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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  April 5, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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all right. now, the problem
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morning news. >> a's are filling up their roots and headed north. now people are wondering what's going to happen to the oakland coliseum. and newly released body camera video from pacifica police shows the moments leading up to a deadly shooting of a mom. well, they say shot and injured her son. and a survivor of the mass shooting in half moon bay mushroom farm now suing the owners of the farm, accusing him of not protecting workers. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good friday morning. they keep the lake in a witness. >> bright and early for the problem. morning news here on april reyna harvey. well, we've got to stop this with a check of weather yesterday was very wet today. looks like might get a little break. good morning yes, it's looking like. >> at least not as much activity as yesterday. we're still going to be looking at a chance of thunderstorms throughout the day. we're still looking at some snowfall in some surprisingly low
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elevations, right on our bay area. mountaintops. this is where we're sitting at the golden gate bridge. skies out. there are dry at the moment. but if you get a look at radar, you can definitely see. we still have some activity out there. in fact, really heavy snowfall up in the sierra nevada. that will continue throughout the day today. a winter weather advisory persists up there until 11:00pm tonight. bay area, relatively quiet. but look at all this offshore. it's not going to take a lot for one of those bands. she's worked their way overhead today. so that's why i'm keeping thunderstorm potential in today's forecast. take a look at the sierra and then on into the mountains just east of san jose. both of them receiving snowfall right now, mount hamilton, the looking serve a tory getting a solid dose last night just above san jose. it also seeing a little bit of rain snow mix at the top of the altamont pass just east of livermore between eu and tracy's. so definitely been a busy past. 24 hours. we're still going to see that potential of isolated showers today. most of our
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thunderstorm potential is going to be further inland. but i'm not ruling it out for the bay area itself. we'll see a better chance towards the afternoon of something some thunderstorm activity towards the inland areas of napa solano contra costa, alameda counties away from the bay itself. but still in the viewing area. that's for sure. temperatures are going to be in the 40's for a current morning. temperatures definitely on the cold side of things. take a look at those 30's up in the north bay and santa rosa, sonoma and napa you can see why snow level is at such low elevations looking at temps like that 50's later on today. chance of a thunderstorm. absolutely not ruling it out. i'll be keeping you updated on all the details of your forecast as we go. as for the road, is friday. so we're hoping for those light conditions to remain. of course, look out for some slick spots. still, as we are going to be looking at that rain from yesterday, still resulting in some ponding water on roadways. a few puddles here and there and additional showers still possible throughout the morning, although definitely a
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whole lot calmer than what we were yesterday. rain and right, john, thank you for top story this morning is a major disappointment and a financial loss for the city of oakland. >> a's headed to sacramento after more than 50 years in the town. now the question is what's going to happen to the oakland coliseum? alameda county leaders say the focus will be to bring in as many events as possible, such as sports with the oakland roots to play at the coliseum or local ballers. we're hoping for the chance to play there. former longtime a's executive andy ilic is an expert in the field. he says several 100 workers from security management operations, concessions and parking are all going to be impacted by this. >> coliseum was the last town square left in open that people of all backgrounds could get together and celebrate their sports change. and now it is going to be a quiet location.
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>> meantime, councilmember rebecca kaplan posted on social media list of possibilities to fill the coliseum space. the lists from the op-ed she penned about 5 years ago. that includes affordable housing music venue and a convention site. this will also be the last a season for hundreds of people who so beer, hot dogs, peanuts and popcorn at the coliseum. the team is just 74 home games in oakland before they had to sack kron four's. dan thorn report. vendors say the move is heartbreaking. >> it today >> ice cold for oakland, native kendrick thompson, selling beers at the oakland coliseum has been the holy grail. i grew up. >> watch my father man. and it's like a dream job for me. not only i want a good football player in basketball player. but, you know, this is something down a whole bunch of friends, lifelong friends. hawker is think the dream come true some i would change the
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world. thompson says he learned through acts. the a's are moving to sacramento next year. >> his first stop was of all his fellow workers who now know for sure that it's over in oakland much. it makes emotion. you want to yell strain. you know, you want to figure next move as soon as possible and hundreds of other people are now facing that reality overall. i think it's a travesty for the city of oakland. >> in that they will no longer be a big league john arnulfo is a former turned business agent with teamsters local 8, 5, 3, >> arnulfo represents around 50 to 60 people who work as novelty or in seed vendors at the coliseum. but this departure from oakland affects so many more. he says some of his members will likely follow the a's to sacramento. some of the guys already worked there at river games. >> and i suspect more. go up there during the suppose 3
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years of the a's as opposed to be thompson says he's not planning on going because outside of oakland in the bay area. >> it's just not the same feeling. it's kind of disheartening because, you know, i'm a i love this city. i love this job. >> and do it for free. it is heartbreaking. you know. >> well, as kron four's dan thorn reporting. so as you saw, thompson was wearing a cell oakland shirt, which vendors obviously banned from larry in the coliseum. thompson says he's holding out hope that his team won't leave oakland but he's also telling people in the city the focus on the positives and the support other teams might come up and take over at the coliseum. now, oakland become a better place. happening today as it was as a board of supervisors. president aaron peskin is set to file paperwork to officially enter the running for mayor supervisor passing currently serves as the president of the san francisco board of supervisors and has been on the board and on and off since early 2. thousands. so when peskin does officially join
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the race, he's going to be joining incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha stuff. it philanthropists, daniel lurie and former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell. a call for your local election headquarters. now, 2 weeks of counting ballots in the race to succeed. congresswoman anna eshoo, guess what? it's a tie. but it is simply evan low and santa clara county supervisor, joe, some indian. both candidates are now moving on from the primary and joining former san jose mayor stanley karnow on that november ballot. most surprising the outcome and thankful to the voters. 9 of them seemed interested in a recount. focused on november. the issues that they want to tackle. all voters, why that they're the best candidates for the seat. >> there are a host of issues out there that are calling out for someone to be effective in congress. we've got a high cost of living. we've got climate change to tackle. we've got a woman's right to choose all these are issues the cry out for effective
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legislators among the candidates who are going to be a runoff. i've got the ability to say. i've been there. i've done that have had the success and i can take that same set of skills to washington to deliver for people in our district. >> what sets me apart is that record of service that when it comes to the most pressing issues that time i champion in co author legislation to enshrine reproductive freedom protections in our state constitution. i've been legislative beer from the california police chiefs association. record amounts legislative proposals continue that washington, d.c., will continue look at partnerships over partisanship and also answering the call for service. >> karl's team sent out a short statement saying, quote, we welcome the opportunity to continue to talk to voters about issues facing our community, including the high cost of living utility rates and housing and sam's long record of fighting on behalf of residents. now, if there's a tie in the november election, political analyst
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michael yaki says it would go down join lot and a winner will be picked. that development news. pacifica police releasing body camera video from the deadly shooting. it happened last week. police shot and killed a mom who they say had just shot and injured her son. police identified the woman as 50 year-old michelle, are kron 4. sarah stinson has that story. >> the daughter says her mom has never been violent before. she says the night prior to the shooting, they were celebrating her brother's birthday. she says that's when they learned their mom had bought a gun. they tried to convince her to return it. she says they're still in shock, but she's glad her brother's, ok, gunshots, gunshots. >> newly released body camera video shows the moment leading up to a deadly police shooting in pacifica. it was before 8 in the morning on march 27th when a 23 year-old man called 9-1-1 after locking himself in the bathroom of his apartment. he says he got shot by his
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mother. police identified her thursday as 50 year-old michelle raise shot. want it woman? >> 50's point a moment. >> police say a raise was just pulling out of the apartment complex on francisco boulevard. 2 officers tried to stop her one on each side of the driveway. staff police lowdown. the video to show a raise pointing a gun at both of them before officers shot at her. after this car came to a stop. officers say they removed the gun from a raise his hand and checked on suspects down. >> ambulance arrived for both the sun and mom, but a raise died at the scene. >> the son was taken to the hospital after being shot in his left arm and right wrist in a race car. police say they found a loaded handgun and 4 boxes of ammunition in the apartment. they found the family dog shot and killed the san mateo county district attorney's office is in the middle of an independent
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investigation to see if the shooting was in compliance. pacifica. police are also doing an internal investigation to see if officers followed policies and procedures while speaking with a race daughter off camera, she told me she believes her mom was going through a mental episode that morning and wishes she never had bought that gun. >> the da says it will take 8 to 9 weeks to complete its investigation. the 2 officers involved are on administrative leave. i'm sara stinson reporting in pacifica. back to you. >> well, in the east bay, a man and woman are recovering after being shot in east oakland. police say one of them was arrested. it happened wednesday night right near the intersection of also avenue in burt streets. officers say both were taken to the hospital, but one of them was arrested right after being treated. we don't have any other details being released at this time. and a migrant farm worker who survive at half moon bay mass shooting from a lawsuit against the owners of the mussel farms where the killings took place. 24 year-old kendall felix for merrill perez was shot 5
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times. he survived. he lost his older brother, jose patchell in jose's family filed lawsuits against california terra gardens and its owners accusing them of failing to take responsibility and reasonable steps to protect the tenants from violent acts. still ahead, the kron 4 morning news to south bay restaurants partner together to raise money for people in gaza. why event organizer says it's important to him send in aid. plus, the city of berkeley got a hefty fine over how they manage the landfill site. will talk more about that. and after the break, protesters blocked the entrance of a research facility in sunnyvale. >> when a driver sped towards threaten them, we'll take a
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deo for your whole body? that actually works! how do they do it?
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native combines the best of nature with the best of science to make a deodorant spray with naturally-derived ingredients that fights odor at the source and is clinically proven to keep stank at bay. all day.
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easy to know today, it's opening day for the giants. oracle park, prepping to welcome fans back. tides are going to play the padres. first pitch is at one. 35. they were police arrested a man suspected of robbing a peninsula business gunpoint last month. police say the suspects stole a large amount of cash a later time of the victim before fleeing the scene. man was taken to san mateo county jail. and what we're robbing kidnapping. kaiser permanente in oakland, partnering up with other businesses provide private security guards to workers. you might remember last month, a kaiser openers reporter car was stolen. right fun of her after shift ended and she was just trying to go home. apple is now laying off more than 600 workers in santa clara. the tech giant recently notified state labors officials about the layoffs. so back in february, apple laid-off more 1000 workers
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after shutting down their debt decision. there decades-old plans to build an electric car. all right. well, welcome back. let's get rolling today on a friday. >> traffic is and has that and whether it seems to be a little better than yesterday. a lot better, yes, that's especially right now because yesterday morning, as you remember the morning commute was a washout. heavy rainfall across a lot of parts of the bay area. >> right in the middle of your morning drive yesterday this morning. we still do have that potential of isolated showers here and there, but definitely a much calmer go than what you had 24 hours ago. nice to be seeing that on a friday. still definitely have that chance of some isolated showers, these bands of moisture to be moving in overhead today. best chance of thunderstorm development will be in inland areas of the bay area. also, look at that. snow still falling and mount diablo mount hamilton of the east bay going to continue to do so today. speaking of snowfall, lot more of it up in
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the sierra nevada still falling very heavy still under a winter weather advisory up there. now we're deeply entrenched in this area of colder air. the low-pressure having moved overhead last night. we'll still must now start to move south across the region. so we're going to be on the tail end of all this moisture. but certainly in the midst of all this cool or air that is pushed in, you can see today we do have a few morning showers here and there for the most part, a much drier start than yesterday. now we will see peaks of sunshine today into the afternoon. best opportunity for thunderstorm development will be for the inland east bay and in north bay. so do keep your eye on those clouds later on today. should be dry or towards the coastline and towards the bayshore itself. tomorrow is going to be a nice and dry one. just a chilly one. so don't forget the jackets. as for saturday night into sunday morning, some overnight showers to be expected. those move through really quickly. and then the rest of the weekend should stay nice and dry. setting us up for a dry next week. rainfall for the
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remainder of the weekend. looking at around a 10th of an inch at the very most. so you can see we're definitely done with the bulk of the moisture from the system. the sierra nevada still under winter weather advisories from grass valley on down through yosemite national park. if you head further south, you're actually not looking at winter weather advisories. but winter storm warnings in the mountains above la with some really heavier snow up there in those upper elevations. so it's wintery not just for us in the bay area. we'll still continue to see snow level dropping as low as 1000 feet in elevation, 2 to 6 inches of snow above 2000 feet. plaster ville at 1800 feet receiving a bit of snowfall chain control, certainly in effect. if you are making your way to the sierra now, if you're staying here in the bay area, you have a cool afternoon to look forward to mid to upper 50's for your daytime highs. most notably san francisco today we got the giants home opener going on with your first pitch at one. 35 pm today expect
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temperatures around the mid 50's at that time be throwing on all those layers so you can stay nice and cozy. we do have a shower chance. so i would at least bring the rain jacket with you, but it is so much calmer than yesterday. very thankful for that as the giants get out there today. tomorrow's getting a little bit warmer under mostly sunny skies and we continue to warm up. it is just climb in the temperature letter in this forecast by early next week on monday for the eclipse were getting low. 70's officially and by the middle of next week, we're going to be back into the low 80's. so not wasting our time. warming back up to the sunshine and the warmth. as for your roads right now, things out there pretty smooth sailing, nothing holding you up at the bay bridge. hopefully we can keep this friday light around. at least we're keeping some drier weather around after yesterday's very wet conditions. the richmond, sandra fell bridge moving along just fine. there roadways are wet. those if you slow your roll a little bit. 19 minutes from novato to the tolls at the golden gate,
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right? all right, john, thank for that. happening today, president joe biden will travel to baltimore. >> to get a firsthand look at the site where the francis scott key bridge collapsed more than a week ago. washington correspondent reshad hudson joins us live with the very latest on that. so, sean, what's happening today? >> in a good morning to you all in baltimore today, president biden will meet with maryland's governor to talk about the role the federal government will play when it comes to rebuilding the bridge. later today, president biden will travel to baltimore to see the collapse. francis scott key bridge firsthand. this administration. we'll be with the people of baltimore. every step of the way. while there he'll meet with family members of the 6 construction workers who died during the collapse. they were hard workers laboring in the middle of the night to repair pot holes on the bridge that 10's of thousands of travelers crossed every day. white house press secretary karine jean pierre says the president will
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also receive an operational update from the u.s. coast guard and the army corps of engineers. the president is continuing to lead a whole of government approach in responding to the bridge collapse. maryland governor wes moore says rescue teams are still working to recover for people who remain unaccounted for. that water is so murky. >> that's divers cannot see any more than one to 2 feet in front of them. >> and the white house is calling on congress to help fund the help to help fund the rebuilding of the bridge. reyna. thank you. and i were shot. well, coming up on the kron, 4 morning news to san jose man arrested accused of selling drugs on the dark web. police later revealed they only accepted a special form of payment. we'll talk more about that coming up. >> democratic legislative leaders and the governor reached a deal to shrink the state's multi-billion-dollar budget deficit. capitol correspondent wallace. i'll tell you by how much
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>> protesters blocked the entrance of the lockheed martin research facility in sunnyvale yesterday. the group calling for a cease-fire in gaza. they say the facility is supplying israel with jets and missiles. about 250 people participated in the rally that lasted for about 5 hours. one point a driver sped towards them that out of the car and threatened them with a knife.
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>> present. >> okay. very intense moments. the video then shows the man getting back in his truck with protesters saying that he could park and walk in to get to the laptop he needed for up to work from home and then was arrested during that protest. and to palestinian owned businesses teamed up with islamic relief usa yesterday for fundraising event to support people in gaza. one of the business owner says he felt like it was his duty to lead an 8 effort like this one. >> i want people to to know and understand that there's a lot of people that are suffering from this war in gaza. people that are dying. i'm getting. massacre right
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now. and it's, you know, being that i'm i'm full steam. it's incredibly sad to go on with our daily lives with over 32,000 deaths since october. >> he says he hopes a similar fundraiser at his restaurant in november. he says that event raised over $30,000. coming up next to the problem morning news. the warriors on the road in texas playing games in huge playoff implications. we'll see how they may now in the lone star state. >> and for giants fans, long wait is over. we are just hours away from the season home opener. we'll tell you home opener. we'll tell you everything you need to k
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news going on 5.30, yesterday. we started off. it was so much raley and flight delays all over the place. today. we're starting off a little calmer. good morning yeah, definitely a lot calmer out there this morning. yesterday was a day that >> was not easy for your morning commute. at least we did clear out things a little bit during the afternoon. give you a chance to get back out there for a bit. we are seeing the golden gate bridge this morning on a much drier. now it's still a bit breezy and still a very cold cold enough that that low elevation snow fall does continue on our mountain tops this morning. speaking of snow, the sierra nevada is still very much so in the midst of it with winter weather advisories in effect right now until 11:00pm tonight, the bay itself getting several more inches of snowfall atop mount hamilton during your overnight hours. even the altamont pass a mix
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of rain and snow this morning as you make your way between livermore and tracy watch for a few slick spots up there. the rest of the bay definitely on a calmer, know, tick, tick off this weekend. we'll still see the opportunity of some spotty showers today, but definitely calmer. great news for the giants home opener. maybe an isolated shower there right around first pitch. but overall, so much better of a day to do things today than yesterday would have been in inland areas will be seeing our best chance of thunderstorms this afternoon talking inland napa and solano counties as well as inland contra costa and alameda counties later on into the afternoon today, temperatures are quite chilly down well into the 40's, if not close to the 30's for many spots. double in brentwood in morgan hill each at 40 degrees right now. well, santa rosa, sonoma and napa down in the upper 30's for your morning. temperatures later on today. mid-fifties at the very warmest very similar feel to yesterday. temperature wise chance of a thunderstorm mostly inland. i'll breakdown
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more details of this forecast as we do kick off the weekend. still ahead, roadways this morning. still a little bit wet from yesterday's rain, but definitely calmer out there. which is great news is you to get to the roads to kick off your weekend? san mateo bridge at 13 minutes for your crossing this morning. things that the richmond center fell definitely nice and calm and the golden gate aside from being a bit breezy is doing just fine, right? all right, john, thank you for that. now let's head over to baseball. >> today's opening day for the giants at oracle park is going to be welcoming fans back to the ballpark as the giants play their first home game of the season against the padres kyle was will tran is live part of the big game day. >> we need it today. well, i just say >> we definitely need a win because the giants are coming back to win 5. you can see oracle park right behind me. all lit up and the workers. they are here already with more expected. of course, this is a big deal. so anytime there's a season home opener, we do expect.
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>> looks like we might have lost will there, but we will be going back to him throughout the morning, ok? so let's say he's turned out to the lawyers. and talk the deaths because they were in houston taking on the rockets. it was crucial. the warriors pulled off a win. if they want to stay in the running for a playoff spot problems. kate rooney has the highlights. >> the dubs are riding one of their hottest streaks of the season. and with just over a week to go in the regular season, every game is crucial for golden state's postseason prospects. now, you know, draymond green. he's been sharp in all week about thursday's game against houston talking about how the upstart rockets have no chance of catching the dubs for the 10th spot in the standings and that he and the warriors would not come out of postseason contention. chance for dream on to prove his point in houston. and once the game started. kind of did, it was pretty much over for the rockets early. steph curry jump starting the team to a 19 to 6 blitz in the first. when
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stuff starts going down. one-handed fly through the key hook shots. yeah. you can call it a night. he finished with 29 points. klay thompson caught fire early on as easy off-balance. 3 from the corner. he was 7 of 11 from beyond the arc and also finished with 29 points. warriors were up. >> 15 at the break. time to let the youngsters get in some minutes, right? well, chris paul. so young but knows how to set someone up. throws the alley-oop to trayce jackson-davis for the flush. tjd finished with a career-high 20 points. iors pick up the loose ball here. jackson davis. this is the layup. moses moody cleans up the boards with the follow slam warriors win going away, won 33 to one 10 to nothing head to dallas to face the mavs. they won a season-high 6 games in a row and 5 straight road games. sure is a fun and to the season as we wait, what their final seeding will be. >> heading into that post season. that will do it for sports. now, back to you.
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>> all right. now to baseball today's whole opener day for the diet. oracle, parts of the welcoming fans back to the ballpark. the giants play their first home game of the season against the padres. well, back out to will tran and i would say will that we need this with. yes, i can hear news about the a's we need. we need are giants to make us feel a little bit good morning. low. >> good morning. sorry about all the technical difficulties. but i can tell you the giants hope to have a smooth transition coming home because they were 2, 5, on the road. so they definitely need a win as far as tickets are still available. i can tell you first pitches one. 35 tickets not cheap for the season home opener and the least expensive. we're looking at about $65. we do expect a lot of vip to be in attendance because when the giants home opener happens, a lot of people, including when be surprising to see barry bonds or even willie mays show up at
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the ballpark as far as the ballpark, lots of new changes. we have a new manager this year. it's bob melvin and he takes over a team that is looking to go back to the playoffs. he's facing a team that he knows intimately because last year he was the manager for the san diego padres. we also got blake snell from the san diego padres. but he is not making a start today. what's going to be a little bit different is brandon crawford. he's no longer with the team. so they have a new player at that position at shortstop. and once you go here, this made big news about a week ago, the public announcer will not be run out. brooks moon, they could not reach a contract agreement. and because of that, she's no longer the public announcer. so they'll rotate on that that very familiar voice will not be at the ballpark, but at the ballpark. we do expect a lot of festivities and a lot of fanfare. i just found out that montell jordan from the 90's,
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the one who is saying this is how we do it. he will sing the national anthem. so lots going on today. i can tell you that you can't go to the ballpark starting as early as 10, 35. they hope everybody gets here no later than 12. 45 in the festivities began next time you see me reyna will be inside to show you how the ball part looks at this very moment course. talk to giants executives. back to you. when i see them on tells will be there means too late to get some thank you for that. will. >> ok, listen to the east bay berkeley is getting 500 and $30,000 over how the city manager they're landfill site. cesar chavez park bay area, air quality officials say the site failed to prevent harmful gases public skating into the airhduring a power outage in february. they say that gas is can negatively affect health of residents. officials also claim the landfill failed to submit gas emission test results. there. and in the
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south 2 men accused of selling drugs on the dark web. they were arrested following a month-long investigation in san jose. take a look at some of the items they found in their homes. police say the investigation stemmed from traffic stop in november where they found illegal drugs in the car. a lot of officials to get search warrant to the suspects. homes. and that's where police say they found multiple guns and large amounts of drugs intended for sell. police say the investigation reveal the men's illegal drugs on the dark web. they only accept a cryptocurrency as payment. police arrest a man they believe was involved in a robbery of the peninsula. business when the tide victims of a gunpoint. before leaving the scene, investigators say carlos gonzalez held up a business on terminal court in south san francisco last month, detectives identified alex is a suspect and carry out a search warrant of his home in hayward, dallas was arrested on suspicion of robbery and kidnapping. it was booked into the san mateo jail. deal reached legislative
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democratic leaders and the governor say they reached an agreement. the string, the state's budget deficit by more than 17 billion dollars. capitol correspondent eytan wallace breaks it down for us. >> well, the senate president pro tem makes clear some of the decisions to shrink. the deficit are tough decisions, but he maintains it's the responsible thing to do. californians deserve a balance, on-time budget. and here's my promise. we're going to deliver that to them here in the coming week, senate president pro tempore mike mcguire making that promise to the people of california during an exclusive one-on-one interview with us. it comes as the state faces a projected budget deficit that could range anywhere from 38 to 73 billion dollars. >> we have a budget deficit just as we always do at home. we need to be able to get our budget in line with our finances. he says legislative leaders are doing exactly that just hours before this interview, mcguire governor gavin newsom and assembly speaker robert remus announced an early budget action agreement to shrink the
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deficit by 17.3 billion dollars. just how they plan to do it. their proposal calls for 5.2 billion in borrowing. another 5.2 billion in funding delays and 3.6 billion in actual cuts including a 300 plus million dollar cut to some climate programs. a 500 million dollar cut to a program responsible for building school facilities. and a 700 plus million dollar cut to reduce administrative costs across state agencies. this urgent action is going to make the job of closing the remainder of the deficit, less daunting. tough but less daunting as we move into the june deadline. it's sort of like if you were looking at your household budget and you pay down some of your debt or, you know, paid off and alone early, that reduces your future obligations to pay that loan back. >> that's exactly what the state is trying to do. governor gavin newsom expressing optimism about the plan, calling it a balanced approach that meets the needs of californians and maintains
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a strong fiscal foundation for the state's future. but republicans say they believe it does not go far enough with cuts. >> they also are disappointed they were not included in any budget negotiations. that's frustrating to me. and i think it's unfortunate for the process and republican caucus represents 8 million californians. >> who are left out of the saw behind the scenes discussions to come up with solutions just scenes on democratic today. >> and the legislature is scheduled to vote on the early budget action deal next week. but important to note, this is just step one. lawmakers will once again have to meet and vote on the full budget for next fiscal year. no later than june. 15th reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallets kron. 4 news. >> well, the kaiser permanente in oakland. they are partnering up with other businesses to provide private security guards for workers. so just yesterday morning reported a man got his car stolen. at kaiser permanente, antioch medical center last
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month. the kaiser oakland nurse supported a similar crime. she says a car was stolen right in front of her after shift ended and she was just trying to go home. it's a lot of the problem morning news. >> we want to introduce you to a school in the south bay. that is helping a group of people who usually age out of the educational system. we continue the education hopes of them jump starting a career. we're right back. career. we're right back. don't go anywhere.
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy, active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy.
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things we a's headed to sacramento after more than 50 years in oakland, lot of vendors are heartbroken and worried what they should do.
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next. the council member posted on social media. listen, the possibilities to fill the coliseum. those possibilities include affordable housing, a music venue and maybe even a convention site. migrant farm workers who survived after mass shooting. they're now suing twenty-four-year-old pedal. see looks from aaron perez was shot 5 times he survived. lost his older brother, jose. we've got a lawsuit against the california terra gardens and its owner accusing them of failing to take responsible bility and taking steps to protect their tenants for violent acts. san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin is set to fall paperwork to officially into the running for mayor. kunduz officially to be joined by join incumbent mayor london breed. some of it justify and philanthropist, daniel lurie, former san jose sam, former san francisco mayor, other and supervisor mark farrell. after weeks of county ballots in the race to succeed, congresswoman anna
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eshoo, it's a tie between assemblyman evan low santa clara county supervisor. joe, some indian. both candidates are now moving on from the primary. >> joining former san jose mayor sam liccardo on that november ballot. >> all right. lot of had a lot happening in politics in a lot happening in the forecast yesterday at least. >> today looks like we get a much-needed break. good yeah, we're going to get that break. definitely tomorrow. scaling back for sure. we're looking at much calmer weather out there at least for your morning commute. >> what we have out here at half moon bay is going to be a much calmer day today than what we saw yesterday, calmer winds, but just as cold as you can see, we still do have some showers in the vicinity, but nothing like the scale that we had yesterday. a lot of banding occurring offshore wouldn't be surprised. one minuth and some of those move their way overhead this morning. so be keeping a close eye on radar. just checking that out. we still do have a ton of snowfall coming down up in the sierra nevada with a winter weather advisory in effect up there through
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11:00pm tonight. we're now deeply entrenched in this cold air mass that is moved in along with that low pressure area moved overhead last night and will begin to exit the region today. but we still do have some lingering showers, especially for inland areas this afternoon, a chance of thunderstorm development for inland napa solano contra costa and alameda counties, especially towards the tail end of the afternoon. tomorrow is going to be truly a nice stretch of dry weather. a break from the rain during daytime hours. but staying cool for saturday saturday night into sunday, one last round of a few overnight sprinkles. and then we're back to those dry skies. by the time you wake up on sunday itself. rainfall totals today will amount to as much as a 10th of an inch. you could see localized amounts higher than that. if you do find yourself under a thunderstorm and that's about all we've got aside from that saturday night into sunday morning, light shower activity still under a winter weather advisory for the sierra from lake tahoe on down towards yosemite national
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park. and we actually do have a winter storm warning as you're trying to get down to la. you're crossing the grapevine. you're doing so with a little bit of snowfall. not just wintry weather up here in northern california. we still do have that potential of snow levels low as 1000 feet been seeing that snow on our bay area mountaintops, but of course, as well up into the sierra. if you're staying locally this weekend, good weather to be doing so just bring the jackets with and make sure to bring the rain jackets, too, because we're not completely out of the woods. upper 50's for warmest of daytime highs today. if you are going to the giants home opener out at oracle park, we've got first pitch at one. 35 pm. 53 degrees around that time. and with the chance of a shower, i would at least bring that waterproof layer with yet by the 7th inning. expect temperatures around the low 50's and a few passing clouds looking ahead tomorrow back into the low 60's at our warmest by monday for the eclipse were officially tapping back into some low 70's and by wednesday and thursday of next week, we've got low 80's around the
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corner. so getting warm really quickly as for your roads, things out there rolling along pretty smoothly. first of all, it's friday usually have the lighter conditions. second of all, it is so much calmer out there for this morning commute than what we had yesterday. still watch for some wet spots, especially after last night's rainfall. so a few puddles on the road. some slick spots out there as you are getting things started for the last day of the workweek, right? all right, john, thank you for that. >> well, in the south bay, apple planning on laying off more than 600 of its workers various locations. and santa clara, the tech company recently notified state labor officials about the layoffs back in february. the tech giant shut down its decade old quest to build an electric car that resulted in more than 1000 job cuts or reassignment for employees who were working on the project. april is celebrated as autism acceptance month. so here in the bay area your local news station, we're highlighting a program in the south bay, the gives adults with learning
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disabilities a chance to continue their college education when off in that group aged out of the educational system. kron four's philippe djegal shows us how students again on job experience and launching their careers. we're going to talk about what kids are except inc and inclusion, inspire participation at the college of adaptive arts. healthy shine who i want to be. >> and how some is a nonprofit co-founded by deanna person's eye. and doctor pamela munsey a decade and a half ago now supports 230 students in person at their facility on the west valley college campus in saratoga and online nationally and internationally. >> via zoom, absolutely transformative right here. we have a whole group of aspiring apprentice. is that one of the assistance and the sign language class? >> they want to be professors in the theater class. many of
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the students diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities, noting setbacks early in life was a bumpy ride. my mind is my most powerful tool. you know, i need to be able to use it and use to the best of my abilities that overtime obstacles to learning overcome with the school through continued education in the classroom might not hold reebok match. now that i find it stopped in. >> what i would to find its top cares for people know how to help you. the school givesw adults in special education, real college experience and h% the path towards a career of their choosing. important that we have learned how to work recently launched a new workforce development program students like sam headley and victoria rivera are trained and paid apprenticeship positions song in jennings don't let your disability. >> stop. he of my goal eventually to become, you
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know, a professor here at caa and teach classes. but of course, there's still a long way to go in all 50 states. adults in the special education system are mandated out of public schools by the age of 21 or 22, according to the centers for disease control and prevention, 6 and a half million people in the united states live with intellectual or developmental disabilities. goal is to give a lifelong equitable college experience to adults. >> who historically haven't had access. doctor, lindsay says the college has 10 schools of study in liberal arts, including visual arts business communications and dance. students are moving mountains. they do have a lot of extra hills to climb and to move and they're doing it so beautifully. i would like to be the one of me and to ensure that makes a difference as part of rivera's apprenticeship, which like for the rest of her peers last she has been appointed a project manager. >> and he's organizing cea's
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15 year anniversary celebration on mother's day called the low rider car show at mexican heritage plaza in san jose. baez like emmanuel so effective, these routines like a home or, >> you know, ca i could do just fine for those who cannot be accommodated with services to support their disabilities at community college programs like caa. give those students who otherwise would have had to end their education. a chance at life long learning. >> without age limits or restrictions. we're just here to try to provide our students and our staff as well. >> with everything that they need to really achieve their own personal visions. the school encourages students to re-enroll. >> even after they have graduated. >> in saratoga, it >> philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> love this. >> okay. we'll coming up in the next hour. the kron
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morning news. $0.99 stores announcing its tomorrow going out of saying so well, bay area stores are going to close area stores are going to close it up next, right back.
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wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. deo for your whole body? that actually works! how do they do it? native combines the best of nature with the best of science
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to make a deodorant spray with naturally-derived ingredients that fights odor at the source and is clinically proven to keep stank at bay. all day. >> well, civil rights and medical groups are suing the fda because they missed their own deadline to ban menthol cigarettes. agency said the issue was a top priority. one to the band of the white house for its approval back in october. how the end of the year the regulatory deadline was moved to march after lobbying from various stakeholders. now, the group who robbed lawsuit says every year of delay is another year. people can get addicted to the cigarettes. all flavors in
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cigarettes except menthol were banned 2009. coming up in the next hour. the problem morning news opening day for the giants. >> live from the ballpark and wait to see what's going on there. plus, the a's they're heading north. what's going to happen to the open call? sam? we all want to know that. members of the police released body camera footage shows the moment officer shot. father, police say shot and injured police say shot and injured sun. we'll be right back. ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy,
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active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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6:00 am
right now on the kron 4 morning news. newly released body camera video shows the moments before pacifica police shoot a mother who was attacking her own son. >> and now that as you're heading to sacramento, many are wondering what's going to happen to the coliseum will take a look. and it's time for peanuts and jacks. baseball officially back in san francisco. we're live at oracle park. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morling. thank you for joining us here at 06:00am on a friday. i'm james fletcher animate our ian for dorian full. you notice something a little different today. it's a little drier, a little absolutely. will take it, john. like it friday, getting a dry star absolutely earned it after yesterday's rainfall during the morning commute by me got san francisco. the city lights back there. something you can actually see this morning yesterday at this time w


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