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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  April 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> hello, everybody. thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm catherine heenan. we begin with developing news off the peninsula. we are continuing to follow this news of a quail in trouble off the coast of daly city kron. 4 s charles clifford joins us live from 4 state beach. he has
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details on what's been happening. charles? >> good we're learning some new information about this and what is being done to try to help it. let's going take a look at some video here now. a photographer shot video of this whale with a drone shared on facebook and has shared with kron four's. well, you can see this well, clearly has like some sort of netting or something around its tail and like an orange buoy we have learned. i just spoke with the marine mammal center about 20 minutes ago that this is a gray whale. they believe it is migrating south for mexico up to alaska for the summer to feed and they say that currently the marine mammal center has sent out a team on a boat that been out there for a couple of hours to try to the situation to get a look at this whale and they are working with noaa, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration to check on the health of the whale and their goal today is to put a tracker on the whale so they can keep track of it. and at some point, what they'll do is they'll send out
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another team, which is a dis entanglement team and they will go out and attempt to try to cut that net free off of the whale so that it can swim in continuous migration. north. they expect to be out of the water for a few more hours today. but their goal, just 2 days to assess what's going on and again, place that tracker on the whale. last seeing less sighting of this well is just off the shore here in fort state beach in daly city. they believe it is moving north. so certainly we're going to keeping an eye on this and having some more coming up a little later today here on kron 4. but that's the very latest in daly city, charles clifford kron, 4 news. all right, charles, thank you very much for that update. appreciate it. >> governor newsom is a saying that crime is down in san francisco. he's crediting a special operation which began last year. police say in the 1st quarter of this year, property crime was down. 32% violent crime down 14% compared to the 1st quarter of 2023. in the past 11 months, the chp has more than 42
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pounds of fentanyl from the tenderloin more than 6,000 citations were issued nearly 500 arrests. the chp officers were sent to the tenderloin last may in an effort to improve to try to improve public safety. the governor issued a statement. he says the results are testament to be collaboration among state, local and federal law enforcement. adding we will continue to work together to get drugs off our streets, address crime and make our communities safer. in the east bay, a program to encourage more hiring and a new focus on recruitment are helping to rebuild and docks depleted. police department kron four's philippe djegal has that story. >> the antioch police department currently employs far below the number of sworn staff positions authorized by the city council mayor lamar hernandez. stark says the outlook is promising, especially now that many of
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the officers once placed on leave have been cleared to return to work to do the math. everything goes right to expose to go pretty soon, we'll have 95 officers and then we'll have more coming online that are that are that are waiting to go the academy. so that will be over 90 something officers pretty seeing. the city has authorized 115 sworn positions for the police department. >> today interim chief brian addington confirms there are 80 on active duty. 39 work patrols just one less than the mayor's goal. 6 cadets are currently in the economy. 7 more are slated to join the academy this month. and mayor hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year has resulted in more than 20 new hires given where we've been in the last 2 years. we have attracted a lot of new time officers. >> so we get a lot the academy, the academy, 6 months. >> when they get off leave the academy that come into field
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training field training can be anywhere between 4 to 6 it would be impossible to get to 2.15 unless we hired our laterals. and that's not who we've been attracting. we have been attracting brand new officers who i think they're committed to change and see an opportunity did to build a police department that that they can be. >> out of the community can be proud of and our leaders can be proud at times during the past 2 years. it's believed that up to half of the sworn staff members were placed on leave. >> while county and federal investigators corroborated bribery, misconduct and races, text messaging cases culminating in charges filed against several officers in january 2023, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers were on the force and inflated number, though, because dozens were on leave. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> today attorney general rob bonta urging support for a proposal to increase penalties against corporations convicted of criminal offenses. he says that yes, while corporations
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can't be sent to prison for crimes like fraud or environmental damage. he says they can face penalties. the current law allows for a maximum $10,000 fine a felony. bonta's bill would allow a judge to impose a fine up to 25 million dollars per case. penalty worth twice the amount of money a victim loses as a result of a corporate offense. >> if you come colder climates, you will pay a just find a fair fight in holding these corporations accountable is that we're going enhance deterrence and that's going to discourage this kind of corporate misconduct that's going to discourage people defrauding their fellow californians are exploiting people harming are invited and that is going to protect communities across our state. >> more than 75% of the money from those funds would go to a newly established fund to support victims. no word yet on any formal opposition. >> let's talk about whether and why not because it has
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been beautiful. we're looking live at sfo, but we've been seeing mostly blue skies and kyla is back with details. yeah, i've got all blue skies here at the golden gate bridge. you see just gorgeous. we are getting into the heat of the day and the temperatures are reflecting that. >> 77 in san jose. but check out fremont at 79 degrees right now. 79 also in pittsburgh. pretty nice around the bay. the berkeley at 65 san mateo. 71 head up to the north bay, santa rosa sitting at 76 that about 71 degrees. so obviously well, above average, pretty nice day out there. wind is nice and calm to. you can see a little bit of a breeze happening just kind of along the but still not bad. it is really one of those to write home about, as you can see, stormtracker 4 show just got a few clouds very well offshore. and as we take a look at our iced coffee outlook, which i haven't busted out a talking about san jose. we are expecting that 78 degrees today. so to give you that medium iced coffee, mostly because we have to have some left to go. we get into the next 2 days because we're
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going continue to warm up. so while today's been lovely tomorrow, expect those inland temperatures to be flirting with that 80 degree. mark. and then we stick with that as we get into thursday, then everything changes. as you can see, the temperatures really drop down on friday. come right back down to earth. and that is because we're going to front tracks through that will bring us clouds on friday. but in the overnight we'll start to get some rain into saturday and those temperatures drop even more. i'll have those details in your seven-day forecast. thank you, kyle. well, police are looking for the person they say intentionally set a fire at san jose state university. >> crews responded to the fire march 31st. security camera video does show a suspect somebody with dark hair, black hoodie, holding a red light or anyone with information is being asked to contact san jose state university police. 2 dozen new docking stations and hundreds of e-bikes are coming to the east bay. this is part of the bay wheels regional bike share system, the bikes and the docking stations will be in oakland
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and berkeley and emeryville. the expansion is marking the second phase of a to step plan to introduce more bikes and docking stations. also to san francisco and san jose, the cost of using the bikes has been reduced. city leaders are praising the latest developments. >> we know e-bikes allow more people of all abilities to ride bikes and have access to alternative modes of transportation. it can be very expensive. so being able to have a more expensive membership option, we just opening access to a lot more people. this is critical, too. >> not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips, but also providing first last mile options for people in berks land. these >> wheels regional bikeshare is partnering with the metropolitan transportation
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commission also left in order to make this happen since 2017. the program has provided more than 6,000 pedal powered and pedal assist e-bikes across san jose, san francisco, oakland, berkeley and emeryville. cruz is getting ready to put some cars back on u.s. roads for the first time since october. the self-driving car company will add a small fleet of human driven cars to phoenix. cruz says it will create maps and gather road information. the idea is to get their driverless mission as they put it back in working again. the company halted operations in october weeks after one of the self-driving cars dragged a pedestrian and san francisco. >> coming up, water cuts might coming to solano county. the plan to protect lake berryessa, which has some people very concerned. also new restrictions on where
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homeless camps could be set up in san jose city leaders vote on a measure aimed at keeping children safe. and the bay area getting some warm weather this week as a callers been telling us, we're going to check on local reservoir levels.
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- my childhood was tough. i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress, but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. learn more at >> the weather is warming up this week. more rain is expected. and with spring here, some are on the way. we wanted to know how the water supply is looking. kron 4 s charles clifford has that story. >> what california's water year usually peaks around april first. and that's when
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people start wondering if maybe we might have drought restrictions headed into the summer months. but it looks right now like california's water supply is in great shape. the most recent us drought monitor shows that california is drought free. there are a couple abnormally dry spots, but no drought conditions statewide. nearly all of our reservoirs are at or above their historical average for this time of year. great news headed into the spring and summer months. the state's snowpack is also an average of 116% for this time of year here in the bay area. all of the major water providers are showing healthy amounts of water in the reservoirs. the east bay municipal utility districts, reservoirs are at 93% of full in the south bay, the santa clara valley water district says they're 10 reservoirs are at 68.4% of capacity. but that number is misleading because anderson reservoir the district's largest is currently undergoing a seismic retrofit and only has about 4% of its normal amount of water. san francisco's main water storage reservoir hetch hetchy in yosemite is currently at 80% of full capacity. and finally in the north bay, the marine water district says
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their reservoirs are at an average of 91.4% of full capacity and winter's not done yet. there is more rain in the forecast for this weekend. but for now in the north bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. a proposed plan and solano county could limit the amount of water people are allowed to use from lake berryessa. >> the idea is to protect the watershed. if this is approved, it would reduce the amount of water available for solano communities by 75% and would be used for state purposes. instead, it is a proposed a major cutback and a lot of people are concerned, including the mayor of fairfield. he says it would be bad news for homeowners, agriculture businesses, and that would include the city's contract with anheuser-busch and travis air force base. they apparently don't care about the people who live in our cities unincorporated area. >> the mess not care about travis air force base because it endangers quite frankly, to realize what how could the
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state even recently proposed what proposing? just just a 75% reduction of our most reliable water supply. >> in a system that's functioning incredibly well since 1959. officials from the state water resources board say. >> they're still updating the planned gathering public input. in fact, the public encouraged to join public workshops and all this this month from the 24th to the 26. let's take another look at weather as we look live at the city kyla is back and it's going to get warmer. >> it is going to warmer. but since we're talking about water resources, we're going to be a little more rain to and you know, this time of year, that's not always a given so that i think that's a good thing. although i know it's coming at an inopportune time, folks that we've got a blue skies out there today tomorrow at thursday. we're looking pretty good, too. we're taking a live look from mount tam right now as we get towards the weekend, we are going to have some rain, though, to contend with. we'll talk about that in just a second. but take another look at these temperatures are pretty impressive. we've got lots of folks in the mid to upper 70's right now as you
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can see, santas a livermore, concord, santa rosa all up there, oakland sitting at 69 degrees, though, not to be left behind in san francisco about 64. so if you are headed to see a baseball game tonight, the giants game taking on the washington nationals should be lovely tonight. we should have a mostly clear skies out there. some nice low 60's in the wind. not bad. just a little bit out of the west about 11 miles per hour. so i think you'll be looking good over the next few days. this map kind of shows the departure from normal. so when you see numbers in red like you do in san jose here over the next 3 days and in los angeles as well. you can see they're going to stay above average and that has everything to do with the high pressure that's in control. and that's why we're getting this really nice weather now. eventually that gets bumped out of the way by low pressure. that brings a little stormy weather ahead of it, which means some rain for us. and it's really going to change that airmass. we're going to really drive in some cool air once again. so if we kind of look at the next system, i'm expecting it will get here late friday. so i think we stay dry throughout the day on friday, but then
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friday into saturday and then potentially purse part of sunday. that's going to have some those really cool scattered showers, urban areas looking out for between about a half an inch and an inch of rain. the coastal mountains could pick up one to 2 inches. so it's a significant amount of rain. and if you're looking at this and going, i don't really want a more rain. well, okay, hang in there. this looks at the long-term. so we're going to go now to the 14 to the 18th of april. so think of skipping a week ahead. and you can see that we're actually way be drier than normal at that point. so things are going to be changing rather drastically here, a kind of up and down. we go from very warm temperatures, too, a little bit of rain, a very cool temperatures. but as we get into next week, notice we start to balance it out, at least by tuesday, kind of getting seasonal and having some nice weather. thank you, kyra. contra costa county leaders are going to be weighing in on a proposal to hike utility bills based on the income levels of customers. >> the board of supervisors set to vote today on whether support this measure. if it does pass, it would approve the plan from utility regulators to create tiered
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utility bill writes and limit the charges that can be added to customers, bills. the bill has to be reviewed by the utility and energy committee by april. 26. happening today. jose leaders will vote on a new measure to limit where homeless camps can be set up. they say the move is necessary to keep schools and children safe. kron four's will tran has the story. homeless advocates believe that this is an attack. >> on the homeless a lot of times, it's not their fault. they simply cannot afford a traditional house. but a lot of parents and students there are fighting back saying the school areas are not safe for them because when they walk to school, they say they walk around a lot of homeless as well as needles. they claim what's going to happen is the city council members will decide a couple of measures. one measure was actually decided 3 years ago. that said that the homeless encampments cannot be any closer. that 150
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feet to a school. but it was more like guidelines. it's not the law. so what they will do now is trying to make a law by trying pass it. if that becomes law that a police officer can come up to a homeless person and site that person. >> but they're not asking for money. they're just saying that you can't be any closer then that established distance another measure that they will be trying to pass our rv's and vehicles is school zones. the homeless advocates don't like this because they say there's not a lot of areas in san jose. the park, a lot of homeless use rv's instead of traditional houses to live in. >> what they will do is they will look at certain school zones and think you know what, this is not safe to be here because it's so large of strikes, the views of drivers as well as people in the cross walks and that could be dangerous for the students as well as the teachers and
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parents moving about the school's own. what's going to happen is they will get a warning. and after that, if they're not moved, then they will be towed. >> the california auditor's office says a lot more has to be done to make sure that expense of state programs to deal with homelessness are actually working or doing anything. the audit shows there's not enough information on the cost. the outcomes and that the homeless council is not consistently tracking. checking the programs. california has spent 24 billion dollars in the past 5 years. we did reach out to the homeless council for a response. >> still ahead, you might have seen a house floating along the bay. the coast guard explains why it is on the move. and yesterday's eclipse prada. lot of money to cities and towns in the path of totality. the estimated number of americans who traveled to see it. well, the u.s. total
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solar eclipse was great to look at, but it also brought in millions of dollars to more than >> 1400 cities and towns in the path of totality. and they figure roughly 4 million people traveled to one of those cities and along with the influx of travelers, the clips also brought out some celebrities like actor william shatner, who visited indiana university. >> there are a natural events taking place in the world all the time that attract our attention. unfortunately taking the magic away and give it to a scientific
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explanation. but the still so much that we don't understand. >> experts say probably was the most watched eclipse in history generating more than a billion dollars in the u.s. alone. the deadline to file your taxes. you know, it's coming closer. people have until april 15th to file. there are free electronic filing options are offered to the irs. if you are looking for help, if you can't finish up by the 15th, you can apply for a filing extension at the irs website. and coming up, what the governor of maryland is doing to try to get the francis scott key bridge in baltimore replaced as soon as possible. >> and yet another honor being proposed for the late senator dianne feinstein and the fight over a possible name change for oakland airport. this is continuing how some major continuing how some major airlines she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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san francisco is threatening legal action over proposed name change for the oakland airport. >> this is happening just days before the port of oakland is set to vote on a new name kron 4. sarah stinson explains. >> at the oakland airport on monday night. rumblings could be heard about the airport, possibly getting a new name. san francisco bay, oakland international airport. i think it's ridiculous. the port of oakland manages the airport and first proposed the name change late march. the port president says this will boost travelers, geographic awareness of where the airport
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is located. but people flying in and out of the airport say this would only make things more confusing. nothing about here that some francisco. we're trying to get away from some school. that's why we come that he's going open its 2 different cities. so that's way confusing. oakland mayor sheng thao has said the new name could support the airport's efforts to secure more direct flights and boost tourism in oakland. but across the bay, san francisco mayoral candidate and supervisor. asha, suffice as the name change would hurt sf. >> san francisco's a port of entry for millions of immigrants. millions of working people, people from all over the country in the world and what you don't want ever is for there to be confusion ahead of the port commission scheduled vote on thursday. san francisco city attorney david chiu center letter. >> threatening legal action if they go through with it too, says the proposed name infringes on sf those trademark.
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>> their proposal, here's intentionally designed to divert travelers. you may be unfamiliar with the area. geography. believe that the clear similarity and a very high likelihood of confusion gives us a strong federal trademark infringement. >> in response to the possible lawsuit, the oakland airport released a statement saying in part the proposed name modification will clarify, not confuse the new name identifies where the airport is actually located. it also added that once the board approves the name change, the port will take appropriate measures to use the new name. >> that was sara stinson reporting. the city attorney says he's hoping to talk to port officials before the vote thursday. if the name change is approved there, ready to say to move forward with legal action. 3 major airlines, southwest spirit and fuller are endorsing the name change and a statement southwest can help put us on the map. we are
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wholeheartedly supportive of the re-branding that acknowledges oakland's economic position and influence the oakland airport in the san francisco bay area while staying true to its oakland troops. u.s. senators alex padilla and lafonta buckler have introduced a bill to rename a san francisco post office after the late senator dianne feinstein and former mayor of san francisco. if this is passed, the post office on the ground level con center would be renamed. the dianne feinstein post office as mayor of the city and the 80's. she helped oversee the development of the com center, including the annex which is the city's biggest postal sorting and distributing center. the renaming of the post office is intended to be one of many ways to celebrate her life of service. library. workers in san francisco have been rallying today. they're concerned about safety and
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demanding that the san francisco public library take action to keep them and their patrons safe. kron four's tiffany justice has the details. >> right. hundreds of library workers are out here rallying right in front of the main library in downtown, demanding that there be more security measures put into place. >> we want to tell the city how important it is to have security guard every single location because not only do library workers deserve to be san francisco who come to our locations every single day deserve to have state place. >> tuesday, san francisco public library workers were downtown to rally for safety, demanding that city workers provide security guards at all of their branches and to hire more full-time employees. nicole, jermaine chapter president for the sf librarians guild saying that security guards are desperately needed after
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recounting her own scary experience. >> at some very severe incidents, my own incident that happened to me not that long ago. mean, queen, a man. is half dressed wielding a weapon who clearly mentally unstable. and consider the mother of the library, the mother of the library. but i was not strange to be a security guard. i was not trained to de-escalate. learned that in library school. however, when this man came into my branch, i had a very strong duty to protect the children. demonstrators say library workers are forced to intervene in dangerous situations that at times can turn physical. >> there are 27 library branches in the public library says some 9 have dedicated security staff, jermaine, who was also the branch manager at the port hull of brandt, says this is their 3rd attempt with the city. >> to get safety helped. >> can we got nothing? second
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round. we got 3 guards and now i'm lucky enough to be one of those branches that just got a and now this year, we're trying for more and they're telling us know that no guards are needed in any more locations. we believe that is maine says that after the portola library received a guard, her staff felt safer. and so did the patrons district. one board of supervisors, connie chan at the rally showing her support behind their cause and says she plans on discussing this issue with the board even further. >> this is not something cisco. we cannot let this go to spar in. clearly the are like variance should not be task to come between that they are like berries. they are not security guards here. not the i think that both a better poteau calls for public safety in all public spaces, including the libraries. but reporting tiffany justice kron, 4 news. >> and february contra, costa county hired an armed security guard for the antioch libre.
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and that's again, the antioch libre. there's no full-time armed guard, a patrol car outside the library in the parking lot. and that is in addition to a full-time unarmed full-time security guard inside a strand of security problems recently led to the library closing for a few days, including staffers being threatened damage to property fires being set and people having inside the library. >> and something you don't see every day. this was an unusual sight on the san francisco bay. a houseboat first didn't. >> appeared to be an more just floating along was actually on a barge being told from the peninsula yesterday. it has since been anchored. the coast guard says it's not bad, unusual for house votes to move around and they say they know about this. not clear yet. how long this will be anchored in the bay. the war on fentanyl continues. and san francisco, the police department posted on social media that since the end of last may they seized 182
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pounds of fentanyl, arrested more than 900 people for selling drugs and more than 1000 for using drugs. changes are coming to the martinez refining company after lawsuit settlement. the bay area air quality management district serve the refinery over what it said was an unacceptable number of hazardous releases. the refinery had 21 spills or releases in one year alone as part of the settlement, the company has to reduce emissions by 70% and says, ok, we'll do that and factor trying to reduce emissions by 80%. more than a dozen caps were just jumped at the san leandro medical center. this is according to the san leandro police department. the department is asking people, of course, don't abandon animals and says people should call the police department animal control unit for help and the east bay spca is
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another resource to contact. all right. looking at that picture makes me sad. kyla i was back. this is the view from mount tam, a blue skies. and also watching some of dramatic weather and other parts of the country. i am. and since people sometimes have friends and family in these areas want to make sure you're aware of it. we're having a lovely day here, but you can see what's happening right across the southern tier. they're having unfortunately. >> whether that is conducive to seeing tornadoes pop up. and it's not just today, but also tomorrow and even into thursday. these are all storm reports that have gone up in the last few hours. some of them indicating some flash flooding that's happening. but i want to zoom in on a couple of cells in texas right now. this one near just to the east of mason where we have a tornado warning and severe thunderstorm warning that are happening and then also in austin, texas. so again, a very populated area. we've got a cell that's capable of producing some rotation. and then we take it a little farther to the east. you can see this incredible line of storms. this one producing some severe thunderstorms right now in and around
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monroe, louisiana, just to the west of them. so again, as i mentioned, this isn't just a risk for today, but it is also for the next 2 days. very dangerous weather happening there obviously. meanwhile, back in the west coast, we've got the opposite of that. it is quiet as can be gorgeous. blue skies out there. as you can see as we take a live look at downtown san francisco. and not only are we warm today, but we're expecting warmer temperatures tomorrow and into thursday can see right now already sitting at 77 degrees in antioch in san jose where it's 77 in nevado. 64 in downtown san francisco. looking very nice. i'll be back a little bit. talk about that. warm up and the rain that we've got coming over the weekend. back to you. thank you. kyla. we have a developing news out of arizona. the state supreme court there has ruled the state can enforce the law. >> that criminalizes all abortions except those to save a mother's life. that law dates back to 18. 64 48 years before arizona became a state making no exceptions for rape or incest. and makes
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performing an abortion punishable by 2 to 5 years in prison before the ruling more than a half-million arizona residents signed a petition to put abortion rights on the november ballot. that proposed ballot measure would allow abortions up to 24 weeks with exceptions for health risks. beyond that time. following the deadly collapse of the francis scott key bridge. maryland's governor was on capitol hill today. he's asking for financial help. our dc's raquel martin has that story. >> governor moore appeared optimistic while on capitol hill today. it's been just 2 weeks since the collapse of the francis scott key bridge and he is pleading with congress not to turn this into a political fight. maryland's democratic governor wes moore is on capitol hill. we have to make sure that we're rebuilding. he's pushing lawmakers to quickly deliver on president biden's promise. >> the fun 100% of the cost to
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rebuild the francis scott key bridge because about 2 weeks ago, a part of our soul fell into the patapsco river, maryland. entire congressional delegation, including in the here is the sole republican argue the funding should not be a partisan debate. this wasn't a republican tragedy was a democrat tragedy and the solution won't be a partisan solution will be a bipartisan solution. the cost to reconstruct the massive bridge is still under review. but democratic senator ben cardin says it will likely need a new more modern design. there's been a 3,000% increase since 1975. when this bridge was constructed in regards to the amount of traffic cargo that goes through. so it's needs to beat the current gordon says after talking to his republican colleagues in the senate, he is optimistic ad is in reach, but it's unclear if house republicans will fall in line in a letter last week, -pconservatives in the house freedom caucus demanded the shipping company responsible
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for the bridge collapse be forced to pay its fair share before taxpayers spend a dime. republican speaker of the house, mike johnson, who has a lot on his plate right now has not weighed in publicly about the bridge funding, but the congressman representing the area, baltimore says the 2 have spoken over the phone. >> in both agree this should not be a partisan fight. we're now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. >> norfolk southern has reached a 600 million dollars settlement related to the ohio train derailment. the railroad operators agreed to. >> that payment and a class action lawsuit. this is stemming from that fiery train accident in february of last year. the train was carrying hazardous materials caught fire after derailing near the ohio pennsylvania border. there were evacuations. the company says if the settlement is approved by the court, it does not amount to any admission of liability or fault. the levels of
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greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere are reaching record levels. the atmosphere is more planet-warming gases now been, they well before the dawn of civilization, that's according to the national oceanic and atmospheric administration along with carbon dioxide concentrations. scientists are worried about methane emissions. despite decades of talks to try to cut emissions, greenhouse gas concentrations to continue to grow. >> coming up, the budget airlines spirit furloughing some of its pilots the other way. so it's trying to cut costs. and a new poll suggests that most people living in las vegas, are not on board with using public money to build the a's. a new stadium. and several bills aimed at tackling retail theft go before a legislative committee before a legislative committee and sacramento. ness.
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>> the huge problem of retail theft in the bay area and beyond was back in the spotlight today at the state capitol, a package of bills is aimed at targeting thieves, protecting businesses. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the story. >> will reeve us is confident these bills will send a strong message on retail theft, but some of the gop argue more action is needed. >> measure passes that vote in the assembly. public safety committee was the exact outcome. speaker robert rivas had hoped for as members of the committee overwhelmingly approved his package of 7 bills on retail theft. >> the goal to deliver solutions that work that truly work for all californians
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impacted by retail crime and theft. that was really speaking just before the bills passed the committee included in his legislative package, the california retail theft reduction act. it will create a penalty of prison time up to 3 years for those convicted of stealing property with the intent to sell and it will allow for what's known as aggregation, meaning several thefts committed by one person can all add up to meet the larger penalty for grand theft. also included an expansion of diversion and rehab programs and a proposal to provide law enforcement with the tools to keep repeat offenders in custody. this bill says to organized crime rings, we mean business and we're going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down other bills in the package include want to expand retail theft to include stolen cargo and another to extend the california highway patrol's regional retail crime task force indefinitely. this is change. this is action. these our solutions but not included
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in the bill. a proposal to repeal prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say it emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment. it's the impetus to the problem. >> no, it's the main reason for the problem. and it was ill-advised. it's time to fix it. let the people speak and let us respond. >> and to overturn prop 47, it ultimately will be up to voters to have the final say. as for the reverse back to bill's remember, they still need to go through various committees and both chambers of the legislature to make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> all right. let's talk about the forecast again. this is our look at the san mateo
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bridge. kyla is back and you've been talking about more rain coming and allergies. and yes, there's a connection there is right when we don't have the rain, we tend to get have the rain, we tend to get some of the pollen an go blowing around. >> and we do have the rain to kind of tamp that down a little bit helps us out. so do want to point out over the next few days. we are kind of in that medium-high to high category can see kind of peeking at high there on thursday. then we do have some rain coming in over the weekend. but just a heads up that this is definitely happening right now. >> if you feel any of this, i know i have a little hang in there. >> so current temperatures, it is beautiful. we've got blue skies. we're sitting in the upper 70's in some spots. san jose. i'm talking to you close to it in concord and santa rosa. little more 75 right really nice day out there considering we should be about 70 degrees inland so well above average, we are a little breezy out at the coast. you can see a little of that moving into spots like nevada right now. but other than that, just kind of a perfect day as high pressure is in control that keeps those blue skies out there. having said that, we've got low pressure
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up to the north and west of us. that is going to eventually move in a kind of bumped out of the way. but today tomorrow and frankly, even thursday, really nice. it should be a whole lot like this as we roll across the next couple of days. so just some nice warmth. all right. so let's take a look at the bigger picture and talk about that rain as you can see him to take you into thursday and we stay dry. we stay sunny. we're going to start to see the clouds move in and then this system rolls in pretty quickly. it will be some scattered showers for us. a little bit of snow for the sierra as we get overnight friday into saturday and then maybe lingering a little bit on sunday morning. and then we start to clear out monday looking much better, but it will be significant rain considering especially where this late in the season looking up about a half an inch to an inch of rain in our urban areas. and you can see it is statewide. there were going to be seeing this event role in so it will be beneficial rain. having said that, it is going to knock those temperatures down big time because that front is coming in with a lot of cold air. so by friday we're going from 80's inland to 60's and then 50's as we get to saturday notice we get into
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next week, though, and things really do bounce back. we've got kind of a nice forecast ahead of us. but little bit of a roller coaster ride between now and then. cuyler sounds good. thank you so much. lawmakers in nevada same okay with forking over 380 million dollars in public money to help the a's on or build a new stadium. >> a new poll says that most vegas voters are not okay with that plan. kron four's dan kerman explains last week the a's were celebrating moving to a minor league ballpark in sacramento for 3 years. >> until the new las vegas stadium is built. the nevada legislature is already shelled out 380 million dollars in public funds to help build that stadium. but a new poll finds residents of las vegas oppose using public money. the emerson college polling survey asked 500 likely las vegas voters. do you support or oppose the use of public money going towards the construction of a baseball stadium for the las vegas a's. well, almost
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32% supported public funding. nearly 52% opposed it. and more than 16% remain unsure. >> everyone but nevada, politicians and the stadium authority seem to see through this. john fisher scam that he's going on. alexander marks is with the nevada state education associations, schools over stadiums campaign, which is trying to stop the public funding of that las vegas stadium. well, those surveyed live in the city of las vegas seen here in yellow, not along the part of the strip where the ballpark will be dealt marks thinks the poll results are significant. billionaires like john fisher don't want this on the ballot. they know that if this is on the ballot, they're going to probably sweetest saw what happened in jackson county, missouri last week. we saw the polling they can read the tea leaves like everybody else. it's still unclear if nevada voters will get a say in the public funding question on tuesday, the nevada supreme court will rule as to whether schools over stadiums can move ahead and collect signatures for the ballot measure to put the question on the november
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ballot marks remains optimistic at the end of the day, public money should not be going to billionaires for s adium. public funds should on the public schools or other essential services. you know, we we keep saying there's been more planning of the world class stadium. there has a world-class education system. we've got all these bills that didn't get hurt or like universal school lunches or reducing class sizes and that our legislature gets focused on this new shiny object for john fisher because he asked them for money and they said, ok, how much? meanwhile, teachers have been saying we'd love a 20% salary increase and they said, well, it's expensive. we can't afford that. dan kerman kron, 4 news. spirit airlines is delaying a new plane, said a plane deliveries and furloughing some workers. >> the airline says it's going to defer those deliveries that were set for 2025 to 2030, 2031 spirit will also furlough 260 pilots in order to cut
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costs and improved profits. tiktok might be planning to release a new app for that could be similar to instagram. reports say the company is notifying some users of the upcoming photo app called tiktok notes. the app could share existing a new photo posts from to talk to the notes app. if users decide to use it. tiktok reportedly is trying to bring more creativity to users. not clear yet when that new app will be released. >> coming up, google revealing what it says are the summer's top travel destinations will have at least part of list. have at least part of list. coming up.
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>> google flights is listing what it says on the top 10 travel destinations for summer. the most searched destinations. london that's followed closely by paris and travel. experts say they believe that the parish things partly because of the upcoming olympics set to happen in paris. other notable destinations include tokyo, rome, a new york city, cancun, orlando, las vegas, seattle and athens. a southern california company is hoping to offer luxury overnight train service between la and san francisco. that company is called dream. start. it reached an initial agreement with union pacific to use the tracks already being used by amtrak's pacific surfliner and starlight. the sleep in cars would have private rooms and beds. that would be queen beds. that would be showers. all passengers would have access to high-speed internet. that, of course, will be food
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and drink. no final agreement yet dream starts as the new service could begin as soon as next summer. kyle is back. we don't know yet how much it will cost, but the sun i would do this when you well, you know, you figure you don't have to go through airport security and all that stuff, right? so could save you some time. i wouldibe up for that, too. i think that cool. >> live look from the east. they've got absolutely beautiful sunset. that's going to happen tonight. i wanted to mention podcast because we get a little bit more fog tomorrow morning. then we've had the last 2 mornings, which is essentially nothing right. 7 to show you where this is coming to be patchy tomorrow, but it will be around. having said that, it will not stop us from warming up again tomorrow and getting plenty of sunshine in here. we're looking out for those low 80's inland tomorrow. so get ready for that. but even around the bay itself, you know, looking for spots like, hey, we're getting up like 78 degrees. so again, tomorrow will be that day like today where i i wore the shoes of that. the sox and we're going to get that for 2 more days. and then things are going to change and you probably do want to grab that jacket on friday and certainly
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on saturday, we do have some showers coming in there and that will cool us down. but they should wrap up by later in the day on sunday by next week. we're actually looking pretty nice and kind of coming back to more seasonal weather but the next couple of days, really nice then get ready for the rain. catherine, thank you. coming i will. >> thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news at 3 o'clock. i'm catherine heenan. we'll see catherine heenan. we'll see you later. thanks.
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how did you learn this relationship was over? his ex-wife. and his mother?


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