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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  April 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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ning news, newly released body camera footage shows the moments before pacifica police shoot a mother who was attacking her own son. and now that the a's are heading to sacramento, many are wondering what's going to happen to the coliseum will take a closer look at that and across the bay in san francisco, it is the home
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opener for giants baseball fans beginning to arrive at oracle park and where their lives. >> from the game, local news station, you're watching for more and team. >> and thank you for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news at 10. i'm james fletcher on this friday, april 5th, we're waking up to nice, sunny, dry conditions, albeit a little cold, a child with our forecast on this friday, john. if you look outside your like there's that sunshine and then you look at everyone and they're all bundled up, that's because it is still a very chilly out there. >> but hey, it's nice to be trading in all that cloud cover for a little bit of sun. snow still remains in the sierra. if you're heading up that way and even a few snow flurries still hanging out on mount diablo in mount hamilton of the east bay, seeing a couple of scattered sprinkles elsewhere, but definitely on the calmer side now this afternoon, i'm not going to rule out completely isolated shower, especially for inland areas. here's 03:00pm. you see those showers popping up along the east bay shoreline in the
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south bay by 05:00pm antioch conquered vallejo, seeing that potential of it yourselves. now temperatures are starting to work our way back into the low 50's. our first signs of that in san jose hayward and san francisco. a lot of the rest of us still hanging out in those 40's right now. later on today, it will be mid to upper 50's for your highs. chance of a thunderstorm mostly inland. james. john, thank you. and we'll check roads here in a little bit. but let's talk about baseball. that is our big story today because we have the home opener for the giants. >> oracle park welcoming fans there as the team gets ready to play this afternoon. we want to go live to the stadium right now at the ballpark. where will tran is standing by where the crowds beginning to grow hay? well. >> this is a hot spots or if you're going to talk about traffic for most of the morning into the afternoon, you should put this as a hot spot because we have so many people here and expect thousands more to arrive. they
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will start allowing the public in at 10:35am, in the morning. but look at this. this is probably the only time of the year executives are mowing around because they are taking pictures. this is like christmas for a baseball team, especially for the giants because they always start their season on the road. they want that because they want the lather to build in a couple of games into the season. then they come back here and hope to see a sell out game. right now. there are still tickets and you can clearly see they're getting ready for a great game because no rain knows maybe spotty showers every now and then. but so far it is sunny. and then over there, this is the first time this season as far as regular season that we're seeing the giants players warm up so first pitch one. 35 this afternoon. we expect a lot of people to be in attendance. giants legends. they might show up for every game, but they certainly show up for the giants home opener. you know,
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when they come here or if you come here, you will notice a little bit different than previous years. and it's not with your eyes. it's worth your years. >> the sound system specifically, we replaced it with original speaker system from 25 years so a lot has improved and change with the new sound will really increase. seen the fidelity and sound quality throughout the ballpark. >> you can hear the bass, everybody loves base. absolutely. you'll be able to feel the base in your seats and even our players have said, you know, the change in their walk-up music, they can really hear it much better than in years past. >> i cannot believe it took them 25 years to upgrade their sound system. and i can attest keep quiet for a few seconds. it sounds a lot different. you can hear the base as well. you might be able to see all those
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reporters. they are there because they're waiting for manager bob melvin to come out and speak to the press. but now that no stranger to today's opponent, san diego padres, he actually manage them. last year he came home and he's literally from the bay area. he came home to manage one time. he managed the oakland a's this time. it's the san francisco giants. the giants desperately need a win. they are 2, 5, yes, it's a long season, but they would like to make it 3, 5, they will start allowing people in again at 10. 35. they want everybody in the house by 12. 45? that's when the fun and festivities begin. >> that's going to be fun out there. we'll thank you so much. an while. you know, you've got all the a's fan or the giants fans really happy there at oracle park. you've got the opposite story on the other side of the bay because after 56 years in the east bay, the a's, as we've reported, are now pulling up their stakes in heading to sacramento. and now the big question is what's going to happen to the oakland coliseum? what's next? copper
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is gayle ong takes a look. >> i wish that we were able to keep a's in oakland 4, 1, 2, 3 or more years speaking to us by phone, alameda county supervisor david haubert who has been in meetings with the oakland a's team executive says the focus for the future of the oakland coliseum will be to bring in as many events as possible. so just sporting events with the oakland roots set to play at the we're to joining housing, according to working closely them operators to keep people employed and to keep revenue coming in >> for also remembering a operations. one team that hopes to be part of the oakland coliseum future. the oakland ballers, the team's co-founders join kron. 4 news at 3 thursday. we're excited to play every monday park. hopefully beyond that. you know. >> we're talking to the community were talking to the city. we're talking to the fans and we will do what's best for for oakland. we continue to be excited about
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the prospect of playing the game at. >> at the coliseum. if if that ever comes to fruition, we're excited to go see routes games there in seoul, games. you know, it's a beautiful ballpark. we want to see it activated. a statement from oakland mayor sheng thao reads in part, quote. >> we wish the a's the best and we'll continue our conversations with them on facilitating the sale of their share of the coliseum site. the city of oakland will now focus on advancing redevelopment efforts at the colosseum. there are 3 guilty parties here. john fisher, major league baseball and the elected officials of oakland alameda county, former a's executive andy do weighing in on the future of the coliseum with the a's moving to sacramento, the you can see this book over my shoulder. >> it's called goodbye. oakland village, referring to a book he co authored about the history of how bay area sports teams like the warriors and raiders left oakland. as for the coliseum, do says several 100 workers from security management
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operations, concessions. >> and parking will be impacted. the coliseum was the last town square. >> left in open that people of all backgrounds could get together and celebrate their sports change. and now it is going to be a quiet location. >> and a council member, rebecca kaplan posted on social media, a list of possibilities to fill the coliseum space. that she referred to an op-ed she penned 5 years ago and some ideas include affordable housing, a music venue and a convention site in the newsroom. gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> but 10, 0, 7, is the time. and the a's will also, i should say the last a season for hundreds of vendors is also happening clearly with sellers of everything from beer to hot dogs, popcorn. have 74 home games left to make a living this way. and for a long time beer hawker and oakland native kendrick thompson, who you see here, this moved to sacramento's pretty heartbreaking, especially for him because
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he's among the hundreds. obviously, things have been losing his job. but this job is especially meaningful to him. >> i grew up. >> watch my father man. and it's like a dream job for me not much. it makes emotion. you want to yell strain. you know, you want to figure next move as soon as possible. >> now thompson says there are ways he could continue being a vendor like going across the bay to oracle park. but he says he's just not the same at this point. he doesn't have any plans on traveling with the team to sacramento. all right. in other headlines this morning, new developments out of pacifica where police there have released the body camera video showing a deadly shooting from last week. that's where officers shot and killed a mother who they say had just shot and injured her son. police identified that woman as a 50 year-old kron. 4 sarah stinson takes a look. >> the daughter says her mom has never been violent before. she says the night prior to the shooting, they were celebrating her brother's birthday. she says that's when
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they learned their mom had bought a gun. they tried to convince her to return it. she says they're still in shock, but she's glad her brother's, ok, gunshots, gunshots. >> newly released body camera video shows the moment leading up to a deadly police shooting in pacifica. it was before 8 in the morning on march 27th when a 23 year-old man called 9-1-1 after locking himself in the bathroom of his apartment. he says he got shot by his mother. police identified her thursday as 50 year-old michelle raise shot. it. woman? >> early 15 point a moment. >> police say a raise was just pulling out of the apartment complex on francisco boulevard. 2 officers tried to stop her one on each side of the driveway. staff police lowdown. the video to show a raise pointing a gun at both of them before officers shot at her. after this car came to a stop. officers say they removed the gun from a raise
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his hand and checked on suspects down. >> ambulance arrived for both the sun and mom, but a raise died at the scene. >> the son was taken to the hospital after being shot in his left arm and right wrist in a race car. police say they found a loaded handgun and 4 boxes of ammunition in the apartment. they found the family dog shot and killed the san mateo county district attorney's office is in the middle of an independent investigation to see if the shooting was in compliance. pacifica. police are also doing an internal investigation to see if officers followed policies and procedures while speaking with a race daughter off camera, she told me she believes her mom was going through a mental episode that morning and wishes she never had bought that gun. >> the da says it will take 8 to 9 weeks to complete its investigation. the 2 officers involved are on administrative leave. i'm sara stinson reporting in pacifica. back to you. >> well, happening in a little under an hour, victims of the
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half moon bay mass shooting will be announcing their lawsuit against the owners of the mushroom farms where those killings took place. 24 year-old pedro felix romero, perez was shot 5 times. he survived but lost his older brother, jose. so pedro and jose's family filed lawsuits against california terra gardens and its owners accusing them of failing to take responsible steps to protect their tenants from violent acts. the press conference is set for 11 o'clock this morning. we do have a crew headed there and we'll have an update at noon right here on kron. 4. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a south school in the south bay now helping a group of people who usually age out of the educational system. >> helping the jump-start their career. we are back at
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10 and we're just days away from a total solar eclipse. it's set to happen monday. this coming monday, april 8. >> and so we want to get you prepared for it. and john and i are here at the weather wall with more on what you need to know ahead of the big jobs prepared a few let's walk through them. excited for that. i can't believe it's here. jab. i do. both of us have been really looking forward to this. so we had to break it's good not going to be a total eclipse for us, we are going to see a partial eclipse, which is pretty cool. okay. so as we probably know the solar eclipse is when the moon sits right between the sun and this. >> and we are going to be in the penumbra, not bureau, which would bring the full shadow. but okay, close enough, right? yeah. i like this visual kind house. we
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understand this whole like path of totality and all that stuff was these are the tips. let's go through these. yeah. and some of these will be given but is always a good reminder. yeah. don't look directly at the sun and don't trust your normal sunglasses the there. yeah, that's not even some of the ones you might be buying on the street and staff. you really want to make sure that they're really verified glasses, the actual much darker. totally, almost the last thing you want to do is trusted too much and then find yourself being like, ok, that didn't work out. okay. i mean, even are even safer to do indirectly. so there's like tricks that you can do like boxes and stuff. i recommend going online for all those. yeah, ton of them. but we are not going to be in that path of totality. this is the thing, james. there are spots that are going to be really solid for. i know it's late to just those planes fly, right. but texas is not going to be one of those cloudy. it's looking really cloud. okay. the best is looking like it's going to be maine to new york actually right up here. have okay. so if kinda got the luck
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of the draw out there, you're good to go here in the bay area were in the shadow there. so you will still have cool viewing. so just kind of what we're going to see them. so, yeah, kind of like this. just that partial coverage right there, ok? and the good thing for us, james is first of all, we didn't fly anywhere, but second, yeah, it's going to be so nice and sunny for field after piazza tickets to texas. i do. yeah, texas. here's the going through texas. maybe not ideal. yeah, but we're going to get it right after 11:00am on monday. so keep your eye right around that point. so right after we sign off here, totally honest, like walk outside. and i don't believe we're all just be hanging out at work for a little. yeah. watching it all together, which will be so exciting. so are we actually going to see like the the light kind of dim a little bit? yes, so we'll see it just a little bit. we're far enough away that it's not going to be like super dramatic yet. it will feel like because we're going to be super sunny. it will feel clouds passing just a little lighter around time. all right. well, i know that
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exploratory is going to holding a viewing party where they've got cameras kind of in the path of totality. so if you want to take part and had it's from 11 to 12, 30 right there on the pier 15 along the embarcadero. and they're going to have those live images. it's this is a free with admissions. you got to pay to get but once you're in, you can go to this total solar eclipse watch party for free once you're inside the fun to do i wonder if it's sold out yeah, i'm sure it's not if we're talking about but we are going to be looking at a beautiful day today. it's just chilly by eclipsed a on monday. we're warming up. it's actually going to be really comfortable come monday and it's going to feel a lot noticeably warmer than where we're sitting currently bit of an eclipse going on half the bridge right now. that's just from a cloud, though, have close shaded half under the sunshine currently. we are going to be seeing spotty showers today. still hanging out with us. you can see some of those ride up and down the coastline just south of half moon bay as well as out into the central valley. the sierra is still looking at some
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snowfall and that's going to out with us through the day up there. if you do happen to be planning ongoing up in doing some skiing, low pressure is now starting to move out of the region, leaving us behind without just a cold weekend. forecast ahead of us. much colder than average for this time of year. and with a few lingering showers. here's 03:30pm, from oakland it down through san jose chance some isolated showers inland areas towards the very close to the afternoon could see an isolated thunderstorm. we clear out tonight and tomorrow is your most consistently dry day of the forecast saturday night into sunday morning. we do see a few lingering showers possible mostly while we're sleeping. pretty nicely timed right there. after that, though, we're smooth sailing. and after a cool sunday monday warms that just in time for getting outside and taking in the eclipse. as for rainfall totals the rest of the weekend, seeing less than a 10th of an inch. it really is. the heaviest stuff has already moved out. a winter weather advisory still remains in the sierra and a winter storm warning still remains in southern california in the mountains above la. they've
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also had quite the cooldown and quite the wet forecast. we will be looking at snow level continuing to fall 1000 feet. we saw that this morning as temperatures got as cold as they did. now, temperatures this afternoon are going to be in the mid to upper 50's a pretty pleasant afternoon. and if it wasn't for that slight chance of a sprinkle for opening day at the giants, i would say just get out there with your normal giants gear. i'm going advise you that at least keep the rain jacket in the packed with you. just in case we do see a brief shower moving overhead. i can't completely rule it out during game time. temperatures tomorrow and sunday in the low 60's. so we get a little bit more mild temperatures increasingly warm towards monday for the eclipse and even warmer yet towards the middle of next week. james, ok, thank you very much, john. 10, 19 is the time and board of supervisors. president aaron peskin is apparently on his way as we speak to file paperwork to officially enter the race for mayor supervisor. peskin currently serves as the
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president of the san francisco board of supervisors. >> he's been on the on and off since the early 2. thousands. when peskin does officially joined the race, he will be joining incumbent mayor london breed, who will be looking to be re-elected supervisor ahsha safai. is also running along with philanthropist daniel lurie and former san francisco mayor and current supervisor mark farrell. so that race is getting interesting. and after 2 weeks of counting ballots in the race to succeed. congresswoman anna eshoo, it is still a tie between assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor. joe, so so both candidates will now be moving forward to the primary from the primary to join san jose mayor sam liccardo on the november ballot. it will be a 3 way race because both her surprise, they say by the outcome they're thankful the voters neither seem interested in a recount. they just want to move forward to the november election. so there going to be campaigning between now and then and it took a moment to explain to voters why they believe they're the best person for the job.
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>> there are a host of issues out there that are calling out for someone to be effective in congress. we've got a high cost of living. we've got climate change to tackle. we've got a woman's right to choose all these are issues the cry out for effective legislators among the candidates who are going to be a runoff. i've got the ability to say. i've been there. i've done that have had the success and i can take that same set of skills to washington to deliver for people in our district. >> what sets me apart is that record of service that when it comes to the most pressing issues that time i champion in co author legislation to enshrine reproductive freedom protections in our state constitution. i've been legislative beer from the california police chiefs association. record amounts legislative proposals continue that in washington, d.c., will continue to book at partnerships over partisanship and also answering the call for service. well, a cargos team sent out a short statement saying, quote, we
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welcome the opportunity to continue to talk to voters about the issues facing our communities. >> including the high cost of living utility rates and housing. and sam's long record of fighting on behalf of residents, end quote. now, if there's a tie in the november election, political analyst michael yaki says it would come down to really sort of just drawing lots. and that's how they would pick a winner. all right. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, $0.99 stores announcing it's going out of business. we'll tell you which various stores. >> mike, the closing up. we
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are back 10. 25 is the time in
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the east bay. berkeley is now receiving a fine of $130,000 over how the city manages landfill site out of cesar chavez park. so bay area, air quality officials say the site failed to prevent harmful gases from escaping into the air during a power outage back in february. they say these gases can negatively affect the health of residents in the area. officials also claim the landfill failed to submit gas emission test $130,000 fine for that. meanwhile, after more than 40 years, the $0.99 store, they're closing their doors, operations of that discount chain operators say they just they have made enough money to stay afloat. so they're closing down. the closure will leave nearly 14,000 employees without a job. many of them here in the bay area. you can see some of those locations there on the right side of the screen, richmond, antioch, fairfield, fremont. there are more. the discount store had everything inside from household items to groceries, many of them for $0.99 or less. that official
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closing date hasn't yet been announced. if you want to see a full list of the $0.99 stores in the bay area. just head over to our website at kron 4 dot com. put that together. also for your money this morning, oil prices are climbing to their highest level in months this week with crude oil now surpassing $90 a barrel for the first time since october. triple a says the average for a gallon of regular gas nationwide is now $3.58. and that's as we approach the driving summer season. so it's only going to go up from here. the average in california course much higher. it's 5.27, and here in the bay area are all averaging above that. you can see marin county at the top of the list with the most expensive average at 5.53. a gallon then comes san mateo with a couple pennies, a cheaper their san francisco 5.50. then as you work your way down the list, you'll see salon. the county's the cheapest average right now, $5.32. a gallon we'll take a break. coming up next, though, we continue our coverage of the a's move to sacramento. we're going to
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hear from fans who are not just blaming owner john fisher. tell you what they're thinking.
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>> all right. we are back 10. 29 is the time we've got a lot of sunshine outside right now. it's stark contrast to what we had yesterday. >> but don't be fooled. don't put on the shorts and t-shirts. ah, run outside thinking it's summer and it's not. it feels pretty cool job and yet not shorts. weather. just it's still chilly for sure. so absolutely. just threw out those sweaters. enjoy the fact that sunny, that kind of does make a difference. but it is cold out there for sure. just watching everyone out there at the
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embarcadero at the exploratorium. >> does look like everyone's been pretty bundle that so glad to see it has been ready for this school field today where we're sitting right now on the map. you can s e that snow still hanging out in the sierra and not just in the sierra, but we've still been looking at some lingering snow flurries right in the mountains right above the day. not a lot left at this point. but if you get a glick at those skies mission peak mount diablo, mount hamilton, all have a little bit of snow on the top of them. futurecast shows a few lingering showers for the east bay later on today. here's around 03:00pm from oakland down to san jose. and then even after that into the late afternoon, a chance of thunderstorms for inland areas. so be ready for that potential. don't want you to be caught off guard temperatures are starting to peak back in the low 50's now san jose and san francisco at 51 san mateo right at 50 degrees. vallejo, you're still at 47 later on today will be in the 50's for more and more of us. but no 60's just yet. james. john, thank you very much. 10 31 is the time back
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to our other big story this morning, which is the oakland a's. >> moving to the news was obviously disappointing for fans, although not surprising. and we've got kron four's dan kerman to explain. >> i just want to say we're excited to be here for the next 3 years. >> a's owner john fisher announcement that the a's would leave oakland at the end of this season and play the 2025. 26 27 seasons that center health park in sacramento comes as no surprise to fans were not shot. were. >> if anything, i'm disgusted. >> it's just sort of it's not a shock. it's not grief. it's just sickening help. gordon is a former vendors at the coliseum known to most is how the hot dog guy. >> there's only one person who's to blame for this. this this process that can only certain be described as just symbolic. and that's john fisher. just more proof that these billionaires, they don't care about the consumer. they don't care about fans you know that they don't care at all. >> ryan johansen with
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oakland's last dive bar says not extending the lease at the oakland coliseum is what fans have come to expect from a's owner john fisher. didn't matter what the offer was going to be. john fisher and mlb. nothing to do with the with remaining in oakland are working out any kind of deal whatsoever. but anger from oakland fans isn't just level the day's owner, john fisher, but his friend run the owner of sutter health park, the minor league sacramento river cats and basketball. sacramento kings for him to go and >> help facilitate this for the ace leave oakland faster than what they were expected to be a. it's very disheartening. and and made point. >> ironically, it was rounded who's 2013 purchase of the kings saved that franchise from being moved to seattle. going forward. a's fans say they will continue their summer boycott of the a's and increase their focus and teams that support the city of
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oakland. we have events scheduled with the oakland ballers, the roots, the soul. >> and so there's opportunity is somewhat fill that void, even though that void is is is vast and is huge. but there's going to be opportunities for people to still experience baseball and still get a sense organization that actually cares and provides back to the fan base. fans of say they will continue boycotting the athletics throughout the summer and they may even bring their protests up to sacramento when the river cats play the a's. minor league team, the las vegas aviators later this month. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> thank you, dad. well, you can catch the last 8 games out of oakland coliseum. their tickets still on sale. in fact, they're going for about $20 at the low and on the mlb website, if you go to a 3rd party website, a reseller site they're going for about twice that much. the game is set to be against the texas rangers scheduled for september. 26th.
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10 34 is the time in the east bay. a search underway right now for the thieves that police say stole a car at an antioch hospital parking lot. it happened tuesday afternoon at the kaiser permanente, antioch medical center out on sand creek road. the victim told police he found the thieves trying to steal his car and when he interrupted them, they confronted him. and that caused him to fear for his safety that's when the thieves drove away. police did later find that car. it was nearby, abandoned, empty. no arrests have been made just yet. in the south bay, 2 men accused of selling drugs on the dark web have been arrested. now following a monthslong investigation down in san jose. so take a look at some of the items that were found in their homes. police say the investigation all started with a traffic stop back in november. in that case, they found illegal drugs in the car that led police to conduct a search on the suspect's home and that's when they found all of this multiple guns and a large amount of drugs apparently been prepared for sale. police say the investigation revealed
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the men were selling illegal drugs on the dark web and only accepting cryptocurrency as payment. >> so what you're looking at was a protest blocking the entrance of the lockheed martin research facility in sunnyvale yesterday. the group is calling for a cease-fire in gaza. they say that facility supplies israel with jets and missiles, about 250 people participated in this rally. it lasted for about 5 hours. so it was a long protest. but a one point. listen to this. a driver sped towards them in his suv. stopping just moments before striking them that he got out of his car and threatened with a knife. take a look. >> what you want present.
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>> very tense and scary moments playing out there. the video then shows and getting back into his truck with the protesters saying, but he could park and walk in to get that path top which he said he needed to work from home. was arrested during that protest. well, san francisco's restaurant week kicks off today. the event goes until next sunday. april 14th. it will be a great time for you to get out and try some of the new cuisines around town, especially next week. john says temperatures are really going to get nice participating. restaurants are going offer special menus apparently during this week to give communities a sort of a twist on their favorite dishes, businesses that are
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taking part in this week-long event can be found on sf restaurant week dot com. well, april is autism acceptance month that kron four's highlighting a program in the south bay that gives adults with learning disabilities a chance to continue their college education kron four's. philippe djegal has the story. >> we're going to talk about what acceptance and inclusion inspire participation at the college of adaptive arts. healthy shine who i want to be and how some is a nonprofit co-founded by deanna person's eye. and doctor pamela munsey a decade and a half ago now supports 230 students in person at their facility on the west valley college campus in saratoga and online nationally and internationally via zoom. absolutely transformative right here. we have a whole group of >> aspiring apprentice. is that one of the assistance and
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the sign language class they want be professors in the theater class. many of the students diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities, noting setbacks early in life was a bumpy ride. my mind is my most powerful tool. you know, i need to be able to use it and use to the best of my abilities that that overtime obstacles to learning overcome with students through continued education in the classroom might not hold reebok match. now, as i find tough what i would do to find its top cares for people know how to help you. the school gives adults in special education, real college experience and the path towards a career of their choosing. important that we have learned how to work recently launched a new workforce development program for students like sam headley and victoria rivera are trained and paid apprenticeship positions song in jennings don't let your
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disability. >> stop. he of my goal eventually to become, you know, a professor here at caa and teach classes. but of course, there's still a long way to go in all 50 states. adults in the special education system are mandated out of public schools by the age of 21 or 22, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. >> 6 and a half million people in the united states live with intellectual or developmental disabilities. goal is to give a lifelong equitable college experience to adults. >> who historically haven't had access. doctor, lindsay says the college has 10 schools of study in liberal arts, including visual arts business communications and dance. the students are moving mountains. they do have a lot of extra hills to climb and to move and they're doing it so beautifully. i would like to be the one of me and can share them a difference as part of rivera's apprenticeship, which like for the rest of her
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peers. last she has been appointed a project manager. >> and he's organizing cea's 15 year anniversary celebration on mother's day. >> called the low rider car show at mexican heritage plaza. >> in san jose, baez like emmanuel so effective, these routines like a home or, you know, ca i could do just fine for those who cannot be accommodated with services to support their disabilities at community college programs like caa. give those students who otherwise would have had to end their education. a chance at life long learning. >> without age limits or restrictions. we're just here to try to provide our students and our staff as well. >> with everything that they need to really achieve their own personal visions. the school encourages students to re-enroll. >> even after they have graduated in saratoga, it >> philippe djegal kron. 4 news.
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>> all right, 10 41 is the time and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, the bay area is driving the country in a green direction. will tell you how plus the warriors are on the road and texas playing a game that has huge playoff implications. we'll see how it turned out. >> huge changes on the way with temperatures. we've been talking about chili today is in livermore only getting up to 54 degrees today and even the chance thunderstorm by next thursday will be low 80's or wasted. no time getting or wasted. no time getting back to the
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! nutrish whole health blend. for happy, healthy dogs. [dog food pouring] ugh. i'm a stick. made out of stick. nutrish whole health blend for balanced energy,
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active mind and immune support. helping dogs dog healthy.
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>> 10 44 is the time. if you're looking to watch a movie this weekend, you've got 2 choices hitting theaters. one of them is kind of scary. dean richards has a preview. >> 48 years ago, gregory peck and lee's remnick introduced the world to the original movie, the exceedingly raising their young son damian today. they means prequel story. the first now goes back to explore how this young and take christ came to be. for thousands of years. >> since the 1976, there have been several other sequels. plus a tv series, there's a special fascination about the scary and the spiritual, the first element understands that digs deep into the spiritual side by means of a young american woman who grew up an orphan is now set to work at
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italian orphanage before she takes her vows to begin a life in service to the church. this is no serene place, though. it is loaded with creepy and suspicious people and settings for start. when the young woman is warning about a possible conspiracy by a faction of the church to lure young people back, it's revealed that the birth of the spawn of the devil must happen. shot on location in italy for stoneman pays great attention to every detail of every shot of movie. >> it is beautiful and it is haunting. the performances are regal, but also heartbreaking. pretty much keeping you on the edge of your seat. not an easy task since you already know where the story is headed leading to the events of the 1976 movie overall, this movie uses. the more discreet less is more policy when it comes to creating the suspense building up to a major plot points. but a few times it does go full flow. with some unnecessarily gruesome scenes.
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>> still, it succeeds at letting you create your own level of suspension for. >> always better than having it. forced to you. it's a dean's list b. >> also new this week, but not screened is the directorial debut of actor dev patel in monkey man. we also stars as kid making a living an underground fight club wearing a gorilla mask. where is beaten bloodied by the popular fighters of the day for cash after years of suppressing his rage leashes and explosion of revenge to settle the score with the man who took everything from him. it is rated r. >> well, you can always get my movie reviews and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. just text the word. dean to 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, and i hope you have a great weekend in chicago. i'm the richards. >> thank you again. alright 10. 46 is the time. let's talk about the it's going to be cold enough. you may want to close movie just to get inside. good morning you know,
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anything kind of cozy that sunshine will help us out a little bit. but >> as you step outside today, it's going to be deceiving, least sunny because it feels cold still san jose. you're just now making your way into the low 50's. this is ben very much so cooler than average for this time of year. we've been seeing us to few lingering snow flurries up around mount diablo. the top of mount hamilton and a lot more than flurries up in the sierra nevada. still remaining up there. we will continue to see cold air even as this low pressure moves out of the region. now we just got that deep plunge of cold air from the north. that is going to stay with us for a couple of days and a chance of isolated showers, especially for the east bay and further inland into the afternoon. 04:00pm right here. see a little bit showing up out towards antioch around 5. expect the possibility of a thunderstorm. after that, though, we dry out nicely into the evening and tomorrow is going to be the most consistently dry day of the forecast come saturday night into sunday morning may see a few light showers moving overhead after that sunday dries back out and then we stay dry officially with
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monday just in time for eclipse viewing looking absolutely gorgeous. back up into the 60's and low 70's rainfall. the rest of the weekend could amount to as much as a 10th of an inch. we're pretty much done with the heavy stuff. as for the sierra still under a winter weather advisory for several more hours until 11:00pm tonight. still have some winter storm warnings in the mountains of southern california. they're also getting snowfall at their upper elevations. snow level last night falling to 1000 feet elevation chain control still expected today and expect some travel delays to so many people are likely to be heading up to enjoy another dose of spring snow. temperatures today will be in the mid to upper 50's. it is of course, the giants home opener today at oracle park. first pitch at one. 35 pm. and as you're getting out there, honestly, it's looking like it's going to stay dry. but i can't completely rule it out. i'm an adviser to bring those layers and might as well bring that rain jacket with you at least use it as a windbreaker to keep you nice and warm
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temperatures tomorrow and sunday will be in the low 60's for the most part come monday. it's back to the low 70's with sunshine for the eclipse. thankfully and by the middle of next week are already touching the 80's further inland. james. all right, john, thank you very much. according to a new study, the bay area is leading the nation in that shifting from gas-powered cars to electric cars. >> in 2012, uc berkeley atmospheric chemist ronald cohen began setting up co 2 monitors all across the bay area from 80 different stations scattered around the bay. here's a map showing them. we're talking sonoma, san francisco, alameda county. they were everywhere and between 2018 2022, those monitors recorded a steady decrease in co 2 emissions. and that translated to about a 2.6% yearly drop in vehicle emission rates. the results are the first piece of evidence. now that the adoption of electric vehicles can measurably lower carbon emissions. well, california
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home buyers can now apply for up to $150,000 in real estate loans. registration is open now for the dream for all shared appreciation loan program. it provides up to 20% of a down payment or closing costs when buying a new home. but you have to qualify. firstly, you have to be a first time home buyer to be eligible and you have to let least one borrower must be a first generation homebuyer. the california housing finance agency expects to hand out up to 2000 of these vouchers. well, the u.s. unemployment rate has dipped slightly to 3.8%. the labor department just released new data this morning for the month of march. and it found that more than 300,000 jobs were created last month, which beat economists expectations. the unemployment rate was 3.9% in february. so came down one 10th of a percent. analysts say despite layoffs in the tech industry that we've seen recently, the overall labor market actually still pretty strong, the highest number of job gains were found in the
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health care and government sectors. all right, let's turn to sports. the warriors dubs taking on the houston rockets last night was a critical win for the playoffs. if they want to keep pushing the postseason crawford's. kate rooney has the highlights. >> the dubs are riding one of their hottest streaks of the season. and with just over a week to go in the regular season, every game is crucial for golden state's postseason prospects. now, you know, draymond green. he's been sharp in all week about thursday's game against houston talking about how the upstart rockets have no chance of catching the dubs for the 10th spot in the standings and that he and the warriors would not come out of postseason contention. chance for dream on to prove his point in houston. and once the game started. kind of did, it was pretty much over for the rockets early. steph curry jump starting the team to a 19 to 6 blitz in the first. when stuff starts going down. one-handed fly through the key
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hook shots. yeah. you can call it a night. he finished with 29 points. klay thompson caught fire early on as well. >> kerry's the off-balance 3 from the corner. he was 7 of 11 from beyond the arc and also finished with 29 points. warriors were up 15 at the break. time to let the youngsters get in some minutes, right? well, chris paul. so young but knows how to set someone up. throws the alley-oop to trayce jackson-davis for the flush. tjd finished with a career-high 20 points. warriors pick up the loose ball here. jackson davis. this is the layup. moses moody cleans up the boards with the follow slam warriors win going away, won 33 to one 10 to nothing head to dallas to face the mavs. they won a season-high 6 games in a row and 5 straight road games. sure is a fun and to the season as we wait, what their final seeding will be. >> heading into that post season. that will do it for sports. now, back to you. all right, kate, thank you. we're
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going take a break. right back.
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>> 10 55 is the time. and in the north bay, if you like artwork like this but can't afford it, you could still have some in your home because the murray county libraries are letting locals lone out these cool pieces of art library cardholders can now use the on the wall program to borrow art from local artists and you can borrow from the south novato the point reyes station corte madera and marin city libraries. artists are able to submit 2 dimensional pieces like drawings and paintings and photographs.
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prince text house, mixed media. there's all kinds. so if you're interested, check it out. and take a look at this. this kid caught on camera helping to wrangle an alligator. this was in jacksonville, florida this week. the man sat on the alligator holding its mouth shut while the child, as you can see there taped up the alligator's mouth. after they trapped officials and moved it away to a safer place that would get harmed. all right, one final note for you as we head into the weekend. don't forget tomorrow we have that historic powerball jackpot drawing. we have a lot of money up for grabs. 1.3 billion dollars is the latest there's the latest jackpot. that's a 596 million dollars. lump sum. if you take that option for a payout, it's the 8th largest jackpot in u.s. history. so be ready for that. good luck to you. sounds good to me. baby will weigh this j
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finitely getting pretty luckwi the weather these next at least next week, staying kind of cool this weekend for sure. watch out for an isolated shower today. and that's pretty smooth sailing. >> clear for eclipse viewing on monday can't believe 80's next week. that's >> well, i have a great weekend, guys.
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today on dr. phil. the doctor guilty of killing his wife. prosecution say that mcneil's long term


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