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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at
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>> now at 5 from athlete to actor to acquitted murder suspect o j. simpson was certainly a polarizing figure after a battle with cancer. simpson has passed away at the age of 76. thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus, oj or the juices he was known was. >> once a beloved athlete, a san francisco native won the heisman trophy as a running back usc later played 11 seasons in the nfl. the first 9 of them for the buffalo bills where he was the number one overall draft pick. he was the mvp of the league in 1968. simpson eventually made his way back home to san francisco, ending his career as a 49 or he was inducted into the pro football hall of fame in 85 and in the years following football, it was a whole other career for him. got into sports broadcasting he was an actor, especially famous for some of those hertz commercials and the naked gun
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movies. but he's largely charmed. life was ultimately eclipsed by what became known as the trial of the century. with months of cameras in the courtroom and millions of people tuning in live to hear the verdict of whether or not he was found guilty of killing his ex-wife, nicole brown. simpson and her friend ron goldman. >> southbound 405. and you know, in the parking lot with everybody and out of the looking, i waited for the state's the comp. >> this slow speed car chases. what first captivated the nation back on june. 17th 1994 when tv shows were interrupted for a live broadcast of that white bronco with simpson and his friend out how wings inside they were traveling along the 5, 4, 0, 5, freeways in los angeles. crowds of people were seen cheering along the route. oj reportedly had a gun and claimed he was suicidal. >> we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant or jump on james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder.
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>> in october of 1995, after that nine-month trial captivated the country and jury in la found simpson not guilty of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. simpson's lawyers known as the dream team by some had argued. simpson was the victim of sloppy police work and systemic racism in the lapd. >> okay. i think, you know, is the record. >> before the murders o j's wife, nicole had accused him of stalking and abuse. he was acquitted of those crimes. but simpson was later sued in civil court and found liable for their deaths. he was ordered to pay both families more than 30 million dollars. he later wrote a book called if i did it, many considered that a confession while simpson never went to prison for the murders, he did do time back in 2008, 10 years for armed robbery and kidnapping in las vegas. simpson claimed he was simply retrieving sports memorabilia. that he had that had been
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stolen from him. even then some 14 million people tuned in as he was granted parole at age 70 o j denied the killings until the very end. but of course, the court of public opinion get him his entire life. just a few months back. simpson posted what would be his last video on twitter now acts from las vegas. he was talking about his excitement for the super bowl cheering for the forty-niners dismissing any rumors he was going into hospice. >> take a moment say thank you to all the people reached out to me i don't. it's good. i mean, obviously have to deal with some issues. i think just bought over it and i'll back on golf hopefully in a couple of weeks. >> simpson's family posted on x this morning that o j succumb to his battle with prostate cancer and that he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. when he died. not everybody remembers. so jay simpson grew up in san
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francisco. he was a hometown hero who once made his old neighborhood proud kron four's catherine heenan. >> joining us live here in studio with more on that side of his life catherine. yeah, well, before the glory years, some sums childhood and teen years were spent in the bay area where he showed early promise as a young athlete, but also overcame some troubled times. >> simpson was raised by his mother growing up here, the terrace, housing project. he got involved in sports at an early age at the nearby rex enter and continued to grab attention at galileo, high school where he graduated in 1965. and later at city college of san francisco where he was a football star. simpson talked openly about the fact he was often in trouble as a teenager and was involved with gangs. something he discussed with kron four's gary radnedge where we used to call a social club during most of my certainly not.
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>> well, like the gains today. i mean, we weren't that aggressive, even though we had our share of fights and everything was the name of the was a person more years. you know, the a different nature. as he grew older. you've got a different clubs. i guess we all tried to gangsters. so it is because kids, but once again, it was during a period of time the weapons were more you 2 fifths the weapon want some of the, you know, hard weapons that they're using the day as his football career took off some sun. >> talk to a kron reporter right after being drafted by the buffalo bills. well, i think we could they have 2 good fine backs that i think is max and this and then being graded to find running backs. i think that we could complement each other very well in later years. a mural on top of the potrero hill rec center faded to the point you could only see simpson's jersey number and a nearby mural featuring simpson painted in 1987. >> was defaced and blotted out after the murders of nicole simpson and ron goldman. but
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some prefer to remember the fact that after 11 seasons with the bills, simpson came back to san francisco playing his final 2 seasons with the forty-niners. swarmed by his teammates after the last game of his career. but i don't have been dissipated. been over anymore is over and >> one of the memorable stories about some sums you from san francisco, social workers arranged for him to spend part of the day with willie mays. this was right after simpsonohad spent time in juvenile detention, apparently made a really big impression on some sun. he later said he became more focused on after that. stay out of any real trouble. noel. >> catherine, thank you. stay with kron. 4 on air and online for continuing coverage on oj simpson. and of course, our other top headlines. you can download the free kron 4 app to get push alerts sent directly to your phone. when news breaks. the man convicted of killing kristen smart was
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attacked again inside pleasant valley state prison >> flores was sentenced to serve 25 years to life in prison for the murder of kristin smart. she was a freshman cal poly went missing in 1996. the prison attack was yesterday afternoon. flores was reportedly stabbed by a fellow inmate. the attacker hasn't been identified and this is currently being investigated as an attempted homicide. and update to a story we brought you back in february. the man who stole a private plane in palo alto landed on a half moon bay beach will not stand trial. a judge has ruled luis, gustavo at is not competent to stand trial and suspended all criminal proceedings. prosecutors say the 50 year-old was a no show in court and refused to leave his jail cell. >> according to court documents see previously told investigators he had stolen the plane to, quote, show the government airports lack proper security. his defense attorney raise doubts about the homeless man's competency
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understand court proceedings. a court-appointed psychiatrist evaluated his mental state and the judge sided with the defense. he does remain in custody. all lanes are back open following a big rig accident in san lorenzo. about one 30 this morning. >> the big rig pulling a trailer full of frozen food crashed on the connector ramp between westbound to 38 and 8.80, in san lorenzo. officers arrived to find the trailer on its side in the truck leaking fuel. investigators say it looks like the driver may have fallen asleep, but he was not injured due to the extensive damage to tow trucks were sent to lift the truck onto a flatbed in order to clear the scene and reopen the interstate connector. it's unclear if the driver will face any charges. >> let's get a check of your forecast. taking a live look at a pretty hazy golden gate bridge this evening. >> yeah, another warm day in the bay, especially away from the coast. lawrence is here with a look at how the rest of the week will play out. yeah,
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big as we head toward tomorrow. even in the weekend. well, it is back to much colder. wetter weather around the bay area. looks like maybe even some thunderstorms. so we've got a lot going our way as we've seen another gorgeous day outside and going to be a beautiful evening out there as well. lots of warm temperatures around the bay area. couple patches of fog along the coastline today and some of that likely form overnight tonight. but look at the numbers outside right now. it is 81 degrees in concord, a warm 81 in lemore. 75 in san jose. 73 degrees in santa rosa right now. beautiful. 71 warm in napa and 75 degrees and fremont along the coastline. but you get that sea breeze and some cooler temperatures. 57 degrees in half moon bay and 60. now in san francisco. really nice numbers. the onshore breeze begin to kick in and that breeze will likely bring with it more low clouds and fog. but guess what, off the coastline, the up if you guessed the storm, you're right. you see that swirl out there in the middle of pacific. that storm system will be the one likely to be moving in. that will bring with it unusually cold
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weather. maybe even a couple of snowflakes to our local mountains. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> lauren, thank you. happening now, the port of oakland voting on the proposed name change of the oakland airport. the port says the purpose of the renaming is to, quote, boost inbound travelers. geographic awareness of the airport's location on the san francisco bay. san francisco officials are now threatening legal action if they go through with the name change. we will have an update on the vote once it's finalized tonight. >> also coming up and invasive mosquito discovered in the south bay health officials are working to try to eliminate the bucks. but first salmon season closing early, how local fisheries are reacting.
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for the second year in a row ocean, 7 fishing will not be happening in the pacific fishery management council made that decision >> for 2024 for the fishing season, they made that decision this week. >> kron four's rob nesbitt spoke with the scientists from the california department of fish and wildlife joins us live in studio now with more. what's causing the low population of fish. >> noelle, in grant 2019 2020 were bad drought years in california. and last year we started to see the impacts of that on the state's salmon population. the department of fish and wildlife says it will take a few years for the fish to benefit from the improved water supply of today. >> california once had millions of salmon. it's rivers, streams and oceans. last year, there were so few the commercial fishing season was closed and after a wednesday vote by the pacific
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fishery management council, it's happening again. senior environmental scientist with the california department of fish and wildlife, candice morgan stern explained how drought years and 2019 2020 resulted in this year's closure. >> those and that's on in those drought years impacted the juveniles that are out migrating both survival rates to to warm water conditions. low flow morgenstern says the decision was already made to close fishing for the start of the season. >> wednesday's vote sealed the fate for the rest of 2024 school. most restaurant in san francisco hosted an event thursday for those in the salmon fishing industry owner tom creedon explained how this is what is needed to allow fishing populations to bounce back. the best way to handle it. we've we've done it before. the fish do come back. if you just leave them alone when salmon fishing season was closed last year, the federal government allocated more than 20 million dollars for those impacted in the fishing industry. governor newsom has requested a federal fishery
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disaster declaration to support fishing communities. again this year. >> distributed fishing industry interest. commercial recreational trollers, charter boats will be receiving those funds. it takes months for federal relief to get approved. and according to morgan stern. >> there are still those in the salmon fishing industry waiting for last year's approve re ief money. i'll have more on that coming up on kron. 4 news at 06:00pm reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> rob, thank you. we do have breaking news now out of the east bay. this is a live look in oakland where there is a heavy police presence. live picture of the scene at kennedy and de sol. this is right off. i-80 near the 23rd avenue exit. you can see here roads are blocked in the area. lots of crime scene tape as well. at as well as an you can see there. it's not clear yet what may have happened in this area. but again, this is at
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kennedy and diesel just off of i-80 near the 23rd avenue exit roads definitely blocked off in this area. we have a crew headed to the scene and we will bring you updates on this as soon as we receive more information. more business owners are on valencia street in san francisco's mission district are speaking out against the new bike lanes in that area. local business owners this morning outlined their concerns for the bike lane project announcing they plan to take legal action against the city. businesses have reported substantial losses attributed directly to accessibility and visibility caused by the bike lane implementation. more than 10 businesses have already closed since those bike lanes were placed. all right. let's take a peek outside here on a thursday afternoon. another glorious day in the bay is. >> the temperatures felt more like summer time. spring time.
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it was a little windy at times, though, lawrence, what we've got on tap for the rest of the evening. well, we've got more wind on the way and we've got more clouds likely to roll in later tonight. but a nice evening outside across the bay area's the temperatures still. >> remaining on the warm side. and boy, it has been last few days outside of high pressure. just been kind of nestling in overhead and brought some nice. but look at san francisco right now. beautiful blue skies out there right now. >> mary, a cloud in the sky right there. but the breeze blowing spots. we'll see more of that as a big change is about to roll into town and would you know, and just in time for your weekend, see very active out there in the pacific. got a cold front out here, but it's mainly this next system right behind said little swirl out there. that pretty deep area of low pressure that's now approaching the bay area. that's going to be moving in as we head into the next couple days. you see it's located, the gulf of alaska. so it's going to bring with a lot of cold air, say so long to these temperatures in the 70's and the 80's, maybe we'll see some 70's tomorrow. but by the weekend, probably topping out in the 50's around the bay area, some much colder weather
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on the way. so high pressure kind of scooting out of town and you're going to these fronts drop to the south and that one behind is going start to move right off the coastline. this going to be a rainmaker, a pr early on saturday morning, i think most the heavier rainfall should come through between that period. so if you slip into about 8 o'clock in the morning on saturday are probably gonna miss most of the heavy rain. right now. we're looking at the forecast model as we take you through time we get through the night tonight. you see those clouds begin to return. some patchy fog down below some mid to high level clouds up above. and then as we get toward tomorrow afternoon, yeah, we get to see a couple of pop-up showers around 9 o'clock or so. you see those winds kicking up to. and then as we get into early on saturday morning, there you go. that's pretty significant storm rolling in the bay area, especially for this time of year, expect moderate some heavier amounts of rainfall and a lot of cold air, probably some thunderstorms, a possibility. and yeah, maybe even a little more snow across the bay area. pick some of the highest peaks outside. but i mean, pretty impressive for this time of year to see that
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rolling in this cold that shannon ice while you were sleeping, it's going to that's what i'm thinking. this is kind of genius storm. maybe the worst comes through in the morning. it's not going to be rain out during the day. just keep your umbrella with you likely see some scattered showers and of course, a big the cold. it will be because they say it will stay cold. i mean, very thanks, arts art. it invasive mosquito that carries deadly viruses for humans has been discovered. unfortunately in the south bay, santa clara county, vector control. officials say the mosquitoes were found in east san jose neighborhood. kron four's philippe djegal reports on. >> what can be done to try to eliminate these bugs. >> this adult female 80's it 50 mosquito that we collected from the china lane last week. machado lane is in an east san jose neighborhood and county of santa clara vector control district ecologist. doctor taylor kelly says this is one of 6 80's aegypti mosquitoes found during the district's regular surveillance program in traps set across the
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community arts for beautiful mosquito today have these sort iridescent white scales, black and white lakes which people may be able to recognize that they're getting it. >> and then they also have this beautiful liar pattern on the back doctor kelly stresses the public, though, to not get lost in their beauty. >> make no mistake. this nol native species of mosquito is aggressive bites during the day, prefers humans and can transmit several viruses that cause deadly diseases become ryan's to can going. yeah. >> and thank you know, a very victory control district manager 9 here. says much like in contra costa county 80's aegypti was discovered in santa clara county in 2022. >> and due to a quick response and cooperation from the community, vector control crews were able to eradicate the mosquitoes by getting rid of any standing water trying to. >> make sure it is not the stoppage, >> county of santa clara, consumer and environmental
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protection agency. director edgar nolasco says his team is working with the state department of public health to determine how the mosquitoes returned to the south bay likely transported in some type of container or vehicle. the species is president in 19 of the state's 58 counties. there isn't any standing water in any containers, mosquitoes reproduce and we help lower. >> the risk for for any type of diseases that spread among our community. inspect your east san jose property. >> czech bowls, tarps. anything that holds water and get rid of it in san jose. philippe djegal all kron 4 nays. >> mean to mammals. coming up, the latest on that whale that has fishing nets stuck to its tail. i officials have called off the search for that. >> plus, the new space in downtown san francisco hoping to bring people back.
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>> all right. this just in the oakland port of commissioner says voted unanimously to change the name of the oakland airport to the san francisco bay, oakland international airport. the rebrand is expected to cost about 150,000 bucks. the commission still needs to do a second reading or a second vote, if you will, which will be in early may. so not a done deal here, but certainly they're headed that way. it was unanimous. tonight, our sara stinson, we'll have reaction of tonight's vote and what this means for travelers. coming up tonight on kron, 4 news at 10
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11. helicopter rescue here on mount tam caught on camera. sonoma county deputies say they got a call about a car 200 feet down into a ravine yesterday night. the chopper couldn't get to the ravine because the trees were too big. so 30's flew to the car, climb down to the victim, loaded her in, but they call the hot seat and then flew her to a nearby ambulance. no word tonight on her condition. >> ikea has opened a new food hall in san francisco. the opening was today of the 2 story food hall that can fit more than 400 people known as u haul. the food hall features 11 different types of food. it will include entertainment space for live music and
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community gatherings as well. several high-profile retailers have recently closed in the area. this is located. mayor london breed celebrating the new food store. >> you know what we see outside with our friend out me and others. we see safe streets. we opportunity. we see a change. we see the and it's signing right on san francisco today because al uhaul is for all of the people our city to enjoy and the people who visit will have an opportunity to experience it as well. >> fun fact this food hall will serve its own sound u haul beer. a nordic style lager brewed by san francisco craft brewery. fort point. a bay area high school is receiving some national recognition. we are saying congratulations to the students at livermore high school for winning the world strides onstage heritage festival music competition, the talented young musicians competed against 35 ensembles from across the united states. after 2 days of competition,
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livermore's band orchestra and choir ensembles earned 23 combined. the warts. congrats today. >> up next, as san jose continues to report, we're more deadly crashes with drivers now are pushing city leaders to do. plus a deal reached to the state capitol to shrink part of california's both tied billion dollar deficit. why some lawmakers say the plan just doesn't go far enough. in happier news. it is national pet day. we'll hear from the east bay adoption center which is overflowing with pets. ready to find forever
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