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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, in the california legislature approved a plan democrats vow will shrink a portion of the state's multi-billion-dollar deficit. the kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace. as a closer look now at what will be cut and why republicans say it does not go far enough. clerk will open the road. when the state assembly. to the state senate are 32 knows 5 the measure process. democratic lawmakers in both chambers overwhelmingly approving a plan they say will immediately shrink part of the state's budget deficit by 17.3 billion dollars. this is not. >> the final word on our state budget far from it. this is the first step assembly budget committee chair just a gabriel delivering that message, noting the plan takes a chunk out of the deficit, but he stresses it's just that a chalk. in fact, the non-partisan legislative analyst's office estimates the state faces a total deficit of
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73 billion dollars while the newsom administration estimates it's closer to 38 billion. whatever the number democrats say their plan will help ahead of the legislature's june deadline to pass a fully balanced budget because >> this legislature and this governor. highly responsible in stewarding taxpayer resources. we are now reducing the shortfall months ahead. and when we have to do it, it's like paying down a personal debt. you know, your student loan, a car payment. >> maybe advance payment towards your next mortgage payment. that's essentially what they're doing today. included in the plan. 5.2 billion in borrowing another 5.2 billion in funding delays. >> and 3.6 billion in actual cuts including reductions to some climate also includes an estimated 700 plus million dollar cut to save an administrative costs across state agencies. but republicans say the plan does
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not cut enough and was negotiated without transparency. backroom deals done by the party in control. >> our caucus has not had the opportunity to weigh in and we have some serious budget deficits in out to the future that we need to really be adults in the room and tackle. looking ahead. assembly speaker robert reeva says he's adamant about not dipping into more than half of the state's 24 billion dollar rainy day fund to make sure it is still around to the state needed in future years, ensuring that still have some savings >> that we is important of our caucus. and so got to be very cautious forward, you know, certainly excited the progress we've made today. but we have some very challenging choices to make and the governor is expected to sign this in the coming days. meantime, the legislature has until mid june to determine how to shrink the remaining portion of the deficit and pass a fully balanced budget reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> we are continuing to follow
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breaking news out of the east bay this evening. heavy police activity in oakland. as you can see, several a police vehicles there. this is a live a live look at kennedy and de sol. this is right off of i-80 near the 23rd avenue. roads. there are blocked in the area. you can see quite a bit of crime scene tape it is still unclear what happened at this location. but we have reached out to police. we also have a reporter headed there now will bring you updates as soon as we receive more information. >> all right. some more on that coming up. in the meantime, a person has been arrested for a crash that killed a 9 year-old girl from oregon. the chp says jesus p% i've and they're on tests ran off after the sunday morning crash on 6 ad and concord officials say he was driving a suv carrying 6 people when he drove through the dirt median and rolled over multiple times that 9 year olds, mother. 13 year-old sister and 2.17,
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year-old cousins are still being treated at the hospital. brett says bail has been set at $200,000. >> a woman is in the hospital after being hit by a car in san jose. it happened just after 5 this morning near story road and roberts avenue. the victim was in critical condition earlier today. she's expected to survive, though. it's unclear if the driver is cooperating with police. the silicon valley transit agency, meanwhile, is partnering up with south bay cities to make safer routes for students going to school. they'll be putting protected bike lanes, highly visible crosswalks and modifying traffic signals in the area. the project spans homestead road in cupertino looks sand sunnyvale. the project needs to gather 16.8 million dollars in order to move forward. one secured construction could start in 2026 and be finished by early 2028. ac transit and the city of oakland have partnered to
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make international boulevard safer. this is. >> along east oakland's international boulevard. quarter 1.8 million dollars will go towards extending safety enhancements from 14th to 42nd avenues to 14th in 100 and 7th avenues ac transit. the oakland department of transportation and the oakland fire department are working on identifying where exactly to at these enhancements construction is expected to start later this spring and be completed towards the end of summer. speaking of summer felt like it today in the bay. as we take a live look here, looking at the hustle home on the san mateo bridge on a thursday night. little busy out >> definitely has felt like summer for the last several days, but laurent says hopefully soaked up cause. >> it won't for the next couple yeah. back to into whether we go, in fact, a kind of entry in the sierra nevada this time of year start to get some of that snow melting in the high country. but >> you get these cold storms that roll in late. you get
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some more snow going out there. in fact, looking out the high country right now. here's a live look at half dome. you can see all the snow capped mountains out there, but we have seen a bit of snow melt but more snow is likely on the way. if you're traveling up there this weekend, be prepared. you may even need some change in parts of the sierra nevada. you can see the snow on our live shot. the visibility showing all that snow across the mountain tops there. you see the kirkwood really across the spine of the sierra nevada. continue to see some of that as well. even a couple of pop-up showers this afternoon, but not much in the way of snow right now. but that's going likely change. we've got a significant storm that one in the gulf of alaska bringing with it some very cold air for this time of year going to be dropping in and that means get ready. another round of snow coming our way. maybe we start talking about 6 inches of snow, maybe more. maybe a foot of snow across some of the higher peaks. so a couple things going on. the winds are going to ramp up. so if you're going to the tahoe area, yeah, watch out for some gusty winds in that direction. and a winter weather advisory a little further south up toward the 70 valley mammoth lakes. be careful if you're traveling those areas likely to see 6
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plus inches of snow across the southern sierra nevada for this time of year. very, very impressive. so next couple days traveling the high country tomorrow, not a bad day to get up there on saturday. expected drop in temperature. a mixture of some rain and snow even at lake level snow showers likely to continue into sunday morning before drying out of warming. up next week. lauren, thank you. san francisco police have arrested a man who they say a vandalized, a mosque during the holy month of ramadan. according to police. 35 year-old robert gray returned to the lower hill mosque yesterday evening. >> a member of that mosque told kron 4 on april 4th, a man parked his car in front of the mosque, walked over to smash windows with a skateboard and shouted hate speech running inside the mosque to drink water and then going back to his car. >> caltrans now estimates the permanent re airs to this highway. one slip out could cause more than 25 million dollars. construction is currently being funded with a
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1 million dollars emergency contract. part of one of the lanes you see right here is broke off and collapse into the ocean. thanks all that heavy rain we had late last month. this is all forced big sur international marathon scheduled for later this month to create a new route. meanwhile, the guided convoys allowing people who live there, the cars, people work there to get through during this closure. well, they'll be canceled on saturday because of the rain in the forecast. the convoy traffic is expected to resume sunday weather permitting. still no sign tonight of that gray whale whose tail is entangled in a fishing net. you see the line there extending beyond the tale scenic pacific up on tuesday, but then disappear. this is video from the ring mammal center yesterday. crews yesterday went out on a boat uncovered about 70 mile area between pacifica all the way
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up to point rays. but they couldn't find the whale fog. wind and waves hampered the search and today the weather has gotten worse off the coast so they weren't out there. and the marine mammal center says they likely won't be able to resume safely searching until next week after this weekend's storm passes, the one saturday largest talking about rescuers say they're reaching out to various agencies to keep an eye out for the whale from shore. once spotted rescue crews hope to put a satellite tracker on the whale. and then down the road. reconnect with it to safely remove that fishing. that. >> today is national pet day. and if you'd like to adopt a furry friend of your own, there's a local shelter that could use your help. the contra costa animal shelter is overflowing. we spoke with steve about the help that the shelter means. >> like shelters across the bay in the state. you know, trying outside of the box ideas putting in new programs
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and initiatives to help, you know, get more pets whether that's going casual. a doctor who was looking to adopt a new family member or to a rescue who's going to spend some time with those animals that need a little more time to either decompress or maybe they have some behavioral or medical issues that need to be worked through before they're suitable to go to a casual doctor. >> right now at options are free burritos as large breed. dogs are the biggest space issue. he's adding if you've been thinking about adopting fostering or maybe volunteering at the shelter now is a great time to do so. all right. well, there are only a few days left to file your taxes. time's running out, but officials. >> urging americans to act fast. the irs commissioner says the irs is ready to help people who still need to file and he has some additional tax tips can force washington correspondent basil john reports.
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>> time's running out for you to do your taxes. our goal at the irs is to make the tax filing process as simple easy as possible. irs commissioner danny werfel says the irs is ready to help with more workers in calls enters in for walk-ins. >> and updated irs website and by offering direct file for millions of americans are excited about all these changes that we're making to help serve taxpayers better. the irs has already processed more than 88 million tax returns. and we're a full says recent investments have made the process quicker for last minute filers. >> 2 out of every 3 taxpayers that's file with us to found. and we need to be ready to help them get those refunds. timely. ted rossman with bankrate encourages axpayers to file electronically for the fastest refunds. you can still be snagged if you file on paper, but if you file electronically. >> and you don't have any weird exceptions are mistakes. you know, most people are
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getting those refunds within about 3 weeks. the irs warns filers against the biggest mistake made when filing they file an incorrect return incomplete returns and rosman says don't be late. the consequences of missing the deadline are severe. if you don't file at all, there can be a 5% penalty assessed every month. the failure to pay is half of a percentage point every month. so that can still add up. you have until april 15th reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> the former interpreter for shohei ohtani is now facing federal charges. the latest on the investigation there next.
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>> federal prosecutors have announced today they have charged the former interpreter for shohei ohtani with felony bank fraud stealing more than 16 million dollars from the dodgers superstar. story gets crazier and crazier. kimberly chang has the latest now on this sports betting scandal. >> we told you about criminal charges filed against shohei ohtani's former translator in the last hour. now we're learning that he's agreed to self surrender to federal authorities tomorrow. a federal criminal complaint alleges that the payment to har a former friend and interpreter for shohei ohtani stole 16 million dollars from the la dodgers. baseball star us attorney. martina stratus is meant to harra is charged with bank fraud. according to the complaint, mister muttoo harra stole this money largely to finance his voracious
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appetite for legal sports bet. the 2 met in 2013, it to heart began working for a tony has a japanese language interpreter when he first came to the u.s. to play professional baseball, mister ohtani that speak or understand english. well, mister muttoo english and was familiar with united states. >> as a result, mister muttoo harra acted as mister tony's defacto manager, stratus admits a helpful tony set up a bank account where his salary payments from professional baseball were deposited. mister muttoo harra had access to that bank account. >> he refused to give access to mister tony's other professional advisers in haro allegedly made sports bets with bookmakers were linked to an illegal gambling operation over time. prosecutors say the bets became larger and more frequent even though he lost considerable money. it's a hard is accused of using ohtani's account to pay for his debts without the tonys knowledge obtained recordings.
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>> a telephone calls which into spoke with bank employees. lied to them about being mister ohtani. a personal biographical information for mister ohtani in order to impersonate him. and thereby convince the bank to approve large wire transfers of large amounts of money to the bookmakers, mister. heart would occasionally when on his sports bets, the winnings were not deposited in mister ohtani as bank account, but rather than mister muttoo hard personal. thank you, >> harra is expected to make his initial court appearance tomorrow. if convicted, he could face up to 30 years in prison in downtown los angeles. kimberly chang, ktla. 5 news. >> i let's come back to the bay and take a live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. 'ppretty slow out there this evening. a lawrence, but at least it's sunny. >> yeah, sunny and bright out there around the bay area. what a nice day again today.
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put a nice string of a beautiful days together around the bay area. things going start changing. i think as early as tomorrow will feel it to see more clouds rolling across the skies tomorrow. and you can feel the cooler air begin to move in. the winds are going to start to ramp up throughout the day and we're getting ready for return to some rain out there right now. a nice evening. all about to see the haze in the distance. couple patches of fog likely to form as we head through the night tonight. nice see breeze blowing out toward the golden gate bridge as we speak. but clear skies out there right now. today, temperatures, 65 degrees. a little cooler into san francisco 72, though in oakland, 81 degrees in san jose warmed up a little bit in little more today at 83 83 in concord and 78 degrees in santa rosa. most those numbers all above the average tonight, clouds going to be moving in late. some patchy fog out there as well. and then tomorrow, partly cloudy skies, breezy and cooler as we'll see those winds kind of kicking up as we head throughout the day and then the rain beginning to move in by tomorrow night continue into early saturday morning before turning more
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scattered showers outside. right now, you're looking at general breeze blowing outside to 30 miles an hour in the san francisco. so starting pick up, things started changing the atmosphere a little bit already can see more of that on the way that front, not that far off the coastline. that will begin to bear down on the bay area, bringing that rain back into our skies. so the winds will start to ramp up. i think as we head throughout the day tomorrow, tomorrow morning, not so bad, just a breeze, but more of an onshore flow that will bring with it more low clouds and fog. i think tomorrow morning by the afternoon you start to see that suddenly turn in some of the wind direction here. and you can see that wind start to move on shore. the winds start to ramp up some 2030 mile an hour get ready for that cold front. so here comes in. diving along the coastline as we head in toward a friday just off the coast. we get to saturday. there you go. that rain moving in the snow in the mountains, too. then more showers continuing into sunday morning. then we're going to see things taper off as we get into monday looks like after that, we start to clear out your skies quite a bit, bringing some more sunshine and some warmer weather. i think as we head toward next week. so overall, i think the pattern doesn't look to battle, though, probably pretty decent rainfall. some places may be
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more than an inch of rain around the bay area. enjoy the day. tomorrow will be a little bit cooler. see these temperatures dropping off. so instead of those nice 60's and 70's, starting to see some 50's big in the pop and 60's. maybe 70 degrees in a santa clara valley and the san jose by tomorrow afternoon. also into livermore next couple days. what a contrast, right? we're talking about some 80's today. i think by saturday i don't think we get out of 50's. i think most places in the 50's. much cooler as we head into our saturday. still a slight chance of a few showers on sunday. back to some drier weather. looks like next week. but yeah, maybe the couple snowflakes over a highest peaks. >> and next weekend is out exactly the same as this week actually next week. and to be right now looks dry. let's keep our let's keep our fingers crossed for that has been rare. what do you get through this right? thanks. okay. new research suggests part of the san andreas fault may soon trigger a major earthquake. scientists say the section of the fault line in central california. >> known as park field near hearst castle chicks about every 22 years with the magnitude of around 6.0, alas
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rupture was in 2004. so another quake could hit soon every 20 years or so. in past parkfield quake sends off signature. sounds are seismic noise before the tremor. scientists say there's no way of predicting exactly when one will strike, but they say we're waiting. all right away. >> as we have been for a while after this weekend there is warmer and drier weather on the wayifederal officials are warning there could be an earlier and more intense wildfire season this year. the last 3 months flames have impacted more than 2500 square miles of land across the country. it's more than half of last year's total. federal officials are now ramping up training programs they've created. 44 complex incident management teams try and combat the most troubling situations. >> we're going to be busy. i couldn't tell you exactly where right now, but we're going to be it's a lot of work. we don't know where
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you're going to be the next day it's very a lot of unknowns. >> fire experts say they're also transitioning away from seasonal part-time crews and focusing on selling more permanent positions. they have the staff needed to tackle fires. >> up next, a new space x launch in california. tell you launch in california. tell you what was scary. ss.
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>> boris, the bear. is just waking up from hibernation. he lives at the milwaukee county
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zoo when he woke up the zoo posted on social media. our favorite brown bear is awake. i hope he's the only brown bear because how would you feel if you were another brown bear there and they taking a not cool. what's up for us? i know it's been a while. definitely still looks a little sleepy. got to stretch it out get back into the swing of things after a map >> well, there goes. spacex launched a falcon 9 rocket from vandenberg space force base this morning. it was carrying a military weather satellite for low earth orbit. it will measure wind, ice, thickness, and even keep an eye on soil moisture. 8 minutes after takeoff. the rocket's boosters returned safely to earth touching down edinburgh.
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>> all right. thank are next. and that is cool to say. but it's going to be especially effective. i think when talk about changing climate is going to be able 100% that think this a little moisture. hopefully that can at least help us know what's going on. more tools, the better when it comes to stuff. no doubt. so that does it for us at 5. >> a lot more ahead on companies at 6. vicki and ken are here with the latest annual grant. he's going on. it's 6 a lot. we're following breaking news out of oakland right now. >> where there's a major police activity off of i 8.80, or kron four's. dan thorn is on the scene. have details at the top of the hour. >> plus, a star on the football field who had a lot of controversy off of it. oj simpson has died. we're going to take a look back at the life of the san francisco native. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> breaking news tonight. major police activity in oakland. this is video of the scene. it is happening right now near the 23rd street exit off of i-880. thanks so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken this is happening at kennedy and diesel streets off 8.80, near the >> park street bridge that leads to alameda kron four's. dan thorn just arrived at the scene to bring us up to date


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