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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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of retail theft was back in the spotlight today at the state capitol, a package of bills, assembly speaker robert rivas fouls will target thieves and protect businesses came up for a. >> key hearing today, capitol correspondent eytan wallace has more. >> will reeve us is confident these bills will send a strong message on retail theft, but some of the gop argue more action is needed. >> measure passes that vote in the assembly. public safety committee was the exact
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outcome. speaker robert rivas had hoped for as members of the committee overwhelmingly approved his package of 7 bills on retail theft. >> the goal deliver solutions that work that truly work for all californians impacted by retail crime and theft. that was really speaking just before the bills passed the committee included in his legislative package, the california retail theft reduction it will create a penalty of prison time up to 3 years for those convicted of stealing property with the intent to sell. and it will allow for what's known as aggregation, meaning several thefts committed by one person can all add up to meet the larger penalty for grand theft. also included an expansion of diversion and rehab programs and a proposal to provide law enforcement with the tools to keep repeat offenders in custody. this bill says to organized crime rings, we mean business and we're going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down other bills in the package include want to expand retail theft to include stolen cargo and
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another to extend the california highway patrol's regional retail crime task force indefinitely. this is change. this is action. these our solutions but not included in the bill. a proposal to repeal prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonvirlent crimes from felonies to when the items stolen are eft w- valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assembly member tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment. it's the impetus to the problem. >> no, it's the main reason for the problem. and it was ill-advised. it's time to fix it. let the people speak and let us respond. >> and to overturn prop 47 ultimately will be up to voters to have the final say. as for the reverse back to bill's remember, they still need to go through various committees and both chambers
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of the legislature to make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> hundreds of library workers are pushing for more security in san francisco today. they rallied in front of the city's main library, demanding the city provide security guards at all branches and for the library's to hire more full-time employees. they say often library workers are forced to intervene in dangerous situations. today we talked to staff and francisco supervisor connie chan who says that she supports their cause. >> i was not strange to be a security guard. i was not trained to de-escalate. learned that in library school. however, when this man came into my branch, i had a very strong duty to protect the children. >> this is not something cisco we cannot let this code is far in. clearly the are like variance should not be task to come between they are like bearings. they are not
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security guards here. not the i think that both we need a better poteau calls for public safety in all public spaces, including the libraries. >> there are 27 library branches but only 9 out of 27 had to have a dedicated security staff library. workers in the city say that they have brought this to the discussion table before the last time they got 3 guards added this time they're pushing for all branches to have security. turning to a disturbing case. we've been following out of the south bay where 3 suspects are in jail, charged with murdering a 3 year-old girl. >> her family members say they were performing an exorcism. newly-released documents reveal that child fought for her life and tried to escape from the church where her mother, uncle and grandfather performed an exorcism to cast out what they called a demon. they claim had possessed or this happened back in 2021. investigators say the girl's body had several injuries from firefighters found her on the altar of the church in downtown san jose. a coroner
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determined she died from a combination of us and smothering. the 3 have pleaded not guilty. judge set to rule on whether or not the case will move forward to trial. in the east. bay charges changes, rather coming to the martinez refining company after a lawsuit settlement. the bay area air quality management district sued the refinery over what it said was in unacceptable number of hazardous releases. the refinery had 21 spills or releases in one year alone as part of the settlement, the martinez refining company needs to reduce emissions by 70%. the company says it actually plans to do better than that and reduce emissions by 80%. >> now to our 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at walnut traffic teams. you losing a little bit more quickly and that i was out. there 2 day. sunny and warm. you'll get more of that tomorrow and more thursday to and so we're looking good ball
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then after has a neighborhood. yeah, we do have a change of venue, if you will. in our forecast. check it out. >> from this yosemite national park, there's the coating of snow still in place and its fighting through a warming phase. this is the forecast now in tahoe next several days. 62 tomorrow, 63 on thursday. and then friday, the hint of things changing of the starts off as rain. 54 excuse me and we expect the snow levels to fall. maybe donald five-thousand so feet. but that's about it doesn't look is going to fall further. that and that means also the home front, too. so that means that the freeze line will be a lot higher than last. go around to for the instability to be running everything. there's the big storm system. that's the weeknd player. but this is what we got for a couple of days. we'll get some high cloudiness. it looks like by tomorrow. now, but on balance, we should clear out by thursday and friday doesn't look to be too bad. but you'll see that cloud cover start to build by the afternoon and the evening. low temperatures tonight, 40's and lower 50's at work here looks like 51
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hayward 50 going on for oakland, but you might see some 49, for example, hanging out there it conquered. and 47 for santa rosa. but for the weekend, make no mistake about it. here it comes. and the timing looks to be that the big bulk of the rain will be on saturday. and if we keep the clouds around on sunday as well, we probably won't get the chance for the rays of sun to cause more instability. and it looks like a time for the next week. things start to depart a bit. we go back to mostly sunny mode into next week. so we're going to be favoring that looks like and the longer range forecast. let's check out your highs tomorrow. we've got 80's going on in the east bay. this is even with the high cloudiness. i referenced up in the north bay, upper 70's hanging out. we may be able to pop those at the 80's by tomorrow. 71, by the way, for san francisco in to check it out again. your longer range forecast saturday is kind of a rain out a little bit there sunday. maybe some pokes us and there. but watch out. they can drive some instability all right, dave, thank you. in the east hiring
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incentive program and focusing on recruiting new officers to the police academy are helping to rebuild antioch swans. depleted sworn staff members kron four's philippe djegal reports. >> the antioch police department currently employs far below the number of sworn staff positions authorized by the city council mayor lamar hernandez. stark says the outlook is promising, especially now that many of the officers once placed on leave have been cleared to return to work to do the math. everything goes right exposed to go pretty soon, we'll have 95 officers and then we'll have more coming online that are that are that are waiting to go the academy. so that will be over 90 something officers pretty soon. the city has authorized 115 sworn positions for the police department. >> today interim chief brian addington confirms there are 80 on active duty. 39 work patrols just one less than the mayor's goal. 6 cadets are currently in the economy. 7 more are slated to join the academy this month. and mayor
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hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year has resulted in more than 20 new hires given where we've been in the last 2 years. we have attracted a lot of new time officers. >> so we get a lot the academy, the academy, 6 months. >> when they get out levy academy coming to field training field training can be anywhere between 4 to 6 it would be impossible to get to one 15 unless we hired our laterals. and that's not who we've been attracting. we have been attracting brand new officers who i think they're committed to change and see an opportunity build a police department that that they can be. >> out of the community can be proud of and our leaders can be proud at times during the past 2 years. it's believed that up to half of the sworn staff members were placed on leave. >> while county and federal investigators corroborated bribery, misconduct and races, text messaging cases culminating in charges filed against several officers in
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january 2023, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers were on the fours and inflated number, though, because dozens were on leave. >> philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> the white house is condemning the arizona supreme court's abortion ban. the arizona supreme court ruled the state should follow an abortion ban dating back to 18. 64 restricting abortions even further in a state that already has a 15 week ban in place. white house press secretary creen sean here a leading the briefing with her remarks on the ban saying the biden administration will urge congress to reinstate roe v wade. >> today's decision, millions of arizona will soon face an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban. then they did before. this arizona law, which was initially enacted in 18, 64, more than 150 years ago fails to protect
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women even when their health is at risk. the law provides no exceptions for rape or incest, does allow abortions if a mother's life is in danger, it will go into effect in 2 weeks. california teachers association is speaking out against a bill that wants to mandate a specific way of teaching kids how to read. >> phonics instruction. it's a to read by decoding words and - then sounding them out instead of using pictures to recognize words on site. teachers are against the bill because they say it leaves out the needs of english learners and leaves them out of the decision-making process. but advocates of the bill say that it's important. california school districts mandate phonics instruction in 2023. 43 1% of california 3rd graders met and academic standard. 27% of black students. 32% of latina students and 35% of low-income kids were reading a grade level. the assembly education
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committee is meeting on the bill later on this month. more than a dozen cats were dumped at the san leandro medical center. that's according to the san leandro police department. >> department is asking people to not abandon animals, of course, and says residents should call animal control if they need help. and also the east bay spca is a resource to contact. if you have unwanted animals. still to come on kron for news at 6 pollen, allergies are really acting up right now for some folks. why this spring may be a lot more active than others. >> plus, the bay area getting wet weather this week. we're going to check on local going to check on local reservoir levels next. with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes and stuff? yup.
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. a butler? super nice guy.
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>> weather is warming up this weekend with more rain expected on the weekend and with spring basically here in summer on the horizon, we wanted to know how the state and local water supplies are looking out charles clifford has details. >> well, california's water year usually peaks around april first. and that's when people start wondering if maybe we might have drought restrictions headed into the summer months. but it looks right now like california's water supply is in great shape. the most recent us drought monitor shows that california is drought free. there are a couple abnormally dry spots, but no drought conditions statewide. nearly all of our reservoirs are at or above their historical average for this time of year. great news headed into the spring and summer months. the state's snowpack is also average of 116% for this time of year here in the bay area. all of the major water providers are showing healthy amounts of water in the reservoirs. the east bay
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municipal utility districts, reservoirs are at 93% of full in the south bay, the santa clara valley water district says they're 10 reservoirs are at 68.4% of capacity. but that number is misleading because anderson reservoir the district's largest is currently undergoing a seismic retrofit and only has about 4% of its normal amount of water. san francisco's main water storage reservoir hetch hetchy in yosemite is currently at 80% of full capacity. and finally in the north bay, the marine water district says their reservoirs are at an average of 91.4% of full capacity and winter's not done yet. there is more rain in the forecast for this weekend. but for now in the north bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> a proposed plan is solano county could limit the amount of water residents error allowed to use from lake berryessa. the bay delta plan was devised by the state water resources board to protect the watershed along with its natural ecosystem. if the plan is approved, it would reduce the amount of water available for saw no communities by 75% and be used for state
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purposes. instead, that's a major cutback, though. and it has a lot of people like the mayor of fairfield saying would have a bad effect on homeowners, agriculture businesses, including the city's contract with anheuser-busch, the big bottling center there and travis air force base. >> they apparently don't care about the people who live in our cities unincorporated area. the mess not care about travis air force base because it endangers them, quite frankly, to realize what how could the state even recently proposed what they were proposing? just just a 75% reduction of our most reliable water supply. >> in a system that's function incredibly well since 1959. >> in response to the media concerns about this fish ul's from the state water resources board say that they are still updating the plan and gathering public input on the so-called voluntary agreements. the public is encouraged to participate in the process of the bay delta plan and they are welcome to join public workshops this month from the 24th to the 20th.
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>> if you feel like your allergies are especially bad this year, you're certainly not scientists at harvard say that not only are allergies intensifying, but more people are finding themselves allergic to airborne irritants for the first time. and they're blaming a warmer climate, which means for us more trees and plants and a lot of grass out there and pollen. higher temps also leading to earlier and prolonged blooming seasons. of course, all this recent rain is also playing a role. well, speaking of the rain that's not out there now, could be on the way. a live picture point it is coming, right, dave? yep. and a little silhouette of quite tower looks like there. it's a >> bright in the background. this is what we've got going on with some high cloudiness as we get into tonight tomorrow. but don't worry that should depart for us into thursday and hold those temperatures nicely in the 80's in the inland valleys. now here's the shot from san jose state. also looking at some high cloudiness off towards the distance a little btt. let's go to future cast
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for new kind of see what i'm talking about little bit of surface fog around the bay looks like, but during the afternoon, there is the high cloudiness kind of covering over things clearing out in time for thursday. so we'll keep the temperatures much the same until about friday. when things start to change, there's a longer range forecast we keep talking about with the rain arriving on saturday and lingering a little bit on sunday. but clearing out in time for monday. all having said all of this, what's it look like in the 4 zone forecast for tomorrow with the high cloudiness. 71 san francisco. let's keep it in the 60's along the coast. 72 burlingame millbrae. also 72, 74 foster city safe and 78 for palo alto and some lower 80's and much of the a south bay close to its in the east bay shoreline with 80 to look for livermore and 80 for danville. 82 for san ramon. 81 conquered 74 chilly degrees. vallejo onshore wind checking in 81 fairfield, 78 for now up and 79 for santa rosa clouds return on sunday rather friday. and they mean business
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with showers on saturday. we don't have the complete details, but we might see some instability for some lightning strikes potentially or maybe even some hail then clears out in time for more spring into next week. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> game 2 against the washington nationals tonight for the giants. and while the season is young, it's never too early to start talking trends, right? especially when the giants seem to be carrying an unfortunate trend over. >> from last season, a total and utter lack of offense case in point they beat the padres 2 out of 3 over the weekend despite the fact that they grind it out. just 6 runs. >> in the series and now so far in the 4 games at home, they are one for 27 with runners in scoring position while striking out. 26 times now that, of course, does not bode well for a bob melvin squad. that's already looking up to 3 teams ahead in the nl west standings with the rockies. only one game behind
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them. and yesterday melvin addressed the team's offensive woes after their loss to the next. >> yeah, you know, for 10 with runners in scoring position that's been the you know, our problem so far this year. you know, we've done some situationally things, right? but if we're going you know, have beginnings and score multiple runs in games were down like this. we're going to get big hits and we haven't done that yet. >> it's masters week in augusta, georgia, and it's always better when tiger woods is part of the gallery's net for the 26 time, tiger will be competing for the ward. all golfers even some amateurs crave the green jacket. tiger was an early arrival and has been playing practice rounds on the course the last 2 even though he's only played 24 holes of golf in pga tour events this season, the 5 time masters champion believes he can compete with this year's field over 4 rounds to grab another jacket. just ask him.
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>> what do you feel like you're capable of doing this week? what do you believe that you can do this if everything comes together? i think they can get one more. >> any more i just love work love lot of the time in and a lot of preparing a love competing and i love that feeling one. >> everything's on fire with a chance to you either. do your adult. >> lot of people would love to see that. i'm sure. meanwhile, women's sports have been in the national zoo, guys so to speak more than ever before after historic viewership in the ncaa women's basketball tournament. and even though the opportunities to play professionally are still pretty few and far between a lot of former female athletes turned that experience into powerful careers like the woman you just saw. lydia murphy stephens, former olympic speedskater turned tv exec. i spoke to murphy stephens about what it's like to see women athletes in the
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spotlight. and however, sports career help prepare her for the business world. >> it's super competitive and also very persistent it to be. none has helped inform me. it is too, you know, sort of i'm a fan a fan in of a competitive athlete at heart. so that experience of competing at an elite made me a highly supportive of other athletes in wanting other athletes, female athletes to get exposure different. >> i mentioned the ncaa basketball tournament. how did you guys do in your brackets? not good. play because i never win. and he was riding high for a while and the early going and then crashed. yeah, you did really well done. you know, i had a chance one, but alas, they had a rough game. well, a lot of people got blown out by, you know, big
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upsets in the beginning as usual. you know, at arizona seen and the lament anything there's always next year look you in. all right, guys, thanks, cayden. you take a quick break. >> coming up, a new train from san francisco to
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>> southern california company is hoping to offer luxury overnight train service between la and san francisco. the company is called dream star. it reached an initial agreement with union pacific railroad to use the tracks are used by amtrak's pacific surfliner and coast starlight the sweeping cars so that
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private rooms and beds and allow riders. so i completely flat there would be queen beds and showers in each room. all passengers would have access to high-speed internet and food and beverage service is no final agreement. yet dream starts as the new service could begin as soon as next summer. it's unclear just how much a ticket would cost. i listen up. swifties city of santa clara renamed it tough course with clara during a taylor swift's tour stop in the bay. >> last july with a name it went away. but now a new study calls santa clara this with capital of the country. there are reportedly more swifties per capita than any other city in the nation. the study compiled a ranking of the american cities with the highest concentration of swift fan santa clara took the top spot followed by tampa bay. then pittsburgh and kansas. it barca fans get ready. new anime stickers are now available. these 4 mascots were made as an idea to attract younger writers. fun fact. they're based on real
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bart employees. >> even see signs on the trains with the characters promoting bay area events such as the teen poetry contest. so bart is getting super hip hip. yeah, it to the tip. that wraps up kron for news at 6. we'll ee you tonight at 10.
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