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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 8, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> right now, the crop a morning news. police are searching for the driver who ran away from a rollover crash that killed his 9 year-old passenger. multiple sideshows played a bay area over the weekend. one even shutting down the bay bridge. and in a few hours, people in parts of the u.s. will see a total solar eclipse. we're live with what you can expect to see here in the bay area. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here at 07:00am on a monday. i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom today. our top story this morning, partial solar. that's going to be fun right now. the sun's bright
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and really shine and strong this morning. but that will change a little bit just a few people to be able to see if things are clear outside. yes, my goodness. so crystal clear, really, really good eclipse feeling weather not just for the bay area, but across the entirety of the state to the golden gate bridge behind me is looking nice and sunny you can see from mount tam that view applies pretty much everywhere. so if you wanted to get outside to look at it. >> just make sure eclipse gear is ready and you're good to go. futurecast shows the skies remaining clear well, throughout the course of the morning, which bodes well for getting out there. now, you do want to bundle up. temperatures are pretty chilly livermore. you're down in the upper 30's fremont and doubling down in the low 40's right now. alameda sf in berkeley. some of our more mild spots each sitting right around 50 degrees. now we have a couple more hours until we reach the maximum eclipse here in the bay area, which will be out. 35% of coverage right around 11:13am. we'll start to see our beginnings of the
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eclipse around 10, 14, but just make sure around 11 that you're looking up at the skies safely. of course. and then afternoon we get right back to business as usual and are nothing but that sunshine temperatures today will rise into the low 70's later on today. back to you. all right, john, thank you that. get a look morning drive a bridge right now about 17 minutes. >> traveling into the city this morning. i don't see any major accidents or has hurt 17 bridge, 15 min around 80 to 101. richmond sandra fell bridge around 13 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 20 minutes. >> well, 701, is the time and happening today as we've been talking about the total solar eclipse, which is going to happen in just a few hours from now, excitement is building up exploratory in san francisco. they're going to be hosting a viewing party later on this our kron four's will tran is out there actually right now live on the market with a preview. let's say good morning. hey, we'll >> good morning. enjoy the sunshine while you can. because as we mentioned in a
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few hours, so now the sunshine will go away in just a little bit certain parts of the world. it will go away altogether. the exploratorium right behind me off the embarcadero is your place to be if you want to see it safely as well as talk to scientists who will be on hand to answer questions for you. we know it begins at 10. 0, 6 this morning. let's get a live look right now at the heavenly bodies. it is getting closer by the minute. again, it will happen in about 3 hours from now. but we do know that the moon will be passing right before the sun and standing between us and the sun. right now it is over mexico and i can tell you in certain parts of mexico, need to move to texas. those particular areas, at least in our hemisphere, will have total eclipse. but as far as the west coast here in san francisco, los angeles, we will see a partial eclipse. we have not seen a total
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eclipse and 7 years in the next time we will see it in 20 years from now. it will last a little bit more than 2 hours. and then at the peak, it would be at around 11. 22, there will be a viewing party, unfortunately, guys, it is not free. but you know what? you come down here. you go inside. you can watch it safely. and just want to remind people do not look up because that will be the last eclipse. you will see because you can do some serious damage to your eyes. come down here. they will live stream the event so you can see it for yourself. james, you should come down here as well. i know you love things, all things space. this is for you. unfortunately, you know what? i didn't have a long enough eclipse last night where my light. so monday, a little bit tougher. i wish i had a longer eclipse i okay. 74 is the time. and by the
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way, the exploratorium isn't the only place that's going watch party. and so on your screen, a number of places across the bay that are have those most of them started 10:00am yeah. bring they say bring your own eclipse glasses to the event. >> if you don't have them, you can also purchase them at these venues. but it's on a first come first serve once they run out, they won't have any more. you can find more details on these various watch parties on our website at kron 4 dot com. let's go to another big story. you're looking at one of many sideshows that took over the streets in the bay area over the weekend. and that particular one took over the bay bridge. it resulted in 2 people getting arrested. kron four's sara stinson walks us through what happened. >> i 3 of sideshows across the bay area cause widespread disruption and chaos. the first began at 11 saturday night in menlo park. police say more than 100 cars blocked the intersection of willow road and new bridge street. they say around 200 people gathered there to watch cars to doughnuts. it escalated
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when police responded. people begin kicking and jumping on the hood of an officer's patrol car has more officers responded. the crowd left the area. no one was injured and no arrests were made. another sideshow could be seen around 30 minutes later by stanford in palo alto. dozens of people watched as cars took over the intersection of coyote hill and page mill roads. police have not confirmed if any arrests were made. illegal sideshow. activity also happened in mountain view just after midnight sunday on middlefield road and bernardo avenue. >> police responded quickly which broke up the sideshow. police say 20 year-old woman from pittsburgh hurt her ankle after she was struck by a car. no arrests reported. police oakland responded to 2 sideshows. the first happened just after 2 in the morning. there was one sideshow on international boulevard people set off fireworks as well.
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officers then responded to another around to 45 in the morning on park boulevard. police say when they arrived, everyone took off. no arrests were made. the last reported sideshow in the bay area involved more than 100 cars blocking the westbound lanes of the bay bridge. chp says this was just before treasure island around 3 in the morning. all westbound traffic came to a halt as people ignited fireworks and watch cars do donuts. a chp officers arrived. the crowd got into cars and drove off. >> chp says they detained 4 people, 2 of which were arrested and their cars towed. the 2 others are minors. they were cited. i'm sara stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> well, in the east bay, a rollover crash killed a 9 year-old girl inside 4 other people in that vehicle to the hospital. this all happened around 5.15, yesterday morning right near concord. well, chp says the driver of the mazda cx 9 with speeding. well, they
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would run off the road near northbound 6.80, and highway to 42. investigators say 6 passengers were inside an suv flipped several times. some of those passengers were even ejected from the car. they say that 9 year-old girl died at the scene and 4 women had to be taken to the hospital. police say the driver ran away from the crash and has not been found. on the south bay, santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen, like to eliminate the county's death row. so he's now looking instead to recent inc, the 15 men that are on death row to life in prison without the possibility of parole. roseann called death row, quote and antiquated racially biased error-prone system. he says it also cost the state millions of public dollars. 650 people currently sit on death row throughout california. that's actually the highest amount in the country. back in 2019, governor gavin newsom placed moratorium on executions states. we're going to move inmates out of sync, wins
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death row and into other facilities. >> on the peninsula, 2 lawsuits were filed against the owners of the half. moon bay mushroom farms where 7 people were killed and one person was hurt in that mass shooting last year. 24 year-old pedro perez was shot 5 times. he survived that shooting. but his older brother, jose did not pedro and jose's family filed the lawsuits against california terra gardens and its owners claiming that the que shooter chunli zhao who you see here had a documented history of violence and the farm did little to ensure workers safety outside court. pedro perez says that he still in disbelief over what happened. >> i >> i came here for a better life to helping family. >> and they told me that there were jobs here at this we would come together and we would go to store. we were inseparable. always thinking about him. always thinking
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about him. and i just don't understand. how this happened. >> not only did california terra gardens violate those rights by providing squalid living conditions for the farm workers that they violated rights by not providing a place where their tenants felt safe. in california landlords all the way more temperate duty to protect their tenants for the criminal acts of people who come out of the property. and california terra gardens did nothing to protect, came through or his brother or the other victims of that shooting. >> jose perez leaves behind a wife and 4 children in mexico. pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. his next court appearance is scheduled for later this month. more developing news now. we're getting new details about a fire that broke out on treasure island. actually, a video of that fire was at a home broke out about 7.40, or so friday night. san francisco
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fire crews say it was supposed to be vacant, but they did find evidence of squatting in hardin, ben ray, as who actually lives across the street is a certified lifeguard. he says he spotted the fire when it broke out and found him and passed out in the entryway of that property and with the help of other bystanders, he was able to pull that man to safety. >> i was just like. happy i was able to beat has the right place right time. i'm sure anyone house with the same thing given, you given the situation, you just never know what you you know, hunt until something like that happens. >> well, raise did suffer some smoke inhalation while he was performing that rescue. as for the man he saved that person left the scene before firefighters arrived. >> this morning and tomorrow morning, photographers are going to line up on california street to get this pretty rare shot of the sunrise twice a year, the sun street and tower
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of the bay bridge they lined create this stunning view. some college campuses go not to stonehenge. now in england, which is known for the line, it with celestial bodies. so that's going to be another shot you can get today. also, the solar eclipse. so 2 for >> all right. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. why the fcc wants to talk to bury a fire officials ahead of a major vote on internet access. plus board of supervisors president aaron peskin formally announcing his run formally announcing his run for san francisco mayor.
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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right. we're back. 7.14, is the time. let's get a check of
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the weather here as we take a live look at sfo behind us. am sure a lot of people like you saw flew out into different places where solar eclipse today. >> we're going to say you're home watching. we are under clear skies yes, we are. it is crystal clear out their great news for any of you wherever you're going to be. but at the exploratorium, i know a lot of skywatchers are going to be out there. >> just really keeping a close eye on what's going on up about that. and they also have those free solar eclipse glasses at the exploratorium. if you haven't found some last minute looking at where that path of totality is. it stretches from texas into maine. some of the best spots to be watching the eclipse today will be burlington, vermont, as well as northern maine spots around ohio. not looking too texas is kind of a rough one. but here in california, although we're not in the path of totality, we have those crystal clear skies. if you do want to get out there for eclipse viewing, just make sure you're doing so safely with the right kind of equipment. we are going to be seeing these clear skies all day long today with nothing
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getting in the way as far as cloud cover skies remain nice and sunny. well into the afternoon and really well into the middle of the week. we've got some of our warmest temperatures the year so far ahead of us wednesday and thursday with sunshine and highs for some of our inland areas rising into the low 80's after that, a huge cool down and wasting no time with it by friday into saturday 50's and 60's for your highs and friday night into saturday, the return of some showers for the bay and snow to the sierra. in the meantime, today is going to be a very pleasant feeling day, a little bit cool to start make sure to bring those jackets. if you're going out to watch the eclipse after that, you should be able to get away without him towards this afternoon as our daytime highs do rush upwards into the 60's to low 70's at the very warmest san jose at 72 today, at 66 danville, you'll be at 71 degrees. sonoma, 72 for your daytime high and santa rosa at 73. a look at shows tomorrow. a little bit warmer wednesday and thursday, as i
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mentioned, being the first 80's i have on the map this year. after that, we cool things down. really, really quick by saturday will barely even make 60 degrees with some showers. back to you. all right, john, thank you look at the bay bridge this morning drive times around 15 minutes. there. >> san mateo bridge about 15 minutes. a 80 to 101. richmond sandra fell bridge a 14 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls now. 21 minutes. >> 7.16, is the time and the bay area got a bit of a shake-up just before noon on saturday as a 3.2 earthquake shook the city of berkeley the epicenter was right near claremont canyon. the united states geological survey said the quake ran about 5.8 miles deep and no damage reported. thankfully, there's been a lot of shifting, though and shaking around the world since last week as we know and crop was rob nesbitt actually had a chance to speak with somebody from the u.s. gs about that. taiwan experience its biggest earthquake in a quarter of a century last week. so
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berkeley, new jersey, taiwan, is this rare to have so many around the same time span globally. >> ahere are earthquakes going on all the time around the world. and it turns out that we've had events that have happened in very highly populated areas. 20 million people on the east coast in the northeast. millions of people in taiwan and of course, millions of people in the bay area. so these earthquakes tend to be noticed quite a bit. >> mean, one thing that happened on >> earlier this week or 2 earthquakes near chico. and it turns out that for those earthquakes and not for the one that occurred this morning, the shaler earthquake early warning system which we have in california, oregon, washington was was triggered. so, yes, even had events just this week in california where early warning was was used. so my last question for you, kind of what advice do you have for our viewers talking about all these different places that have experienced earthquakes. what should people do to make sure they're fully prepared? yes, there there are 3 things. i think that people should
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really doing. number one, horst know what to do. if you feel shaking or if you get an alert on your phone. and if you don't have quick early warning on your phone, find out more about that at shake alert, dot org. so number one know what to do if you feel shaking are getting alert, drop cover and hold on. number 2, there are lots of tools that the united states geological survey offers so usgs dot gov. you'll find all kinds of resources that you can you can use and learn more about earthquakes, part of knowing about what to do having some control over what happens is knowing about how earthquakes work. and number 3 get involved. if you feel an earthquake reported, tell us what happened. allows us to to learn more about that earthquake and to to improve things to improve infrastructure, everything. be involved, know what to do. and if you haven't downloaded shake alert, powered up on
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your phone, do it as soon as you can. doctor group from usgs, great advice. thank you for your time. >> well, for your money this morning, a lot of singles prefer networking sites like linkedin over dating sites and target answers to amazon prime launches this week. jane king is live in as that all those stories and more. good morning, jane. i ran a good morning. so starting this week, target will offer now 3 new membership options for shoppers under its circle. loyalty program. there's a free membership and then a retail card option and a new paid membership, which includes same day delivery in some other perks. target 3.60, is this new pay loyalty program? it's priced at $99 for an annual subscription. with the limited time deal of $49 through may 18th. and this is a position to go head-to-head with amazon prime and walmart plus as well tesla plans to unveil its robotaxi in august. wall street journal reports the timeline for unveiling the robot taxi comes as tesla stepping up its efforts to get drivers hooked into its self-driving
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software. the model without a steering wheel or pedals will be shown to the world august 8 laden, another networking platforms are preferred way to set up dates over popular dating apps. according to a survey of singles connect by dating news dot com. the survey found potential daters likely end because it doesn't seem so predatory. it's more about working making business contacts. however, the study authors say lincoln isn't a dating app. so not all romantic approaches will be welcome. and 14 senators are calling on the departments of agriculture and health and human services to keep the potato classified as a vegetable. a joint committees considering moving the potato to a grain rather than a vegetable live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king, bacteria that can imagine people sliding indians for a job candidate. >> not sure how. well that's going to go over. thanks >> 7.20, is the time and happy today. we have fcc chairwoman jessica rosenworcel set to
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beat with public safety officials in santa clara county to talk about the agency's upcoming vote to restore net neutrality. now, this is a principle that internet service providers have to treat all data equally and prohibits them from blocking or slowing down service on their networks. rose and russell wants to highlight an incident involving the santa clara county fire department when they had their internet access, throttled while they were responding to the 2018 mendocino complex fire, which was the largest wildfire in state history. the commission is expected to vote on final net neutrality rules later this month. a san francisco restaurant owner plans to go on a hunger strike for a month over a bike lane that he says is costing him his livelihood. so this bike lane runs through the middle of valencia street. it was first put in place back in august as part of a pilot program. city officials say the goal was to improve safety for cyclists but business owners there on valencia street say that bike lane has done nothing but cost parking spots forced them to close down their parklets and that's now impacting overall
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business. one of those restaurant owners is dalton will and he owns a middle eastern restaurant called yasmeen. he says a hunger strike is the only way to get tension. >> i tried so many times to reach to the city. so many times went to the board meetings and i went to city hole and try to reach out and and nobody ever talked to in the only response i would get most of the time is go talk to or from association. and every time try to talk to mobilize association there refused to talk to him. >> well, he planned to start his hunger strike yesterday. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. why residents say mail-in voting is discriminatory. what they're planning to do
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>> well, in the south bay, santa clara county officials says they're now seeing low income residents losing their medical benefits. the county says from june 2023, january 2024. medical members dropped from 450,000 to 425,000 health advocates say decline is because a lot of people are having to reapply for benefits because the pandemic is officially in it. and that meant the county needed to determine if they were still eligible. but the social security administration says this could be due to residents applying for a covered california plan instead. >> well, 7.25 the time in the north bay petaluma. police say they issued more than 20 citations in just 10 hours to distracted drivers. they say the citations were given out during a distracted driving enforcement operation on friday. and during that
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operation officers made 49 traffic stops regarding drivers who are distracted by holding their cell phones. police say driving with a cell phone in your hand, increases the risk of getting into a crash by 3 times. they say they will continue this operation through wednesday as the department recognizes distracted driving awareness month. >> we'll take a break or 7.26. coming up on the kron. 4 morning news protesters across the u.s. continue to call for hostages to be released as the israel and hamas war reaches its 6th month. we're going to hear from bay area protesters hear from bay area protesters who support that cause. ness.
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>> all right, 7.29 is the time and here at the half hour, how that is to something he just in time for the solar eclipse, we got those clear skies. do. nice to enjoy john. the picture. perfect out there. could we have a better day to not have a single cloud in the sky in or any fog? i don't think so because we are looking at the eclipse just a couple of hours away and with those proper eclipse viewing goggles and glasses, you'll be ready to go. mother nature helping us out this morning. got those clear skies here from mount tam looking down at the bay itself. we're going to stay that way throughout the course of the day. you can see in future cast, nothing getting in the way. well, through the peak eclipse time right around 11:13am, this morning is when we'll see max coverage. temperatures right now are pretty chilly. do so. in the meantime, throwing those jackets, dublin livermore down to 39 degrees right now. even oakland down at 42 degrees. as i mentioned, peak coverage from the eclipse will be at 35% right around 11:13am. that will briefly
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drop temperatures just a few degrees as well. so bring the jackets. if you are getting outside to watch afternoon, we'll see full sunshine yet again. and temperatures will rise really quickly back into the 60's and 70's and are nothing but sun. back to you. all right. on the eve of ballots after they were just morning 17 minute ride traveling into the city right now, summit hill bridge around 17 minutes there. >> richmond, sandra fell bridge just short of 12 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 23 minute morning ride. >> ok, well, as 7.30, as we've been talking about in just a few hours, time from right now, we're going to have a lot of people across the u.s. get together to watch the total eclipse. and although we're not in the path of totality, will still still get something to watch. a whole lot of excitement across the bay area. you know, will tran. let's talk about where you can watch where you are going to be in the bay. just talk to an expert about how this eclipse, it's going to be a little different from the last one. >> if you didn't know was
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coming, you might guess from my office an abnormally cool spring day with much anticipation of the total eclipse. that will be happening. how much of it will we actually see here in the capital city? 45 per cent looks like it's going to be. >> it's going be like someone took a bite out of the songs on the imagine this. the summer half happens right? >> raj said of the sacramento valley astronomical society says there are some similarities of what will be able to see compared to 2017. the last time there was a total eclipse. his colleague, a one-shot mishra was in kansas during the last one and took this photograph of it. he says the image will be similar to what we will see in the sacramento area, a partial solar eclipse of 45% of the face of the sun by the moon. and what time are we expected to see office at 11, 15 in the morning. rice says we can also expect a slight drop in the
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temperature which will be noticeable back in 2017. >> when it was not a total eclipse, sacramento had a better show. was 79% covered as opposed less than 50. and you definitely feel the temperature dropped 5 degrees. >> but he predicts that don't roll. call a drop, a degree or 2. >> and if you own any pets, raj says you may see a change when the eclipse occurs. >> animals can sometimes react to all the ways like a. >> and what normally hear in the evening or when the sun goes down, they start you're being you're making noises and maybe even venture out for dinner rush will witness the eclipse from austin, texas. >> no matter what the degree of what will be seen. he says we should soak it because the next total eclipse won't happen again for about 20 years our last chance saloon in america for 20 years. 2045? >> will be another it will be visible california.
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>> well, also happening today, tesla is set to go to trial in san jose over the safety of its ecectric cars. and the case involves a family whose 2 year-old son was able to start their tesla model x and crash it into their garage. pinning pregnant mother to the well. she survived. but the incident, i should say, happened back in 2018 in this lawsuit accused tesla of consumer fraud because the company advertised the model x as safe. the lawsuit also claims that tesla knew about what they called defective designs. tesla has denied, though, any liability for this crash and attempts to reach a settlement between the attorneys for tesla. the family fell apart. so now it's going to trial. on the peninsula. the san mateo county sheriff's transit police bureau is investigating a deadly crash involving a person and a train, a caltrain. it happened midnight or so saturday in san carlos. they say a test train was on the southbound tracks when it struck somebody who was also on the tracks for some unknown reason situation is still
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under investigation. identity of the victim has not yet them released. >> so arrested a man for a deadly shooting in the mission district. alexander martinez is found detain a richmond just before 10, 30 friday night. as apd says he pulled the trigger around 11, one 30 friday afternoon. this is right near the intersection of mission in 20 wilson at video of the scene shows pretty heavy police presence. despite life saving efforts by first responders, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. >> 7.34 is the time and it's been 6 months since israel and hamas went to war. the health ministry in gaza says more than 30,000 civilians have died since the war began. it all started october 7th, when hamas attack israel killing hundreds and they took about 250 people hostage all across the united states. >> there were marches for the hostages still being held captive by hamas, including in our own lafayette kron. four's. you know, bart ana has the story. i'm here to show
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support for the hostages. >> they've been there now 6 months. >> we've been cooking the recipes that families and their loved ones have graciously put together. and their loved ones that are in captivity. and we're here representing them with some taste of love from home. so we have all kinds of cookies and sweets and goodies. and we're selling out of our big cell and all the proceeds will be going to the families themselves and all those that have been affected. >> 6 packs. i grew up and keep the theme in the southwest corner of it's one of the communities that were attacked on october 7th. and i personally know a lot of the people who are impacted by it murdered and kidnapped. and we are here because there's still 133 hostages, innocent people who are in their beds in the saturday morning. have been held somewhere in gaza and the
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tunnels for 6 months today. >> one of the survivors came out and told the story about the rape and the torture to the women and they're not all israeli women. by the way, there's americans there, too. every day that passes, another person and it doesn't matter the nationality or religion of the person that dies. what we need and this to end horrible situation. bring to the table that will bring the hostages bring much-needed relief and peace the speech. we need that now. i feel like in the last few days there's been some movement in the right direction closer to a deal. israel is pulling out troops. >> the messaging all around seems to be more positive. and i have to believe that they're going to come we want we want we need to bring the to where
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was. happy but we can do to me we don't least change all >> welcome for the local election headquarters. san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin officially launches mayoral campaign on saturday. so he hosted supporters at portsmouth square in san francisco's chinatown. he address the cost of living in the city. homelessness among other public safety concerns. >> but right here in this neighborhood, i've stood up for safety, stood up against hate crimes, can't me speaking foot patrols to walk the beat, expanded community ambassadors and strengthen pedestrian safety. that's what every neighborhood in this city deserves. >> we'll pass can in terms of race alongside incumbent mayor london breed supervisor ahsha stuff i e nonprofit executive daniel lurie, former san francisco interim mayor and supervisor mark farrell.
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>> in the east bay berkeley, nonprofit now suing over california's vote by mail program because they say that program excludes and discriminates against blind voters. disability rights advocates filed the lawsuit on behalf of several people with visual impairments who normally vote by mail with assistance or at a polling location in person. now the suits allege the program is discriminatory because it requires people who are blind to rely on assistance to return their ballots and that compromises the privacy and independence of their votes. they say this caused some voters to miss out on the benefits of the program because they had to vote in person instead since they couldn't return the ballot on their own, despite being able to fill out the ballot on their own. the group is asking california to give voters with print disabilities. the option to electronically return their mail-in ballots. the suit will go before a judge on may. 20th in san francisco. >> also in the east fans in oakland, they are so disappointed because the a's are leaving the town at the
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end of the season and they are. but on the other hand, of course, you've got folks up in sacramento are pretty excited about the move. zach boetto has that story. sacramento. just a stone's st d- throw from california's capital city. and for a kid who grew up here, then went on to play major league baseball for 16 years. >> the a's temporary move to west sacramento is a huge deal. sentinel probably one of the biggest good the to be able to have >> you know, now about their professional team to get a root for. i mean, i think it's it's, you know, it's cold. there's room for about 14,000 fans at sutter health park as it stands right now. >> and the a's are expected to play about 80 games here per season. for reference, the sacramento kings basketball team one center this season. >> 4 time. mlb all-star greg vaughn, who earned his stripes at kennedy high school and sac city college says the a's move to west sacramento. we'll make it much easier for families
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not to have to travel hours away to see their idols play in person. i think do want you know, it good >> here's the look like to you know what was growing up. i was able to turn on the tv and the players and players that looks like i cuts but they'll be able actually go up there do it does i think it'd be a great thing for the city fact. more so for for baseball for airport, literally like played while families and the younger generation benefit from the move visit, sacramento ceo mike testa says the business community is also wide eyed and ready for the opportunities based on the size of sutter health partners based on the number of games we can accommodate that. i don't have any concern that our restaurant scene will be able to accommodate the people going to the game. again, you've got potentially 14,000 people in the state and not all of them will be from out of town staying in hotels.
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we've got the infrastructure to do this. it's not a concern. test us as we're approaching a new era for the sacramento region. the people who will tell you that sacramento's boring, there's nothing to do here. there's a think they're paying attention because >> this is not that city anymore. 7.41 is the time. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, the warriors brought home another win in the post. as the postseason lose. we're going to hear. >> how head coach steve kerr feels about format so far. all youth in california can noo access for free how it bewe are back time now.
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7.44, new this morning. a new initiative in california is providing free access now to mental health apps with rich demuro explaining in today's tech smart. >> california is tackling the youth mental health crisis head on by offering 2 free apps to families. they are filled with valuable resources, including life coaching. >> more and more. we're realizing just how important mental health this to our overall wellbeing for many rates of anxiety, depression and self-harm have been climbing. issues, especially prevalent among youth. now the state of california is doing something to help. they're introducing 2 apps loaded with free mental health services for residents. part of a 4.7 billion dollar initiative. all of these efforts aimed trying
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to think about how we deliver services birds to in ways that we haven't done the work like these apps provide mental health resources and even life coaching with no income or insurance requirements. the first app is called bright life kids. it's for those under 13 and has digital resources for common issues. sleep. >> issues at school worries sadness a chanel scales. adhd help is available in 19 languages with life coaching done via phone video or chat. so this is really a way to come in and get free access to mental health care, to support for your kids when they need it. and even before they needed to avoid issues escalating saluda is the second app. it's for those 13 to 25. so instead of focusing so much on treatment, we really believe that every you can benefit. >> from having access to coping skills building resiliency and then early
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access, an intervention as well. the app provides self-guided resources, moderated peer communities and life coaching. so teenagers and young adults. we find. >> we're really struggling with some mental health issues. don't always feel comfortable talking about those either to peers are parents or even others. and so this gives them an opportunity to be able to access resources on their own at their own time. these apps are a helpful step in the right direction. and several other states are beginning to implement similar programs. >> but their long-term benefits are still being determined and they're not a replacement for professional healthcare. if you want more information, you can go to my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. ok? well, on that note, let's a check. the weather here is we're looking at sunny conditions of miners on has also been talking about the solar. absolutely. good morning. yeah. it's so exciting. i know a lot of
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people pretty much all across the country are just really looking forward to these next few hours here for us in the bay area. still few hours away. >> so it's nothing but that sunshine this morning, exploratory. i'm going to be a busy place later on as they've got your eclipse viewing glasses on the ready and will be the good spot to watch it. now, if you have friends that are in the path of totality, best spots today for anyone that made those travels to see it, especially being maine, vermont and new hampshire, parts of ohio not looking bad parts of arkansas. okay, texas kind of cloudy here in the bay area as well as the rest of the state could not be better. we are crystal clear, not just this morning but into the afternoon and that is going to make for some really, really good conditions for the clips. jasper enjoying a nice afternoon after that, we are going to be seeing crystal clear skies from the coast bayshore to our inland areas, too. so really doesn't matter where you're at today. all of us are going to be comfortable mild. unclear. we stay nice and dry through the middle of the week. and in fact, we have our first 80's of this year's forecast on wednesday and
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thursday for some of our inland areas. we waste no time cooling back down after that, though, this week's forecast is a temperature roller coaster by the weekend upper 50's to low 60's on saturday and friday night into saturday, another round of rain and mountain snow fall in the works. as for today, daytime highs are going to be nice and mild, not our warmest just yet. and certainly not our coolest, mostly 60's to low 70's for today's daytime highs. as i mentioned, it's sunshine from start to finish. so these numbers are going to feel really good under those sunny conditions. san jose, you'll be at 72 today while hayward and dublin right at 70 for your highs, some upper 60's in a few spots closer to the coastline. like a point raised sitting right at 60 degrees. a look ahead to tomorrow's temperatures. mid 70's at the warmest. there's those low 80's i mentioned on wednesday and thursday ever. so briefly, though, because we're cooling things down 20 degrees, if not more, come friday night into saturday. showers arriving along with
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that cool down. back to all right. something even back in at the bay bridge this morning about 15 minutes traveling into the city. >> san mateo bridge around 19 minutes. 82 want to run a richmond. sandra fell bridge just short of 13 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 24 minutes on this monday morning. >> alright 7.49, that i'm in now to bay area basketball where fans are riding high right now. know the dogs are going to the postseason. yes. so they beat the utah jazz sports reporter kate rooney has all the highlights. >> the warriors decided to go ahead and beat the utah jazz here on their home court at chase center anyway. and they did it without steph curry and andrew wiggins. guess who was here? jonathan kominga back from missing 6 games with 10 tonight. and p didn't miss a putting up 21 points on 9 for 11 shooting to go with 10 rebounds and 6 assists rookies trayce jackson-davis and brand of projects. also started each putting up 16 points. >> and the old favorite clay
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thompson was hot from the start. 25 points in the 1st quarter alone. and he finished with 32. >> on the night, all in all, head coach steve kerr said he thinks the warriors are playing some of their best basketball of the season right now. >> the man you're seeing what we're capable i think we won 7 out you know, i think we have a shot to, you know, to really close it out with 4 straight winds may be. i mean, you know, if if you do that, you went 11 out of 12, 10 out of 12, some like that's. you know, that's the kind of run that i've been talking about. so i do feel like we're. kind of playing the way i expected us to. and we found a pretty rhythm problem, of course, is the west is just loaded this year. we're going to probably end up with a better record than last year. and still dropped from 6 you somewhere in the plans, control, we can control, which is going for. obviously, we have a chance to play. lakers and pelicans were ahead of us and >> i believe. pelicans play the kings as well. lakers
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putin against minnesota. so we control we can control you s% know, go for no puts us a pretty good shape to, you know, get above that 10 c. >> it's pretty much a stand like like i say, it's a day-to-day thing is again to game and every game matter at this point. so or is that just moving forward? these u.s.? the more focus. i feel like long as we more focus. it's going to be of for us to lose games. >> so 4 more games to go in the regular season, winning all of them shouldn't be too tall. an order for a team that has won 7 of their last 8 games. they've got 2 more games on the road and then close out the 2 more games right here at chase center. but tuesday's game in l a against the lakers looming large for now at chase center, kate rooney kron 4 sports. >> okay. meantime, baseball
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with adorable part giants wrapping up their first home series of the season against the padres. 8 innings with things really start to pick up giants down to one until the second baseman drops the ball. turn attacked. georgia lar tyler fitzgerald scores. and look, we've got a tie game. load of all strikes. now in the night as the giants get a much-needed 3, 2, win over their division. they were in detroit taking on the tires, looking to take 2 out of 3. start the game pretty strong with one point at the top of the first eventually taking the win. 71 great series win for them in detroit in a still sad about them. all right. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news state leaders pass a cap on rent increases for future tenants. why one nonprofit says low-income renters. >> need more protection now.
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we're back at 7. 55 8.4 million laundry pods now are being recalled. >> for unsafe packaging. so these pods are not child resistant. they could pose a serious threat. we're talking about gain tied. ariel and ace pod liquid laundry detergent. inflexible film bags. these are all part of the recall. the detergent has been sold everything from target to walmart. sam's club cvs, all the major retailers. the commission warns that the outer packaging meant to seal access to the contents can still split open near the zipper track and they say the malfunction can cause injury if ingested and could cause injury to eyes and skin a
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little easier for kids to get into bags. >> 7.56. coming up the next hour of the kron 4 morning news. many people obviously excited to see the highly anticipated solar eclipse. today. we're going to tell you what you need to know to plan a watching it in just a couple of hours. plus side shows taking over the streets in multiple bay area cities over the weekend. we're going to have a rundown of what exactly happened. and a 9 year-old sadly dies during a rollover crash in the east we'll have the latest on what investigators say caused that crash.
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morning news. police are searching for the driver who ran away from a rollover crash that killed 9 year-old passenger. we'll tell you where multiple sideshows played over the weekend, including one that shut down a portion of the bay bridge. and in a few hours, people in parts of the u.s. will see a total solar eclipse. we're live with what you can expect to see here. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you for joining us here at 08:00am i'm james fletcher and i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom today. we're talking about the solar eclipse. lot of people across the bay area already making plans may take early lunch break and we'll get out live to will trend here in a minute. in the meantime, couldn't ask for better sky condition. yeah.


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