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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  April 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now on the kron. 4 morning news, a north bay pe teacher facing felony charges in connection with child crimes. >> san jose city leaders approve new limits on where the un house can park. there are these near schools and legendary stanford basketball coach tara vanderveer announcing her retirement after a record-setting career. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. goed morning. thank you for
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joining us here. 06:00am on wednesday. >> i'm james harvey in for darya folsom. hey, do gonna say that today's even warmer than yesterday been watching that 7 day forecast all this week, john, anticipating today and tomorrow, i guess, to read pretty warm yet today. tomorrow, the warmest of the year so far for inland areas, especially. >> which will see some of the first 80's of the season so far. >> behind me, we do have clear skies in this perspective, looking down at san francisco. but in a another perspective, you can see what's going on at the this is out towards the golden gate bridge. we have some dense fog that is hugging the coast being right in through the golden gate right now that actually going to keep our coastal areas and it'll be cooler while the rest of us are indeed in for that warmer afternoon today. so watch for a little bit of fog, especially near the coast right now. current temperatures pretty mild right now with 40's to 50's. nobody's in the 30's. so it's pretty business as usual for your morning temperatures. as of right now. later on today,
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though, temps will skyrocket rising well into the low 80's for those inland areas. i'll give you this forecast with more details. still to come, michael thomas has a look at the roads with the latest. thanks, john. and good morning, everyone. happy wednesday. will we do see being? i'm going smoothly for the most. probably are starting to see some backups. you're going to see red lights and >> some stop and go traffic, especially those of you in the area right now. westbound 80 just west of georgia street. there is a lane that's affected. so it's causing some delays and an alternative route could be highway. 29, also a little bit more inland near the dublin area. this is specifically unpleasant 10 west bound 5.80, east of hopper road. there's been a traffic collision there. so there's a lane that's affected causing a little bit of backup. so if you're using 5.80, to get over towards the oakland in the maze area, just keep that in mind. taking a look at some drive times right now, crockett to the maze. 15 minute commute, walnut creek to 5.80, a 12 minute commute. castro valley to the maze of
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14 minute commute. stanley enter to the mays an 11 minute commute. give you a live look at that bay bridge right now. you can see those metering lights are on right now to 14 minute commute from the maze over to fremont street. so just keep that in mind as you're heading out this morning, rain and james, we'll send it back to you. all right. thank you for that. michael end of an era stanford's women's basketball coach tara vanderveer has announced her incredible career she's had. she is the ncaa all-time winningest basketball coach. >> and kron four's will tran is standing by live at stanford with a look back at her record-setting career >> james, she won her first game in 25 years old and never stop winning for the next 45 years. she amassed 1216 winds. that's the most when male or female coach in ncaa history, she won her last game in the tournament and ultimately lost decorated career she can not
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put all of her bullet points on one page of a resume. but let me try at this particular time. she won 81% of her games to break that down. every time she took to the court, she won 4 out of 5 games. 14 final 4 appearances. 27 regular season championships. she started winning when she was 25 years old in 1978, she arrived at stanford in 1985. and then in 1990, to 1992 and in 2021, she won her championships 3 championships altogether. she stepped away in 1995. and you know what she did during that time, she took the women's olympic team usa olympic team all thi way to gold and they saw how successful that was. and then a year later, they started that wnba and she is credited for that. don't worry. she's not going anywhere. she's not leaving
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stanford. she will stay on campus with the athletic department as an advisory role. she kind of hinted last year that she might be able to retire and she would be busy because she said a lot of people who retire, especially who spent a lifetime in coaching in sports, they're loss, but she says she has plenty to do. and we do know that she will still remain on campus 70 years young. so many people just took to social media. this came out late last night and it was the biggest story in the country. i got tell you, when the sports pages go to the front pages and this is exactly what happened. james, you and i are pac 12 alum. not necessarily. we don't know yet is she is leaving because stanford and other teams are no longer with the pac. 12 that requires a lot more traveling. we will find out, however, at 01:00pm when she holds a news conference in, of course, i'm sure we will be live streaming. she is the biggest
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winner in basketball history. ncaa. how is that? i mean, there's nobody that stands higher on the mountain tops in here and say that's pretty incredible. yeah. at first i was thinking i agree with you will. how could you possibly fit all her? >> conference on to a one pager estimates. not possible, but you can in one line, ok, the nc double a's winningest basketball coach ever. that's it. mic drop. variant a credible and sentence. how you like them. that on some of these like them apples. the numbers do not think. so let's head to the south bay now settles actions for with tougher restrictions. >> on where our views can be parked right near school. yeah, it was a unanimous vote by the city council in kron 4. sarah stinson has the details. >> so as a city leaders say the ban is one of policies designed to protect children. the city plans to first try the restrictions at 3 of its schools before expanding its
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city-wide. but homeless advocates say this pushes the unhoused out nowhere to go. san jose city council approved an rv than tuesday. it will first be piloted at 3 schools. independence high school shirakawa elementary school and challenger at mayor matt mahan says the city needed to pass tougher restrictions because he says students don't feel safe at school went henson, rv encampment czar nearby. >> sometimes being harassed on their way on and off campus. we're having break-ins on campus even found needles on their picnic tables back in 2021, the city voted to restrict encampments within 150 feet of schools. >> but that's become more of an informal guidance. council members say the new initiative will give the city authority to put up no parking signs. and tow our views within the school zone. homeless advocates have been opposing this measure since january and they continue to do so. you see a dog on the side of the road. >> do you not going over and
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big 0 dot for him? we're treating our people list and dogs. you remaining allies. the the unhoused people because they don't have a home. >> maybe they shouldn't be near schools. okay. but you know, there's no place for them to go. mayor mahan agrees that while they work to protect schools, they also need to provide more support to those being pushed out of the school zones. seemed to have safe manage places where that safe sleeping safe parking. >> interim shelter, permanent housing. it's a place for someone to go. >> when we >> councilmember david cohen expressed frustration saying the approved various rv, safe parking site in his district would help provide a place for people to go. but it continues to be delayed, have been very vocal about. >> need to expedite the cited to be able to get rv's off the streets and give them and offer them places. san jose city council will have a second reading on this next month. once it gets the final
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approval, the city says it will be months before people any of the enforcement as the department of transportation needs to do is safety assessment. i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. kron 4 news. >> 608, is the time in. over the last year, california spent nearly 24 billion dollars on various efforts to fix problems with homelessness and housing. but a new state audit found that california has been tracking whether those efforts have actually been working. the audit found the state doesn't consistently track or evaluate its efforts to prevent homelessness. the audit also evaluated the cities of san jose and san diego and found both cities aren't properly tracking spending or evaluating the effect most of its homeless programs either. and san jose mayor matt mahan says he wasn't surprised by the findings. in fact, he says improving accountability was one of the reasons he ran for mayor. >> we need more transparency, more accountability. better tracking. absolutely. but we should be tackling this city by city county by county. we should have a top down
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statewide framework for how we're going to measure the efficacy of the dollars were using. >> the state legislature now is likely to pass some specific rules and regulations regarding better tracking at all levels. >> entre costa county coroner identified the 9 year-old was killed in a rollover crash this weekend in concord as dana hernandez to pierre from oregon. chp says the girl's mother, 13 year-old sister and 2.17, year-old cousins. we're also in the car that crashed on 6 a sunday morning. all of them are still recovering in the hospital. investigators say the driver took off from the scene after the crash. advocacy group is now offering a $10,000 reward for any information east palo alto man's death. after police ruled it was a homicide east. palo alto. police say they found 54 you all in arnold clark, dan on nor road. this is right near bayshore road on monday morning. autopsy confirmed clark's fatal injuries were criminal in nature. now the group's
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mothers against murder, they're offering the reward for any information given in the next 90 days that might help with the investigation. >> in the north bay high school teacher now has been arrested after being accused of sexually abusing a student. brad role teaches pe at american canyon high school. he was arrested yesterday morning on 3 felony counts. he is currently being held right now. $100,000 bail. the school district says that role was put on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation. also happening tomorrow, we have local bay area fisheries and restaurant owners planning to speak out about how current salmon season restrictions are hurting their business due to a low number of salmon being predicted in the ocean this year, fishery managers have radically restricted or closed salmon fishing for 2024. business owners say that's impacting the families that rely on salmon for a living. their news conference is happening. it scum so. gomez restaurant at 10:00am the
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final decision on salmon fishing season will also happen tomorrow. >> still ahead of the kron, morning news got communities. they're at risk of losing 75% of their water from the state. what city's mayor says going through with the cut, the impact a lot of businesses. well, governor gavin newsom says crime and samaras trending down. cincy 6 htm the national guard to the city. we're going hear how the chp
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>> we're back 6.14, is the time it here are 4 things to know. a man entered a not guilty plea after being charged with assault and a hate crime enhancement in
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connection with an assault on an asian person that happen in san francisco. back in march, district attorney brooke jenkins says the victim was attacked at polk and streets and that the man also yelled racial slurs. stanley under police say more than a dozen cats were dumped at the santander medical center. police department is asking people not to abandon animals and instead call the police department's animal control unit for help. the national's beat the giants 5 to 3 in the second game of their series last night play again this afternoon at 12. 45 and the warriors did beat the lakers won 34 to one 20 last night down in la. they'll play the trail blazers tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. >> in the north bay, a proposed plan in solano county could limit the amount of water residents are allowed to use. water officials are now looking to try and reduce the amount of water available for communities by at least 75% and be used for state purposes. instead, they are fearful that says the restrictions would actually
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hurt homeowners, agriculture businesses also including the city's contract with anheuser-busch, as well travis air force base. >> they apparently don't care about the people who live in our cities unincorporated area. the mess not care about travis air force base because it endangers them, quite frankly, to realize what how could the state even recently proposed what they were proposing? just just a 75% reduction of our most reliable water supply. >> in a system that's functioning incredibly well since 1959. >> well, in response to the water concerns of physicals from the state water resources board, they say they're still an dating their plan and their gathering public input. >> ok, let's check the weather here at 6.15. we've got john with a look at what we're expecting to be a very warm day today and some of us do the short short big collect and some deaths. but it's time unless you're right along the coastline. it's a widespread
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of temperatures today. >> our inland areas are indeed in for our warmest day of the year. so far. but a sign that the coastline points to staying cool out that direction. so maybe another beach day you can see a little bit of that. fog are right there through the golden gate. coastal areas are going to be just a touch cooler than yesterday. but our inland areas, it's only a pill for you both today and tomorrow, actually. so skies are clear. aside from that deep marine layer along the coast, high pressure, ridge is firmly in place, but only for now come friday, low pressure dives and displaces the high and cools us right up into the weekend friday night. we'll start to see a chance of showers releasing that opportunity on saturday into early sunday of this weekend along with the big cooldown. time to get out for you. you see today and tomorrow is dry skies friday. for the most part, dry could see some late day sprinkles friday. saturday is the one that brings the rain and the mountain snow lingering into early sunday before the system pushes out. how much rain are we going to see out of? it?
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will lot of preliminary models are indicating well over half an inch for most areas. this is definitely a big storm for this time of year, especially after such a pronounced high pressure ridge in just scoots right in and displaces it. 60's for your coast today. as i mentioned the it's kind of cool elsewhere in the bay, though it's 70's and yes. now some low 80's for like in the south bay with san jose at 83 degrees today, east bay temperatures, 70's 80's as well. fremont dublin livermore right at 80 each oakland up to richmond to each at 75 degrees. well, north bay temperatures that same range of 70's and 80's inland and 60's out towards the coast. temps tomorrow, just as warm if not a little bit warmer than today. friday. it's all down hill. and by saturday, we're only in the 50's feels like the middle of winter again with showers arriving showers out into early sunday and then we start to climb all over again. michael. >> thanks, john. and good morning, everyone. happy wednesday. if you're just opening up your eyes, while you may want to start moving because we are seeing some
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delays this morning, which means you may see some brake lights as you head out for your morning commute. taking a look right now. there is a sigalert over in the area. you see it's a traffic collision. westbound 80. it's near georgia street. there is a lane that's currently affected an alternative route would-be highway. 29, we've seen that delay right there. you see that red for at least the last hour or so. but they're working to get that picked up in, cleared out another traffic collision we're looking at is over in the pleasanton area right now. west bound 5.80. it's near the road area and there is a lane that's affected. crews are out there right now trying to clear that. but backup is starting to grow over towards the livermore area. so just keep that in mind. taking a look at some drive times right now. any up to conquer. 23 minute commute. that's a normal backup that we see there in that area. if you are on westbound 80 crockett to the maze, a 16 minute commute. nothing too bad. taking a live look right now at the bay bridge. you see those metering lights are on. it's a 12 minute commute from the maze over to fremont street. and
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last leave you with some drive times livermore to dublin. 26 minute commute and again, you see that small delay there because of that traffic collision that they are currently trying to clean up. so keep that in mind as you head out, 15 minute commute from dublin to fremont san leandro to milpitas. 25 minute commute. if you're heading towards the south bay bill peters to sunnyvale, a seven-minute commute, rain and james, we'll send it back to you. all right, michael, thank you for that. developing this morning, a tnt collars in petaluma could have trouble calling. i want. >> has a failed cable impacting service. so we're gonna put a list, walter to phone numbers for different areas on your screen. there they go. there's currently no estimated time for when the issue would be resolved. but santa rosa, 707-528-5222. >> the time and ongoing flaring out at the chevron refinery in richmond is causing residents now to receive what's called a level one warning as part of the notification system. on tuesday. there are 3 tiers of a 1, 2, 3, level. one is the
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least a hazardous. so all of the impacts are expected to stay on site. the surrounding community is not expected to see any negative impact from this. but obviously with flaring in the past, the community is concerned. these level. one notifications, though, do not affect public health. no action is needed. they're investigating and we'll see how long this flaring continues. meanwhile, kron 4 is your local election headquarters and there are now 2 requests to recount the votes for the congressional district, 16 seat that was once held by representative anna eshoo. this was filed in san mateo and santa clara counties. and this would be a recount for who would take that second place slot as sam liccardo as we already know, won first place with 21% of the vote. but evan low and yosemite and they're both tied. they both came in with 16.6% of the vote. each and under california's election topr2 primary candidates the 6- regardless of party that move on to the general election. well, as it stands right now, both low and some indian would
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move on since they're tied, meaning in the general election, there would be 3 people on the ballot. we'll see what happens with this latest effort to recount the vote that. determines who is officially in that second place position. >> well, as into the state capitol and assembly public safety committee, they addressed a number of bills, including several on ai. so one of the proposals would make it a felony for people to possess child specifically made with ai 16 year-old former disney channel actress kalen heyman testify before the committee and spoke about how she's been impacted by the misuse ai-generated images. >> they basically in my case they took a photo of me and then what used it create ai-generated images of whatever that was. so it is very dangerous. and i just kind of want to, i guess, warned people and and just really bring it to light to life that dangerous. >> anybody found guilty could face up to one year in jail
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county jail 3 years in state prison. coming up with a problem morning news. a group of individuals attempted to steal a parked car in open fields when they were caught red-handed. state attorney general rob bonta plans to crack down on corporations victim criminal offenses. why feels they should be hit with feels they should be hit with fines? love that. we get back.
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>> tehran is still a parked car in the oakland hills. suspects fled the scene in a car when they saw the police officer. the officer later spotted the suspect's car. the area of oakland hills when he approached the cause, suspects fled on foot. all the police then responded to the call and help capture 7 suspects. police officers out, although guns, including even a replica of a firearm ski mask in the car, officers determine the suspect's car was stolen. over 3,000 pge customers were left without power. their hope police say a drunk driver crashed into electricity pole rk streets. this is east of clay street on sunday morning. tipped over onto the other electrical lines. this caused what appeared to be a small fire on the fence right along travis boulevard pg e was able to restore power. but the north texas street area had some issues throughout sunday. >> 2, 7 year-old girls are back home safe now after being reported missing up in
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petaluma. the sonoma county sheriff's department received a report monday. those girls were last seen along adobe creek on the petaluma creek trail with their dog nearby. law enforcement agencies and neighbors helped in that search. the 2 girls were found along the area where they were last seen. take a break at 6.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. a group of specialists are trying to quickly find a whale. >> who was spotted tangled in a net. that's why this is a life or death situation for that. huge animal will be right back. all right. we're
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back 6.29. is the time and want to get a check of the weather here this morning because we're already seeing a beautiful start to this wednesday at supposed to be a warm one side. a lot of variety out beaches, john, across the you know what our inland and going to be in the low 80's 0st time this year. >> that's going to be an unfamiliar feel for a lot of us. so just stay hydrated as you're getting out there to enjoy it. used to this heat just yet. >> our coastal areas are actually going to be fairly similar to where they were yesterday, if not a little cooler in some spots. and that's because of what you're looking at right but i think it of fog that marine layer again the coast i today and that is going to be noticeable from san francisco down the peninsula up into the marin headlands too. the rest of us, though, are going to be tapping into nothing. but the sun and temperatures are going to rise really quick underneath that. currently temps are in the 40's to 50's kind of you're a typical morning in the bay area. nothing too terribly chilly
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later on today, though, we do warm up significantly. as i mentioned, we've got some 80's for the first time this season. this is all before a big cool down and return of showers this weekend. i've got the full roundup for you as we go. michael. >> thanks, john. for weather is always great. happy wednesday, everyone. and good morning. if you're just waking up, you may want to start moving. we're starting to see some delays specifically over in the east bay right now there is a traffic collision and it's causing some backup. this is westbound 5.80, in pleasanton. it's near half your road. there is a lane that's affected and it involves multiple cars. crews are out there right now trying to clear things up. so as we get more word on when that will be completely cleared, we'll keep you updated. but if you're heading out this morning, keep that in mind. there's also another sigler dover in the area. it's westbound 80. it's your georgia street. there is a land that's affected and you can see it's been having this major back up for at least the last 45 minutes or so. so just keep that in mind as you head out, taking a live look right now, though, at the bay bridge, you can see in total.
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it's only an 11 minute commute. those metering lights are on. however. so keep that in mind as you head out. i'll give you a live look over the mateo bridge, 80 to 101, a 13 minute commute. the richmond sandra fell bridge right now. it's a 12 minute commute over that. taking a over at the antioch area. any up to conquer. 29 minute commute. so just keep that in mind. as you head out. i'll send it back to you at the i thank you for that update. michael. >> in the east bay, the antioch police department now seeing some improvement when it comes to their staffing situation. so officials say that's all thanks to a new hire, an incentive program. focusing on recruiting new officers to the police academy, a kron four's philippe djegal has the story. >> the antioch police department currently employs far below the number of sworn staff positions authorized by the city council mayor lamar hernandez. stark says the outlook is promising, especially now that many of the officers once placed on leave have been cleared to return to work to do the math. if everything goes right to expose to go.
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>> pretty soon. we'll have 95 officers and then we'll have more coming online that are that are that are waiting to go the academy. so that will be over 90 something officers pretty soon. the city has authorized 115 sworn positions for the police department. interim chief brian addington confirms there are 80 on active duty. 39 work patrols just one less than the mayor's goal. 6 cadets are currently in the economy. 7 more are slated to join the academy this month. and mayor hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year has resulted in more than 20 new hires given where we've been in the last 2 years. we have attracted a lot of new time officers. so we get a lot in the county, the academy, 6 months. >> when they get off leading candidate coming to field training field training can be anywhere between 4 to 6 it would be impossible to get to one 15 unless we hired laterals. and that's not who
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we've been attracting. we have been attracting brand new officers who i think they're committed to change and see an opportunity build a police department that that they can >> out of the community can be proud of and our leaders can be proud at times during the past 2 years. it's believed that up to half of the sworn staff members were placed on leave. >> while county and federal investigators corroborated bribery, misconduct and races, text messaging cases culminating in charges filed against several officers in january 2023, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers were on the force and inflated number, though, because dozens were on leave. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> we're getting new details now about san jose's 13th traffic death of the year. it was back in january. the 2 cars collided at the intersection of mckee road and francis drive. officials say a toyota tacoma truck ran a red light and then struck another car. the driver of the truck died from their injuries while
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at the hospital. the driver it collided with had minor injuries. but hayward man has been arrested now for a deadly hit and run. that happened last year in september. police say christopher pena was riding his bike when he was hit near mission boulevard and orchard avenue in hayward. they say the car he was. hit with was reported stolen and was later found abandoned set on fire. no word on what led investigators to the man who is now charged with vehicular manslaughter. >> how in the east bay, the contra costa board of supervisors, they passed a recommendation to expand health care to immigrants. this expands eligibility to immigrants. high limon ad, the documentation status requirement for the counties they see health care program supervisor john gioia celebrated the vote saying, quote, stuart action to expand health care to more of our hard working immigrant families makes us a healthier and more equitable county. so lawmakers looking to increase penalties against corporations convicted of criminal offenses. state attorney
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general rob bonta says while corporations cannot be sent to prison for crimes they could face penalties. current law allows for a maximum of $10,000 fine a felony bonds. new bill would allow a judge to impose a fine of up to 25 million dollars per case or a penalty worth twice the amount of money, a victim loss as a result of the corporation's offense. >> if you commit covid punch, you will pay a just find a fair fight in holding these corporations accountable is that we're going to enhance deterrence and that's going to discourage this kind of corporate misconduct that's going to discourage people from defrauding their fellow californians are exploiting people harming are invited and that is going to protect communities across our state. >> a lot more than 75% of the money from those fines, but actually go towards a newly established fund to support victims. no word on a formal opposition just yet. >> cal fire officials are asking for the public's help now to find this person. they say the person is suspected of
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setting a fire at san jose state university back on march 31st. anyone who recognizes who you see here on the screen is asked to call san jose state police or cal fire. well, crews is set to put its cars back on the roads for the first time since october. self-driving car company says it will add a small fleet of human driven cars in phoenix. cruz said it will create maps and gather road information with the goal of resuming driverless a mission. company halted operations in october weeks after one of its self-driving cars dragged a pedestrian in san francisco who was struck by another vehicle. >> meantime, was just the police. they're looking for man who they say vandalized a mosque with a skateboard last week and this person could be trying to cause more damage. musk is right on sutter street to van ness and polk. police say the van was first captured video last thursday, damaging the building's windows with a skateboard. they was back in the area yesterday morning. drove off without causing any
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harm to the mosque. a man has pleaded not guilty a crime assault charges in san francisco and they'll draw no charges. one count of assault with a deadly weapon along with a hate crime enhancement. the victim was attacked back on march 28th polk in vallejo streets. will the attacker allegedly yelled racial slurs leading to hate crime charges. toronto is also facing charges of possession of drug paraphernalia. his total bond was set at over $62,000 scheduled to appear in court on april 15th for a preliminary hearing. >> meantime, governor gavin newsom says the crime is down in san francisco is a good thing. it's been almost a year since he since chp. also the california national guard to the city kron four's. rob nesbitt talked with the chp about their work so far and has this update. the public took notice when chp increase patrols in san francisco. >> according to the governor's office in the past 11 months, chp has seized more than 42 pounds of fentanyl in the
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tenderloin officer. andrew barclay from chp golden gate division says san francisco police are now able to focus on the open air drug market while his officers focus on the transportation of illegal drugs. we know that in order for individuals to sell fentanyl in the areas, it has to get there. >> and we know that majority the time those drugs are transported to these areas in vehicles, more than 6,000 citations have been issued leading to nearly 500 arrests. the governor released a statement tuesday saying, quote, these results are a testament to the effective collaboration among state, local and federal law enforcement in san francisco. >> we will continue to work together to get drugs off our streets, address crime and make our community safer. the california national guard was also brought in last year to stop drug cartels. critics of increased law enforcement compare the governor's plan to the failed war on drugs. but officer barclay says police are doing more on the streets of the tenderloin that just making arrests while working with individuals who may be. >> you know, being arrested
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for possession of large amounts of fentanyl. also letting them know that there is there is help. there there are services available to reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> when the a new study of santa clara county's public contract shows they only give contracts to a few minority owned businesses. county lost a vendor dispariiy study back in 2022. examine the number of minority owned businesses. one public contracts between july 2016 and june of 2021, the studies final draft was released last week found that local minority owned businesses only 15% of the county's total payment recommended the county start a small business enterprise program to give local in diverse businesses more equitable opportunity to bid on public contracts county's office of county wide contract management and the study authors many hosting a virtual public forum monday and 01:00pm to get feedback from business groups.
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>> 6.40, is the time. and here's something you don't see every day. the house floating on the it's a 2 story. house. it's actually on a barge. it's currently anchored just offshore in sausalito. coast guard says the owner of the house was having it towed to sausalito. we know they have a few house but communities there. we don't know exactly where it's heading, but it was seen floating on the bay just south of san francisco sunday afternoon. we also don't know how long that house is going to be anchored there in its current location or who the owner is. but we'll be following its movements. we're also tracking the movements of this whale to the search is on this morning for this whale that was entangled in fishing gear. you see it, dragging it behind it. there. a photographer captured this aerial footage of the whale tuesday morning. it was out near thorton, state beach in daly city. now experts with the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration. noaa for short says they first spotted this whale off laguna beach back in march. so now it's made all the way up here. they tried to to remove the net. but the whale. got
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scared. freaked out. so they put a tracker on the way on just sort of been following it. but that tracker fell off sometime last week. so now they're desperate to find this whale and still. way capturing it and freeing it from this net. so if you see this whale cole knows hotline number and hopefully they can find out where this way. liz, are going take a break. it is 6.41. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco library workers are calling on the city to implement more safety measures to better protect them. tell you why they say they're often forced to intervene in situations that are favorites.
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(cat 1) friskies world! (cat 2) come on - let's explore! (cat 1) that's made with real salmon! (cat 2) look what i found - lil'soups! - for cats! (cat 1) there's the delicious taste of tuna we treasure! (cat 2) mmm... definitely coming back tomorrow. (vo) friskies. always more to explore.
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things know, today. >> the teacher at american canyon high school was arrested after being accused sexually abusing a student. brad was arrested yesterday morning on 3 felony counts. polls currently being held on $100,000 on. ongoing flaring at the chevron refinery in richmond cause residents to get a level one warning notification on tuesday. video with the most recent flare look like in february, health officials say level one notifications do not affect public health. the contra costa county coroner identified the 9 year-old killed in a rollover crash this weekend in concord, the data hernandez to pfa morgan chp says the girl's mother, 13 year-old sister 2.17, year-old cousins were also in the car crash on 6.80 sunday morning.
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in san mateo and santa clara counties. they are now to request recount the votes for second place in the congressional district. 16 seat have a low dose of many in both came in second with 16.6% of the vote. each as it stands now, both low and somebody and they're going to add to that general election long in november with sam, what car? >> okay. it's 6.45? let's get a check of the weather because that's been the big headline today. and tomorrow been featured in john 7 day forecast. the warm-up is here. so it's time to go to the beach ahead inland. that's where all the sunshine is going to be and where low 80's will be. the beach is going to be a little cool and foggy, but that is familiar territory for us in the bay area's the nothing new there. you can see outside the golden gate bridge really just start transport mechanism for this fog to push from the coast right into the bay right now. >> coastal areas staying cool inland areas. you're seeing that temperature spike. we are going to be looking at the day
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today. that brings our warmest temps of the year, at least to our inland areas. high pressure ri1ge is in place that is creating a nice cap over the bay that is keeping the fog pushed right down at the coastline. so it shouldn't intrude too far inland. low pressure does dive in this weekend, though. and by friday, we're cooling down saturday or coolest day and our wettest day of the forecast likely some lingering showers into early saturday. let's this out. so today, tomorrow, nice and dry. we will see the chance of a few late showers on friday, although really saturday is the day i'm watching closely as that's the day to stay inside. unless you want to get up to this year to do some skiing. several more inches of snowfall. there sunday, a few lingering showers early on and then clearing right out. we're sitting with rainfall totals. we are going to be seeing if half an inch, if not more of rainfall over the weekend. some pretty decent totals considering where we're at today is going to be such warm and dry weather. those 60's at the coastline. they are going to actually be a little bit cooler than yesterday for some coastal spots. if you do want
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to beat each day trying to do something like that along the bay shore as we will be looking at solid 70's in spots like palo alto, 78 degrees today. nice walk along that mangroves, the delta around santa clara 81 degrees today. well, temperatures for this to inland in spots like dublin on up to concord, easily in the 70's will still hold on to those those 80's. i mean, those 70's will still be seen from castro valley up to richmond. the lee 78 for your daytime high today. same for santa rosa. a look ahead shows tomorrow just as warm for our inland areas. after that, we begin our cool down saturday only in the 50's for your daytime highs with their best chance of rain. that's the one to keep it indoors. michael. >> thank you, john. we love a nice, sunny day. good morning, everyone. and happy wednesday. if you're just waking up and starting to head out the door, you may want to keep this in mind. we are starting to see some delays and that's because we've got some different collisions happening over in the east bay right now. this isn't the pleasanton area. west bound 5.80. it's near
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half europe road and there's a lane that's affected. this involves multiple cars. chp is out on the scene. they're working to get that out of the way they say. thankfully, right now, minor injuries. so just keep that in mind. it's causing a backup all the way from pleasanton towards the livermore area. another situation we're dealing with is over in vallejo. you see that back up there. this is a sigler. it's on westbound 80. it's just west of georgia street. there is a land that's affected. so that's been like that at least for an hour and a half or so. and alternative route for you could be highway 29. so keep that in mind. taking a look at some drive times right now. those of you in the more inland area livermore to dublin. 32 minute commute again. you may see those delays because of that accident. dublin to fremont 18 minute commute. it's a 30 minute commute from san leandro to milpitas. if you're heading towards the south bay. now pete is to sunnyvale in 8 minute commute. taking look at who are heading towards the maze crockett to the maze 18 minute commute, walnut creek to the 5, 80 12 minute commute. castro valley to the maze. 14 minute commute.
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stanley under to the mays. an 11 minute commute and a live look at the bay bridge right now. you can see everything is moving smoothly. these metering lights are on to its a 13 minute commute into the city. james of rain. send it back to there. >> well, in the east bay contra costa county has hired an armed security guard for the antioch library. they did that earlier this year due to safety concerns. and now there's a full-time armed guard and a patrol car outside the library parking lot. that's in addition to a full-time unarmed security guard inside the library. a string of security problems recently have led to the library closing for a few days, including staffers being threatened damage to the property, even fires being set inside the library. >> meantime, hundreds of library workers in san francisco are pushing for more security in san francisco. they rallied in front of the
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city's main library yesterday, demanding the city provide security guards at all branches and for the library's to hire more full-time employees. they say library workers are often forced to intervene in dangerous situations. chapter president for the sf libraries guild librarians guild. nicole grigg, maine recounted her experience. >> i put myself between this weapon and the children. he was. we have it at me. i am lucky to be here today. could have killed me. okay. this is not what i signed up for. when i became a librarian. >> only 9 out of 27 library branches in san francisco have a dedicated security staff. this is the 3rd attempt now that the chapter has brought this issue to the city. they're hoping bargaining talks may yield some results this time around. we'll see. >> all right. well, the warriors taking on the lakers at the chase center. the dubs in all 5. they were yeah crawford, kate rooney has the highlights. >> it's a matchup against the lakers in la a big one for the warriors with major postseason
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implications. now, remember, golden state already clinched the 10 seed and a spot in the play-in game. but a win over la would give them the tie breaker and half to a possible higher seed. so we go to the 1st quarter tied at 16 steph curry on the perimeter. the 3 count and the for the four-point play step had 23 points and was a perfect 6 for 6 from 3 2nd quarter dubs up 13 step to draymond green, who sinks in the 3 lawyers extent their lead to 16 closing moments of the half. now golden state up by 11 dream on behind the arc is 53 of the game. 15 points for him. he was 5 for 5 3 to start. we go in the 3rd quarter warriors up 8 check time from step threading that needle to finishes with the pretty layup step had 8 assists in the game on to the 4th quarter warriors up to 12. wiggins dropping in a 3 of his own 17 points for
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wigs. then a little bit later in the 4th, 14 point dubs lead. check out this sequence. gary payton, the second. the locks a hot to morris and then in transition play team just drops in the dagger 3.27, points and 5 threes for clay in the game. warriors win one 34 to one 20. they are now just a half-game back from the lakers for the 9th seed and after the game play talked about the team's hot shooting night. thanks. in part to draymond green. >> we put a really great brand of collective. basketball really elson dream honest. without hesitation, shoot shot. guys. great form, great shooter and no, he really was the catalyst for staff a big night scoring. >> the warriors control their own destiny. now just 3 more games. they got a real shot to win out all very winnable. one
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more on the road we'll be back chase center for the final 2 games of the regular season. that's it for sports. back to you. >> the latest headphones with bone conduction. sound technology ai trainer built and i'll tell you how it affects your walk or run or even
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>> four-time grammy award winning rapper and global pop star rapper missy misdemeanor. elliott. it's coming to oakland with her out of his world tour. special guests are going to include a them. busta rhymes. sierra tim allen. they're going to stop 24 cities. the oakland show is
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going to be at the oakland arena tuesday, july night. tickets go on sale this friday at 10:00am so missus back at it. happening today is a brand-new skate park and down in american canyon. it's at the veterans memorial park situated right behind american canyon middle school. of west aquatic center, the enhanced skate park will have new features such as a concrete, many bowl, a larger concrete bowl and a lot more. the ribbon cutting ceremony starts at 03:30pm, today. >> we're going to take a break here at 6.56. but coming up in the next hour of the crop, a morning news, legendary women's basketball coach tara vanderveer is retiring after 28 season with stanford. we're going to take a look at the accomplishments she's made since being with that team. we'll tell you what's next for her too. we'll be right back. plus, san jose is limiting where the unhoused can park their rv's when it comes to schools will tell you why they say this is going su
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> we're now on the kron. morning news and north, a pe teacher facing felony charges all in connection with child crimes. one of the stories we're following. we're also tracking the latest out of san jose where city leaders there have approved new limits on where the un house can park their rv's near schools. and legendary stanford basketball coach tara vanderveer. >> announces retirement after a record-setting career. incredible. >> thank you for joining us on james fletcher and right. harvey in for darya folsom.


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