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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> thanks so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm
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liviakis. i'm ken san anselmo man filed a lawsuit against the central marin police authority after he claims they stunned him with a taser and arrested him while he was suffering a seizure at his home. the incident was captured on police body cam video kron four's gayle ong has details for us. and we do want to warn you some viewers may find the video difficult to watch. police body camera capturing the call to brew sprinkles. sanon summer home on the early morning of august. 29th frankel's fiancee at the time. now wife called 9-1-1. but when officers arrived, the situation escalated. what this neighborhood off hinkle later learned he was suffering from a grand mal seizure on wednesday, frankel filed a lawsuit against the central marin police authority. his
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lawyer, david feel he's still struggling with the physical issues and still struggling. >> the emotional issues from yet to shoulder surgeries. so he's recovering from those which occurred over last year. so the lawsuit alleges excessive force, false arrest and officers conspiring to fabricate charges. one of the responding officers can be heard giving a statement on police body camera video feel like. >> it's all kind happened you like check so i try to control like its arm. with week. i want to i trying to like. some but kind of start that first. have says it address that. >> a statement from the central marin police authority reads in part, quote, as much as we would like to the authority by law is precluded from commenting upon medical and personnel matters that are deemed confidential and private. however, the authority will vigorously defend itself against this
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meritless and factually inaccurate litigation. a separate statement to kron 4 from the lawyer representing the officers reads in part, the officers who arrived on scene to help in response to the medical call did an extraordinary job under very difficult circumstances. mister frankel presented symptoms that mimic someone under the influence. he was irrational, unstable and violent. while we now know this was the consequence of a seizure at the time the officers had no such information and acted in accordance with training law and policy. the lawsuit seeks economic damages for medical expenses and punishment sufficient to ensure that the situation does not happen again. this department as saying the similar set of facts before an epileptic >> suffering a seizure years before this occurred of the officers mistook it for something else and beaten, then arrested the person who is suffering an epileptic seizure. gayle ong kron. 4 news.
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>> in the south bay, a man is dead and a minor in custody after a crash in san jose happened about 4 o'clock this morning at the intersection even boulevard. and daniel maloney drive. police say the minor was speeding through a stop sign in a black car when they crashed into a white pickup truck killing the driver. officers say the minor ran off from the crash, but police later found him. this is san jose's 12 deadly crash this year. >> in the span of the small business hit with a burglary in oakland. here's a look at the damage left behind have about 1 o'clock this morning at bakery else old. that's on 12th street in the fruitvale district. these are pictures sent to us from the bakery owners, son. police say 2 suspects broke in through the front door, burglarize the shop and then ran off. no word tonight on any arrests. >> pumping the brakes on side shows the city of antioch just
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passed yet another measure to try and thwart the sideshows from erupting within the city limits. our kron four's treason. stasio joins us now live in the studio with more on on what they're doing to reset all vicki and knocks mayor tells me that he is not going to turn his back on his promise to residents of stopping sideshows in their tracks. >> his latest tool in the tool box putting in a. but this isn't just any game. >> it's one that will block access to a very popular sideshow location. >> smacked water shooting in the air disrupted nearby residents. that was the scene back in august. a car flipped into the water off of anti docks boat dock police at the time say that the vehicle was involved in a sideshow. that electric a game >> that will open in close on its own. so it'll open in the morning close in the evening. that's antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe on tuesday, the city council voted on a new electric gate at the marina. that would close at night stopping cars in their
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tracks, looking to hold sideshows in the parking lot. >> people around the marina, their communities there. and so it's fair to them that people come and destroy their p peace and tranquility. that's not right. >> just tlis past weekend, the mayor says that more than 200 people showed up at a sideshow. a lone tree drive in golf course road police moved in quickly dispersing the crowd. the mayor says that the department's police scandal where dozens of officers were put on leave for allegedly sending racist and sexist text messages and breaking other laws hurt their efforts to block sideshows. but he says those days are over. >> and when the police levels were impacted by the fbi investigation, we lost optimism. so that certainly had that it felt like that. we just opened the gates to sideshows here but were quickly stepping up. we've got 6 officers in the academy 12 that will be entering the academy made our proactive efforts are are much more
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important having police officers dedicated find. >> sending them. thank and to a 49 that have been most affected. >> that electric going and soon. the mayor also says that during the most recent sideshow, drones flew over the crowds capturing license plates and that they will be following up with those people who are out there, including issuing possibly some tickets are towing those core. those cars away. ken and vicki. forecast as we get a live look at the bay bridge show light in the traffic department. but boy, it looks a little bit cool. and where is everybody? look at those clouds hanging down over the east bay hill. yeah. what a change just a day here now we watch these temperatures drop a good 10 degrees. it's going to be a lot colder. >> by tomorrow, in fact, maybe and cold enough to see snow down about 2000 feet here in the bay area. would that be something for an april day out there? right now? the clouds have rolled back in week. cold front sliding on in now, high pressure, scooting out of town and that is leading to much
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cooler temperatures around the bay area right now. 53 degrees in san francisco. pretty breezy out there to 55 in oakland, still 60 in concord and 62 in san jose. but these are going to be actually a warmer than the warmest temperatures we have around the bay area tomorrow. things are really going to cool down. the winds have been kicking up. we've seen some gusts of 20 plus miles an hour and even almost 30 miles an hour in the san francisco. that will be an issue through the evening hours that colder air kind of just settles in throughout the night tonight week dying cold front making its way through the state. although some thunderstorms in northern california, some showers there, but much colder air begin to drop and now the gulf of alaska. and that is headed our way to likely to bring a major change in a very unusual cold storm. this late in the season. all right. a little fog in spots out there. now. you've got some more clouds on the way as we head throughout the night tonight and it will thicken up and by tomorrow morning we've got a chance of that rain rolling back in. you'll see that first front kind of diving on in high pressure. scoot to the east behind that. that cold air really settles in from the
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gulf of alaska. so, yeah, i get all that cold weather gear tomorrow that the highest temperatures maybe low 50's. that is about it. rain and some snow on our local mountains. >> duty-free shops, all the even 7.11, all the local convenience stores. everything drop. >> reaction coming in tonight from those who felt the deadly 7.4 earthquake in taiwan. 9 people are dead more than 1000 injured searches are still underway for people who might be trapped under fallen buildings as well as for workers who were underground in quarries at the time. although the earthquake struck more than 90 miles from the capital of taipei, those who were at the about to leave for san francisco. tell us they could feel and see the effects of the quake. >> the key from the ceiling and all this talk from the duty-free all found out like a broken bottles on floor and the people work at the airport to just kind of scared to compete. just look at that.
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>> a tsunami warning was also triggered by the quake, but that was later lifted. the earthquake has considered that country strongest in 25 years ever turned her way to raise money now to try to help the earthquake victims conference. rob nesbitt talked with the head of a local taiwan organization and he joins us here in the studio with how they're raising money to support survivors there. rob ken and vicki, i spoke with the vice president of the taiwanese american federation of northern california, and they've a lot of experience and sending relief to the nation used to large earthquakes. one this big, though, is rare. >> the intensity of the 7.4 magnitude earthquake was felt all across taiwan buildings crashing to the ground. bridges shaking in the inside of homes and businesses destroyed. to put it in it's the largest one in the last 25 years in taiwan. doctor walter moody is an earthquake seismologist with the u.s. geological survey. and he says there's less than 10 earthquakes this large a year. so far, 9 people have been
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killed as a result and aftershocks will be a concern during the coming days. a tsunami warning was issued. but doctor mooney says there was little chance of that happening. the earthquake was quite deep about 20 miles deep, so it wouldn't be expected by his self. >> to cause a major tsunami because it didn't wasn't near the sea floor. thousands were injured during the quake. and search efforts are now underway to find survivors in the bay area. the taiwanese american federation of northern california is raising money to help with relief efforts. >> vice-president leona chen says chinese politics makes that difficult in the past. the prc has. >> that funds be about it first china before being made its way to taiwan as a means to claim taiwan has, but part of its province. for that reason, her organization is sending a 2 time once ministry of health and wellness think it will be used to help the survivors and to repair buildings and make sure people are taking care of are lee quickly as possible. the
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taiwanese american federation of northern california is sending funds to taiwan by check. >> and zell, if you'd like to donate folks can click on our web site. we have the link wray on kron 4 dot com where they can click and help out if they'd like, ok, so money they're looking for donations are are we sending first responders over there? i also reached out to the american red cross of northern california and they said right now they're monitoring the situation. they haven't sent volunteers yet. they said there's a pretty good base of folks in that area already when it comes to red cross in relief that are very prepared for earthquakes, obviously in that region. so they're not yet, but they're standing definitely familiar with earthquakes in part of the world. all right. thank coming up, speculation continues to grow over the a's heading to sacramento. well, there. >> vegas stadium is being built. we're going hear from fans about that possible move. plus, why push for a second chick-fil-a in walnut creek is being met with some pushback. our assembly democrats split
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with senate democrats over how to shrink the state's multi-billion-dollar project, a deficit. >> it certainly seems that capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you why. governor gavin newsom, thanks to differ.
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>> nurses here go, general hospital rallied for better staffing today. this is video sent to us from the union. they say a shortage registered nurses is putting patients and hospital staff at risk of degrading care. the hospital
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is the only one in the city that can treat patients around the clock every day of the year in since it is a public hospital, they can't turn anyone away. the nurses are accusing the department of public health. i've not posting the accurate amount of job vacancies that represent the need for staffing. meantime, in santa clara county, nearly 4,000 nurses took to the picket lines for day 2 of their 3 day strike demanding higher pay. this is video from yesterday's rally. the county is currently offering a 10 and a half percent pay increase over the next 3 years. the nurses they are asking for 15%. county officials say nearly 1000 traveling nurses have been brought in to work. their shifts said during this three-day strike. francisco board of supervisors voted unanimously to approve legislation that would streamline installation of automated speed cameras last week. mayor london breed set out her transportation vision, which included steps to implement those cameras back in 2023 estate bill was passed
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that allows san francisco along with 5 other cities to implement a 5 year safety camera prop highlight. this allows the s f mta to install more than 30 speed cameras on streets with a history of speeding and severe or fatal crashes. it is a bill that is resonating with a lot of california workers. assemblyman matt haney's proposal to give employees the right to disconnect. in other words, allowing them to. >> ignore texts and calls from their bosses when it's after hours. kron four's catherine heenan talk to haiti today. she's joining us live from the newsroom with more. catherine, i wondered, can what kind of reaction he's been getting since and reduce the bill this week? it does seem to be resonating. assemblyman matt haney says there's been an outpouring of attention. most of it good. his bill is aimed at guaranteeing california workers, at least some uninterrupted personal and family time. and for many of them, you says that is not happening
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>> if there's a villain in all of this, and if there had to be a bill it would be the bosses would be the technology. >> matt haney is talking about the fact technology makes it easy for bosses have access to employees. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, he says sometimes amounting to a stranglehold on a worker's time went up happening is because people can contact easily at any moment over text or email >> they there is always that is that a lot of people find themselves unable to put the phone away any time, even when they're at the dinner table with their kids or they need a moment. just to take a break. the bill would require california employers to create companywide plans. >> clearly spelling out working and non-working hours employees would have to consent to would all be in writing. exceptions include salaried workers with contracts, bosses to break the deal. 3 times could be
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reported to the state labor commissioner and face fines. if cain is bill does become law. it would make california the first state in the country to officially embraced disconnect philosophy. at least 15 countries worldwide have similar laws from france and australia to the philippines. anything's his version has been made so flexible that we'll win over even the critics. >> i think if you think about it, it's common companies can still have very long hours. if they want, they can still ask their folks to work weekends and nights and all that. but be clear about it. i have a policy when people can disconnect when they can switch and the employer and the employee and make sure they're on the same page. >> he thinks this does have a pretty good shot at passing. meantime, it is not lost on haney that the bay area helped create the culture of always
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being available, working around the clock. places like silicon valley. he says he considers that all the more reason to jump in and try to make things better. can you know where did all those devices come from? all right. thank you, catherine. kron 4 is your local election election headquarters and another name is joining the race for san francisco. mayor. >> san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin says he plans to run for mayor, but it is not yet official. however, several sources have confirmed to kron 4 that baskin does plan to announce his run at an event this saturday. peskin will join an already crowded race includes incumbent mayor london breed, former interim mayor mark farrell, nonprofit executive daniel lurie, the heir to the levi strauss fortune and supervisor ahsha sofi. baskin has confirmed to kron 4 that he will be holding an event at 11 o'clock saturday morning. but he would not confirm that he intends to announce at that event. a spokesperson for mayor breed's campaign issuing a rather blistering statement following
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reports of haskins run for mayor reads in part tesco is the person most responsible for creating a city of haves and have nots. it goes on to say if you go into a laboratory and construct an individual designed to single-handedly destroy all progress in san francisco, he would be it. well, that whether time now. >> as we get a live look outside that appears to be san francisco city hall. >> more political brings are going on. yes, at the moment. everybody wants to be there right now. they're all running for mayor, lawrence. is that right it? they may want to run away by tomorrow. i mean, we've got really some unusual weather coming our way as we've got a very, very cold system dropping into the bay area. that is not only bring some rain but likely some snow on bay area mountains here in april. that is very impressive for this time of year out there right now. you're probably already felt the change. temperatures really begin to cool down across the board. clouds moving in right
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now. the sea breeze really kicking up today to so the temperature change. and we've seen a lot of the numbers good 5 to 10, even 12 degrees from what we had just 24 hours ago. so big changes are in the works. in fact, you can see that low spinning out the gulf of alaska. that's going to be the one that's going to roll right down the coastline and bring us some rain. maybe some thunderstorms and yes, even some local mountain snow. couple pop-up thunderstorms right now in northern california from this weak front. that's not going to bring us any rain but moving on by. we did have some drizzle with that today along the coastline. scattered showers, though, northern california and a little love snow the higher peaks there as well. so, yeah, kind of active out there now and it's going to get more. so as we head through the night tonight and into early tomorrow morning. in fact, here we go by tomorrow morning. 07:00am wow. look at that. yeah, your commute tomorrow could be a little bit wet out there. back. maybe some moderate amounts of rain. maybe a couple of heavier downpours. you can see a little red in here and it over san francisco that maybe pick up a thunderstorm on the computer model. so tomorrow morning, very slick. early on, pretty more towards scattered showers. but you notice by
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10:00am you start to see some of the peak in some of the blue over the mountain tops that's picking up some sleet, some snow across some of our mountains as well. how about that for an april day? and that's going continue on and off tomorrow and into friday as well. so we've got some cold showers coming our way in these temperatures are going to be chilly back. these numbers probably for highs tomorrow. low 50's around the bay area. that's about it. and remember, just yesterday we're talking about some mid 70's. so 25 degrees cooler by tomorrow afternoon. and then next week, we're up in the 70's and 80's very changeable very much alright, coming up, a celebration at the state capitol today over the recent wage. >> hike for fast food workers are going to take a closer look right after the break.
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>> the statewide minimum wage hike for most fast food workers. it went into effect earlier this week. the wage raise from 16 up to $20 an hour. fast food workers gathered near the state capitol today to celebrate the increase in there minimum wage. more than 30 workers as well as members of the california fast food workers union, a rally together. they talked about why they believe the law will improve their lives. >> i and we it. i we feel they happen think is good but okay. put meanwhile, want looking at they'll economy. >> on the flip side, though, franchise owners here in the
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bay area are telling kron 4 that the wage increase will actually lead to higher prices and possibly even fewer hours for employees in the east bay. there's growing pushback against a proposed a chick-fil-a in walnut creek. the fast food chain wants to open up a second location on the corner of oak grove in citrus avenue. but unlike many of the other locations at this restaurant will not have a drive-thru and many people who live in the area say that that's going to be a problem. they're concerned about traffic congestion and safety city council will discuss that proposal next month. still ahead on kron, 4 news at 6 for learning the name of the 17 year-old boy who was shot and killed in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. >> plus, president biden putting a cap on the price of inhalers. the maxx you would pay to get one and temperatures go. mayor london breed kicking off earth month today by honoring for women dedicated to improving the city
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>> the top story this half hour. the a's are refusing to confirm rumors team exacts are in sacramento today and are trying to finalize a deal that would have them play at a minor league stadium for the next several years. this, you know, until their new stadium in vegas is ready. >> team's lease of the oakland coliseum expires at the end of this year. and so far there's been no agreement between the a's in the city of oakland to extend that lease kron four's. dan kerman reports. it's at this minor league field in sacramento where it's believed the a's will move next year. >> and play until their new stadium in las vegas is


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