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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  April 11, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> now on tse kron morning
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news east. a donut shop targeted at the end. how a family owned business is trying to protect the shop after being robbed 4 times less than a year. there was just a business owners trying to keep dream alive while operating a barbershop and downtown, a customer's has been at the brink of closure. san jose is trying to find better ways to make roads safe as the city continues to report. deadly crashes. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. well, good thursday morning at a funeral brighton early for the morning news. >> today is thursday, april, 11th the month of april is turning out to be a very, very nice when john, the weather, like you say yesterday, it was baking i though i wasn't used to that feeling sitting out there in the backyard. and i was like this is good. i no. but this we're looking out
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there at a little fog this morning, though, here is the golden gate bridge. >> with that fog placed right through it again today. the coast is going to be a little cooler while the rest of us are going to be just as hot as yesterday was visibility. good news right now is holding pretty strong. so even though we do have a little bit of that fog to the golden gate, we're looking okay in that regard. temperatures are hanging out in the mid 50's for most areas. few 40's. once you get into the north bay. but all in all, pretty typical stuff to get this morning started. where are we going to be this afternoon? was i mentioned very similar as to where we were yesterday afternoon, which is yet again. nice and toasty 80's inland 70's by the bay. those 60's at the coast coastal areas. you do see temperatures a little bit warmer today. today is the last of our warm days, though, before a big cool down the rest of this forecast and the return of rainfall come saturday. i'll get to that in your full forecast. michael thomas with a look at the roads. i know we have an issue out there. what's the latest? >> thanks, john. and good morning, everyone. we're
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already starting to see some delays over the east bay near the hayward area. if you're using to 38 to try to get to 80 bad news for you this morning, there's an overturned big rig and it is leaking some feel so you can see right now to 38 northbound 2.80, southbound lanes. that connector is closed. the good news is that the northbound lanes on 8.80, are open. however, you can see it's already starting to cause some of that congestion. right there. we're going to see that backups on alternative route for you could be using 5.80. but again, it's going to be backed up so far from a team. we're already starting to see that buildup. taking a look right now at 5.80, a little bit more inland area. things do look good livermore to dublin. only a 10 minute commute. but to avoid that, you could just take 6.80, either north or south and use 24 to get over to the other side. but we're going to see a lot of delays in that hayward area pretty much all morning. but giving you some drive times right now, crockett to the maze. 16 minute commute. walnut creek, 2, 5, 8, 11 minute commute. castro valley to the maze. 13 minute
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commute. stanley under to the maze. a 10 minute commute. taking a look at the bridges right now, the bay bridge from the maze over to fremont street. only an 8 minute commute. taking a look over at san mateo bridge. 14 minute commute on to the peninsula and moving north a little bit. richmond, sandra fell a seven-minute commute that golden gate bridge were not get not view right now, but it's only a 20 minute commute over that and also when it comes to that crash over in hayward, again, we do have a team on the way there to bring you some visuals, but it is a semi that is turned over. so as soon as we get more word on when it could possibly be cleaned up, we'll keep you updated. but as of right now, they're looking at at least 4 to 5 hours, right? all send it back to you. so let's head to the east bay cousin opened family. >> they're going public with their issues as their decades old donut shop continues to be targeted by thieves. colonia donuts has been robbed 4 times in less than a year. we spoke with the family about security measures. they've been taking well, 4 sarah stinson has their story.
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>> colonial donuts on lakeshore avenue in oakland has been a staple for 40 years. a family business that the owner's daughter wanted to protect for decades to come. i left job. came back. >> plan and want to continue my family's legacy. but it's just it's very hard very she's speaking out wednesday night, but wanting to keep their privacy after being robbed 4 times in less than a year. security video from march first shows 3 people entering the shop. >> just before 6 in the morning, one with a golf club in hand grabbed the register. i think i want to alienate up with $300 in cash in the register and like over 1000. the shop was also robbed back in december. what is going on here in customers rallied in support of the shop and against rampant crime. the daughter says mayor sheng thao has stopped by to check in on the family and consider her to show up and, >> you know, i had told then and feel that now like. how am
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i going and make are backed colonial donuts has taken several precautions to avoid being targeted by thieves. now they don't offer indoor seating and while it remains open, 24 7, the staff only serves doughnuts through a window during the overnight hours. and we're looking at probably putting it up at actual storefront not to have a door and lock but actual she says each robbery not only threatens their livelihood but also shakes up the sense of security for the neighborhood. what is the best step that we we we can do because i don't want to live out in the wild west so much. so this woman plans to move out of oakland, you know, like heartbreak. you know, that business is getting even allies. and i >> it's just hard to see >> and hasn't been that much change. so i'm sara stinson reporting kron. 4 news. >> on the peninsula, palo alto police are looking for people who they say broke into a home of an elderly couple in the
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middle of the night. police say it happened sometime tuesday night at a home on lima way, just north of palo alto va medical center. they say a couple in their 80's told police they woke around 5.30 wednesday morning found their rear glass patio door smashed. they also on the side yard gate open. they don't think anything was stolen. the police believe the suspects left without taking anything have they might have realized s% people were inside the house. well, an arrest was made in connection to a crash killed a 9 year-old girl from oregon. chp says jesus. i've indoor on this is now in custody facing multiple charges crash out on sunday morning on northbound 6.80, in concord. chp says suv carrying 6 people do white through the dirt median and rolled over multiple times. 9 year-old died at the scene and her mother, 13 year-old sister 2.17, year-old cousins are still being treated at the hospital. police say the driver off following the
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crash. his bail set at $200,000. well, the port of oakland commission, they're set to vote on an ordinance that would approve the oakland airport. name change. maybe it is going to be a closed session has started one. the commission will open the meeting to the public at 3.30, for a chance for anybody to express opinions. concerns on any agenda item, including that proposed airport name change. more business owners are on the lindsay street and speaking out against the new bike lanes and 9 o'clock. this morning. local business owners on the street, they will hold a news conference. they're going out legal action against the city outlining their concerns for the bike lane project. businesses have reported to stanch losses all attributed directly to accessibility and visibility caused by the bike lane implementation. overton businesses already closed since the bike lanes. inception. i'm certain times
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where a once popular san francisco barbershop holder of glades co barbershops, his before the pandemic. they had a bustling business on columbus avenue right next to the financial district. now they're seeing a fraction of their customers and they say it's largely because a lot of folks work from home. so they started a gofundme to help keep their dream alive. following the recent and painful decision to close or other shop in walnut creek. >> it's probably one of the hardest things i've ever experienced in my life. they. set back from covid in. people may think it's over, but it's not over for us. you know, in a lot of other small businesses. >> so the owner says the financial hardship is really also kept them from expanding into the mission. rock development, rye, new york, apart. they say the hope is to get through these turbulent times raising at least $100,000. we'll head of the south bay, his traffic deaths continue to plague san jose.
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13 people died in car crashes so far this year were just the beginning of the year. city leaders have lain in the city's wide roads and speeding. talked with the mayor about what the city is doing, trying prevent more deaths over us. jack molmud has that story. >> from a fatal crash on monterey road in january. to a man who spent months trying to recover but ultimately died in april after he was hit by a car off mckee wrote, we do everything right. >> we follow all the rules we wear bright clothing. and still, we have a lot of close calls. max siegel with the organization, families for safe streets says even when walking his daughters to school, it's just too close for comfort. close call can be. >> not paying attention to intersection. san jose keeps track of its car crashes on a public database so far this year we have seen twice as many fatal car crashes compared to just this time last year. so many of the through ways that run through
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san jose rack up quite a few deaths from bad data set. but none may be more dangerous that monterey road, which between 2018, 2023 logged 6 teen road fatalities here. when we most awesome and get it right now that we're talking to max off the corner of monterey and tully. and as we chat. >> cars driving into the bike lane. they're supposed to be separated by these posts. you work towards. designing our streets holistically. the public data also shows san jose's years long campaign to improve its roads like installing those bike lane markers and transforming final through ways in the summer. i grew up on this section of brandon road right here. a couple decades ago. you had 3 lanes and 3 lanes of cars going within 40 miles an hour in the city of san jose. recognize the problem here ended up reducing it to 2 lanes to 2 lanes and added in protected bike lane. one death one too many when it comes to our roadways, people should feel safe. san jose mayor matt mahan says the projects are
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improving streets slowly but surely infrastructure projects are expensive and in the staff and actually carry them out there says he wants to hire more police officers, 4 enforcement and even the potential addition of security camera automatically issue first a warning. and then after the first 6 months a ticket, max says the city should not only focus on police staffing. >> but the design of the roads themselves. and so we need again to have a design, a design, our streets. >> that encourages people and forces people to behave better. now there's some funding set aside to improve. king wrote that's an east side, san jose and yet another statistically dangerous road in the city. >> now regarding the security cameras, the mayor says that if city council approves those cameras, they would start with around 30 of them and placed them around school zones in the newsroom. i'm jack moment. kron 4 news still ahead of the prophet morning news. a new bill is trying to protect shelter pets. >> from being euthanized. explain the changes. it would explain the changes. it would require s
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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>> we have 4 things you can do today. >> well, saturday, they are london breed, along with a delegation from san francisco's asian and pacific islander communities kick off a multi-city tour of china. the plan to meet with business leaders, government officials, university leaders and airport executives all in an effort to improve relations and attract businesses. after 30 years in san francisco, a crunch gym in the city's downtown close. the latest business to fail to recover from the pandemic and remote work. you know, members, they were transferred to the chain's closest location on 3rd street. jain to beat the nationals. 71 last
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night they're going on the road playing the race tomorrow afternoon. meanwhile, rangers beat a 62. playing against another team this morning 11. 35. and rescue crews are searching along the coast from pacifica to point rays. they were unable to locate pretty well on wednesday, we still became entangled in fishing nets. the marine mammal center fall winds, large swells hamper that surge. weather conditions getting worse. there's going to be no search today with shore side monitor and will continue. so santa clara county because mosquito and vector control, they're hosting a press conference this morning. >> 10 to alert the east jose community of a new invasive mosquito in the area. county officials are going inform the community and ask for their help to combat aggressive species carry viruses and diseases such as yellow fever. the district hopes the residents in the area allow staff to access their properties. check for mosquitoes and treat them as needed or to remove the
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nonnative mosquitoes entirely. a lot of folks are going to be out today because it is so warm and nice in of hope and they may be worse. a mosquito spray. good morning, john. yeah. and the sunscreen to both coming in handy out there. >> we are looking at our last of our warmer days today. tomorrow starts or slip into the cooler weekend. and by saturday. >> it's wet and it is really cool. let's get a look at what we've got right now. those skies are pretty clear until you head to the immediate coastline. that's where you are finding some fog right out there. skies for the rest of the day. we'll stay nice. and sunny. now tomorrow we start to see that cloud cover increasing increase marine there. that low has a deepening influence across the bay area and high-pressure ridge that has kept us warm. we'll start to work its way out of the region. we can see a little bit more clearly now the exact timing of what's going to be happening this weekend. worst today is nothing but sunshine and warmth. tomorrow will notice some morning cloud cover
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staying dry for the vast majority of your friday towards tomorrow night after the sun's gone down. that's when we'll start to see showers pushing through 10:00pm right here on through the evening and some pretty heavy showers at times, especially towards midnight and into your early saturday morning here, saturday comes along with the push of that cold front during morning hours. that's going to have an uptick in wind speeds as that cooler air just pushes right into the bay area. cooling us off in a big way towards saturday. here's 04:45am and look at that. that's your low elevation. snow fall back for another round of some snow up in mount hamilton. mount diablo by 07:00am. we kind of catch a bit of a breather, but a resurgence of rainfall towards the middle of the day on saturday and on into the afternoon, even a chance of a roll of thunder or 2 in there. so you get the picture here saturday from start to finish is just going to be a very wet day. all this is going to add up to well over half an inch of rainfall, if not towards an inch in many cases. so another pretty wet weekend. yeah,
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unfortunately placed right in the middle of the weekend yet again. temperatures today are going to be cool at the coast but warm elsewhere. let's get a look at what we've got across the entire bay area. and as you can see, we will be looking at those 80's having made their return for spots like antioch, conquered livermore, san jose, even more gun held. well, 70's from freeman through oakland up to the in santa rosa, down through redwood city the next 7 days, kind of an up and down going on here. we're definitely at the top of the upswing with those 80's inland and 70's by the bay shore friday. tomorrow, going to bring us temperatures cooling back into the 60's and by saturday amid all those showers will be looking at daytime highs only in the 50's. michael thomas has a look at the roads. what's the latest out there? >> thanks, john. and good morning, everyone. well, if you're just waking up, you may want to start moving a bit quicker, especially if you're over in the east bay. we are seeing some delays right now near the hayward area to 38 where the connector meets with
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8.80. there's a big rig that has hit another vehicle and it's now turned over on its side. and they're also it is leaking oil. so it's a fuel spill and it's expected to be like this closed, at least for the next few hours. so 2.38, northbound 2.80, southbound. that connector is closed. the good news is 80 northbound connector is open, but you can on. so your best bet may be to take 6. 82 avoided at all costs moving north. a little bit to check on the area. for those of you who may be heading into the east bay or the city. this morning, 80 is looking good so far. and once you get towards that connector, it could get a lot. a little bit more congested. but taking a look at antioch to concord, 15 minute commute. as of right now, which looks good for this hour. some drive times for those heading over
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to the mains crockett to the maze. 60 minute commute, walnut creek to 5, 80 11 minute commute. castro valley to the knees. 14 minute commute. san leandro to the maze. a 10 minute commute. and keep in mind, some of these may be impacted this morning as there may be more people taking these roads rather than their normal commute because of that oil rig. big spell. so take a look right now at the bay bridge. you can see the maze to fremont street any minute commute. those metering lights are not on just quite yet. give some drive times for those little bit more inland livermore to dublin and 11 minute commute, dublin to fremont 14 minute commute, san leandro to milpitas those heading to the south bay 20 minute commute milpitas to sunnyvale. 6 minute commute. also looking at 101, quickly before i send you over to you can see everything is running smoothly there. san jose to menlo park. a 29 minute commute. reyna. all right, michael, thank you >> a bay area muslim community reacting after a man vandalized a mosque with a skateboard and san francisco. broken windows could be seen
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at a skid. all tory, he'd mosque lower hill. remember kron 4 on april 4th, a man parked his car in front of the mosque, walked over to smash windows of the skateboard shouted hate speech, ran inside the mosque to drink water that went back to his car. comes as the muslim community has been celebrating ramadan. >> really sad is unacceptable. i went to school at this mosque as a kid. i played almost every single payer during ramadan over here. >> board members say over the past month there were other acts of vandalism. no word on this. the words on this wall painted they read out front. oh, no, quote, you will all burn in quote. and the other words don't was also rain at the entrance of the mosque. there. time now 5.21 and new monthly inflation numbers show consumer costs running hotter than expected. gas rent cars sure is largely drove overall
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inflation higher washing correspondent jessi tenure joins us with the very latest on that. jesse, good morning. good morning to you as well. so president biden, he acknowledged that prices are still too high for things like >> housing and groceries. but he did say that inflation is still making steady progress. >> a recent run of good news for consumers hit a snag wednesday when new inflation numbers revealed costs remaining higher than many expected. but president joe biden is still optimistic. we're in a situation where voter situation and we were we took office. the president says overall inflation has slowed by more than 60% since his administration reined in record-high prices during the pandemic. but he expects to burn costs, including gas, rent and car insurance prices to likely delay the federal reserve's effort to slash interest rates by do stand by my prediction, greg mcbride, the chief financial analyst at bankrate agrees with president
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biden about the fed's upcoming decision. you can kiss any idea of a june interest rate cut that by. but mcbride breaks with the president on his current view of the economy. i think we're moving in the wrong direction at the right direction. mcbride says the new federal inflation numbers are so problematic because they target americans necessities. you do pay the rent every you do pay the insurance and the electric bill and those things continue to go up in an outside space. >> the report shows that consumer price index ticked up to 3.5%. >> and the fed's goal is to percent live in washington. i'm jessi tenure. all right. jessi, thank you for that breakdown. there. >> coming up on the kron morning news, a live music venue is at risk of closing as a recent burglaries. now the owners crimes are making people scared to come. his people scared to come. his business will be right back.
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don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. >> well, a new bill introduced in the state legislature seeks to protect shelter pets from euthanasia. the bill require shelters to notify the public up to 72 hours. more cats or dogs euthanized. it would also require shelters post a daily list of any cat or dog scheduled to be euthanized on their website, facebook page as well. when people know that animals lives are at risk, lives could be saved. >> so right now there is no formal opposition on the bill. years passed similar bills faced amid concerns from opponents could result in the shelter. overcrowding. be shelter. overcrowding. be right back after the break. (smelling) ew.
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all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news we've been talking about the warm-up and it is here. it's been really nice past few days, john. really enjoyed basking in the sun. good morning. yesterday was nice to get out there. they have to worry about the jacket for most of the bay area. today is going to be a repeat of that. just a tease for inland areas. >> and plenty of sunshine for it, too, at the coastline. a little bit of fog does make its return. you can see that through the golden gate bridge right now. watch for a few fog patches that you are getting out there and highway one specially out south of half moon bay. now for the rest of us, temperatures will rise
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quickly once the sun does come up here in just a little bit. 40's to 50's right now, pittsburgh, you're sitting at 58 degrees. alameda redwood city hayward, each at 55 currently later today, inland areas just as warm as yesterday. hit those low 80's 70's by the bay shore. 60's not going anywhere out along the coastline. michael. >> thanks, john. and good morning, everyone. if you're just waking up and heading out onto the roads, well, we're already starting to see some delays. overall. things do look good for the most part in the south bay and over in the north bay. but the east bay right now, we are seeing some delays. you can see there's a big rig that's been turned over and essentially it is now leaking oil. so right here on the connector of to 38 on to 8.80, southbound lanes, it's going to be closed. the 8.80, northbound lanes are open. however, we are going to start to see a lot of congestion in this area. taking a look at 5.80, little bit more inland area right now. the commute isn't too bad. you can see it's 11 minutes from livermore to dublin, but eventually at some point this morning, we will start to see 5.80, get a
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little bit backed up. taking a look at some drive times for those of you who are heading over towards the maze right now, crockett to them a 16 minute commute, walnut creek to 5, 8, 11 minute commute. castro valley to the maze, 13 minute commute, stanley and or to the mays. an 11 minute commute. taking a live look at the bay bridge right now. only 8 minutes to get into the city from the maze. not too bad. those metering lights are not on just quite yet. a live look at the san mateo bridge, 13 minute commute to get onto that peninsula and taking a look up north a little bit. richmond, sandra fell bridge seven-minute commute across. not too bad in that golden gate bridge. only a 19 minute commute. we'll keep you updated on when that semi is cleaned up right now. they're expecting that crozier on 80 for at least another 3 to 4 hours reyna. all right, michael, thank you for that. so happening today, the oakland international airport could at >> san francisco to its name afternoon. the port of oakland will vote on a controversial
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name change. san francisco officials say they're ready to go to court over covers will tran live at the oakland airport with the latest on that will. so what are you learning? >> well, the reason why the executives with the port of oakland, the airport, they want to change the name because they believe half of international travelers and one-third of domestic travelers. they get confused where oakland in is. so they want to clear up the confusion that it is all part of san francisco bay, which is why they are going to consider this afternoon changing the name and it's been around for decades from metropolitan oakland international airport to san francisco bay, oakland, international airport. this is not sitting well with the city of san francisco as well as san mateo county, the city of san francisco says if this goes through, they plan to sue the port of oakland believing this is and infringement on trademark because as has been around for decades, the county
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board of supervisors, they voted against this, but of course, is just a resolution. it's not something that they can control. it's the port of oakland who control says and they claim it that when they talk to native people in oakland, the locals, many of them very comfortable with the change. why are they doing this? well, one, they say they want clear up the confusion, but there is money behind this. they say if airlines and they claim any airlines support the name change if they add more flights into oakland international, that could translate into 10's if not hundreds of millions of dollars every year. san francisco international, they are against this as well because that could cause confusion on there in claiming that if somebody books, san francisco and then they get confused and then they land in oakland. so lots going but first, things first. they will decide this afternoon.
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whatever they decide, it looks like they will go ahead and change the name, at least for now to san francisco bay, open international. san francisco will say the next destination. we'll be in the court. back to you. >> all right. a lot going on. we'll see what's going and that happened in thanks. we'll make now. so a live music venue opens downtown is on the brink of closing. and the owner says it's because a crime. oscar edward, the owner of complex oakland says his business was burglarized twice in february. you can see security burglars breaking in and taking off of equipment. one of the incidents cost him 40 grand in damages and losses. he says many of his patrons, they're really scared to come. oakland. >> is that you would a theme 5 years ago. they're no longer here. they're all boarded up. so it makes it look bad. when i have to talk to an artist. don't act in a look. they come downtown and worry about getting a car, be it. they're worried about, you know, the safety of downtown.
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>> the owner says he has taken the steps to secure his facility, but they haven't been working. he also says with raiders royer's and now the a's leave in oakland. that means fewer jobs and people making less money and there are less likely to spend the money they do business like his. police their hands pretty full recent sideshows all across the bay. look at this. the peninsula to the east bay, even on the bay bridge out of the hundreds of part of the sideshows over the weekend, 2 people were arrested. all bob nesbit, talk to chp to see how tackling the issue. >> chp as a proactive approach to try to see of sideshows are being planned online and a reactive approach to send officers to sideshows in progress. talk to anyone in the bay area's was witnessed a weekend sideshow, though. and they'll tell you they don't understand why officers can do more to stop the cars. >> multiple bay area cities
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with the same side show scenes, cars racing circles at intersections from saturday night into sunday morning. menlo park, palo alto mountain view. oakland and lastly on the bay bridge were black marks are still visible leave skid marks that are like almost like permanency. you see it in the roads in one s has recorded multiple sideshows over the years for the balcony of a san francisco apartment. >> so much so that he made the recent decision to move to mexico and only comes back to the city when he has to for work. part of the reason my left as i just can't i can't deal with us anymore. it's just the stress of, you know, a feeling like i have no control over my environment. during the weekend sideshows, chp says 2 people were arrested at the bay bridge and 2 minors were cited. officer andrew barclay with chp golden gate division says recent legislation allows officers to investigate and take later action. it doesn't have to be. we see it right there. stop them and take the vehicle. >> if we identify that vehicle, we can, you know,
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come in a couple weeks later without warrant and take that vehicles. officer barclay get several questions about why responding officers don't break up sideshows in progress. he says that's not always a safe option for law enforcement. very often. you're looking at. >> hundreds of people involved in these and sending in a single officer. i can be dangerous for that officer. says police officers responding to the sideshows he's recorded, stay too far away to document evidence. >> wishing law enforcement would put more resources into not just responding, but also stopping the chaos in progress. i don't feel protected by chp these ways. and i don't feel like there's. >> again, like i it worries me of something bigger chp control this. what can they do? even though there were multiple sideshows around the same time in the bay area this weekend, chp is still investigating to determine if they are linked in any way reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> there was mayor. london breed is getting ready for a
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trip to china. so last year, chinese president xi invited mayor breed to visit his country saturday. mayor london breed along with a delegation, samara says asian and pacific islander community. going to kick off a multi city tour of china. the plan to meet with multiple leaders all in an effort to improve relations and attract businesses. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreement to make san francisco significant to china and to let them know that we're open the business relationship that could be developed as a result. >> will the mayor says she's also hoping to encourage tourism, according to the mayor's office in 2023. visitors from china spent more than 600 million dollars in san francisco and the bay area mayor breed is going to be in china for at least a week. kron 4 is your local election headquarters to request have a recount to be made for the
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replace to replace congresswoman anna eshoo as it stands now, you've got allow joe so many both going to be joining sam liccardo on that november ballot. grover scavenging in takes a closer look at what could come next. >> it seemed both have been low and joe summit, ian, we're willing to accept the recent surprising news about two-way tie. their teams not talking about an expensive recount. former san jose mayor sam liccardo is already safely in first place. now santa clara county officials tell me they are being asked to do a manual recount, something that could begin as soon as monday. the approximate cost $32,000 a day lasting, maybe 10 days. so. >> who's asking for there's an allegation that one of the people requesting the recount associated with some ricardo who actually would benefit from having a 2 person race for 3 person race. it's much easier. i do raise money. it's much easier draw contrasts.
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>> the name on the recount petition is a former staffer for sam liccardo name jonathan padilla. but look, camp is not confirming that only saying the final count needs to be accurate. meantime, a very angry reaction from evan los campaign. the statement from his spokesperson, this is a page right out of trump's political playbook using dirty tricks to attack democracy and subvert the will of voters. sam liccardo, who does not live in this district, did not file a recount himself. instead, he had his former staffer do it for him. what's he afraid of? think antidemocratic and all. >> to ask ask for a recount in and in a lot of races and there are mandatory recounts like a presidential and no one is no one squat about anti democratic. >> also weighing in and stop a congressman roe conn who said in a post on x, a candidate wanting to overturn the will of the voters is undemocratic.
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sam liccardo supporters should not push for a recount asking to overturn election results and district 16 when all other candidates have accepted them. it's a crash political ploy low. >> it's a tie. vote. >> yockey says if somebody is willing to pay for recount. well, clearly that's allowed by law. and he says there's a huge if in all this will somebody come up with the money and there have been instances already. >> in california history where people requested a recount. stay on come up with the meantime, in this flurry of excited reactions. yaki thanks a supervisor. some idiot is probably playing the smart by not really saying much of anything right now. >> jackie says that makes him appear to be more statesman like. >> still of the morning news, the search for a well tangled in a net suspended winter
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weather. why experts are racing against time to find racing against time to find
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sign up for the 2 week challenge at we have 4 things you to know. arrest was made in connection to a crash that killed a 9 year-old girl from oregon. chp says jesus, i've in the wrong is in custody and facing multiple charges. crash happened sunday morning on northbound 6.80, in concord. as an suv carrying 6 people drove through the dirt median and rolled over multiple times. chp says nearly 200 arrests, more than 400 stolen cars covered in oakland, his arrest. the seizures were made in 8 week period. 7 people
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arrested. they were linked to carjackings, drug dealings, duis, and steps. daly, city police. they are now investigating after more than $200,000 in jewelry was stolen in a residential burglary. all happened april 4 at a home on woodland avenue between 9, 30 10 in the morning. police say $700 in cash. $500 worth tools were also stolen. the owner of the once popular late scope barbershop says there are now at risk of closing the cause. seen a fraction of the customers that they want saw for the pandemic. she says she believes people are not coming in as much because and working remotely. the owner says they are trying raise money to help them stay open. >> rescue crews are suspending the search for the well whose tail that caught with fishing net. they say fog and large swells are going to be present today. they get really difficult for them. kathy george, with the marine mammal center says the juvenile well
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as likely heading towards its summer feeding ground in the arctic goes out to located as soon as possible so they can remove that fishing net. >> and we are working with the whale. we just try and get as close like if this is the whale's tail in the sears, the notch in the middle of the tail. we try and get as close to that part as possible. so we're in a safe distance but close enough that we could effectively make the cuts that we need to. but it is a challenge when we have an active well. they didn't say when they will resume their search. they are hoping to get a new tracker on the well. >> for this weekend's storms. all right, john, even talking about the weekend storms. i guess let's focus on the sunshine for these today. good yet. so fully they find that whale and hopefully you have a chance to. >> get outside. find yourself a little bit of sunshine today. we are going to be looking at another gorgeous one very similar to yesterday, downtown san francisco. no fog in this view. all that we do have a little bit of it right up and down the coastline right now, going to keep our
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coastal areas a bit cooler water inland areas just as warm as yesterday. now, this low pressure area right above me is going to take a deep dive into the bay area, really starting tomorrow. but having its biggest effect on us come saturday. that's when we'll be at our coolest and our wettest so long gone will be the warm sunshine. we can time it out a little bit more detail now as we get closer to the weekend. skies are crystal clear today. tomorrow increasing cloud cover but staying dry during daytime hours tomorrow rainfall really arrives after sunset mostly after 10:00pm, really. and after midnight are very heaviest of rain pushes through along with that cold front that is going to make for some really strong winds friday night into early saturday morning that wind winds of change cold air pushing on into the bay area and by predawn hours on saturday, we've got that low elevation snowfall returning to some of our bay area mountaintops. after that, we'll catch a little bit of a breather during sunrise on saturday, but saturday afternoon kicking things back up again with the chance of
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isolated heavy showers and even around of thunder possible into the afternoon on saturday. so get the picture here. saturday is just a wet and unsettled one really from start to finish where we're going to be in your forecast for rainfall totals anywhere between a half an inch to even an inch of rainfall for parts of the bay area. that's all on its way really on saturday. as for today, yet another warm and dry one. we're cooler at the coast in the 60's. but those 70's and 80's do remain for only one more day for the rest of us. if you really liked yesterday, hopefully get another chance to get out there today. san jose and campbell at 82 degrees today. freeman through hayward in the 70's while pleasanton and livermore each hitting the low 80's oakland on up to berkeley, a comfortable 72. well, antioch, one of our warmer spots. 83 delay. how at 77 nevado and center fell at 76 looking ahead. tomorrow's temperatures already cooling into the 60's at the warmest by saturday. it's just the 50's with our best chance of
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rainfall throughout the course of the day sunday. we should clear out pretty quickly, but stay cool with gradually climbing temperatures into next week. >> thanks, jon. it's that warm weather that we like to see as we get into the summer months. will good morning, everyone. if you're just waking up and you are in the east bay, well, you may want to start moving a bit quicker. we are already starting to see some delays this morning. there is a semi truck that has been overturned in. it's now leaking fuel. it's right near the san leandro area. it's where to 38 in 8.80, need. so that connector is closed on the southbound lanes. good news is is the northbound lanes of 8.80, to head on to it from 2.38. are open, but we are going to start to see some major delays. we do have a team that's heading out there right now. according to chp, it's going to be at least 4 to 5 hours before that gets cleaned up. but taking a look at some drive times in the areas before leading up to that connector 5.80, does look good right now. only an 11 minute commute from livermore to dublin. but again, that could cha ge within the next few hours heading north a
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little bit. taking a look at the valero area. those of you who may be heading into the east bay taking 80 things. do look good for now, but we know that 6 o'clock hour doesn't always look like any act to concord, 17 minute commute, which is good for 5.50, some drive times. for those of you who are heading to the maze crockett to the mesa 16 minute commute. 11 minute commute. walnut creek to 5.80, castro valley to the maze. 14 minute commute. stanley enter to the 10 minute commute. once you get to azinger auproaching that bay bridge, you can see those metering lights are already on. it's an 11 minute commute into the city. so not too bad. drive times for those a little bit more inland livermore to dublin, 11 minutes, dublin to fremont. 15 minutes. keep in mind that could change because of that overturned big rig san leandro to milpitas. 24 minutes. if you're heading into the south bay milpitas to sunnyvale. 7 minutes now, this is also something that i saw this morning on the san mateo bridge. there is a tractor trailer that's currently disabled. it's on one of the lanes, but it's not causing too much of a backup. and here's a live look of the
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actual san mateo bridge. you can see still only a 13 minute commute to get on to the peninsula from the east bay and very quickly, i will show you some bay area's. we got a 31 minute commute from san jose to menlo park and then of course, from san jose to cupertino. it's an 11 minute commute rain. send it back to you. all right, michael, thank you for that. there. >> so wednesday marked the end of an era for stanford's legendary coach tara vanderveer over sarah wilson tells us why the coach said stick the job years ago. what made her decide? it was time to retire. >> well, after 30 amazing seasons coaching some of the best to come through the sport of women's college basketball from candace wiggins to mckay, her sister nicole, okay. and then most recently her starring cameron break in the line. she's coast. the best of the best until she became the best is the winningest coach of all the college basketball and on tuesday night and wednesday, tara vanderveer has officially retired as the head
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coach at stanford actually spent 45 years as the head coach. she started and idaho and then to ohio state. and finally to stay for what she found. her match made in heaven is her ncaa winning records sort to 1216 victory. 3 ncaa tournament titles. 13 final 4 appearances, 15 conference championships. and the list just goes on and on for a 5 time national coach of the year they end of year is definitely a hard act to follow. and we hate to see her go. she won't be leaving the farm. just it, though, because actually she will wake her last day as head coach will actually officially be on the 39th anniversary of her time with the program, which is actually 5/8/2024. now, kate pay one of her former players and one of her assistant coaches for the last 17 season is actually will got the call to take over behind. tara, it's an amazing thing to see tower here. it's even more amazing to see what she's done. take a listen to what she had to say is she spoke
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with our kate rooney reflected on her amazing career as head coach at the cardinal. coming to stanford. i really thought this is the ultimate challenge. and i wanted to see if i could win at stanford. >> i, you know, been successful idaho and ohio state and i love both places. i loved working stanford, how can you how can you say no to stanford? a beautiful place, a great university this year. we have. i want to have a great year which we it was just really exciting to work with the players. i worked with but i just know what time it's all about. kind of my life. timing in my rhythm n wanting to do some other things. >> wanting to do some other things. she's definitely earned the right to do that. obviously this this point we have outside the back to you guys at that all right. well, coming up in the next hour, we're talking about gen z. >> given college to make more money right now. instead of later, we'll tell you what job later, we'll tell you what job they're choosing choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. stores in california, 2 in the bay area. court documents say the rite aid on 10, 30 south white road in san jose is going to close and the store on 16 50 to cano road in union city. also close, company filed for bankruptcy protection last year reporting annual losses for several years, along with facing financial risk from lawsuits from opioid prescriptions. no word yet on when those stores will actually shut their doors. coming up the next hour, we're talking about the port oakland set to vote on
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whether or not change in a video from airport. why they say that proposed name change with beneficial to the town. >> others don't agree. plus, a san jose continues to report deadly crashes. drivers pushing city leaders and from that more safety measures, that more safety measures, what the mayor says h
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, san jose's trying to make roads safer as it continues to deadly crashes. police make an arrest in deadly rollover crash that killed a 9 year-old girl near concord. and today officials are voting on whether to change the name of oakland international airport.


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