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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  April 10, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news we're now on the kron. 4 morning news. a north a pe teacher is facing felony charges. >> all in connection with child crimes and in the south bay, san jose, cebu city leaders have approved limits on where the un house can park their rv's near schools will talk about that story as well. and legendary stanford basketball coach tara vanderveer announces a retirement after a record-setting career. good morning. thank you for joining us on james fletcher radar be in for darya folsom today. another top story. the weather is supposed to be a great one. yeah, i got a live look outside here. looking down over san francisco. john shrable in the weather center. keeping an eye on this as well. a little fog at the coastline today. that's something that the coast is going to hold onto for a lot of the day. but elsewhere in the bay area, it is nothing but the sunshine and our warmest day of the forecast so far. let's get a look at half moon bay, one of those foggy spots right now can't see much
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out there. i wouldn't call it a beach day necessarily unless you're in spots like alameda where you can be looking at that sunshine and enjoying some of the water. temperatures are hanging out in the 50's right now for most of the bay shore. a few 40's further inland, like in dublin in santa rosa, still hanging out in those cool numbers, temperatures will rise really quickly, though. and by the afternoon, there's those 80's for inland spots, some upper 70's in some cases right along the bay and some cool 60's holding at the coast. i'll give you the full breakdown of the ups and downs of this forecast as we go. michael thomas in for a traffic this morning. the roads looking like thank you, john, with that warm weather. i'm expecting this entire morning show to go out for a run on the embarcadero after this. >> getting when it comes to the roads, things are looking good. so far there are some small minor congestion is in some areas more inland, but nothing that we don't see out of the ordinary. taking a look at some drive times for those of heading over towards the maze. right now, it's going to take 48 minutes from crockett to the maze. 16 minute commute. walnut creek to 5.80,
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23 minute drive from castro valley to the maze stanley under to the maze. a 22 minute commute. once we get to that may's taking a look at the bay bridge, you can see it's actually flowing a lot better than normally. it's only a 14 minute commute from the maze into the city, which is good. those metering lights are not right now. as we can see taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. it's a 20 minute commute from one side to the other that richmond, sandra fell bridge. you can see a 15 minute commute, a little bit of delays and we would normally see at this time, but still good drive times. 25 minute commute over that golden gate bridge. and you can see actually nothing behind us because that fog rain and james, we'll send it back to you. all right, michael, thank you for that. let's talk about the end of america. stanford's women's basketball coach tara vanderveer. >> has announced her she's the nc. double a's. all-time winningest basketball coach men's women's doesn't matter as you own to the title. now, kron four's will tran is out there at the campus of stanford with more will. >> when they put the mount
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rushmore of college coaches man's or women. well, guess what? she will be on the mount rushmore of coaches because you cannot mention winning without mentioning her. i mean, the all-time leader, 1216 winds over 45 seasons. just to give you perspective, let's just say its 1990, she started coaching in 1945. just to give you that window right while 1945 something like that? just to give you perspective that we do know that she will have a news conference at 1 o'clock this afternoon to go into detail as to why she is calling it a career. she kind of hinton last season that you know, that she might have other things to do that she would be busy. but no. where did she say i'm going to have this my final season news broke last night and it went from the sports pages to the front pages. let me just dazzle you with some of her numbers at
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81% winning rate. that means every time she takes to the court, she wins 4 out of 5 games. she won her first game at 25 years old and kept winning all the way into 70 years old. now i can tell you she's at 14 final 4 appearance 28 sweet, 16 appearances. 21 elite appearances, 3 national titles. first one, 1990, to 1992. and then once again in 2021, she is leaving a legacy behind. she is women's basketball. when it comes comes to coaching. nobody has won more than her. she is pac 12 when it comes to basketball. how do i know this? get this. 26 regular season conference championships. she own the league and then in 1995 she took a break. speaking of a leak, she is credited with kind of starting a new league. the wnba because she took a
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break from stanford in 1995. coached the women's olympic team. it was so successful. want to gold medal. and then you know what the nba said. that's a good idea. why don't we start a women's league and the year after that, the w nba, we will be live streaming the event for you once it begins at 1 o'clock this afternoon, trying to talk to students, some people they know about or others. there's just such a word about their academics. but you know what? speaking of academics, this school is known for that. and it's also known to have all-time winningest coach in ncaa history. she's not going anywhere. she staying as an advisory role with the athletic department. back to you. the numbers don't lie. what a legacy will. thank you very much. >> all right. well, let's head to the south lake, the cells, a moose for with tougher restrictions on we're rv's can actually be parked near school. this was a unanimous vote by the city council kron 4. sarah stinson has more on the story.
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>> jose city leaders say the ban is one of policies designed to protect children. the city plans to first try the restrictions at 3 of its schools before expanding its city-wide. but homeless advocates say this pushes the unhoused out nowhere to go. san jose city council approved an rv van tuesday. it will first be piloted at 3 schools. independence high school shirakawa elementary school and challenger at mayor matt mahan says the city needed to pass tougher restrictions because he says students don't feel safe at school went henson, rv encampment czar nearby. >> sometimes being harassed on their way on and off campus. we're having break-ins on campus. even found needles on their picnic tables back in 2021, the city voted to restrict encampments within 150 feet of schools. >> but that's become more of an informal guidance. council members say the new initiative will give the city authority to put up no parking signs and
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tow our views within the school zone. homeless advocates have been opposing this measure since january and they continue to do so. you see a dog on the side of the road. >> do you not going over and big 0 dot for him? and we're treating our people and dogs. you room mineralized. the. >> the unhoused people because they don't have a home. >> maybe they shouldn't be near schools. okay. but you know, there's no place for them to go. mayor mahan agrees that while they work to protect schools, they also need to provide more support to those being pushed out of the school zones and to have safe manage places where that safe sleeping safe parking. >> interim shelter, permanent housing when it's a place for someone to go. when we. >> councilmember david cohen expressed frustration saying the approved various rv, safe parking site in his district would help provide a place for people to go. but it continues to be delayed. >> i've been very vocal about
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need to expedite the cited to be able to get rv's off the streets and give them and offer them places. san jose city council will have a second reading on this next month. once it gets the final approval, the city says it will be months before people any of the enforcement as the department of transportation needs to do is safety assessment. i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. kron 4 news. >> over the last year, california spent nearly 24 billion dollars on various efforts to fix problems with homelessness. but a new state audit found that california actually hasn't been tracking whether those efforts have been working. furthermore, the audit took a closer look at the cities of san jose and san diego and found that neither was doing a very good job of tracking. we're evaluating the effectiveness of their own programs. san jose mayor matt mahan says he isn't surprised by the finding. in fact, he says improving accountability was one of the reasons he ran for mayor. >> we need more transparency, more accountability. better
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tracking. absolutely. but we should be tackling this city by city county by county. we should have a top down statewide framework for how we're going to measure the efficacy of the dollars were using. >> well, the state legislature is likely to pass some specific rules and regulations requiring better tracking at all levels. >> contra costa county coroner identified the 9 year-old was killed. a rollover crash this weekend in concord as dana hernandez to pf from oregon. chp says the girl's mother, 13 year-old sister 2.17, year-old cousins. they were also in that car that crashed on 6.80 sunday morning. all of that are still recovering the hospital. investigators say the driver took off from the scene after the crash >> in the north bay police arrest a high school teacher accused of sexually abusing a student. brad rau is a pe teacher at american heights. american canyon high school. he's currently being held right now in $100,000. bond facing 3 felony counts. school district has put him on administrative leave.
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happening tomorrow. local bay area fisheries and restaurant owners plan to speak out about how restrictions on the upcoming salmon season are going to hurt their businesses because of past droughts that decimated the salmon population. fishery managers canceled last year season this year. they're predicting better numbers but still well below average. so regulators are thinking about restricting or maybe even canceling the season again, they'll make that final decision tomorrow. in the meantime, business owners say the families that fish salmon for a living can survive. another canceled season. their news conference is also happening tomorrow. it's set for 10:00am at comas of sausalito restaurant. >> well, 2 dozen new docking stations and how has it you buy? it's are all coming to the east bay. it's part of that. they will is regional bike share system 5 under 65. bikes and docking stations are to be oakland emeryville. expansion marks the second phase of a 2 step plan to introduce more bikes and docking stations to san francisco and san jose. also using the bikes was reduced
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yesterday at city leaders. leaders there praising the latest developments were seen. >> we know e-bikes allow more people of all abilities to ride bikes and have access to alternative modes of transportation. it can be very expensive. so being able to have a more expensive membership option, we just opening access to a lot more people. this is critical, too. >> not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips. also, why didn't first last mile options for people in berks land? these banks? >> they wills regional bike share system partner with the metropolitan transportation commission as well as lyft to make this all happen. his 2017, the program provided more than 6,000 pedal power pedal assist electric bikes across san jose. san francisco, oakland, berkeley and emeryville. still ahead on
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the kron morning news. >> police department, they're seeing a lot more people join the force after they dealt with the staffing crisis for years. governor gavin newsom says kron in san francisco is trending down it teach piano national guard and help. we're going hear how the chp feels about the work they've done so far. >> the legislature holds a key hearing from bill's democratic leaders say will address retail capitol correspondent wallace. i'll tell you how the wallace. i'll tell you how the piece of legisla ♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪
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talking. i was like my short shorts. don't fit anymore. only probably want depending on where you're probably want the longer shorts by the coast. maybe the shorter shorts anyone can look the shorts will gradually get longer to get also be a little chilly jeans? yeah. james. coastline. that fog today of us getting the sunshine so you know, it's like typical san francisco. some are even though we're still in spring and we still have some rain around the corner. >> this forecast today is a reminder of that variety of the bay area gets quite hour right here, getting some sunshine downtown sf. you'll get to the low 70's today. where is closer to ocean beach and the rest of the coast. you're going to hang out in the 60's that ocean breeze is definitely kicked in today. inland areas, though, temperatures rising for the first time this season into the low 80's courtesy high pressure ridge giving us this typical set up. it doesn't
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last, though it's just the first in a series of high pressure, ridges. but that low does win out and dives right in come friday. cooling us down saturday or coolest of days and also the day that's going to our bring our best chance of shower activity lingering into sunday before low moves out and the next high pressure ridge moves in. let's time it out for us. so late friday is when we'll start to see some showers pushing right back in saturday is going to be the day, though. that brings us most likely our most widespread rainfall mountain snow for that matter. sunday, we see exit the region. we're going to be today with our daytime highs is going to be warm and dry by saturday. we've got a half an inch to three-quarters the fog along the coastline of that fog is going to be kind of stubborn today. i wouldn't head to the coast. i had to the bayshore. these are the spots that are going to be really comfy. foster city, gorgeous day or on the water there at 74 degrees. san jose.
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you'll be a 83 for your daytime high. one of our warmer spots, some low 80's for the inland east bay with 70's along the east bay shoreline. maybe a trip out to alameda. hang out on the beach. there was some mid 70's doesn't sound bad. antioch in vacaville right at 80 degrees while santa rosa and nevado at 78 looking ahead to tomorrow's temperatures. low 80's for yet again. just for one more day, though, we cool down and cool down. quick only mid-fifties by saturday, which is also the day that brings us our most likely rainfall. michael is in this morning with a look at the roads when we got out there. >> yes, good morning, everyone. i will not be wearing shorts keep my pants on and walk along the embarcadero. taking a look at traffic this morning. everything is going pretty smoothly for the most part. we see some small minor delays but nothing too out of the ordinary. giving you all some drive times. right now you can take a look at livermore to dublin. 21 minute commute. we did see a single alert in that area earlier. it has cleared up, but there are still some residual delays. so expect that when you're heading out this morning, dublin to
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fremont. 25 minutes. san leandro to milpitas. 44 minutes, that's actually the longest it's been all morning. they'll be just to sunnyvale. a 9 minute commute. taking a look at some more drive times for those of you who are in the kraken area heading to the maze. 48 minute commute that has climbed down just a tad bit over the last hour. walnut creek to 5, 80 16 minutes. castro valley to the maze. 29 minute commute. stanley andrew to the maze. the 27 minute commute again. all good drive times a little bit smaller than we saw in the last hour. taking a look at that bay bridge right now. it's only a 12 minute commute from the maze into the city, which is good. taking a look at the san mateo bridge. so 19 minute commute over that, taking a look at some drive times over in the south bay right now, san jose to cupertino 20 minute commute, some small congested areas. nothing too out of the ordinary. lastly, we'll take a look at 101 and you can see that. 52 minute commute from san jose to menlo park. that's very latest here in traffic. we'll send it back to to the desk. all right. thank you very much, michael.
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8.18, is the time and we had another flaring situation out of the chevron refinery. in fact, it's still ongoing. >> it's prompted a level one warning for residents actually video of the most recent flaring back in february. but a level one notification means that there is no threat to public health. any impact from that? flirting are expected to stay on the property itself. the cause of that flaring is still under investigation. we'll let you know when we find out. >> the state capitol and assembly public safety committee addressed a number of bills, including several on ai one of those proposals would make it a felony to possess child specifically made with ai. so 16 year-old former disney channel actress kalen came in testify before the committee and spoke about how she'd been impacted by the misuse of ai generated images. >> they basically in my case they took a photo of me and then what used it create ai-generated images of whatever that was. so it is very dangerous. and i just
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kind of want to, i guess, warned people and and just really bring it to light to life that dangerous. >> anybody found guilty would face up to one year in county jail and 3 years in state prison. >> across 4 is your local election headquarters and there are now 2 requests for a recount in the race to replace an in congress. the request for filed in san mateo and santa clara counties under california election rules, the top 2 primary candidates regardless of party advance to the general election. well, sam liccardo won first place with 21% of the vote. so he's on the november ballot. no question. this recount is for that second place position because evan low and joe submit ian are tied. they each have 16.6% of the vote as it stands. both will join ricardo on the ballot in november. we'll let you know, though, if this recount request moves forward. >> alicia retail theft back in the spotlight at the state capitol yet package of bills that assembly speaker robert
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previous vows will target thieves and protect businesses came up for a key hearing. capital correspondent john wallace has that story. >> will reeve us is confident these bills will send a strong message on retail theft, but some of the gop argue more action is needed. >> measure asses vote in the assembly. public safety committee was the exact outcome. speaker robert rivas had hoped for as members of the committee overwhelmingly approved his package of 7 bills on retail theft. >> the goal deliver solutions that work that truly work for all californians impacted by retail crime and theft. that was really speaking just before the bills passed the committee included in his legislative package, the california retail theft reduction act. it will create a penalty of prison time up to 3 years for those convicted of stealing property with the intent to sell. and it will allow for what's known as aggregate meaning several thefts committed by one person can all add up to meet the larger penalty for grand theft. also included an
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expansion of diversion and rehab programs and a proposal to provide law enforcement with the tools to keep repeat offenders in custody. this bill says to organized crime rings, we mean business and we're going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down other bills in the package include want to expand retail theft to include stolen cargo and another to extend the california highway patrol's regional retail crime task force indefinitely. this is change. this is action. these our solutions but not included in the bill. a proposal to repeal prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no
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punishment. it's the impetus to the problem. >> no, it's the main reason for the problem. and it was ill-advised. it's time to fix it. let the people speak and let us respond. >> and to overturn prop 47, it ultimately will be up to voters to have the final say. as for the reverse back to bill's remember, they still need to go through various committees and both chambers of the legislature to make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> coming up in morning news state attorney general rob bonta plans to crack down on corporations victim of criminal offenses. why he feels they should be hit with heftier fines. >> and music makes you lose control with this news. missy elliott is making a stop in the bay here this summer. we'll tell you what stadium you can get your it. get your you can get your it. get your freak we'll be right back. ( ♪♪ )
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>> a 25 is the time in the south bay. some sad news for fans of rosie mccann's bar in san jose. the owner riding on the company's web site that they're closing their location on santana row come april, 20th, they say rising costs, declining sales and the harsh realities of running a restaurant after the pandemic made it difficult to continue running the business at that location. mccanns has other at least one other in santa cruz. happening tomorrow. it is going to be opening up a food hall in san francisco that food hall will take up 2 floors. it will seat about 450 people. the space will also
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have entertainment during a including live music and some community gatherings as well. people can dine and be able to enjoy 11 different culinary cuisines. the food hall will also serve a nordic style beer by local brewery. 4 point. the grand opening is set for 11 30 this morning. >> 4 time grammy award-winning rapper in global pop star missy elliott. it's coming oakland with her out of his world tour. special guests include busta rhymes, ciara tim allen. they're going to stop in 24 cities. oakland show is going to be at the oakland arena on tuesday, july 9th tickets are on sale this friday at 10:00am. and if you are like me or but born around the time i was, you knew all of missy songs, all her dance moves. so this is awesome. ok? we've got an update to the teen trial to the ball held over the weekend. they got 3 new players officially being signed, including a female player got andrew martinez, connor capri l a and kelsey
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with more. they've all sign their contract and they're going 10 spring training next month. so kelce with more made history back in 2022. first woman to sign a professional contract with the mlb team partnership. lee and also at staten island, ferry hawks. also, we're talking about the martinez, a bay area native from san francisco in vallejo, ballers. now, 31 players under contract going into the club's spring training. >> we're going to take a break here on the kron. morning news in a group of specialists are trying to quickly find a whale whose tangled up in some next. we'll tell you why they're we'll tell you why they're desperate to find a. - my childhood was tough.
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back left. that's right. we have a live look here at sfo behind us right now under pretty clear conditions, although that's not the case at the golden gate bridge. you know, it's little murky there, but not everybody will be at the golden gate bridge. that's right. most people especially inland, john and enjoy a lot of sunshine get breaking a sweat for inland areas 80 for the first time this year for lot of us. but you guys are exactly right. the golden gate bridge. >> won't be one of those spots. going to be kind of a summer set up for the bridge, stays foggy the rest of us. stay nice. and sunny, this is your look outside at san jose. one of our warmer spots in the bay area later on. got a daytime high for us. 83 degrees today. so you looking forward to one of those warmer forecast? definitely a lot of fog near the coastline. and it's going to be a little persistent out that way. so if you want some beach weather, foster city and alameda, are your options right along the bay shore rather than out along the coast. 50's for most of our current temperatures, a few 40's up towards spots like santa rosa this morning as we move into the afternoon, sunshine definitely hanging out for the vast majority of
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us. and that's going help. temperatures rise as quickly as they will. michael, thanks, jon sunshine is what we all like to hear. good morning, everyone. happy wednesday of time is 8.31. >> taking a look at the roads right now. everything seems to be going smoothly, but we're seeing some delays, at least for those of you who may be heading towards the maze. you can see davis abel's car excuse me on westbound 80. it's in the panel area right near richmond parkway. so that second lane is currently blocked and it's causing some delays. but overall, your commute from crockett to the maze on westbound 80 42 minutes. not too bad. taking a live look right now at the actual bay bridge. once you get to that area, it's only a 12 minute commute from the maze to fremont street, which is good. richmond, sandra fell bridge hope. this is a san mateo bridge. excuse me. 8.80 to 101. a 16 minute commute. and here we are. richmond, sandra fell bridge 8 minute commute over that to get over that golden gate bridge are looking at a 28 minute commute overall. i'll send it back to the desk. all i believe air. >> 8.32 is the time. and
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governor gavin newsom says crime in san francisco is coming down. it's been almost a year since he sent chp and the national guard to the city kron four's rob nesbitt talking with the chp officer about the work so >> the public took notice when chp increased patrols in san francisco, according to the governor's office in the past 11 months, chp has seized more than 42 pounds of fentanyl in the tenderloin officer. andrew barclay from chp golden gate division, san francisco police are now able to focus on the open air drug market while his officers focus on the transportation of illegal drugs. we know that in order for individuals to sell fentanyl in the areas, it has to get there. >> and we know that majority the time those drugs are transported to these areas in vehicles, more than 6,000 citations have been issued leading to nearly 500 arrests. the governor released a statement tuesday saying, quote, these results are a testament to the effective collaboration among state, local and federal law enforcement in san francisco. >> we will continue to work together to get drugs off our
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streets, address crime and make our community safer. the california national guard was also brought in last year to stop drug cartels. critics of increased law enforcement compare the governor's plan to the failed war on drugs. but officer barclay says police are doing more on the streets of the tenderloin that just making arrests while working with individuals who may be. >> you know, being arrested for possession of large amounts of fentanyl. also letting them know that there is there is help. there there are services available to reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> already 33 is the time and we are getting some new details now about san jose's 13th traffic death of the year back in january. the toyota tacoma truck ran a red light at the intersection of mckee road. and francis drive striking another car. the driver of the truck died the driver he crashed into separate minor injuries. police have arrested a hayward man for a deadly hit and run accident. that happened last september. police say the
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victim, christopher pena, was riding his bike in hayward when a car hit him near mission boulevard and orchard avenue. that car was reported stolen. police later found abandoned and set on fire. no word on what led investigators to the man they recently charged with vehicular manslaughter. >> cal fire officials there are asking for your help. they're trying to find this person. they say this person is suspected of setting a fire at san jose state university on march 31st. anybody who might recognize him. you're asked to call san jose state police or cal fire. well, crews, he said to put its cars back on the roads for the first time since october, self-driving car company says it's going to add a small fleet human driven cars in phoenix. well, they're going to create maps and gather road information. there. the company's goal is to resume driverless operations. company pulled its cars off the road in october after one of its self-driving cars struck a pedestrian in the city. an
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antioch police department is seeing a lot of improvements with the whole staffing situation. there. the city authorize 115 sworn positions for the police department. interim police chief brian addington confirm they've got 80 on active duty and 39 work patrols. he also said 6 cadets currently in the academy. they have 7 more slated to join the county later on this month. plus, mayor lamar hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year resulted in more than 20 new hire ease. >> i think the incentive program helped create a large pool of candidates. in which we were able to pull from. i don't think people joined because of the incentive program they join because i think that they recognize that and is a changing city and has a changing police department. i think we've got to the worst and and they want to be part of the change. >> during the past 2 years, it was believed that up to half of the sworn staff members well placed on leave while county and federal investigators cooperative
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bribery, this conduct and raises text messaging cases at the start of last year, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers. we're on the dozens more on lee. >> well, in the south bay, a new study of santa clara county's public contract shows that they only get contracts to a few minority owned businesses. the county launched a vendor disparity study back in 2022. to examine the number of minority owned businesses that want public contracts between july 2016 and june of 2021. the study final draft was released last week and found that local minority owned businesses only take up about 15% of the county's total payment. it recommended the county start a small business enterprise program to give local and diverse businesses more equitable opportunities to bid on public contracts. the county's office of county wide contracting management and the study's authors are hosting a virtual public forum. it will be monday at 01:00pm to hear feedback from business groups.
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well, state lawmakers are looking to increase penalties against corporations convicted of criminal offenses. state attorney general rob bonta says that while corporations cannot be sent to prison for crimes they can face penalties. and current law allows for a maximum $10,000. fine per felony. but bonta's new bill would allow a judge to impose a fine of up to 25 million dollars per case for a penalty wor h twice the amount of money victim lost as a result of the operations offense. >> if you commit covid punch, you will pay a just find a fair fight in holding these corporations accountable is that we're going enhance deterrence and that's going to discourage this kind of corporate misconduct that's going to discourage people defrauding their fellow californians are exploiting people harming are invited and that is going to protect communities across our state. >> bonta says more than 75% of the money from these fines would go toward a newly established fund to support victims. there's no word on any formal opposition will keep following the story.
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>> all the search is underway for gray. well, tail got tangled up in a fishing here? this is white off the california coast. you can see it there. kron four's theresa stasi reports the has last chance of survival. if it's not found. >> ultimately, if we don't get it off and killing and that's the reality with most intact, you know, actually, one of this significance. >> justin viz bank is with noaa, the national oceanic atmospheric administration. i spoke with him on the phone from los angeles where he is working with local teams. he says that the whale was initially spotted back on march 22nd in the southern california city of laguna beach, a group trained specialists attempted to help the whale and removed a gill net amash of netting to catch fish that is wrapped around its tail. what the whale was spooked. the whale very reactive. >> to us trying to close approach basically had to stand down. the intent was to leave the satellite tag in the
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billions on as we typically do to come back find the whale again over the next couple of days so that we can wind give themselves some time to calm down and slow down and kind of where all about. and too, it was a chance regroup. get us off. hopefully figure out a way to cut all large, massive deal that that's wrapped around its tail. this pick says that they lost track of the whale on march 24th and now they know why. >> when the whale was spotted tuesday, the group discovered that the tracker had fallen off and they didn't have a replacement. he says once they find the whale again, then they can spring into action. but it will be a complicated mission that found to have resources in that area. >> where we can respond in a timely fashion. if we're lucky enough to get all of those things to come together, we actually can get back out on the whale with time day like you're probably whether all of those things and we have the challenge of trying to cut off
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gillnets that's the challenge deal that it's not like, you know it. that was part line here. just line. typically think one or 2 people were, you places in the line of the law come off the field that there's so much wrapped on the tail. i mean, it's literally going to take hundreds of cuts to get all of that. all thorton beach, i'm theresa kron. 4 news. >> here's something you don't see everyday house floating in the bay. the 2 story house is actually on a barge. it's currently anchored just offshore in sausalito. the coast guard says the owner of the house was having it towed to sausalito. don't know from where the house floating on the bay south of san francisco sunday afternoon. we also don't know how long the house anchors at its current location or even who owns the house. but we do know it's pretty >> well, the worriers we're on a roll down in los angeles taking on the lakers. coming up next, we'll have the highlights. every players seem to be on fire. >> and everyone's talking
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about women's sports and we talked to a former olympian live in murphy stevens about how being a woman in sports helped her tap into for a new project right here in the bay area. and we're back 8.44. is
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the time as we're checking the weather here at the quarter hour. >> sunny skies behind is going to be sunny today and then into the weekend is when we kind of like take a turn back into winter. good like do pump the breaks back to some rain
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and snow. but today we are smooth sailing. >> through a day that is going to bring some of our warmest temperatures we felt so far this year. certainly the season. now we've got a little bit of both of what's going on today in this view from sutro tower. that includes some sunshine over golden gate park right here. but then you notice that fog right through the golden gate bridge itself. that's what you're seeing at the coastline is actually going to be a fairly cool day for the coast. so not a half moon bay or stinson beach day. but if you want to get out to alameda in foster city, enjoy the water from there. that'll be nice weather for it. now skies are going to stay nice and clear today into tomorrow are 2 warmest days of the forecast. high pressure ridge contributing to kind of a summer pattern, but only for now, though, pressure dives and starting on friday starts to cool us off. and by the time that we reach saturday will only be in the 50's amid some shower activity likely throughout the course of the day on saturday lingering into sunday before the lows out. and another high pressure. ridge builds in. it's a season of change right now. and we're certainly feeling that full
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spectrum of that change friday. they have transition saturday gets here with those showers could kick off on friday night into early sunday. saturday is the rainiest although and we could be looking at anywhere between a half to 3 quarters of an inch of rainfapl. predominant preliminary model showing that could even see some more in a few spots. so it's going to be a rainy day saturday. definitely not want a plan to much outdoors coastal areas today as they've been talking kind of cool only in the low 60's in mont era. the rest of us. nothing cool about it. 70's to low 80's for among the first times this year. areas like san jose getting up to 83 degrees today are really warm afternoon for you. fremont livermore and dublin at 80 while oakland up to richmond will still hold on to those mid 70's 70's to 80's across much of our inland north bay. until you get to the coast where you'll find those 60's temperatures tomorrow, just as warm as today's if not even warmer in some cases. friday increase marine layer, big, cool down and saturday. there's the rainfall and much
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cooler temperatures only in the 50's michael. >> thanks, john. warm as what we like to hear. and of course, we like to hear all about clear and good on congested roads. taking a look right now. traffic tracker for you can see things are looking smoothly. talking about some drive times for those of you in the livermore area from livermore to dublin 23 minute commute. not too bad. dublin to fremont. 26 minute commute. san leandro to milpitas. 43 minute commute. those heading into the south bay bill peters to sunnyvale. a 9 minute commute. taking a look at some more drive times. those of you heading towards the maze. crockett's amaze. 38 minute commute. there is a down vehicle near the panel area, but that is getting cleared. walnut creek to 5, 80 18 minute commute. castro valley to the maze. 25 minute commute. stanley enter to the maze. a 29 minute commute. taking a live look at the roads right now. once you get to that mays and head over into the city, it's only a 10 minute commute. you can see those vehicles just flowing through, which is good for this wednesday morning. san mateo bridge right now, 15 minute commute over that on to
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the peninsula and taking a look at some drive times over in the south bay. you can see a 19 minute commute from san jose to cupertino. lastly, we're taking a look at that 101. you see lots of different small congested areas. overall san jose to menlo park a 15 minute commute. so not too bad for this wednesday morning. send it back to 2 at the desk. thank you for that. >> it's a 47 and east bay contra costa county has hired an armed security guard for the antioch library. we knew they did that earlier this year because of safety issues will. now there's a full time armed guard and a patrol car outside that library parking lot. and that's in addition to that full-time unarmed security guard inside the library, a string of security problems recently led the library to close for a few days. that includes everything from staffers being threatened to property being damaged and fires being set as well. >> well, meantime, hundreds of library workers in san francisco are pushing for more
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security there. they rallied out in front of city's main library yesterday demanding that the city provide security guards at all branches for the libraries and also for the library's to hire more full-time employees. they say library workers are often forced to intervene in dangerous situations. fact, we heard from the chapter president for the sf libraries librarians guild. nicole, jermaine, and she recounts occasion where she had to do exactly that. >> i put myself between this weapon and the children. he was. we have it at me. i am lucky to be here today. could have killed me. okay. this is not what i signed up for. when i became a librarian. >> well, only 9 out of the 27 library branches in san francisco have a dedicated security staff. this is the 3rd attempt now that the chapter has brought this issue to the city. they're hoping that bargaining talk. it's talks may yield more results will see. >> but residents doctors at northern california kaiser hospitals. they are now looking to unionize residents.
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doctors who are those working 80 hours per week. it's part of their training early in their career. northern california, kaiser staff found a petition with the national labor relations board. the former residency union. so they must now hold a formal vote if it succeeds, residents would join most other kaiser workers, including pharmacists, nurses, and housekeepers and gaining union representation at the largest health provider, private employer in california. meantime, kaiser permanente says organization is committed to providing a good learning working environment in response. okay. let's turn our attention to sports. the warriors taking on the lakers down in los angeles that as our hot covers, kate rooney has the highlights. >> last night's matchup against the lakers in la, a big one for the warriors.with major postseason implications. now, remember, golden state already clinched the 10 seed and a spot in the play-in game. but a win over la would give them the tie breaker and
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half to a possible higher seeds. so we go to the 1st quarter tied at 16 steph curry on the perimeter the 3 count and the for the four-point play step had 23 points and was a perfect 6 for 6 from 3 2nd quarter dubs up 13 step to draymond green. who sinks in the 3 lawyers extend their lead to 16 closing moments of the half. now golden state up by 11. >> dream on behind the arc is 53 of the game. 15 points for him. he was 5 for 5 3 to start. we go in the 3rd quarter warriors up 8 check time from step threading that needle to finishes with the pretty layup step had 8 assists in the game on to the 4th quarter warriors up to 12. wiggins dropping in a 3 of his own 17 points for wigs. then a little bit later in the 4th, it's 14 point dubs lead. check out this sequence. gary payton, the second. locks a
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hot to morris and then in transition play team just drops in the dagger 3.27, points and 5 threes for clay in the game. warriors win one 34 to one 20. they are now just a half-game back from the lakers for the 9th seed and after the game play talked about the team's hot shooting night. thanks. in part to draymond green. >> we played a really great brand of collective. basketball really elson dream honest. without hesitation, shoot shot. guys. great form. great shooter. and that he really was a catalyst in first-half a big night scoring. >> the warriors control their own destiny. now just 3 more games. they got a real shot to win out all very winnable. one more on the road, then we'll be back. chase center for the final 2 games of the regular season. that's it for sports. back to you. only time you more and more people tuning in
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to women's sports. >> so record numbers in the ncaa women's basketball tournament. the huge interest in the upcoming wnba draft, even though the opportunities to play professionally are still few and far between a lot of former female athletes are turning that experience into powerful careers like many at murphy students, a former olympic speedskater turned tv executive. we got a chance to talk to murphy stevens about what it's like to see women athletes in the spotlight and now her career sport help prepare her for the business world. >> benin has helped inform me it is too, you know, to have i'm a fan and i'm a fan in of a competitive athlete at heart. so that experience of competing at an elite made me a highly supportive of other athletes in wanting other athletes, female athletes to get exposure.
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>> stevens in made a career at abc news to msg network to running pac 12 networks. now she runs her own company. sports bubble. it's based in oakland. she created an app called watch sports after trying to stream the game on or tablet but couldn't makes it easy for users to sign in and stream which ever sporty that you desire from pro to college high school, even women sports right at your fingertips. >> all right. it's a 53. we'll take a break. but up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news, the nfl is approved some new helmet designs for the upcoming season that they say will better protect players from better protect players from head injuries. ness.
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>> we are back in a 56 and for your health this morning. the cdc says about a 3rd of women between the ages of 50 74 are not getting regular mammograms. researchers found that cost was a big factor. but food, insecurity and lack of access to reliable transportation, also play a role. cancer causes more than 40,000 deaths a year here in the u.s. women between 50 74 should get a mammogram every 2 years. while women 40 to 49 should consult their healthcare provider for guidance. >> coming up in the next hour, talking about legendary women's basketball coach. all right. van der veer is retiring after 20 seasons with staffer will take a look. all her accomplishments she's made since she was with them. and settles days. liberty where the unhoused kid partner rv's in relation to schools. why they say this is to ensure the safety of students. learning new details about the tragic crash over the weekend that killed a 9 year-old girl killed a 9 year-old girl concord. we'll be right back.
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to learn more. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. we're now on the local morning news and north, a pe teacher facing felony charges. >> all in connection with child crimes following that story. also in the south bay, we've got san jose leaders approving new limits on where the un house could park their rv's near schools and legendary stanford basketball coach tara vanderveer announces. >> she's retiring after


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