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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  April 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:45pm PDT

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♪♪ ♪♪ >> now at 10, powerful
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earthquake kills at least 4 people in taiwan. we're following the developments there and the latest on earthquake here in the bay area. >> that there are getting away with it and it's terrible what we make our visitors guilt. a local lawmakers push to crack down on car break-ins not only in the bay area but all across the state, syringes and human waste from an east bay homeless encampment spilling into waterways. what leaders are doing to try to keep the water clean. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. good evening. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. tonight, the city of walnut creek is moving forward. >> with another restriction outside its planned parenthood. tonight, the city council unanimously passed a ban on the use of sound amplifiers. all this adds to a buffer zone that the city council passed 2 years ago to try to put space between
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protesters and people seeking services at planned parenthood. kron 4 sarah stinson. why force tonight in walnut creek with the latest? sara? >> that meeting wrapped up not too long ago. walnut critique walnut creek, rather city council. they voted in favor of pushing this ordinance forward, which means that protesters would have to have 100 feet between them and the entrance of planned parenthood. if they're going to use a megaphone or bulls are now, many people spoke out in favor of this ordinance tonight, but some say it limits their first amendment rights. at a planned parenthood on oakland boulevard in walnut creek, demonstrators against abortion can be seen using megaphones an effort to speak with patients. walnut creek city council approved an ordinance tuesday night. restricting sound amplifiers within 100 feet of the clinic doorway. the assistant city attorney gave a presentation about why
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a noise restriction is so needed. ali, wolf cited a letter sent to the city by planned parenthood between april of 2022 and april of 2023. they documented 138 incidences with protesters. >> at the planned parenthood facility of which megaphones was mention. 42 times, many planned parenthood volunteers spoke at the meeting explaining how the noise affects patients seeking care on a daily basis regularly. protesters come with these megaphones and microphones to verbally harassed staff and patients allows them to call the murderers. it allows them. >> to target people that are inherently fragile at a time that is very, very difficult for them was so loud. i could hear it inside the health center with the door closed. >> the walnut creek police chief says they have recently increased patrols around the clinic after an increase of complaints. well, clinic volunteers described the protesters as hostile sofia
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martin with love life, a sidewalk outreach ministry group says they use sound amplifiers because the buffer zone makes it hard to connect with patients and offer their resources. they have clinic escorts that as soon as the moms tend to planned parenthood. >> they're in their air. they're trying to interfere with us, exercising our first amendment rights and reaching out to the moms to offer the help and hope that we can provide a mom name. lily attended the meeting to advocate for love life. if it wasn't for me, meaning that the sidewalk counselors that day, no, i probably wouldn't have chose life for but wolf says this ordinance would help protect the health of patients inside the clinic as the loud megaphones can cause negative effects. and city council will have a second reading of this ordinance that will be at the next meeting. april 16th. and then if it gets the final
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approval, it will then go into effect 30 days later. >> i'm sara stinson reporting live in walnut creek. >> back to thank you, sarah. a smaller earthquake strikes tonight in the north bay, the epicenter of the 3.2 quake was just northeast of santa rosa. no damage reported, but more than 6,000 miles across the pacific ocean, a much larger quake hit taiwan. the 7.4 earthquake, heavily damage, roads and buildings. at least 4 people were killed coming up in about 10 minutes, we'll speak to the editor in chief of the news outlet based in the bay area. that reports on stories from taiwan. a big change in the weather coming our way. of course today. another beautiful day outside. we have a couple batches of fog. >> especially along the more fog on the way tonight and big changes beginning tomorrow. you're going to start to feel the cool down. waking up early on 06:00am cloudy skies for everybody. the fog will have moved well on shore. temperatures hovering in the 40's and the 50's by 8. still plenty of cloud cover out
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there. a little bit warmer generally about the load about the mid-fifties. then as we head toward 10 still cloudy skies. temperatures warm up ever so slowly chance of rain is on the way. we'll talk more about that with your 10 10 coming up a few minutes. >> new at 10 students at a north bay high school had to be evacuated after a naked woman covered in blood walked into the school's gym. police say it happened at petaluma high school. they say the woman who appeared to be in a mental health crisis had many cuts on her body that they believe she did to herself. they say none of them were life threatening. she was taken to a local hospital. school officials say that they will have counseling and mental health teams on campus tomorrow to offer support to their students. >> police in oakland are asking for your help after they say they found a person on fire. they say the victim is in critical condition tonight after they found that person this afternoon at 45th avenue in bond street in east oakland, officers did not provide any more details.
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they're asking anyone who has information to call opd a fire broke out in newark at the lucid motors headquarters, damaging several ev ease. fire crews say the fire was reported yesterday morning. took crews almost 3 hours to put out the fire. nobody was hurt. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> take a san jose police have arrested for people who they say may be linked to the theft of these items at a storage facility. they say in total nearly $400,000 in stolen items were taken from storage units and they say the suspects have been linked to at least 3 storage facility break-ins since late december. the forward booked into the santa clara county main jail. >> money talks oakland. you know, i didn't want to get fined. so today the city cleaned up parts of a homeless encampment. >> that gotten so filthy. it was polluting the water. our grant lodes joins us now live in studio with what was found in the water. grant wasn't
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good. vicki, the encampment was being polluted yet. syringes, human waste and >> other environmental hazards. i mean, you could just tell by looking at it. >> it's not good. that was right near the banks of this water here. and they even they say they found a stolen car when they started cleaning up today. the collection of rv's cars and tense first appeared on leet drive in oakland off hagan burger near the airport more than 3 years ago. now, the city says last week, though, water quality control officials issued a formal complaint to the city stating the encampment was contaminating the nearby creek with feig away, syringes and other trash. and based on testing the situation was getting worse and immediate action was necessary. >> what we heard from the water board last week was the basically the conditions unacceptable from the health and safety standpoint trying to work in the way. respect the dignity and autonomy of these folks but also gives the city the ability to to meet our obligations to our our our regulators.
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>> leaders say city crews will clear and vacuum the street. plus flush out the sewer pipe and then submit new samples to the water board. in a letter obtained by kron 4, the public works. director alerted city officials that they could be on the hook for hefty fines as high as 10,000 bucks a day if the situation was not brought into compliance, a part of the encampment still remains tonight. but the city spokesperson tells us that the water testing, if it shows that the situation hasn't improved with the cleaning of a big section of it, then the whole street. is going to have to be swept clean. for now, though, just a portion. ken and vicki, we'll keep you posted. back to you. all right, grant, thank you. tonight, san francisco board of supervisors agreed to oppose a name change at the oakland airport. >> oakland airport officials want to change the name from metropolitan oakland international airport to san francisco bay, oakland
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international airport. city officials don't like the oakland airport wants to include the name san francisco saying it could cause a financial burden for sfo. but oakland says the name change could help boost the airport's global visibility to travelers. travelers. today we heard from an east bay resident about that possible name change. >> i think they should keep it yeah, it's located oakland point. think i think it is incomplete because people outside of open don't know the various times also the period don't know. simmons was keep it open. >> oakland commissioners are set to consider that name change at a board meeting later on this month. >> nearly 4,000 nurses in santa clara county are expected to continue their good lines tomorrow demanding higher pay. today was the first of a planned three-day strike. the county is currently offering a 10 and a half percent pay increase over the next 3 years. the nurses
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are asking for 15%. they say that money is not the only obstacle to a new agreement. >> that last mediators proposal wasn't voted down by the membership because of the money. it was voted down because the county wants to be able to send us to different hospitals. and we believe that's unsafe for nurses and unsafe for our patients that despite the labor action. >> our hospitals and clinics remain open. and we are continuing to be able to provide all emergent and critical services to the community, including our level one trauma center at valley medical center. >> county officials say that nearly 1000 traveling nurses have been brought in to work shifts during this three-day strike. others going pushback in walnut creek against a proposed fast food restaurant. there sandwich chain chick-fil-a is looking to open its second location at the corner of oak grove road and citrus avenue. but unlike many of its other locations, this restaurant would not have a drive-thru. many people who
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live in the area are already opposing the idea citing concerns about safety and traffic. a city leader says the council would be discussing the proposal next month. tickets for francisco's biggest music festival or going on sale at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. this year, the so-called eager three-day passes for outside lands. >> started $425. tickets are going on sale despite no one, no one who's going to be performing this year. the lineup has yet to be announced once it is announced, the prices will certainly go up. the three-day festival begins on august 9th. >> terrible visual for major league baseball to see a once-proud franchise with nobody attending the games. >> still ahead, the a's rejects oakland's proposal to extend their lease at the coliseum before their move to las vegas where the team could actually be headed next. >> and the new proposed law that could prevent your boss from calling you when you're not on the clock.
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20 foot banner reading jews say let gaza live raise this morning at the yerba buena island tunnel. >> calling for a cease-fire in gaza since october 7th, the gaza health ministry says at least 32,000 people have been killed and 77,000 people wounded. this includes 7 workers from world central kitchen. officials say that the group was delivering food to gaza when they were hit by an israeli air strike this morning, the group will put up the banner is asking for an
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end to american financial support for that war. >> as we mentioned, the top of this newscast, a powerful 7.4 earthquake has shaken up taiwan, damaging buildings, including this one where families had to be rescued. officials there are reporting at least 4 people have been killed. joining us tonight is the editor-in-chief of a cat ago. lynn media. he ye your news outlet cover stories from taiwan. what are you hearing from people over there tonight? >> you know, it's a kind of comes as a just happened during morning commute hours. and the the first thing i'm hearing from friends is this reminded them of quake that happened in 1999. 25 years in which more than 2400 people were killed. you know, so far, everybody who's checked and all the friends and family a check and that's that they're
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fine. you know, i think so you know, looks okay. but, you know, i'm sure we'll have a more information coming so that i guess i know there's a several major roads have been closed or been landslides that have blocked some routes, particularly on the east side of the island of taiwan. >> but in general, you know, it is power restored. it are the trains running a lot of that stuff came to a right after the earthquake. yeah. so i for the most life in major cities kind of back to normal people cleaning up >> far as i know, there any major damage. the metropolitan areas all the factories, including some that the plants are for the most property. janell. so taiwan is no stranger to earthquakes. you know, being in the ring of fire. there. >> the building codes you don't fortified and all the modern buildings are are kind
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of what it's constructed to withstand moderate to large what are you hearing about what's happening to the buildings there? >> and some of my you know, they they work or live on upper levels. they it was shaking really hard. you know, i think everybody kept saying, you know, they haven't felt anything like this their lives, not, you know, recent memory. you know, so far, i no one has had a number you know, major earthquakes. and so i think every time that's happened, people do take precautions seriously. >> tell me about the relationship that to the bay area has with taiwan because i know you're not the only taiwanese american here. there's there's a lot. there's a strong connection between and and them over there right? >> sure. i there are a lot of time when he's living in a the
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bay area. looking at area, especially in the tech industry. obviously, there's a lot connections between business relations between the tech companies here in the companies in tight, one, you know, and that's well, there's a number of a sister city relationships between cities in the bay area, cities and taiwan as well. so i think there's a lot of people in the bay area tonight that's keeping a close eye what's going on that i want a night. >> so one of our co-workers has in for our viewers tonight who have relatives who are who have a a deep connection. how can they find out the most current information that the phone lines are challenged? obviously, you're you're a great source of information, but who can they contact? i think right news outlets in the they do very good job >> up to date and up to the updates on information that there's a very strong, obviously online communities as well as people or cope
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looked into. so, you know, i think not going to be too hard to find information come okay. and certainly we're hearing about aftershocks. so this is not a nearly over. thank you so much for joining us tonight, the editor-in-chief of catalan. >> media chatting. yay. have a good evening. thank you so much. thank you very much. >> new measurements from the sierra nevada snowpack show that the snowpack level is slightly above average for this time of year. that's good news, of course, for california's water supply. governor newsom joined water researchers at philip station up in the sierra near south lake tahoe. he says the state has recently gone through extremes on all fronts from floods to fires to drought. in fact, 9 years ago this week, this station was look at that totally dry. no snow at all. we're here 9 years later, reconciling strange as it relates the hots getting a lot hotter. the dry is getting a lot drier and the wets getting a lot wetter. and that requires us to have the sophistication of approach
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that includes new strategies. new strategies that the governor says include connecting more natural waterways and lakes with manmade storage, all in hopes of capturing more water before it goes into the ocean. more snow could be coming to the sierra this week for chief meteorologist lawrence karnow tracking that. yeah, in a couple of great years in the sierra with all that snow coming down. well, there's more snow on the way. we've got a very cold system now. >> that's approaching the coastline. and before long, we'll be talking about more snow in the high country. maybe even a couple of snowflakes across our mountains about that for april. very, very cold weather system headed our way today. looking good. a nice day to get up there and enjoy all that snow up there. maybe do a little skiing in the high country, too. rays are open and clear going to stay that way for tomorrow. but then by tomorrow night, things change. in fact, we've got a winter weather advisory going up starting tomorrow night at 11 o'clock continuing until friday. we'll see a significant amount of snow up there. one to 2 feet. i think going to be calm and maybe the more on that across some of
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the higher peaks. so here we go again. look at the temperature change. you go from numbers in the 50's tomorrow. plenty of sunshine back in the snow and freezing on sunday. some gusty winds to go along with that too. that continuing on friday as well. it's amazing. you look at the totals now for this year. we're now at 124% of normal in the northern tier, 107% in the central. and now 100% of normal. and still more on the way for the southern sierra nevada. guys, back to you. thank you, lawrence. >> and the a's days of playing at the coliseum, maybe more numbered. then we thought the team has rejected a proposal from the city of oakland to extend their lease. well, they wait for their las vegas ballpark to completed. now, some baseball experts say it's becoming more possible. the a's might go to sacramento for 3 years. kron four's dan kerman reports. the oakland a's have rejected the city of oakland's proposal to extend its lease at the coliseum for up to 5 years. >> the proposal would have required the a's to pay the
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city. 97 million dollars. john fisher isn't going to pay that money. former a's executive andy do lunch isn't surprised, especially since the deal also called for the a's to give up their 50% ownership in the coliseum. if i'm an owner of the team. >> i'm going to hold onto that till i'm literally putting the side las vegas because you never know in today's world what could happen in outside forces. so why do i give up this incredible bargaining point now? and i don't need to. in a statement said we appreciate oakland's engagement and also. >> we are far apart on the terms needed to agree on an extension. kron 4 followed up by asking, are you committed to continuing negotiations or are you moving on and focusing on the minor league ballparks in salt lake city and sacramento? the a's simply responded. we have no additional meeting scheduled with the city of oakland at this time. could it be 3
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strikes and you're out? it could be. do lutz thinks the a's lack of commitment to future meetings could be a negotiating ploy. but more likely thanks. the a's are ready to pack up their bats and and moved to sacramento's minor league field for 3 years. sacramento is a place that they can claw. some of the tv revenue. >> that is probably being negotiated we speak. more importantly, do it says leaving oakland. >> will allow the a's and owner john fisher to avoid the embarrassment of playing to an empty stadium. what terrible visual. >> for major league baseball to see a once-proud franchise with nobody attending the games. in a statement, oakland mayor sheng thao says oakland made a fair and reasonable offer to the oakland a's and they look forward to continuing discussions as necessary. dan kerman kron, 4 news. coming up. a local lawmakers push to try to crack down on car break-ins not only
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in the bay area but across the state. >> plus, why police in one bay area city are urging a new law that would help them impound the bicycles of some teams. and that hippie hill event in san francisco's golden gate park has been postponed, but that's not stopping some weed lovers from celebrating for 20 tell you about the new plans
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redwood police are looking for way that they can take away bikes from some teens. they say the teens. >> even gathering in groups in right around recklessly right now, police are only able to issue citations to those teens who ride their bikes a little too close to cars. the police
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chief says he wants the city council to come up with a law that would let officers impound those bikes. he says many of the teens aren't even from brentwood. instead, they're from oakley and antioch. fewer homes are being built in california. home construction here. drop 7% in 2023. compared to the previous year. >> contractors say higher costs for materials and labor are some of the reasons why they're not making as many homes. they also say some regulations make it more difficult to turn a profit. coming up next, what helped bring back a documentary on the killing of an east bay woman? alexis gabe, never aired. >> tesla involvedpin another >> tesla involvedpin another lawsuit claim on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> now at 10, 30 a state bill to hold criminals accountable for crimes like these car. break-ins is one step closer to passing kron four's. rob nesbitt talked with the bay area senator who is now on his 3rd attempt to get this bill passed. >> walking out to a smashed window is infuriating for drivers, but an all too familiar occurrence in the bay area. sharkey look want to owns the van rental company ban to go and explain what one customer went through and san francisco going in to grab something from inside the building was was gum. >> you know, wasn't there more a minute tops and he came back the windows were is missing a $20,000 up some of car. break-ins like that are why senator scott wiener has authored senate bill 905, eliminating what's called the locked door loophole. >> where da has to prove that all car doors were locked.
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>> prior to a break in to get a requirement makes no and it kills some prosecutions because the owner may not remember coming up. it just may not be able to say if they locked all the doors. the loophole has the biggest impact on tours to have their rental cars broken into during a visit to california. >> criminal scene out of state license plate pull over and within seconds, smash a window and take property from inside a future court date for tours becomes an inconvenience. >> the most common scenario tourist and either rental car car and they're here and they're simply not going to fly back test. but senator wiener's bill also addresses the reselling of stolen goods from cars, especially laptops, cell phones and cameras. >> criminals could be prosecuted for holding more than $950 of stolen goods intended for resale. be able to catch crook. >> it's just that there
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getting away with it and it's terrible what we make. our visitors still. we better than that. >> the bill passed the senate public safety committee with a vote of 5 to 0 and now goes to the senate appropriations committee for a vote. and senator wiener expects that to happen sometime in may. problem has been kron. 4 news. >> in a 2 year-old man and a minor have been arrested in connection to the shooting that hurt 3 people at a safeway parking lot. it happened yesterday evening in american canyon. investigators say an argument escalated into gunfire. no word on the condition tonight of the 3 people who were shot. police in saint landry are investigating a shooting that killed a man citizen app. video shows the scene yesterday evening after police arrived in the area of the sperry and boulevard and colby street near the bayfair bart station. police have not released any information about a possible suspect or motive. the documentary based on the killing of an east bay woman will finally be released after it was shelled for more than a year. >> alexis, gabe was murdered more than 2 years ago. kron
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four's philippe to call. talk to gabe's father who says public outcry helped an shelf. the documentary. >> when game says he and his family are grateful for the overwhelming support they receive from the community as they live their daily lives. but the pain from his late daughter, alexis, gabe's gruesome murder is always present, were still struggling. i mean, >> it's not something that you easily for good and just move on. you know that pain accentuated in recent weeks when a producer with the investigation discovery series on the case with pows on. >> first notified the games that the documentary they took part in last detailing alexis's case was set to air at the end of april. only to be told soon after that, the episode had been tabled and would instead air the following season. the games announced their disappointment to the more than 16,000 members of the justice. for alexis, gabe, facebook page.
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the group flooded investigation, discovery with stern comments and >> thursday, last week, this one i received a phone call for episode a producer. saying that the decided to pair episode april 24, is the season finale of a season. 27 because all messages that they receive and the attention circulating from. no problem all the attention, but we're getting them from this case in january 2022. alexis, gabe was reported missing out of oakley. >> months later, investigators found her partial remains near sacramento. her alleged killer was her ex-boyfriend. he died during a police gave suspect the man's mother attempted to help cover up the crime to this day. she has not been charged that the gabe say the
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case is still open. the contra costa county district attorney's office. and although they say investigators have all of the evidence that will be presented in the documentary, they've seen it too and hope the episode solidifies their case to bring charges against the mother. based on what we saw. >> there was definitely evidence showing. >> aiding and abetting. there was evidence for sure. and we're hoping the documentary reveals all about where is alexis is slated to air april 24th at 7 o'clock at night on investigation. discovery. >> and will be available on several streaming services. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> tesla is facing another lawsuit. a labor rights group is accusing tesla of racial harassment of its black employees at its fremont plant. the group says non black managers and employees
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repeatedly used the n word to address black employees. tesla has denied those allegations. a new bill would require all state employers not to contact employees outside of work hours, though they'll get fired. that bill introduced by san francisco assembly member matt haney would give employees are right to disconnect from emails, texts and calls after work. it does, however, make exceptions for emergencies or discuss scheduling certain companies like those with unusual hours are on call. employees may also be exempt. now the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look at the transamerica building. looks like there are some clouds coming and lawrence is here let us know if those clouds are going to, you know, materialize in yeah, we've got big changes coming our way now. it's been nice. the last couple of days. temperatures soaring in the 70's and some of the warm spots, even some mid 70's. but we're going to see some extreme weather coming our way as we're going to go from the very warm weather, probably
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some record cold temperatures as we head toward the end of this week and so out the door. now that fog is gathered already pushing on shore, making its way inside the bay. more of that to come. in fact. >> clouds gathering up throughout the night tonight and tomorrow we start out with plenty of clouds early on and then tomorrow afternoon, good replaced by some mid to high level clouds and then that rain is going to start to move into the bay area. temperatures generally the 50's around the bay area right now. 57 degrees in san jose. it is 51 in santa rosa. 56 degrees in concord. here comes the cold front you see rolling in here. this one is not going to be the one that's going to bring the rain. but it will usher in a change for tomorrow as we'll start to see some of those clouds rolling on in. it's going nudge that ridge of high pressure to the east. and that means an open the door to some much colder weather coming off the gulf of alaska. right now back on shore flow was kicked in. the fog is rolling in already more. that on the way, high pressure kind of scooting out of town that one friend is going to start to fall apart. but behind that, that once got some rain in the coming our way in some cold weather, maybe even some snow on our local mountain
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top. so let's time it out for you as we head through the night tonight. a lot of clouds rolling onshore. well in the valleys by tomorrow morning. breaking up a little bit by the afternoon, replaced by the mid to high level clouds and then behind that. well, here we go. a chance of rain rolling in as we head toward the morning on thursday. scattered showers popping up and then you notice some colors out here. all of a sudden you start to see some and some blue. there's white. that's actually some snow. how about that in april? that's pretty impressihe. don't get to see that very often. all right. here it is. you've got the long-range forecast for you. the storm clouds rolling in on thursday and then continuing showers on friday. maybe some isolated thunderstorms to lots of snow in the sierra nevada. slight chance of a shower as we head in towards sunday. then we'll start to clear things out and dry things up a bit. temperatures tomorrow going to take a hit, you says numbers dropping off. maybe some mid 60's warmer spots in the south bay. and then the next couple days. here we go. those temperatures really bottom out as we go into the 50's around the bay area and you've got that snow over our local mountains. but next week, how about that? we go from the cool 50's to nice warm 70's as we head toward the middle of next week. guys, back to you.
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sounds good. thank arts new experience is coming san francisco. it's called sf. >> we need week much like restaurant week or beer week and we'd week will feature some of the state's top growers and brands showcasing their latest products. the event will start on saturday, april 13th and last until the cannabis holiday of for 20 admission is free. but you do have to have a ticket. one is already sold out to even though they're free. but de 2 tickets have just been added. oakland's first fridays is returning. >> this for photo journalist malcolm jackson caught up with business owners and residents are excited to welcome back that event. >> it's of like no good combination of >> good food. the people. >> just good vibes as news. is just a sense of community. there is love is it's inclusive this space for everybody. believe a lifeline
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for the city of anything that is a positive say space in within the city of oakland is vital. there's so much negative narrative that's going around throughout the city and anything that's positive should be supported. >> opportunity to show that we are part of the town. we are together any any opportunity that we have to live show to connectivity between all of us, the common denominator between us a safe space to be in a neutral environment to wear. it's not we feel home. you know what i mean? we all outside of our covers on. we are fighting the comfort zone like that's the beauty about first friday. i'm excited. that is coming first fridays is what i consider a town experience. it has an installed history here, bringing people out. >> what experience that first friday and that staple, i feel i'm excited to see how at this homecoming is going to turn
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out and i hope will be for the long haul. >> all that wraps up kron 4 at 10. stay tuned for kron for news. 11 it for sports night live. erin wilson standing by with a look at the all the action on the diamond on the court. you every way. yeah. the action everywhere here in the bay area. as we get the job, actually play. >> so that will be.
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>> he's answered the bell. >> yeah. answer the bail. he did as did a cast of warriors tonight. it's a thanks for joining us for tonight's edition of sports night live. i'm your host erin wilson. now the warriors, they obviously have their backs up against that play-in game wall playing for the longevity of their season at this point. and steph curry and the warriors, they know that and they're winners of 4 of the last 5 games and they were trying to make it 5 in a row. >> house one of had his team in the midst talking about luka doncic. i'm talking our kyree irving, of course. >> the rest of the cast of the dallas mavericks. so with the play outstanding its let's talk about the game. the game with evenly matched through the 1st quarter luka right here. doing look at does you know he's against bp to hear in. does this pan to


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