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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  April 9, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> now 2 o'clock a program designed to attract new officers to antioch stuff. we did police department and seems to be paying off. and they are not staying quiet. a rally today by public library workers to demand better protection. and have you say house on the bay, the coast guard explaining why it is on the move. >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> hello, everybody. thank you for joining us. i'm catherine heenan. >> we're following some breaking news off the peninsula out whale caught in a boys. this is near thorton, police in pacifica say they found out about it around 10
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this morning in the area. since then, the whale has moved north up the coast. a viewer, tony sharing this drone video from above the whale, a number of agencies have been contacted, including the marine mammal center and the u.s. coast guard and the husband of a member from the pacifica beach coalition apparently spotted the whale. he says the whale was coming up to the surface and same to have 2 large orange boys attached to its tail fin. possibly there thinking it might be crab fishing gear. kron. 4 s charles clifford is headed to the area. we'll have a live report coming up around 2.15. in the east bay, a program to encourage more hiring and a new focus on recruitment are both helping to rebuild anti ox. a depleted police department kron four's philippe djegal talk to the mayor who optimistic that the worst is behind a department that has been plagued by years of scandal.
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>> we are coming out of the worst. we're building back up any act. mayor lamar thorpe says years of scandal weighed heavily on the antioch police department, which he says he's recovering from the low staffing levels that led to dramatic increases in response times and a request from state senator steve glazer to governor gavin newsom for help on the streets from the california highway patrol were hiring as quickly as we and we're hiring at record numbers of never hired so many officers at the exact same time as we have last in the last few months at times during the past 2 years. it's believed that up to half of the sworn staff members were placed on leave while county and federal investigators corroborated bribery, misconduct and races, text messaging cases culminating in charges filed against several officers in january 2023, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers were on the force and inflated number, though, because dozens were on leave that created. but the challenge the city has authorized 115 sworn positions
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for the police department today. interim chief brian addington confirms there are 80 on active duty. 39 work patrols just one less than the mayor's goal. 6 cadets are currently in the economy. 7 more are slated to join the academy this month. and mayor hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year has resulted in more than 20 new hires. given the situation with that, we're going to have a difficult time. but i think the incentive program helped create a large pool of candidates. >> in which we were able to pull from. i don't think people joined because of the incentive program they join because i think that they recognize that and is a changing city has a changing police department. i think we've got to the worst and and they want to be part of the change. hernandez thorpe says based on the length of academies and time required for new patrol officers to train in the field. the department is not expected to
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be fully staffed by the end of the year, but it will be close, especially now that many of the officers once placed on leave have been cleared to return to work in the meantime, the chp is helping on the streets recently helping to make 2 arrests in town, including a reckless driving staff leading to the discovery of illegal drugs and the person was taken into custody for evading and speeding. >> stemming from a sideshow. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> today attorney general rob bonta urging support for a proposal to increase penalties against corporations convicted of criminal offenses. he was in sacramento where he acknowledge that entire can't be sent to prison, of course, for crimes like fraud are environmental damage, but said they can face penalties. the current law allows for a maximum of $10,000 per felony bonta's bill would allow a judge to impose a fine up to 25 million dollars per case or
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penalty worth twice the amount of money, a victim loses as a result of a corporate defense. >> if you commit horrific crimes, you will pay a just find a fair fight in holding these corporations accountable is that we're going enhance deterrence and that's going to discourage this kind of corporate misconduct that's going to discourage people from defrauding their fellow californians are expsaining people harming are invited and that is going to protect communities across our state. >> they say that more than 75% of the money from those funds would go toward a newly established fund to support victims. no word yet on formal opposition. governor newsom says crime is down in san francisco. he is crediting a special operation which began last year. police say in the 1st quarter of this year, property crime was down. 32% of violent crime down 14%. this is compared to the 1st quarter of last year in the past 11 months, the chp has
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seized more than 42 pounds of fentanyl from the tenderloin more than 6,000 citations were issued and that led to nearly 500 arrests. the chp officers were sent to the tenderloin and the surrounding areas and may in an effort, of course, to try to improve public safety. the governor issued a statement saying in part, the results are a testament. 2 collaboration among state, local and federal law enforcement and san francisco adding we will continue to work together to get drugs off our streets, address crime and make our communities safer. all right. what a beautiful day. let's a take a quick look over there you want. you're already golden bridge shot. look at the blue skies. i tell just yeah, it almost looks like it's not real some days. and this is one of those days. just crystal clear. beautiful skies could be just a light breeze out there. as we look at the flag. >> kind of flowing very nicely. gorgeous day. i'm a little bit of a broken record. only a little bit warmer each
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day, right? tempeeatures right now. check out fremont at 79 degrees. san jose. 76. we're at 65 in downtown san francisco. 77 already in dublin in pittsburgh, 70 degrees in sonoma. and 76 in santa rosa. it is just a well above average. gorgeous afternoon. wind is relatively calm. a little bit of a breeze out at the coast. you can see happening. but a dozen kind of get much better than this. folks stormtracker 4 kind of telling the story here. just a few clouds offshore, but that's about it. so let's talk about this. we haven't had the ice coffee forecast in a while. i thought i had to break it out today because my friends in san jose looking up for a high of 78 degrees. give you a medium because i've got to give you room to improve on that as we move into the next couple of days because we're going to be warming up. so while we do have a gorgeous day today, we're going to take this day and then add to it a few more degrees as we get into tomorrow, we could see some of our inland spots get to that 80 81 degree mark. same story as we roll into thursday. we could see some nice 70's around the bay about
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60 degrees out at the coast by friday. notice things change drastically. now we're watching these temperatures dropped by about 17 degrees just from one day to the next clouds are going to start rolling in. and then we have some showers headed our way late friday into the weekend. i'll have more details about that when it come back in just a bit. thank you. kyla. happening today, san jose leaders will vote on a new measure to limit where homeless camps can be set up. but they say the move is necessary. >> keep schools safe. kron four's will tran was in san jose and has the story. homeless advocates believe that this is an attack. >> on the homeless that a lot of times it's not their fault. they simply cannot afford a traditional house. but a lot of parents and students there are fighting back saying the school areas are not safe for them because when they walk to school, they say they walk around a lot of homeless as well as needles. they claim. now what's going to happen is the city council members will decide a couple of measures.
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one measure was actually decided 3 years ago. that said that the homeless encampments cannot be any closer. that 150 feet to a school. but it was more like guidelines. it's not the law. so what they will do now is trying to make a law by trying pass it. if that becomes law that a police officer can come up to a homeless person and site that person. >> but they're not asking for money. they're just saying that you can't be any closer than that established distance. another measure that they will be trying to pass our rv's and vehicles is school zones. the homeless advocates don't like this because they say there's not a lot of areas in san jose to park a lot of homeless use. are these instead of traditional houses to live in. >> what they will do is they will look at certain school zones and think you know what, this is not safe to be here because it's so lars said trucks, the views of drivers as well as people in the cross
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walks and that could be dangerous for the students as well as the teachers and parents moving about the school's own. what's going to happen is they will get a warning. and after that, if they're not moved, then they will be towed. >> meantime, the california auditor's office says a lot more has to be done to make sure that expensive state programs dealing with homelessness are actually working doing anything that audit says there's not enough information on the cost and the outcomes and that the homeless council. he's not consistently tracking henri evaluating these programs. california has spent 24 billion dollars in just the past 5 years. we did reach out to the homeless council for a response. and this was a something you don't see every day. an unusual sight in the san francisco bay. a houseboat apparently unmoored wasn't actually on board floating along richardson bay. it was
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on a barge at one point being towed from the peninsula yesterday. it has since been anchored. the coast guard says it is not that unusual for house votes to move around and they did know about this. not clear yet how long the house will be anchored in the bay. >> coming up, they have heard in the east bay to make more e-bikes accessible. how you catch a ride. depending on your income, you could soon get an adjustment of your electric bill contra. costa county officials are weighing in on a controversial plan. and the fight over a possible name change for oakland's airport. this is escalating by san franc
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>> back now we told you about some breaking news at the top of the hour. there is whale in trouble. it's happening off the coast of daly city kron four's on charles clifford. he joins us live from four-time state beach. she's got details. what what's happening? charles? >> well, right now, as you mentioned, i'm a foreign state beach, which is here in daly city. this whale apparently spotted in pacifica, headed north. it's going to take a look at some video here now. these were drone images taken by a local photographer. they were first shared on facebook and then shared with us here at kron 4. we don't know what kind of. well, this is a over the hump back or gray whale or or another type of whale. but you can definitely see it's got some sort of rope or a net or entanglement around its tail with like an orange buoy attached that cannot be good. this time of year whales are sorry, migrating north to go from mexico up to the gulf of alaska to feed for the summer. so this whales probably
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halfway through a very long journey and probably doesn't want to have that rope tied around its tail. we don't know where the whales are at right now. there's a lot of fog here at fort state beach. we care even see the water photographer malcolm is going to try to go down to the san, see if you can see something down there. we did talk to one guy who is dog out the beach. he said he saw some bubbles and it looked like whales out in the water so they may still be here. we don't know. now organization that usually response to this sort of situation is the marine mammal center. we have reached out to them for comment to see if they're going to send a team out to try to help this. well, so we don't know if they even know about this yet. they've clear close for the day we reached out to their media folk and we're trying to see if we can get a response from them. if you're in the area thorton, states beach or just to the north of me, that's fort funston there. if you're down by the water, i keep an eye out there in the water for this whale which presumably is moving north. that's the very latest here in daly city, charles clifford kron. 4 interest charles, thanks very much. i know keep us up to date.
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>> san francisco is threatening legal action over a proposed name change for the oakland airport. it's happening just days before the port of oakland is set to vote on the new name. >> kron 4 sarah stinson explains. >> at the oakland airport on monday night. rumblings could be heard about the airport, possibly getting a new name. san francisco bay, oakland international airport. i think it's ridiculous. the port of oakland manages the airport and first proposed the name change late march. the port president says this will boost travelers, geographic awareness of where the airport is located. but people flying in and out of the airport say this would only make things more confusing. nothing about here that some francisco. we're trying to get away from some school. that's why we come here. you know, some of is going open its 2 different cities. so let's to oakland. mayor sheng thao has said the new name could support the airport's efforts to secure more direct flights and boost
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tourism in oakland. but across the bay, san francisco mayoral candidate and supervisor. asha, suffice as the name change would hurt sf. >> san francisco's a port of entry for millions of immigrants. millions of working people, people from all over the country in the world and what you don't want ever is for there to be confusion ahead of the port commission scheduled vote on thursday. san francisco city attorney david chiu center letter. >> threatening legal action if they go through with it. chew says the proposed name infringes on sf those trademark. >> their proposal appears divert travelers. you may be unfamiliar with the area. geography. believe that the clear similarity and a very high likelihood of confusion gives us a strong federal trademark infringement in response to the possible lawsuit. the oakland airport released a statement saying in part.
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>> the proposed name modification will clarify, not confuse the new name identifies where the airport is actually located. it also added that once the board approves the name change, the port will take appropriate measures to use the new name. >> and that was sara stinson reporting. city attorney says he hopes to talk to port officials before the vote thursday. if the name change is approved, they are ready. they say to move forward with legal action. 3 major airlines, southwest spirit of allure us are endorsing the name change and a statement southwest can help put us on the map in california. we're supportive of the re-branding that acknowledges the airport's economic position and influence in the bay area while staying true to oakland ropes. 2 dozen new docking stations and hundreds of e-bikes are coming to the east bay. part of the bay wheels. regional bike share system. the 565 e bikes and docking
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stations. we'll be in oakland and emeryville. this expansion marks the second phase of a to step plan to introduce more bikes and docking stations. also to san francisco and san jose. the cost of using the bikes has been reduced today city leaders were praising the latest developments. >> we know e-bikes allow more people of all abilities to ride bikes and have access to alternative modes of transportation. it can be very expensive. so being able to have a more expensive membership option, we just opening access to a lot more people this is critical, too. >> i'm not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips, but also providing first last mile options for people in berks land. these >> the bay wheels so original bike share system is
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partnering with the metropolitan transportation commission. also lift to make this happen since 2017, the program is provided more than 6,000 pedal powered and pedal assist e-bikes across san jose, san francisco, oakland, berkeley and emeryville. contra costa county leaders will weigh in on a proposal to hike utility bills based on the income levels of customers. the board of supervisors set to vote on this today whether to support it if it is passed, would approve the plan from utility regulators to create cheered utility bill rights and limit the charges that can be added to somebody is utility bill. the bill has to be reviewed by the utilities and energy committee by april. 26. lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow cities to store rv's used by the homeless on state property. this proposal would expand an existing law that permits cities too. lease space under
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freeways for just a dollar a month. the goal is to try to make it easier for the homeless to move into housing and get services. police are looking for the person they say intentionally set of fired san jose state university crews responded to that fire march 31st. about 05:30am, at night. the security camera video shows somebody with dark hair. this is the suspect, black hoodie, red light or anyone with information is being asked to contact san jose state university still ahead, crews began repairing highway one in big sur today after a lane collapsed into the ocean during the recent storms. and we'll hear a southwest pilots call for help. >> after part of an engine blew during a flight. and i'm keeping an eye on the weather. we have got some more april showers headed our way. i'll have the details. stay with for news. the 2 will be right
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>> we are hearing the emergency radio call by a southwest pilot after a jet engine covering came apart during takeoff. >> look good in declared emergency for 30 95 and we'd like to. >> but the report and we've got cowling thinking on >> the pilot also reported passengers and the flight crew heard something loud hit the win a wing flap was damaged. the boeing 7.37 was leaving denver sunday. 143 people on board the plane was able to return safely.
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>> repair efforts expected to begin this week may be under way today on a stretch of highway one in big sur where? >> part of the road collapsed into the ocean. the problem is familiar. the recent stormy weather, the heavy rain, the monterey county sheriff's office has seen this before. they in fact, warn people in the area to consider leaving before the highway had to be shut down. it is not expected to reopen until at least tomorrow. several hand sanitizer and aloe gel products being recalled for containing methanol, which can cause illness. recall affects aruba hand sanitizer, jail and aruba. allo alcohol ada, joe, too much methanol exposure can cause problems like vomiting, blurred vision, seizures, even lead to permanent blindness and damage to the central nervous system. the products were sold between may of 2021 through october of last year. and if you've got them, customers are being told just throw them out. up next, a
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disturbing discovery at an east bay medical center. more than a dozen cats dumped. >> and a historic sentencing. the parents of a convicted school shooter. they were sentenced today. but first, the latest bill aimed at the latest bill aimed at honoring the late a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide.
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nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. >> today u.s. senators alex padilla and lafonta butler introduced a bill to rename a san francisco post office after the late senator dianne feinstein. also the former san francisco mayor. if this is
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passed the post office which is on the ground level of run con center would be renamed. the dianne feinstein post office as mayor of the city in the 80's. she did help oversee the development of the center, including the annex, the cities. biggest postal sorting and distributing center for decades. the renaming is intended to be one of the many ways to celebrate her life of service. turning to a disturbing case we have been following out of the south bay were 3 suspects are in jail, charged with murdering a 3 year-old child. happened in 2021, the childs family members claimed they had been performing an exorcism there are newly released documents revealing that the child fought for her life tried to escape from the church where her mother on coal and grandfathers say they were trying to cast of a demon from the child. investigators say the girl's body had several injuries when firefighters found her on the altar of a church in downtown san jose. a
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coroner says the little girl died in part from being smother. it. the 3 people have pleaded not guilty. a judge is set to rule on whether this case will move forward to a trial. tesla is involved in 2 south bay court cases. this week. the company decided to settle one of them. our family was suing the company over its autopilot feature. they say it malfunctioned and killed a man in mountain view and 2018. investigators say the driver was playing video games on this phone while using the autopilot. the investigation determined the system did not recognize a lane change on the highway. tesla has always said does not. the future does not prevent all accidents. no settlement amount to this point. anyway has been publicly announced and another court case involving tesla being heard today. it involves a family whose 2 year-old son crashed a tesla into his pregnant mother. this was also
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2018. the lawsuit accuses tesla of fraud for advertising. the model acts as safe and claims. tesla knew about a defective design. tesla denied any liability. the war on fentanyl continuing in san francisco, the police department posting on social media. but since the end of last may, they seized 182 pounds of fentanyl arrested more than 900 people for selling drugs and more than 1000 people for using them. more than a dozen cats were just dumped at the san leandro medical center. this is according to a police there. the police department asks people, of course, not to abandon animals and says residents should call the police department animal control unit for help and the east bay spca. they remind everyone is also a resource to contact. california's public school superintendent wants to crack down on hate crime at public schools. tony thurmond
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wants support for 3 state bills to help create an office of civil rights. he says that would work to limit social media use on campus and trained staffers in the handling of sensitive problems. he says there are too many stories of children facing hate at school. when something happens, even if it's awkward or uncomfortable that must be addressed. no room for we want to address anti-semitism >> islamophobia, any kind of hey, you know, black, white, racism, whatever it is. we want to address it. so far. the bills do no appear to have any formal opposition. the california teachers association is fighting a bill aimed at mandating how children are taught to read. phonics teaches children to read by decoding words, sounding them out. teachers argue that method leaves out the needs of english learners advocates argue this is an important, effective method, very badly needed. and 2023
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only 43% of 3rd graders in the state met and the academic standards. 27% of black students. 32% of latino students. only 35% of low-income children were reading at grade level and assembly committee will meet on the bill later. this might. changes are coming to the martinez refining company after a settlement. the bay area air quality management district sued the refinery over what it said was an unacceptable number of hazardous releases. the refinery had 21 spills or releases and one year alone, part of the settlement as part of it, they say that the company needs to reduce emissions by 70%. the company says yes. and actually is aiming to reduce emissions by 80%. let's talk about the forecast again. kyle has been looking all over the bay area and it's been great. yeah,
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really has just sunshine wall to wall. as you can see here all the way frem san jose to the golden gate bridge. >> on over to half moon bay, just an absolutely beautiful day out there. temperatures have been going up. obviously we're in the heat of the day right now. so we're close to where we'll top out. and you can see santa rosa right now. it's 76 degrees. same story in san jose. 73 in livermore. but oakland coming in at 69 san francisco. 67 and the cooler place on the map. there will be half moon bay about 59 degrees. that's the one that's probably closer to average. so if you're headed out to sea, the giants game tonight, you're going to some spectacular baseball weather 6.45. is the first pitch of road against the washington nationals. and we're looking for some nice, clear skies and temperatures in the 60's wind will be limited a little bit out of the west about 11 miles per hour. not bad. so we're under the influence of high pressure right now. and that's why between now and thursday, we're going to stick with this. in fact, we'll warm up a little bit more. but as we get into friday, this low pressure system starts to drop in. we get some stormy weather ahead of that meeting. we get some showers into saturday. the
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first part of sunday and they get very cool air rolling in behind this system once again. so the points of this will be that friday through probably sunday morning. we'll have some showers to deal with will be very cool. scattered showers totals are looking forward to about a half an inch, an inch in urban areas and coastal mountains, one to 2 inches. i'll be back in just a little bit. we'll talk about our 7 day forecast. we've got a little of everything in there for you. all right. that sounds good. thank you. kyla a library workers in san francisco have been rallying today over safety concerns. they are demanding. >> the san francisco public library take action to keep them and the customers safe. kron four's tiffany justice joins us live with more. tiffany. >> get hundreds of library workers are out here rallying right in front of the main library downtown, demanding that more security measures be put into place. >> want to tell the city how
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important it is to have security guard every single location because not only do library workers deserve to be san francisco who come to our locations every single day deserve to have say. >> place tuesday, san francisco public library workers were downtown to rally for safety, demanding that the city provide security guards at all their branches and to hire more full-time employees. nicole jermaine chapter president for the s at librarians killed saying security guards are drastically needed after recounting a scary experience. she had herself. >> at some very severe incidents. my own incident that happened me not that long ago. mean, between. >> a man. >> is half dressed wielding a weapon who clearly mentally unstable. >> and consider the mother of the library. everybody me, the mother of the library. but i was not strange to be a
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security guard. i was not trained to de-escalate. learned that in library school. however, when this man came into my pants, i had a very strong daddy to protect the children. they say library workers are forced to intervene in dangerous situations that at times can turned physical. there are 27 library branches in the public library system with 9 out of the 27 branches having a dedicated security staff, jermaine, who is also the branch manager at the port, told the branch, says this is their 3rd attempt with the city. >> can we got nothing? second round. we got 3 guards and now i'm lucky enough to be one of those branches that just got a guy. and now this year, we're trying for more and they're telling us know that no guards are needed anymore locations. we believe that is maine says that after the portola library received a guard, her staff felt safer and so did the patrons district. one board of supervisors, connie chan at the rally showing her support behind their cause and says she plans on discussing this issue with the board even
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further. >> this is not san francisco. we cannot let this go to spar in. clearly the are like variance should not be task to come between that they are like berries. they are not security guards here. not the i think that both me a better poteau calls for public safety in all public spaces, including the libraries. now library staff are currently in contract negotiations reporting live to be justice kron. 4 mobile was >> our tiffany, that's against some really dramatic concerns. thanks for that in february. meantime, contra costa county hired and armed security guard for the antioch library. and there is now a full-time armed guard. a patrol car is outside the library in the parking lot. this is in addition to a full-time unarmed full-time security guard inside the library, a string of security
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problems recently led to the library being closed for a few days, including staffers being threatened damage to property people setting fires and people having inside the library. in national news, a landmark case, the parents of a michigan school shooter have been sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison. the jury found that jennifer and james crumbley failed to secure their gun in their home and were indifferent to their son's mental health. the conviction is a first in u.s. history. ethan crumbley who was 15 years old at the time. the couple sun, a shot for students in 2021. at oxford high school. he is serving a life sentence for murder before the sentencing. jennifer crumbley had chance to address the court. >> over the english carey. but
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her sometimes the families and the community. got see he's not spirit. >> james and jennifer crumbley were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in march for their role in that 2021. school shooting. >> senator chuck schumer underlining his disapproval of israel's ongoing actions in gaza. more than >> 33,000 palestinians have been killed. many of them children. schumer met with israeli prime minister netanyahu's political opposition later today. netanyahu meantime is vowing to press ahead anyway with an israeli attack on the heavily populated gaza city of rafah. basil, john has the latest. >> we will open for walking to school israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced a date is set for an operation in the gaza city we have not been briefed on that. state department spokesperson
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matthew miller says the u.s. has warned israel to not invade rafah, which holds more than 1.4 million civilians. we have made clear we think that there's a better way to achieve what is a legitimate. goal, which is degraded and dismantle and defeat hamas battalions that still remain in rafah. israel faces growing international pressure, has its operations have led to the deaths of thousands of palestinians and more than 280 workers. >> miller says the u.s. is encouraging israel to do more to help civilians. initial steps they've taken over the past few days. they represent a dramatic improvement if fully implemented, but we're going to judge them ultimately by the results. maryland democratic senator chris van hollen said on cbs face the nation. but the u.s. should not send any more weapons unless israel meet certain conditions. we should not be sending more. >> offensive weapons that israel not to stop them permanently but effectively use our levers. wisconsin republican congressman derrick van orden disagrees and says
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israel is doing everything it has to for nancy pelosi and 40 other democrats tell the secretary of state to stop sending. >> arms to our close ally reach during a time of war conch reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> coming up, a new poll shows most las vegas residents are not on board with the plan to use public money to build a new stadium for the areas where they think the money should be spent. and after last week's oakland first friday event was canceled, a new date has been but first, the masters will be underway in less than 48 hours. we'll have a live report from augusta on the rules. people augusta on the rules. people after follow their attend.
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>> just 2 days until the masters tournament gets underway. if you're lucky enough to get a ticket, if you've got to take it, you have to make sure you follow the rules. brad means is live at augusta national golf club. but with more hi brand. >> hey, catherine, great to be with you today. you're right. those rules after all. i really what sets the masters apart from just about any other event out there. people know when they come here, but it's all about at a cut. >> most patrons mind their p's and q's at the masters. but sometimes they may overlook a slight misstep, the backwards cap has no place here. it's augusta. so it's a so i think it's it's fine. it's fine. as long as you notice the fo pa and fix and if you ever have any questions about the rules, of course, you can always
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refer to the handy masters spectator guide filled with all kinds of information. >> about what you can and cannot do at the masters. the cannot do list includes cameras once the tournament begins. that's why we're here today. we've got to get shots. and by cameras, we mean the old school kind, your phone stays in your car. i think it's a long time. my life. i will be 8 hours without a phone and it's kind nice that everyone's looking around. enjoy the atmosphere among the unusual items that made the prohibited list. latter's. did you bring a ladder today a ladder? i am a ladder. this lady wisely did not bring her selfie stick because i was first know strollers. no problem for the parents of this one month old. very light these days that get these patrons really are rules following bunch. they know that decorum rules the day at the masters were just so happy to be just your word on problem with none of and
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sometimes when you come into somebodys health, you've got to abide by what they ask you to do. and i'm willing to do that. >> i got a national co-founder bobby jones himself. he said he did not want people here to ever cheer for or applaud the misfortune of a player. in ether words of somebody hits an errant shot or misses a putt. he didn't want the crowd to cheer for that. he said if they can eliminate that kind of behavior and they certainly have, then it would help masters patrons maintain their reputation as the most knowledgeable and consider it in the world. reporting live from augusta national golf club. i'm brad means back to you. yeah, very civilized. like plan much just like >> cut him off there. but i i like that sentiment. the uconn huskies are this year's ncaa men's basketball national champs. the number one overall seed in the tournament. they took down purdue last night to
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out 380 million dollars in public funds to help build that stadium. but a new poll finds residents of las vegas oppose using public money. the emerson college polling survey asked 500 likely las vegas
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voters. do you support or oppose the use of public money going towards the construction of a baseball stadium for the las vegas a's. well, almost 32% supported public funding. nearly 52% opposed it. and more than 16% remain unsure. >> everyone but nevada, politicians and the stadium authority seem to see through this. john fisher scam that he's going on. alexander marks is with the nevada state education associations, schools over stadiums campaign, which is trying to stop the public funding of that las vegas stadium. well, those surveyed live in the city of las vegas seen here in yellow, not along the part of the strip where the ballpark will be built marks thinks the poll results are significant. billionaires like john fisher don't want this on the ballot. they know that if this is on the ballot, they're going to probably we just saw what happened in jackson county, missouri last week. we saw the polling they can read the tea leaves like everybody else. it's still unclear if nevada
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voters will get a say in the public funding question. on tuesday, the nevada supreme court will rule as to whether schools over stadiums can move ahead and collect signatures for the ballot measure to put the question on the november ballot marks remains optimistic at the end of the day, public money should not be going to billionaires for stadium. public funds should be gone. the public schools or other essential services. you know, we keep saying there's more planning of the world class stadium. there has a world-class education system. we've got all these bills that didn't get hurt or or veto like universal school lunches or reducing class sizes. and then our legislature gets focused on this new shiny object for john fisher because he asked them for money and they said, ok, how much? meanwhile, teachers have been saying we'd love a 20% salary increase and they said, well, expensive. we can't afford that. dan kerman kron, 4 start time for a look at the forecast tyler's back to talk about the beautiful weather but also allergies cause it's
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yes, not a great time of year i know. that's the thing is you get all this warm weather. you get all these lovely things blooming. and then of course, you get some allergies. now we have a little break there for a few days because we have that rain. >> and that kind of washes some things away, kind of tamp things down a little bit. but as you can see over the next couple days as we warm up all this beautiful sunshine out there, we're also going to see some more blooming happening. so by thursday, we're going to be the high category. so just be ready for that. if like me, you are occasionally sneezing for what seems like no good reason. that's probably why live look outside from our mount tam cam. it is a gorgeous blue sky day. temperatures have been running warm once again. it's our trajectory over the next couple of days to continue warming up. you can see we're at 76 and san jose and in santa rosa. other temperatures also above average across the board today, really the only when it's kind of close to normal as half moon bay, the coast stayed relatively cool. and we've had on nice breeze out there, too. you can see a point raised now about 19 miles per hour. yeah, that's a bit of a reset. high pressure is in control. so that's why we've got the sunshine and we're going to get warm
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temperatures today tomorrow and even into thursday by friday, it's going to be all about low pressure system that's to our north and west as that tracks. and it's going bring a front through ahead of that. we get a little bit of rainy weather and then behind that very chilly temperatures. so not only were going to lose the blue skies, but we're also going to drop temperatures dramatically after this warm up. all right. let's take a look at this in our pattern in future. cast take you through thursday. you can see we stay dry by friday. we've got clouds moving in. we should stay dry for the day on friday, but we get to the overnight. that's when this system rolls through and it will linger likely into sunday morning before it's all said and done that. you did see a quick hit of a little sierra snow there, too. going to be a big system. but certainly, you know, it's an april snow. that's kind of something to talk about. this is the rain we're looking out for south the entire state that's going benefit from some of this rain. it is a little bit late season, but hey, we'll take it. we are going nice warm up before we get to that, though. so enjoy it wednesday and thursday by friday. get that jacket back out. folks going to drop those temperatures about 15 to 17 degrees are
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going to drop him even further as we get into saturday. so we'll wrap it up by late sunday. and then as you can see next week, looks like dry out and get some really nice kind of seasonal temperatures. kyla. that sounds great. thank you very much. >> coming up next, a new study and tells us where the so-called swifty capital of the country is an
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>> listen up. swifties the city of santa clara. you might remember this renamed itself. swifty, clara during a taylor swift's tour there in july. the name one away. but now there's a new study calling
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santa clara, the swifty capital of the country. not real clear on how they decide this. there are supposedly more swifties per capita than any other city. the put together ranking of the american cities with the highest concentration of swift fans. santa clara coming out on top, followed by tampa bay, pittsburgh and kansas city. in the east bay after what weather postponed it last week. oakland's first friday street festival is coming back this week. the monthly event was on hold for 3 months because of financial problems. organizers say they're glad it's back because it helps to celebrate the arts culture and community of oakland. and don't go anywhere. we have another hour of news ahead. we'll continue to follow the breaking news off the peninsula. >> we're well has been found in trouble. this is near thorton, state beach and on a mission, the self-driving car company cruise. he's putting cars back on the streets. i'm
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catherine heenan kron. 4 news catherine heenan kron. 4 news at 3. coming up next. you can't leave without cuddles.
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but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> hello, everybody. thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm catherine heenan. we begin with developing news off the peninsula. we are continuing to follow this news of a quail in trouble off the coast of daly city kron. 4 s charles clifford joins us live from 4 state beac


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