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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at
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>> early on in my time as mayor, i made clear that sideshows and something i will not tolerate. >> now at 5 pumping the brakes on side shows an east bay city is fighting back over these dangerous driving stunts. they're shifting gears. they're trying to go in a new direction. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow, the city of antioch just past. yet another measure to fort sideshows from errupting in the city limits. kron four's terisa stasio. joining us live now. >> with their new plans, theresa on noel and grant and mayor telling us that he is not going to stop in his fight against preventing sideshows is latest tool. the tool box putting in a. but this is unjust and a gate. take a look. >> this was the same back in august. a car flipped into the water off of any oxbow talk. police at the time say that the vehicle was involved in a sideshow and electric a game >> that will open and close on its own. so to open in the
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morning close in the evening. that's antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe on tuesday, the city council voted on a new electric gate at the marina. that would close at night stopping cars in their tracks, looking to hold sideshows in the parking lot. >> people around the marina, their communities there. and so it's not fair to them that people come and destroy their p peace and tranquility. that's not right. >> just this past weekend, the mayor says that more than 200 people showed up at a sideshow. a lone tree drive in golf course road police moved in quickly dispersing the crowd. the mayor says that the department's police scandal where dozens of officers were put on leave for allegedly sending racist and sexist text messages and breaking other laws hurt their efforts to block sideshows. but he says those days are over. >> and when the police levels were impacted by the fbi investigation, we lost optimism. so that certainly had that it felt like that. we just opened the gates to
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sideshows here but were quickly stepping up. we've got 6 officers in the academy 12 that will be entering the academy made our proactive efforts are are much more important having police officers dedicated find. >> them thank and to a 49 that have been most affected. >> so the gate is underway right now going into effect. the mayor also says that during the most recent sideshow, drones flew over the crowds capturing license plates and that they will be following up on those out there possibly seeking out those cars, towing them or issuing some pretty hefty fines. no well, and grant back to you. >> theresa, thank bakery in oakland is picking uprthe pieces after the small business was broken into this week. bakery il sole was is located on 12th street in the fruitvale district. the break-in happened around 1 o'clock in the morning yesterday. police say 2 suspects broke in through the
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front door, burglarized the business and fled. police responded to the scene just before 05:00am to investigate. david flores, the son of the bakery owners reached out to us with these photos of the aftermath. officers scoured the area for witnesses and surveillance video. this is an active investigation. >> new information tonight in a fatal car crash in south san jose. police say a teenager was behind the wheel of a black car that killed the driver of that white truck. it happened just after 4 this morning near the intersection of neiman boulevard and elkins way. neighbors say this isn't the first time there's been an accident there and they hope the city can make some safety improvements. >> loud, loud vehicle me up. and i do want to come out what i did. i hope this one. they will push some traffic light because all way accident. >> the teenager is in custody as the investigation continues. the identity of the victim has not yet been released.
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>> nurses at san francisco general hospital are rallying for better staffing today. this is video sent to us from the union. they say a shortage in our ends is putting patients and hospital staff at risk of degrading care. the hospital is the only one in the city that can treat patients around the clock every day of the year. and since it's a public hospital, they can't turn anyone away. the nurses are accusing the department of public health of not posting the accurate amount of job vacancies that represent the need for staffing. meantime, in santa clara county, nearly 4,0t0 nurses took to the picket lines for day 2 of their 3 day strike. they're demanding higher pay. this is video from yesterday's rally. the county is currently offering a 10 and a half percent pay increase over the next 3 years. but the nurses are asking for 15%. county officials say nearly 1000 traveling nurses have been brought in to work the shifts during this three-day
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strike. >> duty-free shops, all the even 7.11, all the local convenience stores. everything dropped. >> survivors of taiwan's earthquake arrived at san francisco international airport today. this was the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than 2 decades. at least 9 people have been killed and dozens more are missing. it is about 8 o'clock in the morning in taiwan about 24 hours since the earthquake hit the region. more than 200 aftershocks have followed that initial 7.4 quake and his wild to even imagine kron four's. rob nesbitt spoke with head of a local taiwan organization. joins us in studio now live with how they're raising funds to try and support the survivors. rob whelan grand, i spoke with the vice president of the taiwanese american federation of northern california and they have a lot of experience and sending relief to the nation used to large earthquakes. one this big, though, is rare. >> the intensity of the 7.4
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magnitude earthquake was felt all across taiwan buildings crashing to the ground. bridges shaking in the inside of homes and businesses destroyed. to put it in it's the largest one in the last 25 years in taiwan. doctor walter moody is an earthquake seismologist with the u.s. geological survey. and he says there's less than 10 earthquakes this large a year. so far, 9 people have been killed as a result and aftershocks will be a concern during the coming days. >> so the main shock was a 7 point for devastating the strong earthquake and the first aftershock came very fairly quickly is the first large aftershock fairly 30 minutes later 9 to 6.4, thousands were injured during the quake. and search efforts are now underway to find survivors in the bay area. the taiwanese american federation of northern california is raising money to help with relief efforts. >> vice-president leona chen says chinese politics makes that difficult in the past. the prc has. >> that funds be about it
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first china before being made its way to taiwan as a means to claim taiwan has. >> but part of its province for that reason, her organization is sending a 2 time once ministry of health and wellness think it will be used to help the survivors and to repair buildings and make sure people are taking care of are lee quickly as possible. the taiwanese american federation of northern california is sending funds to taiwan by check and sell their telling anybody that wants to donate that they can do so. we have a link to that on our website. >> on kron 4 dot com that you can go to to help they are in need so much help so much helping see the videos of the actual buildings moving. and i've never actually seen a car shake like that before in a road. so that so intense to say the rooftop pools. that was another coming down. the it's amazing that it speaks to the infrastructure that they have built up over the past quarter century since the last big one that it wasn't way worse than that. pretty pretty strong earthquake safe until ding seem to move. not
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necessarily like completely collapse on 40 just and move with the ground, though. yeah, they're intense. kerry, thanks let's get you a check of the forecast back here in the bay area live look outside. >> you can see the wind blowing pretty strong. at this the sun came out after some morning fog, but you could. >> notice a definite shift in the weather today. much cooler chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here with us to detail the changes. yeah, he didn't feel that changed today. you're definitely going to feel that tomorrow. >> much colder air on the way. the polar express rolling back into town and the rain is headed our way to clouds gathering throughout the afternoon. some mid to high level clouds and spots. couple patches of fog over san francisco right now. but yeah, they're going to thicken up overnight tonight by tomorrow morning. we've got the chance of a couple raindrops coming our way. winds have been whipping in spots that sea breeze kicking in helping to cool us down. wind gusts now over 20 miles an hour. many spots look at the model. 28 mile an hour gust there. but we've had some of almost 30
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miles per hour this afternoon. we're going to see more of that when 2 is a cold front, kind of comes to town this front, not going to carry with it. the anything in the way moisture for us. but the one behind it is we've got storm clouds gathering off the coastline and it will be that one, the drops in the bay area that's going to bring with it. some major changes on the way tonight. not bad. we've got clouds rolling on in mostly dry, but by tomorrow, everything begins to changes. we're going to see some much colder air if you can believe that drop into the bay area and this front, the first one coming through. that's not going to the weather maker to one right behind it. that is going to come pulling through by tomorrow morning. bring some cold rain back to the bay area. maybe some record cold. and if you believe this, here we are in april. we're likely to see some snow on mountain peaks around the bay area the next couple of days and a ton of snow in the sierra nevada. guys, back to you. lawrence. thank you. >> or is your local election headquarters and another name is joining the race for san francisco mayor san francisco board of supervisors president
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aaron peskin says he plans to run for mayor, but it is not yet official. however, multiple sources have confirmed to kron 4 plans to announce his run at an event this saturday. peskin will join an already crowded race, which includes incumbent mayor london breed, former interim mayor mark farrell, nonprofit executive daniel lurie, who is the heir to the levi strauss fortune and supervisor ahsha safa e haskin has confirmed to kron 4. he will be holding an event at 11 o'clock this saturday morning, but he would not confirm his announcement at that event. a spokesperson for mayor breed's campaign. meanwhile, has issued a statement following the reports of past skins run for mayor. it reads in part, quote, peskin is the person most responsible for creating a city of haves and have nots. it goes on to say if you could go into a laboratory and constructed individual designed to single-handedly destroy all progress in san francisco, he would be some strong words there. the
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california supreme court is hearing arguments over the fight. >> over berkeley's controversial student housing plan here at people's park. the park owned by uc berkeley is expected to become student housing. that's the plan. but construction was stopped before it could even get started because of protests legal battles from neighbors, homeless advocates and environmental lists in an effort to keep protesters out. officials blocked off access to the park. they used shipping containers. big ones in january. today's hearing came more than a year after a lower court ruled the project's environmental impact report was inadequate. there's no word on when the state's highest court will issue its ruling. >> on kron, 4 news at 5 controversy behind the possible name change for the oakland airport continues. what sfo officials are now saying. to bury a couple
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files. a lawsuit against central marin police. what they're being accused of. >> and the oakland a's could be one step closer to playing their home games in sacramento. what we know about their meeting with city their meeting with city leaders.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in.
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with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >> the a's are refusing to confirm rumors. team executives are in sacramento today trying to finalize a deal that would have them play at a minor league stadium for the next several years until their new stadium in vegas is ready that the a's lease at the coliseum in oakland
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expires at the end of this year. and so far there's been no agreement between the team and the city of oakland to extended kron four's. dan kerman reports. >> speculation continues to spread that the oakland a's not only are abandoning attempts to extend their lease at the coliseum passed this year, but they're in final negotiations to play those interim years at this minor league facility in sacramento. only sad because >> sacramento is really far and it's i don't know. a lot of the fans are going to go over there, sacramento, to see the environment. probably not going to be the same. so that's going to really sad. fans attending wednesday's a's game at the coliseum against the red sox were not surprised to hear the news. >> but some remain skeptical. i just can't imagine these guys planned in mind of a stadium sacramento, but 105 degree >> what wait to see what the players association has to say about the stadium is home to the sacramento river cats whose owner victor on a diva
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also owns the sacramento kings. the team that was one step out the door to seattle. >> before his ownership group bought the team in 2013. having gone through what you went through with sacramento. >> it should be discussing to to be part of supporting a relocation of a team, ripping it from the community. ryan johansen with the a's fan group. oakland's last dive bar says if the move to sacramento happens, it will make the ultimate moved to las vegas all the more easy. but he doesn't blame oakland city leaders whose lease extension offer was rejected this week. there's nothing the city can offer that will make state. john fisher does not want to be in oakland. a's want nothing to do with oakland. dan kerman kron. 4 news. lake police department is asking for people's help. they're trying to find this guy. police say he broke into a business on georgia street and sonoma boulevard easter morning. >> and sexually assaulted a woman there. police say the victim did not know him. anyone with info is asked to get in touch with the lake o p
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d. >> big plumes of black smoke filled the air in newark earlier this week. a fire broke out at lucid motors headquarters on monday, destroying one prototype and damaging 3 other electric vehicles. an official with the alameda county fire department says the fire was reported around 10:30am, in the morning at a lot where the cars were being stored. it took crews nearly 3 hours to put out those flames. thankfully, no one was injured. the cause of the fire is under investigation. bart's services back to normal and east contra costa county after a train derailed early this morning. >> the train was not in service but the derailment shut down service to 3 different stations. >> a section of track that joins the maintenance yard to the main tracks that we use for passenger service. and the train was traveling on that section of tracks. and work track crew had been performing. before the start of passenger service resulted
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this particular a minor derailment. one set of wheels derailed on the a 3 car train. >> nobody was injured. fortunately and bus bridges were used to get people around. >> tonight, san francisco international airport is responding to the possible name change to the oakland airport posting on x sfo expressed serious concerns over the proposed renaming effort. oakland airport officials want to change the name from metropolitan oakland international to san francisco bay, oakland international airport. but i suppose says customers could be confused by that name, especially those abroad. oakland commissioners are set to consider the name at a board meeting later on this month. our weather time. let's look live here at sfo. you see some ominous. >> clouds have moved in as we're in a transition day. and that's the change. lawrence has been talking about all week long. we've been trying to avoid at lawrence. yeah,
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this is a drastic change to this is pretty impressive matter of fact, we could see some record cold temperatures around the bay area and snow in april. yeah, some of the forecast models want to bring in all the way down to 2000 feet. if you've got a good downdraft, maybe all the way down to 1500 feet, something you might see in february, but rarely in april, out there right now. you've got the clouds rolling on in. you got some patchy fog down below in the mid to high level clouds from the cold front begin to work its way in the bay area. you can see it right here is that for storm system beginning to roll in. in fact, bruce and some lightning strikes in northern california right now. we've got some thunderstorms up toward the chest area, also up in the sierra foothills as well. and some rain falling there. this was not to leave rain for us, though. it's going to be one behind it. a much colder says in the drops in as we head in toward tomorrow morning and see right here, too. as we take you through the night tonight, that front moves by and then look at that as we head towards 7 o'clock in the morning or so. wow, that's a lot of yellow and orange and red. maybe a thunderstorm be picked up by the model there and some gusty winds. tomorrow morning's commute going to be wet. yeah. pretty crazy. and then you star to see some really interesting things on the map here. you start to see a little peek, a little blue
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popping up over the mountain tops that some snow show. our mountain top throughout the morning tomorrow into the afternoon. and that's going to continue on and off, i think into friday as well. more showers and more possible snow showers across some of higher peaks. but yeah, it looks like a pretty good dusting there. mount hamilton, you could see actually see some snow up there in the next couple of days about rainfall totals down below and most most of the bay area really bonus. now we're above average for the season. you may get another half an inch or so in the san francisco. this is going to continue, i think, on and off for the next couple of days. and so we'll watch these temperatures only topping out may be the low 50's for highs tomorrow. just a couple days ago we're talking about mid 70's and next week, maybe in the 80's. so that's what we call weather whiplash. we've got to get through the worst of it to get everybody's yeah. just hunker down. thanks. right. >> celebrate art month in san francisco. >> san francisco mayor london breed kicking off earth month
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at city hall this morning at the event, the mayor honored for women for their efforts to improve the environment across the city. she also spoke about the steps the city has taken to try and help the environment. >> i am so excited and glad that san francisco has been an environmental leader and pushing for transformative change. >> and climate policies. >> the earth month celebrations will include san francisco second annual climate action week, which begins april 21st, according to the mayor's office. during that week, there will be major hikes, bike tours and runs meant to showcase a beautiful environment. the city has to offer. across the country. our national parks will be celebrating earth day by waving. >> entrance fees on april 22nd. all 9 of california's national parks will offer free admission among the parks. you can visit yosemite sequoia, joshua tree and death valley. >> still ahead, a push on
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capitol hill to cut the cost of inhalers. >> plus, 2 days after the state's minimum wage for most fast food workers increased workers gathered at the state capitol to celebrate.
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>> is some nice live music is fast. food workers gathered near the state capitol today. celebrate the increase in their minimum wage. dozens of workers as well as members of the california fast food workers union rallied together. that talked about
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why they believe the law will improve lives. >> the rest of the country is watching what's happening in you are setting the standard that others will how it we it. kron 4 that the wage increase will lead to higher prices and possibly fewer hours for employees. >> alameda county is deploying covid-19 detecting dogs in their health center's. those dogs are part of pilot program for identifying covid cases within the county's health center's. they are working at the park bridge, nursing home in alameda. they're trained to sniff near person's feet. ankles are lower legs to detect any compounds associated with covid-19 with
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an accuracy rate 96%. these dogs can sniff test about 300 people in just 30 minutes. the next phase of the pilot program will focus on vulnerable populations in nursing facilities. meantime, the white house is celebrating an announcement from 3 drugmakers that have agreed to cap the price of inhalers for many patients at just $35 per month. president biden says this thanks to major pressure from federal leaders. other advocates are praising the price caps, but say it's only a step in the right direction. >> this is great news for the asthma community. i hope, you know, we can make this sustainable. 10 people die each day from has been an affordability of their medications. as the primary thing that we hear about. >> the new inhaler price caps will begin taking effect in june. >> up next, a lawsuit filed against central marin police.
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why a couple is claiming assault. plus a new restriction and in east bay city. it involves planned parenthood center. why some people say the move violates first amendment rights and then the new food bank ceos hoping to improve health outcomes in the community. outcomes in the community. there's another condo. with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes and stuff? yup.
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. a butler? super nice guy. >> tonight at 5.30, a san anselmo man has filed a lawsuit against these central marin police authority after he claims they stunned him with a taser and arrested him while he was suffering a seizure at his home. the incident was captured on


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