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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> tonight 5, 30 police in san francisco are searching for a man who they say vandalized a mosque using a skateboard kron four's gayle ong reports. >> broken windows could be seen at a scout or heat mosque in san francisco, a member tells kron 4 off camera on april 4th, a man parked his car in front of the mosque located on sutter street between polk and van ness. the member says the man walked over to smash a window with a skateboard, then walked to the other side of the entrance to break another window. the suspect shouted islamophobic rhetoric and ran inside the mosque to drink water and then went back to his car. the member called 9-1-1. the incident was caught on surveillance video that was given to police on tuesday.
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the same suspect was seen outside the mosque but did not cause any damage this comes as the muslim community has been celebrating ramadan. it's really sad is unacceptable. a seal is a san francisco immigrant rights commissioner and has close ties with this mosque. i went to school at this mosque as a kid. i played almost every single payer. >> during ramadan. >> over here, mosque board members say over the past month there have been other acts of vandalism. the words on this now painted wall out front, read, quote, you will all burn in and the other were don't has been written at the entrance of the mosque. that attack on one of us is an attack on all of us and that we are a united front and >> just cannot be condoned and we're peaceful people. and we just want to live in harmony with everyone else. >> a statement from the san francisco bay area office of the council on american islamic relations reads in part, quote, during this period of high in unprecedented islamophobia, we
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urge mosque leaders to take extra precautions to proct their attendees and elected officials and civic leaders to take heat at how israeli violence in palestine is having an impact here at home. on wednesday, prayers continued at the mosque as members celebrate the end of their holy month. police are investigating the incidents and have the suspect's license plate number. anyone with information is asked to call san francisco police gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> eat al fitr celebrations taking place in san francisco this morning marking the end of the holy month of ramadan. >> people gathered for prayer at the park at saint mary's recreation center. the islamic center of san francisco hosted today's event as of this ceremony, muslims could break their fast and return to their normal routines. >> it was a beautiful experience. whether important
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with just to see the unity, muslim community come >> during the holy month for muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and took time doing self reflection and prayer. >> today marks 20 years since the murder of san francisco police officer isaac anthony espinosa, the killer david hill, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of him and the attempted murder of his partner, former mayor mark farrell, who is running for mayor again, sent his well wishes to espinosa's family and friends saying in part, i'm forever grateful to all past and present officers for putting their lives on the line to serve and protect our city and communities and quote, espinosa was just 29 when he was killed. >> the contra costa board of supervisors have passed recommendation to expand health care to undocumented residents. it expands eligibility to immigrants by
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eliminating the documentation status requirement for the county's basic health care program. supervisor john goya celebrated the vote saying the historic action to expand health care to more of our hard working immigrant families makes us a healthier and more equitable county. a new study of santa clara county's public contracts shows only a few of those contracts were awarded to minority owned businesses. the study looked at the number of minority owned businesses that one public contracts between july 2016 and june 2021, it found local minority owned businesses receive just 15% of the county's total payment. the study recommends the county start a small business enterprise program to give local and diverse businesses more opportunities to bid for those public contracts. county officials and the study's authors are hosting a virtual public forum on monday at 01:00pm to get feedback from business groups. >> take a look an east bay
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regional park. police officer stopped a crime after he saw several people trying to steal a parked cars in the oakland hills. the suspects drove away when they saw the officer officers, though, later spotted the car which they determined to be stolen when they approached, they say the people inside got out and ran away. but oakland police eventually helped capture all 7 suspects. officers say they found a number of guns and ski masks in the car. nearly 200 arrests and more than 400 stolen cars were recovered in oakland, the california highway patrol says they've also recovered. 31 guns linked to crimes. these arrests and seizures were made during an 8 week period and the people arrested were linked to carjackings, drug, dealing, dui and theft. the governor credits the increased presence of chp officers that have been working with local law enforcement since february. it's all part of governor newsom's 10 point action plan to support oakland's efforts
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to improve street safety and to beautify the city. >> taking a live look at mount tam evening. absolutely. beautiful day once again across the bay area. large is here now with the look at it, how long this will last and how things are going to be changing yet again on that roller coaster weather again, as we do in the spring time is before settle into really a nice summer pattern. we get to the fog and low clouds and >> you start to see that clearing in the afternoon days like this gorgeous weather outside 70 some 80's out there now. i think we're going to see another day very similar to this again tomorrow. but then things change on friday by this weekend, we're talking about more rain rolling in the bay area. out the door, though, right now you can see a beautiful evening on tap along the coastline. you've got some clear skies toward the golden gate bridge. just a couple high clouds up above temperatures, very comfortable at the international airport in san francisco, 70 degrees right now, 70 in oakland. how about san jose? checking in at 78 degrees. 78 and live more warm. 79 in concord and 76 degrees in santa rosa. so very
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comfortable temperatures all around this evening and well, not much in the way of wind, just some light breezes out there around the bay area. right now, the winds likely to ramp up in the next storm system is begins to approach the bay area, but not to late on friday and into the weekend. so enjoy this nice spring weather outside holding true across the entire state. she some fog all the way down the point conception south of monterey bay creep up along the coastline here. likely going to see a little bit that overnight tonight and it's tomorrow. but watch this as we're going to see some changes coming our way. forecast model the at right now. little normally win here in the bay area that some fog begins to creep in by tomorrow morning should be a beautiful day, though, tomorrow. lots of sunshine coming our way. but you see that big batch of green off the coastline. well, that starts to come into view here. and as we get a late on friday, the clouds start to roll and i think stay mostly dry on friday. but late friday night into saturday here comes rolling in the bay area. more rain, cold weather, maybe even some mountain snow. guys, back to you.
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>> lauren, hank state bill that would keep landlords from asking about pets on rent applications. prohibit pet rent and limit pet deposits is one step closer to passing assembly member. matt haney is behind this push. he says it would address the housing crisis and keep pet owners from being denied a home. critics argue pets have the potential to damage property. but today the bill did pass out of the assembly judiciary committee. it's now headed to the assembly floor. >> a new bill introduced in the state legislature seeks to protect shelter, pets from euthanasia. the bill would require shelters too, notify the public up to 72 hours before a dog or cat is killed. it would also require shelters to post a daily list of any cat or dog scheduled for euthanasia on their website or on social media. >> when people know that animals lives are at risk, lives could be saved. >> there is no word on formal opposition to the bill. but in years passed similar bills
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have failed amid concerns from opponents. it could result in shelter overcrowding. >> as california faces a homelessness crisis, a new audit has found the state spent billions of your tax dollars to address the issue without properly tracking. if those investments actually yielded any results. eytan wallace gives us a closer look at the audit's findings. >> well, here at the state capitol lawmakers, we spoke to about this on its findings say they are outright. it's the issue impacting communities across the state. homelessness. >> it's such a big issue that according to the legislative analyst's office, the state invested 24 billion dollars over the last 5 years to curb the problem. but this just-released report from the california auditor found the state lacks the proper information to determine the ongoing costs and results of its homeless is programs because the california inner agency council or i c h in
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charge of overseeing the implementation of housing first policies has, quote, not consistently tracked and evaluated the state's efforts to prevent and end homelessness. and that's disappointing. i would say it was very troubling. that was the reaction from something member josh hoover and democratic senator dave cortese. they were the bipartisan lawmakers who originally requested the audit to take place. the audit found the i c h council did track homeless suspending between 2018 2021. but not since above that it showed, despite the billions of dollars spent to combat the issue, the number of people experiencing homelessness increased by more than 50% between 2013 2023. if you're a taxpayer, right, you should be outraged because obviously your money is being wasted. but even if you're a homeless advocate, someone that wants to supeort these programs with state dollars. you should be outraged, right? because the reality is they're clearly not getting people the help that they need. the bottom line is. >> something's not effective.
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something's not again, the results. and we just need to do a better job. know going forward of tracking in assessing in response to the audit's findings, the interagency council on homelessness said. >> the audit underscores need to continue to hold local governments accountable who are primarily responsible for implementing these programs and collecting data on outcomes. the state can use to evaluate program effectiveness. >> the council continues to improve its ability to ensure that taxpayer dollars spent traditional e and effectively. as for what happens next, the audit is calling on the legislature to require state agencies to report the costs and outcomes of their homelessness programs. you know, we know what's broken when go right to the cure. >> and make sure this doesn't happen any longer. we as a legislature should be very troubled by this report ready to take action at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> still to come, a monumental change. what we know about new limits now in place on forever chemicals and drinking water. >> plus, it's the end of an
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era for the stanford women's basketball team. we have legendary coach tara vanderveer years. they're vanderveer years. they're well. ( ♪♪ )
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>> welcome back. it is the end of an era. stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer calling it a career as she finishes as the nc double a's all-time winningest basketball coach for us. kate rooney reports. the freys goat greatest of all time gets tossed around an awful lot these days in the sports world, but not many people can actually say they were the
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greatest in their chosen sport. one who can is tara vanderveer departing head coach of the stanford women's basketball team who announced her retirement yesterday after 38 seasons here on the farm. just a couple of the impressive number. she's racked up over that time. 3, double-a championship winds. 15 final 4 appearances. 22 elite. 8 appearances. 28 sweet. 16 appearances and of course the number the number of them all 1216, all-time wins most among any ncaa coach men's or women's in the history of the sport. but for van der veer, it's never been about the stats or about the accolades. as a matter of fact, today, she said that she's realized over the years she enjoys winning a little bit less than she actually hates losing. and that has been a huge motivating factor for more than anything vanderveer has loved the game of basketball. purely since the 3rd grade and the most special part for her has been the relationships with the
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hundreds of women who have played for her. i never wanted to let any of our players down. i never wanted. i don't like it when they're in the gym before me. i want i want to outwork them and i want them to know that. >> i'm giving them the best chance of being successful. and i have said this, i want to have to take them to a place they can get by themselves and, you know, i'm also i kind of read, you know, you know, the teamwork of it. that is just so special have that feeling of, you know, getting in doing something with the team and i want them to experience that. >> so what's next for the greatest of all time? well, vanderveer will still be around the stanford program. she'll be with the team in some capacity. hasn't quite been ironed out yet, but probably in an advisory role and her longtime associate head coach k pay 17 years as an assistant also played for van der will be taking over the head coaching duties and in all her free time than says she has a lot to make up for. she plans to taste a lot of food around the best
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restaurant. the bay area has to offer spend some time with her 97 year-old mother and learn how to beat her mom in the game of bridge. and she says most importantly should be devoting a lot of her free time to watching the warriors. vanderveer is a huge warriors fan. just like so many of us here in the bay area at stanford. kate rooney kron 4 sports. >> what a career. i know she's excellent water skier has a lake house. i minnesota the athletic had a great profile about tar not long ago. so didn't know that she water skis like every day in the summer congrats on a legendary career to tara vanderveer. well, there is a legal battle that is going on in the nevada supreme court about whether nevada taxpayers can get to decide whether or not they should pay for part of the a's ballpark construction. the nevada state education association filed a petition saying voters should get to decide. but a clark county judge struck that down. the group appealed then to the
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state's highest court. if the petition is reinstated, the group could still need more than 100,000 signatures to get this issue on the ballot. the amount in question is roughly 200 million dollars of the 350 million portion being paid for by vat. >> 3 players have officially been signed to the oakland ballers, including a female player. andrew martinez, connor kapur, olay and kelsey. what more have all signed their contracts and attend spring training starting next month. we'll see what more made history back in 2022. as the first woman to sign a professional contract with an mlb partner league team with the staten island ferry hawks, martinez and copper, our bay area natives from san francisco and allay. the dollar's now have 31 players under contract going into the club's spring training. >> that should be fun. and speaking of ballers, sears, lawrence, thank you very much.
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yeah, it feels like baseball weather does all i mean, it is great out there. get out there to joy. why not enjoy some sunshine, a good game out there as well. and >> a beautiful weather around the bay area. the last couple of days things are going to as we head toward the weekend. you're going to want to wear back. more snow up in the sierra nevada. maybe some more snow over a lack of local mountain tops not as much as the previous storm, but still pretty impressive. this late in the season. but out there today. yeah, not much to worry about weather-wise. just gorgeous weather out there all the way. the coastline. they have some thick fog in spots early on today. you may see that again early tomorrow morning. but looking good so far as we get ready for the sun to set. yeah. nice evening ahead for us. just a few high clouds up above and some patchy fog on the way tomorrow. mostly sunny, going to be mild warm temperatures depending where you're out of your in some of the valleys. nice warm 70's days inside the bay. some beautiful 70's along the coast. little bit cooler there with patchy fog. cold rain, though, likely to make a return on saturday. partly cloudy, slight chance of a sprinkle early on sunday morning. so yeah, even as nice as this has been, we've had a
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big dome of high pressure overhead. the pacific still remains very active in. so that means of one of the storm's punch through. we start to talk about the prospects for some rain doesn't look like that's going to happen. least not today. probably not tomorrow either. but by late on friday night looks like the storm clouds roll back in and bringing around not only rain but some cold weather too. so here's long-range forecast so far. so good. tomorrow looks great. high pressure overhead. kind of get the sense that ridge out ahead of this front. then as we get into friday, that system kind of park itself right off the coastline and then it comes right down with that swirl of low pressure means we're going to get some unstable air to come along with that. the possibility some thunderstorms to get a little bit closer. there you go. we get an early on saturday morning. you see that peak of the blue beginning to pick up on some snow, maybe on hamilton again as the system rolls on through. but turning more towards scattered showers in the afternoon. so i don't think it will be a washout on saturday. just more showers. the rain coming in the morning turning the showers as we head toward the middle of the day. then slight chance of a lingering shower. more snow up in the sierra nevada. if you're headed that way after that. but we start to clear things out looking pretty
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good. so that's the good news. and tomorrow, how about this? some nice temperatures around the bay area. 67 degrees in the mission. 62 daly, city, little cooler some patchy fog there in the 50's get inside the bay. those temperatures warming up nicely headed down the peninsula. 72 redwood city, the south bay enjoying 70's and some 80's by tomorrow afternoon, the east bay looking good too. a lot 80's in the interior valleys should be beautiful. walnut creek, about 80 degrees. 84 in pittsburgh. 76 a nap and you get the idea. we're working on some nice numbers, outside least for another day that we start to cool things down by this weekend. chance of showers, maybe even some thunderstorms. so, you know, i've got a good friend, dave, that works at safeway. he really has a good feel for the bay area. what everybody's thinking you know, our relationship was just getting better because the weather is getting better, too, because now there's good part of winter. he would talk to me. they may be talking for a while after this weekend. i think here's the thing. it's okay to get a couple of days here and there. but when. >> it always tends to fall on a saturday yeah, that's the rough part. like if it happened today and tomorrow
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would be ok, but it's kind of nice during the weekend. i mean, usually we're talking white or wheat bread, you know what the deal and safe way. but i mean, there are times this year he's just like this. i'd walk by. he wouldn't look at me. can you believe it? larsen, dave's excellent continue. you got right. the water coming out of your tap could soon be a lot safer. the environmental protection agency announced today the first-ever national standard. >> to limit toxic chemicals in public water systems. the chemicals have been linked to cancers and developmental issues for infants and kids. the epa says rule requires public drinking water systems to monitor and report high levels of the chemicals. the epa says it will provide almost a billion dollars to help states and territories meet the new standards. >> we want to make sure that all americans are protected from their drinking water. nobody american needs to worry about and should have to worry about whether or not when they
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turn on the tap, they can use it to make their coffee. >> the epa says the rule changes will prevent thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of illnesses each year. however, some members of congress say the new rule will likely result in higher costs for people who use the water. >> all healed up and ready next. we take a look at the next stage in liv. leave the next stage in liv. leave the tigers. they get better. ness.
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well, it is time to say goodbye to a very special friend, very special friend of
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the kron for news at 5. specifically oakland zoo's lily. the tiger has gone to her forever home. the now 9 months tiger cub has moved to the performing. >> animal welfare society sanctuary up in northern california. she has a serious bone condition that will require care for the rest of her life. but she'll be surrounded there by the expert veterinary and caregiver staff who will provide the care she needs. the zoo wrote on social media. it's always bittersweet to say goodbye to rescues, but we're very happy. she has a trust worth e and expansive new home. we are proud to have been able to nurse her back to health over the past month and a half are trying to figure out the exact location that new sanctuary. grant's worried about where she's going. but i think i think wherever it is and she's probably fantastic over. we're are still on. okay. he was looking but he couldn't >> googling under pressures
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hard figure it out. it maybe can knows where that is. have never done that. i've heard that sanctuary for performing animals because some there and circuses or and movie productions and so on that maybe we could take a field trip. yes, let's do it right. the bus. hopefully we'll get an update after she writes, yes, settled in and we'll see how she's because we all apparently it's unusual to that's over twice. talk and let you know between stockton, sacramento. there you go. i think they have the strawberry festival in galt. >> so there you go. you know, so speaking of we're working on other stories for 6. it is a race against time to find entangled whale. >> off the coast of california rescue free worry that if they don't find that will soon, he could die. and we have the latest on the search efforts. plus, sideshows plaguing bay area streets. again, we're going hear from police about the struggles they face. >> trying to crack down on this illegal activity. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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