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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  April 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news nurses in santa clara county are on strike this morning for better working conditions. we're live with the latest. a woman is attacked in san francisco by a suspected worker. we'll hear from the person who caught on camera. plus san francisco city leaders speaking out against a move to change the name of oakland airport. why the idea has become controversial. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us tuesday. up and i'm james are waking up to once again. another wonderful start to the day. yeah,
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wondering and they're going to be changes. but i think it is the changes might be warm today, john. yes, today is the warmest year. exactly right. we're looking at a beautiful afternoon ahead of us with plenty of sunshine. >> temperatures some cases will be into the mid to upper 70's. right now, though, one thing that you have different from yesterday specs little foggy out there. take a look at this view from suture tower. and you can see that blanket of fog sitting right in the middle of san francisco right now. we are seeing the return of the cool ocean breeze back into the bay and that's transporting some of that ocean. cool. there are right back our direction. so yesterday was an offshore wind totally different today. that's if you have some low visibility. the reason why right there otherwise once those clouds burn off, we're going to be looking at a gorgeous, sunny afternoon and those warm temperatures. we mentioned 40's to 50's for your current numbers. don't forget the jacket. if you're heading out this morning later on much like yesterday, probably won't be needing it too much as we will see. so many of our daytime highs well into the 70's, right? all
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right, john, let's get you moving here on a tuesday traveling to the city this morning. >> meteor lights are on or around 12 minutes. there. not seeing any major issues. a lot of people started back to work and school today, 30 minutes, a 80 to 101 on your san mateo bridge. richmond center fell rich's 7 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls, 19 reaches back to you. thank you. at 601 in right now, santa clara county nurses are on strike and it's expected to last 3 days. kron four's will tran been following the story. joining us live now from san jose will. >> well, here's what you need to now. 4,000 nurses instead of going inside, they will be outside starting at 6.30p this morning at 3 hospitals in santa clara county, as well as 13 clinics. so if you have not been rescheduled yet, there is a chance that you possibly will have your appointment pushed back because, yes, the hospitals, they have the notice from the union that they will be on strike. but they only have 1000 nurses and
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we're talking 4,000 nurses who won't be on the job. they're looking for a pay raise. they're looking for better working conditions. now i'm at santa clara valley medical center. that's one of the locations. the other is o'connor. and that's in san jose. and the 3rd hospital. it's saint louise regional in gilroy. they will be on strike all the way until early friday morning. this is not an indefinite strike. this is only 3 days but the impact already felt because just to bring in the replacement nurses and to reschedule the appointments, reportedly it will cost the county about 20 million dollars. the nurses are looking for a substantial pay raise. the county has already offered a 10.5% pay raise with the nurses have rejected that. which is why instead of being at the bargaining table, they will be on the picket lines. emergency services will still be available. you will have that in case something horrible
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happens and you need immediate treatment but non emergency services that has been pushed back. we will get reaction from the nurses once they arrive in about 30 minutes from now. back to all right. thanks a lot. we'll check back with you later. will. >> 603, is the time and developing news this morning. traffic was blocked on northbound period boulevard between spring lake drive in colby street was closed around 8.30, last night. northbound lanes have since reopened. no word yet. what caused that closure will you know find out. meanwhile, up in the north bay, 3 people now recovering after being shot in a freeway or in a safeway parking lot up in american canyon. happened about 4.30, yesterday afternoon, right on west american canyon road and broadway street. you see the police on scene. they found 3 men suffering from gunshot wounds. they were all taken to a nearby hospital. now the safeway gas station was tayed off as american canyon. police were on scene well into the evening. at least one car had what looked like a bullet hole through his front windshield.
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at this 0, 2, men are being questioned in connection with that shooting. no arrests have been made. we'll keep you updated on air and online as we learn more 604, right now. and people in san francisco's mission district are speaking out now about violence. >> and work happening in their neighborhood. in fact, a woman was attacked by supposed worker over the weekend. it was all caught on camera kron four's. sara stinson with the story. >> i looked out my window and i >> 2 women beating up another one. and based on how the women were dressed was clear to me that they were prostitutes. this woman speaking up after capturing video of a violent attack happening in front of her san francisco home on shotwell street saturday. but she has to stay anonymous. i see them grabbing a woman by the hair and throwing her to the ground. they're kicking her one point. a woman sitting on her and the woman gets offer and just kicks are very hard in the head. the woman who was beaten called 9-1-1. the concern neighbor came down to
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check on her. and apparently the fight began because she was in her car and the girls were looking inside of her car. and she said, what are you? why are you looking in my car? sfpd says officers found a woman matching the description of the attacker 3 blocks away. they arrested a 24 year-old woman from fairfield for aggravated assault shot will street. is a problem with work. but i'm not used to seeing it during the day. so that was surprising. i was horrified, but i wasn't surprise. this is something where if you've been listening to the neighborhood you've been hearing about this weekly. >> trevor chandler lives in the neighborhood. he's running for supervisor in this district in says ever since barricades were put up on capp street to prevent work. the business has come to shot. well, street chandler says he believes fully staffing. the police department is the answer for says we actually have true penalties for the johns and the pimps that are doing this because we are so understaffed and our police department. we don't have the
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coverage to fully staff are human trafficking and trafficking divisions. well, as sara stinson reporting. >> there is a petition going around the neighborhood to get license plate readers. there. >> just try to catch the workers and the pimps. and johns, we reached out to supervisor hillary ronen is office about it too. but we have not yet heard back. it's 66 2, 16 year-olds in san francisco were arrested for shooting a 17 year-old in the tenderloin last thursday. san francisco police arrived at the hallidie plaza and that's where they found a 17 year-old who had been shot several times. he ended up dying from those wounds. >> in the east bay, the brentwood police department now is looking for ways they can legally seize bikes from teens who gather in groups and ride recklessly through the city. so the police chief says that officers are only able right now to issue citations to teens who ride their bikes to close to cars without getting hit. now, chief tim
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herbert says he wants the city council to draft an ordinance that would let officers impound those bicycles. he noted that many of the teens are from brentwood and instead they're from oakley and antioch. he says they use social media to coordinate their meeting locations. he's encouraging residents to continue making reports when they see cyclists riding recklessly through the streets. well, there were several sideshows in the east bay over the weekend as we've reported. and now a city mayor is speaking out in antioch, hundreds gathered blocking the intersection of lone tree way and golf course road at one point they set off fireworks. we spoke to antioch mayor lamar thorpe who bluntly said people shouldn't be doing this. >> regret coming here because we do have the technology. it's not just foot soldiers on the ground that we can send out. we have technology like drones. we captured a your license plate. we're going to show up at your house one day
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and we're going to tell your car and then we're going to find you. in most cases, it's going to be very upset. parents weren't happy with be with plea police chief. >> well, there were 2 other side shows in oakland and another one near hercules over the weekend as well. oakland recently passed a new ordinance toughening laws related to sideshows. there's also a plan to put in barriers on intersections where sideshows are routinely taking place. we did reach out to the local police to see if there are have been any arrests so far. we haven't heard back. >> don't like oh, >> oh, my gosh. this is an up close shot at somebody clinging to a rock there and being rescued by sonoma county sheriffs. he this happened sunday night and the golden gate, national recreation area area near a battery alexander. >> was about 8 o'clock in the
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evening and this man fell 50 to 60 feet. >> and he was look at him just holding on to that boulder, the cliffside. and they were able to spot him and then they put that line on him and hoisted him up to safety. my? gosh, i don't know what's scarier that the following are the rescue of things. all frightening. wow. >> so 9 right now, voters in sonoma county are going to be as this november if they want to restrict the size. >> of animal farms. this after animal rights and environmental activists gathered more than 19,000 signatures to get this on the ballot. the initial calls for a 3 year phase out of large-scale concentrated animal feeding operations. the ordinance would affect 2 dozen cities which make up about 2% of annals animal farms in the county. those against the measure say that it's counterintuitive, actually, they say would increase
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greenhouse the missions in the area and raise prices because they'd have to import meat, dairy and eggs from other sources instead having it local. >> san francisco is offering affordable housing to educators. applications open today for the chisholm village. shirley chisholm village, the housing project is set to have 135 affordable homes and we'll show you the different the property here in a second. but in any event, they're prioritizing san francisco unified employees for these holmes that's expected to open in the fall. alright, 6.10, is the time. and after the break, pleasanton police have received an unpleasant package to the front lobby. will explain what that was. meanwhile, the new fast food minimum wage law is now in effect. we're going hear from one san jose owner who says the new law may force him to lay off workers. >> plus, as open leaders try to keep the a's at the
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coliseum before their move to las vegas. sacramento is now hoping that the team will go there. instead, it's going. and we're getting a look outside today at skies that will be nice. and sunny temperatures pretty mild with upper 60's to. >> in san jose's case, even some upper 70's out there. i'll be talking your forecast ahead. >> and hitting the roads this morning. you need to know how your morning commute is starting to hand out. traffic started building at the bay bridge tracking those drive times right back after the break.
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>> it's 6.13, and here are 4 things you need to know. dozens of rideshare drivers are asking for higher pay and
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better working conditions. they rallied outside the uber and lyft. san francisco headquarters yesterday. a jury trial begins next week over tesla's technology whether it was responsible for solo crash that severely injured a pregnant woman in santa clara county. she's 8 months pregnant when her 2 year-old son crawled into the driver's seat. 2018 and the tesla crashed into their garage, pinning her against the garage as a mother survived. and the a's in the city of oakland, me today about a lease extension at the coliseum. the current lease runs out after this season and the a's need leave the play somewhere until their new ballpark and las vegas is not. the giants and the dodgers faced off in their second game and 3 game series, the giants looking to take the win. but they fell short. the dodgers beat the giants 8 to 3.
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>> well, happening today, the california department of water resources will be conducting its 4th sierra snow survey of the season. and boy, they'll be a lot more for them to measure. now out of the phillips station. that's where they measure the water content of the snow pack when think of this looks like agencies get a little bit of snow down, at least where where that roundabout is. yeah, but i think hopefully up where thee actually do the measurement, they'll be a lot more to measure because last time we were out there that measured at the day before we 2 times. yeah, so. >> hopefully we'll get some decent numbers out of the yeah. we've done great, though, with the snow pack we have got fresh to from the last weekend. i just yeah. they got about 20 inches this past weekend at donner summit, which was awesome. we've kept that momentum going. >> as james and ari, we're telling you in this is our latest snow pack. northern sierra officially at 118% of average. surely tahoe region. the central sierra moreso yosemite right on par with that 100% of average, the
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southern sierra lagging just a little bit but not significant. most of that snow pack really builds in these regions. and that's a little something that we love to see. we started the season a little short. obviously we caught right up and even exceeded expectations in the northern sierra today is going to be a dry one for the sierra. if you do have some friends that are up there skiing, it's going to be a lovely day for it. we're looking at dry skies all across the state. in fact, here in the bay area today, we are seeing this high-pressure ridge in place, but that low to my north is going to dive in later this week and switch things up for us result in more snow in the mountains and eventually some more rain right here in the bay. let's time it out. so today we've got the morning fog. we're going to have plenty of afternoon sunshine, very pleasant. feel to it today. tomorrow, a cool breeze from the coast pushes in along with some mostly cloudy skies. tomorrow is still going to be relatively mild. but we're also going to be just a little bit less comfortable for the shorts and t-shirts that you may have had on yesterday. it's thursday when we see the official return of rainfall.
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now your skies are going to be dry during thursday morning, but thursday afternoon into the evening and was when showers will start to push in. as for today, no chance of rain just yet very similar to yesterday. here's a couple of the differences were going to be a little cooler at the coastline. that's because we've seen a sea breeze kicked back into gear. but our inland areas are likely actually going to be a little bit warmer than yesterday. that's going to put san jose in campbell up to 77 degrees today. spots like livermore up to 75 oakland on up to richmond. you're going to hang on to those 60's but conquered pittsburg, antioch. well, up to 76 degrees for your highs today. getting a look ahead to tomorrow's temperatures. a little bit cooler skies on the cloudier side by thursday into friday. we do have showers pushing back into the region should be during thursday afternoon into early friday. and then just a generally cooler rest of the forecast after that rain. all right, john, thanks for tracking an accident along 80. this is at ashby avenue in berkeley. >> so things are a little slow
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traffic starting to build there about 23 minutes from crockett down towards the maze. you can take some possible avenue if you want to, however you can still get through. these are just taking a little longer. there. they right now. maybe lights are on 13 minute ride into the city or san matteo bridge around 14, 81 on one 10 on our highways like 101 of the south bay. just a little slow into traveling to sunnyvale. 36 minute ride. 85 to menlo park. but to 82 2.37, you're still looking good and east bay san leandro starting along to 38 to 37. yeah. the short 24 minutes. just slight slowing through hayward. what you may get out of that you look at areas is back to you. >> thank you very much for 86. 18 is the time. and police in oakland are investigating a hit and run crash that killed a man yesterday morning. emergency crews found the person lying in the road near 98th avenue in san leandro street. the victim's name has not yet been released. no word on a suspect either. we'll keep you updated as we learn more. meanwhile, a suspect was arrested after a woman was found dead at a home in san
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jose. investigators say body was found sunday afternoon on mill pond. drive. apparently she had signs of physical trauma, a suspeco who was at the house at the time was arrested and booked into jail and is now facing a charge of murder. >> it's 6.19, and another big story for your money, the statewide minimum wage for fast-food workers in california is up. as you know. now it's $20 an hour and that's for fast food workers that work at large chains, vitality bowls is one of the businesses affected by this new law and the owner of 2 locations in san jose says it's going to make it challenging for his to run him to run as shops. >> but definitely, you know, going to have to increase prices to cover the cost. real possibilities cutting hours for my employees, which is that good. and also possibly layoffs for small business. you know, weise is minds of the family business. i have my
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wife, 2 sons. and basically, you know, there's a potential if things don't improve with the higher prices that customers stop coming in, that we will shut down and, you know, then basically people jobs. >> so you can see it's affecting franchise businesses. it's affecting big chains jack in the box worker spoke to us in spanish saying that previously it was difficult to afford the basics on their pay. and she's feeling that this extra money is going help help her to be able to for the high cost of living. >> more to tell you a little bit. it's going to really be a relief for me because things continue to go gas big expenses. and as i mentioned, helped write my son to with all of those expenses. and so this is going to be a huge relief for for me and my family. >> and remember, we told you that there were exemptions for restaurants as to which ones have to pay the $20 an hour. the exemptions include
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restaurants in airports, museums, hotels, theme park, restaurants, event centers it it applies not too small. >> a change of franchise are mom and pop places. it's have to be i believe it was 60. >> or more nationwide. and those who worked on this law say it's they're already covered in the living wage laws, businesses that they can sell bread stand-alone. they're exempt. by the way. so there's lots of exemptions and the restaurant's know if they're exempt or not. but there has been a lot of concern as we've talked about from owners saying they may pass along the costs. >> to you and me, when we go to eat out, i guess we'll see. it's 6.21, coming up on them kron. 4 morning news. the biden administration is putting new restrictions on. >> short term health insurance plans. we're going to tell you how that might affect 6.24.
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right now and bart trains of back on schedule after a person was struck by a bart train in berkeley around 4 in the afternoon yesterday. >> the person in a wheelchair and the train. a man went on the tracks at the richmond station as the train was approaching. and berkeley firefighters went in. got that person off the tracks. they're still alive that we don't know their condition. police are investigating exactly what happened. no foul play suspected. take a look at this
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grenade by the pleasanton police last week. somebody in pleasanton actually turned in 3 live grenades to the front lobby, the police station. they say they found the grenades in their garage. the bomb squad responded and destroyed the grenade. but police actually say if this happens, leaving the garage, go talk to the police, have them remove them. they they don't want you to pick them up at well, it looks like road improvements made in san francisco's presidio were effective in keeping bicyclist safer. according to new data, the changes resulted in about 85% of cars traveling at slower speeds. >> and those changes included speed cushions and rumble. strips. the now ruling of car lanes to provide a larger buffer between bicyclists and drivers and road signs to raise awareness for bicyclists and that they're sharing the road, a long-term improvement plan is in. the presidio begins in late summer will be
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following how effective that is too. meanwhile, in the north bay, the county of marin is considering buying a former golf course property up in san jeronimo to make it into a new headquarters for the fire department. that property is located on francis drake boulevard. it connects west marin with highway 101 and it would improve public safety by shortening the response times and expanding the crews scope of fire services, the purchase price for the property would be about 4.5 million dollars. we're going to take a break here at 6.26. but coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, united airlines had another issue that prevented it from completing its flight to sfo. >> tell you what that was >> tell you what that was coming up in just a moment.
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>> 29 is the time looking for a nice, warm. >> i guess, sunny day today the moment. a looking good behind us here, john. how about elsewhere around the bay? yeah, we do have a gorgeous sunrise taking shape right now. beautiful. once you get above a little bit of gray that's made its return to the bay area this morning behind me at sfo, you've got some pretty decent looking conditions there. but take a look at this. you from suture towered. you could definitely see that foggy blanket. that is shifted back into the bay area this morning. the reason behind that we're back into a coastal breeze now and that is actually going to keep our coastal areas little bit cooler this afternoon. where is our inland areas will be a bit warmer than yesterday. so it's a bit more of a summer set up where we actually have a variety in temperatures right now. little bit of morning fog burns off quickly into late morning and then it's going to be crystal clear for all of us. just seeing some variety this afternoon
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40's to 50's for our current temperatures as you're getting outside, getting a look at the map of what we have later on today. coastal spots will stay in the 60's. well, inland areas in some cases like san jose will actually near 80 degrees. i'll give you the full rundown on that as we go rain. all right, john, thank you for teat. tracking in accident along 80. this is in berkeley, ashby avenue. >> things are little slow on 80 about 32 minutes. crockett down towards the maze. you could take some bubble avenue to navigate and get around that delay. if you'd like they bridge right now. 12 minutes of looking good. as soon as you get to the maze. san mateo bridge around 14 80 to 101. it december focus just short of 13 and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls 20 minute morning line. arias is back to you. thank you. reyna 6.30, and today the san francisco board of supervisors hold a protest vote on oakland's new proposed airport name change. officials don't like the fact that oakland airport wants to include. >> the name san francisco in
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its title conference. michael thomas is in the newsroom with the latest on this. good morning, michael. yeah, good morning, everyone. lots of debate here. oakland's new proposed airport name is said to be san francisco bay oakland international airport. >> and keep in mind, it's still needs to be approved. but even the idea of it is not sitting well with some san franciscans, especially city officials, which is why there's a scheduled vote to officially trying to oppose it. so the possible name change was announced last week by the port of oakland which believes changing the name could help bring more travelers to oakland airport. adding that right now, most travelers don't even realize how close oakland is to san francisco or that it's even in the bay area. after the announcement, san francisco supervisor aaron peskin did post who acts formally known as twitter saying imitation is the highest form of flattery and that the idea isn't necessarily neighborly. adding to it. sfo officials also commented saying they don't like the idea on your screen now are the 2 name changes of what it could be and what it is. and, you know, as officials say they've used
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this name san francisco since the late 20's making it recognizable for travelers that are heading to the bay area and adding that to the oakland airport would essentially confuse people that are trying to get to and through sfo over the years, airlines have cut and added flights to oakland airport. and if the name change does happen, will the big question is what travelers still prefer flying into sfo rather than oakland? keep in mind, this name change has not been made. official. oakland commissioners still need to consider it at a board meeting. that's not even set until later on this month. so within the next few hours, i'm actually going head over to oakland airport here from travelers this morning on what their thoughts are since we already know exactly what city officials here in san francisco have to say about it live this morning in the newsroom. michael thomas story change we know of the bay area and i would find it confuse alongside in living here. and that's the argument is that? yeah, you think you're booking a flight to san francisco and you find hope you're landing in the bay somewhere. michael,
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thank you. >> all right. well, morrish we're talking about flying more issues for united airlines this time. it was a flight traveling to sfo from frankfurt, germany, that had to return to the airport after. >> a toilet overflowed in the more than just calling a kron four's rob nesbitt reports. >> united airlines has been a hot topic on social media and in the news the last few months. but travel experts are not seeing changes in trends when it comes to bookings. it seems that travelers still find convenience and price to be the most important passengers traveling on a united flight from frankfurt, germany, to sfo friday. >> had a less than pleasant experience when one of the plane's toilets overflowed my deter me from passengers were accommodated in hotels in frankfurt and put on a different flight the next day. >> i spoke with travel industry analyst henry harteveldt about the incident that happened on the united flight between frankfurt and francisco was embarrassing. we don't know the cause of it, whether it was caused >> a passenger who may put
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something down the toilet that shouldn't have gone down there or whether there was a problem with the lavatory that was not discovered before the aircraft left frankfurt, a united spokesperson said the incident involved a maintenance issue with one of the aircraft's lavatories. the latest in a series of mechanical and safety issues involving the airline. but it did not deter travelers like vincent wong for booking united for us. we don't we're not really. >> committee need. >> airline, just whatever is easiest passes that our schedule. that seems to be the industry trend. according to heart of belt, he says that united ceo scott kirby send e-mail to members of the airlines mileageplus. loyalty is program acknowledging the recent maintenance issues and promising an increase of training for maintenance workers. and yes, united has unfortunately had a series of problems and many of them it involves flights to or from san francisco. >> but i'm not hearing or seeing any data that's just people are quitting united norton. i think anyone should harteveldt says the ntsb will
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not be investigating the united flight that had the toilet overflow since they only investigate the most serious incidents. the faa has said that it will be stepping up its oversight of united sending more inspectors to airports reporting it fo i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> 6.35. right now and the a's and the city of oakland are set to meet today about a lease extension for the coliseum. and if that doesn't work out, that the a's could be heading up to sacramento as they are in limbo until the vegas digs are down the a's current lease in oakland runs out after this season and the team needs to play somewhere because going couple years before the vegas ballpark is done. former president of the miami marlins, david sampson says sacramento could be a frontrunner to land the a's in the interim years. the team's decision could boil down to finances. >> the biggest issue that i see face in sacramento is that
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wherever oakland plays there has to be union approval. if it's outside of oakland and the question owners will ask is how much money are we going to be giving to the a's during this quote, unquote, interim period? >> the a's could end up temporarily playing at center health park. sampson says the mine early park would need some major upgrades though. sacramento's mayor released this statement saying in part, it's important to me to express my sincere hope that the a's remain in oakland. i have been consistent in my support for this from the very beginning. however, i believe that sacramento has so much to offer would be a fantastic temporary landing spot for the a's. >> well, a jury trial involving tesla is slated to begin next week after a crash involving a 2 year-old toddler who was behind the wheel in santa clara county. the lawsuit filed states a south bay woman was 8 months pregnant when her son crawled
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into the driver's seat. this was back in 2018. the mother claims her son somehow turned on the tesla and crashed into their garage, pinning her between the tesla and the wall of the garage. the neighbor reversed the vehicle and the pregnant woman luckily survived, but did suffer some serious injuries. a jury is set to determine whether tesla's technology was responsible for the crash and we'll see what they say. >> dozens of rideshare drivers are asking for higher pay and better working conditions and they rallied outside the san francisco headquarters of uber and lyft yesterday. they say that their pay is low. the fees are high and there are dangerous working conditions for them. they think the companies have made it difficult for the drivers to earn a living. >> a lot of the drivers sleep in the car to come from far away from sacramento and they're homeless in their cars. so what humanity is that to someone have to sleep in
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the car to be able to provide for their families? >> here's the statement that we got from lyft. quote, we're working constantly working to improve the driver. experience issues of why i just this february release, a series of new offers and commitments aimed at increasing driver pay and transparency. and we also reached out to uber for comment, but we haven't got her back from them yet. >> soon they're going to be new restrictions on how long you can have a short-term health insurance plan. kron four's catherine heenan reports. >> crack down junk health insurance. the biden administration has just finalized plans to limit short-term health insurance plans. 2, 3, months with the option for a one-month renewal. this is a big u-turn on trump era policy that allowed people to have those plans for up to 4 years. last administration took that provision which is very narrow. >> for limited emergency coverage and made a loophole so big you could drive a truck
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the white house is spending the move as a way to protect consumers, arguing that short term plans do not offer comprehensive care. they're being told that you can pay this incredibly low pricing, a good insurance, but it turns out it's not. but in terms factors are really insurance at all. >> but critics say the biden administration just wants people to stick with its own brand of affordable care. >> saying it is taking away consumer choices and creating another problem. >> creates gaps in health insurance. some health policy experts are calling the rule change. >> dangerous saying that people who get sick now, arlen short-term insurance, we'll have no options if they hit their 4 months limit outside the affordable care enrollment period. the biden administration is throwing sick people out of their health insurance in the event of an insured for up to 12 months. that same policy expert says most short-term plans. in fact, do provide comprehensive coverage and labeling them as john key says, is wrong. it's not only
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garbage. it's dishonest because they are the ones who we can. consumers here. >> so affordable care supporters have been worried for some time that short-term plans would bring in younger, healthier people taking them away from obamacare policies and in the end they won. this new rule is set to take effect in september. some riders in the north bay can now catch smart trains for free. the agency says this applies to anyone under 18 and people over 65. >> they say youths and seniors represent about 42% of sonoma and marin counties. if they only account for about 25% ridership. smart says the goal of this program is to increase the number of riders by reducing the financial barriers that exist for them. or we're going take a break. it is 6.41 and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. how lawmakers plan to fight discrimination and harassment on california college campuses. >> and after the break, the giants were in southern california trying to score a win against the dodgers. will
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take a look at how that went take a look at how that went down. we'll be right back.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >> 6.43 and a woman in san francisco's mission district. watch this. she's attacked by another woman. a neighbor's and says she thinks that they were workers. and now lives in speaking out about violence in victim. but the yeah, yeah. they're talking about is how this is all happening in broad daylight and they want the police department beef up the thing would help 3 people are recovering in the north bay
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after they were shot at a safeway parking lot at 04:30pm, in the afternoon west american canyon road and broadway street. the investigation is ongoing. that and then applications for affordable housing are now open for educators. the housing projects said to have 135 affordable homes at the shirley chisholm village and the homes prioritize san francisco unified school district employees. they should be opening up in the fall. plus, the california department of water resources is conducting their sierrap snow pack. survey is the 4th one this season. they're going to check how much snow and water content we have in the snow and you can see it will build upon the doesn't look as impressive here in this live shot as it does. when you go to i mean, those. >> the snow banks are like 15 feet tall. and i was there a week ago. are get pretty high. >> airbnb. >> is making some changes to its cancellation policy.
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airbnb says they're going provide cancellation and refund support for guests when unexpected things happen. like a natural disaster or government travel restrictions or weather events that can impact your stay at a location. this new policy overrides the hosts cancellation policy. the update goes into effect june 6. then years have been affected by wildfires. smoke in grape shriveling drug conditions in the past years. now there's a shift in drinking habits because there is so much oversupply of wind around the world. california growers say they are left competing with bargain basement wind that's being brought in in both from overseas. and then they blend of that. and they make california wine in the grapes are drying up on the vine. they're sitting on picton on sold in there. helping consumers are going to show support by drinking pure
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california grown wine. it's almost like champagne. they had to make it a rule all champaign, unless it was from the champagne region. after same thing with california. you can't call the california wine unless it is grown and. >> interesting. all right. let's get over to the weather center. john, stand by with a look at a gorgeous. well, it's going to see a gorgeous forecast, but some some cameras didn't look too you've got a good one now. it's a little gray in some spots for sure. we are seeing the return of a touch of fog out there for a few areas. >> that's going to keep our coastal areas little cooler than yesterday. san jose, though you're about to be one of our warmer spots up to 77 degrees this afternoon. close to 80 in san jose. that be one of the first times this year that we've seen numbers that high coastal areas, though, that cool sea breeze is going to keep you a little cooler in the low 60's. we are staying dry across the entirety of the state with this high-pressure ridge in place to our north, though, is our next weather maker, which is going to take a deep dive on into the region, really starting
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tomorrow as we're going to see those changes looking at it all in future cast. you can see today we clear out really nicely tomorrow is going to be a touch of a cooler day. definitely a cloudier day with mostly cloudy skies across the bay area for your wednesday. after that moving into thursday as we will see the return of rainfall and it mostly happens during afternoon hours on thursday into the evening that night. so anticipate that as we do move into the end of the week, you notice those temperatures cooler at the coastline today reaching the low 60's. where's our inland areas? and even a lot of the bayshore still nicely warm. san jose and campbell, each up to 77 degrees for your highs today. livermore at 75 while oakland up to richmond, reaching into the upper 60's concord, pittsburgh in antioch. also among our warmer spots at 76 this afternoon. tomorrow temperatures will cool into our inland areas down into the mid 60's. second row there indicating the bayshore which just hold on to some low 70's today down into the 60's tomorrow and only 50's by
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thursday. we will see our best chances of rain thursday afternoon into friday morning with a cooler weekend on tap rainfall, right, john, thank you for that moment accident i was tracking along 80 westbound. >> ashby avenue in berkeley have residual delays from that - about a 40 minute ride crockett out towards the maze. remember some possible avenue. always good alternate with these are backed up along 80 but ridge looking good still about 13 minutes. don't see traffic building at the toll plaza was ever feel bridge starting to pick up pace. they're 14 minute ride toast a one-on-one. don't see any accidents. there. how for 32 minutes, antioch, into congress to 42. you've been gradually building there. well, 24 still looks great. well, if you're down to 5.80, about 13 minutes, the slowest to orinda, but not by much. so those 6.80, as you're traveling there to to 62, it's going to take about 20 minutes to make that ride or is it was back to you. >> 6.49 is the time. and a man who stole about $440 worth of
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those stanley cups from the west lake shopping center's target. well, courtney police at about 03:30am, on march 22nd that suspect entered gate from the target and fled with those cups. he's described as an adult male with curly hair wearing a hat, gloves and possibly a north face jacket. they trying to get a better description out what you know when we get it. >> state lawmakers introduced a package of bills to try to help prevent discrimination and haras ment at california universities. among the proposals is a bill calling on each university to set up a campus title 9 office to investigate harassment allegations. another bill would require the state auditor to review university discrimination and harassment policies at the csu you see and community college system. every 3 years. it is our responsibility to get out in front to learn from the past. >> and to create the kinds of reforms that will improve the
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environment on our campuses, ensuring that our higher education institutions are free from. >> discrimination and harassment. it's critical to providing an equitable learning environment for our students and a safe work environment for our staff. >> the bills now head to various committees where they will come up for a hearing. time now. 6.50, a california bill wants to exempt bilingual kids from taking an english placement test before kindergarten. supporters of this say students as young as 4 years old and 4 months old start for like 4 and a half years old. they have to take an english language proficiency test. and that has determines whether they can be designated as an english learner and kindergarten advocates say the test was not designed. >> for four-year-olds in may not be accurate for assessing language acquisition because it may miss identify children as english learners when they're simply too young to answer the questions correctly. school districts get more money based on how
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many students are english learners, low income learners, homeless or foster care. so this bill could potentially cost. >> district some money. but the author of the bill says that the last of the money would be minimal if this bill were to pass. >> okay. let's turn our attention to bay area baseball now where the giants and the dodgers faced off in their second game of a three-game series last night. and the giants wanted to take on the wind. but they fell short kron. 4 sports director jason dumas. >> the giant split a four-game series in san diego over the weekend on monday. they were in tinseltown taken on the dodgers in, you know, it's going to be a packed house whenever the giants and the dodgers get together big-time rivalry. bottom of the 3rd dodgers up a run to offer freddie freeman. he shoots one up the middle. that scores mookie betts la extend their lead to 2 top of the 6 giants down by 3 probably the only
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highlight of the game for the giants. michael conforto. that's a moon shot right there. it lau lands in the giant is still down by 2 bottom of the frame. dodgers, get right back oscar hernandez runners on the corners. put that one in the cheap seats. three-run bomb giants fall 8 to 3. in other news. the a's also lose to the red sox game. 2 of both of those series are tonight. that's a look at sports. >> all right. thank you, jason. it is 6.52. and coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. how much do you need to make to buy a house? well, take a look at a study coming up after the break.
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soaring home prices and mortgage rates are keeping many prospective buyers out of the market. >> a new bankrate study shows that the required salary to purchase the average home is now more than $110,000. this is no secret to the bay area. we know full well how difficult it is to buy a home here. but that number is up. 46 1% in just the last 4 years. and california obviously leads the pack when it comes to the highest salary needed to buy a house here in the golden state. you're going make almost $200,000 to buy a home, the least expensive state to buy a home. mississippi. well, sadly, no one won the powerball last night. here at forgot. why is it sadly?
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>> because you didn't that nobody won because we all still have a chance that a shooting at the big jackpot, which is now over a billion dollars. by the way, that cash value 527 million. if you take the long song put the next drawing wednesday night, there's still a chance that good. so it's win-win for you. you feel because if you don't win, you win because it grows. if somebody wins, then it's bad news for the rest. just think, i think it is right coming up on the kron 4 morning news, santa clara county nurses are on the picket lines today. >> we're going to see how that affects you. if you're a patient. and a woman speaks out about an attack. she says that she saw a worker beat up a woman and we're going to have more me being done they say needs to be done in that neighborhood. plus, 3 people were sent to the hospital after being shot in a safeway parking lot in the north bay.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us things that will affect you today. nurses in santa clara kerry county are >> on strike. take a look at how that might affect health care. >> also, a woman is attacked in san francisco by suspected worker. and we're going to hear what she has to say and what started that fight and what should be done. and san francisco city leaders are against aid oakland airport


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