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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> rescue crews searching along the coast from pacifica point. razor not able to track and locate a gray whale today whose tail has become, you know, entangled in fishing nets. that marine mammal center says that fog winds and large swells have hampered that search and with weather conditions, worsening there will be no search at all tomorrow. but >> shore side monitoring will continue as kron four's. dan kerman tells us crews are at the very least hoping to get a
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new tracker on the before this weekend's storms. the search resumed wednesday for this. 25 to 30 foot gray whale whose to 30 foot gray whale whose tail is entangled in a gill marine mammal center focused on the area from where was last seen to point rays when we left the whale yesterday, it was swimming in a southerly direction. >> and don't know how far it traveled in that direction. we anticipated to turn around and go north. so that is our broad range and we've alerted folks up and point reyes and the national seashore staff are keeping an looking out for the well for kathy george, with the marine mammal center says the juvenile whale this likely heading north towards that summer feeding grounds in the arctic. the goal is to locate it as soon as possible so they can remove the fishing net that's preventing the whale from being able to feed and travel as it should. as the whale grows, this gear isn't going to get any smaller. so
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there is potential that in the future if this gear does not come off this gear could either lead to the whales. ultimate death. or it could cause serious harm and injury to the tail area. once the whale is located, rescue crews will place a satellite tracker on it. a previous tracker placed on the whale in southern california last month came off. then in the days and weeks ahead. those tracking the whale will meet up with it and cut the fishing net off, which is no easy feat. we get in our small boat approached the whale grabbed the trailing year. that's coming off of the whale walk hand over hand. have our engine out of the water in our small boats. and we have knives on polls that we can snap together and we can start to cut with this amount of guilt nut. it's going to require a significant amount of cunning fog off the coast to so far hampered the search for the whale. rescuers
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are hoping to get a new tracker on it before this weekend's pending storms. dan kerman kron, 4 news. happening tomorrow. local bay area fisheries and restaurant owners plan to speak out about how restrictions on the upcoming salmon season will hurt their businesses. >> fishery managers had to cancel last year's season because of past droughts said decimated the salmon population this year. they're predicting better numbers. but it's still well below average. regulators are thinking about restricting or even canceling the season again. business owners say the families who fish for salmon for a living can't survive. another canceled season. the meeting will be tomorrow. 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at us of sausalito. take a look at this. new surveillance video showing another break. another break-in at colonial donuts in oakland. police say the thieves got away with the cash register. coming up on kron. 4 news at 10. we're going hear from the owner who says they're frustrated by all the crime there. as california
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faces a homelessness crisis, a new audit. >> is finding that the state spent billions of your tax dollars to address the issue without properly tracking. if those investments actually yielded results time. well, as good as a closer look at the on its findings. >> well, here at the state capitol lawmakers, we spoke to about this on its findings say they are outright. it's the issue impacting communities across the state. >> homelessness. >> it's such a big issue that according to the legislative analyst's office, the state invested 24 billion dollars over the last 5 years to curb the problem. but this just-released report from the california auditor found the state lacks the proper information to determine the ongoing costs and results of its homeless is programs because the california inner agency council or i c h in charge of overseeing the implementation of housing first policies has, quote, not consistently tracked and evaluated the state's efforts
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to prevent and end homelessness. and that's disappointing. i would say it was very troubling. that was the reaction from something number. josh hoover and democratic senator dave cortese. they were the bipartisan lawmakers who originally requested the audit to take place. the audit found the i c h council did track homeless suspending between 2018 2021. but not since above that it showed despite the billions of dollars spent to combat the issue, the number of people experiencing homelessness increased by more than 50% between 2013 2023. if you're a taxpayer, right, you should be outraged because obviously your money is being wasted. but even if you're a homeless advocate, someone that wants to support these programs with state dollars. you should be outraged, right? because the reality is they're clearly not getting people the help that they need. the bottom line is. >> something's not effective. something's not again, the results. and we just need to do a better job. know going forward of tracking in assessing in response to the
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audit's findings, the interagency council on homelessness said. >> the audit underscores need to continue to hold local governments accountable who are primarily responsible for implementing these programs and collecting data on outcomes. the state can use to evaluate program effectiveness. the council continues to improve its ability to ensure that taxpayer dollars spent traditional e and effectively. as for what happens next, the audit is calling on the legislature to require state agencies to report the costs and outcomes of their homelessness programs. you know, we know what's broken. we go right to the cure. >> and make sure this doesn't happen any longer. we. >> as a legislature should be very troubled by this report. >> ready to take action at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news, francisco mayor london breed is getting ready for a trip to china. last year. chinese president xi invited mayor breed to visit his country. >> saturday, mayor breed along with a delegation from san francisco's asian and pacific islander communities. we'll kick off multi-city tour of china. the mayor says they
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plan to meet with business leaders, government officials, universities in airports all in an effort to try to improve relations and attract business. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco a significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> the mayor says she's hoping to encourage tourism in 2023. visitors from china spent more than 660 million dollars in san francisco and the bay area, according to the mayor's office, mayor breed will be in china for a week and she's also hoping to come back with that. we're not having panda sooners. francis love those downtime for 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at. >> francisco and the bay in the background there. what a now. lawrence great out there. today wasn't a gorgeous weather. all everything is blooming out there at a chance to go walk more point. >> and pacific and and that's super bloom is happening out just to check it out all the
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colors. it looks like the fields are gold news expanded today, right? sure, guys. but that's great time to get out there and enjoy locked in for a while. right? with all this stormy weather around the bay area. but now looking good out there. nice evening tonight that a couple patches of fog out there. little haze out there right now. but overall, yes, some nice weather. look at these numbers. 72 degrees. official high in san francisco today. 74 in oakland. >> a warm 81 degrees today in san jose. 79 la more 79 in concord and 79 degrees in saint rose. all these temperatures well above the average for this time of year. not bad out there right now. start to cool off coast side. you're 55 now in half moon bay. 77 in san jose. 76 in fremont a comfortable 68 in oakland at 74 degrees right now in napa. so working on a nice evening out there right now. we're going to join another nice day, very similar, i think for tomorrow. but you can see is active out there in the middle of pacific. and eventually when the storms going to punch through. unfortunately, the timing on that probably is going to affect your weekend.
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looks like tonight, though, a couple high clouds moving overhead. couple patches of fog down below 2 and then tomorrow morning, that's we start out the day. but then lots of sunshine takes over a little breeze out there right now. but not much a little more northerly wind actually in the san francisco. so that will keep skies mostly clear for the short term. but overnight tonight, more of a sea breeze going to kick in and that means return of some patchy fog, but not a whole lot should be as we head through the day. tomorrow should be a nice day overnight. tonight you'll see some of clouds floating up above and couple patches of fog along the coastline. the commute tomorrow them look bad as we head toward the afternoon should be a great day. lots of sunshine coming your way and some comfortable weather out there traveling around the state. how about some 80's up and down the joaquin beautiful 81 degrees warming up in los angeles. and 75 degrees in san diego. >> thank you, lawrence. the congress, the board of supervisors passed a recommendation to expand health care to undocumented residents. it expands eligibility to immigrants by eliminating the documentation status requirement for the
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counties. basic health care program. supervisor john goya celebrating the boat saying, quote, the historic action to expand health care. 2 more of our hard working immigrant families makes us a healthier and more equitable county. happening tonight, santa clara county health officials are holding an event to teach people how to use nor can the drug helps reverse opioid overdoses. the free workshop will also be an opportunity to learn more about the opioid crisis. training starts at 7 o'clock tonight at the mitchell park library in palo alto attendees will also be given a free narcan kit. non prop. >> nonprofit organization consumer reports is petitioning the department of agriculture to take lunchables out of schools due to health concerns. kraft heinz developed 2 new versions of lunchables last year for the national school lunch program. but the consumer advocacy group says they contain even higher levels of sodium than the one sold in stores. the
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organization also claims the snack kits contain relatively relatively high levels of lead in response to the petition, kraft heinz said, quote, all our foods meet strict safety standards that we happily feed to our own families. a new study of santa clara county's public contracts or shows only a few of those contracts were awarded to. >> minority owned businesses. the study looked at the number of my own minority owned businesses that one public contracts between july 2016 and june of 2021, it found that local minority owned businesses received only 15% of the county's total payment. the study recommends the county start a small business enterprise program to give local and diverse businesses more opportunities to bid for public contracts. county officials and the study's authors are hosting a virtual public forum monday at 01:00pm to get feedback from business groups.
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>> eads celebrations are underway in san francisco today marking the end of the holy month of ramadan. people gathered for prayer at the park at the saint. mary's recreation center in the city, the islamic center, san francisco hosted today's event as of this ceremony, muslims can return to their normal routines, breaking their fast. >> it was a beautiful experience. >> whether is important with just to see the unity, muslim community come >> during the holy month, muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and took time doing self-reflection and prayer. >> next in sports, legendary stanford head coach tara vanderveer calling it quits and a career she held a retirement press conference earlier today. aaron wilson has reaction.
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>> and update now to the team tryouts. the oakland ballers held over the weekend. 3 players have officially been signed, including a female player. andrew martinez, connor kapur, al and kelsie whitmore have all signed their contracts and they're going to attend spring training next month. kelsie whitmore making history back in 2022. as the first woman to sign a professional contract with an m l b partner league team with the staten island ferry hawks martinez and the carpenter, al
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our bay area natives from san francisco la haute. the bowlers now have 31 players under contract going in to the club's spring training for the a legal battle going on the nevada supreme court over whether nevada taxpayers get to decide whether or not they should pay for the a's. new stadium construction in las vegas. >> the nevada state education association filed a petition saying voters should get to decide. but a clark county judge, which is where las vegas is, struck it down. the group appealed to the state's highest court. if the petition is reinstated, the group still needs more than 100,000 signatures to get on the ballot. the mountain questions roughly 200 million dollars out of the 350 million dollar portion being paid by the state of nevada. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, after 38 amazing seasons coaching some of the bits that come through the
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sport of women's college basketball, former and we're talking about former players like hand is wiggins today ago. mckay, in the most recent cameron brink nbi. now she's coast. the best of the best became the this is the winningest coach in college basketball. obviously i'm talking about our vanderveer today. she officially retired as the head coach at stanford now towers. but 45 years as head coach, she started ohio and then to ohio state idaho, rather to ohio state in filing she met her match it stanford her a winning record was 1000. what 216, 3 ncaa tournament titles. 13 final 4 appearances. you know, 15 conference championship. the list goes on and on for the 5 time national coach of the year. and although, of course, we hate to see her go out with soap and out when i met our because i'm a basketball player. we hate to see really the farm, but she's not leaving just yet. coach then of beers last they will be on her official 39th anniversary with the program which is actually next month may 8th 2024. kate pay one of her
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former players and assistant coaches for the last 17 seasons will be taking over. i'm talking about kate pay and she will take over time. our kate rooney was down there caught up with our earlier today as she reflected on her remarkable, amazing career with the cardinals. take a listen. coming to stanford. i really thought this is the ultimate challenge. and i wanted to see if i could win at stanford. >> i, you know, been successful idaho and ohio state and i love both places. i loved working there. but stanford, how can you how can you say no to stanford? a beautiful place, a great university this year where we have. i want to have a great year which we it was just really exciting to work with the players. i worked with but i just know it's time. it's all about kind of my life. timing in my rhythm n wanting to do some other things. >> now you can catch kate's full interview with coach tara tonight on sports night live a course at 10:45pm. meanwhile, the giants they were looking to avoid 3 game sweep posting
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the nationals for some afternoon baseball. this one at oracle park. so how did they fare bottom of the second is what picking up. the giants down a run. what on for nick are made right here and he smokes one deep into center. they are going is dates. take young couple. he makes the catch with his. the will win collided with the wind, dropped the ball. and there's matt chapman scoring a man into 3rd right there with a triple in the giants. they tied up very next batter. >> tyler fitzgerald, he breaks his bat and hits a blooper into left him. scores in the giant. they take the lead. bottom of the 5th now? well, the giants leading by 3, 1, offer michael conforto and he ropes right for a base hit. now fitzgerald scores in the giant. they pad their lead to 4. the next inning is the same score one off from and he singles one up the middle of may was on fire today. he had 3 for 3 today with 2 rbi eyes. the giants point on at this point they will go on to win this one. 71 over the
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nationals who they will then have the day off tomorrow and then hit the tampa bay for the rays on friday. now let's head out to augusta, beautiful weather, beautiful day. let's go to georgia with a par 3 contest ahead of the masters tournament on thursday is going on on the 6 whole gary woodland actually with a nice drive there. >> and check this out is right in front of his wife kids. and it trickles in for a hole in one at that as he celebrates with his family. they're standing close by. there were 5 hole in ones on the day. but rickie fowler ultimately came out on top. now on his final hole. he sinks in the birdie, put here to secure the victory ballot. will he wins the par 3 contest and now on around one of the masters starting tomorrow that sports outlets back to you guys at the all right. here. >> let's take a live look outside right now. the commute out there and walnut creek 6.80, going along at pretty fast clip. >> and i'd rather be here. yeah. on any freeway right
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now. >> yeah. i agree with you. yeah. why not? boy. be nice to out there. walking on the embarcadero right now. nice. >> evening here in the bay area. looking good out there. as we look out >> toward the bay and beyond. you couple high clouds up above sunset just around 7.41. this evening. so the days are growing longer and they're getting a little bit warmer. but got some big changes in the worst coming our way tonight, a few high clouds rolling on in the couple patches of fog tomorrow. mostly sunny, mild to warm a little cool out toward the coast of this weekend. that cold rain rolls back in and the showers likely to continue into sunday morning to all showed you right here. here's the long-range forecast. tomorrow. looks like a great day. get out there and enjoy. it should be a nice warm, sunny day. then things change on friday. the clouds start to roll in and see that storm kind of person right off the coastline and that area of low pressure going to come right toward the bay area. that means some instability, some showers, maybe even some thunderstorms. and you have maybe even some mountain snow again as thvt cold system kind of rolls on through sunday, maybe a lingering shower or 2, then it kind of moves out of
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town. but you get the idea. looks like a another round of some wet weather coming our way tomorrow should be a beautiful day plan on some 60's in the san francisco, mostly sunny skies. couple patches of fog along the coastline cooler there in the 50's low 60's inside the bay will warm you up. 73 in san carlos. 72 and sunny. it would side beautiful the south bay 70's and 80's by tomorrow afternoon. he's been numbers also up in the 70's and the 80's should be plenty of sunshine all day long. just a couple high clouds cruising overhead about 80 in fairfield tomorrow. 79 of show about 74 in center field. 65 degrees as to beach next couple days. beautiful weather cooling down a little bit on friday. a cold rain returns friday night and into saturday. thank you, lawrence. of the state bill that would stop landlords from asking about pat on rent applications is one step closer to passing. >> it would also prohibit pet rent and limit pet deposit san francisco assemblymember matt haney, who is behind the bill says that it's going to address the housing crisis and keep pet owners from being denied a home. critics argue
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the pats have the potential to damage property. the bill did make it out of the assembly judiciary committee and it's now headed to the assembly floor. >> problems with this year's federal student financial aid form known as fafsa have left a lot of students unsure if they're going to be able to afford to go to college. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple has more on our people are doing about it. >> the new simplified student aid form known as fats fo was supposed to be easier for families to fill out and expand the number of students eligible for federal aid. we begin the school year with high hopes, but that promise hasn't panned out. numerous missed implementation deadlines. >> long delays, broken promises called call centers and it airs financial aid. experts told lawmakers the botched rollout has left students in limbo about whether they can afford college. there are 2.8 million fewer fastest filed this year. >> as compared with the same
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time last year, rachel feltman with the university of north carolina chapel hill says they still haven't sent aid offers for the fall yet because of delays that the department of education are facing a crisis of enrollment and of trust. >> the applications that have been submitted, 40% have errors that can't be fixed quickly. according to the national association of student financial aid, administrators night or a student or an institution can go in and make a correction. as of this morning, we expect that to happen soon. education secretary miguel cardona said in late march the department is working around the clock to address the problems, transforming a system that has been touching 40 years. >> they're going to be some challenges with it. and the clock is ticking. early may is usually when schools require students decisions in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple coming up. >> furniture store ikea is opening up a new food hall in san francisco. it's happening tomorrow. we'll tell you all it has to offer after the break. all right, mark your
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calendars tomorrow. ikea is opening up a food hall in san francisco. >> a salute. all is what they call. it's going to take up 2 floors and seat up to 450 people. the space will have 11 different food type offerings from burgers, the tacos to plant-based noodles. the food hall will also serve a nordic style beer by local brewery. fort point grand opening set for 11, 30 tomorrow morning and if they don't have swedish meatballs, then i i don't know. it's not that i have on
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it and they got to be it all the other ones. all but i'm sure it's on the list. >> that wraps kron for news at 6. we're going to convention over the meatballs and we'll see you tonight at 10 night.
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