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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> breaking news tonight. major police activity in oakland. this is video of the scene. it is happening right now near the 23rd street exit off of i-880. thanks so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken this is happening at kennedy and diesel streets off 8.80, near the >> park street bridge that leads to alameda kron four's. dan thorn just arrived at the scene to bring us up to date on what's happening down.
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>> yeah, i can. as you mentioned, the large police presence out here on kennedy and the 8.80, onramp. there's been few times where traffic has been backing up here, but we'll get a good look at the scene. multiple police vehicles here, oakland police vehicles. you can see down the way here. this area cordoned off a few rv's that are along the side of the road some people living in not many of interested in about what happened here on afternoon. but we do know is that there was a body or and there is a body that is a laying in the street here on kennedy behind one of the chp vehicles over there. a lot of the investigators sort of going through the area investigating, trying to talk with people about what went on details have been really slim just just that there's a large police presence and that this area here along kennedy is closed off for people that are going off of 80 and also trying to to get maybe by
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8.80, and then on to kennedy. police are going to be out here for what's expected to be the next several hours. and it's been like this for quite a while. we do know that there are some businesses that are here in this area, including hold graphic arts. some people here telling us off camera that they believe that they have cameras on this building that may have captured what happened here? we haven't been able to get in contact with that business there have also been some large trucks and some heavy equipment type vehicles that have been trying to get to different areas here because he's a very industrial area aloog the freeway. a lot of businesses here cordoned off parking lots and lock to parking lots private properties and all that that had to sort of figure out other ways in order to get around still working to get a lot of information out of the police here. but the police still have a large presence here. people a little confused about the situation and we're still working to get some more about went on here. again, just a brief little recap. there is a body here that is laying in the street on
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kennedy. so the assumption is that the alameda county coroner is going to be showing up here at some point. and police are continuing to investigate. and as we learn more information, we'll bring it to ken and vicki, back to you. so, dan, this is not affecting traffic on the park street bridge, which, of course, is the main entrance to get into alameda right? >> it's not affecting it depending on which way you're trying to get to that bridge. if you're trying to get to that bridge by going along this stretch of kennedy here going past 80's on ramp and then trying to get down. kennedy where the crime scene is. you're going to have to actually circle back around and then re-enter on one of these other side streets here and then you can get on to the park street bridge that also for people that are coming off of 8.80, along the dennison cotton area. police are having them reroute in order to get around and in that area as well. so just between kennedy.
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r'm not exactly sure what the street is along that way there. but this is just blocked off. so should probably stay out of this area. all right. good advice. thank you. dan thorn reporting live for us. >> we're going of course, check back with you as this story develops throughout the night. also developing tonight, the port of oakland commission has voted unanimously to move forward renaming the oakland airport. the commission wants to change the name to the san francisco bay, oakland international airport. the poor president says this will boost travelers, geographic awareness of exactly where the oakland airport is located. vote comes after san francisco city attorney david chiu sent out a letter threatening legal action saying that the name infringes on sfo is trademark. choose office released a statement tonight after the vote saying that they are disappointed that oakland did not take the opportunity to work together to develop alternative names and avoid litigation. our kron four's sara stinson is following this story for us and we'll have a
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a full report tonight at 10 11. another east bay business is closing up shop at this one at point. richmond, more and more and we are hearing about businesses that have made it through the height of the pandemic. only to close their doors this year. that is happening to a beloved burger spot in point richmond kron four's dan kerman live in the newsroom with more on that. dan. well, the business were speaking about his great american hamburger and pie company has been there. >> for almost 40 years. and today, sadly was its last day. for the past 38 years. those who live or work in point richmond have come to depend on great american hamburger and pie company. further lunchtime burger fix. come in this place since. i mean, i was a little boy. i've coming here for years and years. it's such as stable enrichment items. it's believe weather closing. >> they just, you know, super really, really nice people. great food, you know, historic spot here in town. but now this point, richmond institution is closing its
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doors for good. the success that we had. >> it's because of this coming in. >> owner george culley of us is closing the family business and saying goodbye is difficult. we know everybody. >> in the community. we know they're good times throughout their lives for the past 30 years. we do their kids. and now we know the kids with their kids. the decision to close is based on numerous factors, including. >> tough times during covid. but the tipping point was a january lawsuit filed by a wheelchair-bound customer lynching. >> the restaurant violates the americans with disabilities act because it was not accessible to him. it's really no different than any other civil rights it's no different statutes that prohibit some of due to the race. statute. just so you cannot be excluded. >> does your disability and that's been around for cases very important civil rights action. >> i'm all for.
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>> disability act. yes, they need to have access every word. if i believe we're in this to the curb. why not? >> coli says his landlord when pay for the ada upgrades so the decision was made to close guide. thank so now the family is thanking its longtime customers serving up its last burgers and planning for the future. a wife is looking forward like a son. >> my son and i we're thank and we have started a clothing, fashion conflict. >> family says the most important thing they want is to leave their big thanks to the community for supporting them over the years. ken vicki, all right. thank you, dan. big story we're following for you tonight. >> former forty-niners running back actor and acquitted murder suspect oj simpson has died after a battle with cancer. he was 76 years old. oj or the juice as a lot of
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people call them was once a beloved athlete or san francisco native he won the heisman trophy as a running back at usc later played 9 seasons for the buffalo bills. earning the nfl mvp award in 1968. simpson eventually made his way back home to san francisco playing at the end of his career for the forty-niners for 2 seasons. he was later inducted into the pro football hall of fame in 1985. in the years. following football is a sports broadcaster and turned to acting known for some famous hertz car commercials. back in the day and the naked gun movie series, this high-profile life ultimately was eclipsed by what's known around the world as the trial of the century. millions of people tuned in for the verdict on live television. >> southbound 405. and you know, in the parking lot with everybody and out of the looking, i waited for the state to come but >> it was this low speed car chase that first captivated the nation. back on june, 17th
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1994 tv shows were interrupted for live broadcast of the white bronco with simpson and his fred out collings inside traveling the 5 and the 405 freeways in l a new crowds of people just cheering along the routes. o j reportedly had a gun in claimed that he was suicidal >> we the jury in the above entitled action. find the defendant or jump on james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. >> in october 1995, after a trial that captivated the nation. a jury in los angeles found simpson not guilty of murdering his ex-wife, nicole brown. simpson and her friend ronald goldman. simpson's lawyers known as the dream team claimed sloppy police work and systemic racism. >> okay. i think, you know, is a record. >> before the murders of james wife, nicole had accused him of stalking and abuse. he was acquitted of those crimes but was later sued in civil court and found liable for their
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deaths and ordered to pay the families more than 30 million dollars. he later wrote a book called if i did it one day, many considered actually a confession while simpson never went to prison for the murders. he did do time back in 2008, 10 years for armed robbery and kidnapping in las vegas. even then some 14 million tuned in as he was granted parole at the age of 70 oj tonight, the killings until the very end. but the court of public opinion dog to
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grandchildren. not everyone remembers that oj grew up in san francisco. >> noah was a hometown hero who once made his old neighborhood proud kron four's. catherine heenan is live in the newsroom with more on this story. cafferty. yeah. before the glory years, some son's childhood and teen years were spent in the bay area. >> where he showed early promise as a young athlete, but also overcame some troubled times. >> simpson was raised by his mother growing up here, the potrero terrace, housing project. he got involved in sports at an early age at the nearby rex enter and continued to grab attention at galileo, high school where he graduated in 1965. and later at city college of san francisco. well, he was a football star. simpson talked openly about
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the fact he was often in trouble as a teenager and was involved with gangs. something he discussed with kron four's gary radnedge where we used to call a social club during most of my certainly not. >> well, like the gains today. i mean, we weren't that aggressive, even though we had our share of fights and everything was the name of the was a person more years. you know, the a different nature. as he grew older. you've got a different clubs. i guess we all tried to gangsters. so it is because kids, but once again, it was during a period of time the weapons were more you 2 fifths the weapon want some of the, you know, hard weapons that they're using the day as his football career took off some sun. >> talk to a kron reporter right after being drafted by the buffalo bills. well, i think we could they have 2 good fine backs that i think is max and the sun and being graded to find running backs. i think that we could complement each other very well in later years. a mural on top of the potrero hill rec
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center faded to the point you could only see simpson's jersey number and a nearby mural featuring simpson painted in 1987. >> was defaced and blotted out after the murders of nicole simpson and ron goldman. but some prefer to remember the fact that after 11 seasons with the bills, simpson came back to san francisco playing his final 2 seasons with the forty-niners. swarmed by his teammates after the last game of his career. but i don't have dissipated a bit over anymore is over. and >> one of really memorable stories about simpson's youth in san francisco. social workers arranged for him to spend part of a day. >> with willie mays, this was right after simpson had spent time in juvenile detention, apparently made a really big impression. some some later saying he became more focused and stayed out of any real trouble cannon vicki. all right, catherine, remarkable career and just a remarkable
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story. anyway, you look at and he was a heck of a football player. that's for sure. thank you. >> 4 zone forecast whose we give you a live look at the golden gate bridge tonight. our first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. joining us now with the look at things about pat today. another wonderful day around the bay area. sunshine temperatures running above the average had some 70's and 80's again outside and well. a nice evening out there right now. but things about to change. you've got some clear skies over san francisco little 80's along the coastline. with start with some patchy fog. >> along the coast early on today, temperatures right now it is 60 degrees and comfortable in san francisco. oakland, checking in at 63 73 right now in san jose. a warm 77 in livermore, 78 in concord and 69 degrees in santa rosa. really nice weather around the bay area now. and overall, a nice afternoon here. but boy, just working off the coastline not too far away. we've got some major changes coming our way. and i think we're going to start to feel that as early as tomorrow. look at the big swirl in the middle of the gulf of alaska. that is a system that's going to drop
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down into the bay area. kind of spinning off the coastline as we head toward tomorrow evening. so even as we head throughout the day tomorrow, we'll notice more clouds throughout the day. it will be a nice day, but much cooler temperatures drop a good 5.15, degrees by tomorrow afternoon. and then as we get into saturday, well, it's going to kind of cold out there, especially compared to what we've had. i think highs going to maybe in the 50's in the warmest spots as we head through the evening, though. nice evening. stepping outside tonight. no threat of rain just yet. we'll keep things on the dry side. mostly clear early on. and then a couple of patches of fog likely to be in the form, especially after midnight tonight and again, moving along the coastline and the bay. and then it looks like tomorrow whole different scenario. high pressure going to start to get out of the way that's going allow the clouds begin to drop into the bay area. there you go. set up for what looks like a wet start to the weekend. we'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. all right, lawrence, coming up, salmon fishing season is out the window for the second year in a row. >> how restaurant owners are responding.
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the second year in a row, ocean salmon fishing might be happening. the pacific fishery management council making that decision for the 2024 fishing season yesterday. kron four's rob nesbitt talked with the scientists from the california department of fish and wildlife. rob's here in studio with more on what's causing this. >> lows salmon population. rob ken and vicki 2019 2020 were bad drought years in california. and last year we started to see the impacts of that on the states and in population. the department of fish and wildlife says it will take a few years for the fish to benefit from the improved water supply of today. california once had millions
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of salmon and it's rivers, streams and oceans. >> last year there were so few the commercial fishing season was closed and after a wednesday vote by the pacific fishery management council, it's happening again for ocean fishing, senior environmental scientist with the california department of fish and wildlife, candice morgan stern explained how drought years and 2019 2020 resulted in this year's closure. >> those and that's on in those drought years impacted the juveniles that are out migrating both survival rates to to warm water conditions. low flow morgenstern says the decision was already made to close ocean salmon fishing for the start of the season. wednesday's vote sealed the fate for the rest of 2024. school was restaurant in san francisco hosted an event thursday for those in the salmon fishing industry. >> owner tom creedon explained how this is what is needed to allow fishing populations to bounce back. the best way to handle it. we've we've done it before. the fish do come back. if you just leave them alone when salmon fishing season was
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closed last year, the federal government allocated more than 20 million dollars for those impacted in the fishing industry. governor newsom has requested a federal fishery disaster declaration to support fishing communities. again this year. >> distributed fishing industry interest. commercial recreational trollers, charter boats will be receiving those funds. she says it will take months for the governor's request to receive federal approval. >> there are still those in the salmon fishing community waiting on their approved federal relief from last year. we are still in the middle trailers and recreational anglers have not yet received funds from. >> the 2023 disaster declaration. >> the fishing of salmon in rivers and streams is still undecided. morgenstern says the state's inland fisheries are managed by the california fish and game commission and they are scheduled to vote next month. reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron 4 news. thank you, rob. other news tonight. a woman is in critical condition after
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police say the man attacked her for not having a cigarette. this happened early yesterday morning near hyde and o'farrell street in the city's tenderloin neighborhood. police say the man went up to the victim, asked her for a cigarette when she said she didn't have any he hit her several times. she was taken to the hospital. no word on her condition tonight. the suspect still on the run. anyone with information is being asked to call san francisco police. all lanes are back open tonight after a big rig overturned in san lorenzo. the crash happened about one 30 this morning on the connecting ramp between westbound to 38 and interstate 80. >> the highway patrol says the big rig was carrying a trailer full of frozen food. officers say the driver was asleep at the wheel when the semi overturned. he wasn't hurt. 2 tow trucks were sent in to lift the truck onto a flatbed in order to reopen the interstate connector. it's unclear if the driver will face any charges. a woman is in the hospital tonight after being hit by a car in san jose happened just after 5 this
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morning near story road. and robert avenue. >> the victim was in critical condition earlier today. but she is expected to survive. not clear if the driver is cooperating with police. and update now on that crash that killed a little girl in concord over the weekend. police arrested the man they say was behind the wheel and >> ran off after the crash. the highway patrol has identified jesus around taiz and they say he is facing several charges. the crash happened sunday morning on northbound 6.80, officers say grant hayes was driving the suv that went through the dirt median on the freeway and rolled over several times, killing the 9 year-old girl. the chp says her mother routine cistern team cousins are still in the hospital tonight. >> or 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at downtown san francisco. what a beautiful day it was today. gorgeous. a little breezy out but, lawrence, the good times coming to an yeah, it looks like the wonderful weather is just about switch gears again.
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going to go back to some wintry weather. can you believe it? here? we are talking about some snow, local mountain tops, more cold showers and highs only in the 50's around the bay area. so we're talking about a big change in the weather coming our way. you're going to start to feel it tomorrow. more clouds on the way. still a beautiful afternoon. right now. you've cleared out the fog in half moon bay. how about that? a beautiful day out there with blue skies right now. half of a nice evening to enjoy but things going to change. i think overnight tonight you'll begin to see that change as well. right now, nice across the state. some low clouds all the way down. los angeles near a point conception as well to our north. but you've got the first in a couple of fronts a roll into the bay area over the next couple of days. and that's going to change everything. in fact, you see that swirl in the atmosphere right here. this is a cold system that's going to be dropping in the low one movie right off the coastline. and because of that, not only going to see some rain, there's a possibility we could see some thunderstorms as that storm system comes through too high pressure to get all the way now as we head into friday as it moves to the east, you see those clouds on the increase tomorrow, then that low kind of parks off the
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coastline by tomorrow evening, getting ready to set up some rain overnight. looks tomorrow night and then also in 2 of those first start your weekend, too. and that's more scattered showers after that. you can see on the models here overnight. some patchy fog picking up. it will be dry to start your commute tomorrow by the afternoon. i think mostly dry too. tomorrow night. we begin to see a couple of pop-up showers showing up in parts of the north bay. and then as we head to the night tomorrow night, well, here comes, i think best part of this scenario, those that looks like most the heavier rainfall likely to come overnight on friday night into early saturday morning sleep until about 08:00am. it's going to be moving out of town. so rainfall totals with the system not back to some places may be more than an inch of rain in the wettest spots will have more details coming up a few minutes. >> lawrence also coming up in houston back policy that requires tens of thousands of state employees to head back to the office several days ou
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>> the newsom administration unveiling a policy that could affect the 240,000 people who work for the state of california. in a memo to high ranking newsom, administration officials, cabinet secretary and patterson said all state agencies must implement a plan to require workers back into the office. at least 2 days a week starting june 17th. up until now, many state workers have been allowed to work remotely since the start of the covid pandemic. but in the memo, paterson noted each of the state's 150 agencies started to implement their own work policies with some already requiring workers to return in the memo. patterson states quote, unfortunately, the varied approaches have created confusion around
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expectations and are likely to exacerbate in consistencies across agencies and departments of quote, she says. >> returning to the office 2 days per week will lead to enhanced collaboration and better communication. expectations will be made on a case-by-case exceptions, rather, rather on a case-by-case basis. the memo went on to say that the state will inform public employee unions about the plan, some public employee unions have already announced that they are opposed. >> still ahead tonight, a kron for news at 6. a judge deciding is the man accused of stealing a plane in palo alto and crash landing in half moon bay will not stand trial will explain. plus, an update tonight on the suspect accused of vandalizing a san francisco mosque. >> and invasive mosquitoes carrying viruses. could be deadly discovered in the south
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