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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, california spent
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billions of dollars addressing homeless issues, but a new audit reveals some concerning information. good evening. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 6. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the new state audit reveals government agencies are doing a lousy job tracking the money after they're sent to programs that are supposed to help people without homes forced. dan kerman here in the studio tonight with the details. dan, you know, this audit was requested by south bay state senator dave cortese. and while he says this lack of transparency must be corrected. he is not calling for a stop to future spending on homelessness. a new state audit finds it's impossible to tell if the 24 billion dollars the state has spent to combat homelessness over the last 5 years has been effective. >> the audit. depicts a bit of a data desert. >> south bay state senator dave cortese requested the audit which found state and local governments are not collecting enough data to determine if these programs are having successful
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outcomes. the biggest conclusion that the orders came back with his, there's just adequate transparency data and information available. the audit also evaluated the cities of san jose and san diego and found both cities are properly tracking spending for evaluating the effectiveness of its homelessness programs. i worry that these big nonprofits not >> and synergy with one of working to independently. and obviously they're not getting the accountability that they they need from the city and the and the county in the state sent us a homeless advocate. todd langton isn't surprised by the findings nor san jose mayor matt mahan who says improving accountability is one of the reasons he ran for mayor. we need more transparency, more accountability. better tracking. absolutely. but we should be tackling this city by city county by county. we should have a top-down statewide framework for how we're going to measure the efficacy of the dollars were using. man did take issue with a part of the report
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indicating interim housing is far less effective than permanent supportive housing. >> for the state's purposes when they look at our reporting, they combine interim units with an individual door room and or the lock with congregate shelter and blend them together and say the results are very good. >> that if pull out the interim units that are stand-alone units with the door, that locks were seen. incredible results actually wrote sheen permanent supportive housing in terms of reducing recidivism at about a 10th of the cost. >> that's likely the state legislature will now pass some specific rules and regulations requiring better tracking at all levels of government. ken. >> and thank you, dan. a san jose city leaders voted unanimously to approve 3 different policies that they say will keep schools safe. the policies limit how far homeless encampments can be from schools where people living in rv's can sleep
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overnight and where a big vehicles can park homeless advocates say that a ban discriminates against homeless people. >> are allies. the the unhoused people because they don't have a home. >> maybe they shouldn't be near schools. okay. but you know, there's no place for them to go. >> students and parents say that they've been threatened, stepped over needles and feel unsafe. generally walking to school. this is a pilot program that will start at 3 schools in our kron. 4 sarah stinson. we'll have more on this story ahead at 10 11 o'clock tonight. >> there's a big operation tonight to try to save a gray whale whose tail is tangled in a fishing net. you see the whale and then back here, the buoys that it's dragging through the ocean. the whale was spotted earlier today off the coast of daly city, but it hasn't been seen sense. this is migration season. when whales move along the coast to head north to feed and get
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nourishment before mating sir season rather. but this whale, it's now in some big trouble kron four's theresa in daly city with more recent. >> well, i can. i'm out here at thornton beach in daly city. the whale was spotted just offshore here, but no sight. as you mentioned, for several hours. but really the race is on right now to try and save this whale before it's too late. >> ultimately, if we don't get it off and killing that's the reality with most intact, you know, actually one of this significance. >> justin viz bank is with noaa, the national oceanic atmospheric administration. i spoke with him on the phone from los angeles where he is working with local teams. he says that the whale was initially spotted back on march 22nd in the southern california city of laguna beach, a group trained specialists attempted to help the whale and remove the gill net amash of netting to catch fish that is wrapped around its tail. what the whale was
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spooked. the whale very reactive. >> to us trying to close approach basically had to stand down. the intent was to leave the satellite tagging the billings on as we typically do. they come back to the find the whale again over the next couple of days so that we could wind give themselves some time to calm down and slow down and kind of where i'm so about 2, it was a chance to regroup. get off. hopefully figure out a way to cut all large, massive deal that that's wrapped around its tail. this big says that they lost track of the whale on march 24th and now they know why. >> when the whale was spotted that the tracker had fallen off and they didn't have a replacement. he says once they find the whale again, then they can spring into action. but it will be a complicated mission that found to have resources in that area. >> we can respond in a timely fashion. if we're lucky enough
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to get all of those things to come together, we actually can get back out on the whale with time day like you're probably whether all of those things, then we have the challenge of trying to cut off gillnets that's the challenge feel that it's not like, you know what that that that was part line here. just line. typically you can tap water to people places in the line of the law come off field there's so much wrapped on the tail. i mean, it's literally going to take hundreds of cuts to get all of this off. >> so he was mentioning also that it's important for the public to stay clear. give the whale a large birth. and if you do see the well to just make sure that you call noah's hotline. so they can go into action. reporting live here at thornton beach theresa back to you guys. all right so we hope it all works out. we are learning the name of the 9 year-old girl killed in a crash over the weekend in concord.
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>> authorities have identified her as dana hernandez tapia. the crash happened early sunday morning on 6.80. officers say an suv left the road rolled over because a little girl to be thrown from the vehicle. the chp says the victim's mother, 13 year-old sister and 2.17, year-old cousins are all in the vehicle. there now in the hospital recovering tonight, officers say the man who was behind the wheel of the suv at the time of the crash ran from the scene and hasn't been seen since. >> new at 6, 0, we're getting some new details tonight about san jose's 13th traffic death in january. 2 cars collided at the intersection of mckee road and francis drive a toyota tacoma truck ran a red light when it hit another car. the driver of the truck died from their injuries while at the hospital. the driver it collided with had only minor injuries. this, as we mentioned, is the 13 traffic death of 2024. >> a pe teacher was arrested while at school in american
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canyon on charges involving child crimes. napa county sheriff's deputies say american canyon high school teacher brad role was arrested on 3 felony counts, including contact with a minor for, exploitation of a child and possession of matter depicting a minor will be held on $160,000 bond at the napa county jail. teacher says the school says the teacher was immediately put on administrative white house health and human services secretary javier becerra visited the bay area as the last stop of the national latino health tour. >> he sat with a panel of patients and staff at oakland's lead clinica de la raza located in the fruitvale historically latino neighborhood. and talked about plans to expand mental health and health care access for latino communities. the sarah has spent a week to visit several states to talk about the biden administration's efforts to provide affordable health care services for latino communities all across
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the country. cruz is expected to put its cars back on u.s. roads for the first time since october. self-driving car company says it will add a small fleet of human driven cars to phoenix. cruz said it will create maps and gather road information with the goal of resuming its driverless mission. the company halted operations in october weeks after one of its self-driving cars dragged a pedestrian in san francisco. time now to our 4 zone forecast as we go outside. give you a look at the commute on the san mateo bridge. dave sphar. here was our first check of the weather day. >> looking pretty good. it was today. that is true. however, we do see some high cloudiness building as we get into late tonight and into tomorrow, along with our typical bay area, fog checking in as well. things will improve a little bit on your thursday. there's a shot from downtown quite tower. checking in, as you can see right now and a little bit of haze off towards the distance. so there are the major players, high pressure that's really basically now tomorrow, thursday, maybe even lingering on friday. but that low will be the star for the
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weekend. and with that, it's a cold core low. so got to watch on the instability. it may drive with that daytime heating and all now as far as visibility, you can kind of see some of this fog develop a little bit right around the golden gate favoring it looks like the peninsula, san francisco in out to sea a little bit along the east bay shoreline as well by noon. however, by day by daybreak, rather. and then we'll be seeing some high cloudiness to couple with this now. lows tonight. 51 patchy fog for san francisco. patchy fog, oakland. 52 and 54 san jose numbers. a little cooler. when you head inland a little bit, they'll be in the upper 40's in some spots, both in the north and the east bay. again, we see lower 50's down south. so the game plan is like this. we got tonight, the patchy fog in the high clouds developing for tomorrow. that will be tomorrow story clearing out for thursday. but then by this weekend, a bit on the unsettled side. looks like the heaviest hit where rain will be on saturday with a slight improvement in into sunday. we'll have more on that forecast. plus, we'll check in your 4 zone as well. thank
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you, dave. in the east bay after wet weather postponed it last week. oakland's first friday street festival is finally coming back this week. >> the monthly event was on a hiatus for 3 months because of financial issues. organizers say they're glad it's back because first fridays help celebrate the arts culture and community of oakland. >> still to come on kron, 4 news at 6 people were caught off guard. seeing this boat house near the embarcadero work eventually ended plus more e-bike chargers heading to the east bay. details on where you'll find and san francisco police saying that crime is actually down in san francisco. a live report when we come back.
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>> governor newsom says crime is down in san francisco. he credits a special operation which began last may when the chp in california national guard were brought into the city robin has been talked with a chp officer and he joins us live with more about the chp worked the last 11 months. rob. ken and vicki, according to chp, local law enforcement were already making drug-related arrests before chp officers showed up. >> they describe chp being here as more of a partnership in a takeover. >> the public took notice when chp increased patrols in san francisco. and according to governor gavin newsom, their work has reduced crime. according to the governor's office in the past 11 months, chp has seized more than 42 pounds of fentanyl in the tenderloin officer. andrew barclay from chp golden gate
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division, francisco police are now able to focus on the open air drug market while his officers focus on the transportation of illegal drugs. we know that in order for individuals to sell fentanyl in the areas, it has to get there. >> and we know that majority the time those drugs are transported to these areas in vehicles, more than 6,000 citations have been issued leading to nearly 500 arrests. the governor released a statement tuesday saying, quote, these results are a testament to the effective collaboration among state, local and federal law enforcement in san francisco. >> we will continue to work together to get drugs off our streets, address crime and make our community safer. the california national guard was also brought in last year to stop drug cartels. critics of increased law enforcement compare the governor's plan to the failed war on drugs. but officer barclay says police are doing more on the streets of the tenderloin that just making arrests while working with individuals who may be. >> you know, being arrested for possession of large amounts of fentanyl. also
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letting them know that there is there is help. there there are services available to them. >> information from the governor's office sent out today. also mentioned the east bay saying that chp has separate operations there focused on combatting things like auto thefts and retail crimes arresting around 200 suspects and recovering more than 400 vehicles there in the last year. reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. all right, rob, you know, if you're along the embarcadero yesterday, you might have seen an unusual sight is a 2 story. house boat was just. >> floating in the bay. well, that vote is now in sausalito and richardson bay. the boat traveled a very long distance. those first spotted as south of san francisco out in the water there. the coast guard says it's really not that unusual for owners to move their houseboats and that it's perfectly. repair. efforts are expected to begin this week on a stretch of highway one in
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big sur where a portion of the roadway there crumbled. you can see it. >> right there. right there. it forced the closure of the partially collapsed into the g- ocean after that heavy rain last weekend. monterey county sheriff's department actually warned residents in that area to consider leaving before the highway was shut down because that route does experience frequent closures due landslides from the severe weather. it's not expected to reopen at least part of it reopen until tomorrow. >> all right. let's go check out our 4 zone forecast as we get a live look right now at one of those iconic shots of the golden gate bridge. dave spahr joining us with look at things are shifting out there in the weather world. yeah, we're seeing some minor changes going on as we see tonight tomorrow. just a bit. still a lot of sunshine to some high cloudiness, but then getting forward in there. once you clear that up for thursday, the weekend. >> yeah. looks like some more rains coming our way as well. here's the mount tam picture. there's alcatraz island off to
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the distance. the bay bridge. and here are the big players. high pressure is control for today. much of the week and it's kind of a dirty high for tomorrow. let some of that high cloudiness and here. but this is the weekend weather maker bigelow of the gulf of alaska. however, it does not appear like it's going to push that freeze line as low as what we saw last go around. so it's more of a challenge to get the atmosphere to get kind of excited, if you will. here again is the high cloudiness after get some fog in the morning. there you have it going on in the afternoon. a bit. yeah, it's going to filter through some sunshine, but still we'll keep those temperatures much the same clearing out. looks like by your thursday. it's one of the longer range forecast gets more interesting in the timing. couldn't be more annoying here it is right there on saturday. the heaviest rain is just starting in the morning hours. yeah. still come with some mountain snows, but that's going to start off in the higher elevations. drift a little bit down during the day, but still stay pretty lofty. and then for sunday, we might get some breaks in here in terms of the rain at all that, however, we don't want the skies to open
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up too much because that allow the sun out to allow instability to kind of kick over as well. even though the freeze line again will be little bit more elevated than we saw last go around 4 zone forecast covering thing, somebody one san francisco, mostly in the 60's off towards the coast. you might bump them up a little bit more by thursday, though. 72 burlingame, 74 foster city, 78 for palo alto in the south bay. it's lower 80's and then for the east bay shoreline, upper 70's again, private ali gets close to an 82 for livermore. 84 danville san ramon. 82 75 oakland, 76 richmond, 74 of allay nap at 78 and 79. meanwhile, for santa rosa will try maybe 80 strike here and there for thu sday. then here's the big change. temperature-wise. yeah, the rain on saturday and i know that's a big drop over there. the snow in the sierra for the weekend start awfully high 8900 feet. and that's a nosebleed section. but it's not going to drop like we saw last go around. we had snow in our local mountains to get that low. so it'll still be up there about 5,000 feet or so.
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but haven't seen a tease and quite a while. yes, will be a little noggle taste of it before the next batch cups looking forward to that thanks to a but despite a warning, some people looked at the sun without proper eye protection during the eclipse. google says as the eclipse passed over large partial portions of the u.s. was a big increase in people searching online for my eyes hurt people across the u.s. took to social media to complain about pain in their eyes. some symptoms of eye damage include blurry vision, headache and increased sensitivity to light. >> doctors say looking at the sun during eclipse or any time can burn the outside of your eye and damage nerve tissue. they say in most cases the symptoms are usually temporary. but if you continue to feel discomfort, doctors say you should see an ophthalmologist. >> 2 dozen new docking stations and hundreds of e-bikes are coming to the east bay. all part of the bay wheels, regional bike share system 565 e-bikes and docking
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stations are going to be located in oakland and emeryville. that will also be new e-bikes arriving in berkeley, the east bay expansion marks the second phase of a 2 step plan that began last fall with the introduction of more than 1500 new e-bikes and 30 new docking stations in san francisco and san jose. the cost of using the bikes that's also been reduced today, city leaders really praised the program to efforts making e-bikes more accessible and more affordable for residents. >> you know e-bikes allow more people of all abilities to ride bikes and have access to alternative modes of transportation. >> it can be very expensive. so being able to have a more expensive membership option, we just opening access to a lot more people this is critical, too. >> not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips, but also
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didn't first last mile options for people in landings >> they wheeled regional bike share system is partnering with the metropolitan transportation commission as well as lyft. make this happen since 2017, the program has provided more than 6,000 pedal powered and pedal assist electric bikes across san jose. san francisco, oakland, berkeley and every bill. u.s. senators alex padilla and the butler introduced a bill to rename a san francisco post office after the late california senator and former san francisco mayor dianne feinstein. >> if it's passed, the post office located in the ground level of ring cannes center would be renamed. dianne feinstein post office as mayor of san francisco, the 1980's, she helped oversee development of rent con center, including the rink on annex, which is san francisco's largest postal sorting in distribution center has been for several decades. senator butler said renaming the office in the honor of dianne feinstein is just one of the many ways to celebrate
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her remarkable legacy of service. >> still to come on kron, 4 news at 6 solar tourism raked in millions this week. what
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>> the total solar eclipse wasn't just a phenomenon for onlookers, said also brought in millions of dollars to more than 1400 cities and towns in the path of totality. estimated more than 4 million people travel travel to one of those cities and along with the influx of travelers eclipse also brought out celebrities such actor william shatner, captain kirk, who visited indiana university.
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>> or natural events taking place in the world all the time that attract our attention. unfortunately taking the magic away and given to a scientific explanation. but the still so much that we don't understand. >> 93 so years old looking good. experts say this may be the most watched the eclipse in history generating more than a billion dollars in the u.s. alone. the deadline to file your taxes is inching closer. people have until april 15th to file. >> there are free electronic filing opt ons offered through the irs. so if you're looking for assistance to file, you go if you're unable to file your taxes by the 15th. you can apply for a tax filing extension at the irs website. >> still to come on kron, 4 news at 6 san francisco librarians rallying for more safety. what they're asking for. plus, the arizona supreme court has passed and extreme
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abortion law will tell you when it goes into effect. and when we come back, new retail theft laws are being passed wel
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of retail theft was back in the spotlight today at the state capitol, a package of bills, assembly speaker robert rivas fouls will target thieves and protect businesses came up for a. >> key hearing today, capitol correspondent eytan wallace has more. >> will reeve us is confident these bills will send a strong message on retail theft, but some of the gop argue more action is needed. >> measure passes that vote in the assembly. public safety committee


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