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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  April 5, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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have whatever that means. >> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, newly released body camera footage shows the moments before police pacifica police should a mother who was attacking her own son. now that the a's are heading to sacramento, many are beginning to wonder what's going to happen to the coliseum will take a look and across the bay at oracle park. it is the home opener for giants baseball. we're live in just a minute. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here at 09:00am on a friday morning. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom. >> look at that view. things
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are much better than the rain we had yesterday. i know it's nice not to have to drive through stormy weather this morning, john. yes, i've definitely appreciating a much easier drive for everyone this morning. it's just cold out there. so we're going to be warming up the cars a little bit as you get >> we're looking outside at the embarcadero at some mostly sunny conditions right now we're going to be holding on to dry skies for most of us today, although not ruling out an isolated shower. it's obviously still very active across the region. and we do have a lot of snowfall that's hanging out up in the sierra nevada. and that is going to be the case through the afternoon. if you're heading up that way. as for those of us in the bay, even some snow here locally, as you can see, that blew up atop mount hamilton, even a little bit atop mount diablo this morning. so still getting some snowfall in our bay area. mountaintops into the afternoon today. we will be seeing the isolated chance of a few showers, especially mid afternoon along the east bay shoreline and a chance, a brief thunderstorm development further inland into the late afternoon today. temperatures in the 40's currently a few
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spots still hanging out in the 30's for this north in the bay area. so it has been a very cold start to this morning, oakland and alameda warming up now to 48 degrees after falling down to 40 earlier on temps later today. mid to upper 50's for i'll be breaking down. more on your forecast as we go back to you. a little chilly start this morning. if you are going to be traveling, maybe put those defrosters on 10 minute ride into the city right now. even friday, light for the most part, which is great thirty-minute 70 over to 80 to 101 year december fell bridge about 10 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls 20 minute morning ride. all right, 901, is the time. and let's talk baseball. that's our top story. the giants home opener is today and fans couldn't be more excited again or gulp are going to be welcome in the back with open arms convoys. >> will tran is live in san francisco ahead of the beach day morning. well, this is the best day for baseball and specially for giants fans. yes, the season is 7 days 7 games old.
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>> but it really doesn't start into the home opener and look at this. they are getting the field ready to go. you can see all those executives right behind there. they just got done taking their pictures. so this is a big deal. it's almost christmas morning. if you love giants baseball. we're about an hour and a half away from allowing fans to go inside. want to give you a live look. this is what they're doing. so we show you this morning. they covered the infield at all that water. but it's not a very technical term. i was surprised they had to squeegee that water off and all that water's gone. look at out beautiful. the grass is right now. some of the ball players already here stretching and soon they will take that field start throwing the ball around and getting ready for that first pitch, which is one. 35. they still have tickets available. and at last check about $65. and more depending on how close you want to get to the field. the giants have a new manager.
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but, you know, it's an old face to the bay area because bob melvin at one time was the manager of the oakland a's and they are making you know, a lot of news these days. the a's. and then bob melvin was also the manager of the san diego padres last season. and it's the team he's facing today in the home opener. by the way, he faced them a couple of times already this season a record of 2, 5. so the giants need to win, obviously in the goal is always the world series, especially when they won 3, 5, years in the early 2000 tense, a little bit of a note. the you to know i went to the gift shop usually at this time and will for whatever reason it's not happening this year. usually around this time they open up for the fans. but this year, it's 10 o'clock in the morning. so don't come here and expect to go inside and get your fan gear. not for another. a little bit less than 2 hours. we do know that montell jordan, he will sing the national anthem. they're asking people to be in their
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seats at 12. 45? that's when all the fun and festivities will happen little bit different this year as well. right now, brooks moon, the public announcer since 1999. this is her first year. not going to be the public announcer. so you'll hear another voice throughout the speakers. we learned at 8 o'clock. speaking of speakers, they i can't believe this. they never upgraded their speaker system since this ballpark started in 1999. they just did it. so apparently there will be a lot of based going on a lot of where you could feel it from the seats. all they need is you and james, i was to absolutely no lie. i was thinking about you. that's all the and that kind of look like you. you haven't lived yet. and so you have a burnt orange turtleneck. that little rain on you on the set. i could that on. all right. i'll look for hopefully if the giants make it into the playoffs this year, the postseason, i will do that and see you heard it hold you to that. all right. so
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>> let's continue with the baseball theme and go to the other side of the bay oakland and as we know is will mention that was the big headline. the fact the team is the the is moving to sacramento after 56 years in the east bay, the oakland a's. >> pulling up their roots heading u.s. act like just mentioned. so what does that mean for the coliseum? lot of folks are asking that. so we want to take a closer look with kron four's gayle ong. >> i wish that we were able to keep a's in oakland for 1, 2, 3 or more years. speaking to us by phone, alameda county supervisor david haubert, who has been in meetings with the oakland a's team executive says. >> the focus for the future of the oakland coliseum will be to bring in as many events as possible. so just sporting events with the oakland roots set to play at the venue community support and to working closely. >> them operators to keep people employed and to keep revenue coming in for call. so and then the ring up.
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operations. one team that hopes to be part of the oakland coliseum future. the oakland ballers, the team's co-founders join kron. 4 news at 3 thursday. we're excited to play every monday park. hopefully beyond that. you know. >> we're talking to the community were talking to the city. we're talking to the fans and we will do what's best for for oakland. we continue to be excited about the prospect of playing the game at. >> at the coliseum. if if that ever comes to fruition, we're excited to go see routes games there in seoul, games. you know, it's a beautiful ballpark. we want to see it activated. a statement from oakland mayor sheng thao reads in part, quote. >> we wish the a's the best and we'll continue our conversations with them on facilitating the sale of their share of the coliseum site. the city of oakland will now focus on advancing redevelopment efforts at the colosseum. there are 3 guilty parties here. john fisher, major league baseball and the elected officials of oakland alameda county, former a's executive andy do let's weighing in on the future of the coliseum with the a's moving to sacramento, the you
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can see this book over my shoulder. >> it's called goodbye. oakland village, referring to a book he co authored about the history of how bay area sports teams like the warriors and raiders left oakland. as for the coliseum, do it says several 100 workers from security management operations, concessions. >> and parking will be impacted. the coliseum was the last town square. >> left in open that people of all backgrounds could get together and celebrate their sports teams. and now it is going to be a quiet location. >> and a council member, rebecca kaplan posted on social media, a list of possibilities to fill the coliseum space. that she referred to an op-ed she penned 5 years ago and some ideas include affordable housing, a music venue and a convention site in the newsroom. gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> well, this will be the last a season for hundreds of vendors at the coliseum as well. everybody from. sellers
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of hot dogs, beer, peanuts, popcorn. all of it. they only have 74 home games left and for a long time beer hawker and oakland native kendrick thompson, who you see here, this move by the a's to sacramento is particularly heartbreaking for him. he's among the many hundreds now that are going to be losing their jobs. and for him, it's a family tradition. >> i grew up. watch my father man. and it's like a dream job for me not much. it makes emotion. you want to yell strain. >> you know, you want to figure next move as soon as possible. >> and he says he could go across the bay and do the same thing over at oracle park. but it's just not the same feeling for him. and at this point, he says he has no plans on following the a's to sacramento. >> well, we have some developing news. pacifica police released body camera video from that deadly shooting. this happened last week. no officers shot and killed a woman who they say had just shot and injured her own son. >> police identified her as a 50 year-old woman, a cropper. sarah stinson has the story.
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>> the daughter says her mom has never been violent before. she says the night prior to the shooting, they were celebrating her brother's birthday. she says that's when they learned their mom had bought a gun. they tried to convince her to return it. she says they're still in shock, but she's glad her brother's, ok, gunshots, gunshots. >> newly released body camera video shows the moment leading up to a deadly police shooting in pacifica. it was before 8 in the morning on march 27th when a 23 year-old man called 9-1-1 after locking himself in the bathroom of his apartment. he says he got shot by his mother. police identified her thursday as 50 year-old michelle raise shock but not kind woman. >> early 50's point a moment. >> police say a raise was just pulling out of the apartment complex on francisco boulevard. 2 officers tried to stop her one on each side of the driveway. staff police lowdown. the video to show a
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raise pointing a gun at both of them before officers shot at her. after this car came to a stop. officers say they removed the gun from a raise his hand and checked on suspects down. >> ambulance arrived for both the sun and mom, but a raise died at the scene. >> the son was taken to the hospital after being shot in his left arm and right wrist in a race car. police say they found a loaded handgun and 4 boxes of ammunition in the apartment. they found the family dog shot and killed the san mateo county district attorney's office is in the middle of an independent investigation to see if the shooting was in compliance. pacifica. police are also doing an internal investigation to see if officers followed policies and procedures while speaking with a race daughter off camera, she told me she believes her mom was going through a mental episode that morning and wishes she never had bought that gun. >> the da says it will take 8 to 9 weeks to complete its
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investigation. the 2 officers involved are on administrative leave. i'm sara stinson reporting in pacifica. back to you. >> all right. thank you, sarah. 9.11, the time. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news protesters blocked the entrance of a research facility in sunnyvale. and then a driver sped up almost hit them and got out with knife. we're going to have the full story. plus the $0.99 store announcing it's going out of business as well. we'll tell you which bay area stores are on the chopping block. democratic legislative leaders and the governor reached a deal to shrink the state's multi-billion-dollar budget deficit >> capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you by how much plus how republicans are responding. >> are seeing a really limited area of showers right around union city in milpitas right union city in milpitas right now. and
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>> and we are back 9.15. is the time as we have live look at the golden gate bridge behind looks. next few days is supposed to be a nice one. john, thank you for the yeah. definitely cold. the next few days, some of the coldest april days that we have on record. it's kinda wild. how chilly we really are. and we do have a couple of sprinkles out there this morning around san jose. we are looking at a very limited area of rainfall right around though, pete, u.s. right now. so generally just a little bit of cloud cover, lot clearer than yesterday was you can see just how cold it is with the amount of blue that we have on this map spots that are seeing precipitation. it's mostly snow in the bay area, including on the top of mount diablo and mount hamilton.
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snow does continue as well up in the sierra nevada or skiers will love that. but you do have to anticipate a few delays as you're making your way up there. low pressure area having moved overhead overnight. now moving to the south of us, leaving us behind with this really cold air mass that we're all talking about. nice sunshine this afternoon will help that feel out just a little bit. do watch out for isolated showers towards antioch and ever more into the early afternoon right along the east bay shoreline. mid-afternoon, then a chance of isolated thunderstorms towards the delta at the very close of the day, we really officially dry out after that tomorrow is going to be are consistently dry day, but still chilly. so keep the jackets in those layers with you tomorrow night into sunday morning. a few more isolated showers here and there should be gone by the time we wake up on sunday morning. monday is when we really start to see temperatures rising and by monday of next week, we're back into the 60's, if not a low, 70 getting warmer after that rainfall for the rest of the weekend. amounting to
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around a 10th of an inch in mostly for those inland spots should stay dry closer to the coastline. we do have a winter weather advisory until 11:00pm tonight up in the sierra nevada still under winter storm warnings for the mountains above la is they're still looking at snow down there and snow level has been down to 1000 feet so far this morning chain controls absolutely ineffective. those higher elevations. temperatures today mid to upper 50's. this is way cooler than average. and that means you're getting out to the opening day for the giants today. oracle park. just make sure that you're layered up a little bit. and hey, if you want to be extra safe, bring the rain jacket. there is a slim chance of an isolated shower that if you do see shouldn't last for long at all. definitely a cool game, but an enjoyable day for it tomorrow and sunday. pretty steady. we will get really warm by the middle of next week. climbing near 80 degrees already by next wednesday and for some inland spots getting to that 80 degree mark by thursday. back to you. john.
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and a check of the bridges for you this morning. as we've been seeing nice friday. light conditions all morning long. no backups to report. >> in fact, your drive time at the bay bridge has gotten even better. only 9 minutes to get from the maze into san francisco. the san mateo bridge looking just as good westbound. 92 on the right-hand side moving briskly, 14 minutes to cross the bay. there to the north. the richmond, sandra fell bridge or west bound 5.80, commute from a richmond out towards sandra fell just taken 8 minutes to cross the san pablo bay, ample. and look at these beautiful conditions over the golden gate bridge, marin county viewers heading southbound on one-on-one into san francisco. you're making good time. 37 to the tolls. just 22 minutes. >> o let's head down to the east bay because barclays fina $130,000 over how the city manages landfill site. cesar chavez park bay area air quality officials said the site fell to prevent harmful gases from escaping into the air during a power outage in february. so they say these gases can negatively affect the health of residents. officials also claim the landfill, phil, to submit gas
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emission test results. >> in the east bay, a man and woman are recovering now after being shot in east oakland. police say one of them in fact, was arrested. this happened wednesday night near the intersection of austin avenue and birch street officers say both of these people were taken to the hospital and one of them was arrested after they were treated. no details just yet from police. we'll keep you updated. >> well, a man was charged in connection to an assault of a dea officer in concord. investigators say gerald allen was charged with one count each of melin threatening communication with the intent to extort and assaulting a federal officer. if convicted, allen faces a maximum sentence of up to 20 years for each county was charged with prosecutors say dalen has been in federal custody since his arrest back in january. from 4 is your local election headquarters. and after weeks of counting ballots in the race to succeed, congresswoman anna eshoo, it's a tie. assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor. joe,
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some indian. both candidates are now moving on from the primary. joining former san jose mayor sam liccardo on the november ballot both surprised at the outcome of able to voters. neither of them seemed interested in a recount. stepped the focus on november and the issues they want to tackle. remind voters why they are the best candidates for the seat. >> there are a host of issues out there that are calling out for someone to be effective in congress. we've got a high cost of living. we've got climate change to tackle. we've got a woman's right to choose all these are issues that cry out for effective legislators among the candidates who are going to be a runoff. i've got the ability to say. i've been there. i've done that have had the success and i can take that same set of skills to washington to deliver for people in our district. >> what sets me apart is that record of service that when it comes to the most pressing issues that time i champion in co author legislation to enshrine reproductive freedom protections in our state constitution. i've been
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legislative beer from the california police chiefs association. record amounts legislative proposals continue that washington, d.c., will continue look at partnerships over partisanship and also answering the call for service. >> so look, harlow's team set out a short statement saying, quote, welcome the opportunity to continue to talk to voters about the issues facing our community, including 9 cost of living tilly rates, housing and sam's long record of fighting on behalf of residents. now, if there's a tie november election, political analyst michael yaki says it would go down to dry lots and a winner's going to pick that way. >> well, after more than 40 years in operation, the $0.99 only stores are going to be shutting down operators of that popular discount chain says they just aren't making enough money to survive. so they've made this decision. the closure will leave nearly 14,000 employees without a job, including right here in the bay area. and you can see on that graphic to the right. just a handful of the
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locations were talking about their summon richmond, antioch, fairfield, fremont and more. the discount store, as you well know, has a wide variety of cheaply priced items, everything from household goods to groceries. and official closing date hasn't yet been announced. if you want a full list of the $0.99 only stores in the bay area. put that together for you on our website at kron 4 dot com. i have in my life. >> but the convenience and affordability of the server suburbs is coming in hot as the millennial generation moves into the home line phase. so stacker put together lists of the best suburbs that you want to live california and some bay area cities made the list. amount of you came in at number 4, how many came in at number 5. barkley at number 11 cities were ranked based on a number of things. so they're talking about factors like cost of living education of residents, housing costs, quality of the schools. santa monica came in at number one. and that's a socal. california. home
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buyers. you can now apply for up to $150,000 in real estate loans. registration is open for the dream for all shared appeal program. it provides up to 20% of a down payment or closing costs. when you buy a new home. so follow fi, you've got to be a first-time home buyer and you must be a first generation homebuyer as well that california housing finance agency expect to hand out up to 2000 vouchers. >> we're going to take a break here at 9.22. but coming up in just a moment, gas prices are climbing here in the bay area. explain the reasoning why we ar
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at 9.25. and for your money this morning, oil prices are climbing now to their highest levels in months this week with crude oil now surpassing $90 a barrel for the first time since october. >> growing demand drone attacks in russia and turmoil in the middle east. they're all conspiring in this perfect storm to see a price spike. in fact, it's up more than 18% so far this year and triple a says that the average price for a gallon of regular gas has also gone up. now as a result. now a nationwide is about $3.58. on average. course, here in the bay area, as you can see, were much higher than that. california overall is averaging 5.27, but you're paying more than that up in marin county at $5.53. a gallon. that is the most expensive average price. it drops penny by penny as you work your way down the list until you get to the bottom where solano county is averaging 3 or 5.32. per gallon. so no matter where you go in your pan well, above $5 a gallon, ok, let's talk
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chocolate and coffee. because the prices are going up. the already record level high and they're set to keep climbing this year. >> coal prices already more than doubled since january. that's west africa, what that produces 70% of the world's cocoa crops saw extreme weather lately. if the various parts of the world ever news coffee also saw pretty inclement weather conditions, meaning you got to pay more at the store for these 2 foods. let's talk steamers. so black and decker recalling 2 million of their easy garment steamers. more than 80 reports of bar injuries are made so far in the recall. warns seniors can expel spray or leak hot water during use. more than 5,000 steamers were already recalled back in november of 2022, the recall expanded yesterday to include 1.6 million more since that original recall, there were 370 reports of hot water expelling from the steamer. 7 of the 80 to burn injury reports for second degree burns. so being asked to stop using a steamer immediately to contact empower brand for a full refund.
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>> we're going to take a break. it is 9.27. but up next, we continue our coverage of the a's moving to sacramento. we're going hear from fans who are not just blaming owner john fisher. tell you who else they're looking
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>> all right. we're back at 9.30, here on the kron. 4 morning news with beautiful blue skies behind just me or is a good nice or nicer time. checked out there. it's just good. need the jacket, though. it's not quite as warm as it looks yet deceiving the this morning because it is still very cold out there. we're still well down in the 40's for most of our temieratures.
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so as you're stepping outside, layer up like you would on maybe a february day, rather than in april day, you're look outside at the embarcadero right now is still a little bit cloudy way out in the distance. but nice and bright overhead. we are seeing snow in the sierra and snow still falling right here in the bay area on some of our mountain tops above san jose and especially on to the central valley. a little bit of rainfall. we'll continue to see mostly clear skies today. but with that comes the chance of some isolated short-lived showers. here's right around 02:30pm. you can see them popping up right along the bay shore. i just don't want you to be caught off guard by those inland areas. could even see an isolated thunderstorm this afternoon. as for l those 40's that we're still seeing san francisco, san jose alameda in hayward, egypt. 49 well, concord and santa rosa at 45 degrees. each later on today. we will be looking at daytime highs rising only into the 50's. again, this is way below average for this time of year. i'll talk more about an eventual warm-up. we can see.
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still ahead, back to you. all right, john, thank you for let's get you rolling here on a friday. we've been fighting like for most of the morning 8 min iran into the city. right now things are looking good. mateo bridge around 13 minutes, a 80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge just short of 7 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 28 morning ok, let's get back to our other big story this m.rning. the fact that the a's are moving to sacramento, which is news that was obviously disappointing for a's fans, although if you ask them, they say they are. >> too surprised by it. has a kron four's. dan kerman talk to some of the fans about all these changes. >> i just want to say we're excited to be here for the next 3 years. >> a's owner john fishes announcement that the a's would leave oakland at the end of this season and play the 2025. 26 27 seasons that sutter health park in sacramento. comes as no surprise to fans were not shot. were. >> if anything, i'm disgusted. >> it's just sort of it's not a shock. it's not grief. it's just sickening help. gordon is
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a former vendors at the coliseum known to most is how the hot dog guy. >> there's only one person who's to blame for this. this this process that can only certain be described as just symbolic. and that's john fisher. just more proof that these billionaires, they don't care about the consumer. they don't care about fans you know that they don't care at all. >> ryan johansen with oakland's last dive bar says not extending the lease at the oakland coliseum is what fans have come to expect from a's owner john fisher. didn't matter what the offer was going to be. john fisher and mlb. one. nothing to do with the with remaining in oakland are working out any kind of deal whatsoever. but anger from oakland fans isn't just level the day's owner, john fisher, but his friend run the owner of sutter health park, the minor league sacramento river cats and basketball. sacramento kings for him to go and >> help facilitate this or for the ace leave oakland faster than what they were expected to be a. it's very
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disheartening. and and they just pointing. >> ironically, it was run the dva who's 2013 purchase of the kings saved that franchise from being moved to seattle. going forward. a's fans say they will continue their summer boycott of the a's and increase their focus and teams that support the city of oakland. we have events scheduled with the oakland ballers, the roots, the soul. >> and so there's opportunity is somewhat fill that void, even though that the way to says is vast and is huge. but there's going to be opportunities for people to still experience baseball and still get a sense organization that actually cares and provides back to the fan base. fans of say they will continue boycotting the athletics throughout the summer and they may even bring their protest up to sacramento when the river cats play the a's minor league team. the las vegas aviators later this month. >> dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> thank you very much, dan.
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now, if you do want to catch the last a's game out at the oakland coliseum, you can still buy tickets there available for as low as $20. right now on the mlb website, if you go to 3rd party websites, they're being resold right now, actually for twice the price, the game will be against the texas rangers. it's scheduled for september. 26th. >> well, in the east bay, a search is underway for the visa. police saypstole a car in antioch in a hospital parking lot. it happened tuesday afternoon at the kaiser permanente, antioch medical center on sand creek road. the victim told police he found these trying to steal his car when he interrupted them. they confronted in which caused them to fear for safety. that's what he says. they drove away. police later found that car nearby empty. no arrests have been made. >> in the south bay right now, 2 men accused of selling drugs on the dark web have been arrested following a monthslong investigation in san jose. so take a look at some of what was found in their homes. police say the investigation all case stemmed from a traffic stop back in november when they found the will drugs in the car. that
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prompted a search warrant at the suspect's homes. and that's where police say they found all these guns and large amounts of drugs that we're ready for sale. police say the investigation revealed the men were selling these drugs on the dark web and only accepting cryptocurrency as payment. meanwhile, police have arrested a man they believe was involved in a robbery of a peninsula business where the victims tied up at gunpoint. and then now it all played out from there. investigators say carlos gonzalez held up a business on terminal court. that's in south san francisco happened last month. detectives identified him as a suspect and then carried out a search of his home in hayward. gonzales is now in the san mateo jail facing charges of robbery and kidnapping. >> protesters blocked the entrance of the lockheed martin's research facility and sonny bill yesterday, the group calling for a cease-fire in gaza say the facility is
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supplying israel with jets and missiles. about 250 viewer to sup aided in that rally lasted about 5 hours and one point a driver sped towards out of the car and threatened them with a knife. >> present. >> well, the video then shows the man getting back in his truck with protesters saying that he could park in walking to get the laptop the city needed to work from home. no one was arrested during that protest. 2 palestinian owned businesses teamed up with islamic relief usa yesterday
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for a fundraising event to support people in gaza. one of the business owner says he felt like it was his duty to lead 8 effort like this one. >> i want people to to know and understand that there's a lot of people that are suffering from this war in gaza. people that are dying. i'm getting. massacre right now. and it's, you know, being that i'm i'm full steam. it's incredibly sad to go on with our daily lives with over 32,000 deaths since october. >> he says he's hosted a similar fundraiser at his restaurant in november. he says that even raise over $30,000. okay. well, as deal has been reached, apparently legislative democratic leaders and the governor say they have come together on an agreement to shrink the state's budget deficit by more than 17 billion dollars. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has that story. well, the senate president pro tem makes clear some of the decisions to shrink. the deficit are tough
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decisions, but he maintains it's the responsible thing to do. >> californians deserve a balance, on-time budget. and here's my promise. we're going to deliver that to them here in the coming week, senate president pro tempore mike mcguire making that promise to the people of california during an exclusive one-on-one interview with us. it comes as the state faces a projected budget deficit that could range anywhere from 38 to 73 billion dollars. >> we have a budget deficit just as we always do at home. we need to be able to get our budget in line with our finances. he says legislative leaders are doing exactly that just hours before this interview, mcguire governor gavin newsom and assembly speaker robert remus announced an early budget action agreement to shrink the deficit by 17.3 billion dollars. just how they plan to do it. their proposal calls for 5.2 billion in borrowing. another 5.2 billion in funding delays and 3.6 billion in actual cuts including a 300 plus million dollar cut to some climate programs. a
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500 million dollar cut to a program responsible for building school facilities. and a 700 plus million dollar cut to reduce administrative costs across state agencies. this urgent action is going to make the job of closing the remainder of the deficit, less daunting. tough but less daunting as we move into the june deadline. it's sort of like if you were looking at your household budget and you pay down some of your debt or, you know, paid off alone early, that reduces your future obligations to pay that loan back. that's exactly what the state is trying to do. governor gavin newsom expressing optimism about the plan, calling it a balanced approach that meets the needs of californians and maintains a strong fiscal foundation for the state's future. but republicans say they believe it does not go far enough with cuts. they also are disappointed they were not included in any budget negotiations. that's frustrating to me. and i think it's unfortunate for the process and republican caucus
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represents 8 million californians. >> who are left out of the saw behind the scenes discussions to come up with solutions just scenes on democratic today. >> and the legislature is scheduled to vote on the early budget action deal next week. but important to know this is just step one. lawmakers will once again have to meet and vote on the full budget for next fiscal year. no later, then june 15th reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallets kron. 4 news. >> all right. we'll was restaurant week kicks off today. the event goes until next sunday. april 14th. it's a great time to get out. try some new food around the city. participating restaurants will offer use a special menus during this week and give the community a twist on your favorite dishes, businesses you can find out about sf restaurant week at sf restaurant week, dot or hey, let's talk of a new experience coming to san francisco and its sf weed week. much like restaurant week or beer week.
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s of weed week. going to feature some of the state's top growers ran showcasing the latest products city will hold a press conference today. mayor london breed is set to speak. they've imposed some of the license operators look at their new products. going to start on saturday. april 13th, go on until cannabis holiday for 20 admission is free. but you do need a ticket. they want to hear is already fully booked. day 2 tickets have just been added. >> we're going to take a break in. i-41 coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the bay area is driving the country in a green revolution. we're going to tell you more about that coming up. plus, a prequel of the 1976 movie, the omen explains how a trial is known as the evil incarnate came to going. have a sneak peek. >> and it has been cool out there. and today it remains pretty chilly. in livermore, you'll get up to 54 degrees today a chance of a thunderstorm. but you've got a hint at next week by next thursday saying highs of
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livermore going to be up to 81 degrees white. the warm-up for the rest of us too. i'l
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>> we are back 9.44. is the time with a beautiful looking shot behind us here over the bay bridge. crystal clear. but chilly nonetheless, it ok, we know how be what was that? it's easy to bundle up. if you get least a little bit of sunshine out there, john. it's true. yeah, the sunshine makes 100% the difference and we've got it today. so that is a huge positive change. this is what you've got outside of the golden gate bridge is a little bit windy. you can see that camera swaying a little bit back and forth. >> but not as windy north, cloudy as yesterday was still
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looking at some showers ending out towards the central valley. couple sprinkles here and there for the rest of us. mostly just upon her hillsides where you're actually seeing a mix of snow and then up in the sierra whole lot of that snowfall remaining the low pressure that do through yesterday is now going to work its way further to the south, exiting the region. so things will calm down. we're gonna stay kind of cold this weekend. so today, daytime highs only in the 50's chance of showers this afternoon. not ruling it out for any of us, but it's much more likely towards our inland in southern areas. 05:45pm napa. antioch, looking at you around that time as we make our way through the evening tonight, we do dry out in tomorrow as are most consistently dry day of the weekend until tomorrow night into sunday morning with just a brief resurgence of a few overnight. sprinkles could be expected. not much really going on there. most of us will come out of it dry sunday. the last of our cooler days before monday, just in time for the eclipse. crystal clear and warming up. as for
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our future cast of rainfall totals. still a chance of showers. absolutely. for those inland areas in for the sierra nevada, you are still under a winter weather advisory up in those upper elevations still under a winter storm warning in the mountains over la. we still do have chain controls in effect and some very low elevation. snow fall is low in some spots as 1000 feet in elevation, lowest it's been all season and it's april. it's spring time now 50's for your daytime highs mid to upper 50's at are very warm us today. that means that you're getting outside for the giants home opener today. expect temperatures in the low 50's first pitch is going to be at one. 35 pm. i am not ruling out the chance of a shower, although it looks unlikely. so just be ready for it. as for tomorrow and sunday, not quite as cold as today, nor quite as active by monday for the eclipse. we're back in the low 70's that our warmest in by next wednesday and thursday. we'll be close to if not to the low 80's. back to you. all right. thank you for t at. let's get a look at morning commute. things have been pretty light for the most
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part, nyman iran into the city right now. 7 day average. just short of 13 82 want to one richards overfill bridge about 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 21 minutes. >> time and >> bart is celebrating autism acceptance month and robert bucy their record to the station announcement and after school we went to the station to listen to his voice there at the embarcadero station. and in his announcement, roberts says writes part because it's relaxing of that. >> well, san francisco mayor's office they actually received 380 applications for the new affordable housing aimed at teachers. what a house teachers from the city's unified school district. but he said they won't be able to accept all of them. the housing community plan for the sunset district is only going to have 135 homes. he's
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expected to open up in the fall application will remain open until the 23rd. said of the south bay. apple is planning to lay off more than 600 of their workers various cases in santa clara tech company recently notified state labor officials about the layoffs february. the tech giant shut down their decades-old quest to build an electric car that result in more than 1000 job cuts or reassignments for employees who are working on that project. >> well, according to a new study, the bay area is leading the nation now in shifting from gas, powered cars to electric vehicles. it was in 2012 that uc berkeley atmospheric chemist ronald cohen began setting up the co 2 monitors all across the bay area. we have a map here. you see in a second where, yeah, all those dots represent where more than 80 stations have been installed stretching from sonoma to san francisco and all the way down in alameda county and between 2018 2022, those monitors recorded a
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steady decline in co 2 emissions which translates to about a 2.6% yearly drop in vehicle emission rates. those results are the first piece of evidence we have that the adoption of electric vehicles is lowering carbon emissions at a measurable rain. in other economic news, the u.s. unemployment rate has dipped slightly to 3.8%. the labor department just released new data for march and it found 300,000 jobs were created last month, which was much higher than what economists expected. the unemployment rate was 3.9% in february. so ticked down a 10th of a percent. analysts say despite layoffs in the tech industry in recent months, the overall labor market is still pretty strong. the highest number of job gains were found in the healthcare sector and also in the government sector. >> well, time now 9.49, a woman starts to question her own faith and covers a terrifying conspiracy to bring about the birth of an evil
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incarnate, enroll and a young man tries to make a living in an underground fight club wearing a gorilla mask. dean richards gives us a preview of old movies in today's movie review. >> 48 years ago, gregory peck and lee's remnick introduced the world to the original movie, the exceedingly disturbing film about a couple raising their young son damian today. they means prequel story. the first now goes back to explore how this young and take christ came to be. for thousands of years. >> since the 1976, there have been several other sequels. plus a tv series, there's a special fascination about the scary and the spiritual. the first element understands that digs deep into the spiritual side by means of a young american woman who grew up the north now sent to work at
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italian orphanage before she takes are about to begin a life in service to the church. this is no serene place, though. it is loaded with creepy and suspicious people and settings for start. when the young woman is warning about a possible conspiracy by a faction of the church to lure young people back, it's revealed that the birth of the spawn of the devil must happen. shot on location in italy for stoneman pays great attention to every detail of every shot of movie. >> it is beautiful and it is haunting. the performances are regal, but also heartbreaking. pretty much keeping you on the edge of your seat. not an easy task since you already know where the story is headed leading to the events of the 1976 movie overall, this movie uses. the more discreet less is more policy when it comes to creating the suspense building up to a major plot points. but a few times it does go full flow. with some unnecessarily gruesome scenes.
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>> still, it succeeds at letting you create your own level of suspension for. >> always better than having it. forced to you. it's a dean's list b. >> also new this week, but not screened is the directorial debut of actor dev patel in monkey man. we also stars as kid making a living an underground fight club wearing a gorilla mask. where is beaten bloodied by the popular fighters of the day for cash after years of suppressing his rage leashes and explosion of revenge to settle the score with the man who took everything from him. it is rated r. >> well, you can always get my movie reviews and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. just text the word. dean to 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, and i hope you have a great weekend in chicago. i'm the richards. >> i'm not they'll scary movies, but i watched the other one coming up the next hour, we'll talk about a school in the south bay helping group people usually age out of educational system,
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try and jumpstart. a career will be right back go anywhere.
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>> 9.55. the time and social media site acts is walking back its verification process. the site previously allowed a blue checkmark to verify popular users. well, with elon musk's ownership last year, x retool that check mark system in favor of users having to pay a monthly fee in order to get a check. mark. we%l, that switch immediately had a lot of fallout and widespread confusion users were started impersonating other brands and figures with this pay to verify system. so now a year
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later x and elon musk are pivoting back to the original model, restoring checkmarks to accounts with 2500 verified followers or more. the former verification model is now in effect. >> youtube is expanding their multi view feature from sports to music. sizing has live coverage of the coachella music festival this year. peter, up to 4 simultaneous broadcast across 6 stages of that. good recording each performer. was going to be accessible to view afterwards. so if you can't see it, then you can later like hulu you to this position itself as a new hope for dealing with previous strains were lollapalooza bonnaroo and plans to also cover the pitchfork music festival this summer. these events will differ from u 2 sports covering. for being both free and have an exclusive behind the scenes content. >> we're going to take a break at 9.56. but up next, it's opening air. it's not opening day is the home opener for the giants. we're live from the ballpark in just a minute.
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plus, the a's are heading north as we know. but we'll tell you what they're thinking about doing with the oakland coliseum. and pacifica. police have released new body camera footage showing the moment an officer shot that a mother can tell you why they felt they had to do that. right now. the
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ning news, newly released body camera footage shows the moments before pacifica police shoot a mother who was attacking her own son. and now that the a's are heading to sacramento, many are wondering what's going to happen to the coliseum will take a closer look at that and across the bay in san francisco, it is t


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