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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  April 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> today on kron 4 news at noon, it's the end of an era. legendary stafford, women's basketball coach tara vanderveer announcing her retirement rather after a record-setting career. how fans are reacting to that? plus, san jose is limiting where the un house can park their rv's in relation to schools. why they say this is to ensure the safety of students and where it would take effect. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. and news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin in the south bay. san jose is moving forward with tougher restrictions on where rv's can be parked near schools. it was a unanimous vote by the city council kron 4 sarah stinson has the details. >> jose city council approved an rv than tuesday. it will first be piloted at 3 schools. independence high school shirakawa elementary school and challenger at mayor matt
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mahan says the city needed to pass tougher restrictions because he says students don't feel safe at school went henson, rv encampment czar nearby. >> sometimes being harassed on their way on and off campus. we're having break-ins on campus. even found needles on their picnic tables back in 2021, the city voted to restrict encampments within 150 feet of schools. >> but that's become more of an informal guidance. council members say the new initiative will give the city authority to put up no parking signs and tow our views within the school zone. homeless advocates have been opposing this measure since january and they continue to do so. you see a dog on the side of the road. >> do you not going over and big 0 dot for him? we're treating our people list and dogs. you remitted allies. the the unhoused people because they don't have a home. >> maybe they shouldn't be near schools. okay. but you
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know, there's no place for them to go. mayor mahan agrees that while they work to protect schools, they also need to provide more support to those being pushed out of the school zones. seemed to have safe manage places where that safe sleeping safe parking. >> interim shelter, permanent housing. it's a place for someone to go. >> when we >> councilmember david cohen expressed frustration saying the approved various rv, safe parking site in his district would help provide a place for people to go. but it continues to be delayed, have been very vocal about. >> need to expedite the cited various it will be able to get rv's off the streets and give them and offer them places. >> and that was sara stinson reporting for us. san jose city council will have a second reading on this next month. once it gets the final approval, the city says it will still be some months before people see signs of enforcement as the department of transportation needs to do a safety assessment. first. last year, california spent
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nearly 24 billion dollars on efforts to fix problems with homelessness. but a new state audit found that california has not been tracking whether those efforts have been working. furthermore, the audit took a closer look at the cities of san jose and san diego and found both cities are doing a poor job of tracking or evaluating the effectiveness of their homelessness programs. san jose mayor matt mahan says he is not surprised by this finding. in fact, he says improving accountability is one of the reasons he ran for. mayor. >> need more transparency, more accountability, better tracking. absolutely. but we should be tackling this city by city county by county. we should have a top down statewide framework for how we're going to measure the efficacy of the dollars were using. >> the state legislature is likely to pass some specific rules and regulations requiring better tracking at all levels. in the east bay. the antioch police department is seeing some improvement with its staffing situation. four's philippe djegal
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reports. >> the antioch police department currently employs far below the number of sworn staff positions authorized by the city council mayor lamar hernandez. stark says the outlook is promising, especially now that many of the officers once placed on leave have been cleared to return to work to do the math. if everything goes right to expose to go pretty soon. we'll have 95 officers and then we'll have more coming online that are that are that are waiting to go the academy. so that will be over 90 something officers pretty soon. the city has authorized 115 sworn positions for the police department. interim chief brian addington confirms there are 80 on active duty. 39 work patrols just one less than the mayor's goal. 6 cadets are currently in the economy. 7 more are slated to join the academy this month. and mayor hernandez thorpe says he's $30,000 signing bonus program extended by the city council last year has resulted in more than 20 new
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hires given where we've been in the last 2 years. we have attracted a lot of new time officers. so we get a lot the academy, the academy, 6 months. >> when they get off of leading candidate coming to field training field training can be anywhere between-4 to 6 it would be impossible to get to one 15 unless we hired laterals. and that's not who we've been attracting. we have been attracting brand new officers who i think they're committed to change and see an opportunity to get the bill, the police department that that they can be. >> out of the community can be proud of and our leaders can be proud at times during the past 2 years. it's believed that up to half of the sworn staff members were placed on leave. >> while county and federal investigators corroborated bribery, misconduct and races, text messaging cases culminating in charges filed against several officers in january 2023, the mayor reported 98 sworn officers were on the force and inflated number, though, because dozens were on leave. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news.
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>> let's check in on our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the city of san francisco. for more on our weather, let's turn now to meteorologist kyla grogan. hi there. hey, they're basking in the sunshine yet again today. just a beautiful day out there. as we take a live look here at the transamerica pyramid. you couldn't ask for more. really. we're going to see warm temperatures again. in fact, we're already at this hour in the 70's, as you can see in spots from san jose to livermore to antioch, right up to the north bay, napa and santa rosa, even nevada, 70 degrees. 63 in downtown san francisco. so not bad wind is nice and calm and we just got a banner day on tap again so highs today are obviously to be well above average and wanted to talk about a spot that they may not be, which is out at the coast where we have a little bit of fog kind of hanging on this morning. but you can see san francisco for 68 when normal is about 63 degrees. oakland expecting those 70's when darlie we should be in the upper 60's. so you get the idea we should be topping out around, you
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know, between about 68 71 degrees. instead, we're talking about temperatures like 81 82 for san jose and livermore and all of it has to do with the fact that high pressure, as you can see now he's really nestled right into the coast of california. moving this close to us and allowing it to have the biggest influence on our weather. so what we see our blue skies notice, we did have a little marine layer, as i mentioned, those kind of hanging out there at the coast today and that did start half moon bay off like this a little bit hazy. the little bit of that marine layer still hanging out at this hour. you should get a little more sunshine. there's work our way into the afternoon. having said that, this will be one of the cooler places to day comparatively speaking. i'll be back a little bit. we'll talk about our rain that's coming this weekend. back to you. all right. thank you. the end of an era, stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer has announced her retirement. she is the ncaa is all time winning. windiest excuse me, basketball coach and four's will tran takes a look back at her career. >> this is the first time in
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38 years. the students at stanford waking up going to class going to lunch and coach tara vanderveer is not 3rd coach. that's how long her run has been at this location. 45 altogether? late last night, she said, you know what? after 45 years started at 25 years old and it at 70 years old. i think i've had a good run. and boy, does she have a good run? here are the numbers you could debate who's the goat? you know, the greatest of all time in many sports sections. but when it comes to her, there is no debate because heard number speak for themselves. get this 1216 wins. that's the most winds by any coach in ncaa history. men's or women. 14 final 4 appearances. 28 sweet. 16 appearances. 21 elite, 8 appearances. 26 conference
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championships. as far as the regular season, you gold medallist as well won the gold medal in 1996. being the coach for the women's basketball team. usa basketball team. >> her resume is stacked. but you know what? if you talk to some of the students here, her biggest resume could be her impact. >> really sad that she's gone, but i'm really excited about the lasting impact that she's leaving kind of impact. does she leave here? definitely one of inspiration, especially being the winningest coach in ncaa history and everything she left a lot of people something to look up to and look forward to and especially in the new wave of as we see, you know, more people are watching women's sports. we just saw that lsu iowa game has some of that. one of the ship, some history. it's been a really amazing to see and watch follow her career. she's going to have a news conference 1 o'clock this afternoon, which we will live stream get this so this is the last year stanford will be in the pac 12 next year. they're moving to the acc, which is a lot more travel for the team
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and for her. not exactly sure if that played anything into it. we will know at 01:00pm news conference for thoughts. why she decided at 7 years old. you know what? it's been a great run. 45 years and i am done. she started at 25. that was her first win. >> and then she went on to coach first at idaho, ohio state. and for the past 38 years here at stanford, coaching players that easily could have been her grandchildren. but instead she related to them every step of the way. well, thank you. >> should nevada taxpayers get to decide whether or not they should pay for stadium? construction. a legal battle on that question is playing out in the nevada supreme court. the nevada state education association filed a petition saying voters should get to decide. but a clark county judge struck it down. the group appealed to the state's highest court. if the
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petition is reinstated, the group still needs more than 100,000 signatures to get on the ballot. the amount in question is roughly 200 million dollars out of the 350 million dollar portion being paid by about him. and update to the team tryouts. the oakland ballers held over the weekend. 3 players have officiaely been signed. congratulations, including a female player, andrew martinez, connor cover all and kelsey, what more have all signed their contracts and attend spring training next month. kelsie whitmore made history back in 2022. as the first woman to sign a professional contract with an mlb partner league team with the staten island ferry hawks and martinez and car pearl. our bay area natives from san francisco and allay the ball is now have 31 players under contract going into the club's spring training. coming up here on kron, 4 news at noon decaf coffee drinkers be where warning. >> that can come with a fresh cup. plus.
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>> legislature holds a key hearing for bill's democratic leaders say will address retail theft capital correspondent. a tall tell you correspondent. a tall tell you how the piece of
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>> san francisco mayor london breed travels to china this weekend with a goal of bringing new business and industry to san francisco. she addressed this visit in a press conference just this morning. kron four's charles clifford joins us live now with more on the mayor's remarks. charles? >> well, you know, last november, a late last year at the apec summit here in san francisco, the mayor made a
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lot contacts, talked a lot of people from china, including president xi he invited her to china and now she and a team are going there to hopefully drop some business built, build some contacts with china. on saturday, mayor london breed along with a delegation from san francisco's asian pacific. islander communities will kick off a multi-city tour of china. the mayor says they plan to meet with business leaders. government officials, and attract businesses. here to san francisco. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco a significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> the visit comes following an invitation from chinese president xi following the apec summit last year. and we're building on the momentum from a packed a pet was extraordinary from our for our city. >> and to receive an
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invitation to come to china to talk about these opportunities is really critically important to the long-term success of san francisco. the mayor is also hoping to encourage tourism in 2023 visitors from china spent more than 600 million dollars in san francisco in the bay area. a trend she would like to see continue many of those visitors who come. >> they go to our restaurant, a shop in union square. they in particular love going to chinatown and we hope that that is the important part of what happens. >> all right, back live. now. the mayor was also asked if she's going to work on the possibly bringing pandas to san francisco. she says that during this trip they don't they're not going to visit the city where the pandas are kept in a raised. but she's hoping that if there's an opportunity here, she will talk to the chinese government about bringing pandas the san francisco, which he says would be a real draw for the zoo and for tourism here in san francisco. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford
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kron, 4 all right. we'll see what happens. thanks so much, charles. we're staying on top of that story. >> all right. talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at sfo. looking like a decent day to fly. let's check in now with cuyler for more yeah, absolutely. good day for just about anything today. weather wise. we are looking nice. lots of sunshine here as we take a live look from the east bay. >> now we're going to see some interesting temperature trends over the next few days. so well, today is going to be warm tomorrow. same story you can see we kind of fall down the hill looking at berkeley's example here by the time we get to friday and even cooler on saturday before we finally start to rebound as we work our way towards the end of the weekend. the reason for that is quite simple. we've got rain on the way this weekend. some april showers moving in later friday. so looks like we'll get home, ok, but it will move in basically from northwest to southeast kind of a traditional patterns to the north bay. we'll see it first. very chilly temperatures as i just showed you in. the totals are looking out for about half an inch to an inch of rain and most of our urban areas, some of our coastal mountains could see totals higher than that.
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so let's talk through how this is going to play out obviously today. pretty nice day. we'll have a few clouds out there tomorrow. staying dry, really nice temperatures again. and then i'm gonna take you into friday. we start to see the clouds moving in and then here comes the front that's going to track in now. it is going to be later in the evening. i do think bulk of this is going to fall friday overnight into saturday special. the first part of saturday. notice just a little bit of sierra snow coming with this too. so it is going to be a pretty significant spring storm. and as i mentioned, the way of totals, you know, is a pretty decent amount of rain, too, but it is a good thing, even though i know sometimes it's putting a damper on some of our weekend it is a good thing to see some rain in the forecast. also want to mention going get a little bit breezy this afternoon, just a normal sea breeze. but by tomorrow afternoon, you'll notice some of this wind starting to pick up and then it really sticks with us as we get into friday, you can see those numbers staying higher there as well. so part of the system rolling through will be some of the wind. if you are taking a look at the drought map, you can see that the east coast looking good. the southwest
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still has some places that are in extreme and exceptional drought. but we're looking fantastic here in california. so that's why i don't mind seeing a little rain in the forecast here as we head through april, just to kind of lock that in. but it is going to be a bit of a rough ride as we go diving down into these cooler temperatures after being so warm this week. so just be prepared for that. all right. some interesting perspective there. thank you so much. the issue of retail theft was back in the spotlight at the state capitol, a package of bills lawmakers vow will target thieves and protect businesses came up for a key hearing. >> our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the details. >> will reeve us is confident these bills will send a strong message on retail theft, but some of the gop argue more action is needed. >> measure passes that vote in the assembly. public safety committee was the exact outcome. speaker robert rivas had hoped for as members of the committee overwhelmingly approved his package of 7 bills on retail theft. >> the goal deliver solutions
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that work that truly work for all californians impacted by retail crime and theft. that was really speaking just before the bills passed the committee included in his legislative package, the california retail theft reduction act. it will create a penalty of prison time up to 3 years for those convicted of stealing property with the intent to sell. and it will allow for what's known as aggregate meaning several thefts committed by one person can all add up to meet the larger penalty for grand theft. also included an expansion of diversion and rehab programs and a proposal to provide law enforcement with the tools to keep repeat offenders in custody. this bill says to organized crime rings, we mean business and we're going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down other bills in the package include want to expand retail theft to include stolen cargo and another to extend the california highway patrol's regional retail crime task force indefinitely. this is change. this is action. these
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our solutions but not included in the bill. a proposal to repeal prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014. the law change certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. >> while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents, including republican assemblymember tom lackey say it emboldened criminals to take part and certain crimes like retail theft, but little to no punishment. it's the impetus to the problem. >> no, it's the main reason for the problem. and it was il advised. it's time to fix it. let the people speak and let us respond. >> and to overturn prop 47, it ultimately will be up to voters to have the final say. as for the reverse back to bill's remember, they still need to go through various committees and both chambers of the legislature to make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington today. president
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joe biden is welcoming the japanese prime minister to the white house for an official state visit highlighting just how much the united states is trying to strengthen its alliances across asia. i've got that story coming up just ahead. and a breakthrough in the fight against pancreatic cancer. promising results a new drug is showing. no! how did you get in here again? how did you get in here? gorilla insulating foam seal, of course.
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>> for your health this afternoon, there's a breakthrough in the fight against pancreatic cancer. >> researchers say an experimental drug works in shrinking nearly all tumors by 30 to 98%. the drug interferes with the gene, which is the
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driver in the most common form of pancreatic cancer. it can transform normal cells into cancer cells. russian researchers are looking at the link between cancer and depression to get better mental health help for patients. they say about a 3rd of women with cancer also suffer from depression. 50% of affected women had an increased risk of death. researchers say the findings underscore a crucial need for depression screening treatment and support. theories on whether coffee is healthy continues. now, the environmental defense fund says a chemical involved in the decaf. a nation process causes cancer. it wants the fda to ban the chemical methylene chloride. federal regulators banned its sale as a paint stripper in 2019, but it's still being used in other ways. coffee manufacturers argue any ban would cause a supply shortage and raised prices. for your money this afternoon. you could soon see a price hike at the u.s. postal office. when buying stamps in july could cost you
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$0.73 to mail. a letter currently, it's $0.68. that's a $0.5 increase for a forever stamp. you can also see similar increases for post cards, metered letters and international mail if approved, the increase would take effect july 14th. the postal service also wants price adjustments on special services such as money order fees and certified mail. there will be no price increase for post office box rentals. coming up next, your news state attorney general rob bonta plans to crack down on corporations convicted of criminal offenses. >> he says they should be hit with heftier fines. plus more e-bikes are coming to cities in the east bay planned to wheel hundreds more bikes and to the program. but first, a group of specialists are trying to find a whale tangled in a next what they are calling this a life or death calling this a life or death situation for this animal.
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search is underway for a gray whale whose tail got tangled in fishing gear off the california coast. >> as kron four's terisa stasio reports this whale has little chance of survival. if it's not found soon. >> ultimately, if we don't get it off and killing that's the reality with most intact, you know, actually one of this significance. >> justin viz bank is with noaa, the national oceanic atmospheric administration. i spoke with him on the phone from los angeles where he is working with local teams. he says that the whale was initially spotted back on march 22nd in the southern california city of laguna beach, a group trained specialists attempted to help the whale and removed a gill
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net amash of netting to catch fish that is wrapped around its tail. what the whale was spooked. the whale very reactive. >> to us, trying to close approach basically had to stand down. the intent was to leave the satellite tag in the billions on as we typically do. they come back in find the whale again over the next couple of days so that we can wind give themselves some time to calm down and slow down and kind of where all about. and too, it was a chance regroup. get off. hopefully figure out a way to cut of this large, massive deal that that's wrapped around its tail. this big says that they lost track of the whale on march 24th and now they know why. >> when the whale was spotted tuesday, the group discovered that the tracker had fallen off and they didn't have a replacement. he says once they find the whale again, then they can spring into action. but it will be a complicated mission that found to have
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resources in that area. >> where we can respond in a timely fashion. if we're lucky enough to get all of those things to come together, we actually can get back out on the whale with time a day like you're probably whether all of those things and we have the challenge of trying to cut off gillnets that's the challenge feel that it's not like, you know, it gets bottom line here. just line. typically you can tap water to people places in the line of the law come off field that there's so much wrap on the tail. i mean, it's literally going to take hundreds of cuts to get all of that. all thorton beach, i'm theresa kron. 4 news. >> certainly hope that that spotted again soon. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero. some beautiful blue skies out there over meteorologist kyla grogan here with more on all that and also a serious situation that's brewing in other parts of the country. yeah, for sure. as we talked about this yesterday, a little bit of
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tornado threat that was rolling across texas will now you can see it is pushed towards louisiana. now it's heading towards the florida panhandle. and unfortunately, i'm hearing reports of a tornado now likely touchdown and certainly cause a lot of damage in slidell, which is just north of new orleans, a suburb of new orleans. these are all the storm reports you can see in the wake of this storm. so we back it up a little here. you can see near houston, 04:15am, they had a preliminary evidence of an ef one tornado from this moving through and we'll take it over towards lake charles, louisiana. you can see another possible tornado and this is where the storm is now. and you can see all of these kind of showing up in slidell is right here. new orleans is right here. that's lake pontchartrain. that's what we're seeing damage and hearing of some minor injuries as well. unfortunately, this is set to roll the rest of today. very, very dangerous weather. you can see that kind of bow of that line of just incredibly juiced up storms. so much energy with it right now. and this causing a lot of flooding as well. and this is a severe thunderstorm warning, as you can see now in the panhandle of florida. this is the part where i zoom out and say other than that, it's a pretty quiet day across the
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country and we go to, you know, meanwhile, in california, your we've just had a beautiful day here. very calm weather. obviously, lots of blue skies out there and we're looking out for some very warm temperatures. very interesting thing that's happening right now, though, is the marine layer is just creeping ever so slightly right by the golden gate bridge has been keeping the coast a little cool. but the rest of us been seeing quite a bit of sunshine, but zoom in on the golden gate bridge. and you can see what's just happened here. we went from blue skies to this in just about 20 minutes. typical bay area moment, right? so that is obviously going to keep a lid on some temperatures around the coast and certainly see that out of half moon bay ridge, just 54 degrees. having said that, if you look inland in spots like san jose livermore, you can see there at 70 to 70 in concord and santa rosa. so we are certainly going to see some really warm temperatures inland today. we also have some rain coming our way as we head towards the weekend. and that is going to knock all of these temperatures down to bring us a few april showers back in a bit. we'll talk about that in your seven-day forecast. all right. thank you. we look for those may
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flowers as a result of that. well, happening today, a brand-new skate park opens in american canyon. it's at the veterans memorial park situated behind american canyon middle school and philip west aquatic center. >> that skate park features a enable a larger concrete, big bull and more the ribbon cutting ceremony starts at 03:30pm. and 2 docking rather 2 dozen new docking stations and hundreds of e-bikes are coming to the east bay. it's part of the bay wheels. regional bike share system 565 e bikes. and docking stations will be in oakland and emeryville. the expansion marks the second phase of a 2 step plan to introduce more bikes and docking stations to san francisco and san jose. the cost of using the bikes was also reduced. yesterday, city leaders praised the latest developments. >> now bites allow more people of all abilities, to ride bikes and have access to alternative modes of transportation. it can be very
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expensive. so being able to have a more expensive membership option, we just opening access to a lot more people this is critical, too. >> not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips, but also didn't first last mile options for people in berks land? these banks? >> abe wheels, regional bike share system is partnering with the metropolitan transportation commission and ride share company lyft to make this happen. since 2017, the program has provided more than 6,000 pedal, powered and pedal assist electric bikes across san jose. san francisco, oakland, berkeley and emeryville. state lawmakers are looking to increase penalties against corporations convicted of criminal offenses. state attorney general rob bonta says while corporations cannot be sent to prison for crimes they can face penalties. current law allows for a maximum $10,000. fine per that a felony launches. new bill
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would allow a judge to impose a fine up to 25 million dollars per case or penalty worth twice the amount of money a victim lost as a result of the corporation's offense. >> if you commit horrific crimes, you will pay a just find a fair fight in holding these corporations accountable is that we're going to enhance deterrence and that's going to discourage this kind of corporate misconduct that's going to discourage people defrauding their fellow californians are exploiting people harming are invited and that is going to protect communities across our state. >> bonta says more than 75% of the money from the fines would go towards a newly established fund to support victims. there's no word on any formal opposition to this yet. at the state capitol and assembly, public safety committee addressed a number of bills including several on artificial intelligence or ai one of the proposals would make it a felony to possess child made with ai 16 year-old former disney channel actress kalen heyman testified before
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the committee and spoke about how she's been impacted by the misuse of ai generated images. >> they basically in my case they took a photo of me and then was used it create ai-generated images of whatever that was. so it is very dangerous. and i just kind of want to, i guess, warned people and and just really bring it to light to life that dangerous. >> anyone found guilty could face up to one year in county jail and 3 years in state prison. in the east bay. the contra costa board of supervisors passed a recommendation to expand health care to undocumented residents. this expands eligibility to immigrants by eliminating the documentation status requirement for the county's basic health care program. supervisor john goya celebrated the vote saying, quote, the historic action to expand health care. to more of our hard working immigrant families makes us a healthier and more equitable county. >> from 4 is your local election headquarters there
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now to request for a recount in the race to replace an issue in congress. >> the requests were filed in san mateo and santa clara counties under california election rules. the top 2 primary candidates regardless of party advance to the general election. sam liccardo won first place with 21% of the vote. this recount is for second place because evan low and joe city and are tied with 16.6% of the vote as it stands. both will join the cargo on the ballot in november. we'll let you know if this recount request forward. well, today president joe biden welcomes the prime minister of japan for a formal state visit. the meeting comes as the u.s. tries to strengthen its partnerships is asia against an increasingly aggressive china and north korea. our washington correspondent trevor shirley brings us the latest. today's visit also includes an official state dinner at the white house later this evening. the overall goal of this visit is to link more closely. the united states to its partners around asia.
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>> that move, officials say is a direct response to china's ambitions across the asia pacific region. the united states is japan's only mutual defense treaty. ally, meaning japan, depends heavily on the united states to protected against threats from china and north korea. during the state visit, the 2 leaders are announcing the launch of the military industrial council aimed at coordinating defense and weapons productions inside japan. the 2 countries also plan to link up with australia on an integrated air defense plan. but neither leaders expected to discuss president biden's opposition to the efforts of a major japanese steel company to buy the american steel manufacturer u.s. steel. under his leadership. >> japan set in motion. profound changes in this defense policies and its capabilities. now our 2 countries are building a stronger defense partnership. and a stronger stronger in the pacific and never before.
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>> during the state visit, the japanese prime minister is also expected to meet with top congressional leaders from both parties on capitol hill reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. the biden administration just approved the nation's first-ever limits on so-called forever chemicals in drinking water. >> the epa lowering the limit of toxic pfa is to 4 parts per trillion. the lowest level that tests can reliably detect. the agency says the move will reduce exposure for 100 million people and prevent thousands of illnesses, including cancer. utilities groups, however, say the epa is underestimating the cost and overestimating its benefits. they argue water rates will go up and struggling. utilities will only struggle more. arizona supreme court ruled to revive a 19th century law criminalizing all abortions except when a mother's life is at stake. that 18, 64 law which predates arizona statehood offers no exceptions for rape or incest. instead,
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if further restrict reproductive rights in the state were terminating a pregnancy is already banned at 15 weeks. critics say the law opens the door for the prosecution of doctors who perform the procedure. >> arizona's 2022 abortion ban is extreme and the near total civil war era that continues to hang over our heads only serves to create more chaos for women and doctors in our state refused to allow arizona to become a state where doctors are going to be afraid. >> to practice to just do their job. >> and their 42 decision justices, the justice's role, rather physicians are now a notice that all abortions except those necessary to save a woman's life are illegal. the ruling comes just days after former president donald trump declined to endorse a national abortion ban and said the issue should be left up to the states. >> the latest headphones with bone conduction. sound
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technology ai trainer built and i'll tell you how it affects your walk or run or affects your walk or run or even hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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what was that? means i'll never miss nothing. freshness. ahh! gorilla super glue. brush for edge to edge coverage, and nozzle for precise application. all in one. for the toughest jobs on planet earth
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>> the warriors took on the lakers at chase center. trump was kate rooney brings us the highlights. >> last night's matchup against the lakers in la a big one for the warriors with major postseason implications. now, remember, golden state already clinched the 10 seed and a spot in the play-in game. but a win over la would give them the tie breaker and half to a possible higher seeds. so we go to the 1st quarter tied at 16 steph curry on the perimeter the 3 count
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and for the four-point play step had 23 points and was a perfect 6 for 6 from 3 2nd quarter dubs up 13 step to draymond green. who sinks in the 3 lawyers extend their lead to 16 closing moments of the half. now golden state up by 11. >> dream on behind the arc is 53 of the game. 15 points for him. he was 5 for 5 3 to start. we go in the 3rd quarter warriors up 8 check the time from step threading that needle to finishes with the pretty layup step had 8 assists in the game on to the 4th quarter warriors up to 12. wiggins dropping in a 3 of his own 17 points for wigs. then a little bit later in the 4th, it's 14 point dubs lead. check out this sequence. gary payton, the second. locks a hot to morris and then in transition play team just
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drops in the dagger 3.27, points and 5 threes for clay in the game. warriors win one 34 to one 20. they are now just a half-game back from the lakers for the 9th seed and after the game play talked about the team's hot shooting night. thanks. in part to draymond green. >> we put a really great brand hesitation. shoot shot. guys. great form. great shooter and no. he really was the catalyst the 1st half to it. a big night scoring. >> the warriors control their own destiny. now just 3 more games. they got a real shot to win out all very winnable. one more on the road, then we'll be back. chase center for the final 2 games of the regular season. that's it for sports. back to you. >> the nfl is raising the standard for player safety with some of the safest helmets they've ever tested approved to take the field this fall. the league approved
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a dozen new helmets after 8 a year that saw 219 concussions during the preseason and regular season making it the second straight year with over 200 head injuries. 12 new helmet models are eligible for players to wear this coming season. the league says 5 of the helmets tested better than any other helmet ever worn in the nfl. >> copious amounts of impact testing and simulation that are run up against that type impacts we see in the nfl, the size of the players, the speed of the players, the environments they play. and so our helmets are significantly lighter based on the materials that were using in some cases up to 45% lighter. >> the nfl says they handpicked the companies making the helmets for their precision. they say the position, the position specific helmets will provide the best possible protection. those helmets will feel different and some will have a different look as well. let's talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge to kick hits a shrouded about there. a
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sticky kyla grogan from or what we need to know. yeah, it is there, but you just can't see it. that is the marine layer just reaching an ever so slightly into the bay. right now. we've got a lot of sunshine out there, but we do have that. >> fog and kind of coastal marine layer happening out right at the coast. so just a little bit of it is kind of scooted him. but for the most part, we're still under the influence of high pressure. you can see how it's kind ofp snuggled right up to the california coastline today compared to yesterday. and we've already hit 80 degrees in los angeles. indication of that warmth is coming our way. fresno at 75 right now. and you can see sacramento about 73 degrees. here are the temperatures. as we look at the bay area. 72 in san jose, morgan hill at 74 dublin just popped up to 76. we're at 68 in downtown san francisco to still, 57. so we are cooler at the coast. still that all of the 70's from santa rosa to nevada over to napa over to concord. and you can see pittsburgh just ticked up to 75 degrees we're watching it. so that is to say we're going to see well above average
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temperatures today and some day sunshine out there to partly cloudy skies tonight, mild overnight lows. so a pretty nice day tomorrow will be looking good. and then as we head towards the weekend that we've got some rain moving in late friday through saturday. so let's take a look at future cast and the show you today. we've got a few of those clouds, as i mentioned. but tonight, not bad. this is your thursday. lots of beautiful sunshine there. friday is kind of our changeover day, right? so temperatures are going to drop. clouds are going to move in. this is about 8 o'clock at night. i do think you get home dry, not any problems there, but that's going to track into the north bay. notice the bulk of this looks like it's coming in in the late evening overnight hours here. so this is friday at 11:00pm and our moving across. and you do see some of that cold air as well indicating this cold system or we could see a few snowflakes up at some of our peaks. and then this is once we get into saturday morning. so i do think bulk of this is going to come through. they mentioned overnight friday into saturday. models are kind of pumping up some of these totals, though. so, you know, between about a half an inch an we could see some spots to get a little more than that. but the big temperature drop
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you are going to feel that folks, so get ready for it. saturday is going to be very chilly day sunday. we should start to clear out. the question is how quickly. so right now i put a chance in there for the first part of the day. back to you. all right. thank you so much. there's a new gadget on the market that combines everything you need for a run walk or swim into one headset. our rich demuro explains in today's tech smart. >> i love to run and i really only need a few things. good music. plus, a way to track my moves. now a new headset combines both and as ai for smart training. this is one of empty. and so intimidating because everyone here has run multiple i'm already getting all that. >> what is olympic runner? alexi pappas love about the sport. it's a social for. you can meet people and you can also do it on your own and you can take it anywhere. pappas is a dual citizen and holds the record for teen greece in the 10 k my mind, my body were
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on the exact same page. my body would do what my mind. recently i met up with her to talk about a new head says she's partnering with. >> the mojo, a half to fit. tara. it combines an activity tracker heart rate sensor and audio into one. what we want is to keep running simple. so it is all in one device for anyone who slams run for the to instead of covering your ears uses bone conduction audio. the music is conducted vibration on the bone and it allows people to sort get the stop on transferring music through into the air the device, connects to your phone, using bluetooth. but connection doesn't work well in water, you can load mp threes into onboard storage. all the way. did have some trouble getting the headset connected to my phone, one-sided. it's a unique, more gentle music experience. it's kind of open your feelings. he actually feel more connected to the world around you. >> we just something i'm not
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really used to it. typical headphones. love how lightweight they are. feel like you're not really wearing them at all. just kind of nice at $300. you're getting a lot of features in one place, but they can't replace standard headphones, especially if you want noise cancellation. >> so how to get an olympic style run. if people have not that it makes it highly think tonight about iran. >> i love how light way and compact this headset is. but the audio experience is unique and might not be for everyone. plus, i felt like the bluetooth pairing and the controls were trick here. and other headsets have tested. if you want more details, you can go on my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >> all healed up and ready to move. coming up next here at noon, we take a look at the next stage in the lead. the next stage in the lead. the tigers, bie adventure.
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there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing
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in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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>> all >> right. let's take a look now at lillie the now 9 months old rescue tiger cub, doesn't she look great. she's been living at oakland zoo the last few weeks and is set to move to a new facility as she continues to grow. lily was rescued in march and given her name to a public poll. the zoo shared on social media, but it is always bittersweet to say goodbye to rescues, especially those >> that to have had been with us for a dose at least several weeks here. but we are very happy that she has a trustworthy and expensive new home. >> we're proud to have been able to nurse her back to health over the past one and a half months. that's according to the zoo. permanent home will be at the performing
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animal welfare society, which is short of short for pause, pause for short, rather in northern california. she does have a bone condition that will require care for the rest of her life, but she will be surrounded by expert vets to help provide her with the care that she needs. and adelaide zoo announced preparations for the upcoming red panda breeding season. this all part of an international program to safeguard the endangered species. zoo officials say red pandas are solitary species and only come together for the breeding season, which last just a few weeks at the start of winter, leaving a small window to procreate the zoo's breeding with a program will introduce female red panda of mystery and mail robbie together in a shared enclosure. the keeper say that they're working hard to give the pair best opportunity for success and hope to have a cub update soon. and that will be all from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. remember to take good care of yourselves today? live in the
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bay is next. >> that's right, stephanie. coming up today on live in the bay, she's the holistic psychotherapist and author who's helping people heal from their past. they can be more happy in their present threat to talk with sharon land about the latest book. >> and all things healing. plus, a live performance from a local band. find out their tours touring days and had to catch him here in san francisco. that is so much more. still to come on the more. still to come on the show, a quick commercial break you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. salonpas lidocaine flex.
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. ♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪
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♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪ welcome. and you're now tune in to live in the bay. and coming up, we have a phenomenal show


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