurt, germany, to sfo friday had a less than pleasant experience when one of the planes toilets might deter me from passengers were accommodated in hotels in frankfurt and put on a different flight the next day. >> i spoke with travel industry analyst henry harteveldt about the incident that happened on the united flight between frankfurt and francisco was embarrassing. we don't know the cause of it, whether it was caused >> a passenger who may put something down the toilet that shouldn't have gone down there or whether there was a problem with the lavatory that was not discovered before the aircraft left frankfurt, a united spokesperson said the incident involved a maintenance issue with one of the aircraft's lavatories. the latest in a series of mechanical and safety issues involving the airline. but it did not deter travelers like vincent wong for booking united for us. were not really.
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>> committee need. >> airline, just whatever is easiest passes that our schedule. that seems to be the industry trend. according to heart of belt, he says that united ceo scott kirby send e-mail to members of the airlines mileageplus. loyalty is program acknowledging the recent maintenance issues and promising an increase of training for maintenance workers. and yes, united has unfortunately had a series of problems and many of them it involves flights to or from san francisco. >> but i'm not hearing or seeing any data that's just people are quitting united north of. i think anyone should. harteveldt says the ntsb will not be investigating the united flight that had the toilet overflow since they only investigate the most serious incidents. the faa has said that it will be stepping up its oversight of united sending more inspectors to airports reporting at sfo. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> tomorrow san francisco leaders are set to vote on whether or not they oppose a name change to oakland airport. oakland airport
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officials want to change the name of the airport from metropolitan oakland international airport to san francisco bay, oakland international airport. they say the name change could help boost its visibility to travelers since many tourists who want to visit the bay area may not even be aware of the oakland airport or how close it is to san francisco. however, san francisco supervisor aaron peskin have this to about the possible renaming today on x, 0, quote, imitation is the highest form of flattery. but this isn't neighborly while will be voting on ansiti tomorrow at th of supervisors meeting happy to collaborate with oakland leaders to further our mutual interests, unquote. oakland commissioners are set to consider the name at a board meeting later on this month. by weather time here as we get a live look at sfo on what has been just a gorgeous spring day in the bay. yeah, anybody coming in right now really, really happy. but lawrence. >> as rain really coming back.
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yeah. we've got a chance of showers in the forecast and much cooler temperatures too. but we're going to join another day of just beautiful weather outside is going to be warmer. i think it's some of the valleys by tomorrow afternoon, mid 70's. so warmest places lots of sunshine all day long. we are. >> already beginning to see a couple patches of fog snaking along the coastline and that will be in place tomorrow morning inside the bay as well. so be prepared for that. boy, the temperatures today and that was nice about that. 77 degrees today in santa rosa. 74 in concord, 72 degrees and lamar beautiful. 73 and sunny in san jose. 69 degrees in both oakland and also into san francisco. all these temperatures running well above the average for this time of year, high pressure in control. that ridge sending the jet stream to the north. and you see that next cold front so far. most of energy staying well to the north and then offshore wind today that warm temperatures up even along the coastline. just a beautiful day out of the beaches. but now things are beginning to change. we're seeing a little more of a seabreeze beginning to kick in and that's the breeze and beginning with bring with it. some patchy fog along the
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coastline. now on more of that to come so, yeah, we're going to see that. i think as we get toward tomorrow morning, you're seeing some of the right now models picking up on it already. that will start to fill inside the bay. that's not really a thick layer fog developing outside, but enough to be there present early on. but as we head through the morning, that is going to break up lots of sunshine by the middle of the day. then it starts to creep back on shore as we head in toward tomorrow evening with a stronger sea breeze kicking in. so overall, i think the pattern fantastic. we're going to join another spring-like day. beautiful weather around the bay area. nice warm sunshine. but then as we get into wednesday, everything begins to change. that wind begins to pick up a bit. the breezy start to kick in and we're talking about some colder temperatures even by wednesday. thursday here comes that low wraps itself around rolling right along the coastline, bringing more rain to the bay area, snow in the high country. so if you're traveling there, you got to be prepared for that. likely to see that continuing into friday as well. we get the weekend. i think things begin to settle down a little bit, although there's is weak system moves in, bring another round of light showers as we head in towards sunday, at
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least in the north bay. all that being said tomorrow. yeah, it's going to be a great day. enjoy 76 live more about 77, antioch, 70 degrees in napa. 71 in redwood city cooler to san francisco with some of that patchy fog and a mix of sunshine. 61 degrees next couple days. those temperatures going to begin to change. we go from 70's on tuesday. we're going to be dropping down the 60's and by thursday and friday, weather's cold shower settling in highs only in the 50's kind of all over the map next looks like we'll start warming up again. but yeah, we've got a way to go. april could be up and down quite a bit. know, freak hailstorm. so right, well, you never know. this is this is that time of season where we get the storms coming in. if they come in get that maximum heating the afternoon, sometimes you give rise to some of those thunderstorms, more lightning, more hail, all that good stuff. so its yes, it's tough, right, that if you don't make or it, apparently it's definitely possible. >> thanks, facebook, right. >> don't like oh, don't let
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go. >> holding on for dear life. deputies here with the sonoma county sheriff's office rescue that guy who was clinging to a rock last night, according to crews that happened in the golden gate, national recreation area near battery alexander just before 8 when. >> that guy fell 50, maybe 60 feet off a cliff, but was able to it. hang on. a helicopter spotted him and used a line to hoist him up. >> no word yet on his condition. >> death valley flowers are sprouting. a show warmth is one of the factors behind a super bloom. it's a once in a decade. colorful phenomenon there in death valley. the last one back in 2016 a reminder picking flowers is not allowed. the national park service says stay on the trail and let the wild flowersl prevail. if you go to a trail list area in death valley, they do recommend you step on rocks and sand instead of
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those flowers. >> as the a's get ready to build their new ballpark in vegas. espn is reporting the city of oakland is offering a lease extension to the team while they wait for that contract to be for up to 5 more years in oakland. espn says the city and the a's will meet tomorrow to continue discussing this matter. >> coming up next in sports, the giants were in socal tonight taking on the dodgers sports director jason dumas has the lowlights coming up. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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>> and now kron 4 sports.
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>> the giant split a four-game series in san diego over the weekend. today. they were in hollywood looking good. take some heat against the dodgers and, you know, the packed house whenever these 2 in town to get base first big-time rivalry. bottom of the 3rd dodgers up a run to offer freddie freeman. that's a base hit. mookie betts comes on into score. la extends their lead to 2 top of the 6 giants down by 3 michael conforto. this was about the only highlight of the night for the giants before. do. goes deep to right. all right. bottom of the frame runners at corners the oscar hernandez. he gets it right back for three-run home run for the dodgers. they extend that lead to 5 and they beat the giants 8 to 3. the a's. they hosted the red sox game one of a three-game
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series execute top of the floor of red sox up by one to off or to say, say don, and the skies it to right. lawrence butler. >> makes the catch. but the throw is. not and jailing lear's can't. get it in safely. a couple runs score on the air. the crash, a defensive blunders continued. very next inning. same score to offer emmanuel valdez and he granted grounds it to ryan noda know to throws it out of reach of the pitcher. another run scored the a's, committed 5 errors 3 later in the 3rd redsox of 6 to offer trevor story and he ropes that one to left 2 runs. come on in to score. capping off a five-run 5th inning redsox linked to a 9 to nothing. all right before the the a's announced that
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they are option history ruiz las vegas. it's a really big head scratcher because ruiz. >> one of best players last season and through the first series of this season are also one of their best players. he had a team leading batting average of 4.29. was 3 for 7 with the rbi in the opening round series. but you know, and that's another good enough ruiz led the american league in stolen bases with 67 last year that broke out the loft and record. of stolen bases by rookie. aides will replace ruiz on the 26 man active roster with tyler, nevin. let's hear what the skipper had to say about option is the left field for. >> cut down the strikeouts for the type of player. he you know, got to do damage if you're going to have those you know, in order for the stolen base to be a factor, we've got
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a game on and he understands those he obviously, you know, player takes news like great. but he was and i think he's determined to go down and make this a short stint. >> interesting to say here. in other news, you and usc are you kind? i'm sorry. and i they punched their tickets to the final 4. so now the women's side, we have iowa, uconn nc state. who is the 4th that i'm forgetting and south carolina. so for first time ever. 2 teams on both the men and women. uconn's men's women nc state's men's women open the final 4 and anecdotally it feels like the first time ever that there's more buzz behind the women's tournament than the mets absolute and the ticket prices for the final 4 back that up. >> yeah, i mean, i know it's
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going to be crazy is in cleveland this year on the women's side, phoenix for the men's side. i'm definitely a whole lot of star power on the women's side. boys back tomorrow. yeah. warriors back tomorrow. they're taking on the mavericks. we'll be live pre and post game. they need to win. >> yes, they they always. that's all we've got for tonight. have a good night. appreciate
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