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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> alex hicks, a long-time homeless encampment in oakland, cleared out today after the city hefty fines of a didn't get vacated. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne kron four's around the city of oakland took aggressive steps after learning the waterway near the encampment was being polluted with syringes, human waste, other environmental hazards conference. theresa stasi was there on the sweep happened and has the story. >> gone. oakland public works crews along with other city workers wiped out this homeless encampment and discovered a stolen vehicle tuesday on leave. drive the collection of rv's cars.
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intense first appeared on lead drive in oakland off of hegenberger near the oakland airport. more than 3 years ago. and that's city officials is when the problem started. but what we heard from the water board last week was the basically the conditions are not acceptable for the health and safety standpoint, sean mater is oakland's communication director. he explains the san francisco bay regional water quality board last week issued a formal complaint to the city. >> stating that the encampment was contaminating the nearby creek with findings of fecal waste, syringes and other trash. and based on testing, the situation was getting worse and immediate action was necessary. he was as the responsible party for our essential infrastructure. responsible for making sure that we're keeping the affluent and other materials that come out of encampments out of the waterway. city spokesperson sean mom, her says that they gave those living out here notice and brought in city resources to help. but bottom line, a large section of the encampment had
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to go trying to work in a way. respect the dignity and autonomy of these folks, but also gives the city the ability to to meet our obligations to regulators. >> on her said that city crews took water samples and will submit their findings to the water board. in a letter obtained by kron 4 news the public works. director said that the city could be on the hook for hefty fines as high as $10,000 a day if the waterway is not brought into compliance. a part of the encampment still remains but city spokesperson tells kron 4 news if the water testing shows that the situation hasn't improved with the clearing of a large section. then the entire street will be swept clean in oakland, theresa kron. 4 news. >> developing news tonight. heavy police presence in san jose as police try to arrest a person who's refusing to come out of their apartment. this is near the intersection of 7th street and julian street
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officers say that they are trying to negotiate a peaceful resolution. we've got a crew headed to the scene. we'll be bringing you the very latest as we learn more. 2 people were arrested in connection to the shooting in a safeway parking lot in american canyon. 3 people were injured in that shooting. >> it happened about 4.30, yesterday afternoon on american canyon road after police say an argument led to gunfire. officers say 18 year-old christian evans and a minor were arrested. the victims were taken to the hospital. no word tonight on their conditions. >> a bill to hold criminals more accountable for car, smash and grabs is one step closer to passing state. senator scott wiener tried to get the bill passed the last year or so, but he it's finally making progress now with his 3rd attempt kron four's rob nesbitt talking with the senator today and joins us now live in san francisco with more. rob. >> vicki and ken senator scott wiener's bill would eliminate what's called the lock door
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loophole. victims would no longer have to prove that their car doors were locked prior to a break. and that's a big deal when you consider how many out of state people fall victim to car burglaries. walking out to a smashed window is infuriating for drivers, but an all too familiar occurrence in the bay area. sharkey look want to own the van rental company ban to go and explain what one customer went through. and san francisco went in to grab something from inside building was was >> you know, wasn't there more a minute tops and he came back the windows were is missing a $20,000 some of car. break-ins like that are why senator scott wiener has authored senate bill 905, eliminating what's called the locked door loophole. >> where da has to prove that all car doors were locked. >> prior to a break in to get a requirement makes no and it kills some prosecutions because the owner may not
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remember it up. it just may not be able to say if they locked all the doors. the loophole has the biggest impact on tours to have their rental cars broken into during a visit to california. >> criminal scene out of state license plate pull over and within seconds, smash a window and take property from inside a future court date for a taurus becomes an inconvenience. >> the most common scenario tourist and rental car car and they're here and they're simply not going to fly back test. but senator wiener's bill also addresses the reselling of stolen goods from cars, especially laptops, cell phones and cameras. >> criminals could be prosecuted for holding more than $950 of stolen goods intended for resale. be able to catch crook. >> it's just that there getting away with it and it's terrible what we make our visitors deal. are better than that. >> the car break in bill passed the senate public safety committee with a vote
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of 5 to 0 and now goes to the senate appropriations committee for a vote. and senator wiener expects that vote to happen sometime in may reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. thank you, rob. a new at 6. a person is in critical condition tonight after being >> lit on fire in oakland happened about one 45 this afternoon near 45th avenue and bond street officers canvassed the area for any witnesses or video surveillance. no word tonight on a suspect or suspects. >> in the south bay, 4 people were arrested for stealing almost $400,000 worth of items from storage units in san jose. take a look. police were able to recover more than $60,000 of the items. some of them included guitars, musical equipment and collectors cards. officers say the suspects broke into at least 3 storage facilities in san jose between december and february during search warrants. police also say they found a gun, a high capacity magazine ammo and illegal drugs. all 4
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suspects are facing several charges mounting public pressure has prompted a tv network to reboot a documentary about the killing of an east bay woman. alexis gabe was killed more than 2 years ago. the investigation, discovery channel told her family that are episode would be pushed back to the following season. kron four's philippe djegal all. >> reports. >> when game says he and his family are grateful for the overwhelming support they receive from the community as they live their daily lives. but the pain from his late daughter, alexis, gabe's gruesome murder is always present, were still struggling. i mean, >> it's not something that you easily for good and just move on. you know that pain accentuated in recent weeks when a producer with the investigation discovery series on the case with pows on first notified the games that the documentary they took part in last detailing alexis's case.
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>> was set to air at the end of april. only to be told soon after that, the episode had been tabled and would instead air the following season. the games announced their disappointment to the more than 16,000 members of the justice. for alexis, gabe, facebook page. the group flooded investigation, discovery with stern comments and >> thursday, last week, this one i received a phone call for episode a producer. saying that the decided to pair episode april 24, is the season finale of a season. 27 because all the messages that they receive and the attention circulating from. no problem all the attention, but we're getting them from this case in january 2022. alexis, gabe was reported missing out of
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oakley. >> months later, investigators found her partial remains near sacramento. her alleged killer was her ex-boyfriend. he died during a police gave suspect the man's mother attempted to help cover up the crime to this day. she has not been charged that the gave say the case is still open. the contra costa county district attorney's office. and although they say investigators have all of the evidence that will be presented in the documentary, they've seen it too and hope the episote solidifies their case to bring charges against the mother. based on what we saw. >> there was definitely evidence showing. >> aiding and abetting. there was evidence for sure. and we're hoping the documentary reveals all about where is alexis is slated to air april 24th at 7 o'clock at night on investigation. discovery.
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>> and will be available on several streaming services. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> we have some breaking news to tell you about. a massive earthquake hit taiwan and triggered a tsunami warning in japan are conference. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow has been following this. he has the latest now from the weather. yeah, this is a very large earthquake. in fact, a series of earthquakes have now hit taiwan. it continues to shake their. here's the very latest on our map here. you can see a high paid to the north, taking it for a closer look. now this happening on the east side of taiwan. very strong earthquakes being reported there. a series of them right now. in fact, we've got one now. that's been a 7.4 at 07:58am. there that located only about 22 miles and depth. that means a fairly shallow earthquake. and for an earthquake of that magnitude that would generate a lot of damage, but really just can kind of fall the line this expected to be along a subduction zone. this one. yeah, a depth of only 6 miles. that one a magnitude of 5.5.
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in further north we go. we've got more earthquakes that continue to rock their 5.7 and then another one at the 6.5. so a series upon earthquakes, the first one doing major damage expected in and around that area with such a shallow depth. and then you get subsequent earthquakes behind that. so you can imagine you've already had and extremely large earthquake and then follow that by another powerful 6.5 5.7 there is already destruction done with the first earthquake. the earthquakes behind that could do even more damage. so we will keep our eyes on that as well. no expected tsunami along the west coast of the u.s. things look like they'll be okay, but we're monitoring that as well. japan could indeed see tsunami from this series of earthquakes now affecting time on guys. back to you. coming up, nurses in santa clara county hit the picket lines today for day one
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of their 3 day strike. we're going hear their demands. sluss the oakland a's say no to the city's proposal extend their lease at the coliseum. well. >> their ballpark in vegas wraps up where the team is now looking to set up for the time being. california's latest snowpack numbers are out and they're looking good capitol correspondent wallace traveling with the governor here in the sierra nevada. i'll tell you where they stand. plus all have as stand. plus all have as messageifor californians. ( ♪♪ )
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than you think. team has rejected a proposal from the city of oakland to extend its lease while they wait for their las vegas ballpark to be completed or even ground broken there help baseball experts say becoming more possible that the a's might just go to sacramento for 3 years. well, proffers dan kerman live with us in the studio tonight with more on this. well, you know, we've learned this offer from the city was done without any consultation with the county of alameda. and the a's have not only rejected it but have made no commitment to continue negotiations. >> sacramento, in my opinion, he's going to be the location that the a's will select former a's executive andy dolan says it's becoming more and more likely the a's will abandon their effort to extend their lease at the coliseum after this season and play the next 3 years at a minor league ballpark in sacramento on tuesday, the 8th rejected the city of oakland's proposal to extend its lease at the coliseum for up to 5 years. that proposal would have required the a's to pay the
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city. 97 million dollars. john fisher isn't going to pay that money. dolan says the real deal breaker for the a's is that provision they give up their 50% ownership in the coliseum. if i'm an owner of the team. >> i'm going to hold onto that till i'm literally putting the side los vegas because you never know in today's world what could happen in outside forces. so why do i give up this incredible bargaining point now? and i don't need to. in a statement said we appreciate oakland's engagement and also. >> we are far apart on the terms needed to agree on an extension. kron 4 followed up by asking, are you comm to continuing negotiations or are you moving on d focusing on the minor league ballparks in salt lake city and sacramento? the a's simply responded. we have no additional meeting scheduled with the city of oakland at this time. could it be 3 strikes and you're out? >> it could be.
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>> dolans thinks the a's lack of commitment to future meetings could be a negotiating ploy. but more likely he thinks it's because the a's will move to sacramento until their vegas ballpark is ready. >> sacramento is a place that they can claw. some of the tv revenue that is probably being negotiated we speak. >> dolan says a's fans successful efforts to boycott the games has become an embarrassment to the team and leaving will allow the a's. and owner john fisher to avoid playing in an empty stadium. >> what a terrible visual for major league baseball to see a once-proud franchise with nobody attending the games. oakland mayor sheng thao issued a statement saying oakland made a fair and reasonable offer to the a's. and she says the city looks forward to continuing discussions as necessary. >> vicki can. >> thank you, meanwhile, things in vegas are moving forward at the side of the a's new ballpark. the tropicana
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casino close its stores for good this afternoon. it said to be torn down in october to make room for the a's. new 1.5 billion dollars stadium. people in vegas took the chance to visit the historic site one last time. >> i literally came straight from the airport. i asked the driver to take me straight to the tropicana, seeing all other side of the strip. but i wanted to just be a part of history and see it one last time. >> yeah, a lot of history there. the tropicana was the 3rd oldest casino on the las vegas strip. the a's are hoping to have their new stadium open by 2020 feet in the north bay construction will soon get started on a new homeless navigation center in vallejo city. officials call it a central hub for the unhoused community. >> here's a look at an artist's rendering. officials say it will be a holistic approach to fighting homelessness in vallejo and solano county. it will include case management, social medical services, as well as job training the center will serve about 200 people a year
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construction on the 12 million dollar project will start this week. the center on broadway street will open 125 shelter beds in december. >> the city of san francisco says it lost more than 20,000 jobs within the past 3 months of the city's controller's office reports. 21,000 jobs were lost between december 2023. to this past february. officials say a lot of the jobs were seasonal employment during the holidays, but another big chunk of them there in the tech industry. the report also noted that unemployment edged up nearly 4% and hiring trends steadily continue to decline. all right. let's give you a live look outside. see how things are shaping up downtown san francisco, which vicki might be the last sunny day. yeah, we're really stunning day around the. >> lawrence has been. you know, warning us about we have to check in on another big story that happening here.
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yeah, it's just a really breaking news right now. we've got a huge, massive earthquakes happening in taiwan right now. damage likely they're going to be soon getting some reports there as well. >> these storms, i mean, these are earthquakes really just pounding that area. so here we go. we're talking about major earthquakes of magnitude 7.4 bigger than the san francisco earthquake, 10 miles of a southwest way lean a city, a 6.5 soon thereafter. then a 5.7. but we've now had a series of quakes all along the coastline there, the east coast of taiwan, taipei located in northern taiwan. but certainly the whole country is being affected. >> so nami, certainly an issue we're watching for the possibility into china in japan, possibly into the philippines. now as well. all right. it looks like those head back to the bay area. we're going to see some changes coming our way. we've got that fog that has begun to roll in right now. and the patchy fog is going to continue to thicken up as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow to that being
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said, it looks like overall what a nice day we had today. the temperatures warming up in the 70's inland cooler by the coastline toast today with the fall that return to the beaches. but now things are about to change big time. we've got a cold front out there, kind of run on the back side, that ridge of high pressure that's going open the door. this is not going to bring us. the rain will see some clouds from the tomorrow. the one behind it. well, that is diving right out of the gulf of alaska. it's going to be amazing. the contrast in temperatures will go from mid 70's to maybe 20. maybe 25 degrees cooler around parts of the bay area. other right now, the sea breeze is blowing outside and the changes in the works of that fog begin to move in. we'll see plenty more low clouds and fog returning not only to the bay but the interior valleys overnight tonight and then tomorrow, partly cloudy, much cooler and breezy. then we get ready for some real wintry weather. in fact, not only is in the cold, we might even see some snow on mountains may area mountains. this late in april. that's pretty amazing. maybe some record cold. well, you know, that's no. we already pretty healthy position. yeah. and
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you know what? you can maybe ski, the local mountains, i know how much you love this thanks for that. we need to take a quick break we'll be ritesla is facing 2
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major lawsuits here in the bay area. first, a federal judge has given the equal employment opportunity commission, the green light to proceed racial discrimin employees at its fremont plant. the e e o c says non black managers and employees repeatedly used the n word to address black employees. tesla
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is denying those allegations. tesla is also facing a lawsuit in the south bay after a 2 year-old was behind the wheel of a car when it accidentally crashed into his pregnant mother. that case is set to go to trial next week. the crash happened back in 2018. the mother says the tesla was parked in the driveway. winter sun crawled into the driver's seat and somehow turn the car on. she says he then crashed into their garage pending, heard the garage wall. the lawsuit accuses tesla of negligence for alleged flaws in the software design. a tesla is denying any liability for that incident. tesla has recorded their first drop in sales since 2020. the automaker has sold under 387,000 vehicles. this quarter marking a 20% decrease in sales from the final 3 months of the year. tesla believes the decline in sales volume is do too factory shutdowns in china and europe. analysts vehicle competition is adding - to the low demand for their
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>> santa clara county nurses are now on strike and expected to last for the next few are for years. tiffany justice has more now on the demands and how the county's responding. >> day one of a 3 day strike starting today. the nurses out really covering the majority of the campus here at the hospital. they started around 6 o'clock this morning and it will remain out here until 06:00pm this afternoon. >> 4,000 nurses at 3 santa clara county hospitals, as
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well as 13 clinics starting their three-day strike tuesday. they're demanding higher pay than what the county is offering. the nurses also say right now operating procedure dictates the county can tell a nurse which hospital they are needed now to help with short staffing. the nurses claim despite being run by the county, each hospital has its own policies and procedures last mediators proposal wasn't voted down by the membership because of the money. it was voted down because the county wants to be able to send us to different hospitals. and we believe that's unsafe for nurses and unsafe for our patients. >> it's all because the county failed to integrate the 3 hospitals together. the county is offering a 10.5% pay raise over the next 3 years. and hurses want a 15% pay raise to keep up with inflation. county officials say nearly 1000 traveling nurses have been brought in to work the shifts during this three-day strike. >> and so we do have a nurses are all licensed. they've received orientation specific to our system over the last


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